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The St Johns Herald from St Johns, Arizona • Page 4

St Johns, Arizona
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Biliousness Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents digestion and permits food to ferment and prrtrify in the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache, Hood's tesowina, nervousness, and, sot relieved, bilious fever Wjfm I I or blood poisoning. Hood's 11 9 Pills stimulate tbe to mack, rouse the liver, cure headache, dizziness, con. ittoatiofL etc 25 cents. Sold by all druggists.


McCord ffinix. REnxETxsY C. H. AJeers Treasurer, W. Johnstone.

Sur. Pob. a. Shewman vesa- Joditor. C.

P. Iltch S0611 C. M- Frazier Phoenix. AWT. General -R.

Allyn Lewis. SUPREME COURT C.TKUEsirALE, Chief Justice Phcenix. G. R. Davis, Aesociate Justice.

T. M. Doak. Associate Justice orence. K.

Sloak' Associate Justice E. E. Elukwood, U.S.Dist Attorney, Tucson, ft. m. Griffith, U.

S. Marshal Globe. C0U5TY OFFICIALS. Gibbons Chairaaan. Board ofSopeevisoes L.

J.Brown. Ellsha Averette, I J. II. Greer, Clerk. Quarterly meeting's of the Board will be held Monday In April, Julyand Oct.

Siraaxrr, St. Georjre Creaghe Attobney Aiired Jtuiz KCORDEK, Treasurer. Ben- Jddoe of the District Court R.E Sloan rnoBATE Judge L. R. Gibbons Clerk of Court Prime T.

Coleman Terms of the District Court, third Mondays la Afril and tbe first Monday in October, ing the horses preparatory to coming home, Overson'a team became entangled in the harness and fell over upon him. He was picked op and brought borne, where Dr. Piatt made an examination. No bones were broken, and beyond being pretty severel' lnuised, he was not injured. He will be abont in a few days.

Married, at the CaUiolic churchy St. Johns, by Kev. Father P. M. Badirfa, on Monday, March 7, 1893, Mr.

Alejandro Pena and Mrs. Selfa Romero, both of this place. A few days previous to the celebration of the wedding, Don Alejandro purchased the Mcintosh property on Court street, and the young couple are now at honip in their own house. We extend congratulations. The schools in District No.

11, of this place closed yesterday (Fridaj')- The schools, under the principalship of Prof. J. W. Brown, and Prime T. Coleman and J.N.

Hey wood, as teachers, have made good progress during the term just and the parents and patrons are to be congratulated that the schools were in the hands of so competent a corp of teachers. The closing exercises were interesting and instructive. POST OFFICE. O. P.

ANDERSON. P. M. Office hours; Open from 8 a. m.

until 7 P. m. On Sundays from 12 to 1 p. m. Mail closes going east and wast at 2.30 P.

m. Going south, at 10:30 p. M. LP. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVER- Using: Agent, 21 Merchants' Exchange Balldlne, San Francisco is oar authorized ageat.

This paper is kept on file in his ofhee. Ko-To-Bac for Fifty Cents. Gtatrssteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak strong, Diooa pure, sue, 81. All druggists. Evans Coleman went to Springeryille last Monday.

Quite a number of sheep men from-the Gila have been seen on our streets this week. Bora, in St. Johns, Friday, MaTcfr 4, to Ihe wife of Dr. W. E.

Piatt, a girl. Mother and daughter are both doing nicely. Sylvester Peralta came in last Monday, from his sheep herds, which are now, in the of- Pima, Graham 'county, S. M. Jenson, went to Hoibrook last Monday, takiag-Dr.

Maeser on his return trip from attending the'Sunday school conference here. A trio of handsome young ladies, chaperoned by Orson Wilkins, of Nutri-obo, favored this offico with a pleasant "visit last Monday afternoon. A force of men are cleaning and widening- the town ditches this week. They are under the supervision of H. GT Overson, who is acting as "Father Neptune" for this community this year.

The Wabash Cattle company has commenced the spring work. The out-lit, commanded by Tom Tucker, is now camped down at the Meadows. Mr. W. B.

