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Wilkes-Barre Times Leader, the Evening News from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania • 3

Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

NEWS-PEALE WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 2, 1891. -V "1 A 1 i HTXKES-BARKE Pittston Depari Plttston Office: WllUama street In Brown's Annex. Address all commuQlcationa to P. Box 62, PliABtoa. Paul Jfrformed Critical peration.

Dr. C. J. Barrett, astisted by Dr. Murphy, of Wilkes-Barre, performed a very critical surgical operation on Tuesday upou Patrick Hines, a young man, aed 5 years, residing on Market street.

The operation consisted of the removal of a large abscess that had formed under the arm and on the chest of young Hines. The operation wag highly successful. i i i -r -r i MEN'S buna MENS OVERCOATS Fine and first-class Overcoats at 510. made, and made wel, of en Meltons, weap-resisting Kerseys, warm Chinchillas, old-time Beavers dressy Worsteds, some cut in box style, others in Chesterfield fashion Although these Uvercoats are honestly at $10.00. A $10 $12 Will take your cboic of hundreds of fashionable Black Choto, dres.y Corkscrews, soft-finished Cassimeres, stylish Mixtures, etc.

in all nw shapes of Fxcks, Cutaway and Sacks. Phenomenally good suits that ar honestly and actually worth $14 and $15. During this week, bowtver, yon can have your choice of all for the small sum of $10. Will buy choice of Imported Black Cheviot suits, dressy Corkscrews, and Worsted suits, good etc. in Cutaways, Frocks and Single And Double-breasted Sacks.

Superior suits, that were made to sell from $16 ta $18, and, as you'll plainly see. are worth those prices. During this wee they'll go at $12 for choice. i Now we're shouUn This most popular of all prices will give you choice of RnKinitsa Suits ever offered in likes liarre Seu Xetca Charles B. Smith, the well known typewriter in the employ of the Pittston Stove Works, has been appointed news agent and correspondent for the Scraoton Republican in Pittston.

Homer Ruggles, the Wat street newsdealer, had been agent for the Republican for nearly a score of years and he always proved satisfactory. We wish hi successor the best ot luck, Jeseph A. Fahey the Pittston correspondent for the same paper for the past few he Scranton Tribune has also made a change in its Pittston department and has appointed J. J. I Curt of the Wyoming.

Valley II on ee agent and correspondent rtliev-Geerge D. Morris, the young news hustler. We wish Mr. Curt abundant tnccess. A Picnic in Boy's Overcoats, Seems out of Season to advertise a picnic, but thai what jon'll find in O-ercoats for the little ones all this week a pic ic in price, AT 2, t4, 6, AND t8, I What an assortment awaits you, If yon want to see all we can 6low at these prices, you had better prepare to take half a day off.

As to finding what yon want, that out of the question. Boys' and Children's Suits We never had snch an assortment to show yon, and are dead sure no other firm in this city ever had. We are thankful that we are able to put Buch valnes within yonr and we know we shall receive your thanks as you walk away with the goods. A stock expression among some dealers is, "no trouble to show goods." We'll go them one better it's no trouble to sell our goods, when the people come and see how our every promise is kept our every claim substantiated. Come This 'Week.

You Will be Hereafter Thankful. worth 14.00 to 15.00, they'll go custom styles Double-breasted (English $10 $12 $15 vvui nuy gooa piain jseavers, sterling jverseys ana Meltons, comfortable Chinchillas, etc well tuade and thoroughly good overgarments that are worth from $16 to $18. Yon can have your choice in this sale, thorgh, for $11.00. All mail orders received this week filled at current prices. sh i Chesterfield, etc, Materials are reach, for 20.

Thev cnniKt of Worsteds. Scotch Cheviots, Back Cheriots, bound or stitched edee. extra fine Cassimeres and Diagonals. Elegant can't be matched elsewhere below Both the method and results whGn ojrup of Figa is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, awl act gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, -Uver and Bowels, cleanses the sys-vr effectually, dispels colds, head-tt and fevers and cures habitual const-lotion. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of it3 kind ever produced, pleasing to the taste and acceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in it? effects, prepared only from the healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known.

Syrup of Figs 13 for sale in 50c jnd $1 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it od hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it- Do not accept anj substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8AH FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, KY.

