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Portsmouth Daily Times from Portsmouth, Ohio • Page 5

Portsmouth, Ohio
Issue Date:
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A A 2 2 1910 A I I 3 A I It's Sure to Be Right bulge the poekct out as a them. 11 to the watch comes from here. No matter whether you buy the cheapest or most expensive in the place, every we gel) is a guaranteed timekeeper, We invite you to inspect our exhibit of the new thin model wnlehes nt various prices They take up little more room than a silver dollar nycl therefore do hot thieves, llnve a look at J. F. CARR Jeweler and Optician.

Chillicothc Oallia Sis. FOR SALE New 5 room cottage near Sciotoville, large lot 75x190 feet. An ideal country liotne. Price $1550. Five room house and large lot 63x145 feet on Kiuncy's Lane.

Nice location on street that is bo- ing improved. 4-room coltnge iwtli large lot on hill near car line. Has ivater nnd gns. A bargain nt "Terms small payment down balance as rent. Good 4-roorn cottnge on Ewit Eleventh street near Tlutchins.

Terms, small cash payneiit bal- ncc straight 6 per cent. loan. J. K. SIIUMP, "The Real Estate Man." Home Phone A-G72.

FOR plants, $3.00 per hundred. At 11. D. Oberling's, 313-317 Chillicothc 20-3 FOR fine blooded trotting marc with driving liar, ness and fancy nmahout; also ono magazine shot gun. Mark Crawford Masonic Temple.

19-t MASONIC. Stated meeting of Calvary Com- mandery Monday evening, Oct. 24th. Work in the Order of the Red Cross. WANTED, live live igcnt in ev- county to si-11 the cheapest and Ijcsl bnp on the market.

Show il to a farmer and il sells itself. Write for spec- inl terms lo aborts. The Slcr- lini! a i Stamping i 0. 22-1 in small family. No wasliinK or ironing.


22-2 WANTED--2 hell boys at Washington hotel. 22-lt 4 Per Cent Interest Paid on Depositsi Interest credited to your account every three months Both principal and interest absolutely guaranteed. THE ROYAL SAVINGS LOAN COMPANY 18 GALLIA ST. Open Tuesday evening. FOR year old horse good for or dm ft pur poses.

Unrgnin. See or phone Dr. Howard Willininson, Ma sonin Temple. 19-t paved street, corner lot, 35-fl front, gas, c'oltur, barn rare bargain, See Pa KUeoyne, 1222 TM FOR FOR SALE-Frcsli cow "and calf. DOBS NOT COCTAK OPIATES Tea Pyin.n'fl P.TiisnT fT rrtyeh; SAMPLE SENT FREE AdJrcs C.

JIQYCR ft CO. DAUI.MOKil, Mil Commission Held Meeting Tlic lllim! urt bouse SMunhi: c'OiisiJer cliiini 1 Jour ir.mU- a relief, liiit no nny of tbciu. Stearns' Electric Rat and Roach Paste SOCIAL NEWS rids the house of all vermin in a night Drives rate and mice out of the house to die. OL.IJOJRO.; 1401. boitl.oa Sold bidrueilsi uprcM oa i el ptJo FOR 8 room residence, bath, electricity gns, furnnep, grates, 84 K.

2ml. Cnll Clnra Foster, 5U3 OfTner FOR a 22-trifi, Tlic reception from ilnu 'hi-rp Patur.laj-. visitor candidate uitHlrnt lie Dr. Foster office room. X-Rny Static nnd consultation, room, antiseptic operating room.

iiere St. coitnge Clurn Foster OiT- 22-tf FOR room furnished for lifrhl housekeeping. for beating, i i cooking. 821 Court. FOBf KEHT--Fa Gholtz Case Dismissed The.

