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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 8

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

8 TAB OTTAWA EVENING JOURNAL. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 16. 1900. CANADA'S CHEAPEST STORE Hew Arrivals of Fall Goods Chamber Sets $1.49 A Snap, Half tha wit of mI1Id unr Is UUn stocks from which svsrybedy cae (a bm thecal Just Umm hints to esme aad see: Men's Pssts.

wsll aad. d.a. Tin, He. Men's Suits, best made go aty. for.

Mis, MM, Hit. Ml Men's Pit Jacks', lined moleskin, for M. tt.fe Kn'l Heavy Eton's Pent, best vslus la the city, Mo per pair. Men's Hau u.oo (our Noted.) Meo'o Fleeced Shirts aad Drawee In S5o garmeat. Ladles Waal Hoaa lie.

So. Ha par pair. Ladles' Undsrrast from He Olovee. Ceild'e Wool Hoods, Wool Boaa. ace.

from Ho up. See our Bargai Table. It will surprise you. Boots and Shoes Dry Goods 1 Floor "Olloloths. Carpets, eta.

Canada's Cheapest Store A. A. FOURNIER CO'Y. M7. BZ It, O.

1-1 Phase MB. FIRE 30 large Photo Vies of Ottawa and Mull fire. The best selection in the city. PITTAWAY'S 68 SPABXS MONEY TO LEND AT 4 1-4 PER CXBT. la Una aiaoanta or email emanate, repayable la monthly hunalment.


KBNINV ACCOUBTAST, AOTIT01, AB8IOHD5, BANK STREET. We Have ef Crockery. Olass- vara, laatpa. Tinware Agatswar and Keshan Noveltiec ale Dinner. Tea and Cham bar ftotta.

BRIDGMAN'S bank arxEET. NIGHT SCHOOL, At' the "OTTAWA BTTSnriCM COL- IE eaaameaoee October lata. COMPETENT TEACHERS. FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMENT. Pest success la oar suaraatee tor the fatar.

JOHN KEITH, PRINCIPAL Address 1H Sparks street tin til oera-pleuon at new building. 174-171 Welllag- too MY- Tea and Coffee Can't be beat. Try them. Bdward S. Drown RTDKAU ST.

PkMl786 I Am Always Ready To imp aay eaaatity B. PULLAN COS. KINO AND Fa Hex STOP THAT COLD at tee Heal or Oieet tsrJM liable to had to Chraskt Ceterta. Ceemmpllee est tee Crave. K0LDST0P ml PILLS.

eediroserllor. stops the wor it sou Si sealer chest hi 24 seers. Meets eta. mm sWIONINa joiiK.iAt.Ji 1 u.i Tw TMI JOURNAL gtrlntlns Span? of Ottesra. Limited.

P. D. rMlaagiag Wreetor. sUgU. atnst, I Urn 11 Hon wiwinvi, mm sad woolen there I absolutely II aawng that stvee, sachj ssMi "'UIGTOnitlE, 1.

It Oees away with tha mbtilsg wMeehea ssonths off the life tt kliakel er wseiss goods. aw. I I WBLLINOTON STREBT. PPER TOWN ONLY. The Market OTTAWA MARKET.

A Oood Attendance of Seller and Buyer. i Tito market was filled with load of produce this morning, but trade waa dull The market waa fairly wall attended by housekeepers, but there seemed little Inclination to buy. Prices however kept steady. Even the rala caused no drop In price, as tha majority of farmers and gardener preferred to tAet their good bom to aell-Ing at a sacrlAc. Vegetables hava about reached the bottom notobf -and are steadying for a raise when colder weather set In.

Apples war offered in plenty at front 11.75 to 12.60, per barrel and preserving) crab applaa at Uo per ten-quart pau. The meat market la steady, pork mak ing It appearance in large quantities at 17.7t and per cwL Lamb wa also in large quantity at from to to 7o for fore and to tc per pound for hind quarters. Fowl were In abundance, turkeys going at 10c per lb. Only one dealer offered honey for sale, tint old very Uttle at 11 l-2c per bog. by the comb, and Xc per pint jar.

clear. Very atttle grain wa offered foa aale, and prices were about the same aa laat week. The withdrawal of tha MoKay Milling Company ha had tha effect of holding down prices to a certain extant. Vegetable. Potatoes, Sc per bag.

