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Graham Guardian from Safford, Arizona • Page 4

Graham Guardiani
Safford, Arizona
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SuniMmi For President 1900 WILLIAM JEHHINGS BRYAN CIRClMIOfl OVER nriD ooa incinBinG FRIDAY JANUARY 20 1899 Tiik Pick and Drill reports nine or ten cases of small pox in Pros cott A Washington dispatch dftted Jan 13th says Congtcssmnn Dingloy died at 1030 today One of tho best recommendations of tho governor to tho Legislature was tho ono recommending that a bullion tax law bo passed In a communication received this week tho phrase Currant topics was used We expect by next woek it will dovclopo into gooseberry topics The Czar told Mr Stead that taxes were too high not only in Russia but throughout tho world Millions of peoplo who tako no special interact in the Czars peaco proposal arc ready to join him in a spampede for lower taxes Ex HI Ir tho present Arizona Legisln ture does not make a good record it will not bn the fault of tho mom bers Irom Graham county for sho is represented by thrco mou whoso integrity is unquestioned and avIio will strive at all times for better government The Phconix Enterprise suggests that as the govornor has rccom mondod that a law bo passod giving tho right ofsuffrago to tho women of tho Territory bo submittod to popular voto allowing no onb hot tho women of tho Torritory to cast voio oh tho question The great umouut of siokness now prevailing shows clearly that quarintino ana sanitary regulations arc absolutely necessary A largo amount of tho sickness is no doubt due to tho great ponds of water which ao allowed to aocumulato in all portions of tho valley during tho summer months Thcso diseaso brccdors should not bu allowed to exist A story published in tho Los Angeles Herald of last Tuesday given by Brighton in which ho says ho at ono timo arrectod Councilman Olnoy Bud tocl and Charlie Smith and took tlum handcuffed to Tucson is a new ono on tho peoplo hero It is tho first time wo ever heard of it and do not hesitate to brand it as a premeditated lie If any such incident over occurred it was Olney who took Brighton to jail Ir argumont ovor has hocn needed to convirco tho Amorican peo plo of tho justico and oven ncccs sity of electing United States senators by tho peoplo themselves it is only necessary to point to tho scenes now being daily enaotcd by tho legislators of California in thoir attempts to elect a senator to show all thoughtful people that thoir example ia sufllciont without any argument whatovor Rank fraud and almost open bribery tuIo tho hour And what a bobbery is being picked up because a polygamist with thrco wives has bdon elected to Congress from Utah Tho congressmen who cannot get along happily with onowifo njl foar that tho mnn who can successfully handle three will provo too flmart for them in forensio discussion And tliorois a world of forto in that proposition Suroly Mormons if tho great inon of tho earth Thiy succood on a grand sealo -where iJontiloa full on a smallor Uogalen Otitis JiiilKe Hunters first disc A warrant was sworn out by Power yesterday charging Santas and KfTio Campbell with distill lung tno peace ana using loud and obscene languago boforo Ms lutnily Tho trail was sot by JuiK Iliinlcr far 10 oclock to la Official Foceediogs OFTHE BGARD OF SUPERVISORS OF Graham county Arizona SOLOMONVILIE ARIZONA Jan 0 1899 The board mot at 9 oolook a pursuant to adjournment Present II Day chairman II Malthows and Wnddill members Micholena clerk On motion all membors voting aye it is ordered that Quinn bo and ho is hereby allowed the sum of 510 por month for thecaro and maintenance of II Wiley a countj indigent On petition of residents of Solo monnvillo sohool district numbor 5 and on motion unanimously car- nod it is ordorod that tho follow ing described territory viz Commencing at a point in Stock ton Pass 200 vards of tho ranch houso of II II Nutting thenco running south to tho lino of Cochiso and Graham Counties thenco following tho lino between said counties until said lino inter sects tho line ot tho ban bnnon Wash thence following tho east side of tho Jvalloy of the San Si mon until said lino reaches a point 3 00 yards south of tho ranch houso of tho Gebhard Cattlo Co thenco in a straight lino