NEW rQRKi Sold at Tack's Drug Storp, 7 So. Main St Our Wood Brown suits are greatly in demand. CLOTHING, HAT FTJBIUO SQUARE AND GENTS' FURNISHING COR, EAST STRTET. LiVL From now on we offer a Discount of 25 per cent I on all OVERCOATS. "We nave an Immense Stock: and.

tney must "be sold. suits that $25. rLKSJftS YlSlllNS I HIS ELAUUILt VALLEY OF WfOiMG NEVER FAIL TO CALL FOR TBE LMTSCIIER ANDFACTURKD BT TDK HEM OF C. epaier Son T. MURPHY, Steam Cracker Bakory.

Finest Crackers and Cake in the City. fresk Breai and Biscuits Daily. Sr Wlfcr. Rart Ta.ns or iuu. U'inll.

.1 I. rmMW. vwrtmmw nullurrtxluml lunlir r.lpll.. I'-p. Ktc.frnm whtrvf m', DU.rATO.S'H WO.VDKBUL 'EM II 1 IHLHt.aii.

IINK THAI. uii.vidi;ks i.ift floci r. w. dn.ririrt.. bT or wwIM, IlidSTti.

With n-ru'rn guaranty to cur. i.r. For sale by wolte 89 Pnblls Bqnar to Aval Diun. young, middlebrow and old tMMiair paid. Adoru Mont 3HI rnliimhu.

A tr. too. Uw TUneTat-le. la effect Joneid, 1P81. i Vl hi MaalaM flllljlMW Reliable SOUTH MAIN STREET YOUR LAST CHANCE The Great Stupendous Unloading Sale Closes This Week! Bargains for the Win ding Up.

1 paper pins lc, 1 cake of soap lc, 1 box of shoe blackiug lc, 1 dozen clothes pins lc, handkerchiefs lc, shears 4c, 2 spools of thread 5c, 1 dozen lead pencils 3c, 30 heet of best writing paper 5c, 25 of best envelopes 5c, I dozen of pens 5d, I dozen pen holders 4c, 10 ts attr I linen collars 10c, teck ties 15c, 0 tea spoons 5cs, 0 table spoons 10c, stamped aprons 25c, floating castile soap 5c, champion stove paste 5c, Lcard buttons containing 12 dozen 3c, purses 5c, hair brushes 10c, ladies' teck shawls 9c, large red handkerchiefs 5c, shawl straps 10c, lamp shades 5c, sponges 5c, umbrellas 50c, combs 5c, perfumery 5c, tooth brushes 5c, fchaviog brushes 5c, daisy ribbon ic a yard, ink 3c a bottle, mucilage 3c a bottle, children's stamped bibs 5C, table covers 35c, napkins 5c, tacks lc a bo, vases 5c. I- -A DRIVG A 36-inch Towel for J5 Cents. Do not iss this opportunity. Gives you choice of all nobby Box), Xondon the fine Kerseys, Fur Cheviots, The same garments, less than $30.00. Our $4 Chinchilla Overcoats are the talk THEATRICAL CHAT.

Reginald de Koven is composing1 another opera. I Robert Downing' is the only dramatic etat employing a female advance agent. Edwin Booth's first and only ballot was cast for the election, of Abraham Lincoln to the presidency. Frederick Warde and Lonis James will produce Henry Gray Carleton's new play, "Memnou," next season. The husband of Mme.

Melba, the famous prima donna, has instituted divorce proceedings in Paris. The Due D'Orleans is named as co-respondent. Frank G. Dossert's mass in minor will be "given shortly in a church in Vienna. It is said that no mass by an American composer has yet been performed in Austria.

Robert Stickney, who is a veteran cir-ens rider, has joined a specialty company and introduces his equestrian feats in a stage adaptation of the circus ring. "The Irish Corporal," "The Runaway Wife," "Irish Honor" and "In Honor Bound" are among the unfortunate combinations that went to the wall in one week. I MeKee Rankin and Frank Mayo will, after all, not star jointly. Rankin has gone to the Pacific coast, and Henry Lee, just arrived from London, takes his place as co-star with Mr. Mayo.

Berlin is to have a new opera-house Which it is said will cost from to 5,000,000 marks. The site chosen is opposite the Reichstagge baude, and Angelo Neumann is named as director. Miss Ada Lewis, who plays the part of Kitty Lynch, the tough girl, in "Reilly and the 400," is to marry James Wright, a young merchant of San Francisco. The marriage will take place in the spring. Louis Aldrich, the actor who made a goodly fortune with Bartley Campbell's play, "My Partner," has revived that drama, which is probably the best work of Mr.

