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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 7

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

4 IHVITKD TO THE HAGUE. Officer of tlx Canadian militia bar' been extended an Invitation to attend Um bona abow to be bald at tbe Hague from July to July Tbe InvlUtloa baa been received from tha director, of tba big abow. and tha officer ara aked to ba praaant and taba pert In thair uniform. W. r.

Dsvls F. DbTli, Jr. Davis Bros. I 8tock Brokers. Bl Central Chambers, Elgin St J.

8. Baoha members New York Exohanc. Diract wires, York, Mbntwal Stock' New RESORTS. Tha favorite spot for heelth ana sport. Charming ruort for iporumin and pleasure seekers.

Tha vicinity afford beautiful scenery, line sss-bathlng and unexcelled Ashing: guests hava the prlv-llsgs of salmon and trout ashing la oon-nccttoa with tha house. Salmon and Wont Ashing par excellence. Baker's Hotel i OPEM JUNE 1ST. So long and fsrormbljr known, offura ftrtt cIam aeoommodatlon (or tourists, with til the comfort of homo. Bfore making for your lummtr outing, be sure to writ lor urnu and other tiiiorm action to AKIR'I NOTIU OAIM, Q)M.

TROUT FISHING lo tha Grata Mountains of Vermont. A fthin( camp and lummtr reaort In the wood Main camp atnd cablna with modem Improvement. Three lakea and milts of atreama. Brook trout, lake trout, mon and a old en trout or aureolas. The famous Cold Mineral Spring.

No mosquitoes or black flies. Asthma, sad bay favar unknown here; our motto, A Satis-fed Quest Is the Beet Advertisement." Lrst Us refer you to some of them. feet almttoa. Send for booklet. COU SPRING CAMP, roreat Lake, A will, Vt C.

M. VIM BY. Prop. ENGLISH-FRENCH CAPITAL -Capital furnished for sound American. Canadian and Mexican enterprises.

Mining. Industrial, Timber and Manufacture Ins. Steam nd Kleetrle Railroads financed. Irrigation prajects promoted. Substantial Stock, Bond or Debenture to-sues, bought, sold or underwritten.

Collections and Clearance made for Banks, Bankers and Trust Companies. Head Office. London Branca, Paris. Corres- poodence invited. OB NT A VPJNS, 14-14-U Bloomebury Umdon, Snjrtand.

J. R. JACKSON FIRE INSURANCE Atoo Ufa, Aoord.ot. Plata Olaas, Employer's Liability and Burglary NU Spark St. Phone TIM.

"Buy Bonds for. Safe Investment G. LV WATSON PHONE 7260 ssBjAuti a mi ml Viinui eMhsassvsv a-j Tw Wmm Tss tJL CtM. I TRADERS BAIIK Or CANADA ONkkMbtf N. SI.

HOTICi 18, HEEKBT: OIYKN that a dividend of two par oent upon tha paid-up Capital Stock of tha Bank baa been declared for tha current Quarter, being at the rate of einT pep cent, pep Bftirtitn. and that the same will be payable at tha Bank and lta Branches on and after the 3rd day of July next The Transfer Books will be closed Mm the 6th to the 30th of June, both days Inclusive. By order of the Board. BTUAHT STRATHT. BoatrMl Mook Kacaa i Oanaral stock ax- aetocL Th Psreupln stock, are pureh.

preewt recem nvend HeUinger. Res, Foley, O'Br fen. Porcupine, Gold end SwsHlka. buy thees kef ore the upward movement seolae. SICCUUSIVC PaiVATS Wl TO TOHONTO, MONTBSAU ANO NSW YORK.

SPARKS CO. STOCKS ANO INVCSTMSNT 1.4171. Moem snd Mining and FinancialNews Montreal Stock Exchange. jSuppUed I Tba Keening Journal by Breuburj Braa. Bavfcam.) Noon Cloes.

Sell. Buy. Asbestos cam Jueks com liell Telephone Co. 14 .4 a a 114 71 101 It J.4I 1'unadiu fatiina J41 CVuient pld. at I'amcnt com.

at Crown Rraarra IMIrolt two. Ky 71 turn. Iron tllal pfd lot Dominion Hlaal-Uoal aa dqiuiii com. Duiuin-buoarlor MaiHU tl.cIPlo By. Iti Havana blecirio llllnola Trac.

n(d. iMkfi of th. Wood, 11' IZi It II IX It Ila it 41 101 1M lit 117 1U 171 -Haiti LAuremia t'apor alaofcay com. tl tl.iicaa P. Minn.

