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El Paso Herald from El Paso, Texas • Page 4

El Paso Heraldi
El Paso, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Wednesday, Jan. 1918. EL PASO HERALD KILL Dynamite Crew on Way to Pick Up Debris of Train Held Up January 23. Complete confirmation of the dynamiting of the Mexican Central work train at Dias station, 25 miles south of Chihuahua City, Saturday, by Villa followers was received In Juarez Wednesday. A total of 142 men were killed by the Villa band.

Contrary to the reports first received here late ruesday, the entire train guard of 95 federal soldiers was annihilated, having been killed during the fighting or later executed. It is now believed all but five of the 42 Mexican track workmen were killed, that number having been taken back to Chihuahua City. Plant Dynamite Trmler Hails. Dynamite mines were planted under the main line of the Central railroad at Dias. The engine and tender were completely wrecked and the other roaches were set on fire from the locomotive by the Villa men.

Francisco Villa was in personal command of the operations and directed the lighting against federal reinforcements, which were sent from adjoining stations, and Chihuahua City. He had about S00 men in hia command, the reports of the affair agree. The fight which followed tho Mexico Probes Propaganda of German Agents Legislative Committee Is Named to Inquire Into Von Eckhardfs Acts That tairh It weakens you and disgusts your friends. It offers a prepared ground for dangerous diseases. It will not get well by itself, but many thousands of just such cases have yielded to PERUNA which for forty-five years has been the standby in catarrh and debility during convalescence from grip.

Experience has taught a great number that Peruna is a reliable tonic that aids the membranes in recovering from inflammatory conditions, regulates the appetite and dears away the waste. At your druggists. THE PERUNA COMPANY Coiambut, Ohio Mexico City, Mexico, Jan. Mexican- government has taken official notice of German nropaganda. The legislative committee has directed the attorney general to investigate charges that Heinrich von Eckhardt, the German minister to Mexico, has been responsible for al- leged corruption in the chamber of deputies.

These charges were published by El Universal, a pro entente and pro American newspaper, with a demand that von Eckhardt receive his passports as minister, it is asserted by opponents of Cl Universal that even if the charge of corruption in the chamber should be proved against one or more deputies, the paper is liable to prosecution under Mexican law by every member of the chamber. wrecking of the train lasted for eight hours. His losses were not known, as ho withdrew to the mountains, going north. Going to Clear Wreck. The work train left Chihuahua City early Saturday morning.

It consisted of eight box cars, a wrecking crane, and three coal cars and the locomotive. The train was going to the point between Corralitos and Rallano to clear up the wreckage from the train which was held up, robbed and burned there, January 23. The train was passing Dias at full speed when the explosion occurrod under the engine. The Villa followers had deployed and were hidden behind rocks on both sides of the railroad track. The guards were caught between two fires and all who did not surrender were killed.

The others were later executed. Many of the workmen were killed and their bodies thrown into I the burning cars. Others exe- cuted. Five escaped by feigning death. Whipped With Sabers.

'Dupe Chaves, a Mexican boy, who I was on the ti'ain which was destroyed at Rallano, January 23, arrived in i Juarez Wednesday, He said he was i whipped with sabers in the hands of the Villa men. He confirmed the i report that all of the men, women and children passengers were stripped of their clothing. Engine Crew The Mexican boy also said the engine crew of the train wrecked at itellano succeeded in escaping to Chihuahua City. The Villa followers uncoupled the engine, whHe they went tiirough the train holding up the passengers and looking for government officials. While the passengers were being robbed he said the engineer started the locomotive and ran it away from the scene of the holdup.

mounted Villa followers gave chase, firing at the engine cab, but did not hit the crew. These men gave the alarm in Chihuahua City and reinforcements were sent out on the night of January 23 to pick up the The two attacks on trains has men iire(3 a. corporal of the border MOUNTED OFFICERS RECEIVE PLAN FOR INCREASED PAY Police captain S. H. Veater and the I mounted officei's are considering a plan for increased pay of the mounted men submitted by the mayor and city council in a letter received by Charles Pollock from the mayor.

