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Leavenworth Daily Commercial from Leavenworth, Kansas • 1

Leavenworth, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)



LOUIS, Mo.) GREAT 3HI I1A3 NO STOCKHOLDERS, BUT DIVIDES iLIaL PROFITS A (1 THE POLICY HOLDERS. New York Political Notes. New York, Oct. 7. The World savs, in regard to the representation from New York to the Democratic convention, that hereafter the convention will know nothing of Tammany or anti-Tammany, and deal only with separate Assembly dis tricts.

Not only Tammany, but all successors of Tammany, and similar oligarchical organizations, are thus abolished. A correspondent of the Tim writiug from Washington, says that a gigantic Indian fraud has just been unearthed by Secretary Delano. Several well-known Indian officials of the last administration? among whom is one ex-Commissioner of Indian Affairs, are implicated in the scheme, which involves over 60,000 acres of land, valued at upwards of $180,000. The Secretary has had a special commission of the Interior Department at work probing the Terriole Fire in Chicago. Chicago, October 7 12:30 a.m.

The most terrible conflagration that ever occurred In this city broke out about an hour and a half ago, and having already swept over six entire blocks, is still raging with almost unabated fury. The fire started in a large planing mill, situated between Clinton and Canal and Van Buren aud Jackson streets, about the ceDter of the block formed by these streets. The wind was blowing very the flames spread with almost incredible rapitity. In several instances children were hastily wrapped in blankets and quilts, to break the force of their tall, aud thrown from second story windows to the ground. "When the alarm sounded for this fire another lire of considerable magnitude was burning on Wells street near Adams, (several engines were necessarily kept at work at this.

The rest of the engines in the city were soon on the ground, but before they arrived the fire had spread over so large an area and was so rapidly spreading that their efforts seemed of little avail. Between Canal street and the river were several lumber yards, which are entirely de I ITS NEW" BUSINESS IN 1870 AMOUNTED TO $30,315,102, IT BE-ing the Third Largest bnsiness of any Company in the World. It Loans its Money Anions the People Who Pay It! At his New Store No. 315 Delaware Street, Is NOW EXHIBITING A NEW AND BEAUTIFUL COLLECTION OF FANCY DRESS GOODS: "SOTE THE PRICES," Beautiful Alpacas at 50 cents per rard, All Wool Empress Cloths, at 50 cents per jard, Wool Plaids Sew and Beautiful. 50 cents per vard, Japanese Silk in new Fall Stripes, at S1.00 per yard, Japanese ltobes All Colors, at 9.09 a pattern, ALL of the new shades in French Satteens, French Velours, All Wool Serges, Em press Cloths, Ac, together with other dress goods both BEAUTIFUL VTVI CHEAP.

Also BLACK and FAXCT SILKS. The whole making the most MAGN'IFICEXT Collection he has ever offered to the pu blic. Our stock of The Kansas 'Department is under the control of Citizens of Kansas, through whom Money i being Loaned throughout the State. The following are the DEPARTMENT DIRECTORS E. II DURFEE.




CRAWFORD WRIGHT, Managers. Wanted in Several Counties of the State. oet8el4." DRY Consisting of Brown and Bleached Domestics, Sucker Jeans and Flannels, Continental Tuells, and other Goods in this line, making as COMPLETE ASSORTMENT As can be found in the city. AX attractive Stock, polite attention, FAIR PEICES for GOODS, his made this what we hope it will ever be, the IS- lEILjIElIKriESIE, lias 2Vov COMPLETE ASSORTMENT FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS Consisting of Every Various Departments: Dress OoocLs, Xjinens, irpet Warps, Reps, Blankets, Cassimeres, Velveteens. Sheetings, Linsers.Enslish and Scotch Shawls, Flannels, Joseph Kid Gloves, Hosiery and Gloves, SKirts, All of Wliicli will le Offered at EXTREME LY EXTENDING! A GENERAL INVITATION TO ONE AND ALL WE GUARANTEE FAIR DEALING AND GOOD BARGAINS.

Old No. 108 DELAWARE STREET, Between Fourth LESAVEKTWOrtTH, THE GREAT CHANCE IN THE EXTRAORDINARY DISPLAY OF THE OPERA HOUSE. Six Nights, Commencing K0SDAY, OCTOBER 9th, 1871, LOOMIS' DRA3IATIC COMP'JNY Tho Star of the ATest, MISS LOUiSE SYLVESTER Supported by the Popular Actor, MR. HARRY T. LOOMIS! The Favorite Comedian, FRANK CURTIS! And a Full and Efficient Company of Ladies and Gentlemen.

Admission, 50cts. Reserved seats, 75 cts. Seats can be secured at Crew Morgan's Book Store. oct5cl42 GEO, FRANCIS TRAIN Under aupsices of St. Paul's Church.

LAIXG'S HALL WED. nesday evening, October 11, 1871. Secure seats in advance or vou will have to stand. Admission 50 cts reserved seats extra. 25 cts.

For sale only at Crew 31 organ's Book store. Season tickets for the nine remaining lectures, $5.40, to be had of Crew Morgan, and members of the church. Season ticket holders will call and see if their seats are correct on the diagram. The half hour concert will be furnished if possible. B.

Taylor, Oct. 3d, Mrs. Lander, Oct. 27th. oct3cl40 IT OUSEIIOLD Fl'RITURE For Sale at Auction.