81, Paul Moatral H. a P. 1M Monlraal HI. By 12f alonlraal 81..1 Work. 1M Nlplaaln( 11 Nor.

Ohio T. It N. 8. HIKl Coal 1U n.llvl. Mill com.

Ill Ottawa lil Qubac com O. Nav. Co lit Rio d. Jan. L.

P. Co. Ill Sao Paulo It ahawliuiran lit ToUo Klrctrle Ry Toronto Electric Ry 1st Twin City Klartrle Ky. 101 Wlnnlia Electrto JW Cottona Dom. Tea.

com. Dom. Tex. pfd. .....101 Montreal Co.

1U Penman pom. lot 14 I rlanKa Commerce 701 Kaatern Towaahlpa ITS Hochfl.aa 171 17 Molaona 30 Montreal 1M Nova ecotU MT Ottawa Sol Quebeo JU Koyal aaa ss. Trade ra 141 Union 141 Bonds Bell Telephone 11 1M Convertera Dominion Coal 97 Dominion Cotton lot Dominion Iron 8teel 4 Laurentida Paper 11 Montreal I-. 11. P.

o.llvle Milling lit ItXHI Mr. A w. -Quebec Bond. It IS Can. Cement 1M MorninQ aaiaa.

Toronto Ry. at llttt. at ltttt. at 144. wt at 144 Mat 14.

at 14. Montreal rower oe inn, ee aa 1MH. It at 1MM. at at lMVi. at 140.

Unawiniaaa Power at at 114. Klo de Janeiro at 11IM. at 111, 1M at 111. Detroit 41 at 7lti. C.

P. It It at 4H- Cement pfd. 1 at 14(4. I at MM. I at It.

1,7 and aul. Cement com. a at la. Dominion Bta.1 1 at IS, II it M14. 1 at M.

Crown Reaerra at 1 00, oa at Ottawa Power at HHi. at 11. Quebeo Bonda toa at al. Oallvle 1. at Hcotla-M at 10.

Ill at Ml. lb at lib 10 at 11. Montreal power Bona at fa. Bank of Commerce 12 at 106. Can.

Cotton pld. at 71V I at 7114. Iron pfd I at lot, 1 at 104. Merchanta Bank 1 at 11. Ruaaell Car pld.

10 at 101. I -Bank of Monlraal I at 1U. Montreal lit. Br 9t at 1 Coal Bonda 4,000 at M(4. Wayaaamack lit at I.

Cannera I at I7t. i t. Nor. ont. Ex.

at I. Waraxamark Bond JO.OO at Tlti. at 75 .00 at 14. Oan. power oe aa- ava, a.

aa Sherwln Willlama 11 at IT, bachln per cent 10,000 at IN. BELIEVES GP.R' WILL GO TO 300 article en C. P. R. stock.

In the Londonp. Elncland, Fln- snolal News, correspondent of that paper concludes with this: 'Without oin into deUll, It is. therefore, certain that shareholders will In the future set benefits either by way of dividend or bonus beyond tha is per cent which la paid bow. for tha reasons stated. It 1 tha belief of tha present writer that In Imb than twelve months time tha price of C.

P. JL Ordinary hares will ba much nearer S00 than' 360. And, jnoreorer. I do not believe that is tha limit, for tha prospects of Canada ara so bright that at present It la difficult to fix any limit. CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC PUPILS Tba Canadian Coneervatonr of Mu- te eontlnnea to win popularity, this bains stronxly evident on Baturday mint, wnen the aenlor pupiia of Mr.

H. Puddtcomba and Mr. Donald Heine (a v. a moat worthy recital. Much oral wan extended all MartoTt Bonar for bar excellent Hi.

lerpretatlon of Bfethoven a "Appaa- aionata Mia Olady Ewart, In two moat difficult numbers, waa also much appreciated by tha large audlanc. In Unsarlsch Zfcnunar welaer. by enter, a he waa accompanied on a second piano by alias Julia Fortln. of tba violin pupils under Mr. Helna.

