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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 8

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

yr A 'l St Mra. Uadrus UoMbrra Bishop. aaly tweMy-ar. whoso romance wit Hrymnar BUbop, waa ewuvd by a arpamuon within rear, warned all yams at He ant to marry old mra, an snatler what ml sill be ilea te-rnptartna to do COMING EVENTS. Annual Rose Exhibition win held I the Normal Mcaoal Aaeembly Hall.

aifia street, aa Friday evening, the 2lrd Instant, at t.SO p. m. The how win re me I a apea until p.m. the tni. lawln day.

Na admlaaloa fe. Kr-try body welcome. Ottawa Vegetable Grower. lie aaaual aerdea elelt ta tha Ksperl- aieatal Farm will ba aa Saturday afteraooa. Jaaa I4th.

Member, their allies, and frleada of the aaeocla-Ilea are aaked to meet at tha Farm greeaaaaaea at I p.m. Tea will be aeresd a th lawa at clock. Tba aoalaaaed garden party under rb auspices of the Queen's Tnieer-slty Alumase af Ottawa will ba held aturdy. Silh. at Dr.

J. H-I'mmaa's residence. Ie Kldeeu Terrace. Leae car at Rock litre car baraa Ada) lesion, lacladlng-tea, ec. Profeeaar gleclalrs pupila la aew elaux aad aatar daacaa 1 Orcbes.

Ira. NEW GIRLS' CLUB; HOLDS MEETING rroscatanf Girt Oraaaias Vadcr DlKsrtloa of Mr. Barbra. Th Protsatanl Oirla' Club, which waa raorntly organised, held a largely attended mealing In Oranga Halt last night whea 'tha charter of tha InatUulloa waa pre- aalad by th legal adTtMr, Ar thur Botrrlnot. Hia Davlsa waa IneKrumen- ta! tha organisation of tho club.

which haa gained In Interact and aurabeea. Th fflctnt aecrctary ke Mesa lea Bartlelt aad tha treseurer Mr. K. U. Bartlatt." In racocatUsa at bar aeTorla for lha benefit of the a beautiful bouquet of rosea waa given, la Mr.

At lb ccacluaioa of lb abort baalnaaa pari af lha maetlns. a social evening was arranged wbca dance nombara wra prorldtd by th Col leglat rcJieatra. TO GIVE PAGEANT AT. LIN DEN LEA Th haw suburb of Llndealea la siting a vary -eesnmendaal mm- pl la lb mattar. of oommunliy aatertalnment.

For aom wewk paat, th member of lha -anterprtatna; Lindenlea Woman' Aaaociatloa haya baan busy rehrarslna tor a pagaaal, lha dan-aant. and coaoart programme, which ara Scheduled to taks afaca a Saturday, commencing at ot p. m. Than will no charge tor ad-mlasloa ta. tba rroondo and a cordial tnvitatloa ta teamed to view tha pageant and participate ta tha dan-Bant In th afternoon, and to anjoy tba good laetranMatai and vocal ope -air concert la the evening starting at p.

as. r.UM.R CLOTHS SERVIETTE TOWEtaV pn.uow ft pa BHEETS, kvAB'K Beatti RpeniiidSonrB I FREE win mall free to any Houaewlf la Canada till Handy Roclp Book oa "How to Prepare Daaity Doaaerta" fro at Harry Horaa' "Ooubl Crn Casurd. This teok contafna 41 paarea aad' lb word at it popular and familiar eonaa Purchaaa ana tin af Harry Horna'a "Double Cream" Cuetard from your grocer, and take tha leaflet out of tin and fill In your name and address plainly aa leaflet aad aaatt It la Oept, T. The Hmrr Han, rw l-t tum. -t)wl Craantl iOJSTARD, Cuetard f.

powder. It I aHMt del Iciewe IV ANNOUNCE NAMES --PRIZE' WINNERS Prlasa MltMaia Wara Wd cocoa go tilouccatcr Mtmt Cost. t. t. anriK-c aero Tha later of Olourestar Btreet Convent have given out the follow Ing aiatmnt ycaterdsy' com- mencemeat sierclaes: Th 1 3rd annual commencement yarclsa of the Oloucestsr Hired Convent were held la lha Convent Hall before a distinguished aeaembly of parents, 'relatives and frieiuls of tba Institution.

Tha young lady graduates, number, were at tired In lha convent uniform. Hunt Markenal Xing. Premier, pre. sided, and at his right sat lion. Krneet Lajolnte.

AaVlraa ot akorne. Preceded by a short speech by Th addrese of wslcom waa read oy uiss Kavanagh la charming manner. Alter the awarding of Ulplomaa the French graduates. Mlaaee U. Bray, L.

Taacoareau. A. Carter. M. Bourque.

read "Lea arrbea du bonbeur." The English Claaa Esaay a as read by the Misses L. Teaff. A. Kennedy and pi. Kavanagh and waa listened to with much Interest and olsasure.

Mia Jeanne Caldwell read tha "mer er an address of lhanka. with much testing. Two beautiful songe were ung oy tne convent choir. Miss p. lllssonstt being aollst.

