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Tombstone Weekly Epitaph from Tombstone, Arizona • Page 2

Tombstone, Arizona
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ffr IP TOMBSTONE EPITAPH. PDBUMBP BTSBT SCMDA.T. -raix or Oaayoar It months 13 00 150 V. 8.U Apilnaldt Xow will yen ha good. AKTtiille editoria in Mjretriuble.

fletint inn one with makinf ton hit waod-pilr, he ldd HTinl titki wltli dynamite. Tlirn nsgro whe had bsen hirer! to put tht vi In kit wocd ihid nt ths tlekimixsd. This editor now burnt ail. LJy JUaslolph Churchill, fnrrrisrlr MtM JromeJf Hew York, i about tr Urt a raarartae in London "an new line," io th lfrph informs us. As the subsoriptien price it to be 95 psreopy, the oiroaltion man wilt probably ht bla to keep trsek of his buiiatii tbi aid of a bookkeeper.

A. D. "Webb ia Making th Arizanan a breezy publication Mr. Wrbb it a geod newspaper an an aael hae many friendt in Caebite county where he had tome newspaper experience for a year or mar. Xo one has yet christened the Twentieth legislature.

It ia yet teo early in the session ta make sven a fair gueie whether the present body will cover ilaelf with glory or other-wite. Enterprise. The ebony hued Stbeopean concealed in the county seat removal bill can ba eatily seen without the ute of glasses. Although those intr-r-attad think th way would be made eatier to match the county teat plum by th passage of the bill, will find to their disappointment that it will avail tbem nothing. The Arizona etrike at the C-owjed King mine following rletelv on the heel of the Colorado find, thn new of both of which tu heralded to all points of the eompas did much food for Arizona, causing the world to pause a trcond.

and the pausert to think that there must be soma rich minss in thia part of the planet. A man living at Columbus, Ga hit been trying to solve the when-does-the- century-begin poizle. He writes to the New York Herald that, "beginning with nee, ten makes the cycle of tan, ten cycles make century. The end of teo eighteenth eentury ia December 31, 1900. The aiasteenth century begins January 1, 1991." Many bizarre ideas have been advanced in tbe difficult discussion cf thit simple natter, but uatilnow nobody bat declared that we mutt begin the nineteenth century all oyer agaia.

Clean blood mem, a clean slin. Kc Beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic cltaa your bioosl and keen it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im puritiso from th body. ISexin to-day tc banish pimples, boil, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by talinr Cascarsta, beauty for ton rents. All dru liata.

aatufaction ruarsnteed. W- Ta ree drummer arrived today and are bustling far otdert. HiESirftaAB When death has laid its cold and re- lestless band upon a kind end loviaz blamed for ak-inf herself if all he years of devotion and work and belpfnlneu were worth the while, when it comes ao soon to this tragic end. If men would only tstke the mo-t com- croachmenu of ill-health, would be uva active piccaaiions HEaiiisi iac cd women left alone almost helpless before the battle of life is half over. A man's liver and stomach are twin machines that work together, either to make or unmake.

If they work wrowr, they deplete and poison hU blood. Impure and impoverished blood mean sickness and death. If they work right, they purify ski enrich the blood. A man whove blood is ricb and pure, and whose Htct is active cannot well be unhealthy. Headaches, biliousness, indigestion and cotiveness, which men generally disregard, are Nature's warnings that the twin mechanism, stomach and Irver, is working; against, instead of for him.

Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is tbe best medicine to use under these riresrastance. It creates appetite, corrects all disorders of tbe digestion, invigorates the liver and 11 the arteries with ricb, red. healthy blood. As an invigorating, restorative tonic, it is far superior to all the malt extracts It ia the great blood-maker and flesh-builder.

It does not build sickly, gabby iat as eod liver oil dots, but 1 sac urm, muscular ussues 01 neaito. "For tlie last: nine years." writes WDliim Miller. of 5t WnSerrjr Street, Readinir, I have been wry poor in health. I suffered with a running -re leg. I tried many Mods of different medicines, and doctors with-otrtllef.