Ml Mar sa ret Croea, who haa al ready won tba admiration of all who have bad tba prtvlles of hearing bar, waa received with' warm applaua. She played IArasonaaa by Alard, Mlaa Croaa laavea thl week for. Vien na to study under Bevelk, tha teacher of Rubella. Other participant In th proirramm were: Piano number, Ml Irene Mil. ler.

Mlaa Claudlt Nldd, Mlaa Olady Barnaa; violin aelectlona, Mlaa Orapa Hlney and Roohon. Arthur A. Baylisl Mvenment jsrour. BONDS, LOANS, EIALXSTATB. Osnada Life Pbona TM, 1 Cltiaen Bids.

RODOLPHE FORGET. Member Montreal Stock Bxohaaa. Direst wire with Montreal. Tareate, Kw Terk. BRADBURY Mgn.

pwrvifK see. se Bmnr New York Stock Exchange. (uaall.d ky McCu.H ara. 4, Ca, M.toaii at, Ottawa.) Nana Claaa. Noon.

Atchleon oom. In in Baltimore Ohio lat lm Canadian pacUo I 101. Cneaapeak at Ohio II alK Y. Central Ill 11JH trie Oom. Vl Ot.

Northern pfd II' lilt Ulaaourl K. A T. oom 17W .11 Kane, city Southern behlCh Vall.y "7 il7 Louiavllla 4k MaabvUl 1U ltl Mleeourl Paclllo Northern I'aclno 134 114 Pennsylvania 114 114 Rock la land It 18 Readlna Co. com. boo cum.

HI' ,111 Southern Pacino 1 bt. Paul lt Union pacino in Amalxamated Copper 71 11 at V. 1 11 4k Kafln II II American C. at Amer. elmelt.

4 Anaconda. Conner 41 Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt Coneoltdated Oaa N.T.. 144 General Eiectrlo Ca 1U Inter. Met pfd 11 Maekev ntd. 74 People' Oaa 1M 1M U.

b. Hleel oom. U. b. bleel Ill lit (Qraln auotali.n.

auppile to Tha Jour-. aal by McOougall eV Coana, Mam- bera tha Montreal btoc)baehng. a Spark Street.) CHICAGO DRAIN. Wheat Dec M. July 17.

Sept. tl. Cora Deo. UH, July IS, Sept II. Oata Dec 40.

July US. Sept lV Pork July 11-14. Kept. 1417. Kibe-Deo.

744. July IM, Sept. 131., NW YORK COTTON. I Jan. 1111, March lilt.

July 1471, Aug. 1417, Bept JIM, Oct 1111. ilea. UM. WINNIPSO ORAIN.

Wheat Deo, I. July M. July It. MINNIAPOLIS. GRAIN, Wheat Deo.

U. July 14. JOHN BULL AND SKATING KINKS John Bull Is a pretty canny Invert or. but h. dropped milUoas of dollars on tba roller skatlnc craxe, bl experience In tba "rlnkloa- venturea," aa tha pan.

ara called them, tbua belna summarised by tba London Pnanclal Tlmea: "Tba Botatlon of roller akattns com-panlea aet In In the early part of 1101. whan nineteen venture, wltb a com-blned capital of 1111,40 ware broutbt out Tba real boom occurred lo tba following year, no lea than 111 an terprlaea belna promoted wltb a united capital of 11.161.10. Includlns a number which appeared subsequently, there ware re slate red altosether. it may ba said wltb certainty, II companies, wboee aeTsresate capitalisation waa 1,411.004, apart from Debenture issues, which were a Lao considerable. Within the short space of eighteen months there la actual proof that nearly half of this capital haa disap peared, whtlp.

If we take Into account the undoubted 'fact that many con eerna have ceased to exl.t from simple Inanition and without any formal obsequies, we may surmise, without much fear of disproof, that fully three-quartera of tba money has vanished." A THOUSAND FOR OTTAWA Canadian Union St. Joseph Will Meet Here on the 15th of August. A convsntlon that lUnlon St. JO. stph will hold here besinnlnc Au sust lltb will mean brlnalns 1.000 visitors to tba city.

There will ba zoo delegates from all parts of Canada, but special sxcursfon. rates are to be run bera and many will bring tneir lamlllea along. Mr. O. Beguin.

