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Statesville Record and Landmark from Statesville, North Carolina • Page 7

Statesville, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


TO AHKNI) HTATKSVIM-K'S UHAKTKR. A HIM fiitriMlcirc'il In Ihn IX'Klntnluro for I'nriioicc' WIlHt It Mftitlift. ThiirHilny cSonator Hlwrpn introduced in tlio Henato a bill to amend Ihn charter of HtatOMvillo. Wo haven't soon a o.opy of tho hill, IUKDKl I. MJPKKIOK t'OIJltT.

ifiiflicn Nlnrtinrk ntirl IIIn to tlio (irnncl Jury YfurcriMy-- (Jour! Tlio February term of Irodoll Superior Court began Judge Henry It. Starbuek, of pre- A North AflvnrMilntt C'nr. Mr. W. H.

llarnsaiir, of ChaHotto, and Mr. J. M. Mooro, of Chosier, aro having built a oar which is do figtiod to bring before tho pooplo of Ihu North and Northwest, tho interests ol North Carolina. When oom- CoiiiinUilonaM Fullml to Meet-Other Newi About Tnyliirnvlllit, OorrefliumilfmcQ of Tlio Landmark.

Tho board of county commissioners failed to moot to-day. Messrs. McLain and Alexander sent word that, they wero too unwell to attend i 1.1 i wit l. ar Mr, Deal could not proceed with i i i .1 -i uiilinrr A Mn pffrli- HrcltriM nrrmfl-'II t- pleiOd tllO Car Will DO IIUO'l a but wo umlen-taml that it provides Hiding arid ftoiicitor noiron (i business Epworlb Leaguo moots this evening with K. L.

I'oston. Lit'enfoH to wed havo boon issued to Hoi. VeMal "and Louisa Hmith, Jas. W. Fowlor and Flora E.

Foirn- Hter. Mr. Eugene Crawford, son Mr, W. II. Crawford, of Buthany, entered Prof.

V. Hill's school yes lerday. Miss Hallio Watts, an aged maid- on lady living near Rentier's bridge, diod Friday night and was buried in Oakwood cemetery Saturday. warded for tho election of the board of'aldor- inon by tin; votorw of tho town at largo inwtoad of by wards now, and enlarges the town's boundarius. While such a movement had boon anticipated, it was, in a ineasuro, a sinprisu to most, pooplo for tho reason that no public notice of Mich in tontion had been given.

It in fluid, however, that sucli tiotico i.s not ab Rolutely necessary. Tho bill wan drawn by Mayor Caldwel). He HHJ'H hn drew it at tho of other parties and for- it to Senator Sharpe, and Yonterday was "nasty" veathor. A cold rain falling almost continuously, ice on tho trees aud on tho ground. Tho latter inado walking rather precarious.

mooting of tlio Literary Circle, which was to have boon hold at the residence of Dr. L. White last evening, was postponed, on account of the weuthor, to Wednesday evening. county wero in BOKMon yesterday, all tho members present. About all of yesterday's session wan devoted to auditing claims.

The board will moot again to-day. In remitting a subscription to TUB LASDMAKK Mrs. N. C. Lackey, of Spring Hill, writing under date of January 27th, nays the mer- that personally ho doesn't caro whether it pam-'iiH or not.

Mr. ('aid- well says Mr. Scales started to draw tho bill but WUH prevented on account of a pressure of business, aud he (Cfildwoll) finished it. We from another source that Korno colored men who livo in tbo territory which it is proposed to add to the towu, asked Mr. Scales fand possibly Mr.

Caldwell, too,) to draw tho bill to take thorn in so that their children could got tho advantages of the graded school. Whether colored men had boon coached iu advance we do not know. Tho territory which it is proposed to add to tho town's boundaries embraces all or a portion of tho colored suburb known p.s Wallacetown, and perhaps somo other colored t-ettle- nients in tho vicinity, and also the ing for tho cSuto. Tlfis is Judge cStai buck's first visit to Iredoll, he exhibit of known t-i being one of tho now judges elected cnlniraj, mining two years ago. His Honor i.s voiyj youthful in appoararico but ho pro-j sides with ease and dignity.

