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The Arizona Daily Orb from Bisbee, Arizona • Page 4

Bisbee, Arizona
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WWrtfJMUH aBKaaiaifrm 1j.iv('-rr,w'''!'4 9-r BMS EU3 'ii UtO WR I -tvr. A -H 1 f. 't li 'J if "A fe.WK;415!j&A!4i 'flV ySlown Tattle -W- bcrlbe lor TAk Ottn. Men meet tonight. to-date job printing at The Onn, mounEeeand couches mndo to crde p.

Graham's. oftbe.Muachucas, ia in our for a few days. ffih or i r- lod for sale, $7.50 per cord, J. Car tO. K.

street! $. Dodge of Tucson, is a Bisbco rary lum'pa And stand lamps just ''led at B. F. Graham's. fj secott will have free mail, lielivery 'lininB November 1st.

i ot CochiBO county for salo at V- 25 cents each. tf. UtHeUIIlU llll lit iit.ol 10 ISUIUK fHwraely refurnished. SALE A first class'organ, Ap. fa TMrs.

Win. Oaee JSV2W stvour "pictures Gra- 's. Noblle. today from a jO to fls Adorn and salt tin, hail or snow, that, watch muBt 1 LII inkle, the jeweler, doc-a that, at rott'a 11 kinds of upholstering, and Repair ione at Si. Bui returned yesterday from a athis-viBit'tb Southern California and 1 1 sea coast.

I'hite pique, skirts at reduced prices all-tf frocraBtinntion is thov'thief of time I pave Ilinkle, the jeweler, catch the bf; Blewett's shoe store. U. KAL WORCESTER. VORSETS. af'THISFAlIt." not forget to read tbe- program to found in another column for the ilertainment and church social.

full line of ladies'- wool skirts, all ors, just received at Plo welts, all'tf you are of proper age, Fly will take 1 in Type for you; if a baby in arias will not attempt it. aul8-tf 'he WiJYfnR Workers 'are making Ut headway selling tickets for the to be held at the Opera iloiuo to- tS rrow evenine. Uuelabt excursion over the S. V. will on llmrsday, August 31.

Tickets od for 00 days. au31-td watch have fits or spiishis? tho jeweler, cure.s Uiem. At je.wett'8. want a new hat, neatly trimmed suit your taste, leave vour order at rs. Bewett'8.

J0-tf jl)o you want your old watch good as If. so have it ropaired by jeweler, in Blewett's shoo store al Worcester at "THE FAIR." For Sale First-class Efcte organ 35. vL JncK "mo01- auii-iw "J-i One new and 2 seco nd-hand harness. Jack Lumber Cd. aul4-lw Kent A house of three rooms, uftable for batching for three or four; ill.

furnished complete; terms very rea- 10'iiable. "Apply at this ofllco. aall-ltfi Latcat etvles in millinery go6ds at urs ciewoits. jo-tt can trade your old furniture or V. itoveB.forjiew at B.

F. Graham's. Jamea A. Sutherland, the well known luachuca rancher, came in' yesterday rom those mountains, and repots )leuty of good feed in that eecion'. oyAL Worcester Corsets.

at "THE FAIR." For Sale A two-room furnished louse, good lot, located. Rents. orlu ner montn. Only Join). Annly jy27tf Italian, Whosenanie wo Wore un- learn, had the misfortune' to fall fjtrdm the 'elevator at this jinorning, breaking his arm and severely jbruislng his back.

Just received, a nice line in dinner rjBets in 'decorated, china ware, at B. F. Graham's. i AcKKll'S ARK SOUl On ii positive guarantee. Cures heart tbuin, raisinjtof the distress after Ntingor any form of dyspepsia.

One little tablet gives immediate relief. .25 and. 50 cte, For sale at Bisbeo Drug Blare. Emory Cooper received the sad intelligence yesterday that his. father had ben killed in Texas a few days ago, having been shot by a man named Ham ilton, Emory will leave in the morn ing for that state.

806 for 500 TJ10 Ballenger cottage or 8iile 4 largo rooms and wardrobe elonut, inolu'dingbaseinotit; 2 rooms 12 12, kitchen 12x15; basement floored lox water in house; healthy location; luuli ifrnuiwl M' 1. rf v'tliit rrlr TombstoiiH Ahulv to J. P. Ilul-1 Majter, or 1). A.

Markey, at Chisholm Mildtnir. alo-tf W. II. Hronhv.iuanauer of tho Connor Queen store, writes from New York that lie ia busy in securing attractive applies for his branch of tho buaineNs. It will probably be some weeks boforo ikis eaateru purchases will have been Meanwhilo Mrs.

Brophy rUlo ren ain on the Pacific coast. A KILLING THIS Tho Victim Surpcsed to Have Been a Burglar Well Known. Jop. thotnnd killed almost instantly IhiV' morning about 3 o'clock, by Joseph Tho-ahootin took place almost in front of the Onn ollke on IC etreet. This inquest wan hold by Justice AVllliaftiH, and the poed of Angus McDonald, J.

