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Tombstone Weekly Epitaph from Tombstone, Arizona • Page 3

Tombstone, Arizona
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KFy iro (tiww ii inr i TOMBSTONE EPITAPH fCnUSUED evekv suxday. RECORDS OF COCHISE COUNTY struments Filed sVith Recorder the Count) THE RECORDS GIVEN IN WARBANTY USUI Arce to Lefebsre, Douglas prop Strickland to Uii-on, DougUe prop Martinelli to Cappe, Douglas prop 1EEI Brown to Strickland, Douglas proi Dcug Iot to Travis, Doug-Wa prop BRIEF 10 10 100 400. Doug lot Co to II Dugan Douglas prop 10 Paxton to Ellis Douglas piop 1 o. DEED II Dugan to Briecble, Douglas prop 10 AGREEMENT McCarthy with II Mor row et al, prop 5000 LEASE Bcrner to II Fletcher, prop per mo 15 CHATTEL MORTGAGE JSStewart to Phelps Dodge MerCo. furniture 152 25 SATISFACTION OF 2IOBTOAGK 1st Nat Bank Douglas to II Williams WARRANT DTED Hou ton to McCool land 950 Johnson to A White -5 I'ATEKT USto RTurvey 3 to Oblshnlm posfssort RIGHT Relinquishment, Jobnsori" Gobble, homestead Gobble, homestead Gobble, homestead nobble, homestead WATER LOCATION" I HStsjrart, Eiley REALTY MORTGAGE Auttin to State Mot fc Asn, Douglas prop 40O tlTISFACTIOS OF MORTGAGE Min Mer Bank to Brown REpps to Epley PAT EST TJS to heirs oIRC Taylor a to Briecoe US toT Bedford YTARRASTY DEES 'J Bedford to Bridcoe, land 535 Mrs Walker to Houston land Itule to Douglas prop Carabooladi, 3000 F.

MORTGAGE is I Xuitvu WATER BIGHT Hooker, Malipas Creek POSSESSORY RIGHT TO Williamson JE Ebeppard TOWSSITE DEED Taylor to Gillispie, Bisbee 20.. BILL OF SALE Betelmo to Moore, Bis bee prop 425 Hicks to Renaud, Pearce prop. 10 95 TO Meant in Mio Mer Bank Bisbee prop 10.. QUIT CLAIM DEED Ssndstrora to Aguirre Douglas jrop 10 TXTEfT TJ to A Jelley, land OS to F. vericb.

WARRANTY DEED rgman to A Gill-ieepe, Warren prep 10 Maiuland to I Bennett, Bisbee 1850 Oannelly to Dann-clly, land 500 Pirtle Co to II Kirk, Douglas prop 10 Lefebrre to Arce, Doug-, las prop 10. I Sabin to Estatd ol I Smith, land Sp'ed to McCartan, Dooglas prop 10.. Leverich to A II Jelley land 10 KIALTY MORTGAGE Danuelly to Orton, IxOQ 200 Gomez to A Hill, atono prop 45 Mimic to Wilson Douglas prop 300 Sailer to Scbmid, Beteeprop 95G 53 AOKEEME.NT A Bretheiton ith Cunningham, mines 1710 CLAIM OF POSSESSORY LIGHT Uaig'er, homestead Haigler, homestead Creech, homestead LALiodsey, SATISFACTION' OF MORTGAGE AiizInvCoto Mainland. Woods toE Wittig MISl.Va DEED Bowen et al to Her sLa, mines 1 DEED Doug Inv Co to 3 Mimica, Douglas prop 700 Guardian. A Dickson to Lobb, Bistee prop 425 WARRANTY DEED Morgan to Willcox prop Bedos, 1 Dickson to A Lobb, Bisbeo prop 425 DEFD Brophj to Phelps-Dodge Mer Co, Biebee prop 10 Doug Inv Co to Fraser, Douglas prop 600 EHLUIFF'S DEED Wheeler to Mrs Lloyd.