Ottawa's tax col lector, who la presfaent of the Un Icn, Is back from Chicoutimi. Que bec where be attended a meeting of ine siueneo section or tns union at wblcb II delegate were named to attend tha Ottawa convention. In; three years the Union baa increased Its membership from. 11.000 to 11 10, and has doubled Its surplus. Ths visitors will ba entertained while here and the dry council may vote suaneuung towaroa tneir entertain menu DIED IN NEVADA OF APPENDICITIS News waa received lb Ottawa yesterday of the death la Nevada ot Mr.

Harry Peck, formerly of' Montreal, wbo three years ago married Miss Isabel Whit, daughter of Col- White. Comptroller of the R.N.W.M.P. Mr. Peck succumbed to an operation following an attack of appendkltl. CoL and Mr.

Whit bad left Sat urday tor a abort trip' to Riviere du Loup, but upon bearing the sad news. have returned home. The body of the deceased, accompanied by the widow will be rought to Ottawa for burial SHOT BT BRAHMIN British Collector in India ed Revenge tha Motive. Trichlnopoly. British India, Jona 1.

Robert William D. Aahe. British collector for the Maritime District of Ttnnevelll, was aassaslnatcd Baturday by a Brahmin attorney, who then committed suicide. With his wife, Ashs was sitting In a ear of a railway train at Manlyacbl, when' the Brahmin ap. proached and without a word ahot tha collector dead.

Aahe conducted the trial ot tba Tut. Icortan rioters last year, and his mur der Is attributed to SEPTIC TANKS AT QUEEN'S PARK A group of people at cottages on tha Quebeo aide ot the rtver Just above Queen' Park are giving suburbanites a liawjun In tha installation of modern sanitary precantlona Flva ot them are Installing septic tank In connection wttb their summer home at a coat of about 1300 each. Th. Journal waa told the name of lha flva, living next to each other, are Messrs. Beaton, Brown, Parker, Cluff.

and Th or burn. It la contended that some ot the people summering at Britannia might well "take a leaf out of tneir book," THE OTTAWA EVENING JOURNAL. JUNE 19, 1911. AN OPTION ON A GOLD MINE Right of Way Directors Will Have Year's Working on Property. Right, of Way Mine, have se cured an option on a mining property Northern Ontario, west of Port Ar thur.

This property I situated sight mllea south of Dymeat Station on the C.P.R., and Is connected Pr branch line, built several year ago by the C.P.R. to th mine, and constat of tour claims about 200 acres. rt" waa owned originally by Honora ble Senator Wataon and J. M. Uunroe.

wbo! up tha property by trenching the surface. They also erected d- Trematn mill and took off the surface 1 some 11,000 In gold After the Gold Milling Mining company -took over the property they sank shafts and some drifting. Dur ing the first year aver In gold bul lion wss recovered from the ore ship ped from the mine to the stamp mill at Ksswatin, soras 120 miles distant. Tba ore, aa stated above, waa ship ped to the Ottawa Olid Milling and Min Ing company's reduction works at Kee- watln, a lata no of some hundred and twenty mllea by rail, and waa found that the freight charge on th or ware too high, and th director were of the opinion that In' any future op erations It would be necesssry to havu the reduction plant at ths mine. The mining machinery -la still on the pro perty, and In good order, aa a watch man haa been employed continuously, to watch tba property and keep ev.

ery thing protected from the weather. Vear's Option. At the time Of closing down, the manager reported "The appear ance of the ore In the worklnga never looked better. In three different points of tha present worklnga free gold sample were found, and the vein waa from three to five feet In width, the ara well mineralised with galena, sin. copper and Iron pyrites, and every reason to think we are getttlng Into or of better value" The Right of Way Mine.

Limited. have a. year's working optldn -with power to purchase 00 very favorable term, and will at once commence un- watejing tha mine and making examination of the different abaft and drifts wblcb have been opened up, wltb the intention of Immediate de velopment ot the ore reserve so aa to arrive at tha number of stamps neces sary to carry on the mining and mill Ing of tha ore at It fullest capacity. GUARDS MAY VISIT ALBANY Col. Woods Has Received an Official Invitation For Labor Day.

Tba Governor Osneral's Foot Qusrds have received an official invitation to Visit Albany, New York, on Labor and will most likely accept It. The Invitation Is contained In a per sonal isttsr received by Lt. col. J. w.