(iholtz 1 pnintuoii (ilens enurt was ordered! i luimnuu i i ivith- llo co Cincinnati. Tlie,ss,d Sa urdny Fmir" rooms at record, hy Ihe ibimnT Amid cnviroimieuts most beauti- tlie miurint'c of -Miss Merle 11. nnd Mr. Siinun J.ehnmn David, Jackson, Ohio, was brnUxl last at 4:30 o'clock: at the home, on Sci-. olo sueet, t-avs ilie.

Cirelorille Jler- PASTE CMMJo.lll.'.iM. Dr. Kornfeld, rabbi of the 3i'nni Israel congregation of Jolunibiis, otlieiatcil, n.iing tbo itu- ressivc a i ring service the Jewish nnd bride and remenled their vows by ippir.y ivine from the same cup, thru llu-y would share nch other's joys and sorrows. The united Uro of the opt Jewish families in )hio. The bride is daughter of and Mrs.

Germain Joseph, And he a son o' Mr. CJer- on David, IJoth Mr. Joseph and Mr. David arc leading men in tho ilercantile world, iho people re favorites in their social sets rid tlie wedding fcasi wag most ntTair, and the Mm never shono on a i bride. It was a rainbow wedding, the Hies being effectively carried out in floral decorations, which were ir.osl elnbor.lti3 and i i i and cro the work of Mrs.

Lir.zie. Dav- PORTSMOUIli A special train I ii 1 rpnut a passi'il Portsmouth on the i James Hiid Jolui through Soul! C. O. i a i i i i i nC 11:30 o'clock. The party of thn country's pbilau and liiltioT.airra were en- ro ilifB-i 11 wils llis i i Joliu McGownn.

I Ira Sehnfer, nals. X. W. 22-IH FOE hon FOR SALE--Closed gas heater" Inquire GO East Eighth St. 22-2 Peel Auolion House 102 W.

Second St. "When you have things to sell. "When you want to buy. Sales Every Friday 2 to 5 p. m.

Household goods, merchandise, stoves, etc. PEEL AUCTION HOUSE. FOR acre a one luile north of Dijon's Mills on Little Scioto. llns 2 story 7- room house, large lorn nnd other ontbuildinsfs. W.

II. Marsh, Seiotoville, O. 22-6(11 FOR black Jli" norcas chickens, 1853 N. 'W ler. 22-3 OR Cheap.

Haas Bakery. Must move away on ac count of ill health. 22-3 your apple butter apples. Cnll Home Phono 610. 12-tf FOE SALE FOR inlicd hav.

bright young men for clerical positions. Good opportunity for ndvnuccmcm. Kolhy Shoe Co. 21-2 6PEOIAI, NOTICE--Vi'nnt yon lo call nt 320 Chillicothe street, and get our prices and terms on sewing machines before buying elsewhere, as we give Inrge discounts for cash and short term Singer Sewing Jlachino C. Hill.

Malinger. 21-1 Automobile Business. Great for skilled help. tench you At home, furnish Auto Get you Weekly job. -Make ueekly while learning.

Roches- IT Auto School, fif5 Rochester, Y. 21-2 Qeo. G. Grnhnm, 1805 Tim- inoncla Ave. Home phone B-1U3.

20.3 at 13 6th. Mrs. Bailey. 21-3 -A good waitress at Ovstcr Fifty, Eiglitli and i i i i 21-5 to IIIIS'K corn. A i nt llcrms' green house.

21-3 Ex- p-ricnci'd Work for scv- i-ral weeks iti l.nwrrnce county, (I. waurs. Also pond quick 5 room houso and bath, also one 4 room house no hath on Franklin, near Highland. Terms easy. Also 5 room bouse and bath fine location, also 7 room house and bath 230 E.

Gth. A 6 room house on 9th above Ofi- nere; 7 room bouse on 3rd near a a room modern house Gth and Offjiere; roon cottage 3rd near Offucre; room house centrally located on a i a modern room nnd room house E. Sth. Have 75 other houses. Can suit you Have some houses on small pay payment.

Call II. A. Bicrloy Phone X-962. 13- -I have four Jot centrally located, also som good farms lor sale or trade Call II. A.