Tho grand jury was sworn in with Mr. K. E. King as foreman. Judge cSturbitck began his chargo at 10 and concluded in just a hulf hour.

Ho explained to tho grand jurors what their duties wero, but didn't enumerate tho whole catalogue of contenting himself with ox plaining tho ofToncos of murder and burglary and what constituted those offences in the different degrees which tho law provides. Ho charged all tho products Rgri- iniinnfacturing, horticultural, ID in oral and other in- i The car will then bo taken i to various points throughout the; North and Wont, where tho exhibit will by open to tho inspection of tho people. In short, tho ear designed to bo a "North Carolina Rolling Exposition," and it. will bcc one of the best advertisements for the State and its resources that could be devised, and will doubtless be tho means of attracting much immigration and capital to us. Many of our pooplo will recall that a similar advertising car for tho State of Florida visited the grand jurors to ascertain if Statesvillo somo years ago.

wero any orphans in thocounty wit out guardians or not apprenticed, fio that provision could bo made for them, and also to examine the public the inmates oury has bct-n Maudinfj at 10'' bolow i colored settlorawnt known "Ji-ix x.ero at that plm-o alinoM coctiuu-! Car flow," on north Tradd utroot. onsly for throw days. I Tho objet'tt of tho aro puro- -The convict c-amp. which i'i' political. It is a njuveiuent to been locatt.d nt-nr Itrry, on tuk 1li t' 1 Kovornmont out ot tuo tho Catawba will bo movr-d to- i of tho i for that day.

Tho convicts arid camp equip-i rnent will bo brought hi-ie to-day; and to-morrow will be taken to a 1 point beyond Rocky creek, in Now Hope township. i case of Madison vs. Madison, in which the wife had brought suit again-t vlic hn.Oiand for abandonment, which was for trial before Lewis last Friday, was not trieii fur the reason that neither plaintiff nor defendant appeared for trial. To-day is ground hiig day. If tho "varmint" cumes "lit aud sees bis shadow he will back into his hole nnd I In-re will bo MX weeks more of winter weather.

It ho does not ECO his he remain above ground and means that winter "is broke." Thus sayeth tho prophet. Tlnsn Are III. Mr. J. J.

of Bethany, was reported ill with pneumonia the latti-r part Dr. M. W. Hill was out for tho fin-t time iu a ar.d then only becaiiai! ho was a witness iu court. Mrs.

Hill aud the chiidrc-u havo also been sick. Homo of Our l-'ollfi In I'lsnrlnltp. The (Jlntrter pays Mr. and Mrs. D.

H. Anderson, of Charlotte, entertain rd a number of young people at tea Thursday evening. Among the guests wero Miss Celeste Anderson and Messrs. Geo. II.

and P. purpoKO alone. If any of tho projectors or defenders of tho proposed change can offer any other excuse for it the of THE LANUMAKK are open to them to show it. There aro enough colored voters, probably, iu the territory which it is proposed to add to make tin- town Republican. Under conditions they might bo able to elect a mayor but could not control the board of hetico Iho abolition tbo election of tho aldermen by wardf.

Tho c.hitLgi! CHI! add nothing to Statesviile. It will bring in some new ttrntory in which streets will to be kept up. Tiur is hi- rendy burdoriid this more than it can keep in proper condition. Tho change will also add a large number of children to an already overcrowded gradtu school. Tho schi.iol t'uiiii now is not sufficient to run the schools and it takes the closest ot' management to make it pan out.

An hdditinn of children laeaus extra teaching torcu aud that means more money aud a consequent increase iu taxa'iou. It may bu added that the levy for graded schools is almost to tho limit now. We hardly think anybody will say that the taxable property aud polls in tho now territory will mako up for tho increased outlay necessary. No. As wo see it tho movement us an effort to gerrymander tho towu and place its government iu the lands of a class the majority of buildings.

In regard to of the poor house and jail ho sa they woro not to bo provided with luxuries but must, havo substantial comforts, and ho particularly enjoined the grand jurors to see that the criminals and paupers wero properly provided for. Deputy Sh'-nff Scroggs was sworn iij officer of the grand jury. Tho following cases on the Stale I docket were disposed of yesterday I Tom Smith and LOB Smith, assault with deadly weapon Lon not guilty Tom guilty $'M and Kansas hi.shrnan, fornication and adultery: plead guilt)' four months ir jail. Will Chftfeter, larceny plead guilty months on chain ganir. Wilson, carrying concealed pnictic and -I Messrs.

