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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 8

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

6 IVU CLEARING SALE WE SELL CLOTHINd BTOVZS BXTBIOEBATOR8 ETC. Cash or Credit. OF- When we offtr all our Hats up to Jtt In vsius for 2.00 th Ladies of Ottawa know they on ft Great Bargains. Everything goes at this prio Bine, Blacks, Browns, White, Tuscans, Greys, in all manner of ihapM and a variety of trimmings all at $2.95 $6 MULL DRESS $2.49 A chance of a Ufa time to buy cheaply. AQ slses in stock today of One-Pi ce Peislsy Pattern Dress, Kimona Sleeve and all Your ohoiot of many colon for $2.49 while they lat.

THE CANADIAN HOUSE FURNISHING CO. 69-71-73-75 RIDEAU STREET Rr. Father Anthlra Constantlnaau ha been appointed chaplain to tha monastery o( the Blood to aue cacd Father Desjardlns who baa beo appointed Pariah Priest of Gracefleld. Rev. Father Conatantlneaq haa been peatoY of several -important In the diocese sad wall known aa an Dresses Cleaned nnormte whol or prta at town by th Frvnoli Dry Clwnlnc protwu.

No ripping of Mtmi n-qutrd no changing- of fit, and no rot tint nor fitding th cuTn.nt 'Pnono 7217 an parcel will bo cJld for, R. PARKER CO. Dyara an Cleaners. 111 SPARK BEATON'S BREAD It's th genuine purity Bread the moat healthful white Bread aold to-dar. We deliver every sy te UVBRSIDS PARKA WgSTBORO W.

M. BEATON afANUFAOrtTRER SIT BANK ST. Phone ITS. June Bride's Trousseau and -v Bridesmaid's Millinery OUR SPECIALTY WOLFE CO, HATTERS "To Ladies Who Know" 200 SPARKS ST. Don't Forget the Phone 7 0S when It'a dyeing- or cleaning you want i -All work don' IN THE COT by thoroughly modern" method, thu Insuring th hlgheet point of efficiency, possible.

i Dye Works see SPARKS ST. OUR MEN'S SUITS AT $9.95 are worth $18. COUNTY COUNCIJ. ANNUAL GRANTS Ottawa Hospitals and Home and au raurs uiven aiioerai Sum. The eounty council of Carleton con cluded Ita June session Saturday afternoon.

Tha report of th finance committee aa adopted snows the following- grants mad; General Hospital, 100; St. Luke's Hospital, 10; Roman Catholic Hos- pllal, M00; Salvation Army, Horns, 110; Protestant Home for Aged, uanaaa Kxniortion, 1100; Qarleton Agricultural Associa tion, 100; Russell Agricultural Society, IM0; Carp Agricultural Society, 160; Fltsroy Agricultural Society. Agricultural Society. Grant to Fat Stock and Poultry Show, tioe, disposed aa follows; Best Clydesdale stallion, 110; best Short-horn bull, 110; best Holstetn cow 110; beet I bacon hogs, 110; beat tat sheep, 110; best exhibit of dressed Printing and education report pro vided for continuation elassea th aum of ft, 010, and for th Carp Agric ultural class 500. Jail and building report find the Jail In fin condition, with 17 male Inmates and female.

WAR IS DECLARED ON THE HOUSE FLY Mexican Fly Destroyer and Dlsfn-fectant Is the best known method to rid yourselves of this nuisance. Spray your, rooms thoroughly with our special sprayer, also your garbage can, stable Pour a Utile of th liquid into the drains, cuspidor and an poaaioi Breeding placea. Thle preparaUon is not poisonous or at ail lalurloua to carpeu or furnltur. Sol manufacturers, The CAPITAL Manufactaring Co Limited pbon eeet. ie sparks st.

THE OTTAWA EVENING MONDAY, JUNE 19, Social and Their Excellencies th OoVernor-Oeneral and Countsas Lady Sybil and Lady Evelyn Orey, acouinpen-ied by 04 r. and Mrs, Itougal Mai-oohn, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bladen. Lord Laseellm, Captain ltlnghara and Mr.

Fremolitl returned last evening: after a month's abseno spent in Toronto and Montreal. Hfc Excellency will entaKaln at th scat dinner on Coronation Day and. -aaoompanled by Countess Grey, and th vie regal party will leave shortly afterwarda on a Ashing itrlp down th fax Lawrence. -Mr, and tc -Ajhur tlkioen and their son leaving tn July Sur Little Metis to spend part of th summer. Prof.