Hunt, the hustling representative of Schilling's Best, came in on the mail last Tuesday, and did some business for his house with our local merch an ts. Master Eli Pace, of Nutrioso. who has been in St. Johns for some time the care of Dr. Piatt, who has been treating his eyes, returned home last Wednesday.

The boy's optics are in a Tastly improved condition. We have received notice from Dr. A. F.Bonney. of Safford, Graham county, that he intends to issue the first number of his new paper, the Arizonian, on the Ilth mst.

We will welcome the doctor's new venture to our exchange -list. Married, at New on Thursday, March 3, 1898, Mr, Frank AUes, of Taylor, and Miss Rachel Thompson, daughter of M. H. Thompson, of Luna Valley, New Mexico. We extend our best wishes to the happy young couple.

W. A. Tenney is plowing and smoothing' tbe court house yard. A wall is to ue oum, on tne north side of the block and the ground laid off in tei races a large number of trees are to be set out; and the whole lot sown in blue urass This will greatly improve this hitherto unsightly spot in our midst. The on the big reservoir south of town has progressed so far that it is possible to completely shut the water off from she natural channel.

The cul vert has been completed, thus allowing complete control of the flood waters of the river. Considerable work will yet Me done this spring. St. George Creaghe and daughter Annie met with a mishap while taking a drive out to Mcintosh Springs, one day this week. While passing over a sloping piece of ground, the cart slipped and a wheel was completely smashed.

Miss Annie and her father were compelled to foot it into town. They made the distance four miles in one hour and five minutes. We hear that some of the young folks of bur neighboring town of Concho indulged in an impromptu race while coming over to attend the conference, last Saturday. It seems that there was a great disparity in tbe appearance of the two teams which were pitted against each other. At anv rate, the poor team r'lclhister jproved to the swifter.

Probably one reason lor tne deieat ot tne best looking team may have been that it drew too great a load of loveliness in the shape of a bevy of exceedingly pretty girls, and was also heavily handicapped by an outrageously homely driver. Quite a good audience were in attendance at the performance of ''Ingomar, the Barbarian," at Assembly hall, last Saturday evening. The play was a repetition of the previous occasion of a week before, and the members of the dramatic association rendered their different parts in the same excellent manner. If we were disposed to criticize the Dramatic association, we would say that they do not give an entertainment often enough. There is plenty of talent among tbe members of the association, and if these entertainments were of more frequent occurrence, each individual would be vastly benefitted.

Of course, this would entail some pretty hard work upon some of the members, but excellence can be attained in no other manner. We hope to announce another entertainment by this associa tion in the near future. I year ago by cattlemen on the Barbaco-mari and San Pedro have disappeared or died in this manner. However, as range horses have decreased in value generally, the loss is not felt so heavily and besides as long as the horses are not kept in pasture the death of more cannot be prevented. Prospector, -i SCHOOL MONEY.

Says The regular quarterly conference of the Sunday schools of St. Johns stake of the Mormon church was held here last Saturday and Sunday. Prof. J. W.

Brown, stake superintendent, presided and quite an attendance of people from other parts of the county were present. Dr. Karl G. Maeser, of Salt Lake City, assistant general superintendent of the Sunday school union, was in attendance, and delivered an interesting discourse to a large congregation Sunday afternoon. Conrad Overson, on last Saturday, met with what might have proven to be a very serious accident, by a horse falling upon him.

The accident occurred at the work on the bij of town. Just as the work ol unhik h- Company K. Quite a number of the membership of Company of this place, turned out to drill last Saturday evening, and the interest taken by the men is on the in crease in proportion as the news indi cates that war with Spain is closer Captain Scott says tbat the company at no time sinceit wasorganized, nearly six j'ears ago, has ever been in better condition than it is at present. Lieu tenants Peterson and Jenson are both I model officers, and the non-commis I stoned officers are excellent soldiers. While we are on this subject we would sav that a great deal of senseless twad die, that passes in some quarters for wit, is indulged at the expense of the members of Company K.

when commenting on their probable attitude in case of war. The boys are not seek ing a war, and neither are they making the air tired with their jingo talk of what should be done and what they would do, but they are quietly prepar ing themselves for any emergency, and if they are called for not one of them but will respond and perform his full duty. The men of the company will conduct themselves just like any other set of Americans, and follow the flag to the world's rim or over it if need be. This may not be official, but the fnnny folks will find out that it is the truth should the emergency arise. Sugrar Beets.