Campbell, and will present it in the principal cities this sea son. Young Salvini is going to try "Othel lo," and his father has sent him his costumes and dagger for the part, with his blessing. The young man will also present an acted version of "Cavalleria Rusticana," and will play "Ben Hur," at the request of Gen Wallace. In his spare moments he is working on a play with Edwin Royle depicting the loves of Queen. Mary of Scotland and the un happy Rizzio.

CHARMING MAY WALDRON. The Popular Actress Now Is Comedian Robson's Bride. Stuart Robson, the famous comedian, was married to May -Waldron Dough erty, at New York, November 10. Mr. Robson gave his name to the officiating magistrate as Henry Stuart, and so it went on tha certificate.

The. bride gave her name as May Waldron Dough-srty, aged twenty -seven. She was dressed at the time of the ceremony in' a dark green gown and a light-colored cloak and looked particularly attractive. The ceremony occupied but a few minutes. The bride is a daughter of a well-known newspaper man.

She iwas born in Hamilton, Ont. She been Mr. Robson's leading lady for. several seasons. She now plays the widow in The Henrietta" and Kate Hardeastle in "She Stoops to Conquer." For some if, rri MAT WALDBOH STUART.

months past it has been rumored in theatrical circles that the marriage was likely to take but Mr. Rob son at the time denied it. Mr. Robson's first wife, with whom he lived for over twenty-five years, died about two years ago. JUr.

Robson nas a hand some summer place at Cohassett, Mass. He is considered one of the richest members of the theatrical profession, and besides acting is financial backer of "The Cadi" now playing at the Union Square theater. Next year the great German actor, Possart, will play vnder his management in this Jt Should Be in Every House. J. B.

Wilson. 371 Clay Btreet, Sharps-burg, says he will not be without Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, that cured his wife who was threatened with pneumonia, after an attack of 'La Grippe," when various other remedies and several phvsicians hid done her no: good. Robert Barber, of Cooksport, claims Dr. King's New Discovery has done him more good than anything; he ever used for Lung Trouble.

Nothing like i Try it. Free trial bottles at Nat. Wolfe Co.s drugstore. Large bottles oOc and $1 Uow to Cure All Shin Simply af piy "Swatne's Disease Oettmekt, Na internal medicine required. Curs tet ter, eciema itch, all eruptions on the tace.

haids, nose. leaviojr tbe skin ciear. white and heslthv. Its great healing and curative powers are ptossessed bv ro other rerr-Mr. Afckyour druggist for Swatsk's OlSTMEST.

Vi JL Beaver's, English Melton and Scotch if made to order, wouldn't ccst yon a cent I of the; town. MOUNTED ON WHEELS. The Kew York Salvation Army to Have a Bicycle Corps. Riding Into sin on a bicycle. That is what the Salvation Army propose jj doing hereafter, says the New York: Journal.

But instead of riding on a bicycle and committing sin, they propose to ride on the machine and kill sin. The idea of using bicycles in carrying pn the work of the Salvation Army, SALVATION ABMT t)X WHEELS. while a new thing1 in New York, is far the bounds of successful experiment in London. For more than a year Gen. Ballington Booth's London forces have been doing mosij of their work on bicycles.

That is, tlie machines have been used to carry messages from one post of the army to another, and for going to distant parts of the city where meetings are to be held. "There is nothing nicer," said a member of the Salvation Army, who had recently come from London, "than a sight of our forces mounted on bicycles, and hurrying through the streets of London. "A bold Salvation Army lad, or a pretty Salvation lassie mounted on a safety bicycle, and hurrying along in single file, meanwhile singing a Salvation Army hymn, is something that calls forth a crowd." "The New York city mounted bicycle brigade of the Salvation Army," is the official title of the organization that is about to take the road. The organization will consist of a lieutenant commander, a corps of two lieutenants, a bugler, who will act as orderly, and twenty-five privates, of which twelve will be the very prettiest Salvation Army lassies that the city lontains. Sprinting and Running; Records.

'In sprinting and running the old fig ure have not been materially altered this season, W. Dohm, of the New, York Athletic club, and Luther H. Cary, of Prineeton and Manhattan Athletic club, being the only athletes jinake new records. The latter placed 7 3-5s. for 75 yards when 7 3-4s.

stood before, and lowered the 22s. record for 75 yards to 21 4-5s- Dohm cut the half mile down from lm. 55 l-4s. to lm. 54 l-2s.

Attempts were made to establish Cary's 9 for 100 yards, and 21 3-4s. for 220 yards, together with T. p. Conneff 's 4m. 21 l-4s.

for a mile, but were not successful. In walk ing, our latter clay "peas seem to nna it impossible to reduce the figures set by (Murray, Meek and others away back in 1883 and 1884, or even to approach them. Once in a long while some insignificant fractional record like' Burkhard's one-twelfth mile and Curtis one-quarter mile supplant the old figures, but Murray's 6m. 29 S-5s. for one mile, 13m.