westerly to a point on tho cast side of Mun sens Ciencga Wash 400 yard north of tho ranch of Nathon Solomon thenco in a straight lino to the point of commoncemont here tofore known as tho Stockton Pass School district no 18 bu and tho samo is hereby annexed to and mado a part of said Solomonvillo school district No 5 Tho Board complotod tho list of persons qualified for jury duty during tho current year and on motion tho clerk is instructed to file a cortified copy thorof with tho clerk of tho district court as required by law Tho following claims against the county having been regularly au dtied and allowed by tho Board on motion all members voting aye it is ordered that thoy ho paid by cash warrants on tho county treasury as money is found to bo on hand for thoir payment viz A Woods clorlc of elec tion OBryan road work Noah Greon Son transportation Davis making and repairing county chairs 8 00 84 35 5 00 5 50 On motion tho Board adjourned until 9 oclock a tomorrow II Day chairman Attest Miohelesa clerk Solomonville Arizona Jan 7 1899 Board mot pursuant to adjournment 9 oclock a Present II Day chairman II Matthews and Wad dill members Micholena clerk Tho minutes of tho 5th and Cth inst wcro read and approved On motion all membors voting aye it is ordorod that tho tax colleotor tako credit upon hio tax collection account for tho following amounts remitted horoby to tho porsons named below for tho reasons assigned opposito tho names of eaoh ono as follows viz Adair Baldwin loft county in 1897 19 9G Babcock error in assessment 40 00 Hinton II oxecssivo valuation 30 09 Judd error in assessment 89 94 Largcnt left county and no property 70 00 May double asses- mont 5 97 Oliver oxecssivo valuation 0 10 Pacific Impt Co oxecssivo valuation 4 08 Starks A error in as- sossmont 4 00 Safford Milling Co sivo valuation 20 00 Sanders Win oxcossivo valuation 14 00 Massoy oxccossivo valuation 44 72 The probato judgo atiditod and allowed tho following claim viz II Matthews sorviccs as supervisor 70 00 On motion tho board ndjournod until 7 oclook to day II Day chairman Attest Michelena clerk Solomonvillo Arizona 1 Jan 7 1899 Board met pursuant to adjournment at 7 oclock Present II Day chairman II Mathows atid Wad dill members Micholena clerk On motion supervisors II Day and IX Matthews voting for Rawlins and Supervisor Waddill voting for Judge McOullum for District Attorney of Graham Co Ariz for tho unox piicd term it is ordered that Rawlins Esq bo and ho is horoby appointed District Attorney of Graham County Arizona for tho unoxpirod term On motion tho Board stood adjourned sino die II Day Chairman attest michelena clork Ireo lllls Send your address to II Bucklon Co Chicago and got a freo samplo box of Dr Kings Now Lifo Pills A trial will convince you of thoir merits These pills aro oasy in action anu aro panic ularly effective in tho euro of Con stipation and siok headache For malaria and liver troubles they have been proved invaluable Thoy aro guaranteed to bo perfect ly froe from every deiotcriotis surstancc and to bo purely vegc table Thoy do not weaken by ineir action mil by givirg tono to tno stomach and bowels groatly in vigorato tho system Regular size sac per box Sold by all Druggists The UrlpioAiul Sulphur In my daily papers of December 22nd I find that there are suppos ed to oo something lilco 100000 cases of grippo in Now York City aim mm is aiso prevailing largely in Washington Philadelphia and other cities and is now throat ing Boston It is a fact that when it was prevailing as an epidoraic largely in our city a few years ago 1 ascertained by inquny of my oiRceis at Byans Match Factory that ot the lorly thrco porsons employed Iheie not one had boon troubled by it I have at various times told tho picsa how many at Memphis Ten nessce including tho agents of The Howard Benevolent Associa tion escaped the tenible opi deniic of yellow fever there as thoy claimed by wearing powdered sulphur in their shoos also the eviderco of a distingushed German modical writer tianslated into English that wearing sulphur in this way lias proved a com ploto protection against cholera and othor opidemio deceases also that thoso working tho sulphur mines of Italy escape tho malaria which prevails nil about them also that sulphur in tho shoes has cured various cases of