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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 9

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
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25c per pair Sheetings, Cottons, Towellings SHZETIKO BASQAHTS. -4 Bleached Sheeting, plain nm pure White, good MrncaabU quality. Regular tee. yard. Coronation Bale Trie 2JJg i-4 Heavy Bleached Sheeting, free dreeetag or filling.

Varr avan weave, 19c. quality. Coronation Sal Price jjjjfjg Ready-to-Use Linen Roller Towels tte. Quality. Oeraaattna Bale Price, 10.

BSrary Towel Is made ready tenant up and aae and la fall 1 yarde Ions. aU pure Linen. Ha quality. 41.00 Summer Underskirts CoronsUoa Sal Prtae, aSo. A manufacturer' etack of Fine Percale Underskirts, made up to aell at 41 14 each.

Cat la the lateet styls with deep frills and tharaachly wall finished. Regular It. qual- A Q-tty. Coronation, Bale Prteo 4eCs Bad Floor. i w.e "Not much of a show here now la tie way of service, or anything, ear" the stranger observed to Harry, who had up.

to this pointedly Ignored him. "How many hones does Lady Anne keepf "I know nothing about It." ttmr answered frigidly, and went oa with hie Instructions about unharnessing the cart to Edwin, who waa sealed Inside la lta Inrtotous happiness. "Seeing aba has about three thousand a year, It's my opinion she ought todlvo In smarter style," the youag man observed. I like economy but I hate meanness. And with a title to keep up one ought to show some style.

Deat you think sot" "I must decline to discuss with you affairs which do not concent me." Harry retorted. "But hang It all. they concern me. dear boy 1 Beceuss I am the master here." Oa hie words Susan Jeesop appeared again at the entrance sates and addressed aarsetf with, much polite-aes to Harry. "Lady Anna sere, sir, aha hopes you wlU eome In et once and have tea with her and Miss Morgan.

She told me to run so aa not to mles you." Then she turned- la a tony ana 01a-dalnful to the other man. "Her ladyship regrets ehe cannot eee you. Bhe never receives strangera. Perhape you will write your business." "No, I wont!" the stranger returned, bis dark red ekla becoming sud, dsnly pale with anger. "And I dent want to eee Lady Anne Daubeney any Ottawa Window Cleaning Co.

tta xo I COTTOK ASOAXNK 4 Inch Pure Whlta Cottoa, good house-held quality. Macular 10a 'yard. Coronation Bale v. 7Ce 44 Inoh Full Oraaa Bleached Cotton, tree' from dressing. Regular nonqualify.

coronation Bale price; now. But I Inalat unon aselna Lady Clevel!" CHAPTBR XXXIIL TUB OTHER CLAIMANT. LADY CALVELI What did the maa meant Buaaa Jeesop looked thunderstruck. Oraamee Jeesop put her hands to her ears and made a few trembling steps la the direction of her own door. "Aa' he baa the Clave! eyes, tool aba mattered indistinctly.

The worold ems full of en!" Harry watched and listened la deed silence, intent upon seeing out 'this Inter hide, which he guessed to have a direct bearing upoa kls own Preeeotly Susan recovered her oeaw "There's no each name known ehe eald, and made pa though aha would lead the way for Harry back late the garden. Shall I send Annlng to pat up your horse la the stable, atrr she asked the latter. Before Harry could reply the strange young maa spoke again to Susan. "What yea hut eald to ma was a he observed. "Cant you -eee that I mesa to get ta here, and that I have a right to do eet I have known Lady Anno far yeere, and If you have any aensa you- will take me to her now." That shall not.

sir!" Buaaa exclaimed, growing crimson with anger. "Very well: Then I will eend a mee-eaga to ycur mistreat and wait hare until you eome back to fetch me at her ordera" Ho took a notebook and pencil- from hla pocket, and tearing out 'a leaf. wrote a few.words upon It Then hs asked for aa envelope, and. putting the meaeego matde. he fastened it ap and directed It to Lady Anna "If you'd Ilka a bet," he observed hnpudantly to Harry as ths tatter waa following Susan through the gates, "I'll lay you a hundred to one that whan Lady Anna reade this ehe will eend the girt beak for ma tike a hot.