48 3-5s. for two miles, 21m. 0 l-5s. for three miles, and Meek's 29mi and 10s. for four miles, seems as far (beyond reach as W.

G. George's professional one mile record of 4m. 12 2-5s. is from our amateur runners. Electric Bitters.

This remedy is becoming so well known and bo popular as to need no special mention. All who have need Electric Bitters sing the same sons; of praise. A purer medicine does not exist, and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric BUters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rbeum and other affections caused by impure blood will drive Malaria from the system and prevent, as well as cure, all Malarial fevers. For the cure of Constipation and Indigestion try Electric Hitters.

Lntire satisfaction guaranteed or monev refunded. Price, 50 cents and $1 per bottle at Nat Wolfe Co. 's drug ttore. John I. Blair, of Blairstowq, N.

i3 reputed to be worth all the wav from $50,000,000 to $100,000,000. He has never sold a share of stock in any enterprise with which he has been associated, and has money invested in scores of railroads, some of which he absolutely controls. I SSOO Reward. We will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headach, Indigestion, Constipation or Cos- iiveness we cannot cure with est ege- tatnie Laver nils, wnen tne directions are strictly complied with. They are purely ejjetable, and never fail to give satisfac tion.

Sujrar coated. Large boxes contain ing 30 piils, 2d cents. Beware of counter feits and imitations. The gAauice manufactured only by the John C. West Company.

Chicago. Sold bv Henry C. Tuck. o. 7 South Main street, iikes-liarre, a.

Piles! Pilesl Itching Pile. Symptoms Moisture; intense itchini and stinging, most at sight; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumorg form, which often Meed" tod nlcerate, be- omiay very sore. Swatse's stops he itching and bleeding, heal ulcer. ttion and in most cases removes the tumors.

At druggists, or by mail, or 50 cents. Pr. Swayne Son, PhHadelpkia. it ONE-PEICE lae SERHOIETTES. Food Morsel for tbe Thought mi Krr-tmg Mortal a.

You must be sure of two things. You must love your work, and not always be looking over the edge of it, wanting your play to begin and the other is, you must not be ashamed of your work, and think it would be more honorable to you to be doing something else. Contentment abides with truth. You will generally suffer for wishing to appear other than you are, whether it be richer or greater or more learned. The mask soon becomes an instrument of torture.

Influence is to an individual what flavor is to fruit, or fragrance to the flower and no one can define the limit of that influence which constantly and imperceptibly escapes from our daily lives. Every man has in his own life follies enough in his own mind trouble enough in his own fortune evil enough, without being curious after the affairs of others. Men of character are the conscience of the society to which they belong. Our Society Journal. Shiloh'a Consumption Cure.

This is bevond auestion the most successful Cough Medicine we have ever sold. A doses Invariably cures the worst cases jf Cough, Creup, and bronchitis, while its wonderful success io the cure of Consump-jon is without a parallel in the history of nedicine. Since its first discovery it has ieen sold ou a guarantee, a test which no ither medicine can stand. If you have a we earnestly ask you to try it. Price 10 cents, 50 cents and $1.

If your lungs ire sore, chest or back lame, Use Shiloh's cras Plaster. Sold by all druggists. Carru there, a Scotch editor, looked so much like Thackeray that upon one occasion when Carruthers called upon Thackeray the maid who met him at the door laughed in his face because she thought her master in a fit of absent-mindedness had come home and asked for himself. Allow me to add my tribute to the efficy-cy of Ely's Cream Balm. I was suffering from a severe attack of influenza and catarrh and was induced to try your remedy.

The resuit'was marvelous. I could hardly articulate, and in less than twenty-four hours the catarrhal symptoms and my hoarseness disappeared and I was able to sing a heavy roie in grand opera with voice unimpaired. I strongly recommend it to all singers. Wm. H.

Hamliton, leading basso of the C. D. Hess Grand Opera Co. Successors to Oscar Heyer, bave just received all the latest French and Persian Novelties smtaMe for Holiday Presents. Talk about DIAMONDS, They lead all competitors.

The largest and most varied line outwde of New York. SILVERWARE and all ether goods that are fcept in a first-class jewelry establishment, can be found there 1 Goods Arriving daily. 79 PUBLIC SQUARE BUTLDIITG. 3, 4 AND 5, Tteiiy, Friday, May. GREAT SALE OP OVERCOATS AT THE Peon's CMMi Stora, 133 East Market Street.