Range News. The announcement is made that Secretary Wilson has received inform ation of the proposed establishment of twenty new manufactories of beet sugar in the United States. These will represent a capitalization of something over $10,000,000. The favorable attitude of the department of agriculture has encouraged capitalists to embark in the new industry. Whenever the farm ers of any sufficiently large district de monstrate their ability to produce beets carrying the requisite percentaee of sugar, there will probably be no diffi culty in enlisting the co-operation of capitalists.

It is to be hoped that the agriculturists who undertake experim ents in beet culture the coming season will devote more care to the crop and be able to submit better results. Bought Tallow Candles. lGazette. Mr. Ben Schuster, a prominent and wealthy sheep owner of St.

Johns, accompanied by his wife and two children, arrived in Phoenix Friday to remain some time. Mr. Schuster will shear his sheep browsing near here and will afterwards offer them for sale. Mr. Schuster is a man of rare preception.

ucu uc anncu hi xiiuuuu ana sizeu up tbe gas jets and electric lights hunted up a grocery store instan ter and bougbt a couple of candles. He afterwards explained that if he has to pot nn atnigbt to look after the children he does not want to ''monkey" with lights of which he knows little or nothing bneep are fast taking the place of cattle on the ranges in the extreme north part of the territory. Where once the thousand bills were dotted with varigated bovines, now the docile wool-bearers craze in immense flocks. Stockmen have come to the realization that the conditions which prevail in that region are much better adanted to sheep raising than cattle raising. Attorney General Frazier How to Fix It.

The following arlicle appeared in a recent number of the Phoenix publish it entire for the information of those interested in this matter in this county, as the same problem has confronted the authorities here Attorney General Frazier Wednesday transmitted an opinion on the duty of the county school superintendent of Graham county in the matter of apportioning the school funds. It appears that it will take up wa ds of $21,000 to run the schools 6f that county, and there has been only two-thirds or thereabouts of that sum pro vided. Attorney General Frazier clearly, and logically points ''the way out." as follows: A. P. Shewman.

Superintendent of Public In structien, Mesa City, Arizona. Dear Sir--Your communication referring me the letter of Judge W. W. Dameron, ex-offi cfo county school superintendent of Graham county, Arizona, received. Briefly he asks iu his letter for an opinion concerning his duty with reference to the appor tionmeut of school moneys in his county.

duty in this behalf 'is defined by section 106 the session laws of the Eighteenth legislative af-sembly, found on page 23, and also in School Laws of the Territory, found on page 29. His difficulty seejns to arise from not having sufficient levy for this past year. The only way that that can be reached, as far as the money on hand Is concerned. Is to pro rate the money on hand equally among the dl tricts under this section. This is done by finding out the exact amount each district would be to were the money on hand under this section.

Deduct th amount on hand from this result. Find the percentage of the deficit and deduct it from each district, paying each district the balance If new districts were formed in the county du ring 1897, and the dent of the board of trustees filed with him a sworn statement of the average attendance, of such new district "on or about the first day of July" of that ye ir, each respective new district would be entitled to its prorataihe same as any other district of the county. If this sworn statement is not filed wishin the time specified such district would not be entitled to its pro rata of the apbortlonment for that year. It also provides for the lapsing of such district and the abandonment of the same. The authority for this is found in section 107 of the school law.

Section 104 of the school law requires that at least five months school be taught in every reg ularly organized district in the territory each year. In my opinion this section is mandat ory on the board as to the five months school there is not sufficient funds to build or rent suit able buildings and to pay for keeping the fiv months school, it becomes necessary, under this section, that the trustees levy a direct tax upon the taxable property of such district to raise an amount sufficient for that purpose. This they must do regardless of what the patrons of the school or any one else thinks about the ques tion. This same section provides further that after five months shall have been taught the board of trustees of any school dis rict, when in their judgment it Is advisable, may call an election and submit to the qualified voters of the district the question as to whe her a tax shall be levied to keep the school open a longer period than the five months, the amount of money to be raised the additional time proposed, etc. This section provides iu detail the manner of this special election.