Woods, commanding ths 0. O. F. from the -commending officer of the 10th Regiment, National Guarda of New York, with headquarters at Al bany. Whlls the lnvlfstlon has not been officially considered yet.

It Is consid ered very probable that It will be ac cepted, col. woods is out of the city Kcoay, out senior omcers ot the ree ment believe that the corn will make in trip. The Guard would leave here Friday evening and return on Tuesday morn. Ing. They hove Milted Albany before tna are assured 01 a splendid- welcome' there.

They will likelv also vien xroy, when on the coming WATER PRESSURE IS VERY LOW City Engineer Request Improve- xarai locnmivsion to cse no Water In Parka, Tedav She ell -In. mlnioa -i. ftrovement rommlMnn nfh.i. no water oe nea lor sprinkling awns wi naai until Wednesday morn Ing.

Tba pressure la down to ji DOUnda due in enrlimmi K.ln the pump house Installing a large new turbine wheel. The men are working awn a 1 a airmen in an effort have this done by Tuesday night Wednesday morning. The engineer also reoueata tna mthiiA 1.. to refrain from using boas on lawns mucn.aa possible during- th next boursv. ilV MODIFIED MlLKr SCHEME AGAIN City Coam-ll Will Also Dlnrum Ac- Ul.k TtMnmgh InapectloB of There la considerable miriness to coma up at to-night's session of City councIL' th In the Board nf r.nwl the Principal matters to be discussed per tain to the lnmuanivwlnn ii fled milk scheme, by which It Is hop- materially reduce the Infa mortality death rate here during tl warm weather ana 1.

riiv. lu th. t. aa to a thorough sanitary Inspection in, vy. 1 ne rjoaro.

or Health rare will also Iniw-n jm Tb Street Railway extension com niitiee saain recommending, 1 Ine lha uimiMii, u. extend thele avit.m Aid. Nelson will move a resolution aiming at putting a atop to people In. nntalrla lha I til It baa been supplied to all wlthi.1 nn limits woo may require it. KKW8 TO RIB BANIKIi.

Winnipeg. June 1. Blr Daniel Mc. Mlllan to-dsy said that the report 'that be Is lo succeed Lord Btrathcona news to him A rumor that Mr. William Whyts.

vice president of the C.P.R.. will suc ceed Btrathcona la generally believed. DECLINE IN BIG; ISSUES Copper Group Well Held and in Fair Demand in New York. Mew York, June II. Union Pacino and Reading receding materially.

Both ot the iasuee, a wall as North ern Pacific, Lehigh Valley, and vart- ous specialties reached tha lowest points of ths week. The copper group was well held and waa in fair demand. The decree of nearly 000 pound tba European vtawl upply ot copper aa reported In th fortnightly statemsnt reduced th total percentage lb two Sine February 24. 1110, when the European vielble aupply reached 'It highest point triers baa been total decrees of 17.410,000. .1 Actual loan.

-frtJicar-mcreaed but week about 111. 004.000 and this week Increased K7z.0ii0.000,' while an estimate oah gain of, 110,000.00. baaed upon the operations of the former members only was Increased to 000,000, -v In Montreal. Montreal. June II.

Montreal Street In the sarly trading ebowsd strength, advancing to 234. but later It aotd off to tlb. cloalng stronger. 3m oeing bid and 221 1-4 a.ked. RMtelteu advanced fractionally to 117, and at th close 1171-1 wss bid and 117(4 asked.

Canadian Pacino eased oft to MIVj. wltb 23 1-1 bid at the cloee. Montreal Power aold fractionally higher at 10 wlh 140H asked at the close. Toronto Kails sold ex-dlvidend at IU snd Wlnplpeg was traded in at 230. a In Toronto.

n.AMM in- la r. waa waH In Min tha StACk SSHlrUt at to 1117-1, cloalng at lit, a net decline ot nao riim selling at ltOVi to 10. a net decline of 7-1. Toronto Railway l-i lower at 114 l-i. There wa no buunes in ins Mackavi.

Canadian Pacino Railway or Twin City. The former closed at 01-1 bid, Canadian feci no naiiway at twyj bid and Twin City 107 bid. 1 5 COL. SIR HKNRY PKIXATT renadiaa who haa bre-n bonM-ed by appointment, on omrtat sniu tary staff for duty on coronktloa day. KNOX SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC The Sunday school picnic of ths Knox Presbytsrtsn church wss -held on Saturday at Hiawatha Park.