1 know a lot more about Lady Anne than you will ever guess at." Harry's fists quivered with longing to knock the maa down, but bs could only affect not to notion hie impertinence aa he peeesd within ths precincts of the Abbey. The eky had been growing gradually darker during the last fsw minutes, under a bank of Mack clouds fringed with a lagged sulphurous edgs. and In the tall elms round about the hoaeo the birds were holding a nervous, twittering parliament. At every moment the heat became more clammy and oppressive; the air waa full of electricity, hardly a leaf stirred, and nature seemed to be waiting, holding bach breath far the outbreak of the etorm. An the doors and wlndowe 0T the house were open, but by the time Harry entered the drawing room It bad become so dark that he could hardly distinguish ths two white-clad flgurae Bested near the tea -table aa be came la from the open air.

"Too must help me to reassure Miss Morgan," Lady Anne eald aa she gave Harry her band. "It appeara that ehe Is horribly afraid of thunderstorms, end I tsar wa are going to have a very bed one." 1 "It Is absurd of me," Lilies declared with a nervous break to bar voice. "I was bora during a thunder etutm. but they eend ma half-mad with fright The only thing I can do la to put my THE OTTAWA EVENING JOURNAL, MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1911. N.

POUUN, Limited The Store of Satisfaction LR POUUN, Limited Pillow Slips Ready-to-use The Great CoronationSale Meets with Trisaphant Success Hundred attended the Greet Sale St itl openinj tWi ing. Buying wu enthusiastic and the hum of brisk busineee per- reded the' whole iter. There ebundsnoe of iplendid bargain ready waiting for you to-morrow. Coma early and bre in them. 9c.

Inch Extra Hear Purs White Cottoa, no' ftiilsg, lie. quality. Coronation Sale rrlce aCo 1,500 Yards Fine Swiss Muslin and Persian Lawns, 40 inches wide 15c Quality Coronation Sale Price 5c yd. BAJtoAor saxi or ran usu thexad hosx. QaallUea up Ida Coreaatioa Bala, ISO, pair.

The Hoeleny we offer Is direct from the factory and le pure, fresh and eleea. The color are: Roe. Pink. Pale Pink. Old Rom, Sky Blue, Copenhagen Blue, Ore Maura, alee Brawn and many with dainty Whit polka dota All full fashioned, apllead haele and perfect fating.

Qualltlea to lie. pair. Coreaatioa Sale Price, pair .1 By Gertrude Astbor of Tanorag Leave," The Baatraieatel Ben," The Crime of Moatc Carlo," sec, etc. "Doea Lady- Anna expect you, Blrf 1 Inquired Buean, reoognlslna htm 1 front the description aha had had of the man who had forced a way through the lodge gatee In her absence. tins ought to, anyhow" the young man eald.

his full lips Parting la a grin which revealed two handsome rows of teeth. "1 have mere right here Lady Anna er anyone else I know of "Indeed, sir! Susan Making: at htm. from bead to foot with fine acorn. "Than, perhape. as I'm going through with Lady Aana'a friends, youJU be good enough to give ma your name to take to bar lady-ahrpr Tea can tall her that bar landlord has come.