Cor. Public Square, Osterhout Block, Wilkes-Barre. 1 il I 1 Fly ShuUle Mg Carpet ti tv." -Xtmt 19 rsnls kMU i Send for circulars. Davenport- 3. tl, Squeezed to Death.

Willie Bennett, aged 14 years, a door-tender in No. 9 colliery, was so severly squeezed between a car and the side of the gangway on Monday that he died from his ie juries early on Tuesday morring. fie was the son of Mrs. Dennis Bennett, who resides near Cornell's St James Hotel, In Upper Funeral 3 pm. Wednesday.

Services in Melaine chapeL Interment in Pittston cemetery. I 1 hey were Photographed. Patrick Jordan leader of the Powderly Military Drum Corps, was in Wilkes-Barre Tuesday and brought home Beveral excellent photographs of the corps. The pictures were taken at Avoca several weeks ago. The corps is meeting with big success in the sale of tickets for its third annual ball, a' Armory II all, on Christmas night It will be a big social event.

Job Printing, The News-Dealeb job printing department is ally equipped to do all kinds of printing. Ball programs and tickets, window cards, posters, bill heads, note heads, envelopes, a specialty. Work done promptly and at reasonable rates. Balls and other festivities that do not have job work printed at the News-Dealer office, will receive no notices in these columns unless paid for. If yon want any work done drop a line to "Njcws-Dealeb," Box 692, Pittston, and tha agent will call on yon.

"Briefs and, Personals. Moses Wiseman, who has acted as salesman at Wiseman Blatner's London Liverpool Shoe House at Wilkes-Barre for the past eight or nine years, has resigned and is now filling a similar position at Wiseman Co's Boston Shoe Store in this town. i Mis3 Gertrude Morrow, a teacher in the High School, is. confined to the house by ill neas. 1 The funeral of Mrs.

James Harding occurred on Tuesday afternoon and was largely attended. Rev. Dr. Parks officiated. Tom Leonard is happy once again.

It's a daughter. Meu are busily at work -extending the eltctric light wires to Hughes Glennon's brewery at Forest Castle. "Florida on Wheels" will be at the Water street Lehigh Valley depot to-day and the balance of the week. The annual ball of Widows and Orphans' Fund ofi tl A. O.

will i be held at Armory Hall on the night ot December 31st. Buss Proud, tne union tailorp, will furnish the programs. The members of the Father Mathew Dra matic Club are requested to meet in their parlors this evening at 8 o'clock. Business ot importance is to be transacted. All mem- btra are requested to be present Wart.

Hestox, President Do you need any job work? If vou do leave your orders at the News-Dealer iffiVe. I l)r G. J. Barrett's mine and railroad emergeucy surgical cabinet is a very use! ul arrangement and all who have seen it speak ve'y highly of it as it is just the thing to have about the mines or railroad in case of an accident A patent has been applied for. The doctor certainly has a mint in his in May; he reap the full benefit thereof.

Oh, What a Cougn, Will yon heed the warning. The signal perhaps, ot the sure approach of that most gemots disease, consumption, Ass your selves if voa can afford, for" the sake ot saving 50 cents, to run the risk and do nothing foi it We know from experience that ahiloh's Cure will cure vour cough. Is never fails. This explains why ore thai, a millioH.hottles were sold the past year, It relieves croup and whooping cough at uace. Mothers, do not be without it.

or Jame back, side or chest nse Shiloh'a Pcr- ons Plaster. Sold bv all druggists. 1'liYMOUTH. Mrs. Ilague's Funeral A Coming Dog Fight General yews.

The funeral of Mrs. John Hague took place yesterday from her late home on Gay-lord avenue. A large number of friends ani relatives accompanied the remains to the English Raptish church. Rev. Frear, of Wilkes-Barre, officiated and spoke kindly of the deceased as a good wife and a Chris tian woman.

The remains were buried in tae Plymou fcemeterr. The police are working up a little case and if they are successful in it tbere will be some well known young men in town compelled to seek other quarters. This gang is suspected as 1 the parties who have been breaking into stores and cracking safes in this town. The police have clews but not enough to ciuse to cause their arrest. The slush leu ran very thick on the river yesterday.