1. Vail, Charles Kuglar, John M. J. Burns and J. C.

Crohn, found: "Wo fully exonerate tho paid Deiro from all. blame in tlio There wero no witnesses to shooting. brought out at the inquest wero aB follows: Deiro is. keeping saloon on street and is his own bartender, his wife assisting him when necessary. His wifo, wit.h tw children, aged respectively iivQ niid'Vlireo in the sabqn during tile oveniVigahd until he cpncluded' to close up; ihen' unusnnltyjaie for him' to close hfs'laod 0 business, ypojn attempting to lock thejyont door hq found that the key vns missing and could not' (e lives hioKr the Opera House and conn cludect'to bf the ealoon and Bey'lVis' wifeand children safely- on the" then return and, Bpend.

tho baliln'ce'lof'the night in-'his salpon. This concltiBipn he. atited upon and accompanied his family to Brewery gulch and in Biglit o'f homo. Ho then returned to tho saloon, and just asT' lie opened' tho saloon door a man rushed out of the place and passed him. running north up street.

Deiro carried a 41.cahbre six-shooter which he drew and called Upon the fleeing man to stop. The. man kept running and Deiro fired at him almost at once. He fired three shots beloro the man had gotton thirty yards distant. After tho third shot tho man ran a few steps and fell.

Deiro then closed his saloon door and started homeward meeting Ed A. Wittig and A. Champagne on the way. To them he stated that he had shot' a man. Mr.

Wittig went to the rooidenco of JusticoJWil-. Hams and awoke li'in. On returning to street, a few north of.the Onn office, Deiro was 'accompanied by tho gentlemen named and Joso Garcia was thoro found dead. Willinma nlnp.ed Duiro under arrest and in "temporary charge of Mr. I Wittig pending tho result of which has been already stated.

Garcia had lived in 1'ibuo sonm years and leaves a mother and sisters here, His ago was about 21, and his reputation 1 for a considerable time has baen by no means of the beat. Ddiro is ivnian of about 30, a pleasant, amiable follow, "For several years ho worked as a miner for tho Copper 'Queen having gono in the ealoon business buta'fow months since. During his long residence hero he has borne reputation. inO'st 'excellent Eritertaitfment and Church Social. Following ia' the progam for tho En-(ertainment and Church Social to be given at tho Opera House Friday evening, August 25, 1899: PART I.

1. Overture Orchestra. 2. Solo (vocal) Mrs. Cannon.

S. Cloid Thomas. 5. Duett (piano). .6.

Solo 7. Music 8. 0. Solo 10. 111.

Piano Sold. 12. IS. MuBic. Sisters.

Misses Hess. N. Ilughoe. Orchestra. Miss Hess.

Hess. Ladies ii STKKKOPTiqOX. vj. 1. His'toflctH'-vlewa (finely coloreJ.) This series consists of views tlioj- Legal i-ttiVCrtijSm 2tlts.

I landinpOf Coliimbusto.lhe surrender General Lee ron Mari round-up, 4. Views of Mexico, Tomb-, I Btono, Sulphur Spring valley, Fdrt Hun IHtMlB 1IUIU VU(JICI ViUUUU, JUUIUIU Ul ra-w. nf George Warren, tho discoveier of the Bisbco mines, etc. PART III social. Ice cream, cake, coffee and lemonade for salo.

Admission lee adults 50 Children under 10 "Our bnby was sick for a month with severe cough and catarrhal fever. Although we tried many eho kept getting worso until wo uto.l One Minute Coiigh Curo, it releivo 1 at once and curo her in a low days." H. i Kano, l'rln. High School, Uluffdale, Texas. Copper Queen store.

Malt Units, his brother Tom, and James Anderson were tho natnea of the parties arrested in tho Chiricuhtias liy Doputv Sheriff Mullen and posse, for I stealing cattle, muntion of which was was lmulo ill laat evening's fHck Headache absolutely and or- manently cured by using Moki Tea. A ti mminir H'lr. A. lo ota. nnd 50 eta.

l'or salo by J. ti. If you are in need of any iliing in Um job piintinjl line jjlvo Tun Onn a trial. IO lint 1 vV KptlrcKIii -Vi- Ri '3 mo ailll UlS ApilClie lOIIOWeiS.1' lint yeoa H.Jaeti 2'flTf copa Indians. 3.

Cowboy Life trndor tho ih-m immoof J. H. gj: RRlf" pleanant horb drink. cons tin, EStbV iVrlti ationand in.lige.Uion, you eat MX: olVA.Yi.. Sleep, WOTK aim liappi jii.uiii,,, i iiiiiimsNiuii, iMiiiiuiiij Aolnal Notice to thV-B'ublicv A kM Isotieoia heiehy given that, all pel- soup, big or little, bathing at Mis.