If yea like, ho eald, thrusting" his hands la hla aocketa and ease king with a alow, provoking lnsolsaea. Thank you. atr. .1 will eay a person who leeea quite right la hla head, and her ladyship will understand. Wttl yon came through with me.

ma'am." Bueea added to LUIaa; rand Mr. Worth, toot" "I am only caning at the ledge. Buean 'lairy eald, as he aheok bands with aa, "Aa aaea aa I have shewn h.dwla bow to manage hla cart, I am going." LIHaa caat a regretful glance beak la bis direction aa she followed Buean. Mr. Warners groom waa met at thle Feint by Oeorga Annlng.

who led him and the two horses towards the etablea and gardener's house In which ha resided, and -which lay 19c. N. POULIN, Limited Spark and O'Connor Strays t. IMPROVISED SPIRIT LAMP Genius of a Camper Over came Difficulties and i Provided Meal A party of Ottawa who have returned from camping up the canal tell a goea ewry ee as how they gave ea imitation of ship-wrecked mariners when they ran out of dry wood and needed a Are ta eeok their dinner. They were travelling In a gasoUns launch and carried a healthy tank of gasoilns along, ee one member of the party took an Md toeeeee eaa and after filling It with send peered la gasoline sufficient to meke the eend assist.

Hs burled the eaa ea the baaah ef the esaal where the, Isaaeh wee moored and touched a match to It. raralns will aa anything, boys." hs sanouBoad, aa the mi Sash ut eptait kuap burned up. Boon a goodly pot of wsssr was boiling and the party had hot coffee for The a Sere Idea le net a new one. The Investor of ths "eampsr'e emergsney lamp." aa It might be termed, le eald ta bs Mr. George Casssroa ef Ottawa.

ROBBED L'RDClt SHADOW OP THE POLICE STATIOV To be robbed within the shadow ef the police station Itself was the unique experience of Joha Seguln, who came here from Montreal en Wednesday. According to Bsguln's story, he arrived on the 11.41 train, and In the afternoon formed the acquaintance of two men. wham ha met la a down town hotel. They were drinking together, and in the. evening nil, three were seated on a bench ta frortl of the' police station.

About 1 o'clock hla new found frlende remarked that they had to keep another engagement and left him. Shortly afterwards be made the Interesting discovery that ha was mlnue hie "wad" which had been In hla loelde pocket and bad eoatalaed a roll of II I bills head In a pillow and hold it over my ears. But perhape this WlU pass over. Do tell me, have you got rid of that horrid man "Susan Is bringing a message from him." Harry explained. The girl entered the drauina-mom at that moment, having stopped ea the way to speak to George Annlng about Harrys horse, and aae presented the letter to her mistress oa a salver.

Lady Anne glanced at It "Soma odious little bounder who save ha has mora right here thaa I have. Miss Morgan telle me," ehe eald as she tore open the envelope. "He must Bhe stopped abort suddenly. The "bounder'e" mmiae had met her eyes and brought Into them a look of astonishment and fear. Bhe grew pale, and remained client for a few momenta Thaa aba erldreeeil Hery.

old you not tall me thle maa waa like your she asked. "I suppose he was, a little, though I am not proud of It" "Dark, and rather Jowlsh-iooktnfl. you told met "Tee." Lady Anne drew a deep breath. Then ehe turned to Buaaa Jeesop. "Bring the person who gave you this message In Buaaa longed to utter a scandalised protest, but did net oare.

Aa soon aa she had departed to pel form her un congenial errand. Harry put rn a word of remonstrance. "Too cannot guess. I am euro," he said, "how offensive thle maa was In manner and la woala. He pretended ta know "He does." "And to be "He mny be." Harry bowed coldly.

TO BE CONTINUED. 2,500 Linen Towels lSc. Quality Sale 10c M00 YAKD8 Htkh IBIBH LDTZlT TOWSLUNO. IT Inehee wide, ell aura Linen Crash tor Keller Towels Reaulsr 14.. quality.

ry Coronation Bale Price. I Ce Linen Glaee Clotlv 14 Inohee wide. In Bed end Blue check, food etandard quality. Regular to. Coronation Bale Price.

Iteennnm of lineal Towelling. Specially Real Irish Linen Handkerchiefs Direct from the Lead of the Shan. rack. II doaan Pine Hemstitched Pure Irish Linen Handkerchiefs. 14 Inch hem.

