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Tombstone Weekly Epitaph from Tombstone, Arizona • Page 2

Tombstone, Arizona
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WMKIiY EPITAPH. rOMDSTOSE, ARIZONA, NOVEMBER -1, 1SS2 IOIAI, JOUKNAI, or TOJII1STONK PUBLISHED ItV THE Enitauh Printing and Publishing Go chard Utile, IMltor nml Manager Offlce. 3 and 337 I'rciuont Street, Tombstone. Arizona. nB8cnirTioN mice: IV by carrier).

.33 ccntr per week. illy, ono year $10 (X) Daily, six months 5 00 Dally.thrco months 3 K) Weekly, ono yoar ft () vVcekly, elx months a 10 Weekly, thrco month 1 10 CVUntcroil at the Torabstono postofflco as sec-oiul class matter. Democratic Territorial Ticket. For Delegate to Congress GEANVILLE II. OURY.

For Superintendent of Public Instruction. Vf. T3 IIORTOJsT. Tinitoiial Cuuui-il. .1.

II. TEVIS. Joint Councilman, P. J. IJOLAIW IIouso of lteprescntntives.


DUNCAN. Democratic ICounty Ticket- For Shcrill. liARKIN W. CAIIK. For Recorder.

A. T. JONES. For BEN GOODRICH. Tor District Attorney.

MARCUS A. SMITH. For Probate Judgo B. L. PEEL.

For Coroner. 4lAT. HOLLAND. For Public Administrator. ALEXIS FREEMAN.

For County Surveyor. J- II. IIOADLEY. For Supervisors. .1.

C. FALL, L. ULINN.S JOHN IJULLIS. LarkinW.Carr,of Benson, a man whom, we consider cv gentleman in event varticulav, and if elected to the office of sheriff of this count, would do honor to the vosition. We have not had the honor of Mr.

Carr's acquaintance as long' as cither of the other two candidates, but consider him, above the shafts of malice. Revublican, Oct. G. The doughface organ claims that if Neagle is elected he will "run the whole county." Correct for once. From Neagle organ, October Jo.

Is a recent number of tlio Engineering and Mining Journal, Mr. E. Van Blarcom, republican nominee for county surveyor, recommended thrco important changes in our mining laws, viz: "First, official survey and approval of tlio claim as a requisite to location; second, registration of assessment work; third, compulsory purchase of the land within iivo years from location. Ho also suggests that the mineral domain should bo divided into districts, and theso districts subdivided into or local mining districts, each local district to have a mineral agent whoso duty it should bo to filo applications for suiveys, and at his earliest convenience proceed to execute such The voters of Cochise county are strongly directed to tho above. Let ovcry prospector and minor, in casting his vote for county survoyor, remember thac in voting for tho republican noinineo for this office ho is voting for a man who advocates changos in tics mining laws which would bar cvorv uoor man from obtaining and holding a.

mining claim. Wo have not time nor apaco to enter into a discussion of this subject, but leave it to tho judgment of the ln'nors and prospectors of C'orhiso eornty. in the Epitaph appears a carl from M. E. Joyce in answer to ccitain cowardly insinuations and skulking assertions mado by tho editor of tho Neagle organ.

The general public will no doubt consider tho caid superfluous, as the paper referred to has long since, by its reckless lying and infamous slanders, ceased to possess a vertigo of lnfluerco with all who aio familiar with ils treacherous antecedents, disgraceful affiliations and the contemptible policy pursued toward political opponents. A FAITH I' OFFICIAL. As the day of election draws near nil tho signs point unmistakably to democratic success in this county. The campaign has been closo and is this so in tho case of tho candidates for sheriff and recorder. Tho democratic nouuneo for tho former olfico has, perhaps, had tho greatest obstacles to surmount, being confronted not only with tho open opposition of tho republicans, but also threatened with tho insidious attacks of party traitors.