Ram sour Mooro, mana gors of tho enterprise, desire to ol) tain tho best possible specimens of the State's resources to put in this exhibit, and parties who havo such specimens whotild communicate with them at Charlotte. Mr. Chas. H. a special pension examiner of Washington, D.

and Mr. H. T. Gregory, postoffice alone. The day has been very inclement and few people wore in town.

One-half interest in the Norton mills, near Hiddonito, was sold hore to day by Mr. Trios. Watts, mort- gagee. Mr. IJ.

Mathoson was tho purchaser at tho price of Intelligence was received hore tho first of last week that Mrs. J. W. Hendron, of Carlisle, had been seriously injured in attempting to jump out of a runaway carriage. When last heard from she was pronounced out, of danger.

Her injuries, while very painful, are not so serious. Groat interest was manifested in her case until favorable news was hoard. Tho young people of tho town had an old-fashioned "candy pulling" at Mrs. Capt. Claud Morrison's Friday evening.

Tho occasion was very enjoyable. Mrs. Morrison proved herself a most charming hostess, as she always does, and those present wont away feeling that they had been royally entertained. Messrs. R.

B. Burke and F. A. Linney, of the Taylorsville bar, went down to Statesvillo court this morning. Others will go in the morning.

A little child of Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Pope died somo days since with diphtheria.

This makes two inspector, wore in town last wcmk on official business. Mr. J. A., one of members of the Legislature, came homo Saturday night on a visit to his dren those unhappy parents have family.

Ho returns to-day. Mr. I this winter. Hartui-HM reports that his colleague, I Mr. W.

C. Popo is reported very Dr. McLolland, is.Mck but was better low with the grippe at bis place of when he left Raleigh business near Olin, in Irodell county. Judge Furchos and Mr. W.

Mr. W. P. Echord has moved back Lewis went to Raleigh Sunday. Tho his residence in the west end of lattor went to bo examined by the town.

Supretuo Court yt'nterdHy for weapons plead guilty guil- ihn Rupert, abandonment ty five months on chain traiif Howard et al congregation nut guilty. Jichn Brown, carrjing concealed guilty anil costs. a number of physicians find dentists in the county had been indicted for fV.iun- to pay tho $10 tax levied on physicians by the Legisla- Mrs. J. S.

Cobb and daughter, Miss Bessie, of Concord, are the guests of Miss Julia Taylor. Axlejft who is assistant disturbing priuc ipa ot th(J hlt( Senate, was at homo Sunday on visit to his family. Mr. aud Mrs. John F.

hr- Mr. E. L. Hedrick has purchased the Bruce cottage, near the Methodist church. S.

Taylorsville, N. Feb. 1, 1897. Revenue collections at the Statesville office for the month of January aggregated $39,307.29. whom arc what Gov.

Rusell describe Anderson, "WiUio Carlton aud Henry I hu inaugural address as "propor- Fowler, of Statesvillo. i tyleas and moneyless." A similar eE- Tho same paper says Miss Jessie fort was made two yoat-s ago. It fail- Spencer, of Charlotte, has issued cards for an at homo to bo given next Thursday evening in of Miss Gftfckhifi of Virginia, and Miss Audorson of Statenville. Itoaril iif Tho board of aldermen wero iu session yesterday afternoon. A number of bills were ordered paid.

Mr. W. G. Kareher was allowed $4 per month for threo months for keeping up (ires in the engine house, and the coloied (ire yom pany was allowed two oil cans. A resolution protesting against any change iu tho town charter was unanimously adopted.

It was ordered that ex THX Collectors Lazenby and Mills bo notified to have final KottU-ment with tho finance committee on or before March 1. Wantonly Shut Uolureil liny. Last Friday Claudo Fesporman, who liven in tho vicinity of Trout- mau's, met Shirley King, a colored boy, beyond tho depot. Fesporman was carrying a gun and Iho boy was carrying a rabbit. Fosporman asked permission to shoot tho rabbit but the boy told him it was already dead Notwithstanding this answer Fosper- mau blasted away.