Regular loc quality. Corona tlaa Bale Prise, la I for A Great Belt Sale Thouaanda at Elastic Bilk, Leather end Fancy Belts, prised lower thaa Belts hare aver before been priced. Oroupa. Not 1 roup Belta that sold up to tea. On eale at J.UC.

No. I Group. Belts that aeld up to Tic On eale at J.t)Ce No. Group. Belta that sold nf up to 11.11..

Dn eale at INBORN LOVE OF BEAUTIFUL May be' Cause of Thieving of Flowers. Which Has Become Common, Espe cially on Mraraire street The folio Are Watching For Theeo Thieves Who Stoea Hoses and Otb- "The passionate love of flowers." esys a famous student of eodolugy. Is a trait found ehlefly among peo ple, and in communltiea of culture, with lofty Ideals and aa Inborn love of the beautiful." Admitting that the learned socio logist la right. It la. perhape, not so strings that certain cltissna, of this horns of culture ehould become passionately fond of ths plants aa to flagrantly transgreee the eighth com mandment, la etesllng them front their fellow-cltlsens end nelghbora.

This mark of culture and refinement has been particularly noticeable dur ing the paat few weeks. Especially has It been noticed on Metcalfe street ln one instance where a prominent dtlaen had gone ta the trouble and expense of putting In two bads of beautlful roesa for ths edification of hla neighbors the flower thieves pcunced upon them within a week, dug up several of the plants and carried them away. la ether places nower boxes have been auntlarly depleted. unlet nose baa had plain clothes sn on the alert for eome' daya In the hope of capturing them or securing eome clue that might lead to a knowledge of the thieves, but aa yet no arreeta aave been maae. A reward Is twine offered br Mr.

Nelson Porter and Mr. Fred Cook for Information which will lead to the arrest and conviction of the culprits. This Is somewhat unusual way of protecting one's property, and al- tllOUSh It ma tf laait tn the a of ths flower thlevee. It may possibly nays, a aeterrent enect 1 NEW AWNINGS iOR HOSPITAL Asxllisry to St, Luke's Are Giving tieneronsly to That Institution. Three large new awnings for the verandahs of St.

Luke's Hospital will be provided by the Ladles' Auxlltsry to that Institution during the eomlng month. Another awning will be sup- piled by Dr. PrsVost The ladles, at their meeting rriday, voted most generously towards the supplies of ths hospital. They will also furnish nsw blinds for every window la the build lag. The donations of the past month were most genaroua.

the Mar Court Club giving three rocking-chairs and three wheeled chairs to be need In the women's puMlo ward. Thle so ciety will also make twelve hemstitch. ed tablecloths for the private wards. Mrs. W.

Co user-is Is aleo -doing eome sewing for ths hospital. Other donations were as follows: Two rockers, two dossa pairs men's and women's shoee, four chairs, refreshments, flowers, a donation ot money, and a refrigerator from the -Ladlea Auxiliary; a baaket of roeee and other Sewers from Mr. D- Chamberlain. Mrs. W.

O. Perley presided over ths session. The next meeting will not be until Friday, September 14th. UTTLB ONES WILL VIEW THE ROSES AT THE FARM Saturday next win be a red letter day for many ot the little ones ot Ottawa. The occasion will be the excursion of the Ottawa Children's Flower Guild.

to tha Experimental Farm. Tola event, owing to the rain WHY NOT PAY AS YOU ENTER Another Case of Mistaken Identity. Peseeagfw oa Ottawa Eleotrle Railway Insulted an Innoceat Paeeea-Bee Who' Paid Rla Fare Conductor Not Apologetically iBOilnod. As rule, the Ottawa Street' Kail-way conductors are polite and Intelligent. There ere a fsw, however, 1 to whom the company would do well to read a lesson in manners.