Then Inied three bottles of 'Golden Medical Dutcorcry and can lay that I am en's rrerjr cured, I can now do as good a day's work as the nert nun Cnfiulable Dr. Tierre's pleasant Pellet Jbr cccsiipattoa and biliousness. llwsxC iiiTTk wfc-w "ffMzasfc'rrV' If." r4l k.xx mmy-i XVN' BISBEK JOTTINGS ISisdkk, Ket.rnaiy.11 roprMUN'os. Mr. C.

8. Flayie reported aseeriour-ly ill at the Norton House. Roadmatr 0. P. Shihley lft on this morning's trtin for Phoenix.

Snpt. Ben William returned yesterday from a abort trip to Nacosari. Hon. B. A.

Barkard was an incoming paMfager from Tucson on last evening's train. BnRK Sweet, at Mount Vernon, New Ynrk, Feb. 2nd. to the wife of Dr. T.

A. Hweet, a ion. Mr. J. S.

Douglas, wha has spending the past few days in the city left na thit morning's train for Phsenix. The, gileer Dollar elob car another of their aoolal dances at the. Opera bouie laat evening which tM largely attended and a very pleasant evening spent. The young eon of Mr. John A.

Campbell died Thutsdav evening after a lingering illness. Thi child was only a few months old. The funeral services were held from th church yesterday, Iter. Vandermason hold-ing services there and burial services at the grave. The ber'ivrd parent hav the heartfelt sympathy of their many friend.

Mr. A. L. Pnrrptinn. representee Studebaker Broa fc.

the wagon- makers of South Bnd, Ind has. l.een in the city the past few day. bile here he made arrangements with Jacka A Case, our lumv er merchants, to be agents for that crnipany Bi-bee and vicinitv. Mesnre. Jack Chase "ill ehortlr have a carload of assorted wagant from this comrjany on le at their old lumber yards.

Mr Sumption on this morning's train for Phoenir. Bisbek, February C. 1899. B. J.

O'Riclly, the a pmperou real estate and insurance agent of Naco, spent Snnday in Mr. HanchPtt. a capitalist of Lowell. ia in Benson on hi way to Bhibee to inspect somo of the minea in this vicinity. Snow commenced falling late las! night and has fallen steadily i-ince.

There is about five inches on tbe ground now and etill snowmc. The enow storm we are liming will stop work on th new ball cround for a few days, but it is expected to be completed for the on th- 22nd. Senator Seth Leavenworth left this morning for the Cerona gold miner across tbe line, taking tno larye wsgon loads of provisions for the camp there. Gee. A.

Metcalf came up from the Sherman raneh in Sanora He has been there and in tbe vicinity of Necosari for tbe patt three weeks. W. C' Land will ship 8 cars a' cattle from Don Louis station tomorrow. Ttits will start the eprlng ehip-xnents and several other shipment will follow this one elosrly. P.

Sandoval of Xogales, wag an in coming passenger this evening' train, and left immediately by team for La Marita on business connected with the crossing of some caul-. Work is expected to commence in i few days on the changing of tbe A. S. track from its present rond ever tfostoa milt hill to a line run ning around the hill thereby cutting out a heavy grade. F.

C. Fen.icr, mechanical engineer of tbe A. it S. E. B.

came up from Naco yecterday and spent the da witb his family in town. He in put i iiiik; ma iufc vu ur u-wuutr angina at tho well there. Hon. B. A.

Packard returned from Tucson on Saturday evening' train. He will remain in the city awaiting the arrival of the pping vats for Naco, which are expected to arrive in the course of a week or ten days. D-. Allan arrived fiom Xogalcs Saturday to inspect several bunches of cattla to be ihirDed during the next few days. He crossed a buncb for Pete Jobneon yesterday and will inspect the Spindle and V.