Bisbee prop 1517 C3 nriLTT MOKTUAUE Fraser to State Mut A As'D, Douglas prop 1800 CHATTEL MORTGAGE A Porter to Burton, prop 92 50 McGiuto to Burtoo prop 221 KumptoR LBurtOD.prop 178.. ClutI to Burton, prop 224 Elias to Reno, automobile 1009 20 SATISFACTION" OF MORTGAGE A McDermott to Met Donald LEASE Higgles to I Barkdoll, prop Apimno Alton 1 awii suvw Not Regarded Seriously A Washington dispatch says: Ariiona'a new alien land law is not regarded here as seriously complicating the negotiations with Japan because the act dots not contain the sue direct bar against Japanese as tbe California act. It is czpec'ed, however, that because of iti adverse I effect upon Mexican land owners in Arizona, a protect will be forthcoming from tbe Mexican government, even in view of tbe rather irreguf-r status of the diplomatic rela'loos between America and Mexico. The measure provides that no foreigner who-has not become a citizt a of tbe United 8 ates or at least made applicat on to become a citizen, can os Isnl In Arizoni. It is said that many residents of Sonora, Mexicans who have no intention of becoming citizens of Arizona, own land in Ari zona; Concessions Made; Strike May End Douglas advices say the Mon itirua Copper Co, the Phelps Dodge corporation's big Sonora mine at Xacozarl ancounced today that it bad ruije coocetsU ns to strikers by which it is hoped the strike that a3ecteJ about 1500 will be ended.

The company agie to discharge three American foremen as demanded by the strikers but announced the mill will remain closed till other disputed points are tettled, Road-Building Crew Hard at Work The Cccbise county road building crew arejat a point near Forest, on tbe Biebee-Gleeson road and the camp is a busy place these dars Some 30 men are at work on tbe road UDder tbe direction of Dare Haesler, and substantial results are being shown daily. The county traction engine, "The Big Fo'ir Thirty," is a mart el in execution on rosd work, handling the grader with case and dispa'ch. The tractim is run on one side of tbe grade while the grader, with dik and revolving belt, conveys the dirt to tbe center in a constant stream. Tbe first "try-out" of the equipment shoos a record of about three miles of r. ad building within two week, and everything is working eatisfactorily.

But four men arc required in handling tbe engine and grader, the priocipalwork being automatically cared for. Foreman Haesler keeps bis crew busy on the road surrey ahead; a systematic method ol clearing tbe roadway of all slumps and obstructions being carried on to best advantage, acd thus made for the traction and grader operations County Surveyor McNeish has mapped out the new roadway which platted and a'aked, inc'uding tbe exact grade and ail culverts and bridges. Tbe supervisors are to be congralu- lated on starting tbe road brildlcg of tbe county in the proper manner. Within a few years Cochise will have one of tbe beet road systems in tbe state. Sonora Residents Witness Earthquake A Harper, a welt known and wealthy resident of Sonora, brought word to Douglas Saturday tbat tbe people ol Uranados.

south of Mocte-zume, were badly frightened last week by a succession ol earthquake shocks, which could be felt all a'ong tbe Granadoe range cf mountains. Toe shocks about 40 in all, were severe enough to caase damage to some tbe adobe residences and tbe people were obliged to leave tbeir homes and camp in the open. Tbe aection surrounding the Calevria ranges was also affected by tbe earthquakes. Sonora Now Has Dual Governorship Sonora baa two governors, both oi whom are on thej job in ilermoeillo. The strangest part of tbe story is that tbey agree and everything Is peacable in the capitol at Hermosillo.

Con stitutional governor Jose Maria May--r- injin refnppA In Tucson is back at Hermosillo and is exercising his functiots as the legal gcvernor of tbe state of Sonora. I. Pesquieira, tbe provisional governor appointed by tbe state troops to act in the absence of May-toreoa, is also continuing bis work as the provisional governor, Tbe two governors consult each otber daily nd are co-operating in carrying on tbe affairs of tbe rebel state. Joke Ends Seriously for Old Negro A joke played on Wiley Box, an old negro, consisted in wrappiog his feet in burlap, pouring on alcohol and setting firsjto it. A retident of Too son, was arrested Sunday on a charge of being tbe joker.

Box is at St Mary's hospital in that city with the skin bnrned off bis feet. Bis condition la serioos. Blood poisoning may set la. How It Was Done in Phoenix Many Douglas citizens received let-era from Phoenix loJ) telling of tbe passg of the county seat bill, among which was one to Edit, of the Bank of Douglas, frotn Gaines, wuosoa in part: "Sims staid with us and fought it out in the irnate It passed the senate by a vote of 12 ayes, 6 noes and one absent We had several votes nine to nice on different da) a on the. adoption of the confer encs report favoring the house, which It ft it up in the air We finally got three of the republicans and put it over." Douglas International.

