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The Ottawa Journal du lieu suivant : Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 4

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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September 9, 1966 rom Page One It's Joey's I Both Dr. Murphy and Mr. Nor more expressed disappointment at the Ltberml lindslide. Dr. Murphy, who levelled the toughest verbal attack on Mr.

Smaliwood since pre-Confedera-tion days, repeated that too many voters in Newfoundland supported the Liberals through fearr During the campaign Dr. Murphy described Mr. Small-wood as a tyrant and a dictator. He said In an interview Thursday night in Corner Brook that the electors "didn't vote for us because of fear." Mr. Smaliwood was also interviewed at his headquarters In Corner Brook, where cheering supporters did their best to drown out the words of a man who Is rarely shouted down.

"Ufa sobering victory because how I am going to measure up to such overwhelming confidence?" Referring to a group of young new cabinet ministers, whom he calls "kiddles corner," Mr Smaliwood said: "I've got I bunch of young men and they should prove a big help to me." The premier, who defeated Mr. Normore in a personal race In West, said he planned to leave for St. John's early today to dig his way out from "under a big pile" of work. After a brief holiday, he claimed to open a new office for himself and a small staff in Corner Brook, which he said will become a "sub-capital of the province." IANACAKE an us SIGHTSEEING BY BUS Daily Trips May 15 -Oct. 31 J.

D. Sanderson Company Limited SHEET METAL WORK ROOF REPAIRS 437 CATHERINE ST. 23MSM FOR HONEST VALUES AND PERSONAL SERVICE SLOVER'S Market tauer IHIkie trMft Plata TAMBLYN DRUG STORES CUT WM DB1YEKT Sparks St. ra-ttH nt-seu Cartliiyna CMHH BUIinet BrMat mil mil LUCKY DRAW WIN "SUZUKI" MOTOH BIKf Draw ka MM test. Mm lest, broken, or damaged you err a fiWS" I grdtftfa fn I mv 151 Sparks Si.

at O'Connor 105 Mam St, Hull The Ottawa Journal WEATHER VAX Dominion Public Weather Office forecast: Ottawa and Montreal: Sunny and warm today and Saturday. Winds light tonight, southwest at 15 Saturday. High today 80. Low tonight and high Saturday at Ottawa and Montreal, 55 and 80. Toronto: Sunny today and Saturday with slowly rising temperatures.

Winds light. Low tonight and high Saturday at Toronto, 60 and 80. W. 14 Sept. 11 Sapt.

It Stpt. 7 TEMPERATURES Low last night and high Thursday at Snag, 53; Vancouver, 55. 70; Edmonton. 44. 60; Calgary.

39. 68; Robarts Delay will give the govern ment a further opportunity to look at the real needs of the country, be said, and to assess priorities, especially fi nancial support of medical schools. In Vancouver. New Demo cratic Party leader Douglas ex pressed dismay at Mr. Sharp's announcement on medicare.

Mr. Douglas described as "nonsense" Mr. Sharp's an nouncement that postponement was part of a government anti inflationary drive. He said there would be little difference in the amount of money spent by sick people privately if they all joined a national scheme. Premier E.

C. Manning or Alberta said the announced de- tt, aaedlspnU 'Is surprising in view of the ex cessive additional burden on the Canadian taxpayer and the Canadian economy which the scheme proposed by Ottawa would impose, especially in the light of spiralling prices and the urgent demand for other large expenditures in other fields of public service. OPPOSITE VIEWS Labor and business spokesmen took opposite views Thursday night on Mr. Sharp's announced measures to curb inflation. Murray Tate, vice-president of the Toronto and District Lab or Council, said Mr.

Sharp called wage demands by work ers excessive but considered high dividends and record-breaking profits by industry good for Canada. "When the workers demand a substantial increase in wages to meet the rise in the cost living, he labels it inflation, Mr. Tate said. "It would be more to the point it the Liberal government took drastic action against soaring prices." A. T.

Lambert, chairman and president of the Toronto-Domin ion Bank, described Mr. Sharp's anti-inflation proposals as little enougn ana necessary. He said he wholly to the philosophy that some types of government spending must be postponed. DISCOUNT DEPT. STORES Itlb Ctntrt, 3775 Ucaw.

11 "en -m. HUU-Me St. Jeseph HUU-113 Eddy Street is sua. a.m. h) a Omar Boyst m.m Rentol Furniture Complete heweheM furaishlnes by soy, week, meath er Fer new furnttvre ft te 212 leek.

217-1 100.. Far trede-kt es te 111 Murray. 237-1 tOO. G. H.