From the Nanticoke dam to Buztbach's Landing it is blocked up. Cap tain Keobhaw had bis little steamboat Marshland hanled up on the bank and is ready to send the Ma flower to the creek at ny moment Thomas Rooney the younj man who had his eye knocked out a few weeks ago by a piece ef flying coal is improving. His physician, Dr. Taylor has hopes of saving the sibtof the other eye. Postmaster Aaimtrong spent yesterday at the countv seat on basiuess.

Congressman George W. Shonk, wife and family will leave to-day to become of Washington, D. for the reuiaider of his Congressional term. The Polanders ami Hungarians are the only people in Plymouth who appear to have money. IThey are baying up real estate all over town where they can get an opportunity.

Rsv. Thomas McKay has left the P. chmch and congregation. Yesterday he moved from the parso age and took up "his lesidenee over A. Reese's shoe store.

The sporting fraternity of Carry Hill is getting up a handicap dog fight to come off at the latter end ot this month. Six en tries have already been made and the limit is t-n. Kev. JKishop Him, ot bcranton, was in town yesterday the guest of Father Dotio- hoe, ot fet Vincent church. The Bishop returned in the afternoon, accompanied by Kev.

lather winters. Davenport vi-sits Pittstm twice a week. Dr. Satfdal is ani wilt be able to be out in a few davs. Bucklen'8 Arnica Salve, The best salve in the world for bruises, nl salt rheum, fever sores, tet ter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and skin eruptions, and positively enrea or no pay required.

it is guaranteed togiva perfect satisfaction or monev refunded. Price 25 ects For sale by Nat Wolfe Co. OVERWHELMING HOLIDAY STOCK, and we sacrifice prices to do it. Watch this paper for our HOLIDAY ANNOUNCEMENT. FRANK'S BARGAIN STORE, THE BARGAIN LEADERS.

137 elys Catarrh ffDf A jr ti i a jjjn Cleanses the Masai Paasageft, Allan Pain nod IoBammatlon, Heals the Sores, Restores the Sense Taste and Smell. TRY THE CURE. HAY-FEVER 'Apartifle is aopned into earn nostril and is 50c- al Druggisrs or by mall. KLYBKOTHEKS. C6 Varreii ttrtet.

New Yort. Sold at Tnck's Drng Store, 7 P. Main St JAPANESE A Guaranteed Our? for rilea of wbatev kicd or degree External. Internal mint or isl eillng lichtnif, Chronic, lieor.t or IleredRxry. Tliln Remedy lias positively if-vrr own to full.

$1.00 a box, 6 bo ea tt.r bv mU prepaid on receipt or pi lev a wrlMeii aranieo poslilvely given t.earh purcuiiser -f when pur-caused at one time, to toi- S5 0J paid li curat Otiar.iia. tv Homy Tuck wnoli'sile retail ageiits, 7 SoutU Mala stre.t. Samples fres. GET THE LEHIGH WILKF.S-BARR OLD DIAMOND COAL Prompt Dkuvkbv Telephone, F.J. LEAVEN WO R'l First door wt of First J.

W. RAKDKR, the Blank Book Mat-uf acturer, Paper Ruler and Book Binde. has removed to the COAL EXCHANGE BUILDING Corner River and Mark? Kveets. FmsT Floor. Entranca on liivr REPAIRED AND RE-COVERED A rreat assortment of Fancy Handles.

Silk Umbrellas and eanes, Sea ITesa, Stencils, Kubber Type. Rubber, KteeL and Dating Stamps, Gold and Silver Plating O. T. FELL 75 South main street. toning Under tola bead tbe Huts-Dials win Insert frse ot charge brief notices of ail such ffstlviuea printing fer whlc- Is dene at this office.

The Mascot Social Club dancing school every Wednesday evening at Smith's hall, Newtown. Every Thursday Evening Dancing school of the Wilkes-Barre Social Clnb at Gabel's Hall. 79 Northampton street. Every Friday Evening Socal of the Standard Social club at GiUigan's Hall, Ashley. Wednesday evening, Dec 2 Vocal, and instrumental concert for the benefit of Mrs.

Geo. Ford, at Germania Hall. Wednesday evening, Dec 2 Grand vocal and instrumental entertainment at Germania Hall for the benefit of Mrs. Geo. Ford.

Thursday, December 10 Ball and raflli. for a cow "at Souder's Hall, 195 Scott treet Friday evening, l)ec. 11. on the Streets, 'by the St AloyBius Dramatic Association, at St Leo's ila'l, Ashley. Wednesday evening, Dsc 16.

Eighth annual ball of Divisioi No. A. O. of Wilkes-Barre. at Landiuesser's Hall.