Apples, 10c per 11.71 to I1.M per bhL Crab apple, lie per pall, parrots, per bunch 10c vr do. Beets, par bunch. 10c par do. Onions, per bunch, 10c per do. Onion, per pall.

Mo to sec. Celery. fOc to 10c per do. Cauliflower, 5c to llo per dog. Cabbage, 16c to 20c per dosen.

Pumpkins, to to Uc each. Tomatoes, -15c to 25c per palL Turnips, 25c per bag. Squash, tc to 10c each. Citron, tc to 10c each. Savory, 1 bunches for to.

Sage, 1 buncoes for tc. Meat. Pork, I7.TI and per cwt. Beat, I l-lo per quarter. Lamb, to to 7c fore, tc to tc hind.

Turkey. 70 to 11.60 each. Oeese, toe to 75c Chickens, eOc to too per pair. Dairy Produce.

Mutter, lc to Uc paill Mc to Sic print. Xggs, lie to Mc Cheeae. lie. I Oraln. Oats, to Mc.

Wheat, 16c to 700, Mc to ttc Hide. Rough, tc Trimmed, tc to tc Lamb skins, Mc to toe. Calf skins, rough, tc to Tc Calf skins, trimmed, 7o to tc Wool, Mc to ltc. BUTTER AND CHEBBE IN ENU-LAND. London, October It.

Butter Is la moderate reoBest, finest at Ms to ltts; good and Una, at Ms to Ms. Cheese I firmly and quiet; finest colored at It to It; white. Ma to Its; early. Ma to LIverpooL Oct. 16.

Butter I steady Froast crearr-srlee4 uog lo 1Mb Cheese Is quiet; finest colored at ti to Us; whits. 61s to Us, and useful to at at to.ll. PRODUCE Montreal, Oct. 11. Cheese.

Quebec goods brought a high Bgurs at tbs boat to-day, 4.M0 or I.0M selling at llo to 11 1-tc and tot some esse a nigh aa 111-4. Th price ar hardly, justl-Sed by th recent state of tha market. It le claimed, and are the outcome of special competition among; buyer. Th English market has advanced being quoted at Ms to Ms by tbs Livor- pool publlo eable. Th local market la not aay too active, and might be townships and 111-1 for westerns.

Onset goods. Receipts to-dey asaosnt-ad to 14.1M boxes. Exports from the port of Moatreal during th past week ft mounted to M.4K boxea, or SUM lose than for the esrreasoadlng weak of IMS. Total exports from Moatreal sine tao flrst of May amounted to bona, or ia.M mar thee thoae for lira obttws- aonding period of hut year. lellr-JReoelpts reported on tao 'of Trna to Sen watd Tn urM la sw ant taady.

The la nmltsd. and receipt ara Heat. Prises an unchanged. 8 neat nrsarosriss being quoted at Ml-4c to Mt-le wit specials rather higher. fr porta from the port of Montreal during the past week amounted to MM package ar lee than fo he.

corree ponding week at UM Total export from Montreal since tao Bret of May. amounted to UtUB peekagec or 17151 lees than thoae for the por-reeponding period of last year. tnarswt la steady, bat demand to not vary brisk. Kaas are of all qualities, and ara bought accordingly, grade being consequently difficult to quota. No.

I sgga ara quoted at from Uo to lea straight gathered, lie to It l-lo; straight candled. It l-lo to lec No. 1 candied. 17a to ltd. Receipt to-day amounted to 1.114 PRICED IN MONTR HAL Montreal, Oct.

15. Trade continue dull, and prices show no change. Oat are quoted at Mo to Ml afloat tor No. 1 and Mc for No. 1 1 peas, l-lo to 17c rye, l-lo i buckwheat.

Mo to Uc No. I barley, el l-lo. 1 No. 1 hard Manitoba wheat, afloat, fort William. l-lo red wheat, Ttov afloat.