The attendance waa probably the largest ever attended this annual picnic. The following were the oris winners: Boys under 10 C. Mensles, P. Mar tin, C. Brown.

Oirla under 10 V. Martin, M. Cam eron, K. Wright Primary Class Robby Cameron. M.

Cleery. Cecil Wight. fc Advanced Primary Percy Martin, Jack Cameron. Boya under 14 Allan Brown, O. Lord.

Girl under 14. M. McFarland. J. Mrech.

Boys under J. Mackensta, Willis Robertson. Girl under 12 Emma Lord, B. Ru srIL Boys three-legged race Henderson and Ramsay. Robertsoa and Brown.

Girls' Blindfold ractS-Helen Brawn. i Boys' sack race) Gordon Roberta. Ken. Mackintosh. Girls' saucer race J.

Meech. Williamson. Plck-a-bacfc race J. Mauon and E. Roberta.

Girls' throwing baseball May Rob erts. Boys running Jump Roy Anderson. Boys marathon-F. Zrown. H.

Mo- Janet- Tug of war boya vs. 4 men. Boya won. Tug ot war young ladle va 4 young men, ladies won. GLEBE SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC The annual Sunday School nlcnlo ot Hi Glebe Preabyterlan Church waa bold on Saturday at Aytmer.

A re cord crowd was In attendance, over 300 persons being present- The pri winner In the races were: Boys, if years and over Watson. On-line, O. Caritooban; 14 years and overA. Milne, F. Liberie and L.

Johnstone; II year sod Over O. Allan! K. Johnstone, J. Carnochan; -10 leara and over B. Raby.

Blj-the. G. Buchanan, R. Johnstone: I years snd over, B. Wataon.

O. Jiulbert, J. Hulbert, 43. Payne; year and over J. York.

A. Anderson', O. pnran. Hoi brook; 4 year and over. J.

Ander son, R. Shuttlewortb, F. Anderson (hreo-legged rare iCarnochan and Grant, Wataon and O. Carnncban. OWs 1 year and over W.

Find lav, J. Johnstone. J. 14 yeara 'and over, J. B.

Moulds, J. Martin: it years and over N. Blytha. C. Heney, J.

Gordon; 10 years and over E. Dougherty; i. Molds, F. Wll on; yeara and over -M. Darragh.

J. Cmrnoohan, A. year and over 8. Jrmnstone, It. Wilson and J.

Bint-: 4 yeara and over, D. Hulbert, F. Wsrterm, R. Jobnptone; svecra race for girts yeara and under, K. Martin.

A. Carnor. 1 I rVoTo I liXIVil I VSR KLfAIH WI vat- MlWUt DIT SOOl AJHU 5lJle, kjariftiual Argue it Pro and Cori IPRlCil THE of heating your home must be ivjckoned, not by thep price that in import.iit,it i the reawn for the price. It is whrt mtetn prove. setual eervice that shotifd detrrtnine1 vu.

snd w. On unprejudiced and careful examination of the facts will OAamVuX lor even, he-athful and economical warmth, hot water heating aa supplied W' King Boilers and Radiators m. -A Haasikal flttM BUItl far surpsssss any other method for the modern home. True. It easts more st first, but the difference In price only fslntly indicates the wids difference in results, Consider even fuel consumption.

In tsn to uftesn years tks wssts en tailed by old fashioned beating method, would easily pay tha art cost sad upkeep ot a King Boiler and King Radiators, not to men. tlea the sdded comfort you bsvs enjoyed. With a King hot water heating squlpsaant year heme Is cleanly snd uniformly warmed, and the bsat Is always under your control. A simple of ths vslvs being all that -aaaaarv a veanilate tha tamDeratur to any 4S- hzao ornczi THE CORONATION FEVER IS NOW RUNNING SWIFT Duke of Connaught Kept Busy Receiving Royalties-Six Thousand Invitatio ns Issued For the King's Garden Party Special Mass Ordered. London.