I will sell bv auction at the residence, corner of Olive and Fifth streets, South Leavenworth, on AVednesday, Oct. 11th, commencing at 10 o'clock a. precisely, the entire lot of furniture, consisting in part of Brussels and two ply cloth parlor sets, niarbif top table, extension table, bureau, wash-stands, bedsteads, cooking and heating stoves, chairs, mirrors, clocks, curtains, one tine desk, table ware and kitchen furniture. Also one octave piano. House for rent.

Sale positive. M. BARNS, Auctioneer. oct8cl45 NOTICE. Cocstv Clerk's Offk Leavenworth, Kansas, October tth, At regular meetings of the Board of County CoinrtiUdioners held at the County Clerk's office in the City and County of Leavenworth, on the l-th day of September, and on the 3d dy ot'uctobtr, lsTl, the following action was taen: Whereas, The following proposition having lii'i-a submitted to the Board, to-wit: The Board oi County Commissioners of Leavenworth County propose to submit to the qualified voters of said county at the general election to be held on the 7th day of November, a.

i. 1S71, a proposition to subscribe to the capital stock of the Kansas Southern Railway Company, and to issue and deliver to said Company, of Leavenworth County Bond, payable not more than ihirty (30) nor less than twenty (20) years afterdate, hearing interest at the rate o'f seven (7) per cent, per annum, ith a sinking fund for the redemption ol" the bonds, intert st semi-annually in i he City of New YorK, or in the City of Leavenworth," Kansas, as said Company may eU-ct. and also to dispose of, transit and deliver to said Company six thousand shares of tlie stock oi the Plavte -City anil Kort lies Moines Railroad Company, now owned by said County, upon tlie terms, conditions, and considerations following: Said Railway Company propose to construct, or cause to be coustrueteu. completed and finished at the rate of one hundred (100) miles each year, alter th? first year, a new, ndependent and first-class line ot railway, ot a gauge of three feet, from a point within the City ot ceavenworin, on tne most i radical through Leavenworth County, in a southwesterly direction, to a point on the Canadian river, so as to torm a junction with the Atlantic Pacific Railroad in the Indian Territory, nnd propose to make Leavenworth the eastern terminus of said road, and to establish in said city the principal office ot the Company-, and to erect the necessary depots and machine shops within "the limits ol said city. AVhen said Company shall have constructed or caused to be constructed, said railway from the Citv of Leavenworth, through Alexandria and High Prairie, or through Fairmount and townsnips in saia couniy to ine Kansas river, on a new and independent route.

said $150,100 ot the bonis ot Leavenworth Countv. a9 herein stated, shaU be delivered to said company by the trustee, hereafter to be named, aim wnen nity miles oi saia road is con-trucled said six thousand shares of stock shall be delivered to said Company by tbe trustee to be hereafter named. Said Company hall, on or belore the hrst day ot January next determine on which (of tne aforesaid) routes their railway shall be located. The said stock and bonds are to be placed in the keeping of a trustee selected for that purpose by the Board of County Commissioners and tne Board ol Directors of said Railway Company, who is to hold said stock and bonds trust, and not to deliver the same to said Railway Company until said Railway Compa ny complies with the terms ana conditions herein mentioned; and on failure of said Company to comply with the terms and conditions herein mentioned, such trustee is then, on the order of the Board of County Commissioners of Leavenworth I ounty. to return anu uenver up said stock and bonds herein stated.

In the event that said bonds shall he author ized to be issued, and the stock in said Railway Company 6hall be authorized to be sub scribed for by the vote submitted, when such subscription shall be made, the stock so subscribed shall be disposed of and assigned to the President of said Company for the consideration of one dollar, upon the terms and conditions herein stated; and the assignment thereof to be deposited with the trustee to be selected as herein uroviuea lor. ana aeuv- ered with them to said Railway Company when said bonds shall be delivered. The coupons due on said bonds at the time said company shall be entitled to their possession, shall be returned to said county lor cancellation. In the event that the Kansas Pacific Railway Company should before the first day of Janu ary, give a goou kuii vaim uongauuii iu the county of Leavenworth, which shall be satisfactory to the Board of County Commissioners of paid county, that said last named company will construct, complete and operate an extension of their said road from a point thereon not further east than Perry ville to the citv of Leavenworth before the first day of January, 1873, said Kansas Southern Railway Company shall adopt the southern route, crossing the Kansas river at or near UeSoto, and Whereas, The Boaid of County Commissioners having deemed it to be the interest of the county of Leavenworth, that the propositions here'inbefore mentioned lor disposing of i he stock owned by said county, and issuing bonds as proposed, be subm tied to the qualified electors of said county, for their acceptance or rejection, have passed the following resolutions- to-wit: Resolved, That the submission of the ques tion to the people as to whetrer the stock of Leavenworth county in the Platte City Fort les Moines Kaiiroau company shall be transferred anil disposed of to tbe Kansas Southern Railway Company, and $130, CC0 of the bonds of said county shill be issued to said Kansas Southern Railway Company, be upon the lh uav Ol loveilioei JOii, Ul me gutierui circiiuu to be then held, upon the terms and conditions heretofore prescribed by the Board ol County Commissioners, and in accordance with the laws and statutes ol the State ot Kansas. Resolved.