Montreal spring. Tto, afloat. MontraaL FT.our Trade I fairly actlTW an Manitoba miliar report as aotlve demand. We quote Manitoba spring patent. MM to HI winter wheat patent.

OO to U.OO straight roller; et to M.M; In bag. to tl.7; andl Manitoba strong bakers, SOO to RtO. Roiled oats There wa no changa in rolled oats, salee being alow at 11. to W.JO per barrel, and 11.67 1-1 to 11. per bag.

Feed There) I a good demand for feed and th market I steady to Oral Wa quota Manitoba bran, in bags, tit shorts. HI moulUe. IM to tM Ontario bran. In huts, tlt.te to tit: and short, to 111 par ton. Hay A good trad wa reported In baled kay, and th market I actrr at Arm price.

We quote. No. 1. tt.M to 110 No. 1.

It to tltO and clorer IT to 7.M per ton, car lot on track. PROViaiOK QUOTATIONS. Montreal. Oct, it. Hogs Live stock I very scarce and dear, prices ranging from 1-lc to 1-4 Freeh killed abattoir dressed stock sells to butcher at I l-4c per lb.

Canada pork Heavy abort eat mess, tit per bbL; short cut family back pork. lt; heavy-' short cat boneless mees, 120; short cut clear 110 per heavy flanks. $11.60. Hams Large hams, 11 l-lo; choice elected small, ltc; extra small, 11 l-lo. with bone oat, rolled, ltc Bacon Breakfast, boneless, Wiltshire aides, lie; Windsor backs, -lie: green bone In, not smoked, to; long AMMOTH Graniteware 55 1 farmers and sense ge To smoked Saveloy links, sad Brunswick, to; bolofrnas, Tc Lard pholo refined, in rb.

pails, tc; extra pure. In palls, 11 l-lo; finest kettle, palls, 11 l-lo, BRXJLDrTrUTFfl IN TORONTO. Toronto, Oct. U. Th continued favorable weather tor fall giloughlng keeps th termer employed In the flelde and the movement of wheat as a re-sult I comparatively light.

Tb mar-kst I steady at 16c for red and whit wait. Ooos 1 quoted at tto north and west. Spring wheat Is steady at 7o east. Manitoba wheat la alow wing to th high price and holders ar offering ootj cessions to- buyer price ara easier at 17 1-tc for No. 1 hard Toronto and Me grinding In transit.

Mo aaoat Port WUINua tto Ooderlch, Flour Tb demand hi fair sad tha mar net 1 steady. Local sxportors here bought some large lota of per cant, patent at 11.7 in buyer' baga wast. Choice brand ar quoted 1M to Ma higher. Manitoba flour 1 toady at M-70 for oar of patents and Ket to KM for strong bakers' In car lota, baga Included. Toronto.

Mlllfeed I steady at lit for short and 111 for bran weL Barley Tha market la quiet a lot Jbt No. I eokt at Mo olddl rnlght today. No. 1 Is quoted at tie east and Nov extra at to west. Buckwheat Is steady at Mo middle fnlg-hU.

east and Me waaC Rye steady at 17 l-lo middle freights and l-lo west Corn la steady at 42c for old Canada yellow and to for new west, and Mc for No. American yellow Toronto. jwhlte. Oats Are quiet. Car of No.

1 whit ar quoted at 14c to 1-lc east by buyers her and Ho- I at Ho middle freights and Uc west. Oatmeal I steady at MM tor car of -barrels and -lor baj' oa th track Toronto and Me more for email lota, Ptas Ar steady at Uc middle freights and I7q north) and west. CHEESE MARKETS. Belleville Twenty-eight hundred whit and one hundred colored eheeee offered lie bid, but no aale. London Twenty factories offered boxes September cheese, colored.

Bale. 141 at 11 1-tc Cornwall Nine hundred and ninety- two white. Ml colored and 206 UnltedJ States colored cheese were boarded. All sold but one lot. Price were 11 1-10 for white United Stat and-11 l-4e for colored.

CowansvUl. Que. Thirty-nine factor! offered 1,121 boxea of cheese and one creamery offered boxes of batter, DISH Pieced, reduced prices. Mo and Mc Sale price 16c and Mc Dust Pans DUST PANS. Reduced "prices, and ltc Sal prices.