June II. A score of King Gejorge'st coronation accompanied by their suites, reached Lon don this morning, and, with ka many mora from foreign courts and states dus to arrive this evening, will com plete practically ths. assemblage of foreign missions. Throughout ths dsy special after apodal train rolled into the different London railway terminal, bringing in princ, peclal ambassadors and their ail ilea from all point ot the The streets presented a lively appearance with a constant coming and go ing of ths roysl carriages with their sscorta. conveying th gueeta to Buck- Ingham Palace and other palaces snd the private residences given over ftTr the entertainment of the envoys.

Klectrio Current Exhausted. The night-long work of the army of decoratora served to snlivsn most or ths street In the centra of Lou don. Flaga gave a gala appearance. ahlch the Intermittent rainstorms could not spolL Tha decorations and illuminations are on a scale never before attempted In England and ths demand for electric lighting su grsat that the electrical companies have ssrved public 'notices that their capacity to supply ths current has been exhausted and that they cannot undertake further contract. Duke Kept Buy.

Th German Crown Prince and party, Prince Henry ot Prussia, and Frlnca Henry of the Netherlands. era among this morning' arrlals. Tha Duke of Connaught and other members of tha Royal Family flitted from station to station to meet each new-comer, undeterred by the showers of mud that their swiftly -movli vehicles tossed up. The public appears smitten with the coronation fever. They throng ths lire la in such multitudes aa make Irogress anywhere In the centre of fashionable London a matter of difficulty.

Politic, which so long held the'een-tre of. tba Mag In England, have bad to give way to the social awirt, which ha. -taken every Englishman and English woman and their vlaltora from th colonic and foreign atatea Into It. toll. Even th moat enthusiastic politician haa laid aside bis fighting armor, and although tha House of Com-toons haa remained In session, except for a few days 'at Whitsuntide, and again during tba actual coronation, it baa dealt wltb tha less controversial matters.

Royalty the Centre. The King and Queen have been the centra and leader In the great social revival and have been ably supported by bead of tba old English boussa, the diplomats, whose entertainment often equal those of royalty Itself, the political hostesses and the event ot the bom and foreign social leader wbo have taken houses in London for the summer. With exceptionally tine weather, out-door show, particularly racing, have been more favored than aver. The King and Queen are not ardent race-goers: still His Majesty went to Epaom every day ot tbe week' meeting and tbe Queen and other member ot the royal family Joined blm on Derby Day. While the King seemed to enloy th company of th member of th club stand, it waa noticed that he did not take any particular Interest in the ratling Itself, such for Instance as that which bis father, the lata King Ed ward, took.

The latter, during the course of i race, kept his field glssses to his eye, wetching. closely the performance of each horse. On Derby dsy King George stood wltb some friends, everyone of whom keenly followed the race. He, however, not raised his glssses to bis eyes and appeared to be more Interested In the crowd around him. Continental visitors were amaxed -at th freedom with which the King and Queen psssed through the Immense crowds on Epsom Down.

preceded only by a few mounted po lice, to clear the way, and two behind tha carriage. These constablee do not have much trouble with an Eng lish crowd, which mskea way for royal oarrlag. The pollc. however, al- I Intatasttl COSTS I 'X. nan t- e.

i rn. i- mi ry I and Ike avlisatwl eteaSTM. A i nmm iriaw rnVcTand eontalna Just the right amount. of moisture, For reason a King Boiler and King Radl- -r-ator provide the afsst and Investment yea can make toward th. w.

of a bright, ohsery bome-wlth all that It Implies la Ideal living eondlUen. I-asTYCajSslJOrlrla Writ, for our nhi.trated booklet. I It tell plainly and imply th east Jicuabout beating and healing systems. STEEL RADIATION, UMiTiD rVAsnAVVfUB TORONTO twowiroceo. Tes rvta-tsal OeV Tewaa though unobartrusivs.

are keenly on guard, as ahown by an Instance as ths royal couple war leaving the track, An old man. In but excitement. Jumped towards the carriage. Tha police were on him In a moment and quickly drew turn back. Tbe Queen, for a moment, we alarmed, but the King reauured bar with the remark, "He Is an old man; quite Of all the visits paid by ths King and Queen that to the Zoo, when they had their children with them, seemed to amuss them moat, and tha plcturss taken of them on tha occasion, show a happy family group; It la announced that the Archbishop of York has been cboasn to preach the sermon at the coronation.