Most respectfully submitted. C. M. FRAZIER, Attorney General i qi Horrible Deed. I Mesa Free Press.

A telegram was received in Mesa las Monday from Bishop A. F. McDonald at El Paso, conveying the sad intellig ence that his wife had been murdered The information in regard to the matter was meagre, but it seems that Mr. Mc Donald has gone El Paso, something over a hundred miles away on business and Mrs. McDonald had remained at home in charge of the store and post office.

During the day some Mexicans came to the store and after killing the aged lady with an ax plundered the store. As soon as the murder was dis covered by residents of the colony Colonia Garcia, Chihuahua a courier was at once dispatched for Mr. Macdon- ald. When he was found in El Paso he at once telegraphed here to his son Walace who left Monday night to join his father. The tragic death of Mrs.

Macdonald brings mourning to many homes Mesa. She and her husband were among the first settlers on the Mesa and he was President of this Stake They lived here for many years, finally removing to Chihuahua, where he hel ped to establish Colpnia Garcia. Mrs. Macdonald will not be forgotten by any who knew her. She will be remembered for noble womanly qualities, her moth erly kindness, and her many Christian graces.

She leaves, besides her hus band, three sons, Wallace, George and James, besides a large number of other relatives. She was aged about sixtv- five years. A large number of horses on the Bar- bicomari range are dying offfrom eating loco weed. A prominent cattleman to day, in speaking of the heavy loss of the horses, thatfullvfiftv per cent vi li.e owued a An exchange describes a situation i 1 ruiuii io ivnuwii in every newspaDer otnee, when it says that a man does not think of the feelings of his mother when he gets into a disgraceful state of depravit3 but he expects the editor to have a tender regard for that mother's feelings and omit his name in telling the shameful story. The New York Herald is authority for this: German is not the court lan guage in this city.

A man arraigned last week for intoxication was asked: "Have you any children at home?" "Nein," was the reply." "Nine!" ex claimed the magistrate. ''You have burdens enough without a fine. Go home." a Consumption Positively Cured. Mr. R.

R. Greeve, merchant, of Chil- howie, certifies that he had con sumption, was given up to die, sought all medical treatment that money could procure, tried all the cough remedies he could hear of, but got no relief: spent many nights sitting up in a chair, was induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery, and was cured by use of two bottles. For past three years has been at tending to business and says Dr. King's New Discovery is the grandest remedy ever made, as it has done so much for him and also for others in his community Dr.

Kinpr's New Discovery is guaranteed for coughs, colds and consumption, It don't fail. Trial botties free at St, Johns Drug company. OVR TERRITORY. News Notes From All Sections of Arizona. The Catholic fair at Bisbee netted $1,000.

Simeon Stacey. a prominent farmer of the Salt River valley, died one day last week from hemorrhage of the lungs. First Lieuteuant Peter Anne, of Company First regiment, N. G. A.r of Yuma, has been retired, after seven years' service, at his own request.

J. Guthrie lavage, uf Phoenix, died in that city last Wednesday-- The deceased was a former citizen of Elagstaff and was a pi eminent member of the G. A. of this territory. Robert E.

Mcrrrison has qualified as United States district attorney for the Territory of Arizona, and has appointed T. E. Bennett, Phoenix, his assistant. The he: quarters of the office will be at The membe-s oi a debating socfety at Jerome has een worrying them-selvis over t' uestion, "Resolved, That Washing deserves more credit fat defending -omitry than Columbus for diacov The Colorado iiona Sheep company, under the anagement of Mr. G.

A. Conklin, ic on Markham creek, six mile- rth of Eden, Graham county. The co iany will ship 40,000 pounds of wool year from Pima. The Mesa Free rnss says that Captain Pomeroy lias received orders frouT Adjt. Gen.