Whether ho hit the already doad cotton tail was not in evidence but ho put a load of thot in King's leg. Tho wound i.s not considered serious but is a painful one. Foi-poimttn wasdiinking when tho shooting occurred. Ho waw ur rot-ted and given a heating bel'm-e Justico Lewis, who sent him to j.til in default of $100 bail. ed then.

Whether it will succeed this time wo do not know. Tho board of aldermen have entered their uniuii- mous protest against it and petitions i wero being circulated yesterday i against it and wore liberally signed, Thotoaio somo Republicans who are opposed to the hue of Several of these were submitted and paid the costs. Iu addition to ihe tax of $10 the amount-: to about. $11 75 in etich caso. XOTKS.

Clerk Fur-chcs is sick and Deputy; Clerk Cooiiu holding tho fort i alone. It looks natural to see Sheriff Wy- coft' iu charge of tho court again i He is assisted by Deputy W. D. Temple-ton. Tho cleaning thesht.r iff had previously givon court room 'unproved its appearance very much.

Two jurors, J. W. and J. A. Reid, failed to answer at.

roll I call yesterday morning and woro! out. S'ion IT Wycoff has a- card from Mr. Vanstory stating that i he is sick. i Tho grand jury yesterday found true, bills for larceny ntrainst Everett Smith, in two cases. This refers to; tho court hmiso robbery.

i I Trial of canes on tho State docket i will probably consume tho entire! wetk. The civil docket will bo taken 1 up Monday. The court with necessary changes rnado, is re-! printed in this and jurors and i witnesses will take notice aud gov-j ern themselves accordingly. rived here Thursday evening and aro stopping at Mr. J.

S. McRm ie's. It is their ihst. visit to Siatcsvi.le s-icce their mairiage last November and their numerous jravo them a cordial welcome. They will bo here about teu days, when will go to i.i'iidM'uro to visit her.

patents. Mu- v.iii tetuiti here his iht-ir oo pie li! ma ke Chambers and Mr. and family, of Hills- ived hero Friday on a os in towi.i avid the home. Mr. EhtTiez Wash White boro, 111., arr to re'ativ try.

F. A. Lurm-v li. of the Taylorsyille bar, ate among the visiting rs at court: Messrs. Henry II off man of Charleston, Sol.

Clarke, of Atlanta, A Will Pinkus, of Now York, and Ed. Rintols, of Ch.iilottf!, an-liHni to at-1 tend tho Pinkus-Clarko marriage this i evening. Miss Gerirnds Wood and Miss Ma rie Gregory left yesterday fur Wash iiigtou. Miss Wood be the guest cf of Mr. and Mrs.

W. J. C-iite und will A remain iii Washington uu-il al'tortho inauguration. NKW AIJVKHTIME.1IES. FOUND GDILTY! and sentenced to be sold at 15 and 20 per cent, discount.

A fleeting. Stores AnT Grates Found guilty of occu- pying too much room. U.P.Flanigan&Sons. Mr. J.

M. Gilibs is now with and will be glad for his friends to see him when needing anything iu our Hue. NEW RUGGLES TULL, Iu ptjmi hu ch Pri Proabvterian IIB not MAOH1MST.S IM.IJMHKKS, IKIVO openiul un Ci'nti-r Htvoet Cien- iM-nl Shop fur nt nil kinils uf J'lpo Flllliifjs, I'liuiiljliip, All uf I'ljiM knpti'iii liniiil.nlHii Flltlns-'s, Inji'i'tnrs, Oil clnp.s, Bli'yc'lnmiiiil MitiMilnnM. Eslliiidii-s fiu-iilshocl tur Wa- ti-r Wii'rkHttnil I'liiinbliiK. Ri'spuetfnlly, 1 TULL.

mi Mr. Tim Clurko THM Kvfptrig, This evening at 0 o'clock tho uiar- of Miss Sara Pinkus and Mr. Sol. L. Clarlio will bo celebrated in Tomplo Emanuol.