Uierlcy, Phone 19- of soft corn suitable for feeding cattle nnd FOR good tourist col Ifipsihle baby buggy, 426 E. lit street. 21- useing ap- bii and heading irreK A i to Henry Pres. 21-3 first-class ex- pi Hi-nccd stove iiionnters. Wi-iie The.

F. A. i i i i i a i O. 20-G E. 2nd.

i in-tf I WANTED 11 rooms by responsible par a a pns for fuel a i i i i desired. Address care; Tillies offirc. I Undies or Two to eanenss. The article out. Kox i "at 171 EVEEYTHIKG FROM SHINGLE TO BUILDING.

A half million strictly No. 1 shinies, 5 to 2's, to close miickly. E. M. FUNK.

FOR Buggy and harnes at Xo. 107 FOR bouse bath antl gas. ny 110. 20- OR Folding bed and cheap. Inquire iiioo mattress 313 E.

3rd. house Dewev TiO ft. lot. Mnter, 141 17th SI. 1614 i Miss Kthel Nelson, was 22-3 Hie delighted victim nf surprise I i i ly twonty-six of her whool- 4 near Court, $15.

I i unites, Friday eieTiing, nt the nuire 118 W. 4th. 21-3 of her invents, Mr. nnd Mrs. M.

Nelson, of Now Doston. flic occasion was her i i day. There were childish romps FOR cottage on Hill Top. 2-in. Call new 21-8 FOE ciiildisti nd (jaines and nicest refreshments.

The were Julia rooms Komitz, a A i a Itockcfcllf mouth. l.eeial up of carfs helnuiring to nnd Morgan, nnd e.v ji pood deal of nttentioi: through South J'orts License To Wed for gentlemen or man and wife. Brisker, Hazel a limli San- Byron offi Applv 105 W. Front. 21-2'ford.

Jessie Moore. I.ctlic Artist, Mclvin Browning, aged 10, tenmster, of -J3titia, granted a licpii-io Saturday to ry Katherino 1'atriek, ag 17, of the same place. Squire J. led. Absolutely Pure The only taking powtfop matlo from Royal Orapo Cream of Tartar Ho Alum, No Lime Phosphate THE MARKETS lluck, of WtisliiiiKlon O.

II. The ecreiiiony WAS performed in tbo parlor wbich WBS dcenratod in white, green nr.d junlt. Above win- doorway and mantel were heavy ropes of smilax with graceful The piano and mantel with palms and electrolier was twined with smilnx, anil from it swung slender crystal vase, holding lullarnev and ivory roses. A canopy of southern OPENING. Chicago, Oct.

Dec, to 93 Mav, 100 lo OD Corn, -1C to 46 V's; 49 to July SO. Oats, nccv, 30 Vs;" 33 to 3S and duly, S3 CLOSE. Chicago, Oct. 02 -May, flO July 9ti Corn, 4f July -ID -May, liny, 43 I July, the window and rod- Live Stook Market. Chicago.

Oct. ti.OOO head; market 5o to FOE rooms Moore, Lucy Mny. i uuiii nnd A i a Nelson, On The eslnls i tall atanrfard of white chryBaiUhemunia forjncil iiul for tlic improvised altar. lnixc to i I ft m.m m. 3 stairs, water nnd gns for light nnl A i a Nelson, i ami heating, 115 4th.

20-3Mort i Klnu-r A.lhins. KQ3QS FOR--KENT' --FurmshFil -SlmtlVr, A i i a FriMiioul, with boa 22-2 FOR slnirs rooms with store room or with- OR Gibson property, Willis boarding house. Cont a i 11 rooms, all modern improvements. Best location in city, centrally located; two squares from fdioo factory, 3 front depot, nnd on car Inc. Can be used for boarding, rooming or dwelling.

Special price if sold nt once. For particulars BCe 821 i a 22-12 out. 20-3 Furnislicrl room 17 E. Gth, near PostolTiee. 17-tf Cook, A i rimler and Hurry Davis.