rhoumtism also thai sulphur takon interally or worn in tho shoes has sufllciont power to pass through tho body the clothing and tho pockot book blackening tho silver thero Our Dumb Animals Ileal tho Klondike Mr A Thomas of Marysville Tex has found a moro valuablo disoovcry than has been mado in tho Klondike For years he suffor cd untold agony from consumption accompanied by hemorrhages and was absolutely cured by Dr Kings Now Discovery for Con Mtmption coughs and colds Ho declaros that gold is of liltlo value in comparison with this marvelous cure would have it even if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle Asthma Bronthitis and all throat and lung affoctions aro positively cuied by Dr Kings Now Discovery for Consumption Trial bottle freo at all dealers in dniLs Recular sizo 50 cts and 100 Guaranteed to euro or price refunded First Iubltcatlon Nov 5 Notice For Publication IIoniOHloiKl Hill try No 1HT 1 Land Office At Tucson Arizona No 17 16lSf Notlco Is hereby glcn that tho following named settler has fllcil notlco of his Intention to niAke llnnl proor in support or his claim acil that said proof will bo made before tho Clerk ol tho District Com at HolomouTlllc Ariz on January 7 is Mr Slla Jenkins for Lot 3 and of See 4 Tp 7 It 25 0 and 8 It Ho names the following ltneses to vo his continuous residence upon and cultlatlon of said land Iz Oscar Tyler Andrew ShtOtto Thomas Webster Lor3o Cutler al of Central Ora ham County Arlzorra MILTON MOOIIE Register Artlio solicitors wanted cvetyuliero for ThoBtoryor tho lllliuilncs bj Jlurat Hal IpmI comml3loTicil by tho inurnment i Odlclal Ulstorlni to tho War Dopnrtmeut Tho book wa written In army amps at ban Iran Cisco on tho 1arltlL1 with leneral Merrill io tho hasilulaat Honolulu In lions Kong In tne American trenches nt Manila in tho tnsu gent eawps with Aeulnaldo on tho dccfcoftha Ulympla with Dewey ana In tho roar ol battle at tho fall of Manila lionanza lor agent llrlinful of orlprliial pictures taVen by government photograper on tho spot I amo book Ixiw prhes lllKproOts rrelghtpald Credit Rhen Drop all trashy unoOUlal war booLs Olltlll freo Address 1 Harbor Heerctary Star Insuranco Ilulldlnt Chicago Illinois llrst publication November 25th Notice For Publication DoHort Tmml PlmilProoll UAJtl OKtlCB AT TlCOM AnlJ Notice Is hereby given that tho following named settlor has filed notice of his Intention to lnalco final proofln support of hla claim and that said proof will bo inado before tho Clerk ol the District Court at Bolomouvlllo Arizona on DecomberSl loJS vli llrlgham II Cluirof Central Arlnona on his Desert Laud entry No M31 for tho SK 8eo 1 ami NK at See 12 Ti 7 It 21 Ho nomestho following witnesses to provo his coutlnuius residence upon and cultivation of said lai viz William Coombs James CI tiff nnu Charles Combs of LVutral Arhona and John II Clttir ofllma Arliona MILTON MOOni Itcglster First iubllcatlon January 13th Notice For Publication Dohovt Luii a Xliiul Proof Land Office at Tucson Artul Jan 6 189J Of Pima Urnham County Arizona hn fltflii desert land claim No 2559 for the ot nW iecTP 6 3 25 i 8 before uiu uisirict court a Boiornonvuio Arizona on baturdny February IS 1839 Ho names the following witnesses to provo the coinnleto lrrlffnilnn AAinmnfM enti land viz Jlrigham Uuffand Charles Combs of Central Arizona Albert Tccplcs and Robert Ferrln of lima Arizona MILTON MOORE Register First publication Dec 2nd ITotico for Publication Xloiuostcacl TSiitvy No J88 1 Land Office at Tucson akiz1 November 25 1898 Notlco is hereby given that fewer has Hied notlco of his Intention to make final proof tn support of his claim and that said proof trUl bo mado boforo tho Clerk ot tho District Court at Solomonvillo Art- zona on Jnminrv run Bcc 28 Tp 7 8 20 A He names tho folllowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Thomas Hunter Ednard Allen Rolley Smith and Fred II McUowan all of Sallord Oraham county Arizona MILTON MOORE Register First publication Nov 23 ITotico for uTjlication Pre emption No 7jO Land Office at Tucson Aiiizona November 23rd 1893 Notlco Is hereby glcn that tno following named settler has filed notlco of his intention to make final ptoof In support of his claim and that said proof will bo made before tho Clerk of tho District Court at Holomonvllle Arizona on