CX. James and Mrs. James sod Mr. sad Mrs. artrachsn Johnaton, of Toronto, are expected Wednesday for th Prury-MIII Mr.

snd airs. Frank Aheara aro leaving July Snflor Thirty-One Mil Lak wfaere they wlfl spend the summer st ithelr new resldenc' there. Mr. J. A.

Jackson Is leaving shortly for th sewride to spend the sumintn la expected to arrive tonight from Halifax Cor her son's-wedding, and will to ah guwit of Colonel and Mrs. Louts Coutle for soma Urn, -see Mr. Dents Murphy is spending short tiro In Toronto. Dr. and Mrs.

Creelnian and Miss Louis Craoiman. of Guetoh, will be ha guests of Mr. Denis iMurnhy for Mlsa tMIU' wedding. Mrs. Creawoan is a sister of Mlsa Milts.

"Profeanr Btr Barb Harrison snd mVs. Harrison, of St. Ann de Belle- vua. th guests of Dr. snd Mrs.

Mill. Mrs. Matthew FaMle of CobaH. who has been 4hs guest of hlra. Harold Plnitey for th past week, la returning bom on Thursday and will be accom panied by bar brother, Mr.

Louis Fits- Patrick. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Toller entertained informally at dinner at th Gulf Club Saturday Mrs Douglas Cameron who has been taking friends In Niagara, is now in Mr. snd Mrs Bewail, of Perth, will be in town this week for the Prury- Mills wedding.

a Th many friends i of Mr. O. G. Stuant, K. will regret to hear of Mrs.

Stuart's death which occurred Saturday at their residence. Meadow- bank, Quebec, see Mr. snd Mrs. Hasen Drury, of Sher-brooka, arrive tomorrow for th wed ding of Mr. Drury'a nephew, Mr.

Viator Drury. iMlse Fred Frlpp 1 expected homo this week from school at Windsor. N. 8., to spend holidays with her parents, iMr. and Mrs.

Alfred Frlpp. e. Mr. i. Fltspatrlck baa been spending a few days In town.

marriage of Mies Luella Wright to Mr. Clifford Douglas, of Edmonton, tskes place on Tuesday, the Mtb. um rtei. wrri mnA Ul.fl Cooatance Dale Harris have retutued from Toronto. Their many frlehd will regret to hear of the death at his home In California on Saturday of Mr.

Harry Peck, formerly of Montreal. Mrs. reca was suae laobel daughter of Colonel and Mrs. Fred White, and much sympathy la extended to her In her bereavement. Mia Dorothy Brown Is returning today from Brockville and will go to Blue Sea Lake to Join her mother.

Mr. and Mrs. L. Desaulnlers and family are leaving this week for Riviere du Loup to spend the summer. Madame Philip Roy and her children have sailed for Paris to Join Hon.

Mr. Hoy, Canadian Commissioner there. ir 0 irra Philip Prtdesux to Kingston Saturday tor a enon vi. Mra. Ellery Lord, MUl Luella Wright and Miss Loll Scott have left on a motor trip to Toronto, Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Avery and their daughter. Miss Malnle, have returned from Montreal. Mrs. E.

J. Adams has left far Kingston to vlelt her sister, Mr a Craig. A Visit to Our Drug Store will convince you that we have the most handsome and up to date Fountain in Ottawa. All kinds of palatable dishes prepared by experts. Phone 250 for Drugs.

11 Rochester ADDRKS8 180 Sparks Street Botwert. O'Connor A Bank. Personal and Mm. Jack Noava, who war vUtUnif frliW la-, tvv rr luritvd noma. a a jVrirfcliml Ckrrdon 'of Quean'a and pr.

ttrTM, of aUalliHa. wno war tha fueata Sir twanOfurd jWwiutDf, Itava riura4 la itoalt faoiua. a liev. Lr. Roaa, who waa tha suaat of Mr.

aiid Jeflra. Tboinaa Abaarn, baa lafi lor John, a a Jkln, Cutarlo Kltaa. of baa Irejti apandlng a faw daya with Mr, J. Hwllyar, an routa to hit formar horn la Inland. Ur.

and Mra, A. T. Phillip ud thalr family wilt apand Uia aummcr at lotal Victoria, Aylmer. a Mlaa May Hrophy la apandlnf aoma Uma with Irl end in Naw York, Mr. Fred Klaln.

tort Uat waak for Boa ton, apant a faw daya In Quabao an routa. a a a Mlaa MurUI Robertaon and bar brolher Mr. Kutortaon, ar tha guewta of Mra. Vglow In Kino ton for the Juna bull. Mis will not houia for another wek.