C. Land', bnnchat taday. The ah era's colored minftrolr arrived in Bisbee en Saturday evening's train with there private car No. 2. They came in over tbe A.

k. 3. It. S. And played at tbe Opera bouse Saturday and Sunday smning'si to crowded houses.


li'sntp, Feb. 7, coprkia.Nr.j. The Gord Templars meet at Library Hall last night. The St. J.ilinV Guild met at the Opora hou'e tl is fvininp.

Hun. B. A. Packard intonde lcnvinp for Tucson aain in a d.vy or two. The heavy snow fall of yeetrrday is fast disappearing from th; ground.

TV. C. Greene ard Cniit. Couch left today for the Canaries, mines in Sonora. Sever' citizens of Naco who were in Biebee jeterdy returned to that place on thin mornine'd train.

Several Kfiphl of the Grip ram" in on last evening! train nnd ar interview itifj our merchants todey. Col. W. C. Land camo in on lt eveningV train, tooversee thcehippmc of hi? cattle from Don Luis tomr.rrow.

B. F. Giaham Co. will shortly erctafioe larer 'urni'ure buildinc on part of the land bought from Mr. E.

S. Adams. Jimmy Howell of the Sau Bernardino ranch, is on his way up from there with a large hunch of cattle to be eh pprd from Don Luie, C. A. Ovirlock is now running the butcher shop formerly run by Humphrey in connection with his large market on Brewery Ave.

The reports of the pttack on Manila were received in BNbee yeetrrday hi wire by tbe Orb and J. A. Irwin 4 Co. they were posted as toon os received Mr. C.

S. Fly who was taken verj ick Saturday Wat, is reported as much better this cveninp. Mrs. Fly fame over from Tombstone Sunday and i- in attendance Ht the rick d. Messrs, JMck and Chae will receive a carload ol Studebaker wtigone aboil April lt.

Tho-e mhing wagons il' 4o well to wait for tho arrival of tbi lot from the best wagon factory in the country. Survryor Steele returned from the Cananea mountains yesterday, wherr he has been the pist week furveyinj: the ground for a pipe line to be run rom the mountains down to V. C. Greent'd miner, a distance of four milee. For clebration at Globe, Feb ruary 23, IS'J'J, the fare from Bibee to Globe and return will be $11.00.

Tickets to tie fold It u-o on trnins arriving at Bowie February 11 and IS, 1S03 and to be limited to February 20. AX ANOMALY Arizona Enforcinfr a Law That is Inoperative In Gila county in the case of the Territory v. Wal-h, charged with violating the game laws, deftndant was di-charged upon motion the being show: by defen lant'e counsel, that the game law is inoperative for the reasou that the act of 1895, under which the arrest was roaie, is entitled as "An act to amend the law of 1S97," which law was repealed by an act passrd in 1S93, leaving as the result an act to amend an act not inrxistenco. Under this construction of the Ww which would seem to be correct, the territory is witbout a game law. Another man is trying to break Into Arizona newspaperdens.

A Clifton correspondent says: Mr. C. E. Bull was hert Wet week looking over the field with tho view of putting in a newspaper here. He only stayed over one day bnt was so pleas-d with the opening that he ordered his prepsee, type and printing material at once and expect to come out with his firtt issue in about three wteks.

ASOrilEKSSEfesUS A Faithful Portrayal Tof Aii. zona From Abroad Tho following from tho Djnver Reporter, one of the niot prominent mining journals of the R'icky Mountains, is indicative of tho advancement Arizona! makingin the estimation of the people o' the country at large: "Tbe newspapers and publications devoted to the mining are giving much prominence to tht progress, of mino development and induction in Arizona. All of which indicates that the hau of inoranco and orejuoice. nh'rlt ha? long held that ACiulf rfully rich portion of thcoun-ry in ilurar.cp, h.M en lifted, and hat the recognition of the almost iimiileiis ioribililie of Arizona na a iip'd for successful mining has at W-t been forced tmoti the mind of a t--1'ictHrit public app-eciation. For rears Ariztni wia tin thea'er of sav-iee warfare between the and ih Apiehn which, with the nH of the Unite I St'eti-niy, ths settler retained prrcirious hold-ing of rnnch and ininn.