Then waa no sermon at King Edward' coronation. e.ftOO Invitations. King George and Queen Mary have decided to attend Shakespearian ball. Six "thousand Invitation bava been lamed for tha King garden party on June nth. It will be tba biggest party ysr slven at Buckingham Palace.

There will be a full rehearsal ot tha coronation service at Westminster Abbey at which tha King probably will be present, when 46 voices under tbe direction of Sir Frederick Bridge will render the music chosen for the ceremony. The Abbey I ready for the great day. Eight thousand ticket, of admission havs been distributed and twsntv thousand persona, who failed to gel the coveted pasteboards, will crowd tba great stand wblcb now bid the greater part ot tba historic nil tram view. How Seats BeU. I reported that seats overlooking the Abbey ara selling tor a minimum of MS each.

wbUa windows nearby, corngnand from 10 to 1740. On some at 4be smaller etanda In Whitehall easts can ba bad from tl to 12. Far Friday when tbe royal preens through she city occurs, eeerte are quoted from IS to SSb. In tba official programme or me coronation procession, issued, last light, it la announced that Lord Kitchener, In command of tba troop, will ride beside tbe carriage of tbe King and Queen. IB Old Boston.

Boston, June If. In recognition of the coronation of King George next Ihursday special prayere -were aald In many ot tba Episcopal churches la New England yesterdsy. An International hymn, written in the cause n' permanent peace between Great Britain and tbe United State, was sung In practically all of tha Episcopal church of Boston and In those ot severs) other denomination. Hong-Kong. Hong Kong.

June 1. The Philippine government baa delegated repra-sentatlves to the Hong Kong corona-tlon. Ths party Is due on Wednesday The Bank ESTABLISHED ISI4. Capital Authorised Capital Paid Up a a a Beat and I'ndlvtoVd Profits I I. sm sr.

MUta Ja IZi, yee'S weal te SMIla lla 4 aal aM4earNen. geaa far dwlalea le fee. -1 ar talftt or ADSLAinc rr.i.) aboard tba cable ship RIsaL A apian-did welcom Is assured to them. London. Ont-, Cslhollcn.

London, Joe 1 In tbe Catholic churches of this city yesterday It wss announced that by order of Hla Lordship Bishop fallon, a nasi will be celebrated In th church ee on Coronation Day for HI Majeaty King Gorge V. "Catholics owe a great deal to tha British Envptre," said Father Tobln in St. Mary's Cburob- Tbey enjoy tbe greateat amount of liberty In the empire of any oountry In the world. King George ta the only British monarch to ascend tbe throne In M0 yeara without Insulting hi Catholics subjects by calling them IdolQtor. A mesa will be offered up for brm that be may worthily nil the exalted office to which be baa been ANOTHER CASE OF SMALLPOX TO-DAY Another smallpox patient haa been takes to Porter's Island that of a boy namsd BolleaU from IS Clarence Ireet- Dr.

Shlrreff, M. it. calls attention to the fact that this lad waa ths. only member of the Bolleau family not vaccinated. Hs considers this another argument In favor ot vac, clnatlon.

SOME BRIGHT MUSIC PUPILS Tha foil owing th r-iultt of the examinations tn muelo recently con ducted In Ottawa by the Aseoelated Board of the Royal Academy and Royal College of Music, as received front Mr. IB. H. Godfrey, of the cen- sua office, the board's honorary local repreeentatlve: Passed- advanced' alnjclnr and local centre rudiments James Foulls, pupil of Mr. P.

But) Is, Nepean street. Passed Intermediate pianoforte and local centre rudiments Cordelia Clarke, pupU of Miss A. O. Hardy. 7f Kim street and Estelle Godwin, puptl of Mr.

J. B. Birch, Sweetland Passed local centre rudiments- Winifred Bam brick, 21 Cumberland street, and Maude Iaeb11 Howard, pupil of las Flora Barnes, 124 Cambridge street. Passed Jitgher division pianoforte Maude laahell Howard, pupil of Mlaa Flora 114 Cambridge street. Passed elementary pianoforte Bella Currle and O.

Mac Far lane, pupils of Miss A- O. Hardy, 7t Sim street. i kl I. of, Ottatov W.eoe.soo S.JMM,0M S4.017.SM Tl Branch of this Bank is established in the mining district of PoircopBinie.

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