The republicans, realizing tho importance of tho oiiico of recorder, in partisan sense, have also mado a xlesporato strugglo to insure tho success of their noinineo for that position. Tho campaign on tho part of Mr. democratic nominee, has been conducted from its inception in a dignified and gentlemanly manner. During the two yeais ho has held tho office ho has mado tho acquaintance of tho majority of the citizens of the county, lie has attended strictly to his official duties, and not oven a suspicion of official wrong-doing has ever been breathed against him. Dis intercourse with tho people has always been marked with tlio greatest courtesyandattentiveness to the wants of al! who have had occasion to transact business with him.

In short, Mr. Jones has, during his incumbency of the office, conducted himself as a servant of tho people, and has not assumed tho arrogant airs of ono who thought himself their master. He is perfectly familiar with tho somewhat intricate duties of tho offico, and no intelligent person will deny that he is better qualified for the efficient dischargo of those duties than is his opponent. It is on this record and tlieso qualifications that ho bases his claims for reelection. Ho has boon tried and not found wanting, and tho people of Cochise county will consult their own interests by rewarding with their suffrages a man who has proved himself a faithful public servant.

"Tho ruinous rule of tricksters;" "A gang of hungiy official "A corrupt and unscrupulous clique;" lot of shiftless fellows who cannot make a respectable living;" "Men of their doubtful character and unsavory experience," "Men who have taken advantage ot their positions to fleeco the tax-payers of Cochise, can hardly be expected to hesitate at forgery or even perjuiy." The above arc a few extracts from tho editorials of tho "half-breed" so-called "independent" organ. Wc merely reproduce them to show the respectable citizens, tax-payers and voters of Cochiso county tho character and style of argument adopted by that peculiar insitution. They are all taken from one issue, and there is hardly a number of that sheet sinco tho campaign begun but has been equally as bad, if not worse. Yet it has not made a single or definite charge against any of the county officers. If thoy constitute a corrupt ling, why not expose them? Tho truth ot the matter is, there is nothing to expose, and the "half-breeds" hope to win this fight very much in the same manner as the mephitis Americana." But outside of it al), and far abovo the truly, in this case, "filthy pool" of politics, there should exist a feeling of grati-tudo towards at least the chief executive officer of tho county, that should cause tho writer to hesitate ero he denominates him as a "thief," a "trickster," and a member of a "corrupt ling." A manly and generous friend should not bo forgotten, much less abused, when his ability to bofriend has ceased to exist.

Oxr. of the strongest arguments against Ncuglo's election is furnished by himself and his strikers. Neither ho nor they can icsist their bulldozing proclivities, and talk as though everyone not belonging to tho "linlf-biccd" party should bo placed on a reservation. All citizens, whether native or foroign born, have, in ordinary, equal rights, and the threats mad') on tho street corners that after election the Neagleites will mako certain sons of get out in tho street" or "lcavo the country," are not calculated to inspire confidence in their candidate's ability or intention to preserve peace in case ho is elected. This is a fiee country and honest men aro not, as in IitiFsid, banished and maltreated expressing their opinion.

Tun journalistic strumpet which advocates the election of Dave Xea-glo for sheriff charges that cei tain democrats have betiayed the noinineo of their party. V'cs, and the Erii'Ai'ii could namo thoin. They were delegates to the late democratic convention, and aftcrsolemnly pledging themselves to support the nominees of that convention, now help to mako -up tho corporal's guard of iNcagle's adherents. Tun Star pays its compliments to Judge Porter in tho following roundabout way: Judgo Dibble, by far the republican in Arizona and a man whose abilities would bo recognized as lemnrkablc in any com nunity, was left out by the Phcnix convention and Porter was put tip for Congress. The lcison was simply that Porter was supposed to liavu uioucy'to buy bis way, and Dibble would not under any circumstance bare resoitcd to such means to procure advancement.

But -when tbe pinch eamo Porter went back on his financial piomise0, and the republican party bavoatlast concluded that (bey bad bargained away a ical gamecock lor dunghill, and didn't get any boot either. But if they didn't get tho boot," Brother Barrett, they got the gaff. The "half-breed" organ continues to reiterate tho canard that Carr's friends and supporters have deserted him and that ho has viitually withdrawn from the canvass. Nothingis further irom tho facts of the case. He is gaining strength every day and will go into tho office with such a boom of enthusiasm as will forever crush out "independentism" in C'nehiso countv.