The end camo thre as it niiist cimi every-wliern in the mrtivil of the fittent, nnd the Apxche narrior graduallv ijave away to the force? of modern progress. Tint Ariznrm Iiks phenomenally largo and copper mines has been proven, and in silver and lead nhi w.iit the touch ot there is sure proof. In gold, vith "iic'i mi iai aj the Coigross, and tht are boio; put nwiri a pro- fuctivc lusi', Arizona will soon lised in tiie firat rank of producing States or Terrnorios. Tue tre-Ies riste nnd wat-rlp! dert liav- ik- their p'jee with i.ther fabloJ, ami where tln Apictic held his sivago reign thcro ir now the so'iml o' hini-mer and dril', the crinh nfbliat, and eeasele-s roiir of mill and furnace. rimtis'lid- of Citttld graZ3 upon the lain, and in the valley blossom ind abtinilant lmrvestj." Ktz l.uis introduced a hill in tho to make the re moval of county feats easier, bu with it the redi-t-ming feature of submitting any rrojtosed removal of the eaunty eat a vo'i of the people Although it hns long been the cher ished hope of Be-s ip, the home of Assenib yman tii-ccine the Co-niiiiio county seat, no is felt tint the purpuseol thn hill will iifTbrd unv specUl a.lvintag? otcr opport unities hcretofjre possible, tho honor from Tombstone On the other hand, sinco the matter na b--tn brought up, it would tio wic to put a quietus on attempts to remove county teats or divi ling ountic4 where the inJ.btc.incss of tucli counties coi-il th? fiurper cent limit.

Such is the condition of CochUe county and iiih the tax rate at $1.20 0f htapinc additional icbt for removals is at once apparent. An Amendment to the bill covering ucb exigencies phonld niMi and ii iluo to the alitcdy ovcilurdmcil Bon.v Thomas, In Ton lnt.or.o Fi 0, to tho wife of Thomas, a eon. FROM 3IAX1LA Returning Arizona Volunteer Who Tells It Lonn Crowthcr is back from the Phillipsine islands, where he was connected with the Red Cross society. He does not givo a flattering dceiip-tion ot the islindsor their inhabitants, and Hays, that a large mnjority of the Americans iow there are anxious to come horn-. than fifty of our soldiers on iheislinds haviipon killed in btttle, while iv-r (100 have euc-cnrnb'd to diseases cir.trscted thpre.

He describes thn co'intry as bf ing vory fertiln bnt il is no p'ace for a whit" man to live. Ho thinks that if theUr.itrd takes In tho irUnd they will in a few years have tr juble in getting soldiers to garrison them Toilhi'trato thia point lis says that while he was in Manila the terra of enlistment of 3J nen-commiswiuncd officers ia the 1th regular cavalry expired and of this number only nr.e re-enlisted. It was the time wiih trie privates whose enlistment expired. Tearpe N-ws. v.

tobacco habit cure, makes wcalf UL ooJ rurc 60c All Urugjiju. rj-nwIOfr MRS- C. LOUDON, PROP-rn moiit Street, Ilitwern Sixlli Stv'islh Shady Grounds, Large, Clean and Well Ventilated Rccms. rtt'r Hill relume i yctetday from a brief trip to Tnrnr. K.

P. -nivt toi.ilif. linpn-'Hli' hiHine.sson hand sod full a1 tendance 'eire I. Ground ha 1 een tirtikin for the new Catholic convent Phoenix. It Is to cost 1 0.00).

Se ail of the Club ina-ik hall in another cnl'invi. Ge your eos nm rrmly ami he on hand. Wal'er Grtgory, who wis out with Cipt. McClintock in il Troop. ll.iugti Kid'rs.

