Wathena Republican from Wathena, Kansas • 9
- Publication:
- Wathena Republicani
- Location:
- Wathena, Kansas
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 9
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
'ES -41 Aug. Miller to Henry Estes.lots COURT HOUSE NEWS 1 to 12, 3, Smallwoods Add. to Wathena, $900. John Hautzenrader and wife to 3 Gordons 20a in nw, 15- 3 3-21, 14000. John C.
McCain to Wm. B. Hill, sw WATHENA, KANSAS 20-2-21, Us I Estate Transfer. Famished by H. F.
Widman, Regis-ter of Deeds Warranty Deeds. Samuel Blauser and wife to Charles G. and Charles E. Bailey, pt. ne Vl.
22-3-21, $1350. Ingram Kirby and wife to John A. Wood, 101a in sw 19-4-21, 11350. G. P.
Livermore to W. W. Carter, lots 4-5 blk. 6. Smallwoods Add.
to Wathena. I165.V B. V. Sloan and wife to C. E.
Mathews Lumber 25 ft of lots 6 3 and 7, blk. 4, Puroell, $1.00. B. V. Sloan and wife to C.
E. Mat ST hews Lumber all lots 8 and 9, blk. PUrcell, $1.00. Rosa Albers to S. A.
Anderson, lot 4, blk. 5, Bendena, $150. Henry Montgomery to- Mrs. Mabel Kan, 20a in 32-2-21, 2000. Henry Montgomery to Thomas W.
Karn, 20a in ne. 32-2-21, $1500. John W. Piper to David. S.
Piper, 2a in se, 25-2-21. $290. Quit Claim Deeds. Charles- Warner and wife to Lizzie Clary, lot 1, blk. 27, Maynard, $150.
John S. Beeler to John H. Lynda, ne, $850. N. B.
Bennett to Dora Anderson, lots 3 and 4, blk. 173, Elwood, $400. Oscar I. Denton and wife to William E. Tiffany und.
1-8 int. in ne, 19-4-19, $1400. Frank Lewis and wife to Charles G. Winzer, 35-4-20, $4000 B. H.
Threlkeld and wife to J. N. Taylor, 8a in Creals add. to Wathena, $1.00. Robert M.
Dyer and wife to Norman G. Steanson, 10a se 8-3-21, $3500. Thomas P. Shortle and wife to .9 4 WHEN IN ST. JOSEPH VISIT WACHTER'S FOR YOUR Ice Cream, Ices and Fresh Candies Xmas Boxes Katherine Thayer lots 13 and 14, blk.
159 Elwood, $600. We wish for our patrons a very Merry and Joyous Christmas and a Happy, Prosperous New Year, crowded with the best in life and brightened by good J. K. Searles et al to Willie Hen-nigh, 35a in nek, 10-5-21, $1-00. Florence A.
Herring et al to Mike C. Bale, pt. lot 7, blk. 4, Highland Station, $200. Emil Haas to John Triplett, ne fr.
14, 2-3-21, $7000. SILK HAND PAINTED Fancy Baskets Filled with Our Fresh Candies, make appropriate presents. We also serve dainty lunches. Mabel R. Lynds and husband to Louis Botts, lot 7, blk.
141, White Cloud, $1.00. James and William Kelley to Peter Lieffring, se, 27-2-20, $7600. Lydia E. Prewitt et al'to James L. Jenkins, blk.
117, Highland, $2500. TOACHTER'S' 616 Felix Str. St. Joseph, Mo. Phones 72932 William D'.
Webb and wife to J. Tucker, la in ne, 31-3-23, $300. 3 i health ANNOUNCING The New Typewriter 'Louise K. Butts and husband lo Ernest McCurry, lot 13, blk. 14, East Troy, $25.
Fred Massey and wife to L. C. and L. A. Harness, lots 10 to 19, blk.
10, Iowa Point, $126. E. G. Marsh and wife to Frank Marsh, lots 7 to 11, blk. 118, Elwood, $100.
James A. Lyons and wife to H. S. Herman and wife, -n 53 l-3a 16-2-22, $500. Order your Christmas pies, any kind of home canned fruit, or cranberries, lemon, chocolate, of MrsAshford at the Chili Parlor.
Minnesota Faint, sells because it wears. At Farmers Lumber Co. 3 0 OLIVER No 1 Gordon Lumber 60. 1 ANNOUNCE AN AMAZING MODEL THE OLIVER No. 7 a typewriter of bupekexcellence, with automatic WM.
MA AG, Manager BLAIR, KANSAS 5, devices and refinements that mark the zenith of typewriter progress, a marvel ot beauty, rpeed and easy action. Typewriting emciency raised to the Nth power. The OLIVER No. 7 embodies all previous Oliver innovations and Dew self-acting devices never before seen on any typewriter. A leap REAL ESTATE JTV in advance winch places The Oliver ten years ahead of its time.
So smooth in action, so light to the touch, so easy to run, that experts are amazed. A model that means to the- typist delightful ease of operation. THE INDEPENDENT A model that means a higher standard of typewriting, longer ana Deuer service. OFFERED BY The No. 7 is now on exhibit and sale at all Oliver Branches and RIG13 WIEGANT Agencies! throughout the United A TRIBUTE FRUIT CO.
Incorporated of love and respect is always appreciat ed by us all in the hour of affliction. There is also a sympathetic way of doing UNDERTAKING GROWERS SHIPPERS that natural to us. It don't cost any. OP Native thing, and is what should apply to the undertaking busines. Our caskets are appropriate, reasonable and in harmony with the method we employ in conducting funeral obsequies.