A passenger on a. Britannia ear the ether night had a disagreeable experience with onee)f these It was about eleven o'clock et nigh and the car wae fairly well filled Tlth residents; from Britannia and other places along the line homeward hound. Ths passenger in question got oa at Preston street The oonduotor made his round and the passenger deposited hie fare. AU want wsll until the Hollsnd avenue station waa reached. There another passenger got on who was known to ths first Orsetlnge were exchanged, end the new arrival took hla eeat betids the other, sad alerted a conversation.

Ths conductor swune along ths I footboard to the eeet whsrs they were. I "Fares, plesss!" hs said. I "Fares Please." The newcomer deposited hie fare. Then the conductor put the box in iront 01 toe other passsnger, ana looked et him Inquiringly. "Fares, I pleaeel" he repeeted sharply.

"But I I think I put In a mid ths ons sccostsd, startled by the unexpected request. Ths conductor looked at him a moment: then a sneer curled his tips "Come eft that stuff," be said, "put In your fare." Hie tone aroused the peasenger. Ha bad felt In hie pocket meanwhile to assure himself that ha had actually paid, finding, ea ha expected, that the lone ticket which he had had waa not I there. He therefore felt euro that he had given It to the conductor. "I don't know that I will put In soother fsre." he eald with eome spirit "I got on at Preston etreet Haven't you been around since then? You certainly collected any ticket Don't you remember It "Com OB, CooM Off." The eenduetoi looked at him I "Aw, corns off, eome oft," he eald, jss hs flourished his box.

"Hers. I can't stand talking all day. Give ue I your fare or I'll put yen oft." The paseenger was now thoroughly I aroused. The people In the car were ell listening, trying to And out what I it was all about The paseenger had been prepared to put In a fare In the first place, to avoid discussion; tbsa the eonduetor'e attitude made him de cide to make the latter see his error. Now ha wae bound to S-g-h-t the I matter out Mo Off, Will Yoa." I "You'll put ms o.

will you? We'll see about eald the passenger. Tbsn he made one more effort In the Interests of peace. "Just tell me thle." he said to ths conductor, "what makee you think I didn't pay my fare?" "Because you lust got on the car with thle guy," snapped the conductor. Indicating the paeeenger'e friend, 1 Then the pesoenger rose la hie -V. i "I'll call on any of theee people here as witnesses." he said, turning to those around htm.

I or did I not get on at Preston street A dosea people epoke up la hie support. "Hs's been elttlng In front of ma all tba time," said a peasenger behind. "He certainly got on before Holland avenue a long time before," said another. Then a paseenger four eeata back areas. A Slight Surprise.

Perhape It'e my fare you are look ing tor," he said, aa he held up a ticket "I got on at Holland avenue." Without a word of apology, without an expression of regret but with a glare at the paseenger as had been bullying, as though he held him rs- sponalble tor his discomfiture, ths Conductor swung back, took the fare tendered, and returned to hla "den" In the rear of the This wu ona ot the cans where a lesson In manners administered to ths conductor would be In the Interest of the Street Hallway Company: Pny aa Yoa Enter." Is not this a strong argument tor the good practice of aa you entsr the car?" and Inclemsnt weather -of last Saturday had' to be poeiponed. However, new arrangements have been oomplet- and It la boned to make the ex cursion more successful than ever. All members, children, and executl ne are aeked to meet et the car waiting room at p.m. The rosea will be eeen la all their perfection and beauty, and aa ths afternoon's outing Is expected to bring a great deal Of pro fit and pleasure. It Is hoped that par ents will do their utmost to have their children attend.

1 Beater TeU Iter Sho Did Not Hard A Hat Of Boos Hood la Her kdy. Mrs. Doaithe P. Cormier, Middle Seek- ville, N.B., "la the spring of 1807 I wad all run down, and tha doctor told me I had not a pint of good blood In my body. 1 took different remedies from doctors, but they did not seem to do me any good.