To and Uc 104 Coal Oil Cans COAL OIL CANS. One reduced price Mc. Sale price ltc. COAL OIL CANS. Oalvanlaed Iron, reduced price Me Sale price 17c Saucepans SAUCEPANS.

Seamless, rettnned. reduced prices lc 10c ltc lie. Mc Mc. and Mc Sale prices, tc. To, 10c 11c, Uc, ltc and He.

Dippers DIPPERS. Seamless, retlnned. long handled dippers, reduced price, lie. 81 price Tc MO DIPPERS. Special sale price 4o each.

Dinner Pails DINNER PAILS. Reduced price Mc. Dale price ltc Milk Palls MILK PAILS. Reduced price Uc. ixo and 20c Sale prices tc, Mc and ltc Tin Jelly Cake fia Plates TIN JELLT CAKE AND PIE PLATES Regular price tc Sale lc.

Collandar-j 1 COLLANDBRa Reduced price 1M A Me Sal prices Uo and lie Bake Pans. BAKE PANS. Reduced price Mc. lie ltc He Me and Mc Bale price Te to, llo. He lie and ltc Frying PansC FRrrNO PANS.

Sheet tL reduced prlo He Mc, lie. Me Mo, 10c, and Mc. Sal price Ue Uc, Uo, and Me Tea and Coffee Pots NK7KJ.E PLATED: TEA ANTJ COFFEE POTIV Rsdaoed prV 11.1s, 1 ILM and Sale price Mlc Me 17c ILM aad IX1JL Tea Kettles NTCKLB PliATBD TEA KETTLES. Ne 0. Reduced prlo ILM.

Sal price Me I Of the oheeee, bean war toft gold at It to 1-ltc South Plnoh. There war boarded 1,114 -cheeee. U4 white, balaaos colored, price offered oa board He non sold. 'At the Theatres. RDeWBLL THEATRE.

It took Ma or attorn minute for Hello Bill" at th Russell Theatre last evening to reach a point where th preliminary practically explanatory work concluded and th tun began, bat from that point onward the audience were given very few opportunities to ait with' oompased features. Tha Hello BrU, a farclal th daserlpUoB is an aecurat an. Th piece very much Ilk "A BsMls Scarred Hero." Th fun arises tram to oomplloaUoa that follow through a prospective bridegroom posing', as another man of th same name as himself In order to conceal from hi Intended bride th tact that ha waa arreeted and jailed la a raid oa a gambMng bona to which ha paid a visit as a farewell to his bachelor day. The skuatlona ara very good and the company give a satisfactory latsfpratatloa of th piece. The company remain at th Russell tilt Wedneeday evening.

GRAND OPERA HOUSE. "Coon Hollow." a play with a plot and a heart atory, last evening opened a week' engagement at th Grand, with matin Wednesday, and Saturday. Th show 1 above th average popular-priced one and Is likely to attract good houses. There ara plenty of Stirling Incident la th plot which afford the cast opportnnttlea to do for the moat part olaver work. Miss Llssi Evans as Georgia, th typical free mountain girl, full of resource, brave and true la love, albeit possessed of Uttle whimsical mannerisms, waa bright snd attractive.

Madge Neville as th jealous rival of th fair Oeorgia, does her part watt, la fact th cast a a whole la a satisfactory one In tha special Uea la the third and fourth acta, th Dai ays- did some olever work which was raaponaibl for much laughter. -The plantation song and dance depleting th marry negroes enjoying themselves la their own Inlmitabi way, wsr wall received th dancing being exceptionally good. THE OORMAN BROTHERS. Th Gorman Brother and Jerry), Ottawa's well known comedian, wll be the Thanksgiving Day attraction at the Russell Theatre, preeentlng what Is claimed to be a sparkling fa re comedy. Two Joky Companion, by Prank Dumont, Th characters In troduced are said to he all more for fun purposes, and the dialogue Ik said to be Meatchoppers MEAT CHOPPERS.

Reduced price 11.50. 12.00 and 12.60. Bale prices ILU, ILM and 11-17. -Smoothing Irons SMOTTHINO IRONS. Reduced prices, nlckle plated.