L. In Ynnce- FOR room eotlaye i bath and six-room house with bath, ear Hue on Hill. H. G. Harris, 322 Chillicothe St.

2M FOR RENT: Two furnished rooms at 33 E. 2nd. 10-lf liogs. 25c hnahcl, "nlao lot nice FOR Furnisher! rooms All Co: Friday to srll apples. for light housekeeping, conveniences.

Apply S. Gth nnd.Union. sound yellow corn at oOc. J. F.

Klannigan. See 22-1 FOR Farnny farm, containing about 50 acres, lo. FOR nice sis room house. Inquire of Walter Hag- hy, 38 Gal Ha St. 18-n FOR RENT--Furnished rooms, al conveniences, 471 Robinson Av- RI1UO.

FOR with batli. 2fi Y7. 3rd. 18-6 cated in east end of Seiotoville, i i three Idoclts of the present terminus of car line, nnd fronting ou proposed traction line, eastward. Large barn and outbuildings.

Good 8 room 2 story dwelling. Fine Grove- for picnics and outings. Natural gas i through ground. An elegant suburban FOB home, or fine body of land for sub-division into town lots. For price, ami particulars, see or ad- FOR furntshe dress Mrs.

Sereua F. Shump, rooms Gentlemen roomers pre Seiotoville, 0. H-tfi lcrr 1 1 0 7 A 6 ht. 13-t FOR room for IIR! housekeeping, i all eonveu ieiicea at 117 3rd. 17-t 112 E.

3rd. -Furnished room a 6-t 2 stor Lot 35 No. 227 St. 1 1'ricc $2i00 on easy tenna, foOO down, halnnce easy payments. A nice 5-room cottage, lot 32xi 120 on Grimes Ave.

No. 815. Price $2500. Lot on Gallia St. near Kiglitli.

21 feet 6 inches Price SI600. F. II. Fritts, H03 Ijin- coln St. Phone A-645.

18-5 FOR dHivery wagon cheap. J. M. Angnslin. J7-tf FOR SALE--Fred Kgbert farm one mile above Seiotoville on Gallia pike, 90 ncres of fine land with some timber.

Eight room house, fine horn with good out buildings. Two wells, one cistern. Price reasonable. Address Minnie Kgbert, Ecioto- villc, Ohio. 22-tf It Insure Against Hard Luck iirprisins how quickly you FOR Beat Glasses made.

Grind them. and Bagby. "Wil- 3-25 FOR 3-rooin house. See Albert Palmer, Souih Ports- month, Ky. 12-12 FOR raata, batter than or putting un- carpeta.

office. a i a when you it in the way, i a i Then lo the in i -and I hoy are m.iny--you| muney, and you a credit. FOR liva room bath complete OaB and electricity for beat anc light. Centrally located. Cal on Cecil Miller, Room 2i Turley BuildiBg.

2 FULL QAILONS, $3.95 Bob Brown WHISKLV 2 FULL GALLOHS, $4.25 Bob Brown AWFUL PAiNS FULLYJ1ESCRIBED i Lady of Pizarro Tells Story of Awful Suffering That Cardui finally Relieved Pizarro, suffered for several cars," writes Mrs. Donna A. Smith, 'with lhat awhil backache and the bcar- iji down Eensations, EO fully described your book. "I tried (lectors and other medicines nd found little icLief, until I was induced try Wine of Cardui. when I found in- lani relief ar.d today I can heartily ecommeiid all suffering women th'nk there 15 310 otherasgood." In instances, Cardui Rives Instanl in oihcis, it may take a little lime.

in all cases of female troiible Cardul can bs depended on of benefit, as is i specific for women and acts in a curative way on the womanly organs. As a r-eneral tonic forwomen, (obuild up your strength, improve your appc- being bacx rosy checks and nuVe you look nnd feel younc and banpy, nothing you can iind will do so much for you as Cardui. Your druggist has il. Farmers who live on the ronl between Seiotoville and erstnirg art 1 indignant over ivay a the county commission ITS are tearing np the road. One man who has heretofore voted the Repnhlicnn ticket, but who says, "Never ngftin, 1 Rlntccl Unit the rond reseinbic.l ploiiph- ci5 corn field and if nnylhing, it was worse to 'drive over thfin such fv field would be.