Alter having taken a lot of diSerent other kinds ot maaictae-u and they did sot eeem to hen Wit Baa. I wes almost in detnair and did not know what to do until my bus-band met a lady and told her about my sickness and she told htm to try Burdock Blood Bitten ee she bad received the greatest benefit from using it My biaband went end bought me a Dotue, and after bavin taken it I fell better, so I kepton using one bottle after another -until I had taken aixln aU and then I waa atrong and welL I am positivs that my being alive to-day a one to we use of Burdock Blood Bitters. Ona spring since then I was not feeling very wall end had a log of work to do. 1 thought I would procure a bottle ot Burdock Blood Bitters end after I bad taken two I was able ta do a lot of bard work all tha smnmer. and I never felt better in my Ufa la the winter of 1906 I bad Pneumonia, and it left mo with a severe pain in the left Bids.

Every when I would get out of bed I tied to ait -down for a while it was ea painful Attar' I bad used Burdock Blood Bitters the pain dlaappeared completely. It has aleo cured me of bleeding piles. I aave raneived so muck benefit front Burdock Blood Bitters tha yoa may publish this as it stay help others Manufactured only by The T. Miibura Col. laavitod, Toronto, Coronation Draperies 8c, Yard, Main Floor.

7 0.3-0-1 OUR PHONE NUMBER, Coronation Decoration Lanterns 10c. Each. Gigantic Sale Summer Silks 50c. and Values at 33c. bat? to announce for Tuesday-one of our Great Annual Midsummer Silk whea wo offer a Urge and extensive range of nw season 'a silk at remarkably low flfure.

'This sals pro-, raises to 'excel all previous attempts. 'There are Tamaline Silks is abodes of Brown, Helio, Navy, Purple, Amethygt, Pale Blue, Wood Rose, Psillette Silks In colors of Old Rose, Copenhagen, Saze Grey, Navy, Reseda, Mauve, and Shell Pink, Black and Whits snd Nary -and White check and strip silks, slso number of dainty colored Foulard Silks in exquisite designs, all this season's shades, snd about 1.00Q yards of nstural color Tusash Silk of beautifully fine qua- 33 lity. Vslues range from 50c. to $1.00. To clesrluesdsjrst, ysrd ai Bee window uispisy.

Unen Suits for the Holidays We have the beat and most up-to-date slock of Linsn and Repp Suits In the city. Beautiful ehades of Light and Dark Blue. Old Rose, Natural. Grey, Black and White, 'In the latest Nsw York styles In a vsrlety of new designs. Boms plsln, others beautifully braided, some with sailor collar street with Blsck and White oneck.

jvavy Blue ana wmte fique unmroings, oinsrs wun cause- ona wus oesuuiuur designs Tsks a look at these prices and styles to plasae the most fastidious. From, per suit. SS.BB to S1S.M $32.50 and $36.00 Silk Suits at $25.00. Ladles' Fins Hsjsh and Pongee Silk suite in dainty shsdss of Natural. Orey.

Tan, Black. Delt. Coronation Blue and Navy. Cut onthe lateet New Tork etylea. beautifully made and finished.

Beg. and Special Tuesday, each. SSS.00 Sale of White Underskirts. i Special clearance of asm pies of Ladle. Fine Nam- Book and Cambric Underskirts, daintily trimmed with lace and embroidery.

To be cleared at Coat Price. $2.50 Ladies' Silk Hose $L89. Ladlee Pure Bilk Stocking with double garter tope and linen soles la shades of Black. White, Pink. Sky.

Champagne and Mauve. Have Blight defects In some cases only a dropped stitch which haa been repaired and hardly noticeable. Regular value ll.i and pair. Special Tuesday, pair BIAS 35c. Mull 25c.

tf Different shsdas and White of 4 Inch Mull. Fine sheer quality, even weave, Swiss manu facture. Regular Ite. Bpeelal Tuesday, yard Ic. 25c.