49. 82; Winnipeg, 63. 81; Ukehead. 50. 76; Sault Ste.

Marie. 48. 74; North Bay. 51. 70: Windsor, 52, 72; Toronto.

54, 74; KUlaloe. 40. 75; Ottawa, II, 74; Montreal, 54, 74; Quebec. 52. 72; Mono ton.

49. 77; Halifax, 52. 76; Chariottetown, 54, 75; St. John's, 53. 68; Chicago, 62, 81; Boston.

60, 72; New York, 68, 78rwlumington. 56. 81; Atlanta, 61, 80; Miami, 79. 85; Denver, 55, 89; Tucson, 73, 97; Los Angeles, 65, 77. KiV SAVE 28c PI From PajTOni pi Even as he spoke, the Do minion Bureau of Statistics reported still another stiff increase last month in the cost of living, already up a record five points or five cents on the dollar in the past year.

NEVER SO HIGH Never since it began keeping tabs on consumer costs, said DBS, have prices been so high. Mr. Sharp and his measures both the new and higher taxes and the cut-backs in federal spending and programs were roundly denounced by Conservative Leader Diefen- baker and NDP Tommy Douglas alike. The finance minister said but a few words about those new and-or-higher taxes. SAVING DETAILS He was saving the details for his baby budget next month.

But what he said was mora than plenty to let anyone know, beyond shadow of hope, that the October news will be grue some: "I have reached the conclusion that It will be necessary to Increase taxes (332330111 er Introduce new Um He had much more to say about wages and prices. For if inflation was to be con trolled, wage toeeases must not outstrip increasing productivity. And productivity had been increasing only between four and five per cent annually. MUST ADHERE But wage guidelines couldn't really be guidelines unless the provincial governments adhered to them and management and labor respected them. For realistic guidelines to operate, there had to be a consensus.

And the way things were these days, there fust wasn't any such consensus. Therefore, the government was setting out no specifics. Instead, the finance minister, talking about what he called "the-economic facts of life," expounded his own thinking on the four-to-five per cent formula. INCREASES EXCESSIVE Without putting the finger of blame on anybody, including Sharp the government itself. Mr.

Sharp complained that despite these "economic facts of life." increases In recent months had been "excessive." Currently demands were for "much more." And in the next few months, conceded the finance minister, "many employers will have to grant large increases simply to keep their men. "We i sail have to do this certain categories el the public service. "But somehow we must get back as soon as we can to more reasonable increases average figures that do not exceed the four to five per cent. "Some can of course be larg er, as long as the average re mains within reason. Then he called on manage ment to cut prices as productivity increases.

Cut them, he asked, even if It meant "hard bargaining, a squeeze on 'profits and some risks of strikes strikes which may cause some barm to both private and public 25 Soldiers Die In Forest Fire SlNTRA. Portugal (Reuters) About 4.M firefighters succeeded early today in a giant forest blaze near here la which 2S soldiers died. The charred bodies of the soldiers were found Thursday night in a dense part of the forest overlookiag this holiday resort 12 miles west of Lisbon a fur the fire had raged for it hours, an army spokesman said. Firemen among the masses of troops and civilians mobilized to tackle the flames on the mountain slopes said the fire was brought under control be fore dawn. One fireman said the victims had raced for the top of a kill after their cars caught fire.

But a sudden change in the wind threw the blaze in their direction. They tried to go back but the advancing fire had cut them oft and they circled by flames. Balancing Pearson's hatf-boar speech before the Coauaw wealth prime ministers' conference steered carefully between Britain's Rbo-desiaa position and the demands of many of the Ceeamon-wealth members for raurher action, including the use of force, He said Britain already baa stated more than once that independence must be en a basis acceptable to the people as a whole. Pearson then argued that this must mean a basis which provides for recognition of political rights without racial -crimination because) any other basis could not possibly be acceptable to the people as a whole in that country. Pearson is reported to have said Wilson might be able to give some reassurances that the (ranting for effective electoral representation of the majority of the population, which will be extended to an the adult population without discrimination as soon as possible after mdepen- SHIRLEY a X-.

7- jqLLU IU Mr II 1 -1 arM mmm bj- I 1 I Xlm I I I llBBnmWsan Wm I i IMPORTED No. 1 I CHOICE IMPORTED ffi Riofffoi tn (n nwnm --I; 1111111111 PW PI nr-i r-i IUA LtO LlOrW-LfAlMU ki mm I II II I I I I II II 1 I I nl J'- us -F-i.

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