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Tombstone Weekly Epitaph from Tombstone, Arizona • Page 1

Tombstone, Arizona
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i TttC TOMBSTONE tPITAPH Published fv-rv SuiunUy evening, gives all the ntws iic etk. ll'' iil geneial, uuil more estiecullv vi i ml iiuppti 7iii, of Ultras! to th of Tom' and Gxsbn Yearlv J2.S0 -rtE TOMBSrONE EPITAPH SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year 2.50 Six Months I 25 Sirgle Ccpirs 05 Address. Tombstons Epitaph, Tombstone, Arizona. WEEKLY EDITION OF THE TOMBSTONE DAILY PROSPECTOR V01 lUIL 1 TOMBSTONE, COCHISE COUNTY, ARIZONA, SUNDAY, MARCH 19, 1910 NO. 19 ill GASES COCHISE WILL ONE WEIGHS TWO POUNDS, THE OTHER 203 38RSS8SS.

.1, 4 wWkL 4v i 'Hft 4v4iv 11 SEI FOR III TTf List of Cases. Charge and Dates Set for Hearing Tl leilijwio the list of criminal cast set for rul in tbe SmeiiT Ocurt bfinnit im givini- the cbargc and date st for trial A Mtu-pnt. telling Monday. Marrli 20th. C.

K. Ciwd. robticTT. Toe-diis, March 2lfl Leonard Gitxoii. grand larceny, March 21t.

Andy Johnwra et ttixee caw in-trodnring liquor. 23 and 2.4 Helen fobnsan selling wbi kes. March 23rd- Tbotna Chamber and Arthur ruber, grand larceny. Match Xtb C. 'Mitchell, frlliu; wliviev Marrli G.

flameo and lohn Knatl'. ioiroduciii nquor. Mrcb gvvart! fcXeal. ii Vr. Maicb 27ib. fbillips. introdocios liqu'ir Maicb 27th. Aim. Parrmii ond iolr'iuc itVSUqpoT.MrnuEBME. S.

MtrtMe. io'rudacinx Maicll 2Rth. Jo-epa Pprsley. seffing Iior. Marcil 2n-b i A.

C. KrUand. rivlation of the i autaimirnie lavr in not stopping when causing ncctdent. March 2utl. Franc Moran and Joc Cl-u robbery.

MurcbJSOib. John Nuseni. mtioduring liquor. MjiC uOih Lee CradtiK.fc. r.ik!r-a roblers March Leandru Maldjna inu.der.

Apr I TQHB5H0HE TOWN TOPICS 11 TERSELY -Tombstone Contingent Re'urn The Tombstone representation in 'bt-Tticson consentioti of Maonic burlies base all returned home, tbe last of the coulinceni rrturninjy homelai es-enin, Irement. L. L. Meser, Bisbee. E.

S. Arronc thoe who attended from here i Ies, Tucson, Roy Morfoot, An-svere: Mrs Wij. L.utl. Mr 31 -i geles. j.

iner on. ana Walter Thosias. Mr and Woolery. Dr and Mrs. li Hughart, Mr and Mrs.

Wra' Shadles. Mrs H. Johnson. Mrs Fli-h Mrs II Hutchison, E. A.

Hughes and A. Wentwortb. Returned Home Mrs Woodruff, wife of County Sten- ograpber A Woodruff, returned home this roarnmg from she has bern for tbe past several days I on a unit with relaiivas. Visiting Parents Mrs Jos. Henderson and children arrived in Tombstone this morning from ber home in Dougkes, and will spend several da here -t the of ner parenu.

Mr. and Hr Ge Rrawn Ccmmanery Chatterec' At tl.e meeting of tbe Grand Lodge of tbe Masonic orders M'Ul ut Tu.wn during the week, tbe Tombstone sZora- mandery knigbts Templars was char tered, and will be known as Tomb- jstone Commandiry No. GETNQFEDERAL mm for PROTECTION Replying to Sheriff Wheeler's Request; Says Must Use Militia Tnrie sull be no federal aid to the town of Cocbtse Counts exoeut tboe imtnedialch exposed to ranis frrm Mettco, according to the message, re by SheriiT Wbeeler ilus morning in reply to ihe one that he sent in Cm Houston on Thursslay The telegram received this morning reads at follows Ft. Sam Houston. March 17.