R. AlT' Lewis to hold his company in tu inarch on one day's notice. Ions and blankets will be furnished. i will be granted to menoars o' the company Jbrm a Cochise con- tv cattle owner the Star learns that a Kansas buyer, a few days ago, bought laan Simon val ley two thousand he ado." steers for May delivery. The oattie were one, two and three-year-olcs, ar the prices paid were $18, $22 and respectively.

William who has been spending the winter in Phoenix looking after his sheep interests in- the Salt River valley, returned home Tuesday. He says the grass a the desert is very short and that. many of Ihe sheep men will soon begin moving their herds north. Flagstaff Gem. The sheep men who went to the Salt River valley last fall with their flocks find the grass in the valley very short at this season an.i they are compelled to move their herds to the foothills.

They will all bo back in the mountains as soon as they can get It is not probable that many flocks will be taken to Salt River valley next winter, as grassand water are uncertain quanti ties in that section. coconmo C. M. ML I. St.

Johns and Springerville DEALERS IN A if mmmm CATTLE BRANOS. HENRY HUNING Post office-. Show Low. Arizona." And Manufacturers and Dealers in the Best Qualities of NATIVE FLOUR. Ranchmen and Family Supplies Of every description carried in Btock, and sold at the- LOWEST GASH PRICES We Keep sun.

A More Modest Ambition. iPu-k "Does the professor really expect to discover the north pole?" "No: he meielv expects to be known as the man who failed to discover it in 1898." Don't Tobacco Sjiit and Smoke lour Lire Anay. To quit tobacco easily forever, be mag ictic. lull of life, ii rvo antl ior, take No-To-Uiie. tho nfahes weak men nrony.

A I or Cure giiaran--eed. Booklet urvl sample free. Address IJemody Co. rmco or New York Notice 1" 2ulljCiition. iionu'sN'ii'l Entry No.

635.J Land On at vorr, Akizuka, followin urn i of. his intention his c.aun. and riiiule hr-fore the Clerk of -I i1, Apache county, vi Henry lsutli-r, quarter. Section qunrier ot see t'i, linn. n.

toprovehis tiuU cultivation of Only the Goods' in Best Stock, Quality of lb M. I. Hi. It. GIBBONS, -J.

II GREEK. GIBBONS GREEK, Earmarks: Clean split from? rootts point earvopperhit in right ear Con left jaw hulls on left cheei- only. Blooded stock on left cheek and tin left ribs. Horse braiid reft shoulder; PR ATT BECKER BROS. Post-Office Springer ville, Arizona.

role creek and ltficudill, 3otoat- ains. This brand' Sept tip. Horse Brand TIN' on left hip. Also own the fol-lowfngbrands-: WB P. COLEMAN, JR.

Post Office Address SprhtserTille, A. T. Bang Malpais Gap Socorro County. Nw Mexico; and Head of Blue Klver, Graltat County, Arizona. OR3K Brand.

On left thigh. OTHER BRANDS onlft hip and jaw of cattle: crop and undcrblt tattle ft. under slope the richt. 71 Left hip. left jaw of horses.

ELLEN CREER, Range Post Office, Concho, Ariz. Little Colorado and Milky HaUr. Apache county, Arizona. Horse-Brand, Hon left shoulder, aad same-' on left jaw. DEALEBif 1TV GENERAL MERCHANDISE CONCHO, T.

We carry a Full Stock of General Merchandise, and are able to supply all the wants of the Farmer and Stock Raiser. A. B. SCHUSTER, CHANTS. KENTUCKY LAND AND CATTLE COMPANY.

J. B. Skepard, Manager. Pest offica NaTaJ, Arizona Territory. Range Cadro Sf'gt and Rio ThisBraai keptnf.

Also owh the oHo'Kv ing brands: 0 BBS iS ST. CEO. CREACHEt Post-Office, Springerville, A-rizB Range Coyote Creek- fe3 HORSE BRAND on right thighs JUAN CANDELAR1A- COSCIIO, ARIZ. Notice 'is hel'-' named sett er h. make final nn thnt siiid proof wi 1 the District outt Arizonn, on April for the enst hal 34, and wet half tion 3o.

lownshi; hp names tne 1 continuous said land, bt. ixi-orge -Wfusor. of Sn- Thompson, rf St--I. Russell, of St FREDERICK First publicatior of t.