That no: ice of the election called for on said 7th of Nov. 1S71, for the qualified electors of Leavenworth county, to vote on the proposition to dispose ot the stocK ot saia i ea-venworth countv, in the Platte City Fort lies Moines Railroad Company, to the Kansas Southern Railway Company, ami to issue to said Kansas southern Railway company bonds ot the county ol Leavenwcrtii to tu amount of $150,000, be published in all the daPy and weekly newspapers in said county thirty (30) ilavs previous to said election. Resolved, 'that the County Clerk 1 ordered to prepare tne notices lor tne amerni newspa pers in the city of Leavenworth and deliver to each of said papers a copy of the same for pub lication asaoove menuoneu. Re it fcuewn, Therefore, that in compliance with the foregoing action of the Board of County Commissioners of Leavenworth Coun ty, Kansas, 3arotoe Is hereby given, that at the general election to be held on Tuesday, the 7th day ot" November, ltiTl, at tbe lejral voting preeincts in said county, the following questions shall be voted on: Shall the said Board of County Commisi ionera dispose of the stock owned by said Leavenworth county in the Platte City and Fort Des Moines Railroad Com pany, and shall said countv lesuu to said Kan sas Southern Uailway Conioany, bonds of the county to the arnount of $150,000 payable in not more than thirty (30) nor less than twenty (20) years, witn interest payauie senu-annnai-lv. at the rate of seven (7) per cent.

in accordance with the foreeoinu propositions. The voting on said questions at said general election to be uy ballot on which shall be written or printed the words "For disposal ot'stock in the Platte City and Fort Des Mo nea Kauroad company to the Kan- eaa Mmitlwrn liailwftv omiianv. or. "Against disposal of stock in the Platte City and ort Des Moines Railway Company, to the Kansas Southern Railway Company and ITnon the ouestion ol the couniy oi heaven worth subscribing to the capital stock of said Railway company in the sum of $150,100, those in favor will vote a ballot having thereon writ ten or printed the words: "For subscribing $150,000 to the capital stocE oi me Kansas Southern Railway Company, upon the terms and conditions stipulated." Those opposed will vote a ballot having thereon written or nrinted the words; "Against subscribing $150,000 to the capital stock of the Kansas Southern Railway Company." The electors at said general election to vote lor or against eitner or Dotn oi me proposi' tions, for disposing of the stock of said coun tv. or lor issuing its oonas as propoeea.

By order ot the Board O. DIEFENDORF, Oct" County Clerk TI7ATCH FHEE, $30 da Mm. BO hnmbu AddnM with ItUBP, jl 1114 DAILY, TRI-WEEKLY, WEEKLY. Office 21 Delaware Street. Tub Lkavtcnworth Commercial Is published every morning, except Monday, by mail, one year, Ten Dollars, lo clubs of Three by mail.

Twenty-eight Dollars: of Dollars; of Ten, Eighty Dollars. Served by carriers Six Times a Week, Twenty-five cents. Tub Tri-Weekly Published Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, Five Dollars year; Three copies, Fourteen Dollars; Five copies Twknty-two Dollars; Ten copies Forty Dollars. This Weekly Two Dollars a year; Threecopies, Five Dollars; Fivecopies, Eight Dollars; Ten copies, Fifteen Dollars; Twenty copies, Twenty-five Dollars. Additions can be made to clubs at any time at club rates.

Ten per cent, commission allowed to Agents getting up clubs. Papers not sent unless paid in advance, nd invariably discontinued at the end of time paid for. Remittances can be made at our risk in Drafts, Postotflee Orders or Registered Address "The Commercial." FOR SALE. HIJSOAKIAS HAY FOR Abeut sixty tons of lirst-cUs Hungarian Hay for sale in stack on farm, three miles from city. Apply on the premises to L.

C. Duval, (label's place, opposite Col. Jennison's, Lawrence road, or to Ilo'pkins Graham. 817 Delaware street, City. octocHi SALE.

SCHOLARSHIP in the Capitol Commercial College, St. Louis. Oood terms given. Apply at this office. WANTED.

ITHATIO.M A to respectable woman, as housekeeper, in town or country. Keterences given Apply at Commercial Counting Room. oct5cl42 SEAL ESTATE. JONES HOWELL, Real Estate Brokers, FOURTH STREET, FIRST NA TIONAL BANK BUILDING, HAVE FOR SALE FARMS IN Leavenworth county, and choice unimproved lands throughout the State; 'or-jrv PROPERTY, Desirable Lots and Residences. For Sale.

ONE OF THE BEST IMPROV-ed farms in Leavenworth county, containing 161) acres; all fenced, good water and timber, line dwelling house, barn and other buildings; seven miles from the city; has fruit of all kinds; will be old low. Apply to JONES HOWELL, Fourth first door north of Delaware. For Sale. FARM OF 80 ACRES, ABOUT even miles from the city; fine dwelling house: all under fence; price, 130 per acre: terms easy. Apply to JONES HOWELL, For Sale, HOUSE ON MIAMI STREET, two lots; house has live rooms and cellar; good cistern; will be sold low.

Apply to JONES HOWELL. For Sale. HOUSE AND LOT IN SOUTH Leavenworth; house is one and a half stories, with basement; good well of water; plenty of water, plenty of fruit; price only S900. Apply to 891 JONES HOWELL. JAMES HALL GENERAL REAL ESTATE AGENTS, 9 Delaware Leavenworth.

Special Agent for Kansas Pacific Railroad Lands. 6,000,000 acres, $2 to $5 per acre, Five Yean Credit, 6 percent. interest-or 10 per cent, off for cash further particulars, send or eall for descriptive circulars, sept 23c 132 80 Acre Farm for Sale. 9 MILES SOUTHWEST OF city, near Lawrence road, for 20 acres plow land, balance In clover; young orchard, and pasture; good new house, stone walled cellar, full size: choice well of water; stabling tor 18 head of stock. Would also sell team, 9 milch cows, young stock, and farm implements, all of which Is adapted to the dairy business.