CO.UIXCJ The tulo has turned. Independentism" is going out with tho ebb and in a few days it will be swallowed up in the great sea of democracy. The mass of the po-called indedeudents are almost evenly divided between the two parties, republicans and democrats, the latter having been led away for a short time by the representations of the half-breed organ. Hoping to bo-come a power in the county, it has staked all upon the cast of a die. If Neaglo falls, tho fabric is shattered; if he should, through fraud anc bulldozing, win, it will set itself upon tho pedestal of democracy as the only true exponent of the glorious principles which have been tho soul of that party through the gloom and darkness of defeat for many long weary years.

But a light has broken through the clouds. The calm, well-meaning, honor.iblo portion of the so-called independents" havo at last realized that thoy were blindfolded, hoodwinked and fooled by a mere handful of heartless, soulless, niciccnary politicians without principle, truth oi honor, who led them on, hoping through their aid to gain official posi- tious whereby they could he without honest labor, which thay t.o much despise. They realize that to elect Neagle will bo to thwait the interests of every large taxpayct in tho county, and thus retard the giowth and prosperity of the distiict. They look around them and sec the mining superintendent, the merchant, the banker, the mechanic and the laborer, who supports his wife and family by tho sweat of his brow, all opposed to the "half-breed" candidate, and see. ing this, they turn away in disgust, and pledge anew their allegiance to the democratic party.

It is the party of principle, of progress, of liberality and of honesty. Its candidates are men of energy, education, probity and respectability. They are not in collusion with outlaws or stage robbers, nor arc they bulldozers, who avail themselves of their petty official positions to impose upon the tho defenseless, and the aged, but being honorable men will receive the support of all true citizens and taxpayers who havo the interests and prosperity of the county at heart. Wn warn all democrats to boware of the fraudulent tickets which will be peddled by Neagle strikers on election day. The "half-breed" counterfeits of the democratic ticket may he easilv distinguished and no one should bo bulldozed or hoodwinked into voting them.

Tho tickets which many democrats will bo asked to vote, aro very much mixed. The sheriff, one supervisor, jnstice of the peace and constable aro wrong, and no man should vote until he has carefully read his ticket from top to bottom. Nkach.k's stanchest fiiends now admit that ho is doomed to certain defeat on Tuesday next. Realizing this, his organ Is frantically endeavoring to involve tho democratic nominee in tho disaster, and secure the election of Ward. Lot democrats remember this.

Tin: county is being flooded with a circular indorsing tho character of the "independent" candidate for sheriff. Tho circular has about a dozen signers, a tnajoiity of whom aro as sadly in need of a certificate of character as the mnn whom tliev indorse. Br.N Goodrich has made a gentlemanly and dignified canvass, and tho people will indorse his oouiso by a good round mnjoiitj on Tuesday next. Tin: trooly loilv and "independent" fences, after Tuosday next, will look as if they had been "swopt with the besom of destruction." NOTICE TO COISIERS OF WATER I TOMBSTONE W. From and after the Jirst day of November we will i'tirn isli Water on the line of their supply -pipes, Allen street, from Second to Eighth; I'rcmont street, from First to Eighth; Eighth street, fiom Allen to Fremont; Seventh street, from Allen to Fremont; Sixth street, from Alien to Fremont; Fifth street, from Bruce to Toughnut; Fourth street, from llruco toToughunt; Thlr.1 street, from Bruce to Allen; Second street from Bruce to Fulton; Bruce street, from Secom1 to Tulid: Fulton street, from First to Second, At the lbllowinjr Hates per Month: Livery Stables on Allen S15 00 Restaurants 00 Wash Houses 5 00 Livery Stables on Fremont street 10 00 Saloons 3 00 Lodging 2 00 Barbershop 2 CO Dwelling Houses 160 Bath IIojscs 10 00 A.