From the activity shown, the point ratj-allv suggests itie'f: Dees tie Cochise Taxpayers Association favor Douglas for a proposed eouuty seat as gainst Bisbee? What has Bisber done to tbe association? Its Up to Oscar to Explain Goll, assistant clerk ol tbe Coshiro board of supervisors, wss in Douglas yesterday and came near being mobbed by his frierds. Before he was accused of the crime, boaever, bejadmitted that be bad the btt "little girl in tbe conn try." JTbis makes tbe International believe tbat Goll ha had gall enough to get married, and until he disputes the allegation and threatens to kill the alligator, this paper will insist that be is a married man. It is up to Oscar Goll to explain many and mnlti'udinoua things. Come hence, Oscar. International.

Phelps-Dodge Co. Contributes $1,000 In response to a number of letters sent out by Prof Willis, for tbe bureau of mines tbat it is proposed to establish next year at tbe University of Arizona, promises of support and cooperation have been from arrorg tbe leading mining concerns of tbe country, and on Monday morning Prof Willis received a check from the Phelps Dodge Co, with beadquar-Ura in New York, for 11,000. It is expected tbat this bureau will be one of the features of tbe mining course next year. Sulphur Spring Valley Notes AS 2 Stover gasoline pumping engine nith pump attachments, at his well this week. Coming into Courtland Tuesday, A Potter and ClufT.wben crossing the track at Keltoo, were thrown down into tbe wagon bed, by tbe breaking of the seat, caueed by tbe jolting received in crossing tbe track.

Tbe Arizonan says, the railroad crossings throughout this valley, are anything but a credit to the roads over which tbey lead. Mrs Brown. Mrs A Brown and daughter Clara, and Miss La. Preal Sampson, motored to Tombstone Monday, with Elvin Brown at tbe wheel. All returned except Mrs Brown who remained over until Wednesday.

A Smith, formerly president of Ihe Commonwealth company of Pearce, accompanied by Mrs Smith, arrived in Pearce Wednesday and will remain several days among tbe scenes of tbeir former home. Wednesday afttrnoon, as II acd Brown were working together on a galvanized tank, through which tbey were endeavoring to drive aatcel bar, a chip flew from tbe bar and cut an artery in tbe arm of Brown. While tbe blood sported for a moment, lit was promptly stopped by holding a thumb over over it until be could reach the doctor's office and have it properly eared for. Dr Bally chipped this week, to a friend at tbe Post Graduate Hospital in New York City, a Gila monster. Tbis reptile is a large one, is or very dark color, tbe markings being of a rather light red and in shapes tbat would be called pretty, were they on anything other than a gila monster.

Arizonan. uiHgk Rem JP from Wednesday's Dally Willard of tbe Wolcott mer- cantlle establishment left today frr Tncson on business matters. ban om was an outgoing passenger this morning for Tucson Attorney A English was an ouU going patserger to Beusou today on legal bueioess. Thompson was among tbe outgoing passengera to Tucson today on a brief business visit. Governor Hunt yesterday signed senate bill No 49, known as tbe county teat removal bill, and it thereby became a law of the state of Arizona.

Mrs Woloott left this morning for Douglas on a brief visit friends. State Tax Commissioner Cbas Howe is in Tombstone today in conference with Assessor Hughes with reference to tbe new mine tax law passed by the legislature. At San Simon, A James, of Dal-hart, is loading 20 cars of stock cattle lor the Panhandle. They are being delireied to him by tbe Triangle rancb. Attorney French is a visiter in tbr-ccunty seat today on business of a legal nature.

City Clerk Lee Woo'ery was an outgoing passenger to Land tcday on a brief visit. Fire this morning iu the ore boose at tbe Southwest shaft was discovered in timo to save the building It is ihougbt tbe tire originated from a spark from one of tbe leasora' black smith forge nearby, but tbe flames were discovered be'ore much headway was gained acd extinguished. Melvin Swain is a Tombstone visitor today from Douglas on a brief visit with his mother and Tombstone friends Two highwaymen entered McCon-nell's saloon in Kingman the other night, and after lining tbe fifteen inmates of the saloon up against tbe wall, made the proprietors go into their safe and dump its contents on the floor. The men made good tbeir get away and secured about for tbeir trouble. Frank Nichols Passes Away Frank Nichols, seed about 35 years, one of tbe best liked young men of tbis section died yesterday morning nt 10 o'clock in a Phoenix hospital, to which he had been confined fur otreral weeks.