Monday January 8th 1S9 viz Lyman Wightman Mayor of the Village of Ihna Oraham County Arizona in trust for tho Inhabitants of said Villngo of lima or the of tho bee 23 Tp 6 It 21 40 acres lor cemetery purposes Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ol said land iv Ilyrum Weecu Ross Rogers Samuel Sims and Charles Dyer all of lima Oraham County Arizona Milton Moore Register Wood AVnnted For tho next thirty days those who are owing subscription to tho Guardian may pay tho same in wood First Publication January 13th Notioo for Publication Homestead No 18iO Dand Office at Tucson Ariz 1 January 10 1899 Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has Hied notice of his Intention tp mako final proof In support of his claim and WfYS r00fwlll uoinade before tho Clerk of the District Court at Solomonvillo Arizona on Saturday lobruary 25th 1899 viz Alexander Htewart or Safford Graham coun Ho names tho following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz William lllatr George II Eklnncr Davtd A Talley and Ueorge Stewart all of Saffind Arizona MILTON MOORK Register -SEVERAL TRUSTWORTHY persons in this stato to raanago our business lu theirownand nearby counties Ills mainly office work condnctcd at homo Salary straight 900 a year and expenses deflnlto bon afldo no more no less salary Monthly 575 References Enclose self addressed stamped en velopoHerbert Uess lrcst Dept Chicago 0O0OJ3 When you want to get the want you want to get you want to get a move on and get to Barrys new Saloon to get it for there you will get better wines liquors and cigars than you can get anywhere else SAFFORD ARIZ mm BUSS BIRDNO Real Estate Agents Saffora Ariz land and Water Rights Bought and Sold Itenl Katato Should be Listed Bus Birdno real estato agents nt Safford aro making nrrangments to send out within the next thrco months ten thousand circulars so as to reach tho homeseokers of tho east These circulais will contain a fino desription of the Gila Valley and list of properties for sale Parties desiring to sell will do well to list their property nt tho carleit possible moment so as to get discriplion of tho same in these circulars tf kKK457 MO 00QQQQelX I ARE YOU ALIVE MENS SUITS from 1 OO to S1B00 Udles CapeB frm 82 2li Wo carry tho most complete stock in tho bovo up lines to bo found in tho valley DO NOT BE DECEIVED That net prices are a benefit to you We buy for Cash and get a discount and we therefore give it to our customers We haTe no Job lots ALL OUR GOODS A RE KEW LAYTON CO THATCHER Pases for PRINd Mil WHEAT CO i loiuiiix ItIVIvlC A OO rSjSr EoUer Flour Mills Safford Ariz Sheaf ZSelle of97 SSXZ An Is the largest Hotel in Graham county is located conveniently to depot the rooms are all largewell furnished well lighted and well ventilated in fact it is a thoroughly equipped modern hotel Particular attention paid to the comfort and convenience of guests 33 SO tea CSC ss nc rtMS to hold their Wheat for better 3 ay 8lore It our will t1h0 our receipt and hold it tor a riso in pneos vh we Hill cash it mmmwmmmmmmmmW tcxvyckirtiStKsy 1 1 1 1 1 I lit 1 1 i 1 1 1 3 DAVIS ES0P The Old Relial5le and TO PIONEER DRUG STORE OF THE VALLEY A Full Stock always kept Call if you need any mb Paints Oils Drugs Patent Medicines TV Or anything kept in a first class drug store Pure AL Whiskey and Alcohol for Medical Purposes A good Doc- Wjff tor always at the Store Tho Grxoeslecl Ford Gsusarc SafSW tw Rif kaJSjI BH Qif AiyMXir KT ti IKI I Safford IwEl Arizona Si Beef Posk and Mutton gg i Meat will be delireml at Tht rltliral and Pima and layiimM Bk3 i I I Fresh Fish and Oysters in Season Xf 2 Coriiett Props IM pHBloB SQJPy tlt Trel -3 a ifri 3 fBmfrfz mm 1 BTrTuP 00 Sa3 fl9 ffi3S 1 imoarsirtpovjmlo rmmmsmmmmmm mimmmm HI 0 ISHif i fa Ever OiTorcd in Sallord -S fijKji Robinson Hunt we now offer 3m HSM all the goods and they are first- Wf 9kIH jf class at greatly reduced prices ftfi HS 3 IA0E BALQOST JzSk mM for the next ten dnvs tn mnlP Lv 0x Jmt IuSpsm room for an entirely different stock afswit IK iWSM just ordered tLl imZZ DtfSt Brant3 of Wlnog Llnuoro vTflC tJSXdM V2 and Cigars i gSg fPE SJ HIS SKTEP CflSli jftj sb chDv06nSIM1Tnw lwrM WeSA They are located in Palms Old Building 51 55 1 Kltiiii il i 1 181 PS.

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