(, Mr. C. Ripley announcea tba an Kavemant of bar daughter, Mabel to Mr, J. P. a.

Ballantyna. of. Ooohrane, UfM. Th marriage wilt take plac on Tburaday, In th Flrat JBaptiat church. L.4W.V 80CIA4 BY AYIJUKR IsADIES Th LaJiea' Oulld of Chrlat Church, Aylmer, are holding ft atrawberry lawn aoclal on Wedneaday evening of thle week at the realdenea of Mra.

Wm. Con-roy. Main etreet. Tlpptija Broa. oreheatra wljl furnlah tha musical part of tha programme, and ft good tlma la ftaaurad.

BRITANNIA METHODISTS Church Re-opened Yesterday After Renovation. Rev. Dr. Mavety and Rav. C.

8. Dee. proa. Oixmnint the Pulpit An Kg. u-rtalnmeut Will be uiven Thla Kvralug- lllatory of tlio Chorea.

The Britannia atelhndla, which haa been rlnaad foe tha month, was reopened yeaterday 'with special services. During th discontinuance of th services tn hand of the painter, decorator and electrician ha been at work with th result that th. congregation have now a beautiful and modern edifice In which to worship. The church and shed have undergone repair. Th seats and walnscottlng have been ra-gralned In golden yellow, and the pulpit in mission wood.

The walls have been r. tinted and stencilled. The ladle of th COnaresatlon have MiifnMrf 4k church with n- matting. Th eleo- IUX H. IV WARREX Pastor of the Britannia Methodist Church.

trio light system has been Installed with chain pendants in th auditorium and vestibule. At tha morning aesvlc Rev. Dr. R. Mavetv.

of Hell Street church. preached, and at? the evening service Rev. C. 8. Deeprose, ex-Presideht at the Montreal Conference.

The choir under the maruuxejment of th organist, Mlas Murphy, rendered special muelo. This evening th congregation hold a tea on th ahurch lawn to followed by an entertainment in the church. Beginning with the following 8un- I day the rogular morning service will be resumed by the pastor of th. I church. Rev.

II. K. Warren. i Church's History. In the (year Ihm when the itn'rt of 1 th Methodlit churches of Canada waa consummated the conKcrciratioh or Lie Methodist Episcopal church, worship' ping at th Methodist Episcopal church down at the Bay, united with I that of the "Sandy Hill" church, aa it was called In those daya Th membership has Included some of the prominent citizen and active I church people, who have died or removed to other parts.

Amunr thes are Mr. John Bell. Mr. William Graham, Mr. Ira whoso families are connected still with the congregation, and active In its welfare; Mr.

James Bearman, Mrs. Albert Shouldics, Mr. Robert Honeywell and Mr. Albert Hare. v- Th church forms a part of th Ne-pean circuit.

It hlato reaches back to, the year 1177, whin the present Its waa choaen and building erected under a Trustee Board, consisting of MessrsJ Edward Watson, Robert tiare. jonn tien. John Rob James Boarman. John F. Bear- man and William Graham.

Of thes but en. Mr. Jamea Bearman, aur- vives in these parts, i 1 OTTAWA GETS ADVFrrnrrfn A communication received at tne i-uoiicuy uureau Saturday morning from the Advertising department oi in. v.anaoian xvormern Railway aaklna- that thav ha ivn i aa, of th new pamphlet, "Concrete facts anout uttawa, racently issued byth bureau. Tha Dimnhl.t.

tn K. V.B.I IVUItU among th different ocean steamers opcraieQ oy tn company. Thousand oi no book nave also bsn sent to tne v. and urans. ip.n railway.