Those tak ing part In tha Inatrumental num Dcra were 11 uses B. dray. Kavanagh. T. earner, p.

Korhon. ft. Hanlon, SI nambcrg. Viollnets, Mlaaea E. llurke, urcombe, raaencreau.

Mr. Lapolnir' Ad tic. Hon. Mr Lanolnl addressed lha graduates In French, congratulating them on the honor they bad Just received, their convent on the splendid work II 1 doing for Cm ada. He aaked the young ladles to near in mind that their real edu cation was only beginning: lor college or school gives but th foundation upon which they, out a ina worio, nut Dolld.

The Premier Addrraa. 7 In responding to lha addresses thj rlgbt honorable chairman lhahked tha young ladles and those on be half of whom they apoka for their worda of warm welcome, appreel atlon And coneratulatloa. Ho ex pressed himself as very happy to aaa sain iou -na would Ilka to give the young lady gradu ate Borne Inspiring Idea to carry forth Into the world with them as a talisman. On being graduated from Harvard College, be himself bad bee deeply imp-re seed by the advice which waa thea given lha student by a very eminent professor and writer. Ha told them to bold faat to tha thlnga which they bad there been taught to reverence.

In a abort time the world would try to drag down their Ideals by tailing them they were unpractical, the dream of vlslonarlea Tha Premier very emphatically tm pressed upon the graduates that tha world will try to throw It dust Into lhlr area, too; but that they muat remain tru to all thalr convent had taught them to reverence, true to tha thlnga which the world calls trifle: tor the were the re-alltlea af Ufa. tha thing' worth) while belief In truth, la beauty, a deep lov of Ood. Begin each day thinking a beau-' tlul thought and perform Ing a kind act and soon beauty and kindness will flourish around you yoa will lira In a beautiful world. your live will be beautiful Uvea" Taking a phrase from on of in class essays: Knowledge la Ioer. the premier brought out tne fact that power meant Influence and t.tat.

their tnflnenc should oe for good In ih bom nd In th etata. every great and good man owed th best that waa him 'to soma noble woman, asually to bla asotlicr. Hr Mr. King paid a very peatiltfu: tribute to hi own mother to whte Influence attributed al that waa Ha could never her wllb a dgarett In her mouto or a dree up' to her knee, or whiPrg awn an afteraooa over a -ard tabic. I sr Of Their Vomtr.

Th Premier finished by lelll.ia the young ladies not to ncrouch upon man' domain for hi artwork war not for them. Bui to hold to their own tight, the power of in' nuenctng tor good th sua who make the aatloa, Tba Premier than prevented lha prlsea and crowned Ih graduates with laurels. Tha Prise Winner. Th prise winners follow: Gold medal for Normal Entrance donated by Hie Excellency the Apoa tollc Deiexau, awarded to Mlaa tal llatr Teatte. Gold medal for atenogrophy and tyoewrltln donated bv Dr.

B. O. Connolly awarded to Mlaa Monica Cavannab. Gold medal for ateaograpny land typewriting donated by Hon. Charlea Murphy.

I'oat award ed to Mlaa. Bremla uold medal for excellence in the undotrrraduate donatad by th keverend Mother Biipertor, rrnch rourae awarded to Mil. Oa bridle English course awarded to lea Mabel Rainboth. Gold medal for Dalntlaa and drawing donated by Mllea llhea Belanger and Elian awarded 4 Mlaa; Jeanne Dion. Oold crone.

BenemerentL tor laldulty and domestle avlenc pre sented by Mr, Henry McDonald in memory of Florence McDonald. awarded to Ml Anna Kennedy. Oold medal for cnrietlan doctrine preaented by Father Perrulaset, chaplain ot the. Institution, awarded to Mlaa ueatxic pray. Alternative prtrsr eo Id -mounted roeary presented by aiadama A.

Kavanagh. Gold medal for Canadian blatory preaented by 14 r. Robert Laurlejr la memory of Blr Wilfrid and Lady taurler, awarded 10 Mia Marguerite Bourque. 81tvr -medal -for' general- proficiency preaented by Hla Oreo, lha bit Moat Reverend Charlea.H. Oan-thler, Archblahop of Ottawa, award ed ta Mlaa Marguerite uourque.

Silver medal for general pro ficiency preaented by Hi Excellency tha reoverner-Oeneral of Canada, awarded ta MM Month Kavanagh. Tti following received diploma from ih commercial department Muat Meetlea Cavaaegh forlae for typewriting): Mm Breada Turrott (prts for typewriting) Mlaa Annie Oreen; Mia Marjorl Brennan (prls tor typawrltlng); Mia Hoe. Grime. Special pries which war preaent ed by Reverend Mother Bu pert or: Muatr. Miea Beatrice Bray; mod ara history, Mlaa Norah Kavanagh: aol fenl.

Mlaa Ulllaa Teaffe- aaasdultyv Mtaa ts. Bray. A. carter, Rasa berg. a atf.

Rtrnlcf Wfeeton hns relumed from Brolth Falls, whrra ha haa bees) ependlng the teas two week THE OTTAWA JOURNAL 1- PERSONAL At t'crabank. Col. C. A. Eliot and Mra.