4LM. Sale price. Tt and Me Saucepans BEST ENAMEL, One pint, reduced price, -Uc -Sale price On quart, reduced price lie Sal price Two quarts, reduced -price ltc Sal prlo Up. Three quart, reduced price Mc Bala price Four reduced price Mc Sale price Five quart, reduced price Mc Sale price Sjx quart, reduced price Mc Sale price Mc Eight quart, reduced price 40c Sale price Jelly Cake Plates, Pie Plates and Dinner Plates, best enamel Eight Inch, reduced price 10 cent. Sal price tc Nine inch, reduced price ltc Sale price so.

Ten Inch, reduced price Uc Sale price 5 Water Palls twmrr nerfeet good strong handles. Reduced price TOe, Me. aad Mo; sale' prices He, Mc, aad ITe- Wash Basins 1 1 sve rjai pim 4,.... Twelve Inch diameter, reduced Price Mc Sal pric elle4aM tneh diameter, vedueed rjrica I sn. B.i.

nrir. tAcI Basting Spoons 7 Tour choice for I oent each. Tea onrt f.nfFoa Prilo BEST ENAMEL. On prat regular slse. He sal prlo The butter sola for Mc I I i I i I I I feisty that It provoke a constant rtppks and soar at laughur during th Musks, it I said, there to ia abend-aaoe, snd- th many catchy numbers Interpolated ar said to be of a ohar-aotar to please all tastes.

while very member at th company is claimed to aa agile dancer, trie two Mar, th Gorman arethers, I asserted, ar th acknowledged premier kt their Una la tha world. Jerry Gorman also play tb eccentric, Irishman. Larry Branntgaov Th opposite character aim, Jake Lsughansiouger, la taken by Fred WenseL and la aa excellent foil to th' Irasotbie Irishman, Petty girl with gorgeous coatume. elaborate scenery sad clever atag effeota, ar embellishment which. -H ft ckUmed.

add to th arulYneaa of th production- The fare wU repeated oa Friday and Saturday evenings, and at tha regular lliis aa Saturday. COrRILY LEATHHR. The most costly leather la tha world I known to the trade aa piano leather. Tha secret of faun tag thai leather la known only to a family of tanner in Oermany. 11, 0M ON STRIKE.

Condon, Oot. It. About Ki.000. Thame lightermen struck thai muru- Ing. oonslderahly dlalocatlng trad.

Th strike to th outcome of differ ences aa to tha Interpretation of Lord Braasey' award, which terminated tha great strike of MM. Some of th amployera clalnr" right under th award to- fix th hour at which a day'a work Is to commence, according to th requirements of bus tneas. Bnt the employee dispute claim and demand a fixed time tarttag. r-- LONDON HELPS GALVESTON. London, Oct.

M. Col. Ochiltree's scheme of a benefit performance In behalf of the Galveston sufferer culminates to-night at Drury Lam Theatre Royal, which la given free, with one act of Cecil Raleigh's drama. -Trna price or Peace." sir Henry Irv ine and bis company will appear lc "Waterloo," and he will recite "Eug one Mr. Behrbohm Tree, with Ola company, from Her Majesty's Theatre, wUI present the death scene la "Julius Caeaar," followed by the oration of Mark Anthony, and Mote.

Melbe win elng Tbs receipts will be large, as tbs tickets already sold and contributions received are tery gen rou la amount United' State Am baasador Choate has heartily sup- ported the undertaking, and tha boxes have been sold at prices rjngjni from to M0 guineas each. TOMMT KNEW. civma ner elaaa a Uum t- aaturel Tommy Dedd. can you tail me what animal Is ine reauex nuieence mankrodr' Tommy (of a family of five) "Tea, i samesi SALE To-day, To-iiiorrow and Wednesday A manufacturer sold us hit entire stock at about 50c on the dollar and we are offering it to the public at a light advance on what we paid for it. Remember that these prices will last for three days only.