Iis enli-te! wih the Fourth U. S. 0alry, which ia en r.iu'e So the Philippines. Petition arn being circulated throughout the territory nuking the legi-Ut'jre to nact a law prohibiting gambling and requiring liquor 8 iloona to be closed on Snndv. The Canon Lirid rasp, jn which Messrs Mai-'n an Dricoll ar intnr-eited, wia before the U.

S. Court ol Privl I.ind CI.i"iis Stijrds.v. Thn San Hfipl il in 7. i ix for and th- oniri for TitegJay. S'loiild tiny o' the te lire, more th-in onn day th C44 rient in der will g) over to th llo-i day.

It is in ill wnd thit bio vs no good. A r-ilent of win ws ehargie with etealing u'ar fiom the railroad too'j advantage of the email pox cre to his ercape Ho i-eeureil some crotou oil tnd smeared it on his face, which hroue out faniouply; pi case was immediately isoWted, and escape was thereby ido Th grand masquerade ball on tho eve of Was. in "ton's birthday which is to ho given by the Tombstone Terpsiehorean Club promi-es to be a great social event. Great interest is bsing mi'ested, and tiio club ia epirring neither pains or expense to tho nflair a mcmorabW one. Four pr'zes will he eweriled for brs e'ista costumes and no en-1 of amustmsntand fun is anticipated.

Tne West Badra (Ind) Journal says: The latest thing in tho way of a tr ist, is the milk trust, organized at Chicago. When a child is born he is rocked in a radio manuracturned by the 'rust; drinks trnit milk from a bottle ma lufacturod by the glass trust; bis shoes are made by a Iea'ber trust; I studies books made by the school-book trust; learns to u-e tobacco manufactured by the tobacco trust; mefts a trust every day of hie li'e, and at la-t dies and is buried in a colli made by a ridliii trust. JOE 3IULHATTUN AG.vlX lie Finds a Magnetic Caclus "With Great Mulhatton was In Flore nc this week from tho Ilipsey country, where he has recently discovercda magnetic cactus, which from bis cccoun', must be a wonderful species of vegetation. Its attractive pc.wers are so great that it draw birds and animals 10 it and implies them rn its thorny spike. Mr.

Mulhatton approached bo nearer than 160 feet to the ractus, which is of the siguart variety, yet at that die-tanee it was all he could do to resist its icfluencs to draw him to it. While in town he purchased a I. ng rope, which he will tie around his body, and four of friends will tako hold of it and allow him 10 approach near enough to minutely examine the wonder witbout danger. Mr. Mulhatton, who is one of our meet truthful citizens, promises an of the rpeent find for publication in tbe Tribune.

Florence Tribune. a wnrnieimit ruiearala. fee, TOMBSTONE, ARI7CNA THE NliW FANULEI) WAY The Armv Rtef Was Put Up in Dili -rent Stvld The trin'p of thw boif nrp over, Tr.o clanh of the -aber i donr Bat th- is still procetdir.g Over at Washington. c'ome stale meat it seems to be certain Has Licked up quite a smell Alger and Miles they are wishing Kach other over in Some of our very fine p. ttla Were shipped in a picking liouii wav Caned in anew fangied fashion And fCi to Cuba, they say.

Prime 1 to the top of their fullest With the colic, and gout; BUck-vomi', small-pox anJ the nieash-e, Were all that the cans tanned ou. We have this from Miles quite straight, While others they ehoo', Oh vnu li The meat was us fe-h as an "dter, The buzzards they thought it pio. The lead of the Dou'ewrm unhealthy. But better by darn eight thev s.iy Than a stomach fill- with this meat Canned in the new fjngled way. Mills Novts.

FirbanV, Vb. 3, ISO'J. The Utirtler ii- the tin me of a new paper started in Jeroma. Its xlitor figures on the journalistic patti being full of thorns and expe'ts to havo a hard row to hoe, but ia intent nu keepirg tho paper running even if he has to rob etsg on the todo to pay the expenses. Following is one of the llustlcr'rt introductory cqu bs: "TheHuctUr is a wild and nouly, red hot and still a heating ehoot-ein up Jim Sam, cracW-a )ck i-li et and is out for the stuiT.