Eliot and family are leaving abort ly far embank to spend the aummer. la Toroatu. Mr J. R. McCrackea, K.C., I pending a few daya la Toronto.

To Ball for F.nsUud. Mr. and Mra. F. Chrysler will aall shortly for Englsnd.

tntereatlug Weakling. A waJdlag of wldeapraad Interest waa tba marriage at Utrathroy of Emily Clare, only daughter of Judge D. C. Rosa and Mra. Rosa and franddaughter of tha lata Blr Oeorge W.

Rosa, to Grant 8. Newton, aon ot Mr. aad Mra. Joha Newtoa. of Utrathroy.

Many guaets war pres-snt. end among those from uusds point wore Hon. W. C. Keanedy.

Minister af Hallwava. and Mra Keanedy, and Benator T. Pardee, from Ottawa. 'The ceremony, which took pleee In St. John' Church, waa performed by the rector.

Rev, 00. Pugaley. a Dr. Rlewart Murrey, of th Montreal Ueneral Hospital, at spending soirts time In Ottawa, the gueat of Mr. and Mra.

A. Sutherland. Leave fwr Halifax. Mia Beatrice Bparka leavaa neat week for Halifax, wher aha will spend several-week tho- gueat at Mr. J.

n. Munroa Rctarn to England. Commander R. M. Stephens.

R. Mr. Stephens and their little on. will return to England early In July. Commander aad Mra.

Stephens Intend to again lake up realdenc In angland. Mr. and Mra W. Scott will spend the summer an th Rideau Lake. Iii'th houaa formerly oc cupied by th lat Robert Prlngle.

K.C. J- Horn From ew Vork. Mra Agnetf Benolt baa returned from New Tork. accompanied by her eldest, son, Mr. Victor Benolt.

Mr. Benolt will remain In Ottawa during; the Mlaa Elena Murdock has return-from Toronto, where ah ha been for several weeka Mra E. I. Fauqnler i family bavarian for tk Lakes for several weeka Recarn so Sydney. Mrs.

Carroll, wlf of Mr. W. F. Carroll. M.P- leave next week for her bom In Bydny, N.

8 having been her tine Ih opening of Par liament. a a to P. E. Mrs. 1.

a. Macnhall and her chil dren. Master Andrew and little Mlaa Catharine, will leave next week for Prince Edward Island to spend lb summer. i At BankT. Mr.

ad Cameron Are spending iwa month at Banff, AJ-barla i. Mra E. Sherwood I spending some lima In New Rata i Front St. Andrews. Mr.

Norman Oathrl haa retura- ad from St. Andrews, where he accompanied Mra. Outhrla and family, wher they are spending the ummr. Rev. W.

T. O. Brown and Mr. Browa and their family will leave neat week for Petawawa. Me, Frank lyn Abeara la taking a party up to Thlrty-One-Mlla Lake over the week-end.

Left For m. Andrew 's. Mra. Edward Ptadergaet haa left to apend th summer months at St. Andrew',

Boatott Gacaa. Mlaa Leila Bull, of Boston. Mas. arrived in Ottawa yesterday and 1 th cuaat of Mrs. W.

Perrtn, Mr. and Mr. Clark Jacques. of Kdmontoa, apent a few daya In Ot. tawa.

ini weoa, Wltn jar, w. S. Jamlcaon, Powell avenue. Wcddtn; Th snarriace of Mhaj -idn Godwin, daughter of Mra F. R.

Godwin, to Dr. Seymour Hadwea III lake place I p.m. Monday. June t. at All Saints' Church The bride will be attended by Mia Kathleen Snowdoa and Mlaa Amy Magrath.

Mr. Reginald i ran erne win oe best man. Mr. Aldous Aylen. Mr.

Horn Harris. Major Gordon McLennan and Horace Law son. of Royal Military Col lege. Kingston, win be usbtr. a a Rctarn to Tow.

Mra. J. 8. S. ReulllrV who ha been In Montreal for th past two months, returned ta town yeeler day.

Mra. Norman Rotalllck and her children, who have been In Perth for some time, arrived but evening, and will visit Mr. J. H. S.

Reuillck. lMr for Portia Mr, and A. Burk holder leav today to spend a month at Portland on the Rldeaa. They w.ll be accompanied gutJUeglatlaUtuia.AUffliJxpcted Mr7Percy Kilally. of woo win remata tor a waea, Wra T.

A. Armatrons and Mia Kathleaa Keho bare returned from Butlornut Bay. where aav baea spending some el at- ta ahubin- KMa I children, koward and William, ara apendlnf th remainder of tha aum mer at Burwaah. and Sua bury. Mra.

la lit ln-don. Onu, visiting Mrs. Hv B. Ash- r- CoL O. T.

and Mr. Hamilton and Mia Hamilton were paseengsr aa Empree of Beotland, which ar- nvea at Uuebee yesterday after Mlaa Edith Whltneld. who was in town tor in ralr-Rlchardeea wedding, will remain over th week end. th guest ot Mrs. Richardson.