REMEMBER that this Graniteware is strictly first class, three coats of enamel, and made by one of the most famous manufacturers of Granltewam in Canada. Pudding Pans PUDDING PANS Beet Enamel, Ob-Ion reduced prices. It, 10. 12, IS, and Xc Sale prtoee 11. It, IT It and ltc.

PUDDING PANS Bert Enamel, round reduced prices. It. 15, II, 10. 15 snd Mc Sals prices t. II, It, IT, It and He Milk Paris MILK PANS Bast Enamel reduc-.

ed prices. It. 11, 16. M. U.

M. and ltc Sale prices 4, If, IT, IS, XL tl and Mc. Drinking Cups. DRINKING CUPS Best Enamel reduced prices, 10 and 11c Sals, price, 6, and tc Mugs MUGS rjesr" Enamel, In five else reduced prices, 1,0, It. It, II and ltc Sals prices, i.

t. It, 11 and lie I Saucers SAUCERS Best Enamel, or tc Ladles LADLES Best Enamel reduced prices, it and ltc Sale pricks, and 10c Funnels FUNNELS Best Bnsmel reduced prices. 11. It. snd He Sale prices, 10, It, It and Mc Cuspidors CUSPIDORS Best Enamel reduced prices, and 45c Sale prices, tt, and Me Soap Dishes SOAP DISHES Best Enamel Reduc ed rinoee.

saa isc sais and tc. TIINWARB Tin Boilers TIN BOILERS Reduced priest, and Mc Sal prices, and 47c TIN BOILERS Copper Bottom, extra Heavy Reduced price. tl.M and $1M. Sal price, $LM and) IjlM, Tea Kettles TEA KsTITTJBS Redoced phess. Me and Mr.

Sal price. and Me TEA KtrrrLES Copper Bottom. Re-dueed prtec Mc Ssie price, 4c Dish Pans DISH PANS Seamleec Retlcaed and th mast durable pans made. Reprices It. M.

and Mo, prlcas. It. a. I and He clear, Sausage Pe-k Halm, Oxfords, Caaa- GRANTBROSS One and a half pint, reduced price Mc Sale price On pint, reduced price, Mc- Sale Price Three pints, reduced price 40c, Sal oc. Two quart, reduced price 46c.

Sale Price Mc. Two And a half quart, reduced price toe Sal price Three quart, reduced price Mc Bale price. Three and one half quart, reduced price 40c Sal price 46c Cooking Pots BEST ENAMEL, good Tin Covers. On quart, reduced price Mc Sal? price Two quart, reduced price Mc price Four quart reduced price 40c price Six quart, reduced price Mc price Sale ate. Sale Sale Eight fluart, reduced price 40c.

price Tea jtjuart, reduced price, 70c. Price Twelve quart, reduced price' Mc Sale price Mc Fourteen quart, reduced price, 11 M. Sale price Frying Pans Extra heavy steel, reduced prices 40c and aale price Mc. and Mc Ha rii rw lnrT" quart sure, reuucea price sue. aUo price jPour quart sise, reduced- price TOc Firs quart else, reduced Mc "ai pfic ttc Mx quart alas, reduced pric 11.00.

Sale price R088t Pan8 "is txlt, reduced eric Mc Bale Hit txlt, -reduced pric. Me Sale pries Slaw lOxltV reduced pric 40c Sal Sis lxxM, reduced price 46c. Sal price ,.,.::..:) Mc. is 12x17, reduced price, Mc Sal pric Sparks Streets Corner Bank and Concerning Taer- an tons la- the eltv which ne right raak of earpeta, and that witassw sastasr house which vainly thinks IT also baa wt ear- T. lisklag at.

thai IT eselustvely Co mm audi the asarbeta. aha 4 sTe rrs but nee siaea eaiy laoludee anything sew, pretty kMle dinVreeee de.e teiessss of Seen are aasolute nonesssa We have Sought, aad till buy. from wi ear ens wrta nsaaclal tan.llas rtaar, we venture to sseert that carpets are the equal tat as thelre sad our prices We regulsrly carry Is stock tha sirueeele. velvets. Tepee trtee, Woo) f4 enough speak i for tlwrnaaivaa.