Terms made easy. For particular, see JAMES HALL ept24cl33-sun 9 Delaware St. SOW IS THE lit 51 TO BUY JEt. eal OR SALE. A SPLENDID Farm of 100 acres, good new house, some fruit trees; VA miles from Stranger Station or the iv.

P. K. it. ana r.4 irom Leavenworth. Price, $20 per acre.

A SMALL FARM OF FORTY acres, all fenced, with 25 in cultivation; near a new school house, and 14 miles southwest of the city. Piice, $20 per acre. ANOTHER OF EIGHTY acres near the one above, 25 in cultivation, 80 pasture, all fenced except 10 of timber; small bouse, about forty bearing fruit trees, Ac. $25 per acre. ANOTHER OF 80 ACRES, all fenced.

35 in cultivation, remainder pasture, with plenty of water, good cottage, cellar, well and cistern; six miles from the city, in one of the best neighborhoods in Kansas. ANOTHER OF 40 ACRES, good house, barn, orchard, near the city; offered lor a few days onlv. Kara chance in both of th laSt, on liberal terms. ALSO A BRICK HOUSE, story and a hair high, with lour rooms, cellar, cistern, well, and three lots, with fruit. in South Leaven worth.

Price, $1,000. Apply soon to J. N. BEARD S. Fifth street, Leavenworth, Kas, oct3c.140dAw UREAL 1ISTATEM REAL TESTATE OFFICX OF A.


4th and 5th 100 Acres Cheap. ff 8 MILES OUT on the Lecompton road. Plenty oi timber, the balance prairie, A. F. CALLAHAN, 417 iS'bawnee, To Exchange.

1 nd ACRES IN OSAGE CO luU ft miles, from Burliosrame, flu fanning land, for residence in North Learenworth. A.F.CALLAHAN, 417 A'hawnee Residence for $800, XXOUSE AND LQTS ON DEL- 1 ware ana a inth 3 rooms, stable eknern, Dearmx iruu, snrunnery, etc. A. F. CALL A A AN, 417 A'hawnee.

For Rent. CJEVERAL, GOOD DWELLING IO houaea for rent in Leaven worth. Alto vacant bouses lolicited for rtnti nd renter furnisned. GALLA.HA.N, 4X7 tfhawnee, 9 H. SAUNDERS.

MILLINERY AND LICE GOODS. John H. Cannon (Successors to E. G.Tuttle Co.) Wholesale Dealers in STRAW fc SILK miLLIIMERY GOODS. 602 N.

FOURTH STREET, (Cor. St. Charles, over U. S. Express Office,) S-AJEJSTT LOUIS.

ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED JOHN V- FAR WELL Wholesale Dealers in Gr NOTI ON8, and WOOLENS, 106, 108, 110 and 112 Wabash Avenue, CHICAGO, SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CEL-ebrated Railroad Brand Black Alpacas. Every Merchant should have a lull Line of them in stock. auglca5 MANUFACTURING. GEO. EAUFFM1N.

M. STKCH GEO. KAUFFMAN Co. BRii'S JWDRY. Brass Castings of every description nade to order, and finishing, in the best style, promptly done.

Repairing of all kinds carefully done Machines. Locks, Safes and all otnerr tides in the line, repaired in the Desi. most careful manner. Iron Shutters, Doors, Gratings, Fences, made to order. FAUCETS (long)for beer ban els, mauo Especially, and warranted.

Geo. Kanfiman Co, No. 64 SHAWNEE bet. 4tt and 5th may5-y-22S. Columbia Steam Brewery' BRAIfDOIT KIREMEYEE, BREWERS OF CREAM STOCK ALES, PORTER, BlERAPLAuERBM Manufacturers of Soda Water.

CORSBS 8BCOITD HO KIOWA ITIIIT8. LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS All orders promptly filled. feb24x158 LEAVENWORTH POIP- WORKS West Side 5th next door to Bridge. I AM MANUFACTURING THE best and cheapest pump in the mar ket, known as Skelton's improved Force ramp, AND TV AX II ELGTATORT This is a pump with but two valves: will raise a steady stream of water 75 feet. It is decidedly the best pump ever invented.

Leather valves and packing are dispensed with.c onequently they do not get out of repair. They can be seen in operation and are for sie at the manufactory, and one with one hundred and thirty feet tube can be seen at the Daily COMMERCI ALoffice. ZEPTTJVIIS IKED WM. T. SKELTON, Manufacturer.

ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. STATE OF KANSAS," ss In the Probate Court, in and for said County. In the matter of the Estate Ed ward I I. Bird, Deceased. I VTOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN that letters of administration have been granted ta the undersigned on the estate of Edward Bird, late of said Countv, deceased, by the Honorable, the Probate Court of the County and State aforesaid, dated the 4th day of October, A.

D. 1871. Now, all persons having claims against the said estate, are hereby notified, that they must present the same to the undersigned for allowance within one year from the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate, and that it such claims be not exhibited within three years after the date of said letters, thej shall be forever barred. HEXRY HARRIS and JOHN JOSEPH, Administrators ofthe Estate of Edward L. Bird, deceased.

Leavenworth, October 4th, 1S71. oct7zS3wo The only kind mmAa by practical cbMMt, weH mm physician, with apecial reference to iu heeJthml-aeaa. Campotrd of artuin Otat aid digatitm. Perfett tommlitf. BeatUvt HieheaUlaaL Biscuits, cor bread, cakea, peetry, mat only white (aweet) and light, oat wboiaaofue nJ tutritioae.