H. EMANUEL, Supt. and Agent. ocltl OFFICE 3S3 Fremont next door to Itnitniih ItuUdiiiK. BOOTS AND SHOES- xionxriiiJbiSg.

B00USH0 505 ALLEN STREET. We bee: leave to announce to the nublic that our assort ment of Boots, Sloes, Slippers, Ties and Saials, Is now Complete, and Ave are still daily adding to it. We can safely maintain our stock to be the LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF BOOTS SLncL S3E3COE5S In the Territory, comprising all the latest styles of Gentlemen's, Ladies', Boys', Misses', Children's and Infants' BOOTS AND SHOES! Remember, we do not keep any trash, but buy our goods from the very best Eastern and Western Manufacturers, and as our facilities are better than all other firms, and keeping Boots and Shoes exclusively we can offer the public a Better Article for Less Money THAN ANY OTHER FIRM IN TOMBSTONE Give us a call if you want to buy a Boot, Shoe, Slipper Sandal. Frencli Shoes anil Slippers a Specialty 3 BOOTS AND SHOES MADE TO ORDER ON THE PREMISES. Repairing Neatly Done.

Leather and Findings for SaJe. SOS A.11030L St. ZW Country Orders Solicited COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE. OIFIElsriEID I OElsTEID I JOB HOEFLER, 1118 OLD At Shaeffer Corner Fifth G. F.

SPANGENBERG 214 FIFTH STREET, NEAR Wholesale mitt WAiV A FUI.Ii Coxa.0tc1xa.cl3r All Kinds of Guns. Pistols. Safes Repaired on Short Notice RIFLE vmm i 1 I -r-l'llMl I' ltKTWKr.X FurKTII AX1 FIFTH. This Old and Favorably Known Stable is now better prepared than ever to furnish the Public with Don! Single Turnouts, Sale An Elegant Hack for use of the Public. ntoek Itoai iloil at low Itatei.


9 and promptly attended to.jSS CC1TOMIRS Lord's Building, and Fremont. jm POST OFFICE, TOMBSTONE, Itctatl Itenler in I II PM.M U. UliUlUUHU UL UU1JJ MWX, JilM: Ol'' ci ci mug on XIcvxicl. Sewing Machines, Locks and and Guaranteed. W.

AYLES, (Known IMtOl'UIIVrOlC. LlOOQS FINANCIAL Cochise County Bank, 3J. IiS, Deposits received sulject ut right. Certificates of Deposit isi-itsd pujablc on demand oral fixed periods. Exchange lor silo ou all the principal cities.

Loans made on approved eicurltj, and A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. CORRESPONDENTS: Tucson Tho First National Bank Los Angeles, Cat farmers Merchants Bank bin Francisco Pacific Bank. New York Chemical National Bank JAMES H. 100I.E. CIIAUL.ES HUDSON HUBS'OH SUCCESSORS TO SAFFORD, HUDSON CO TDMIISTOXC.

AND TKfSOfl ARIZONA. DKAW BILLS OF EXCHANGE And Make rCLr.tiRAPHIC TRANSFERS OF MONK On the Principal Points In EUROPE AND THE UNITED STATES. Receive deposits, pmchoi-e or ntlg advances on Territorial nml County i ard warrants, aj p-oveil commercial paper, in! tr.iUFac (IF.NEI1AL 1IANKINH SINEWS. liulllon made with ns or shipped to Auclo Dink, son Frmcipco, lor our account, i in be checked Immediately. NEW YORK J.

Felmma Ci. SAN FRANCISCO ANninCArrj.mMABANK LOS Avoeli.h Coimir BAVh. bT. LOUIS CrCosiMEKCE. s.

at cowa- MASSAcncsc-TsNAti al 1IAKK Na' Bam First National Gold Bank OF KA. FHAXUIKCO. OAIi. Paul Up Capital. SI.COU.OOO.

burplm Fuii'l ami UndMileil I'ronis President It C. W'OOLWORTH Vice President 1). C'ALLAGHAN JauIer K. V. MORGAN uir.FtTons: It.