Tbe body will te brought to Douglas. Mr Nichols bad been a resident of Douglas for a number of years, bis mother, Mrs Mary Nichols, and bis brother, CF Nichols, residing there at this time. Quarantine Established at Cananea Dae to the presence of a number of cases of smallpox in Cananea, a strict quarantine baa been established. The last two days no departures have been permitted from the city, except tbat those leaving can show vaccination witbin the last 15 days and produce physicians' certificate of good health At the Caoanea depot, notice is posted to above effect, and before selling a ticket out of the city, the ticket agent demands presentation of physicians (torn tbe sppHcssi for passsge. There sro over 10 cases in the pest now and spread continuing to alarming extend.

Passing of Former Tombstone Pioneer Peter Ham former Tombetoner, aged CO years, died at bis bom in tbe Johnson Addition, near Bisbee Satur day morning. The deceased was a sufferer from tuberculosis and has been ill for more (ban a year, tie has lived In tbe district for many years and is survived by a wife and daughter. The funeral was held under auspices of tbe Masonic order at Bisbee. Besides being a member of tbis lodge the deceased Jwas alo' a member of tbe of and the Odd 1 Fellows. Peter Hanim was a man of sterling qualities, widely known and esteemed in tbe district.

Bis passing to tbat of a Rood citizen and one who will be much missed, from Tuesday's Daily Bowen of the Bisbee Auto Co on bud- in the county scat today ness matters. Alfred Paul, wife aid finily a-e visitors in the rity for a few daya from Douglas, the guesta of Mm Panl'e mother, Mrs fl Swain and family. E.C Vanderbilt, commercial agent of tbe Western Uuuiou was in the city yeaie'day on matters connected with tbe local office. Mrade was an outgoing senger to Tuc-on this mnrnirg on business. Mrs Cunoinebam, Mr Jas Letsoti anil Attorooys Roy Morfnot and O'Cocnell motored over tcday from Bisbee on court matfr.

Ernest La Duke, repreienting th-Phoenix Ink Works of Pueblo, Is in tbe city in tbe interest of Ink sales. Mr Drke furnishes an ink tbat is forgery-procf His demou-strntions are a reve'ation. Tbe possibilities of being victimized by an unscrupulous persln are ahown snd be was enabled to place quite a num her of orders in the city tbe use ol the ink affording a protection against check artists. Dr Randall, county physician, iu order that tbe smallpox epidemic of Cananea be prevent from gain--ing a footbold here, has adopted precautionary mea urcs to have all suspicious cae reported. Tbe sun continues to rise in all bis glory and bis first rays fall in golden showers on tbe old flag over tbe court bouse in Tombstone.

And as he sinks eereoely behind tbe majestic Huacbuca, he throws a lingering kiss at tbe good old temple of justice in Tombstone. From all appearances. Old Sol will continue to look with favor on the county seat of Cochiee in Tombstone for many more years to come. Joe Curry and James tiankard o' tbe and A Bisbee, were in the city today on a brief business visit, Mrs Nancy Cook, mother of Mrs Harry Evau, made a hurried departure to her home in Colorado Springs, Colo, today, hating received the ahocking newa of tbe sudden death of her husband. Senator Ives arrived in the city last evening from Tucsen on legal bos'ness.

Shipments of ore by tbe rhloriders on tbe Co a-e going forth diily to the smelters at El Paso' There are about 100 men at work on leases in the Tombstone district and all are duing well. Lafe Gibson, manager ot tbe Blue Front barber shop of tbis city, is in Bisbee on a brief business visit. Dr Hitcbins, the well known dentist, who has been in tbe city tbe pas' week, expects to leave tomorrow for Tucson for a few days, returning here tbe latter part of tbe week. Isaacson, of Pool, has pur chased the big catt'e and rancb hold ings of Pool of tbe same place. Larsen Saved His Helper From Death Regarding tbe narrow escape from death of Clarence Smith, welIknon Tombstone young man.

tbe Review has tbe following account of tbe accident: "What did I tbink? Many things. But first and last that you were there and would get me out of it." Such was tbe expression cf confi dence in Boiler Makr Jack Larson tbat witnesses of a thrilling accident at tbeSbatiuck heard yesterday after noon from Smith, Larson's helper wben Smith regained cocscioti-ness after a clinch with death Larson broke, and in doing so, well earned tbe confidence Smith had in him. Smith reach for a pair of pipe tongs. His band came in contact with a live wire and be was burled into the sump under a compressor. I Tho sump was full of watr and Smith instantly drenched.