Um it; prom it. If not as rewmiainartrd. we forfait right to truthfulneam, ZZZSl leaa. cheap imitstaooa. Be anre you get Dr.

frmm tared only by TH0MP805, STEELE yiC tQ. PPi CWtajtj oa Jfc low. BY TELEGRAPH. Thirty Persons Burned New York Politics Affairs in San Domingo Destructive Fire in Chicago LATEST MARKET REPORTS LOXDOX. A Vessel Sinrits Seven Persons Urovsned-Lllerary Piracy.

London, Oct. 7. A newspaper war on literary piracy is in progress here. American publishers of British productions aro denounced, and an international copyright is universally demanded. The smack, Pedro, sunk in the harbor of Yarmouth last night, and seven persons perished by the acei dem.

EUROPE. Spanish Affairs Revolt Turkey. in Madrid, Oct. 7. Sagasta favors a radical policy by the new Government.

Piellan has been appointed Captain ueneral of Madrid, benor Morelo Governor of the city, aod Senor Balogner Administrator of the Department of State, ad interim. Advices received from Mellillft, stale that the revolt of the Kabyles menaces only the dominions of Turkey, who has sent troops to restore order. The Spanish garrison will not act unless an insult is offered to them. The cause of the outbreak was the establishment of a Moorish Custom House on the coast. Madrid, Oct.

7. Senor Balog-ner, Acting Minister of State, has telegraphed Gen. Valmaseda, in Cuba, that the necessary reinforcements will be promptly dispatched, to bold the national authority and preserve the Integrity of the Span ish dominion. Munich, Oct. 7.

Forty-seven members of the party of progress have interpellated the Government concerning the church extension. A reply is promised. Tlie Wisconsin Fires Thirty Persons Burned to Death. Milwaukee, Oct. 7.

1 he news from the Northern fires to-day state that they are raging worse than ever. A man lust arrived at tort Howard from Pensaukee, says that thirty men were burned to death at that place, and part of the town and one mill are destroyed. He thinks that the rest of the houses are gone by this time. From Salt Lake. Salt Lake, October 74:30 p.

m. Geo. S. Cannon, editor and apostle, and Henry W. Lawrence, of the firm of Kimbrell Lawrence; an Ascending Mormon, or Gadite, and a prominent merchant, have been both just arrested by the U.

S. Marshal and held for appearance at tbi9 term of court. The charge in both cases is lascivious cohabitation. Thomas Hawkins was arraigned to-dsy before Judge McKean, on an indictment for adultery, growing out of polygamy, the charge having been made by his first wife, lie plead not guilty, and the U. S.

Attorney gave notice he would be ready for trial on Monday. One hundred and forty -eight thousand dollars in case bullion, and over $100,000 in refined bullion, was received here this week. One hundred and fifty thousand dollars was sent East by Wells, Fargo en Co. The heaviest transaction occurred this week ever known in Utah, over Everything politically and eccles iastically are quiet. The people rid- cule the Idea oi a disturbance or outbreak.

Il is as safe here as in New York or San Francisco, perhaps safer. Episcopal Convention. Baltimore, Oct. 7. In the Epis copal Convention a message was re ceived from the House ot uistiops transmitting a report, in conformity with the ritual, in wnicn tney re commend that certain acts in the administration of the holy communion and other occasions of public worship, hereinafter prohibited by the convention, viz: ivirst.

ine uce oi incense. Second. Placing or retaining cru cifixes in the church. Third. Carrying a cross in proces sion In church.

Fourth. The use of lights on or about the holy table except when necessary. Jfiftb. The elevation ot tne ele ments in holv communion in such a manner as to expose them to pew people as objects toward which adoration is to be made, or in after prayer consecration, or in act. ad ministrating tnem, or in convejing them to, or firm communicant.

Sixth. Mixing water witn wine as part of the service or in presence of the congregation. Seventh. The washing oi tuc nriests hands, or ablution of the vessels in the presence of the con gregation. Eighth, liowing, crossing, genu flections, prostration, reverence, bowing down, or kissing the noiy table, except as allowed, provided or allowed by Rabric or Canon; it being provided that reverence at the mention of the name of Lord Jesus is not intended to be allowed; and it being further provided that private personal devotion, before or after official ministrations, is not to be understood to include or justify any of the acts that are prohibited.

Ninth. The celebration or receiving of holy communion "by any bishops or priest when no person receive? it with him. Tenth. The employing or permitting of any person or persons not in holy orders to assist the minister in any part of the order for the administration of holy communion. Eleventh.

To secure its observance, the principle declared in the second resolution sent to this house by the house of clerical and lay deputies at the General Convention of 1868, to-wit: That1 in all matters doubtfol reference should be made to the Ordinary, and no charges hall be made against the good counsel nd Judgment Bishop. THE WISCONSIItf FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS Ever Held by ANY ONE HOUSE in the City, at matter. The most startling developments are- anticipated. IIou. E.

J. Purdy, one of the best and most prominent Democrats in this State, died -this morning. Horace a review of the situation, says: That Oakey Hall has embezzled public money and converted it to his own use has not been proved, but still, for signing bills fraudulent on their face, he thinks he ought to resign. I have seen no evidence that Peter B. Sweeney is a public plunderer: rather more so is Judge Hilton.

My judgment as to Tweed is very different. I cannot but believe that a good share of the million paid out of the treasury on his order on immensely exaggerated or utterly fraudulent bills of Inger-8oll, Garvey, Keyeer, Schuyler, Smith, have wound their devious way into his pocket, and been employed to defray his enormous expenditures at Albany and this city and1" elsewhere, and add block after block to his ever growing possessions. NEW THIS DAY. ANTE I. BOARD AND room in a private family, or'where there are a few boarders, by Oct.