Lo mstwrt that lMit) of attrropr qulta aa XOTTELT PATXX1TS ACCXPT1D S. A. LUKE CO'Y. 1 Good Value. Good Goods, 8 ill -i i i li sTxaTdWaagiky i Good Work.

Good Satisfaction- If you order D. Manchester, C0OX4Ce- Elegant Display Our new Carpets are certainly beautiful and cannot fail to delight purchasers. Unique in design. Rich in colorings. Unequalled in quality and price, Thomas X0BTUAL 00aOtXCOOCO Extension I beMev I can boast at having th Ottawa at the reseat morn eat, aad th UDRD The Furniture Man, OTTAWA BRANCH OPEN Campbell's ClothM CAMPBELL'S clothing is sold for its face value without extra charge for the name.

Every body knows about Campbell's clothing. It has been sold at fancy prices in the large cities of Caneda under fancy names. Campbell was the manufacturer. It was Campbell who perfected the idea of placing on the market men's clothing almost ready for the er, but possessing all the-characteristics of the highest class custom tailor. Campbell now sells direct to the wearer, who gets the benefit of buying direct from the manufacturer.

Come iriiand examine it Look in our windows Note the style, the finish. Man on the spot to make any alterations which tnay happen to be needful. A. S. Campbell Co'y- Ottawa, 192 Sparks Street.

Toronto, 83 King St, Watt Montreal, 267 St- James Street Factory, 23 and 25 Cots St, EAStMAK? STBIHOa. Oct. it. The remains) of Mr. Cam-sroa, a young man from Ottawa, were here to St.

Lawrence cemetery for interment last Friday. Quit a number of prominent people visited Carp fair aad report having had an enjoyable time, Mis L. Haeatoa has returned home after visiting friends la Huntley. Mr. Shorra putting up a new house oa hi farm her.

Special services were held In St. Lawrence church oa Monday and Tuesday by Rev. Father Mrrrau. The farmers Iq this vicinity are busily employed in getting, their fall ploughing done Mre Kevett of Ottawa I th guatt of her mother, Mre Bradley. Mr.

Win. Hueeton, who was recently deprived of all his buildings by'Src has a new atablo erected aad almost completed. Mrs. Keenan of Shade) Park has returned horn after tpebuing a few day with her daughUr, Mre John Body, of this place Rev. Mr.

A borne of Russell mads some pastoral call around, hsr thla 'Did ys aver hew yer pahu read. Mrs. si a question. Mrs, fyHeseanr Havat I had tea Ctrl Id res. an' bed te bid aft Ivory waa of tauar Carpets.

4 A fondle it oaly has get'f 1 eallia tSey only ar ttsbl that beeldas IT, not eonee The markets sr open te all ettk. 4 the asms souross as they aa, eaaeo T' rood ensues. In quivlltr. quantity and aiwiw atw ti. thtm, tha aur aalaa m1 a lawtfa Iv faTorahla.

'Tl In quality, quantity and ne brntt makaa cf Axiitkkrtara. WIHyma. a iUkbao Rutra. Square, ate. Thay ara BDVSgBTTritNTBItV Pearl Stoyes and Ranges Are wn made, beautifully flntehed.

sev fert bakere, eoeaemleal oa fSel, and for geoeral working qusllliee have so equal. A wrlttea guarantee gees with every PeerL We have else a large And well Una of coal and wosd heaters. It will pay Intend! no purchasers to get our price before buytng. Kenneth McDonald, MlTtKET SQUAEE. Cood Fit.

your fall suit from 290 Wellington St Ligget tt OTTAWA 0000000000Mi Tables Iggsst assort meat of Dining Table, ia a price caa't be beaten. i 111 RIDEAU AT 192 SPARKS STREET First ra th public First la ths quality of Its First In its oar at materiel TROY LAUNDRY Has tsooms a favorite wish the thousands whs- patronise weekly. Arway the best work. Send ror asat parcel of soiled Haea ths TOOT. Tel.

TM Oenoe-, Ul BAMK wTRKlKT. ONCE TRIED ALWAYS USED Is the peswtsr i NichoUon's Mince Meat Put ap te Ms packets, esc packet assies mg three large pie. Try tt. Per sat by all grocers sod dreggtate I.

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