Other out-of-town guaets veers Mra Marshall Fair. of Klnaataw. rvn and Mr. Roland Fair, who aav FIRST MOVIE BALL IS FILMED HERE Prominent Ottawa Peraias Take Part la Brilliant, Anlraarcd tiqrnc. 1 Ottawa enjoyed all lha thrill of las flrst movls ball nuht.

The scene at the Chateau Laurler while the ball eeeae of The Man From Glengarry" waa being filmed waa a brilliant and animated one. More than a hundred known local people took pari. Tht lars ballroom wa Hooded with light, making It a bright aa day, and aa the couple enjoyed th music camera men "sbot" Ih scene Light were everywhere, and the final "movie" touch waa given by the appearance of thos taklnf part. All had a plentiful supply ot powder on their face to that Ihey would AVh wetL The cene wsr directed by Henry McRae and Kenneth O'Hara. Several rehearaa wre necessary befor th nsceesary proficiency waa attained and the camera started to grind.

A buffet aupper wa served. Those Isvlted were: Capl- Armstrong, Mr. and Mra R. L. Agncw, Mr.

and Mra Frank Ahoern. Mr. and Mra. Beach. Mr.

and Mra 8. Brown, Mr. and Mra. J. Beietett.

Mr. and Mra. Bourl- not, B. Bonnell, Mr, and Mra. H.

Booth. Mr. aad Mra G. D. Mr.

and Mra. A. C. Bethunc. Mis Beach, Capt, 8.

Bate, A. Bate. T. Bate. Mr.

and Mm." Wren Blrkert J. Blrkett. Mlaa E. Blair. Col.

and Mra. J. Sutherland Brown, Mr. and Mra Fred Booth. Mr.

and Mra. Jack. eon Uoolh. Mr. and Mrs.

John Block. aussrs Bropny, Mrs. H. A. Brous.

Mlsa H. Brouaa. Mlaa U. rmil u- snd Mrs. Jack Craig.

Mr. and' Mra Henry Campbell, Mr. and Una Collin Campbell, Gertrude Coutlee. Mr. and Mra.

H. K. Carruthera. Rill Currlc. Beatrice Cbadwlch.

Betty Chadwleh. Mlaa R. Cameron. Mlee M. Cook.

c. Carroll. Col. Crearer. Dr.

and Mrs. Chabot. Mlaa Cosku. ran. Mr.

and Mra. Lewis Crime Mr. and Ml. T. Carllna Brown.

Capt. Clark. t-oi. uoigrave. D.

Campbell. Capt. Cross. Lieut. Cameron.

Mr. AIM. Curri. Mlaa Edna Devla. Mr.

and Mra Devlin. Mr. aad Mrs. W. Davla Keith Davidson.

B. Devlin. Mr. and Mr. Mayno Darks.

Major Davidson. Mr. and Mra M. IS. Davla Mr.

Dion Dr. and Mra. Doughtv. Lieut. R.

Denning. Lieut. D. Dewar. Albert Bwart.

llu Miase Btf-erley. rEastlak. Mr. and Mrs, A. Fellows, Jlr.

and Mra K. Fellow aad Mr. Frlpp, Mia Frlpp. Major oa j. u.

my, uut. Frank. senator and Mra r. I. nirri- Col.

and Mra R. Gardner, Mlaa X. Grleraon. Mis D. Ooodev A.

Osrland. A. Greene. Col. Gordon H.

Gill. A. ailllea, Dr. Ouna. George Grave Mr.

and Mrs. K. Greene. Mr. end Mrs, C.

A. Gray. air. and Mrs. Garman.

Mis Oarei. uu. Jessl Gourlay. Mr. Earl Gourlar, Capt.

D. Guthrie. Capt. and Mra W. P.

Had lev vi and Mra. a HalL Mlaa N. Hensy. H. Houghton, Mr.

and Mra. James A. Mir K. Modgtn Humphrey, Mrs. Holden, Mr.

and Mra. Alex. Hill. J. and T.

Hnle. Col. and Mr. Hotfsins, Capt. Hammond, air.

ana sir Keeter. p. D. Lyon. Mr.

smd Mr Allan Lewi a. Mlsa EL Lemleux, Malor MeDnwall rtalnlt Terry Maunsell. will McLaughlin. C. Morris.

Audry McLaughlin. Mlase McDougall. Mis A. McClena-chan. Mr.

and Mra. 8. McClena- rhan. Major O. McLennan: D.

Mao- Mahon. Hornby. Mra. and Mis Mackenal. Mis McLean.

Mlaa Matlhewa, Miss IV McOea. Mian a Monk. Mlaa McLaren. Mlsaee Mulvey, Mlsse Moodle. Allan Maynard.

Lt. Col. and Mra. R. J.

Orde. Mlase O'Connor. Mr. and Mr. H.

C. Monk, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pulfnrd. Mr.

ani Mr. W. O. Pussier. Mr.

and Mrs. 8. V. Pstcruin. Mra H.

Pin hey. Jilts A. Pone. Mines Prtnee. O.