ThU Slot will not on Thunday, but will bo cloud on July Ut, only a Few Day Ahad. One Thousand Yards of Fashionable Dress Voiles i. Tuesday at a Yard 67c geveraj 41.00 qualities of sheer aukumer Voiles and Marquisettes, embracing "Voiles, Satiu Btriped Voilee, haif line Voiles, also plain Voiles and Marquisettes in a range 25 new shades, as well as Cream and Black, different qualities am ounting. to. upwards of.

fiC One Thousand yards of regular $1.00 values, on Tuesday at, a yard 1 rioor, Dress Ooods Salon. Attractive Sales on the Fourth Floor Tuesday Women's New All-over Embroidery Blouses $1, 75 Women's Blouses of fine allover Embroid-; ery in effective eyelet designs, kimono sleeves, finished dainty Valenciennes laces, insertion and edging; also fine White Mull Shirtwaists, lace trimmed, kimono sleeves, all sizes to 44, in both styles, on the Fourth Floor, Another Special Sale of House Dresses 5 Doien Only Women's One-pieee House-Dresses of fine quality Pale Blue Chambray and Blue Checked Ginghams, perfectly cut and sty. lishly made dresses in sises to 42, secured under special price concessions, to- S9 ')0 mo srow choioe, each Women's New Muslin Kimono Gowns $1. 89 Women's Kimono Gowns of Fine Muslins In the new Foulard designs. Navy, Sky, and Co-, penhagen Blues, Pink and Mauve, trimmed Paisley borders in contrasting shades, all new and worth- regularly 12.50.

Tuesday Women's Heatherbloom Underskirts $1.19 The odd ones snd twos of many $1.50 and 1.75 lines in heatherbloom Underskirts, Browns', Navy, Black and several shades of Orey, to-morrow while they last, each Jt -J Maids' $1.75 Aprons for $1.25 i .10 Dozen only Maids' Aprons Princess and other styles, made of finest Victoria fcawns, trimmed Swiss Embroidery in pretty eyelet effects, perfect fitting aprons and worth regularly $1.75 each, to-morrow these OK 10 dozens, each Another Lot jf Maids' Aprons of Fine White Lawn, bib frill trimmed, will be 9Qi -iJKe FIVE MILES OF WOMEN SUFFRAGETTES IN, LINE March Along Coronation Route With Banners, Music and Bagpipes A Princess and All the Leaders -Shoulder to Shoulder With London, June. 1S Ths coronation procession it Suffragettes, which tra versed th streets of Xendon Saturday evening prior to 4n meeting Albert Hall, was probably Justly described by "General" Mrs. Drummond as greatest procession of women. In support of th suffrage movement that th world haa ever From 40,000 to (0.000 women, ac cording to th varying estimates. marched in th fiv mil procession, which started from th Victoria Enfti bankment, which lead east from Wtmlntr bridge, and, proceeded along tn coronation routa to, Kan-sinston.

-W Militant snd hon-mllttant suffra ettes combined on thla occasion, all questions of east, war put asld and "Queens," or those garbed to repra-sent such characters a Boadicea, Catharine of Aragon. Mary Oueen of Scot and. Queen Victoria, rubbed INTERESTING CHRISTENING William Porter Floyd is the New Baby. Wsa Borer at Porter's Island Bat There Is Not Trace) of Kmsilpox oa US Tiny Body Baby Ar. Douas; Well.

Motber Th Srat ehrlateatna that was ever held at th. Porter's Island Smalt-pox Hospital was that at ft. 'slok on Sun-Say afternoon, whea Rev. A. W.

Maefcsy. rector of All Saints' Anglican ehurch aanwd ta. austg. 1-J poaad bade who WW-' We Made a Special Purchase of Children's White Dresses which Brings You a Saving of More than Half Children's Dresses of Fine White Lawns snd Dotted Swiss Muslins trimmed Valenciennes lsees snd insertions and fine Swiss embroidery in effective patterns, the newest models for girls up to 10 years, among them are guimpe dresses, middy; dresses, Ruasain and regulation styles, with high or low Dutch peck, a great many styles, but only one size in any of the styles, all slightly mussed from handling. They -will be cleared in two groups as follows: All Dresses up to $5.

Tuesday, All Dresses up to $3.25. Tuesdsy $10 Girl's Colored School Stylish little Dresses that will wash and look just as well as when brand new they are Vjt of good Ginghams in large and small checks, sizes for girls up to 5 years of age in two'" groups to-morrow aa follows i- All up to $1.00. Tuesday 89o. All up to 65c. Tuesdsy 69c.