heri0 Harrv Wheeler. Tombstone. Arizona: Hrplying to our telegram of the sixteenth, the department cominanier di reel- tne to inform vou that it isimpos-iible to furnish guards from Federal troops to all lots us in N't Mexico and Arizona that hive ask-l for tbrm No ccs tkau twenty lur have requested illiaids. You can therefore see thai leraltrtpsould be scattered arKllraem for aD tno states and nonld not be avai -u, i ue il poiotMhat hae been given guards are tbosr that ere in danger ,1 hostde forces from across AK tbeai in danger of local uprisirg must depend npon tbtirlodal authorities flrst ad upon state auibotities nrt to sixe tbem protection Federal troops can ool l)c untl a(tf nallonai gUard of stale sh.ll base exhausted its efforts. FKEUEEICK ITJCSTON.

Major General. T() jUCSBI Court Keporier Johnny WalLtr nem 1 to Tucson tbis morninj and will return this eseninc arcumpanvius Mr Gard her home vrttb tbe remains of his wife Attorney Here Tod ly lieinc law and motion day ihe superior court, besides 'he hearing of a civil case, practically csciy altnr ney in Ibe count was in Tombstone appear before tbe cc-url in arious matters Among tbe visiting attnr r.ess were N. French. Frank Doan D. A Rithardson.

II Noble, DupfiT. Dasid Bensbinol. Douglas. Feed Sutter. W.

Cleary. J. Ro Alex Murrj-. H. d'Ati Leayes or Coat, Mrs.

Karger, wife of A. Karge-, Clerk of the Board of Supersisors. and child, leave tomorrow for California, where she will spend some time on the coast viitinc relatives. To California Ml" Eln'' Ieav" Sunday for Angeles and oth-r California points "he wi" 'P'nd ihr on eiiejj.led visit with rela tives and friends Gleesons Here Among tbe visitors at Tomlistone to. ere Mr.

and Mrs. John Gleeson nay were air. ano loan and Nelli-. having mjtorcd over. Mr.

Gleeson attendee! to matters befoie the superior court, whil- the la- die attended lu shopping while here Episcopal Services Rev, Slmonson, of tbe Episco pal church, will be in Tombstone to- morrow evemug to hold services at the St. Paul's Cmld Episcopal church in he ewning at 7 'M. fe ftl' "iW Photo by American Ires Association I.u-euiarv lr on Ilo lllue's Keunei flub show at Madlou Miuare Hi rnard ind 1- two tt'ar old two JUDGES PRESID ING Toda mi Ian an1 moi'n i1a it the superior court, besides the court having up before it 'be nia'ter of appeal in several c.ncs. Prolate tnit Krrc aUo llraldf and business was of sllch voIume lt of occupied on onP of the 'court fja fistntnK to ihr ar.u-tn-nts for a new trUI in the Gltcun-CostcJlo case, and also for new mI in ih- CunninghaTTi- Costello cae, itjc Judge McMiter, of Graham county. who ha been hre the pist io week-, ji ocrupieil in listening to the vannus lyr.

points and motions tn cases that hd tctn et for todi. Judge Bausbn ot county is expected to return a am tomorrow to res urn? the b-nch while Judge McAllister will return lo Sflurd Judfe Lock.eood instill oscupied in tn- Pinal water pri -rity case Ts-day run be said tohavehecn one ibe busiest days eser witnessed in I -c Cochise superior court, and neces- snly kepi all depirtment oii-cied with tht court, on the jump. The. i matter of allowing a new trial in either the Cleeson Coslello ease or Ibe Cunningham-Costf-Il' litigation bad been disposed of basing been taken under adi-ement ARIZONA MINES USE 40 PERCENT TIMBER A study by the Forest Service of lumber markets of Arizona and New Mexico, beguu in 1915 and now completed, gives ome very interesting information on tbe production and consumption of lumber and timbers. The figures collected show that dur-iur, the year l'J14 the lotal consumption of lumber and timbers was feet, of which 33 per cent was eecured from local forests, 51 per cent was secured from the nulls on the Pa ci6c coa" and Pr c3mt ftom i Arkanses.

Lousiana or Texas mill It ilin (IiiiutmI rnt tn Att-rini and Xcw Mexico more material used by mining operations than by any I other industry. Of the total consump- tion in 1914 the mines used 40 percent railroads per cent, retail lumbei mI anu ines per cene, aim miscellaneous in- i dustries 5 per cent. The total con- of native stumpage by all in- (dustries was 150,000,000 feet. khoulderF. had tbe distinction of tlnit ibe inallr-t dou nt the ctmuiter Carden.