17th. Address Lock Box 292, Leavenworth. octTclt." sio.oo it a i. i will pav the above re ward lor ne recovery ol in yoke ot cat tle, described as follows: One is black, with white star in forehead the other is black and white; both have splits in the left ear. A llomanott', Cherokee street, Leavenworth.

octroi 15 N. JENNINGS, DEALER IN CARRIAGES AND Buggies, of all description. All work warranted. Repository No. 417 and 419 Delaware bet Fourth and Fifth.

octScl45 PUBLICATION NOTICE. STATE OF KANSAS. First Judicial District, Leaveswortu colnty.) Iu the District Court sittin; County. said Eucrene B. Allen and Alexander Street, Plaintiffs, vs.

August W. Buvr, Sophia er, D. Jvellcy, James Archer and Louis Espeu- cbeid, Defendants. To the defendants. August AV.

Buver, So phia Buyer, James Archer and Loui Lspeueheid OU AND EACH OF YOU will take notice that you have sued with AV. D. Kellev. defendant, in the District Court of the' First Judicial District of the State of Kansas, by Eu gene B. Allen and Alexander Street, and that the petition was tiled tne omce ct the Clerk of thesaid court on the 15th dav of June A.

D. 1371. and that the said action is now pending in said court, and that you are required to answer the said petition and in the said suit, on or before the 21st day of November, 1S71. aud if you fail to answer or demur to the said petition, on or before the day last afoie-said, the said petition will be taken as true, and judgment rendered for the plaintiffs against the said August AV. Bayer for the amount of the following: For 70, with interest at eight per cent, per annum from Julv 2oth, 170, and $143 91, with interest at twenty-live per cent.

ler annum from Oct. 23d, 1808, and $93.10, with interest at ttventy-tive per cent, per annum from March 4th, $132.80, with interest at twenty-five per cent, per annum from December 29th, and with interest at twenty-five per cent, per annum from December 31st, 1809, and $137.87, with interest at twentv-tive per cent, per annum from January 9th, ISSlJO, and $207.50, with interest at twenty-live per cent, per annum from January 8th, 1870, and costs of suit; and that tne certain nioitgage executed by the defendants, August'W. Bayer, Sophia Bayer, his wife, bearing date on the 20th day of September, A. D. ISi.j, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of the County of Leavenworth, on the 27th day of September.

1805, in book of mortgage 8, on pages 202 and 203, be foreclosed, and the real property therein described and mortgaged, to wit: Lots 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. 13, 1G, 17. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 20, 27, 28 and 29, in block 97, in Day fc Maculay's Addition to the City of Leavenworth, and lots 31,32, and 33, in block 97, in ieaven-worth City proper, all iu eavnworth County and State of Kansas, be sold by the Sheriff of the County of Xeavenworth, according to law, and that the said several claims of the plaintiffs be adjudged to be the first lien upon thesaid parsels of land, and that from the proceeds of such sale, after the payment of the costs of suit, the said several claims and intpr-est so due the plaintiffs, be paid in full, and that the said defendants, and each and every one of them, be forever barred and foreclosed of all right, title, interest and equity of redemption of in and to said parcels of land, aud each and every of them forever. IIURD BIRXIE, rifls. Attys.

PUBLICATION E0TICE. state of Kansas, First Judicial Distric rilCT, NTY.) Leavenworth Cou In the District Court sitting in said County. Joseph A. AVoeber, Plaintiff vs. John Byan and Julia Ryan, Defendants.

To the said defendants, John Ryan and Julia Ryan YOU AND EACH OF YOU have been sued by Joseph A. AVoeber in the District Curt of the First Judicial District, of the State of Kansas, sitting in and for said County of Leavenworth, and that the said plaintiff filed his petition in said action in the office of the Clerk of said court on tne Oth day of September, A. D. 1871; that said "action is now pending iu said court, and that you are required to answer the said petition, and in the said suit, on or before the 21st dav of November, 1871; and it you fail to answer or denjur to. the said petition on or before the day last aforesaid, the said petition will be taken as true aud judgment rendered for the said plaintiil' against the said John Ryan, for the sum of with interest thereon from the first day of August, A.

D. 1870, at the rate of seven per cent, per annum, and for the further sum of ten per cent, upon the amount found due afore the rendition of judgment in said action, as for attorneys fees, and for costs of suit; and that the" certain mortgage executed by the said defendants, John Ryan and Julia Ryan, his wife, bearing date on the first day of August, A. D. 1870, and recorded in. the office of the Register of Deeds, of the County of Leavenworth, on the 18th day of August, 1870, in book of mortgages 27, on pages 473 and 474, be foreclosed, and the real property therein described and mortgaged, to wit: Lot thirty-six (36), in block nine in Kwing and Kollofson's Co's Subdivision of Leavenworth City, in the Coun ty of Leavenworth and State ot Kansas, be sold by the Sheriff of the County of Leavenworth according to law, and that from the proceeds of such sale, after the payment of the costs ot" suit, the said several sums of money and interest so due the said Dlaintiftl be paid in full, and that the said defendants, and each of them, be forever barred and foreclosed of all right, title and interest and equity of redemption in and to said piece and parcel of land.