Wlin is to be tl next victim of the editors aaruotis-neps? Indications j.o id and iil. picking up. Onlv cc-te tnodollsrs yar. Jn.t like throwirg cur money away. Slt-p up now ami subs iihe and be eoi ry th rest of our life.

One lose a week guaranteed tc euro the -etcrest cast of the FUR SALE, On a-coint of death of one of tbe ouners, tbe IX is oft'errd for sIe. Is wdl stocked with hTaes and wtll gnded cattle, 4 windmills, three large reseruor, dwelling of 5 rooms out house', corral two good pastures, black-smith and carpenter too's, mowing machine and rakes, and everything needed on a cow ranch. Title good, con-isting oi' 3 patented land cla all improic-ments and pastures b- irg on p.vcnted ground. The ranch is situated recn R) an Bros. 4 bir ranch, and the Hiie Ca'tle Co.

in Loner Sulphur Spring Valley. Cochise County, Anzont. prrpcrty must be sold by the 15th nf Mrcb, i09. Parties wishing such a property apply to JoS. IIOFFII-K, Tombstone, Ariz.

AIJUj UXDERTAKIXG An Irrigation Project in Gra. ham Conntv Anothcr great rnttrp'iso was la-inched on tho ocean of prrgrtfs here last week, that bids fsir to brinir more to the Gil.t valley than any cf those heretofore put forth, writes a Fort Ihomas correspondent to the Silomonville Bulletin. Judge Moorman, representing a party of eastrrn capitalist, completed the organization of the Black Beck Rc.crrt ir Irrigation companr, with a caiitil stock cf $3,500,000. As your corespondent understands their plan it is to build reservoirs in the mountain-of sufficient storage capacity to irrigate a very large body of Unl between the foothills and the river. The plan is feasible and will bo a paying investment for its p'omf tsrs, rn An exchange says it takes a rich man tc- draw a check, a prrtty girl to draw attention, a horan to draw a oar a porou.

plaster to draw 1 he skin, a toper to d-aw a cork, a free lunch to draw a crowd and an advertisement in your home paper to draw trade. NOYES. AdJress- K.hblr.k Range Sa dto aflS fj Ilors? Iraiid hft lup Als" citik Irfi i le CO lu.r.'S lift lnp A. G. CUKRY.

P. Addre'i fair tar I Upper San I'tdro 9.1'V) 1 Other tram's C. ROBERTSON Rnng I)ra Coon Mi. TllOS. IIABF.RSTOCK.

I Tomhstor.e Ra-ge Ratliburneianc! Hone brand cf J. N. CIIKkTIANWN. bt David Rang San IVd SCOW NLWaLL grL 1 c. c.ihrrs A'lr Ranee 1 Cabcru hulphnr Spr.1.1 Va'ier 1 CO'VAN' PO Tomtsii Kunpe I)i gooa Mt II PosrcfSc- an Pdro StSVi SAM17EI.

STAUNTON IVnu, "'it Rinire. iin Pedro M. COX. Post office ad Tombstone. Ranged Sj Pas3.

R. M.HUSTEK P. O. Addre's Torubston Rarife Tonibslcne Dragoon XI ts. GbS SOUKRhY.

V. O. Addre TombMorr, Rancr. Spring valley. AIo on H' brand, left side.

O. Addretf-- tbre Range I li-refo 1 1 Alv.80 an Also fj jj brend left VII IGO I Address Ho Range West Kia- chuca Horse lirand Sitae cit. 5j9sv nrnr-c comical fTt 4 --11 rrcclvt T.m;.l i'l cwcful mxjew A S'1'" H'l'lif'T Pt A- I IB.vl'iC tlS.TCil:' fiSsy-v- V. zr sVsT3k.OJsVE"-?lw jv hi a hr YrJVgVSScCv Wb A- 1..

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