L. T. IHargis undertaking co. With lady attendant Phones, Day 82. Night '139 WATHENA, KAN.
80 acres, well improved farm in Bur Oak bottom, at $110 per acre This is an A No. 1 farm. 40, unimproved, 2 miles N. E. of Troy, all in cultivation lays well.
40 acres miles E. of Troy, 2 room house, running water, 35 acres timothy and clover. 80 Acres, 2J miles west of "Wathena, two set of highlyh improvements. 7 acres in fjuit. 30 Acres One mile east and mile south of Blair, no improvements, but a No.
1 fruit farm and a chance to buy it very reasonable. 3 Acres room housed small barn, all in fruit. Just out side of the city limits. 7 Acres --room house, barn, some fruit. 10 Acres lj- miles south of Wa-.
thena, good new 6 room house, all in fruit. 80 Acres, 5 miles north of Trov Price 84,500. 63 Acres One and a half miles east of Wathena, first bottom, 80 acres second bottom, two suts of improvements, Urge hay sheds. -A number of choice building sites, vacant lots. 70 Acres, "5 miles south of Wathena, two sets of improvements, for sale.
90 Acres, tour miles north of Blair, good improvements. 14 acres, three room house and barn two berry sheds, one acre alfalfa. 4-room house, barn, "hog shed, six acres berries. North section 35-22 41 west Hamilton oounty, Kansas. 90 acres, all new land, blue grass, 35a corn, 7-room house, barn for 8 head, hay loft, granary, fenced and cross fenced 3 wires.
240 acres, 10 room house, 2 barns each 32x40, two corn cribs, two granaries, house, three wells, and running of the finest stock farms in Doniphan county. miles north of Blair. 183.50 per acre. 20 Acres Three miles north of Wathena, in fruit. County seat livery business, barn stock, and house, for sale or trade.
Blacksmith shop for saie. 63 Acres, 6 miles from King City, for sale or trade. Acres, 3 miles north of. Blair, will make a good fruit or stock farm. 75 Acres -One mile from Wathena, good improvements, fine alfalfa land 80-acre farm, highly improved, three miies west of Wathena 80 acre farm, no improvements, can all be -cultivated, three mires west of Wathena.
200 Acres, 0J miles southwest of WathHiia, tiuo improved farm for $21,000, Knur-room house, nortbfast Wathena, one lot, good arched cave, good cistern and coal house, $750. large iv.oms, housn and fourlots, nice ilace close in, wood sbed.cbiok- en houp, wash house, cistern, all under fence. Must be sold at once, a bargain. Prion $900.00. 14 Acres two mils south of Wath-eua, mostly all in small fruit, barn room for two head of horse, two acres alfalfa.
Price Two quarter sections in Jackson' county, all can be farmed. This is fine timothy and alfalfa country. These quarters are well improved, six miles south of Whiting and seven miles east of Hoi ton. 5 acres, 5-room house, barn for four head, 2 sheds, well, smoke bouse. 20 acres, 7a in fruit, one mile southeast of Blair, 3 room house, barn.
131 acres, 6-room house, new bare, 3 good wells, 200 yds. to school, one mile to church. 40 acres, 5-room house, barn, other out building, well, cistern. 4 acres, one acre blackberries, one acre strawberries and raspber ries. 38 acres, four-room house, barn, hog and wagon sheds, two tenant houses.
ROOSEVELT ON THE WAR. Read what ex-President Roosevelt thick afcout the great European war. See his articles on "What Amarlea. Should learn Prom the War," now appearing very Saturday in the St Joseph News-Press. No other American la so we)' IN SEASON, 1 1 BAUER, Manager Are enjoying pros The new model has more im- provements, refinements and new uses than we can even enumerate here.
The ''cushioned keyboard" with "anchor keys" and the new automatic features mean less work for the hands; less strain on the eyes, less manual and mental effort. With all of. these masterly mechanical improvements we have made the. machine more beautiful and symmetrical. From every standpoint The OLIVER No.
7 attaint superlative excellence. Nothing you could, wish for has been omitted. The new devices, reflDements, improvements and eoaWnjences found on the No. 7 xepraibt an enormous outlay and vastly; increase its. value- Thb Prior has sot bbek advanced onx penky.
We shall even con tinue in force our popular 17-Cents-a-Day purchase plan, the same as on previous Oliver models. The OLIVER No. 7, equipped with the famous Printype, if desired, without extra charge. You owe it to yourself to see the new machine before you buy any typewriter at any price. Note its beauty, speed and easy action, its wonderful automatic devices.
Tfy it on any work that is ever done on typewriters. Try it on many kinds of work that no other typewriter will do. It is a significant fact that the typewriter that introduced such epoch-making innovations as visible writing, visible reading, Printype, should be the first to introduce automatic methods of operation. perity and hoping all others are, wish them fitted to point out to his countrymen the lessons ot this great straggle. He has been soth a soldier and a peacemaker.
The News-Preaa Is printing the best reports ot the war obtainable, as weU as all the other news of the world Washington special dispatches, New York letters, the best cartoons, political and state news from Kansas, Nebraska and Iowa, as well as Missouri. The best market page on the Missouri River. The best of good newspapers, the fit Joseph News-Press, 18.00 per year. Send for It today. A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Rice Wiegant REAL ESTATE DEALERS For further information call at WIEOANT'S RESTAURANT PHONE 75.
WATHENA, KAN. l. j. kjuiv i ypevriTcr jo, tZaWpWifiU Konssa City, Ma. -0.
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