The mounted men are to be paid the same as other patrolmen, 5100 per month, and the city will take charge of the horses they use on the force; feeding them, keeping them shod and rendering veterinary service. Whether the plan of the city council will be accepted by the police had not been determined Wednesday morning. SHOWS PROFIT. The building department showed a profit of about $6000 during iyi7, as shown by the annual report of inspector Percy McGhee, jr. Total income from all permits was while salaries were $11,460.

The only other expense was the upkeep of automobile, which was not figured. Three Trains in Juarez, Resting, Yaquis Among Them; City Is Dry. Three trains, with approximately 1000 Mexican soldiers of the first bri- gade of the northwestern division, under the command of Col. Cardenas, arrived in Juarez Tuesday, the last two trains coming into the yards early in the evening. These soldiers are to be used for the Sonora campaign and are expected to be sent south over the Mexico North Western within a few days.

It was the intention to send out the first train, which arrived in the morning, Tuesday evening, but for some reason the troop movement was postponed. The troops are expected to go to Casas Grandes and then march overland to Sonora. Only Few Go Sn Bond. The proposed transfer of 500 women and children accompanying the fnr headache and through the United States to ISiogales effectne treatment tor headache ana has been abandoned and only about neuralgia. Rubbed in where the 50 to 60 of the weaker members of it acts as a tonic to the tortured the party will be sent through the ncrves ancj almost invariably brings United States, according to the latest information received by vice consul quictw rcnci.

A. Ruiz Sandoval. Permission was wired by secretary of state Robert Lansing, but on telegraphic advices from the military authorities at Chihuahua no arrangements for the train were made Tuesday by Mr. Sandoval. Wednesday it was announced that only the weaker members of the party would go through the United States.

Yaqnis Being: Returned. NEURALGIC PAINS Give Way to Soothing Hamlin's Wizard Oil Wizard Oil is a safe and Its healing, antiseptic qualities can always be relied upon to prevent infection, or other serious results, from sprains, bruises, cuts, burns, bitesj and stings. Just as good, too, for! sore feet, stiff neck, frost bites, cold sores and canker sores. Get it from druggists for 30 cents. If not satisfied return the bottle and I Ulfum iivut Among the trdfcps which arrived (get your money back.

Tuesday were about 500 Yaqui Indians taken from Sonora to Chihuahua for a campaign last year, and now returned. The men were infantry, chiefly, but it is reported that it is the intention lo give them mounts while here. Jiinrez Is The saloons were closed in Juarez Tuesday on the arrival of the troops. The Fcene in the railroad yards where the first train was parked was picturesque. Women built wood fires at the side of the freight cars and cooked meals for their husbands, while dogs and children played about.

The men gambled at or strolled about. On the tons of the freight cars were tiny tents, firewood and equip- men t. The day was warm and many of the men remained on the tops. At a neighboring track was a coal train just arrived from the United States, from which many poor people were carrying sacks of coal. Sweetmeat and fruit vendors changed stands from the city to the railroad yards.

FIRr. AT GUARD: MEXICAN LIEUTENANT DIES Another case of shots fired across I the Rio Grande river by armed Mexi- smugglers was reported Tuesday afternoon from Ysleta, where armed Ever constipated or have sick headache? Just try Wizard Liver Whips, pleasant little pink pills, 30 cents. Guaranteed. IT STOMACH MISERY caused a general suspension of all but the most important train movements south of Chihuahua City. A passenger train arrived in Juarez Wednesday from the state capitol with a heavy guard of federal troops, but there were few passengers on board.

Gun repairing our specialty. Allen Arms Cycle Co. 404 N. Oregon i Adv Stylish Spring' Oxfords At the GUARANTEE I you can get the very latest and newest styles in Spring Lace Oxfords at very mod- I erate prices, which again proves the supremacy of the i GUARANTEE in giv- ing real shoe values. All White Kid Lace Oxfords, Louis heels, turn I soles $8.50 BrotCn Kid Lace Oxfords, Louis heels, I turn soles $8.00 Darfy Tan Calf Lace Oxfords, Louis heels, turn soles $8.00 Patent Leather Lace Oxfords, Louis heels, turn soles $6.50 Black Kid Leather Lace Oxfords, Louis heels, turnsoles $6.50 6 REATER EL PASO'S SHOE STORE makes sick, sour, gassy stomachs feel fine.