HURD BIRNIE, octSz02dtaw PltTs Attys. ERCANTILE PRINTING OF every description, done on short notice and at satisfactory prices at office Of (ha COMMERCIAL. 0 V'' i "9 1 if 14 stroyed. At this hour the hre has made a clean sweep from Van Buren street north two blocks to Adams', and west to Clinton, three blocks from the river. The wharves between Van Buren and Jackson streets are burning, and the wood work to the western approach of the Adams' street bridge is entirely destro3'- ed.

A large coal yard containing a thousand tons of soft coal, and situated between the tracks of the Chicago Alton and Pitt9burg Ft. Wayne Railroad and the river, is on firo and burning liercelr. The immense grain elevator of Vincent, Nelson one of the finest in the city, is immediately adjoining, and though intended to be lire proof, there seems little doubt that it will be destroyed. Later 1:30 a. m.

The fire is apparently larger, ahd unabated as ever. A block of buildings on the north side of Van Buren street, which it was thought an hour ago would be saved, are now wrapped in flames. The elevator is safe, so far, and the fire seems to be spreading south and west, notwithstanding the wind is directly is the south and blowiDg hard. The entire fire deparment are now on the ground and making almost superhuman efforts to stay the flames. The losses, probably.already run into millions, and the end is not yet.

IS a ii Domingo Port Ac Prince, Affairs. Sept. 23, via Havana, Oct. 7. It is reported that the recent visit of tho British Charge d'Affairs to the capital of Santo Domingo, was for tne purpose of looking into the scheme for the annexation of that Republic to the United States.

San Domingo's latest advices from the frontier, state that the revolutionists under Cabral were whipped by the forces of Baez, at the village of San Juan, and driven to the llaytian frotier. Cabral and staff narrowly escaped capture. Ca bral reorganized his forces and mado an attack on the army of Baez, recapturing the village and driv ing the President ana nis troops into Azua. Baez's men burned sev eral houses in San Juan and shot the only prisoner taken by them. Suit Decided.

St. Louis, Oct. 7. The case of Win. Hayes against George H.

Roe and E. D. Jones, in the United States Circuit Court, was decided to-dav for the plaintiff in the sum of $23,129. The following is a summary of tho case: In September, 1869, the First National Bank of Washington, commenced an attachment suit here against Perry Fuller for an alleged debt of over $10,000, aud levied on certain merchandise en route to Ottawa, Kansas. Subsequently Wm.

Hayes claimed the goods as his property, whereupon Geo. II. Roe, Pres ident, and E. D. Jones, Cashier, of the Second National Bank here, executed a bond in $50,000 to secure Hayes against loss, and the goods were sold by the sheriff.

Hayes then entered suit against Roe and Jones sorclies for the ashington bank, and the eighteen or twenty hours, returned a verdict as above. The defense was that Fuller owned or had an interest iu the goods attached. Dan. Vorhees, of Indiana, and others for plaintiff, and ex-Senator Henderson and others for the defense. MABKETS BY TELEGRAPH.

MONEY MARKET. New York, Oct. 7. Gold Very firm, at 111(3113, on pur chases by foreign bunkers. Clearancks seventy-turee minion.

Governments in sympathy with srold. but transactions small. All classes of securities are lower in London. The new five per cent L. S.

bonds lell this morning to 25 Pcr cent discount, asjainst 2 per cent yesterday afternoon. The ef fect heri has oeen to advance uie raies on sterling exchange to 109 for sixty days bills, and 110 lor short sight. It is said here that foreign bankers are trying to depress the prices of the new five per cent loan because they were not instrumental in placing it upon the market, but it is probable they will fail, for large orders for the purchase of these securities in London, at the discount they are now being offered at, have been sent forward by cable lor western banks. The syndicate here report that they have sold to banks all those allotted on this side. Stocks Steady JlosEV Easy at f7 per cent.

State bonds Dull. Sterling Exchange Banker's at 109. Bills Coupons 1H81 1S04 new) 1MH Mo. ti's 110 1 1862 115 1865.. 114 1867 114 cur.

G's. 110 114 1U 114J4 NEW KOKK MA It MKT. Nkw York, Oct. 7. FLOUR Dull; superfine $0 350 75; common to good, extra, $0 907 15; good to choice $7 15(57 75; white western, extra.

$7 55(S7 9U. Whisky Heavy; 9Gc. AVhkat Steady Fo 2 spring 1 52 1 04; winter red western $1 581 GO. CHICAUO MARKET. Chicago, Oct.

7. Flour Quiet. AVhkat Firm; Xo 2 spring closed at 1 9o. CoitX ATcaker; No 2 mixed closed at Oats Stronger; No 2 closed at 30 30J4e- Kyk Steady; No 2 closed at 05c. Baulky AVeak and dull No 2 closed at mxe Higuwinks Closed at 92c.

1'rovisions Unchanged. l'ORK Steady. Lard Quiet and unchanged. Hook Quiet; $4 154 50. CATTLK Dull; $2 50(34 7,5.

T. liOtD MARKET. St. Louis, Oct. 7.

Flour nbannred. -Quiet and nominally tin- AVheaT Dull and lower; No 4 red $1 30 32; No 3 $1 361 38; No 2 $1 50lf8. Corn Slow and favors buyers; yellow 47c. white mixed 4S50c, in bulk; choice yellow 57e, white 5859c, sackea. Oats Dull and easier for buyers; mix-40c, -white 41(242c, sacked.

Barley Slow and unchanged; No 2 spring G0G5c; No 1 Minnesota 7580c. Ryk-Du11 and easier; 7075e. Pork Dull; $12 7513 00. Bacon Active and firm; shoulders 7c; clear rib TAW, elear sides 7 8c. Lard Unchanged; tierce HIGH wines Lower; 93c.