The ceremony will bo performed according to tho rites of thfl Jewish Church by liov. K. N. Culiseh, of Itichtnond, Va Tho ushers will bo Messrs. Isidore i Wallace, Isidore Stephany, Loon Hi(l 1Mm(lo Clarke, Sol.

Clarke, of Atlanta, and Will of Now Yoik. Miss Hattio Pinkus, sister of the brido, will bo uu i I of honor, and Mr. Emilo Clarke, brother of tho yioorn, will bo boat man. Tho brido will bo fjivon away by her father, Mr. Louis weather a drawback.

Tho at-j mosphero inside the church, too, WBS a reminder of a refrigerator. These i thiugs prevented tho reception's be- ing conspicuous as a success save in tho musieal programme. It was as follows, the rofrular choir assisted by Miss Gortrudo Robbius, Dr. Turner and Messrs. Sloop uud Sloan C'liiirua "Hai-k, tho AIIKI-IH liiif Hul.

Dr. Tumor ii-hirl limn Witltoii mill Mi-. Uuly City," II it is, ii. A'-liuiiH. Pinkus.

Miss Jossio Fowler hi- 1-1 1 MI-H. 1'iifct Tliu Vigilant tliu ItlUllHMISi-lll'lll. Mlsa Huljbliis, Mr. Mlllrt, Mr. stovi-ti- TO HflTOKS A WITNESSES AIjL 1'AIll'IKS In i-h-ll suits mi.I tlio wltucus- I'H Hii'i-i-'ln m-ii hc-i-i'tiy iiiitliK-il tliuttliu cnli'iulm' tin hiirntcificro IIHH tioi'ii JIH iii'i-i-iilnniliir iHiljUnlit-il they will nut be'ri'iiulri'il In until tin) ilny scit lu HID II.

V. S. O. lly W. 1'.


liiiintcy vs. H. .1. Hyors. T.

L. I'lillLTsmi (r. I 1 J. W. mill Sun-ill Mills.

ci. K. (inilmin 11. W. mill iSm-iiii Mills.

s. Kl.lill-l (J-li-11 C'n. l-'lillld'AHY II. M. I'.

II. Ki'iini'ily vs. Ali-x. K. I'lirsun.

11. Hi'i-nimi Kurhi-ii v.s. J.J. mul W. CII lii'i-i.

U. U. 11 v.s. Uullillnn mul LI HIM Assui'liiHiiu, 1:1. WhlnikiT VK.

Aiiili'i-Hiiii Liuiilii-rt, L. O. vs. (lllhi'il Tiiyl'U- Liiiiilii-i at. tho organ Oflli Ilitcl lloiiii-.

and Dr. Tumor, ehirinot, and Mr. J. F. Harbin, cornet, will play wedding march.

At 8 III) tlmro will bo a rccoption and suppor in Masonic, hall, in the bunk building. Both tho Tomplo and tho hall havo boon haiubioiuol decorated for the occasion, and the event i.s looked forward to with uriu- tniiil interest. TIIK LANDMAIU-: extend-i iu eou- f'Kituialiiius iu to tiie, bridi) groom to be, and hupi-rf their married lifo may always bo M-; bright Satur day uiijht (Jciiistablo rplfor (1 t. Chas. Tiinier wentJNfV tho i tho (lay pree.ediug their woddm riiill.

Hu Ili-l-tlliiVi'll. i Mltti Culver. i Clpiru.i LuiM, llmv Thou Art." I I Tho urogrammo was woll roudored throughout, tho of Miss Worth- inprton and tliu u-losiug chorus by oliiiir ospee.iixlly PO. i nT Now Ailvftl-tlmnziiiii Huggltis Tull, and phunbers, hayo opened a yteuoial repair on north Ctntor stroet. i They aro of experienco.

Me.ssi 1 J. P. Flaniguu iV Sous are nl'l'i'i ing boating stuvus and grains nt and 'JO ptu' cent, discount. Mr. M.

is now with ihoin. ON'T UOUROW VOOB NEItHlBOU'S 1' one ol your own -THE LANDMARK to' por oar, tl tor ir.s..BQc. 3 ma Tha NHUM of MoorcitTlllct. OorrcBpondonco of Tho Landmark, John Freeze and family, after several years' residence in Charlotte, returned fo Mooreaville, their former home, last week. Mrs.