Cotton Crepe 15c. la a boat ot new color and de stine, mostly Oriental patterns. 17 Inches wide. Regular lie. To clear Tuesday, yard New Hand Bags.

A nsw una ot neat isaiuer Hand Bsgs In plain colors of Green, Brown, Black, Tan and Navy, with two handles and neat gilt tops with patent safety catch. Ona ot the cheapeet Baga this eon. Should sell at 41.44. To clear Tuesday, each Sl-OO 66c. Children! Bonnets at 49c Dainty Bummer Bonnets In Plain Ifuslln and shadow embroidery stylos.

Melon and tinted back effects. Pretty bonnsts for this warm Weather. Reg, 48a. and 4io. each.

Special Tueedeg, each 4 Sc. $1-25 Children's Pique Wash Hats 98c. In three-cornered stylse, trimmed with bows of Pale Blue and Pink ribbon. Smart Summer Hate, 'Reg, 41. ta.

Special Tuesday, each SSc New Side Pleating. In Black and Whlta Mull Marquisette and dotted Swiss Muslin with plsln tucked and laee Insertion border. Special Tuesday goo, SOra and SOc. Wash Belts 60c. A euperlor quality of White Embroidered.

Wssh Belts with dainty pearl bucklee. a classy summer belt-- Special uatua, each Suede and Elastic Belts 60c. Ladles' Suede Belle la colors et Green, Brown, Grey and Black, Elastlo Belts In Navy, Brown, White and a good Black with black and fancy gilt buckles. Special value, each aOo. Toilet Don't forget to Include Toilet Wetsr In your grip, you'll need It thle weather.

We have Colgate's Lllsc, La France Roee and Violet, Plcard'e Toilet Water and Lotion. Roger A Gallet yiolet Toilet Water and Palmer'e Brtse Cham ante Toilet Water and Lotion, All are high class makes. Delightfully cool and refreshing. $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 Parasols at $1.00. Clearance ot Ladles' Fancy! Parasols In plain, striped, polka dot and floral design ta all the new est colors of the season.

Borne with plain. Faietey and Dresden border with plsln and polished natur. al wood handle la crook, straight and dlraotolre styles. Regular 41.44. 41.74 and 41.40.

To clear -Tueeday. S1.00 New Banding. Hsraetltohed Wldowo Lswn Banding In assorted widths. Fine sheer quality. 8peclal value Sao.

and SOc yard. $1.00 Lisle Gloves 60c Ladles' Elbow Length Llsls Gloves in Orey and Tea. Broken suss. Regular pair. To clear Tuesday, pair SOc New Marquisette Trirrirnings.

Just what yoa need to trim your voile or marquisette dresses. On white with Ptnk. Sky and Mauve designs and on Linen ground with colored deelgna. Weahae wall. Prices range Tsc to S4.0S yard.

Perfumes in all Odors' Talcum Powder. 5 Another Bummer necessity. All high clsss mskea are stocked by ue. Including Bedeock's Cut Roeea and Corylopata; Msnnen'e Violet and Bora ted; Royal Vlnolla In Whlta and Flesh color, and Van-: tine Kuteh on Sana Dermal; also lesdlng lines by other well known manufacturers. Special' Neckwear 60c- New White Plquel Sailor Collar with 'Coral and Blue Polka dot border.