This special sale of Children's Dresses is in the Whitewesr Seotion, Fourth Floor, $1.25: New Crepe Kimonos 95c- Women's Crepe Kimonos in a special range of fancy patterns, Pale Blue, Tans, Pinks and, other fashionable shades, $1.23 values. CkKn 1W Women 's Whitewear 43c. Women's Whits Underskirts of good quality English Cotton, deep flounces with 4 inch tucks, snd finished 'embroidery edging; Women's Drawers of good quality cotton, finished -pin tucking and deep frill of embroidery. QrU Xtmtlti) shoulders with fellow workers In th earns eaua from th sweat shops of Thoa who bad been Imprisoned for th eaua were a striking featur of th psrads. i.

Mia Bryce. 'a daughter of John A. Bryoe, member of th. House of Commons, and a nleo of tha British Am-baaaador at Washington, was at th bead 'pt one contingent. Other prominent women In lln included Annie Beeant.

president of th Theosophlcal Society; Sarah Orand, th novelist! Prlncese Dhuleete Singh. Mrs. Wm. O. Cavendish Bsntlnck, Ldy 1 Francis Balfour, sister-in-law of th Unionist leader; Mrs.

Mlllleent O. Fawcett, Mrs. Emmellne Pankhurst, 'nd Mia Sylvs Pankhurst On. of th brigade was made up of woman pipers In Highland costume, who played a stirring march at ih head of th procession whll scores of bands led different contingents. 1 arrived there ea Friday night "William Porter Floyd.

Aa Th Journal aanounoed oa Saturday, Oil doetdesly in teres ting yaungster though bora oa the Island, and he Is the only baby te aver have that distinction, la In part act health and has not a trace ot mail-pox an sis tuty body, Ta gathering sa Sunday afttroooa waa aa Interacting on. Ameng.t thee, that met In a sew tenf (used for th. ant time on thle occasion and remote from tents where th small-pox hospital patients an) were Dr. William T. Shlr-nl, Ottawa' medical health raer.

Sanitary Inspector tAflamme, Iter. Mr. Mackay, Mr. Menard Floyd, father of th baby, of 14 Laurter: avenoe eeet. Aid Plnard.

ehalrmaa of the Otuwa Boar ef Health, and Ml Holt -and Miss Ora-velle. th naraee at tha beepltal. R.v. Mr. Maokay haa ehrtatsaed a goad many bable In his time, but it waa th fust tJaw hi servtoea were called a for suck sa'svsAt at Porur Island.

Th baby was "William" attar Dr. Shlrreff. who attended -Ma mother whea aba was wnfined and who Is godfathar to th child. Then he was earned "Portar" after Porter' an whleh he was bora. vtrysn there eongratulated the father and mother.

Baby Floyd and Ala mother are doing weU and will ready to leave th hospital la ten days ar two weeks. The nurse and patient ar very proud of htm and hop that ha makes his stsy at the Island just as tors a one as aessibls. The three brathers and Meters of this tntereettng Juvenile, who are at th Island a tutor treatment for a slight, attack of small-pox, era recovering rapidly and, wlll-als. to Itava mere. Mlas Holt, head nurs at th Island, was godmother at th GERMAN OF SYSTEM -INSURANCE Great Advance Made Seven' Mill ot arm 'lasoorers ana aiewiuww Brought Under Beneftls by New tatw.

Berlin. June II. Important xtn-sions t. th German aystsm of Stats iMurane for workingmm are mad In a bill adopted by tbs Reichstag oil second reeding after protracted debate. Though th main object of th bill was to eonsoUdato three branch of Stat, lnaurano.

sick, accident and Invalid, the latter Inoludlng old ag penalena. which have nilberto Man admlnletered under eeparate laws, the nw Jaw extends th obligatory Insurance to about seven million farm laborers, lumbermen and other early deprived of Its benefit. It aleo provide for pensioning at a moderate rkte widow and children of Insured workmen and tn creases the provleion for female workers childbirth to allow th mothers full opportunity for reouperstlon before rs-turnmg to work. It estimated' that th additional oost of th. thre kind of lnaurano will b.