M. £. Houston, after several weeks' stay in Statesville, arrived homo last Wednesday evening. A. Oliver and family, of Huntera- villo, arrived hore Saturday and occupy tbo Overcash bouse, recently vacated by B.

J. Willis. Hov. B. S.

Brown, pastor of the Lutheran church at Troutman'a, occupied the pulpit at the Presbyterian church Sunday morning and both sermons were excellent. Rev. M. H. Hoyle preached at the Methodist church morning and evening.

Rev. W. Y. Love, of Coddle Ureek, preached at Academy Hall in the morning. Services woro also conducted at the Baptist church by the pastor.

A little child of Rufns Honeycntt will bo buried in the town cemetery to-morrow morning. Raining and freezing since noon to day. H. MooreBville, N. Feb.

1, 1897. MARKET REPORT, COKKECTED WEEKLY BY MOORE MILLER, Iteinll BUYISO DA818 NO. 1 QUALITY. grooH--por bushel Onlona Corn Wheat Kyo Outs clay Irish swoot per dozen porpouml North Carolina around FlaniH HldCH HhouMnra green dry aprlng Uf.oHtors Ducks Tallnw Wax Honey COMMENTS Eggs dull. Chickens wanted.

15 80 40 00 65 33 es BO 35 12 8 6 6 10 8 A 4 0 8 30 8 JMnrkef. 8TATESVILLK, N. 0., Feb. 2, 1897, BtrlotQood Middling Oood Middling Middling find Stains Weak. 9 A.

M. NEW A have a few HOB8E8, OAJjlll HUOQIES, 8URBIE3 ASO HACKS which wo will sell cheap for or oft rlniu. ami see them at our stables. Jan. 2B, 'H7.

MILLS, WYOOFF OOWAS. NOTICE. All porsoiiH having claims against tha mtato ot tho late Uobort Harbin, colored, heruby notified to present them to the under- administrator on or before the 2d day of February, 16'JH, und those Indebted to estate fire requested to Bottle. B. B.

Mcl.augUlln, Ally. J. HABBI5, Feb. 1897. Administrator.

IHOTIDE. All pirBons having claims against tho catate ot U. M. Klstler, deceased, are notified to proaent them to the undersigned administrator on or before tlio 2d day of February, ih'js, nnd those Indebted to said estate aro requested to make prompt it. U.

McLauglillii, Atty. Administrator. Feb. 0, 1H'J7. (JO VEUNMEM 1 POSITIONS.

There are about ofllc-lal positions tinder the U. S. Government, which can only be secured by prising a Olvll Service Examination. Tim chief of tho Civil Service Department of tlila Uureau WHB for several years a member of tlio U. B.

Civil Service Commission, whoso experience and knowledge enables this Bureau to nt you for passing tho required Olvll Service Examination along Government lines, and to mlvlsL you us to Uio proper method to follow to secure an appointment. Write for particulars to NATIONAL INFOBMATION BUBEAU. HOT New York Washington, D. 0. F.

A. SHERRILL COMPANY. aud Mr- CIIMM. Tm-imv wf.nt. wan dark.

nvn deservedly roiiidoneo of near Cook's man's, tho rant for in buggy houso tiod thi) tached to tho Tiout- a war traveled reaching Dry's lonving hini at- buggy, and wont in, with a i join us in eite.lo and wishes on this Thoy didn't find Diy lint while thoy wore iu tho house sumo onu unloosed their horse and tho animal put out for town, leaving Messrs. Kaichei' aud Tinner t.i walk back, which they did. iii--y gol in town they found their hore, uninjured. Nothing diiiiiiti'd, Ihu gniitleiuen iu- turued to hiiuno lint failed to Hud him. Vesteulay eauio to court aud surrendered.

lli-lilli of I.ucint Sniilll Laur i Miiiith tiled at lior homo in tho Hethaiiy Thursday iifjed (i- yi-nrs. The (b'l-easc wa.s a daunhler uf late Hutth U. Hall and sister ol' Di 1 I 10. A. Hall, of and of M.