Soft Pique Collara with tie to match In all White and White with colored stripe and spot effecte. Dimity Bailor Collar with Laos Edge- Silk Poplin Bailor Collara with Middy Tie attached in Navy with Navy and White pin dot border. Aleo a number of lace and embroidered Dutch Collara and Jabots, Vsry special value, each 50c TUESDAY'S GROCERY SPECIAL Phone 6201 for Strawberries Arriving Tuesday Morning for Preserving. Hundreds of Crates. and Buttons 6c Each.

iaar Yard. POOLROOMS FOR WOMEN Who "Are Not Demanding But Using Men's Privileges. Ostensibly Dairy Lunch Beta' Are staae ana Money a-zenangro I -Young Men Runners Come and go Taking tile Odds. iNew York. June A woman knowing little of races snd nothing of poolrooms and tn a skeptical frame of.

mind walked Into two women's poolrooms, where betting on the races wae going on so obviously and openly that the most unlearned could not help understanding It, and all within tan minutes' wslk. poolrooms aa they are read about In- newspspsr accounts of midnight raids eeem to be mysterious places with double doors, unbreakable locks, snd many exits end entrances, Ths first woman's poolroom that tha wo man visited was a very plain little dairy lunch on a etreet In the thirties, just around the corner from Sixth Avenue. The lunch counter waa at the rear of the room, near a door, and ta tha front at little tables or sitting In big armchair were from a dosen to twenty women. A few of them were taking sips of milk from tall tumblers, but no ona waa paying any real attention to either eating or Spotting tb Tips. Many of the women had eoplec of newspapers noted for their racing news.

All of them had pada or bits of paper and pencils. Everybody knew everybody, and there wsa a moot unusual democracy for even the simplest kind of a restaurant, snd everybody talked about horses, winning and losing. One woman would take a dolour from another, put a dollar ot her own w4th It, and hand It tn a well-disssid. smooth-faced man. who' waa continually eomlng In and going out.

Oc casionally he would have a paper la hi hand and read something unintelligible to ths uninitiated, but which waa simpler when It waa handed around a little slip bearing certain names, ons above the other, and attar each small sum of money In fractions the amount won oa tha different horses, first, second, and third, price, and ecra tehee. "Any one wanting anything tot the third race?" he would aak, and most ot thsm did, some of thsm taking out bills from thslr pockets, others lees prosperous going together With quart-era and making up it for a bid. -Kvrvrthing Opesx. All thle with tha utmost publicity. The entrance to the little restaurant waa a broad door a few steps In from strsst and wide open.

The chairs la which tha woman eat ran nearly up to the doer, and the tables were tn full view. Anyone could come In and go out as shs pleased, and there waa not the slightest attempt at secrecy. Different young men "runners" came In now and again and disappeared through a door at the rear of the room. It waa Bald afterward by aa Initiate- thst tha men congregated there on busy daye, While the women Sued the front room. CAPITALS NOW JOINT STOCK CO.

Toronto; Jon -Capital La crease Club, of Ottawa, haa been organised as a Joint stock company. with a capital of 411,444. Tba provisional' director-are Bllakey, A. N. Pems.

Wmi Foran. DISPENSATION BY THE POPE Koman Catholics May Eat Meat on Rev. Father Whs-Ian Voice Ferven Prayer of King's Catholic Subjects That no May Have a Long and Glorious Reign. of tha various Cathollo Crmrchea In the city yesterday, that In accordance with a dispensation granted by Hie Hollneea Pope Plue X. Catholics In Ottawa are relieved of the necessity ot abstaining from flash meat on Friday next, the day after Coronation Day.

In 'St. Patrick's Church Father M. J. Whelan devoted hie entire sermon, to an historical review of coronation' cnetoma slnos ths earliest day down to the approaching event In Great Britain. He referred to oordlal good feeling exists between King George and hi million ot Cathollo subjects.

The removal from lb coronation oath of a mean In lees passage wnicn wsa insulting ana otrensrve ta. Catholics had doaa much, he eald, to' Increase this lave and good will which-the church bora toward Hla Majesty, and that hla reign weuld be a long and glorlausv one would ever be the -fervent prayer ot ale Cathollo IIM3Q0((D actaaorry wuiiaokTtarksiOr rti iisii it, but aoae lb U. eWjy. OsUa. ft.

26, a bos stf Drag a Omlnl Ca-W.

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