'Tuard. He was not injured and returned the fire, later going for aid. The Mexicans had disappeared the arrived. The death of a Mexican federal lieutenant said to have been wounded in the interchange of shots across the river Friday night was reported Tuesday. His name was not learned.

This brings deaths reported from the fisrht to three, four others were wounded, it was reported. EXPORTS FROM RONORA ARE BARRED BY DECREE Nogales, Ariz. Jan. of beans, flour and corn from i Sonora has been forbidden by a ss cree signed yesterday by acting gov- ernor Soriano. He has also estab- lished a food administration and a war trade board, both ptterned after those in the United States.

The decree was issued after an inventory revealed that Sonora had I only foodstuffs sufficient to feed the people of the state. Hitherto sup- i olies have been sent to Chihuahua to relieve the scarcity there, G0FS TO SURVEY 01'. LAND IN COLUMBUS WELL DISTRICT Alfred R. Talamantes, civil en! gineer, has left for Columbus, N. where he will remain for ten days, completing the work of subdividing the land holdings of the Palomas Lake Oil association, and the location of a number of well sites, preliminary I to extensive developments to be un- I dertaken by the concern by means of a systematic testing of their ground through the sinking of a number of deep wrells to tap the oil bearing sands, which are said to exist beneath the great anti-cline passing through the property.

URGES PAYMFNT OF INCOME TAX NOW AS PATRIOTIC DUTY Do some foods you eat hit tasie good, but work badly; ferment into acids and cause a sick, sour, gassy stomach? Now, Mr. or Mrs. jot this down: Pape's Diapepsin helps neutralize the excessive acids in the! stomach so your food sour and; upset you. There never was anything so safely quick, so certainly effective. No difference how badly your stomach is upset you usually get happy relief; in five minutes, but what pleases you most is that it helps to regulate your stomach so you can eat your favorite foods without fear.

Most remedies give you relief are slow, but not sure. is positive in neutralizing the acidity, so the misery come back very quickly. You feel different as soon as comes in contact with the just stomach gets sweet, no gases, no belching, no eructations of undigested food, your head clears and you feel fine. Go now, make the best Investment you ever made, by getting a large fifty-cent case of Diapepsin from any drug store. You realize five minutes how needless it is to suffer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder due to acid Tired, Nervous Housewife Took Now She Is Strong and Well Berkeley, Cal was nervous, Irritable, no appetite, could not sleep, and was always tired, so my housework was a great effort.

After many other other medicines had.failed Vinol: built me up and mado me strong. 1 have a good appetite and sleep well. Every nervous, weak, ailing woman The payment of income taxes is urged immediately on citizens as a patriotic duty in a letter just received by H. C. Henry, deputy income tax collector, from A.

S. Walker, collector for the state of Texas. While should try N. Edmunds, 2107 taxpayers will have up to June 15 to pay their taxes they are asked, if possible, to pay the income tax as soon as possible. Mr.

Henry has the authority to receive money for the payment of taxes. The section of the letter containing this appeal will be read to each person on making their returns. I 5ME 203 MESA AVE. Try Our Hosiery Hose for Less Money." Little Liver Pills For Constipation AD CLUB HEARS CARTOON TALK BY B. BLESSINGTON An interesting illustrated talk on the whys and wherefore of cartoons was delivered by Bert Blessington before the Advertising club at its meeting Wednesday noon at Hotel Sheldon.

Mr. Blessington made the assertion that were it not for the editorial cartoon, such lights as that over the tariff would never have ended. The cartoon has now invaded tho advertising field and, in the opinion, can accomplish wonders there, provided high class workmanship is evidenced. Dwight Way, Berkeley, Cal. We ask every nervous, weak rundown, ailing woman in town to try this cod liver and iron tonic on our guarantee to return their money if it fails to help von.