C. Pangrran. Dr. Pa'mer. Mltaea Par ker.

K. Pfrker. Mleses Qualn. Lt avHroy. iortnrop.

tpt. aterar. lane. Major Olvrr. Malor Meclnuxh.

lln. McCullouah. Capt, O'Bul- Ilvan. Major Jark Macpherson. Lt.

Prltehard. Mr. Parker. Mr. snd Mra.

C. Read. Bill Rirharda. Lt. O.

H. Roger. Mlase Rogers. L. Ray.

at. and L. Roger. Mr. and Mra Walter Rosa.

Lt. Stalker. Miss Franc Sharp. Mas Doris Bnark. C.

W. Sorel. 8L B. Bladen, n. de Ralaberry.

eol. J. Scott. R. Blfton.

Mr. and Mra WlUUm Stewart. Lt. R. M.

Stewart. Lt. S. B. Hfrrlr Major H.

Sherwood. Mlaa Slflon, Vtle-ea Snulham. Cant. Charlea R. Sleln.

Mlsa M. Smleh. Major C. Scott. Mr.

and Mrs. K. soper. Col. amr'Mra.

L. P. ftnerwftod. J. Russet Smith.

Mr. and Mr. Thomaa Mli Thoburn. O. Thomneon.

Miss Tharkery. Mr. Trundel. E. Treer, De Monty Tachereao.

Meaara. Val- lenn. Dr. and Mra. Vailn.

Gerald Whlney, V. Brown Wallls. S. Wooda Mlsse Watson. Me.

and Mm White, Frank Wrlsht. Lt. Weather' head. Mis Petty Toung. Miss Wat son.

a a a At Korsrar bliss E. Bonn villa, af Montreal will spend th summer st Norway Bay. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Mullln.

At Mr- Lake, Mr and Mrs, C. H. Toung aad Mlsa Betty Toung have moved to their aummer home at Meach Lake- Alumna Garden Party. Miss Jsls Mulr of th Ottaw In tows this week-end for th garden party of the Queen' University Alumna of Ottawa to be held an Saturday afternoon. June Jt.

at th residence of Dr. i. Putmas, XM Rideau Teccace. To Study la Fsaglsatl, Dr. Herbert Sander, th org an lat af Dominion Church, has Just turned from a-trip toy th EaaUra province where he baa been coa- ductlns the local eaamlnallons of McOIII University.

Among other places viae ted were St Joha, Mone-ton. Truro, Halifax, New Glasgow and Sidney. He was also associated with Dean Psrrl In sondueUng the local snd higher eaamuaatlona at the McOIII University Conse tsrlusa. MonlrsaL Dr. Sanders leaving oa Monday evening aall on th Kmnroaa ar Scotland to Enc land.

WhU la) England hs Is to Btady lb revolutionary nethed teaching th pianoforte th Mat-I hay Method with Tobias Mattha hlmsslt. Mr. Matthay hi rewarded a the greatest living master of Ih nroblema of pianoforte technique. I n. saMan aava be bonsw tar I back la Ottawa again by th east Charming Brides' of June Patinas Kluis.

1 quiet but pretty wedding took place on Wednesday. Juna it, at two o'clock, at the home ot Mra. W. 8. Hughe.

Winchester, when Miss Julia Errett was-married lo Mr. Harold Patterson, of Winchester. Rev. J. K.

Curtis. pastor of tha Msthodlst church, performed tha ceremony. The bride, who wa given away by Mr Hughe looked charming In gown of Ivory crepe meteor. Her veil Waa held In place with orange bloaaunia and ah carried a hooquet of Ophelia rose After the ceremony dainty buffet luncheon woe aerved, and Mr. and Mra.

Patterson left on a motor trip to Brock vine and other polnta. The brld travelled In a navy trlcotlns with mo hair hat to match. On their return they will realde on a farm In the vicinity ot Winchester. Strtckland Blnw 1st to. Th marriage of Muuf Nancy Blrt-wlstle.

daughter of Mr. and Mra. Arthur Blrtwlsllc. of Cliffs House, Ureal Harwood, England, and Mr. Norman B.

sHrkkiand. of Toronto. son of Mr. and Mr Jamas Strick land of Cornwall, took place at Trinity Church. Cornwall.

Wednesday. Juna 11. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. W. Netten.

M. rector. Th brld. who waa given away by Mr. Jamca Strickland, wore a dreaa of pink crepe de chin Mr.

William A. LIddell, of Toronto, waa best msn. Among th friends pres ent na a. E. JoyaL of -Barke- ley.

California; Mr. W. T. Kortye. of Miss Lnrcss TrVkry, twice win ner ot th women's horse-ma nail! enamptotaanip at th rncteo at Che yeans, Wssk, haa snads formal apnliealioei so Asarast Belmont.

Jockey Sub oenctsL tor perm le sion to ride a the tnaefca. about New TcarK City. Mass Trlrkey. who went New York im rurrlva the MeAlpis tropeiy tne vrlsmirul the tits st ClaeyeanaL. atoclaiea her aa.