Arifcona; W. Arizona. James F. Arizona; Amasa iilTLE, Register. r.iroi' ISA- NOTICE TO CREDITORS.

In the Probate Territory of Anor In the Matter of tV i of t'ie County-of Apache, tat of Alejandro Peraltn, -'6C(i. vc hy the undersigned of Alejandro Peralta, Mtnr of, and- all per it.r-:. aid deceased, to ex -vouchers, within publication. of this V' i irrlx, at her residence of AViu-he. Territ ry I't-LuliE-3 PERALTA, Alejandro Peralta, Notice is hereby executrix of the deceased, to the sons having claim: hibit them, ten months aftt-noticc, to thes' i in St.

Johns, Arizona. Executrix of the IZstaU deceased. Dated at St. Johns, Apache Arizona, February 26, 1893 Alfred A rney for Executrix NOTICE TO CREDITORS. of tUc County of Apache In the Probate Co Territory of Ar.

In the matter af taie of Coleman Notice is herehv by iU? undersigned ex. ecutrix of the efute ileman, deceased to the creditors of. j. rons.havinpr claims gainst, the said iecvb exhibit tho necessary -ucht-rs. witr.n four months af ter the first of this notice, to the said exeeutrixyat hr a-f Johns, County 'of Apache, Turn of Arizona.

A-. COLEMAfl, V. E. Coleman, de- Executrix Qf the Esta. ceased.

Dated at John-. March 1, 1898. county, Arizona, or TAX SALE. I OOK OUT for the first signs of impure Dioocl lioocrs Sarsaparilla is your safeguard. It will purify, enrich and vitalize vour BLOOD.

TERRITORY OF ARRIZONA.j County or Apache Notice is hereby iven, that unless the taxes costs and percentage dexeribed in the delin quent tax list, which nt' seen in -my office, are paid, the real i mp rt upon which taxes'are lien, will be sol auction, ffl front of the Court Johns, Apache county. Arizona, on SAT LH DAY, APBIIi 2, 1898i oetween tne hour of o'c lock a. m. and 3 o'clock p. and if ach is not completed on said second day i.

is, said sale will be adjourned from day day until completed. Said sale will be compu ted, however, on or before Saturday, the twenty -th'rd day of April I89S. Dated this 5th day of March, A. D. 1898.

B. SCHUSTER, Treasurer, and vx-Officio Tax County of Apache, A. T. ST. JOHNS, A.

T. Ja.rry in. Stocli a Full aad Complete Iine ol Ranch and General Supplies. ISefbre purchasing: elsewhere get Prices, 10 25 SO ANDY CATHARTIC CURECOHSTIPATIOH ml ill lllni'i DRUGGISTS SPOflT TTTET nTTIPHUTPPn to care any ease of constipation, Casearets are the Ideal Laia BDDUilUlihI UUMiifllHiDlJ tiro. zrta or srine.W canoe eaiT aataral results.

San- pie and booklet free. Ad: STERLING REMEDY Cfcieajro. Montreal. erNew Tork. sit.

St. Johns Drug Company, DZE-A-XjIEIRS ZEUsT TTTRT? TfcPTTfQJ Medicines, Chemicals, Tatent Medicines, Sponges, 1 JJHU Perfumery, Faicy aid Toiiet Articles. t-w i s. a- Strictly Pore "White Lead, Colors Dry and in Oil, Tell 11 1 clllCL U11S 5 raper' Varnishes, Jirusnes and ramt- vrrkmTAiyra Laces, Embroidery, Handkerchiefs, Ribbons. Hose, Straw 11 JX YJ.

Hats, Caps, Overalls, Etc. IT A TTYVftnTT7" fBook8 Histories, liographles, School Books, JDiXii.penciiSj Papers, inks, Pens and Blotters. I CiicriKo Gntona faaa fTflno Urvnn UniiOr VlnuT ItK.UI hi nTRS Crackers, Dried and Green Frnits, Tobacco, Cigars viidvvuiiijj. Confectionery and Chewing 6im. TRADE WITH XJ I TTOTX WILL GET Fresh and Reliable Goods at Bottom Prices.