A gold watch will be given Christmas eve, Ic. 24. Seventh annual ball of Golden Link Lodge, No. 250, B. of L.

at G. A. R. Hall, South Main 6treet Wilkes-Barre. Chiistmas eve, Dec.

24. First srrandball of Division 11, A. O. Ife, Board of Erin, ot Miner's Mills, at Sullivan's Hall. Thursday, IVe, 24.

F.rst annual ball of the Young Men Glee Clab, of Ashley, at Gillian's Hall. Christmas Night, Dec 25 Third annual ball of Poderly Military Drum Corps at Armory Hall, Pittstou. Thnrrday evening, 31. Seventh annnal bull of the Gio.1 Will Social Club at Landiuesser's Hall. New Year's Eve, December 31 Third Annual Ball of the We'll M.k-You Social Club, of Purstns, at Fitm's Hal), Miner's Mills.

Friday, January 22, 1392 Grand Draw ing for a three-year-old Percheron Ge'ding, at the-Peoples Hall, Wyoming, r. Christmas Day Grand siaoting for turkevs. chickens and ducis at James Giles'' Hotel, Parsons. Pa at 10 o'rlyc's. Christmas Night Fifth annual baH of the Merry Social Club, for the benefit of Loftus, at Landiuesser's Hall.

Fridav Evening, January 1 Twelfth annual ball of th- St Aloysius Y. M. TV A.B. Society, of Wilkes-Barre, at Ninth Regiment Armory, Thursday. Evening, December 24 Grand rail of the Young Men's Glee Clnb.

at Gil-iigaB's Hall. Friday evening, January 15, 1892 First rand masquerade ball of flie Golden Rod Social Club, at Smith' IlalL TMC 1 NJX HHx A piuuphlt of Informatloa and ab-' KV stract of I he latrs, howii) How to. IHifeiita, RTenln, Trade' 'V REMOVAL. Jnr rn: Wtlkra-Bsxre 7 81 10 15 I it 46 11 10 Nanticoke 7 40 10 0 8 26 01 tl BM Moeauaqua 8 01 10 60 8 40 8 94 St Wapwaliopen 8 ll li (Hi IU 8 87 98 8 S3 11 11 4 08 8 8 II Sugar Loal S7 7 CW Fern Olen 11 4i 1 Tomhloken ll 7 Uazleioo i is 7 601 r-OI tTllle i 25 05 Reading Pottetown I Creasy 8 21 4 18 In Bloom Ferry 8 4 4 81 1 Patawlssa 8 68 19 18 4 87 44 Riverside 1 li 8H 4 56 04 Banbury 9 4 I 1 DO 8 15 H-rrlsburz 11 8b 8 80 1 7 1-5 10 88 1 A 8 15 6 M. 4 80 4 Ba tlmore 8 10 8 4M 8 SO It) 4 80 8 7 7 A.

It A Lcwistown 00 6 18 18 14 8 01 Altoona 8 40 7 15 PlttBOurg 8 10 11 65 8 10 44 AMPMPK' PNt WlUiamsport an ko too io tt Lock 12 15 4 io 8 02 I A Krte 10 8 40 84 i pm Krle 8S8S5 8 fcb 8 am: a Look ll as to i kt ll i' A 'At A WUilamsport 4- 96 8 00 a i at i a a io oo 11 as 10 so Baltaniore a 46 4 4 A A A PnlladelpblA ll 4 8 8b It 4 it Uarrlauurj 8 80 8 10 I 46 8 14 AM A Ml 14 Btrabory. ieeo 8 lit Riverside 6 so 10 i i 6 10 Oatawlssa I 11 40 8 If 10 40 Biobm Perry 10 8 11 01 8 tu ll A A a Ml A ft Potts 8 Readme 0 If Poiumfie 8 of I611 Hazieton 7 10 8 04 Tomhicaen tto sea Peru 7 fc hh bojrar uai 7 61 8 4- a 8 14-11 11 eAO tl tt Wapwailopxii 8 10 il 22 4 5 i 11 Wocanaqua 8 11 ti 4 3a 7 Ik 8 46 11 64 4 67 8 4f I Wbkett-Barre 8 Op in 10 1 7 Ot' X. a Sunday only. Other trains dally exocpt 8 NOTICE, SOMETHING NEW ITxvitlIc: Baal) JVslcss Your JVtterkvion for a Clothiers. AND TUBLIC SQUARE lc, tralr--ctTrter Eoora must be made for our EAST MARKET Wilkes-Barre.