Meat ion was made ba all sTrtous- niSAT, lUKl S3, Woman's Realm Social and Personal ClubNew City Charities Fashions Literature NOVEL PARTY FOR ANNIVERSARIES Crfrkraitoai la ttaaor of Mr. 1 Mrs. Stewart VYItwra aad lct)rr. Aa snjojabt MMntlw took ill eocsstoa ol tin dusl svent of th twentieth 'anniversary af Mr. aad Mr.

Itnvi WHIM'S wedding ui of W. Hellyer' birthday. It Jeas" held In th beautiful (round ol Mr. HtUyft residence. Cameron street.

Ottawa South. Th aucata war received bv Mra Hellyer and Mr Wlltaa, th fornar Id a dainty prlmroa and maa dree and ttia tatttr in biaric and whit foulard llk and whlla hat. Mora than slsty people aat down to tba well-arransed tables which war tastefully decoralsd with baskets of rows and peonies. Dink feeing th predominarlno; nota throughout. Th irardn wra say with flags and lantern Cat Weddlnc Ckr.

Th wedding cake wan aurmount- ad with a oilnlatur bride and Broom and wn tut br Mrm Blwart Wltten. aftr which Mr. J. J. Ban a 11 offered tba pood wish af all pressst.

and Mr. Wltien aad Mr. Hllyr respond-d. Mr H.lly.r. Ml Klsrk.

M1a M. Woodeford and Mlia Kvelyn Wu- un satiated at th tM. Ml Black; looked charming la arty stilt. Mia Woodvford la whit allk with prim-reae trimming and Mlaa Wltten ta aprkot crvp da china trlntraad wlih brae. Mr.

Wltien wa pressured with a beeuttfur---rhower- bouquet nf-resH- reee and Mr. Hellyar received roaaa aIao. offer which the party wa nltoiorraDhsd. AW EaJoyapJa Froerramse 'An Impromptu coacart arraagad or Mr. Eraest Bottea.

with Mr. O. Bar Kennedy at tha plaao, wa anally aajoysd. Ihoa taking part after tba community etnglns; being: Don, Mra W. Toraey.

Mra Lea Smith. Mr. B. B. Bottea.

Mr. A. Baker. Mr. K.

Pentland and Mr. Lea Smith; rarltatioaa br Mr. Stewart Wltiea and Mr. frank Aid- rldx. Durlna- th coacart a aand- om sift waa presented to Mr.

aad Mra Wltiea oa behalf af all praarnt. and avaral other beautiful nlft wcra received, aleo rabla from Enr laad. East Africa. Maw York. Montreal and Cane An erehesir waa la atlendsncs aanciaa aa-lba Iowa waa aaaaa.

ftrr whtch rafreahmant wbra aanrad and th party bmk up la tha early hour altar Aald Lam yna and th National Anthem had baaa aunc Aeaoag the UmeMM. ARieiiff Ihoa Invitaafwar: Snavl. Mr. aad Mra. Arthar Dak or.

Mr. and Mra A. N. Bear. Mr.

and Mra Bearaer. Mr. and Mra B. J. Boat.

Mr. aad Mra Botiaa. Mr. and Mr. Dell.

Mr. and Mra. Bur-rail. Mr. and Mra.

Burnett, Mr. and Mra 0y. Mr. aad Mra VraJ Oalbrallh. Major aad Mra fllllla Ma-aodr Mra Hard.

Mr. and Mra. Mlochraaaa. Mr. aad Mra Mopoar.

Mr. and Mra Hewitt. Mr. and Mra McMaater. Mr.

and Mra Rand. Mr. and Mra. H. Bpri Mr.

and Mra. Laa amtta. Mr. and Mra. baa Walton.

Mr. nnd Mr. Whlttaker. Mr. and Mra.

Earl Toaaa. aaar lire. T. Vmrm Toung. and Mra Tamer.

Mr. and Mra W. Toraey. The MIf( Anna Pnw. France flack.

EUIlh Da a-a K. Xaw. Hemmlna. Marauarua roarniar. rark, a.

Pryca and Woodaford aad Meatra McUaad. tx joaaa MazwaU Tsby. J. Baaaall. Claoraa White.

D. Boy Knnay, Holataa, A. Mana, rrank Aldrldf. Herbert Wlttea, Oeor(e Hellrr aad ttalta. NOVELTY SHOWER FOR MISS DUNCAN Mr.

H. M. Prttchara waa boat a dellaHtfully arranired "aorelty ehower" la honor of Mi Laura Duneaa. whoa marrtaira Uke ptaca ihortly. Maatrr Harold Prlt-cbar and Maatar Jack ralrbalra aTeaealed tha lift to tba brlda- aian, ana little Mlaa Batt pm chard areaeated tba cuaat at honor with a handaom aoaacay.

Mra. J. Labey aad Mra. W. a Falrbalrn presided at tba anion-waa praliuy adorned with fraaraat oiooma xna waa wara cut by Mra X.