1 Fall Cltl. Iff. Prepaid S2.SO BOTTLED IN BOND "HlfiH ASC' 2 Full Gallons $6.1 I 1 I I I I Put up In (tlassdBTOliohnsonly. i handles 1 Full Gallon $3.20 2 Full 86.15 P.KPAn Ikli fi 41 lk( if. Kill tti IM ri I iro.i.nicc ill time to livt uilifvtiwi.

ollunvlo llicy m.y returned at our money will be tefmxiej. Send Poll Oflkt nr F.xclt.I Money Order ilirecl lo THE SHfLOON CO. DepJ. 8 COVINGTOH, KY. In II.

S. except Kr. prohibit into Ky. To Celebrate Anniversary Tlic P'ortRinonth Tribe of Jlw I is planning to have a big i i Xovembcr 13 i will be the anniversary clay the insti tut ion of the locnl tribe. The program will he announced latci and it will be elaborate.

Supreme of the order are lo brought here. lor Wcsotn, seal in LOST. 'lirough curtains of lino smllax, auifht bnck wit Si gnuto rilibom, nndles brightly gleamed. Abore rido find groom WAS of ink cnrnutimis AIK) sniJlnx. wotMinp innrcli toH lie of tho bridnl jmrty, the Uooil.

to Hgbt, $8.00 to piga, $3.20 to Cattlr- -Koooipts, hcnd; kot atPdiiy; bd-vcs, $LtiO lo and heifers, to T3 nnd $3JO to calves, $7.25 tci $10.00. 2,000 heml; nrkft stonily; shocp, to CHARLES WEBB IN THEJITY Clinrles Webh, a former I'jrts- month hoy, who left here a year ago, anil is now located in Okln- liOJim City, is back in nnd is guest of Mr. and 1). folUuml by the bride- rrooin nnd lua attondant, 5Tr. "Mo.i lnnan, of Portsmouth.

itiss Claire Joscpii, the lirkJc'a rns maid of honor flnil preceding hriile wns the youthful ring icnrer, Rorn Jxuiso Weil, of "x- Ky. Tho bride Cflmc in her fn- Ihcr, who her nw(iy. She inntlft lovely picture nttirrd in a u-hJtc brocntlcd sntin with full court trFiin. Thi; sleeves and yofco were silver net veiled in chiffon trimmed in silver Anil pearl bands and duchess hice. The bco Iind teen by hor mother on her wedding day.

Eighty guesta woro ot brilliant reception nnd dinner. Receiving "'itli the bride rl hrideprooni were Mr. and Germain Ger-hon Da vid and Mrs. Mrs. Joseph wore a blru-k laeo robe trimmed in duchoba IBCC.

Ifrs. woro black crepe mptc-or wiih trimming. Both wore diamonds. "Xonr relatires were served iti trio living room, opening the room, ami tho neuter piece of tnia tnMn wfis fifteen small erystol vasca loMing Killamey, Ooldengate vory rosoa, with a tracery of Mr. Albert Moeh, of Cincinnati, jrns tonst master, ami between courses tonsta i i in joy and mirth were responded to by T)r Komfcl.l.

Mr. Telix Tlfllf, of Pitts- nrp, hlx-Ponntor Iambs, to $7.10. ritisbnrp, l'a. Oct. jSnpply Hgiit; a stcndy.

Shoep nnd 3 jublo decks; innrket steady. ir 0ff3 --Keccijus, 20 double decks; nar'ttdt active ami steady; prime, .3.261 heavy light orkers. piga, J0.30, Insurance Claim Paid J. TT. Finney, of tho firm of Fin- ncy Hotli, local ngents for tho Kquifnhlc Life Company Iowa, returned Sntnrdny from Wnvcrly, Oliio.

there he justed tins claim of Felix G. seil, wlio recently committed sui cide. Tlio iiisitniiu-c wna paid to thi fnOicr, Cliarles. This is the firsl death that Mr. Pinney has had il L.