P.v. BRIDE call and seethe wonler of the oge. new principles, now devices and frills, bnt a genuine brand new without it; it brings Uomfort, be pleased to introduce yon to the do not miss this, it will pay yon. JJJt-. ELECTRIC BELL wrrasas-rnfikA c-rfti 1 riillVx lKh is kill K8 SlliPf tONKf, Hm)o fnr ttaimwreit iov 4 vr.

jl C.wrsilM r.tiKmi rrv.Hr, BUrf. nr, f. aihiMn. of fct-M rtrit 1 ft (Od. i.UriLg IHCiUtltlUHud KIKIH tiFTbKl urrr.t FHI!;, or forVtt fr.tuO in KL.T Cp-.

.4 mwu t.M.llr in trre m9utb. relcu rmT'iil r. iuUiliEH XCTE10 CO. 619 Sroadway. V.

1 H. MOONEY Dioriaiw aid Frtfeis First Class Carriages to Hire "Dor.Fell and Northampton Si TsLSFBONE CALL. .331 At :1 A In his place. He wants you to A JNJjiW 131UDE coustmcted on advices No torn foolery and Hnde. iso home can allord to Peace aud Happiness.

He will wonderful peace-maker. Ladies be Sanitary Plumbinsr and Drainasre. Tin Roofing. Builder's Hard ware. Kitchen Utensils, Paints.

Oils, Glass, Varnishes. Largest stock, best workmanship, lowest prices. 260 SOXJT-EEE 3viA.I2sT Nearly Opposite Qth Reg't. Arroory, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. For mrtlier Information nne ttm taWd cured from uoitet aenu ar station or ablw Square.

J. tL Cxas. K. Proa, ienL. Paaasairr.

AAt UenL Maaatrar. JKNTKAL Rtt. OF NEW JKI13SY. and (iarviaelianna Dtruuoa. rVlUCRrj-UAKK AJJO NvV TOti-H, POTTBV1LLB AND PHILADELPHIA PoMtenger station la 5ew York, tool oi Libert Time taole in etreot hovember 16, 1S31.

Tralu Inave WUte-lJarr ior Ham iwr 8i4t express, 13-16, express, 8 express, put SunOnyB. ptn. Por freenoid. Lonff Branon. Astary Pur.

Utu u.uve. Point Deaaant and all If Jcrae) aeaouure ana flatuoic reaorc lki.6 pea por fiuiiMlaipnta, Hmvm oncia, rfcj. jtft 8:30. pm. psm.

or AUaauu City, 8:46 z. Por Reading, ibaoon, HarrUtiurg, wtm AiiiiiKii, tM, ti pm, 8aa days, st, 4ft pm. ikBtaraio- -Leave Hew loot of Llbtnj ri. orta Klver a 4M, 84fi, expraat aia 8 46 exprnea, Suodaya, tUtJ Is. re si.alo.puia.

Talrxl and tmrkn strmLa, at 6 70 8 anauraen wrau, ear, 4.30 bur.liya, 6:30 tm; k-ave lum I ton at 7:68, 11 am, 6 00 Kuiidays, am. loavs Majch Chunk at 7:18, -m 137, Sundays, lOrfjOan. WlLKBS-aARS Leave WUKes-Harre at 7hS o-. 15. mm.

124 8 64, 9 A3 pm. UiliOf iA 103 11M aau, 6: pm. l--avB 8 3-antOB at IM, 9:1., 11. SO M. 8H.j.J4i.7a pm.

aau, on 1.19 pio. lavePlttihOD.86,80, 116, AMU 8 pm. bundars.9:6 J3j WXLKK-ilAKRB AND PO.Ta VI' IK. Le '-v UKoe-isaiTe at ajo. 1:16.

6f pm. Hnodava, pm. 1'oiumua at 83a, lua au. toandar am. waiBi bASAs akd wnrra BAvrx Loar vvjk-s Parre aau, liili 8.8 HOiilygsl; pm, -4ve Wult Unnf.8;60 10 SHU, 14 8 S3 psj.j rJil'JflAys, 10ii arc. BrtASfTE. tu. 10 til aou, 8 43 ruiyat 11 tto W-torruiiic Lava nmls at- 13 1 --4 'tr, antiouli at 6 1. 1 1 :15 an 4 prlvrut- auiall Ujh at statlou. worth of KTDfm, Ca rrlaces, Botrtries.

Pprinpand Lumber Wagons, at grciUy reuuetd prices ior au aayv. J- FRANK 2 is ft sin g. Mala WLSON. Wnk-Brfe. i a wav.

Us Tr iti test fruU fc-kkjOL III l-lk.

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