New VorL clt. Ue li a Mexican Chihuahua IJo ltiue Is a St. LOOK NO BACK WARD 24 YEARS TOMBSTONE Interesting Items that Appeared in the Propector," this Date, 1892; Reminiscent of the Pioneer Days Tbe bill for the admission of New Mexico was placed on the calander on Wednesday The bill for Arizona ent over under tbe rules A letter from Mark Smith to a friend in Tombstone says tbat the outlook at Wasluneton is that Gorman is the coming man for I'residrnt. St Patrick's hall at Armory hall last night was a social success in every There was a large attendance nothiDg but prais-was bestowed UP" those who originated the aflair. The World's Fair appropriation of made by the last legislature I 0 Arizona was ratified by both bouses and is in tbe bands of he president.

There is a difference of opinion re- garding the right of Cochise county co call in its outstanding bonds and pay them o3 with money supplied by the territory under tbe funding act. The teachers institute will close its session tonight with a meeting at ihe court house to discuss tbe eiuestion of a change of text books. Mr Van Dorn, who has valuable interests in Sonora is up from that section. TUCSON-TIDEWATER R. R.

GIVEN NEW LEASE OF LIFE PHOENIX. March ISth. Two years lo( new was sUtn TuC5oni PhlxmI atd Tidewater railroad yester- day morning whin the city commis- comjnujng regular session of I me elay Delore. aaopteel an ordinance granting the company a right of way over various streets and allevs of tbe city and providins that the railroad must be constructed ind in operation from Tucson to Phoenix within twenty- four months. The ordinance which was drafted and presented by Commis- Ritcbey.

is largely a copy of tbat adopted by the old common fsscsssor: TWO ASHURST BILLS OF IN SENATE PHOENIX Manh 1. Two bilN of much importance to Arizona were passed the United Stales senale last seek, havine been introducrd and put throueh the committees by Sena tor Henry Asburst The 6rst. senate bill No 300. thonzes "tbe adjustment of r.ghts of or farof the Nasajo In- dian refers fttion in ihe state of Art- zona It provides tliat all lads 1 which were entered for settlement prior to the issuance of the executive! order of Jan 1000. extending the boundaries of the reservation, ma be I reentered and final proof made The "lea sure atTecls a number of settlors who were dispossessed fcv the ordr mentioned.

The second bill. No 4149. appropn ates J50.000 "for the establishment nl a fish culture station at ome point in the state of Arizona including the purchase of site, construction of build- ing and equipment, to be selected In the secretarj of commerce The onl proviso is that he legis- Mature of tbe state shall jut its for-, mal consent to the establishment of such a hatchery and shall exempt its operations from the game laws of tbe state. i ALLEGED VILLA OFFICERS CAPTURED AT CLIFTON PHOENIX, March 1 Two alleged Villa officers were arrested in Clifton Wednesday night, according to Fred Hil'. under sherifl of Greenlee svbo arrived in Pboenix Wast night on official bsu mess.

Tbe Mexicans gave their nme a-Jesus Pena and F. the Utter being a German Mexican. It that thev were circulating among the MexicartsM Cldtoii and Morenci and urging tbem join the Villa forces. Hill suspects that they also solicited contributions. Tbe reptesentatixes of the depart- ment of Juscice at El Paso were im- mediatelv notified of tbe ai rest of Pena and Knoblauch, and wired that two officers would be sent to make an in i vestig ition.

council a short lime before Phoenix I became commission governed. NQGALES 10 GET CONVENTION OF MASONS Roval 'Arch and 0. E. S. Elect Officers; Another Tombstonite Honered i I'CSOX, Match 17 Noealcs w.ll be next rreetinc place for the ner.

isho passed away so suddenly Masonic liodies of Arizona, which Thntsdaj merit at Tucson, will be cb sed a most succe-sful meeting es- held from the family residence on letilas iviih the installation of officers upper Toughnut Street, at 4 30 to-for tl.e 'nuin sear The metting morrow afternoon. Rev Smon-wasoneoflbe l.ngest eser held and sou. Episcopal mmiiter conducting the the. most successful. services The 'iiicer of the Royal Arch Ma- The bods will be brought in this sons installed sestrrdas were as fol-i evening from Tucson, accompanied by lows Mr Gardner and friends Mrs F.