Brand as cntkept up. Also owns the following brands: Upper slope right and over bit left. left Swallow forklelt, circle spSlt the right. ANT ANITA. CANDELARIA Swallow, fork left, split and upper hair crop tharight.

Tar Brand, Ranee White Mountains, Range Apushe county. Arizona, J. W. BROWN. ST.

JOHNS, ARIZONA. Sheep branded on leftside of heud. Ear mark under slit in rrgnt ear of ewes aJii Befbear of wethers. Kange. White Monntains, Apac- County, Arizona LOUIS HUNING, Sheep and Wool Grower CrENEOA, SOG05CRO Wether sheep aaarltedaa above.

The rcTerse for ewes Tar brand on romp Commercial Street St. Johns, Arizona. "W- J. Manager. ISAAC BARTH, GENERAL MERCHANDISE OTJB SPECIALTY, Ranch Supplies of Any Description And of tlie Best Quality.

Low Prices and courteous treatment. sf Your Patronage Is Earnestly solicited. lias a Ji I you suffer t-im of men, come to the cities: Specialist on the Pacinc DR. JORDAN ,1051 Market SI Est'd 1862. 1l eunar bcb and Middle SZCd B6H who are suffenne from the effects of youthful indiscretions or excesses in matiirer years.

Nervous and Physical in all its complications; Wperwaf orrheear, Prentatorrlicen, Oonorrbcea, leC, Frcqucacy of STrialiar-. etc. By a combioolKHM wmeuies, oFereat curative pow er, ttie itoctor iias so arranged his treatment that it will not only afford immetiiata relief but permanent cure. The Doctor does cot aaua to perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair and square r'hysictan and aurzeon, pre-eminent in his specialty Jfieasctt of Men. tBoronRhivcrndicatecirom tne system without EVERT ,11 Jl nnnlrtni.

fn ceivermryronerc ne vim uuarantee a rusj.Ti rxi vujcs tm every case tse undertake, or forfeit ThOBdsmd Pellars. Consulration FREE and strict Iv onrate. CHARGES VERY SEASONABLE. Treat- t. i free.

(A valuable book for men. TISIT DK. Great Museum of Anatomy the finest and largest Museum of its kind in the world. Come and learn how wonderfully yoa are made; hour to avoid sickness and disease. We are continually adding new specimens.

OATslLOQUE TREE. Call or write. 6 1051 Market Street San Francisco, CaL THE GREATEST BOOK OF THE AGE! Should be in Eierj Home and Lihrarj. People's Bie Hon Ts written by Right Hon. William Ewart Gladstone.

Ex-Premier of Great Britiaa and Ireland. Cheater. Rev. A. H.

Sayeo. Queen's College. Oxford. Rev. Samuel Ives Curtis.

V. Chicago Theolonical Seminory.ChicnBO. Rev. Frederic W.Forrar.D.D.. F.R.S..

Dean of Canterbury. Canterbuzr, Rev. Elmer H. Capon, D.D.,Tuft3 College. Somerrille, Chicago, Rev.

George F. Pentecost. Marjle-bone Presbyterian Church, London. Rev. R.

MacArthur, D.D.. Calvary Baptist Church. New York City. N. Rev.

Martvn Summerbell. D.D Main Street Free Baptist Church. Lewihton. Rav. Frank M.

Bristol, D.V., Firxt Methodist Episcopal Church. Evanston. Rev. W. T.

Moore, IXJJ.J'The Chri-' tian Commonwealth," London, Rev. Edward Everett Ilnle, South Concrecntional Charcb. Boston. Roy. Joseph Acar Beef.

DJA. WmIbtbd Collece. Richmond, Rev. Caspar Rene Greeory. Leiozic University.

Loipzijr. Germnny: Rev. Wm. Clearer Wilkinson, D.D., University of Chics Chi caso. Rev.

Samuel Hart. D.D.. Trinity College. Hartford. Rev.

J.Monro Gibson. DJX.St. John's Wood Presbyterian Church, London. EncrRav. Georgs C.

Lorimer. LL.D.. The Temnle. Bo-ton-. Ttlaam.

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