111,000,000 per year, of which th mpir I to pas tS.100,000, snd th workman snd tbeir employers th rest-, A fin work behind th log for th Olanta, and I ale. hitting whea single ar needed, A-PDLICEMAN 2 HOLDS COURT Presides at Adkins' Pool room and Gets Damage For Torn Shirt. Tha policeman In th court of bis arduous duty Is called upon to arbitral som. exceedingly dlote and Intrlcst problems. Pollonan Pits-Patrick ran Into a mag Saturday when was k8 to adjust a ditput.

which occurred Is Adklna pooT room oa Sparks street Saturday tvenlng In which an alleged stolen purse, Vtorn shirt and a dollar watch heldas a hostage, figured prominently. Wbere Odds Are QaeatlosKd. Th whole was th result of st argument which occurred during a friendly gam of pool. One of th principal. Sam Anderson.

In emphasising bis course of thought upon hi rival player, used playelcal fore. Th result was a wrestling bout, In which th. man In charge of th pool room at thb time, toon part When th souffle bad finally ended, th atranger accused Anderson having taken hi watch. The man In charge of the table aiaoi had a grlevauca, badly torn and ha become pqeseed of Anderson watch during th fight, determined to keep It as a hostage, until th damag to bis clothing had been mad good. Victor Deaaands Hostages.

Oa Saturday Anderson asked Patrolman Pitxpatrlck to assist him In recovering th timepiece, l-n reeult was. thai a small edition of a polio, court was enacted In the pool, room, and upon th. advice of th. officer watch waa returned, and he In return promised to make good tha damage to the shirr. PREFERENCE IS TO STAY Declaration by Sir Wilfrid Laurierin London.

Speaking Brtore the Constitutional Club he Declared That Policy Waa Mast High and There It Would Stay Conaervatlra Leader In the Chair. London, June 1. At a luncheon of th Constitutional Club. Dresdded over by- Bx. Hon.

A. J. Balfour Saturdays eir Wilfrid Laurier told, the big gathering of British statesmen snd overseas premiers, that th reciprocity agremnent between Canada and th United Bute need eaua no alarm to anyone. uanaoa, ssld, wished to trad with th mother country In preference to any othsr country. "In O.n.rf.

,1.. KUIllJ of British preference has been holst- eu in np ot th meat and there W1U'. ty JTBatever areas. Rrtt.ln doe pr doe.jut AX AUTOS AND PAYE THE ROADS Eastern Minister Make This Sngge. 1 lion Drastic hange In Maw Brunswick 8t.

John, N.B., Juns 10. Hon. John Morrlasy, chief commissioner of public works, before leaving for Sussex this morning, mad an Interesting statement In regard to tbe highways' of th provtnc. ald th farmers should advocate th construction of paved highway from th border town on the wwuc vueoeo oounoary. roe cost of such a system would about on Million dollars.

The expenses of th funded debt Incurred hy th construction of th road could be met by a tax on motor vehicles Th owners ot automobile, fait, would be willing to contribute. Such highwaya would do muoh to Increase tourist travel tn th province and In addition would very proHUbl to the farmer. --i Manager' Tenney. of the Boston Rustler, haa benched Stelnreldt arid placed Ingerton back on third bas. Catcher Arthur Wilson I doing When Blood Was Impure The Old-faahloned Doctor Brought i- Relief by Bleeding.

Today we Keep the Blood Pure by Ualng Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver PUls Th. doctor of century or- two ego we accustomed to free hi patient of aacesa of poisoned blood by th cruel procea of bleeding. would not etand tor that hr-olo treatment today, because, understand, better th work of the liver and kidney and how to awaken them to their duty of Altering poisons from' th blood. Th ar th only organ ot th.

body which filter Poison, from the blood, and so cleanea system of the foul wast matter which cause pains, aches and dangarou diseases, and thr Is v.po i way you 'can quickly prlng th. liver and kidney Into action as by using Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. Don't imagine that a liquid medicine I necessary to purify th. blood.

Th. supreme test la, "Does the treatment awaken th. action of th. liver and Invigorat. the kidneys Dr.

Chase'a Kidney-Liver Pills ar unique la their combined action on th liver, kidney and bowels, and on this account Wonderfully-' successful as mean ot purifymg th blood. Th. whole digestive and excretory system cleansed and Invigorated by thl treatment 1 Th. Appetite I sharpened, digestion Improves, sad th. tired, languid feeling, of a pots, oned western siv.

wav and vigor. One plli a ts cents a box, at all dealers, or Edmsnson, Bate. A Co-Limited, Toronto. 11.

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