C. WoolHorth. leaac Wonitr, V. C'allajrhan, I'ctir Donahue, C. O.

Hooker, James 1'hclan. Ucorjje A. Low. Janus Mctllt, N. Van llergen.

coitnEsroxUESTS' London Baring Brothers Jb On jiar koi Paris Hottcngner Co Dublin l'roilncial Rankof Ireland HunibiirK ltcse, Neumann Co New York National Hank of Commerce Boston BlacUstone National Bank Exchango on principal cities of the United States, Greu Britain, Ireland and the Continent, bouset and sold. Cnminerclal credits uailablc In China Japan and Europe. Collections made and prompt returns rendered at market rates of exchange. Accounts solicited fiom Individuals, Firms, Banks and Brokers. mTtf SALOONS.

MBE1 AI.M'.X KlllMW FIFTH, CHOICEST BRANDS OF WINES, LIQUORS and Cigars, AlHajs ou hand The Larjre-t ami it fi mi mump, IN TOMBSTONE, Umler the Supervision of lHrk Clark. NIC1I0L CLARK, Prop'rs. oct2l Billiard Parlor 421-123 ALLEN ST. Campbell fe Hatch. auJtf Proprietors.

BAIE EICHAM SALOON, IN TRIBOLET'S BLOCK, On Allen St ISet. C'onrtli Fifth. JllAVE TUB FINEST bTOCE OF WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS'1 CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Itllllnril ami Pool TableM. and Card JlooniH for those iNliini; amusement.

aul tf COI.P MeW.tli, ITopr'N. SENATE, BLACKBURN Proprietors. The Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. EVERYTHING CONDUCTED IN PIRST CI-jSS STYLE, And arranged neailj oud tut.fully. Nothing IJut the Best of Every tiling Sold.

LESLIE F. BLACKBURN eepstf N.H. BURDETTE- 521 ALLEN STREET, J. E. Brophy, Proprietor.

Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer. Fine Wines, Liquors ami Cignrs. A. L. BLATZ' UF.KK.

XST OPKX 1AY AX3I AHJI1T gj scpStf Sluardhall KF.I.IiVS OM STAXIJ. rruu: old place has been refitted I and has now to elegant Billiard Tables Best of Liquors Cigars Always on Hand. LYNCH O'NEIL Proprietors. JylStf A ALOON Ha niiiK.M EI EST SATM THOMAS BRADY Tallox, Xo. ftTliIiiI titrcct.

near market. Mail I'rnnclHco. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAM) A Superior quality of the latwt leu of Foreign ii.d Domi etic Cashlmeren. Ill tits arc to l.e the best. Call and examine my work and prleee, or tend for mm pi and ratoo.

Lawrence Collins. JVTATIVE OF NEWCASTLE WEST. COUNTV ll Limerick. Ireland. Left California, whete he worked In the minis for many jea-e, about tcr.

jeure ago, to go to Arizona. Age If living, 4'J years AnronekPuninz of him or his whereabouts. Mill greatly oblige by communicating 1th his brother, Michael Collins, 270 Cleracmlr Street, San FrancUco, Cal. Notice to the Public. HAVING HEARD THAT CERTAIN PAH-tics had ottered for sale oxen b-andol with circle 11, the public arc notified that no one except the undersigned hae any authority to sell them, and before scllln" wc always ent the cattle on the left fore shoulder.

octlOlm BARNKT BLOCK. IT "-n-vr-z MBSfH "eK.vJ; r.S?Md "S5S IiUlV A VUAU1I.JI ur a un more Hot letter's Stomach Bitters has been the relgulng specific for 1 ndlcestlon, drspepsia, feer and ague, a loss of physical stamina, liver complaint and other disorders, and has been most emphatically Indorsed by medical men as a health and strength restoratie. It counteracts a tendency to premature decay and sustains and comforts the a 'cd and Infirm. For Fala by all dm; 2.6ts and dealers "enerally. ProposnlM for 1'rewh Iteef and Mutton.