Miller. Flagstaff. high i Remmcl. ister of the deceased arrived pries'. 1 in Tombstone toda from California Moser.

Prescott. deputy grand i to be prtsem at the side of her. aged hsgh priest mother, at the last side rites over the If Barrett. Douglas, fraud king I tbe remains. Crmce.

Prrscott, grand scribe. I Mrs Gardner was Miss Ella Shepard I Fredericks. Prescott. treasurer before her marriage some eight years J. Roskruge.

Tucson, grand sec-I ago In Mr Gardner, and was burn at retary. Muskateen. Iowa During her twelve Edwin A Hughes, Tomb.tone. ginJ sears residence bcie she bad been i captain of hosts. prominent in active business and Charles F.

Philbrook. Bib-e. grand society work bet'e. and had many principal sojouner. Alleu.

Tucson Grand Roval rh rapiai- Frank Brown. Precott. master of trie tbi. seil Ricbard Fuller. Tucson, grand seminel Tbe Order Eastern Stir also install ed olbcers jesterday Mrs.

Alice Lutles, Tombstone worthv grand malrou Harry Drachman. Tucson, v. urand patron. Mr? Delia Frier, Willed, associate graud matron. B.J.

Ms Kinney. Willcox, a-sociate -rand patron Mrs. Annie M. St. Claire, Phoenn grand secretary.

Mrs. Annie Morgan, Willcox. grand the Woman's Political Victory Cub treasurer wss organized at a meeting held at tbe Mrs Holland Mcrrjman. Pboemx. home of Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas Askins, grand conductress jon Seventeenth street. Wednesday Mrs. Frona Pharr, Winslow, associ- mgbt. Bucknam.

organizer of ate grand conductress BC temp-rance forces in this county A J. Mathews, grand lecturer. Aiae(l in the work of organizing. The following are tbe appointive! Mrs Walker was elected presi. ofheers.

Idem, Mrs Tboma Asking vice-presi- Mrs Annie George. Kinsman, grand I Mrs. William Jones secretary- Adah. treasurer Mrs Emma Frankel. Yuma, grand.

Tbe object of the organization is to Ruth I keep Arizoua dr. to aid ia enforce- Mrs. Danvita Angus. Bisbee, grand ment of the law, study political proce-Ksther. dure, study parties and political coo- Mrs Jessie Friedler, Globe, grand Iditions, endeavor to secure the eo-ope Martha.

I ration of voters to secure legislation Mrs. Pauline Hutton, Winkelman. and a friendly administration. The grand Electa club, as an organization, will endorse Ina Doulle. Saffnrd, giand chaplain Miss Florence Russell, Prescott grand marshal.

Mrs. Christine Crumbs, Clifton, organist. Mrs. Edna V. Lamson.

Mesa, grand warder. H. A. Bolton, Douglas, grand senti-l nel. Georgia Hampton, Tucson, fraternal correspondent.

The NOTICE Tn Sunday school pupils classes of the Congregational Sunday school tbat have been closed for two weeks, will be opened again tnmorrew. 1 So let everyone come to fill tbe We wish lo have a full Sunday school again. Let us see which class will do tificatrs were issued to May Kane, Hel-the best tomorrow. ten Thompson, Ruby Johnson and REV. ALBERT AM UNTIKEN.

Pastor. UVm. Hunter. FUNERAL OF IS. GARDNER TO BE RELD TOMORROW To be Conducted from Resi- dence; Body Arrives This Evening The funeral of Mr Arlie H.

Card- i friends in tbe citv, county and state. She was a member of the local Order of Estern Stai, and the members will 'attend the fun ral in a bodv. She 'leaves to mourn her loss, besides her i husband, her aged mother, and -ister. tj wlium the Pr' pector extends stn-tere heartfelt condolences WOMAN'S POLITICAL VIC TORY CLUB FORMED AT I DO! March 18. A branch of I no candidates.

bein non-partisan COCHISE APPLICANTS PASS EXAMINATION CERTIFICATES PHOENIX. March IS. Tbe state hoard of examiners has concluded its I work of checking up andvgrading the papers involved in the quarterly exam- ination for teachers' certificates, which was held throughout tbe state on March 0 and 7 In Cochise county second grade cer- i i5- Xrr- -e- BHRrs -z i -y, -L3S "Ci- es i T- Li" waK litafIB 3k8SS: ji wpwwri gfci.i.

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