John eon. Aaatatlna wara Mia vvtara uranaai ana ait Owen no uianys lrua. Genuine Irish Linen For Direct Imrortation To order roas oar 'agaiBtri and ta ikort flaw raoripc fa pmt Kara at grtttlt re-dacrd prlcrs. Cleghorn Limited Jaxboa BMf. Qaeca Wrrpa7 aleiojt" Hila-il "i if WS ise ewe awrwMw wrei ay uea pawl anau, Bach l-oa, tie win aaak I ptnta Each l-oa Ma will make pint of the axial delirious ereaasy eastard that ana eould deelre.

It only oasts eeata alas aaa plat at ssllk ta asaal pint of eTiatara. Tba reel pa book will skew yau deratr, baa avpenslve dlshse that can ba prepared la a fsw nunutra wit mis siiclua Cuetard. Marry f.rnt to imMlh rlt flavour. "TVnibl Cream evaiard ui.mlng and a 'Don't Wed Old Men' r.O HOME SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT 7 ww.m rvnarnea nam, j. wrk la 1 aUDXaVU AiTD Staple Department Extra Good Values in Table Qoths and Napkins Damask table cloths and napkin of goo union quality, linen), ar shown In pot with key.

and la floral daslgra Thess ar extra good values at th following prices: else lat yard at 8S.18 each Slxs tal 1-1 yard at B4A4) ch S.s til yards, at MM each Napkrn. II II Inch at tM doaen Hemstitdied Pillow Cases, 45c ea. These ars mad of Canadian pillow cot-Ion or medium weight and com In else St. 44 and 41 Inches. Exceptionally good value, at see sseb.

Sheeting at Inch fcleached sheelkig for only aoc yard. Peterboro: Miss Alice Mulbsra, Mlsa Grace Uddell. Ml as Doris Cornell, Dr. Maurice Hamilton, Mr W. Net-tsn.

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Strickland left on the afternoon train for Sparrow Lake. Muakoka, where they will spend th honeymoon. Mr.

Strickland met his bride in England whea he was serving In the Canadian army In that great war. A host of friend Join In th slneereet congratulatlcna and beat wishes for their, happiness and prosperity. BsJmtaAtrbisoa. A happy svent took plac th Presbyterian manae, Wlncbeatar, on Wednesday. Juna II.

when Mis May Atchison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. c. R. Atchison, waa united In marriage to Irwin Baksr, of Nation Valley.

Tha ceremony wa performed by Rev. lt. J. M. Glaaaford.

and th brld waa attended by Mary M. Munro, while Mr. Clifford Kendrick eupported th groom. The happy couple left for- Toronto and Niagara Fall and on their return will realde at Natl un Valley. Hart I.

A pretty June wedding took place In Trinity Church. Cornwall, yesterday, when Miss Clara M. Hartls. daughter or Mr. and Mr M.

E. Hartls, becam th brld ot Mr. Harold A. Peeeod, aon of Mr. and Mr Alvln Peecod.

all of the West Front. Cornwall. The church was prettily decorated with flowers by members of the Oirla'. Auxiliary. Rev.

W. Netten. outdated. The Immediate members of both families were present, the out-of-town guests being Mr. and Mra.

C. W. Pescod and daughter Edith, ot Russell, snd Miss Eva PascoJ. of Ottaw Tha bride, who waa given away by her father, wore a pretty gown of white silk crepe de chine with veil snd orange blossoms, snd carried a bouquet of Ophelia roees. she also wore tha groom' gift, a string of pearls.

Mlsa Eva Peecod, skater of the groom, la a dainty frock of white organdie, with jade green ai Ik hat, waa brides-msld. and carried a bouquet of aweet peas and carnation The best man waa Mr. Roy Hartle, brother of the bride. After luncheon, served st the bride's home. Mr.

and Mra. Peecod left for a short wedding trip to Ottawa and PresCott. coming home on the liner Rapids Prince. The bride travelled in a euit'of navy blue aerge with bar to match. The young couple have the beet wlahea of a boat ot trlenda for their future happiness, and wers rsclpients ot many very beautiful presents, including several cash gift see Will Set! Artk-tc Th ladle In charge of th Arrangement for th Protestant Infants' Home Garden Party, which was postponed, will ael.l th Articles from th fish pond and othr booths today tl II Spark street a a Saccesaful Tea.

The tea and money shower, which uraa bald yesterday at the residence of Mra Bernard Blattery waa an unqualified success from every standpoint- The proceeds were In aid of th Holy Family Church. The house waa attractive with peonies, roses and bright blooms. substantial amount waa realised. Special Values in Our JXIOHOIJUi ITS. 3 50c yd.

4,000 Yard. Drew Gbghams of fair duality. Iii a Variety of Colors At 25c yd. About 4,000 yard of Dress Qinghsms of fine quality snd Canadian manufietnre, in 27-inch width, include splendid snaortment of plsids ia various color combination, lo Wick th This offers n-exeellent opportunity to raske one's self the children number of pretty summer dretdes st the very small cost of only 88c yard. Splendid value Pure II doaen Special Inch hernstltehed hem aiss is a I.