Headquarters Department of Arizona, oOfllce Chief Commtssaiy of Subsistence, Whipple Barracks, Pkescott, A.T., Aug. 25, 1S82. SEALED PROPOSALS, In triplicate, sublcct to the usnai conditions, will be recencd at this office or at the office ol the Post Commissar, until 13 o'clock, noon, on Monday, Sept. 35, 18b-', at which time and places they will be opened In the presence of bidders, for furnishing and dcll-er of such quantities of Frsh Beif and Mutton ou the block as may from time to time be required by the Subsistence Department, at Camp Price, southern end of llhe Chiricabua Mountains, A.T., rrom Oct. 1st, lSbJ, to June CO, lbfc3.

Proposals mast be accompanied by a bond with two sureties In the sura of $1,000 00, and In accordance with the form prescribed. A proposal unacLompiniul by such a boud will not be considered. Each proposal niiibt be accompanied by an affi-datit telling forth that the bidder Is not concerned airectl) or indirectly In any other bid than tbat to which 11I4 namcls anpendtd. The sin ceseful bidder will be required to enter-Into a written contrict with the United States, with good and appiocd surety within ten days after Ixin notified ol the accptance of his proposal. The Gotcrnment retervts the right to reject any or all proposals.

Blank proposals, bonds, and full Information to the manner of bidding, conditions to be observed by bidders and terms of contract and payment, 111 be furnished on application to this olfce, or to the Commissary at the post. Envelope" containing proposals should be marked: "Proposils for beef and Mutton," aid addressed to the undersigned, or to the Post Com- missaiy at Camp Price, A.T. au30 td CIIAS. P. EAGAN.Capt.C.S., U.S.A.

Summons. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST Judicial District of the Territory of Arizona, In and lor the County of Cochise. Abraham S. Heitchew, plaintiff, vs. Harriet Jane Action brought in the District Court or the First Judicial District of the Territory of Ariioua, In and for the county cf Cochise, and the complaint filed In the said county of Cochise, in the office of the clerk of said District Court.

The Territory of Arizona sends greeting to Harriet Jane Ileltchen, Defendant; You are hereby required to appear In an action brought against you by the above named plaintiff, in tbe District Court of the First Judicial District of the Territory of Arlzoaa, In and for the county ol Cochise, and to answer the complaint filed therein, within twenty days (exclusive of the day ol service), aftei the ten Ice on you of this snmmons (If served Ithln this county; or If served out of this county but In this district, within thirty davs; otherwise within forty days), or Judgment by default will be taken against ou according to the prajcrof said complaint. The said actlin Is brou'ht to obtain a decree of this court dissolving the bonds of matiimohy now existing between plaintifi and defendant and for such other and lurlh cr relic as may be just and equitable, as will more fully appear la the complaint on file In my office. And you are hcrtby notified that It you fall to appear and answer the said complaint, as above reqnircd, the said plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In said complaint. Given under my hind and Seal of the District Court of the First Judicial District of the Territory of Arlzoua, In and for the County of Cochise, this 1 1th day of February, In the year or our Lord one thousand eight hundred aed eighty-two. seal, W.

II. SEAMANS, Clerk. By LOUIS A. SOUC, Deputy Clk POWDER Absolutely Pure. ThH powder never varies.

A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomencss. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only In cans. Royal Baking Pownsn 106 Wall street, N. sepS-dJtvvtf J.

V. VICKERS, Hi FREMONT STREET,) Real Estate, Mines, Money Insurance. Ileal Kstate Bought, Sold and Routed. Co. lections Made, Taxes Paid etc.

3llnei4 Bought and Sold. Money Loans Negotiated and Investments Made. Insurance Fire, Accident and Life. XOTAKY PUBLIC. Have vou seen the ''Langtrv Ilaf? If not, go to Mrs.

Stewart's and take a peep. CCLEttATEO vi. rK. KkVf "cn-Ei Jk, jmMMgVMim ifrrrtiimmiam wmmmMm 3 GT03IACH ITTERS 0ml fRoYALrSWiit IS?.

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