Ro is prospering and is proprietor of a large clothing establishment. Agents to Get Possum Supper Mr. Joseph McOhoc nnd of fob witli Letters I I U. Return to i office or Clfl Camphell t'or hlai-k jioekctiiook nveniuir on street iiioney anil i I irnler for reward. Ijjeal agents for Prudential i Insurance Co.

are i i their chops in anticipation of an! oppossinn dinner which hus been promised them by Asst. Snpt. Lambert if they Ket linlm, of Cincinnnti the nltea'lniitE from nhroail were -Mr. Lehman nnrt Mr. nr.ii Mrs.

'Max Ixh- mnn, of "Portsmouth. BieBarn ,1 rear-end which ''occurred on trie X. it W. at p. m.

Friday nt Winchester, Ohio, between extra freight No. fi85 nnd No. 722, the cnbooso on No. 722 wns smnsbeiJ. No ono waj njurcd.

Engineers Kill Bovine Bill nnd Philip Huhlman, both engineers on (he B. O. had a peculiar expcrionct: Friday night, when their engines ran ttown two bulls and them at Oakhill. The building the farm near Kar-h is i linrd ancl'ii a icn, recently purclmseil it is Iioperl that all tho 1 he at supper. SALE! our experience, advice, 7 roonl hollSC On LlUCOln.

f.r,l co-operation to 5 roorn cottage Oil Hill with re show capability and disposition do the righf.batli, paved street, ne-sv. J.ct us prove our claim. 9 GALLIA STREET. $2250. DUDU1T, asonic Temple.

Phone, A-1183. Confident of tjcing able to supply cash help in a more I satisfactory manner than h.T* I licretolorc been loan companies, we business methods a little more clastic and much more than ran be found chewhcrc, with a desire to he a helpful institution to anyone needing our service. We will supply money (in reasonable amounts), lor any and all purposes and allow you lo pay it back in small payments and at a r.ue you can afTord. $10, $20, $3f, $40, $50, can be secured by simply asking for it and proving your ability to make a small, regular payment. Transactions will be handled as financial afiairs should be handled, with the strictest privacy and confidence.

OHIO LOAN COMPANY 'COMPANIES Jnsi like individuals. Why i lake chances when at no i a cost safety can be 9 hftd by saying to us, my fire iosurance." 0 THE FRANK S. FINNEY 6 COMPANY A 19 Gallia Street, i The Portsmouth Coast, of Cincinnati, burned to the ground Friday night. The fire of incemli- Ono nccidf-nt htipp ty-five yards of tho other. wit bin six- Mra.

Kvcrctt Artis of Stanton avenue, New Boston, has return- Skin Grafted On Nephew Henry a B. 0. ronnri-1 ii.Hi.S' 1 employee, has received that his nephew, Jamie, a. M-yenr-oKl recently had i his right nrm shot in a i I exposition at Newport has hfll ii skin a i npcration i performert on the a The oper- I i was a snccf-fts find boy 1 is i i well. tdicvcd to have been fl rr origin Fearch for the ed honifi irom a several weeks' gu ilty party ia being conducted, visit southwestern bont a Building And Loan Association Company Pays 4 per cent intsreston i a of young colored deposits.

Office No. AR, oys piayinir in the streets after Second Floor, Masonic Tem- the Miiec'oal had disappeared and pie. their merry-makiog. Kick flbouf Colored Kids Several Kaat Eleventh street are complaining of tho For Bviilding BreJn a.rvd Body There is no food in all the world equal to Grape-Nuts Thousands have voluntarily so testified. Kead "Tlic Road to Wollville," in packages.

There's a Reason" Poslum Cereal Company, Battle Creek, 'Mich..

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