Kelly Pollard, druggists, El dv. To top a Persistent, Hacking Cough The beat remedy one you can easily make at home. Cheap, but very effective. The Great Vegetable Remedy Puts You Eight Over Night Genuine bears signature Small Pill Small Dose Small Price Colorless or Pale Faces of a condition which will be greatly helped by Carter SirOIi lilS BANKING BY MAIL A safe and convenient way to do your banking. We give special attention to accounts sent to us through the mails.

Our free booklet "Banking By explains our method of handling savings accounts and checking accounts by tnaiL A post card will bring it and you will be under no obligation. We operate under the guaranty fund law of the State of Texas EL PASO BANK TRUST COMPANY, El Paid On Thousands of people normally healthy 5n every other respect annoyed with persistent hanging-on bronchial i year aiter year, disturbing their sleep nnd making life disagreeable. so I an old home-made remedy that 'will end fcucli a cough easily and qu- kly. Get from any druggist ounces of (GO cents worth) pour it into a pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain granulated sugar syrup. Begin taking it at once.

Gradually but surely you will notice the phlegm thin out and then disappear altogether, thus ending a cough that you never thought would i end. It also promptly loosens a dry or tight stops the troublesome throat tickle, soothes the irritated membranes that line the throat and tronchial tubes, and relief comes al- Austin, Texas, Jan. was held jnost immediately. A use will us- today by the supreme court tho ually break up an ordinarv throat or atllnRt frnm Knnv and for bronchitis, croup, county' that in bond elections i pooping cough and bronchial asthma are entitled to know beforehand the I is nothing better. specific use to which taxes proposed pleasant jand keeps MISS INEZ AND STANLEY BLASKOW WED HERE Miss Inez McCommis, of Alamogordo, N.

and Stanley Blaskow, of El Paso, were married Tuesday by county judge E. B. McClintoek, at the courthouse. The bride was attended by her mother, from Alamogordo, and the best man was John Davis, of thi3 city. S.

P. Johnson, a conductor on the E. P. S. W.

railroad, is an uncle of the bride. BOND VOTERS HAVE RIGHT TO KNOW ABOUT EXPENDITURES to be levied by virtue of an election are to be utilized. NEW JERSEY SENATOR, WILLIAM HUGHES, DIES Trenton, N. Jan. 30.

United States senator William Hughes, of Paterson, died hero today at 10:15 a. at a hospital where he had been a patient for several weeks suffering from septic poisoning resulting from an infection of the teeth followed by bronchial pneumonia. Pinex is a most valuable concentrated compound of genuine Norway pine extract, and is used by millions of people everv year for throat and chest colds with splendid results. To avoid disappointment ask your for 2 ounces of with full directions and accept anything else. A guarantee of satisfaction or money promptly refunded goes with this preparation, Tho Ft, Wayne, Ind.

Another LIE Nailed In reference to the statement of Henry Blum in this Times that he did. not know of a single instance of a violation of the law by a licensed liquor dealer, we desire to state that the said utterance is an unqualified falsehood. W. D. HOWE Judge of the 34th Judicial District of Texas.

WILL P. BRADY Judge of the El Paso County Court at Law. W. H. FRYER, County Attorney.

in I 11 the 34th District Court Henry Blum has, several instances, been a witness against licensed liauor dealers who were running illegal clubs where injunctions were issued. W. D. HOWE, Judge of the 34th Judicial District of Texas. In the County Court at Law, in many instances in recent months, Mr.

Blum has been a witness for the State against licensed liquor dealers who were convicted for violations of the liquor laws, and in some instances the convictions were had upon the sole testimony of Mr. Blum. During the present month of January, not less than ten licensed liquor dealers have been convicted of violations of the liquor laws. WILL P. BRADY, Judge of the El Paso County Court at Law.

W. H. FRYER, County Attorney. I.

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