The 2du volts on tbe power line were more than trebled in effect. Smith unconscious, clenched tbe live wire. Then it was that Larson acted. Seising tbe wire on the insulation, he put all his strength in a pull tbat tore it through tbe band of the man in the sump. Eight stitches were later taken in the hack of Smith's bead, where be atruck tbe anmp in his fall, the blow rendering bim unconscious.

He was able to be ont last night bat is expected to be over tbe (shock today." FroT) Monday's Dally. School Sup rintendent Stover left Net evening lor Orchard, Maine, altera successful term ol icbool in Tombatouo. Tbe many Tombstone friends of Prof. Sto er regret his departure and hope to 'see him return herehefori msny moous, to again take up Ins residence iu Dear Old Co chise, County Treaiu erC Hicks was In Donglas yesterday on a brief visit. Vacderbilr, commercial agent of the Western Union Telegraph is in the city to gather data on the miUage of Western Union wire within the school districts of tbe state as re quired by the s'ate corporation com mission.

Judee Dune in, the veteran 'eg slator from Cochise returned home last evening from Pboenix and was greeted by a host of Tombstone friends. The judge was glad tbe session was cvir aid stated the legisla ture was in a intinuti atmosphere of turmoil t-nd bat never-the-less was a hard working body and psssed many good laws. Tho judge was continually on the job and is one of thefen soloos who voted on every measure up for consideration. A HifTern, the well known Cochiso county mining man is in the city from Douglts on mining business. Henry Johnson, a mining man ol Denver, Colo it in the city.

Mr. Johmou will examine and pees upon the merits of a mining property in the Dragoons for his company, upon which a bond is being negotiated. New County Health Regulations A number of new rules, to prevent tbe "spread of contagous diseases, have been formulated by the county hoard health. The new ru! become effective June 1. Among those enacted, one applies to tbe maintenance of cess pools, and provides tbat these shall not be used in any city or town where there is 'a sewer system.

Further provi'ion is made that all dwellings must ba connected with.tbe pewer system, where such a system is conveniens and tbat all cess-pools and out bouses must be kept in a san itary condition at all times. Tbe final section provid-s tbstall premises contiguous to any dwelling where human beings liva must be kept in a vanitary condition. Line Rider Lassoes Eagle Au eagle was laesoed, tied and taken to Douglas by line rider, Tom Perrine of tbe El PasoCus'o-n House. It has been presented to the Douglas Elks' club. Perrine and Dr H.

Hart of Douglas, bad been inspecting a shipment of 841 head of cattle from tbe Gabilondo ranch, cros-ed at monument CG. Tbey were enroute to the city when be raw two eagles feeding on a csreass nrar the road. Being beavy from feeding, only one of the birds rose. Tbe other started running along tbe road acd was roped by tbe line rider. Extends Best Wishes to Tombstone Editor Pkospectok Will you kindly express tbrotiph your columns my appreciation of the many kind remarks tbat hare made to me during theyesr; and pecially the last part of the year, in regard to tbe school work; also my ai-preciation of the very cordial ard generous way in which tbe memler-of tbe Tombitone Band, the Ivey Or chestra.and others assisted in our course of lectures given by tbe pr -ident and members of tbe faenhy the University of Arizona, and mmr celebration of Statebood Day.

I to Maine, but Arizona has its charn tbat I expect will bring be back some time in the future when Mrs Slrvr can come me. The date will uncertain on account of her motl vt'e ccDtinnrd illness and need of her To each boy acd eirl, each min ana woman in Tombtone, I wish tlii highest and best success it is for yon to attain, and I thank jon for every kindness shown to me nd every expression of good will. Sincerely, E. H. STOVEK.

Tombstone, Snnday, May 18, 1913..

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