N. Hull, of enmity. Mr. .1. Ki It.

ijualilied estalo of Jtobt. itld! 1 has (iniiilied ol' tho i-staio of nd Mi-. .1. L. Uiirbiii aduiiuistriitur of 1 Harbin, oolored, do- WKUNli-iDAY, l-'KUUIIAHY ID.

lii. v.s. S'i Itulhvay 17. Mil. Ki'lT vs.

Hu. Kllllvviiy is. C. v.s. li.

Mill-limn. -Jll I.l'j.lllll-r SlH'lllirt VH. IIIIHII 111. TlIl'ltSDAY, l-'LUHl'AUV II. .11.

K. Vrt. Fnillk Slin'litiMl rl ill. rrm.k snilili vs. l-'lriit Culmvil liullillin; mill L.i.'iii AK.vii-liitliHi.

M. 11. d'li'y, v.s. rlty StiUi-svllli 1 W. A.

KiTl- VH. I 1 I 1 Tllllli'. limili'ls v.s. Miii-y Umili-ls. I'lU'iilliti' sii-vi-nsuii vs.

Sti'Vi-iis'iii. U. NY. A. I'nx, iiiliii: 1 Sn.

UiilUvay i. i. .1. L. v.s Sn.

Kullwiiy I'n. i M. i'. v.s. K.

W. Husi, Uruwii vii. .1. li. liyi-rs.

Kmikln vs. tin. Unllwiiy C.i. SA'l'rKHAY, 1:1. vs.

II. I.iui.-. i-lim-i'ii I. I. Hiissi'll.

W.i^in-r .1. T. M. mul M. vs.

A. lli-iiimi i-i Hamburg Edging's in abundance. A great variety of patterns. Cheaper than was ever known or heard of. If you have any to buy you want to see ours.

Just received a new line of Bleached Muslins. Also A Nice Stock of Fancy and Mourning Prints. Another lot of those cheap Black Dress Goods. We pride ourselves on these goods. They cannot be duplicated elsewhere.

We have had a big run on that Bargain Quilt you want any be sure to Yours Truly, at. 980. If call early. ill. M.

Clill-li A. i M. c'lii-iii-ll'is vs. c. II.

i't ul. U. A-'iliciH v.i. Kli-lmr I AilllliU. Ncilv.ll'UY F.

mill .1. M. MIIII-III' W. A. l.llii-i'ii, S.

I'li'lllllllllj! Will' F. A. SHERRILL Dealers in General MeruhandiBe, Jiinuary Statesville, N. 0. Suitors! and'S will takonoto ihu in the court cali'iuiar.

i-r. -i- sif.ii itut i in, i-: I'n: I ma i.sll.'uiiiu- i-i has bi-i-ii e.oiiliiii'd at hninn i'or near week. Th Her husb-iud died about four mout ehild'-en, ihioo sons thiee latter part of lust wee I'listiilli'-e luspeeli'C ciiin horn and it 4.ol<l I ci Occn Dny lU-ii To J.111HIIII itiidi-in. aia it-'fiuul IHo iiuiiii')' lo cjiii-o. oIlicHi a lint'. Uio fur away the inspector overyliiniij; all litjhf aiid A tilU uf I tho olliefi. i 1. H. U. A.

l-'. Citllii-y vi. I'. I. I I.

l.ulllrt Culiiil vs TrllUll'i-rt 'I'llfl lu-l illi'l IIV 21. .1. Illll, iii-i'. N. A.

lillii-'hiiiM III UiiM'iill ivl iinil I I iilli-il Ihu iii'NI Hrt I'm- tluil iliiy. In aOi-ii'l milil Ilic- il'ty llu-y hittiii'i'iiai-'l. In-aril uny Hum ilurl Vi-Hli'lirn ui' Hu 1 I-'. llhi'l 1, Tiiy' My New Goods Arn now opou and I am ready to reeeivo visitors. 1 think I truthfully I havo the aud h.iindsonu'st stock of goods (in my Hue) over to Htalesville.

"Just oxquisite," is what the ladies sav uf them. ILunlsome Uioy are, but I did not liny them to kei-p. 1 bought them to soil. Come in. You will bo to liku the goods, and I wjll try hard to the pnco pieaso you.


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