Cattle Quiet and unchanged; Texan 11 2o3 00; native $1 504 50, HOG8-I3 75 4 65. DRESS SILKS. SATINS, VELVETEENS GOODS. In Stock A Variety, in all the Water Proof Cloth, in all shades, German Tickings, Towelings, Vienna and French Brochee bnaw Is, Nottingham Laco Cnrtain Goods, Josephine Seamless Gloves, LOW RICES! and Fifth Streets, OF Prices Than Before Kise. and CJoakings, Almost JI.

BENEDIKT. DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. Havo Just Opened a FULL 11 TV OF Lupin's and Alexandre's Kid Gloves, single and double buttons, in black colors. NEW LACE SETS AND LACE Collars, in the new shapes. THOM1 ting HOMPSONS GLOVE FIT- orsets.

T-TOSIERY' FOR LADIES AND Children BLACK GUIPURE LACES AND new Freneh Gimps. Ladies and Gents Hand kerchiefs. WE CALL THE ATTENTION IT ofthe public to the above named goods, wlncli we oner at the Lowest Market Prices Our goods are all new and the best to be louiui mis iuarKev. Call and Examine Our Stock Old No.79 Delaware Bet. Third and Fourth St GEO.


St. LEAVENWOfcTTH, KANS. Will practice in the State and Judicial Courts for Kansas and Nebraska. pr30b212w rIP PAPERS-SUITABLE Ff 1 wrapping pnrpoiei. for by BBtmftt tat nun iiu Orm POPLINS, JAPANESE and IRISH, at THE GREATEST REDUCTION IX ALL DEPARTMENTS.


COR. AND FIFTH STREETS, B-Edinburff Ales, London. Porter and Stout kept constantly on hand mar. 8 yl5d C.R.M0REHEAD& CO. WUULKSALE GKOCEBS, EOJIMISSION MERCHMTS, AND AGENTS FOB THE OHIO RIVER SALT "With a lapge stock always on hand.

50 MAIN STREET, and 36 LEVEE LEAVENWORTH, KS. CONSTANTLY ON 13hand a large and well assorted stock of STAPLE AND FANCY OCERIES AND PKOVI SI OUSTS. We keep a Buyer in the East who buys of Importers and Jlanutacturers tor casn. Purchasing in large quantities enable us ta SELL AS LOW AS IN ST. LOUIS, WB IBTITa Buyers to call and see our Stock jnnel CARPETIXGS.

E. HOLLISTER CO Succsssors to Hollister PJielp3, Wholesale tc Retail CARPET WAREHOUSE, 114 116 STATE St. CHICAGO, ILLS. The largest Stock to be found West of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings, CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES and TRIMMINGS.M ATTRESS-ES, BEDDING, And General House Furnishing Goods. Prime Live Geese Feathers WE INVITE THE ATTEN-tion of all buyers, either at wholesale or retail, to our splendid assortment, and assure them that they will find it to their interest to examine our stock before purchasing.

Our Personal Attention given to Orders and SATISFACTION GUARANTEED in all cases. sept20o.12Seodtw.fciw HOTELS. ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL Fourth Street, between Waahing- ton ana JfranKiin Avenuea. i ST.

LOUIS, MO A FIRST CLASS HOTEL. AT SECOND CLASS PRICES. -J- ARGE HOUSE, AIRY ROJOMS newly furnished, unequalled tables, and everything first class. teJ8v371 Trnrrietnr. PROPOSALS Office Kansas Central E't Co.

Leavenworth, Kas. Oct. 3, 1J1.) PROPOSALS WILL BE RE- ceived at this office until 3 o'clock p. M. Monday.

Oct. 9th, 18.1, for the grad ing, masonry and bridging on the first division of the Kansas Central Railway, (narrow gauge,) beginning at th City of Leavenworth, and running est ten miles. Bids will be received for the whole or anv part of the work. Profile and specifications can be seen at this office. The Company reserve the right to reject anv or ail bids.

The work of locating the line is beinfj pushed vigorously forward, and the next twenty-five miles will be ready for proposals Oct. 25tU. G. W. VAUGHN, oct4cl4l Chief Engineer.

Bacon Bacon 50.000 POUNDS SIDES AND in store and for sale. 800 lbs Fresh butter and Eggs, in store and for sale. Also, CIDER, LARD, BROOMS, CEMENT, PLASTER, LIME, all at WILHITS'B, No. 42 Lr ee. Woolens at Lower The Hosiery Gloves, Cloaks ALL GOODS HAVE BEEN BOUGHT IsEc OKE THE RISE, AJNU No notice will be taken ol tbe advance in Cotton and Wool.

We sell as LOW AS EVER. DRESS GOODS. Call Attention to their SUPERIOR STOCK OF Fall Dress Goods In New Shades. Empress Cloths, new colors; Silk and Wool Epenoglioes, Rep Velours; Yelour Ottomans; Cashmere Francaise Plaid Poplins; French Merionoes; Black Poplins; Black Colored DRESS SILKS. 323 Delaware Street, Bet.

Third and Fourth Sts. srpt20cl28 NOTICE IS hereby given that on the 10th day of October, 1871, the petition of the undersigned for power to sell real estate belonging to the estate of John 11a-loney, deceased, filed (September 29, 1871, will stand for hearing at the Probate court room, in Leavenworth City, at 10 o'clock A. M. JOHN PICKET. Administrator of the estate of John Ma- uep30-c-13 4.

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