Would ba varv nice to Initial embroider, and plain linen seevhfltes with 1-1 ar specially good for 14.54) els7" doxea. 25 Doz. Glass Tow II doses glaa towel (f. linen), com sn atss rt a 14 Inches nd sre extr soe4 valu snly 400 each. -A- Fine Nainsooks, Etc, For Trousseau Lbgerie TOnf Cotton Department lg rtowlnii xcptlonslly well assorted rang of lovely matsrlais for etc aad th brld-to-s) who ts making her osrb troauaas ihniltr be able 111 all bar aeed aer- t--- Tarantull ot Bngljsh manufacture la atocked In three qualities, 4 Inches wide.

"Price Sac, Sac and MM yard. Ltngcrla cloths ot ftns qualities and light 'weights In I Inch width ar priced esc, -4e and yard. Bridal cloth an soft cloth of Cana dlaa sTtanafaotura la II Inches wide aad i priced dlo sad yard. Kalnaooka of Can ad la and British maau- factnre are atocked In a great variety of aualltiea from II I 41 inches wide at price Sao, 0c Ue and up to Sao yard. Horrockaes Midapolam of fin even weave tree from filling.

Is. her In three dee lrable nuaUtlesln 14 Inch sow and yrd. Trooaonaa a very flnsly woven cloth for lingeries etc. Comes In white and dainty eh ad re of peaoh. pink.

blue, maavt and htarae. 4 snchss wld at as yard. 1 Fins longcloth of British manufacture and fine even weave, la shown In a good weight In' II Inch whits. This ts extra pec tal at show wen assorted Mock ot In Swiss Em broideries ml( dlnty whltwar, a good variety of An atachlo aaad real lac. SATURDAY CLOSING HOUR 1 PLANS FOR ORDER OF EASTERN STAR Convention ot Grand Chapter ot Ontario Next Week Import aat Event.

Th Grand Cbaptsr of Ontario. Order of tbe Eastern Star, will hold Its seventh annual session la the Horticultural Hall. Lanedowne Park, on June St. IT and 2s. Tha varloue committees of Orand Chapter will meet on Monday and at T.l p.m.

(standard time) Grand Chapter will be Informally opened by Paat Orand Matron Mra. Belma W. Maaon. of Windsor. OnL.

followed by an address of welcom by Mayor Plant. A reception will be -given by the Orand Officer after which all pres. ent will be entertained by the local entertainment eommllt. An aula drlvs on Tuesday ha slso teen arranged tor under the direction of this cornrnlttee. A Million Members.

Ob Tuesday morning at (standard' time) Orand Chapter will be called to order by Part Orand Matron Mra. Mildred K. Schanbacher, of Port Artbur, Ont and the business of tha session pro. cssded with under the dlrsctlon ot the Worthy, Grand Matron. Mr.

Kllaafcelh M. Taylor, of Preston. Ont. Dr. a.

a. Elliott 1 Worth Grand Patron of tha Orand Chapter of Ontario. Between Id and to out-of-town visitor ara expected in addition to several dlstlnguiahod -gut Including representative ot Gnral Orand Chapter and present and past Grand Officers of Ontario) and other Jurisdictions. Tbsra are i Ave chapters In Ottawa, with membership of approximately soo. end to Order has a total msmbra ehtp of ovsr one million.

Local arrangements ars being looked after by a general committee representing the five Ottawa chapter Mr Maud Shaver. A. G.C., and Mr Delia E. Kennedy, D.D.O.M.. District No.

are associate convener with Mr. A. O-- -Munro A convener of Wl committee, and Mra. Sadie Coale and Mr. J.

A. Raid, secretary and! assistant secretary. Tho Jotat Ccaavener The Joint conveners of tha auba committees are ae follows: Hal Mrs. Alberta Latimer and Mr. H.

C. Shlpmani entertainment. Mr Jennie irvln and Mr. A. C.

Brown: reception. Mra. Ada McDernild tnil Mr. O. Morgan: billeting.

Mra. Maud Dalgllsh and Mr. J. 8. Mr-Adam: refreshment.

Mr M. H. W. Cameron- and Mr: -W H. Kpruulei transportation.

Mr Mary E. Miner and Mr. J. A. Raid: publicity.

Mrs. Albert Dualop and Mr. Geo. Buraey. Final local arrangement wr completed oa Monday evening laat at a largely attended meeting of the gnral commttt.

It la confidently axpected that thla will be one ot th moat profitable and enjoyabl. sessions In th history of Ontsrlo Grand On the occasion of bis marriage -to Miss Lillian Carpenter, Mr. Jack W. Kennedy. 14 1-J Adelaide atreew was given a handsome gift from lb Manufacturer' Life Insurance Company, of which Is th local cashier.

Mr. Kennedy was married Wedneaday. Mr. J. T.

Whlttaker, city representative, made the presentation la an appropriate address) aa baJaalf at tha staff. Ths entire suit Joined 1 eateadlng toefrstuxi- tlsns to Mr. Kennedy. Fine Cotton Damask Tea aoths at $1.85 Cation damaak leelsth of fine quality, closely woven, come In spot design with Orask key border. Slxs It II Inches, for only II Linen Serviettes: at $4.50 doz.

la widths suitable for trtu. lac, and ssveral stakes of P.M. rrt- v7 Otaly-Oc-eae-A 'J.

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