Trlb- nnk.Tulnre. CuUrvmiiu, druwulii fuvor of 1 .1 Sun Fj'unvwp Jwiier enn have smo olet's Hwiniiniiig pond, or any other for thU) pond in town, will bo required to wear J.1 jOji'lli tho tuna! bathing costume, riYfd 'lefrtith "wANTEli-A iofail' or') from tho iimj of such profanity us bus been their, heretofore. Or-KZi. wise thev. will be dealt with aceo'niingtdol.

in-opul'd. Adilress. ItOBERT' law. Hysjieelfully, Dayton GiiXir.uiV A'Frigfttful Will often caiiBO a horrible Burn, Scald, vBuckleiJd Arnica Sahe.lliu host in thu worldVill'Inll thopainand promptly heal. it.

Curea Old.Srres, FfcverSSbrea, "iioiY: Felons, Coma, all Skin Best Tile cure on o.irth. Only 2o ots. a box. (hire guaranteed. Sold by the B8ibeo Store and Copper Qu-on Co, L0S1.

pocket contain Jng several dollarsan silver, a bunch of keys 'anil tpme'ciirds. A. liberal reward rdtur'jffpjl'liia office. No queHiona asked. "A10-tf Williain Allison, recently injured in the CoppeYQueon niiii'e, by falling a considerable distance, and nt firat thoughts have.en yerv seriously nun, ia auio uu onuuio.

However, it probable that ho will 1, I.I 4.. Im II.a rn.rhrt I be able to w.iik for weeks vet. I m. House to Rent Opposite Boseemer hotel; live rooms and bath. Apply to Y.

Siiles at depot. au'24-tf "Stop, Thief of Time, and have your watch 1 paired. Ilinkle, the jeweler, saves you the seconds. Hlowets shoe sloie. nlli-lm For galvanized ii on tanks and ca'nt-teeiib of all sizes go toC.

A. Newman. Short orders, at all hours, at the Can Can, Oiner 'Barker, proprietor. tf FOIISA.LE A Bis-iooom furnished housd, witb 6a th, two good Apply at th'ijt ollkaV. Irritating? bitfp, scratches woumla andx'uta 'De WfH'tr Witch Hazid Salve', is'ure and rafe application for tortured flesh.

Bewaie-of counterfeit a. CppperQueen store. 'R5rAL' WORCESTER'- nt "TlIF 1 vti p. latef" If you firu was t) our (lentil parlors riht now it imy riv you a of expanse aud pain a year from nnw. Sot'uo people aren't very n.U'ih coi.cernul about 1 troubles ilii'l ori; a vear in tho diatanuo, hilt.

11 vonr will fl. irnnnit in vji-v tlnr-f time, li'. 1 eitlfer expennivo i-or painful to have liJtlo cr.vitiea in iho loath filled. Yict'il be obliged for the hint. W.

K.C.iAMi5Kii.s, Cliislirilnt i ji v.i noU hn ''V uo" 1 lv llllMilfll iii'ifi .1. H. nsMiifnlt)" full 0Olltlo, AHn.o..eyluotbo ni-tiiticf ttxtii M'lll lu) nidi Lv Tilnv "rf N. W. CHASE, J.

II. JACK. uutci nubos. July i. uoa.

btram House First-Class Board "Week or Month. HOARDING HOUSE IN REAR OF MASONIC TEMPLE. Mib. A. W.

ii.ryM, Proprbit SOUTHWESTERN BUSINESS-COLLEGE. El Paso, Texas. Tim modern business trnintnirtplirinlfir i nlir.u;iiia Aiiiiimotlw, Cum-' a unui- uiu lori.H' unvutiinso of hi) en IV "i1" iiiiiiirn 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 'taWUii. iv. uJJit.

I iDi-tnu ijoi.1 M-Uion wii uit wo Kfcuro. Stti- 1 1 srroupor emim. oq i of ItURXH.Vlt-. 121 Cump St lrovldcnco. It.

I. KOIISALK On( medium heavy set double lmWie.MCOinploitjtydfco.yne heavy JttToiftttii liariiiiiaJ wlthoUt fcoUAri' UtitU fceli lmve and in llrut oluss shape. Apply to thoIi'djRoHuble 1 J5tf )1C Hniiiiess Sliophusl-losvtoeii Will ro room for Arlpiy'to U. F. tfrulmm Co.

llOSft J2tf l'ODNO A lady's blaekrape with fur Jrlmuiins-S -0u? can hnyesttme by.cttllins nt tlfoouice una paying rov tuts Jcionii, hwth 'room in connection wlthdut oxtru chartco. 1 ApplyYtoS. K. Williams. 1.

COPPER 13 Tkfi 'MET All Tfae -ochise Minins Compaay( 551-, sr '-H This 'company o'wiUfS Vef 'vSi'ua'ble 1 Tliis'-company AotM $roup of; mining nistrlct, county of uocnise Arizona, lying immediately east of and adjoining the town of Blsbee, and ail -Q jpery eow I on tlie north. The latter company has. been in operation tor about twenty years, and employs about 1,500 men aaiiy if operation of its mammotn mint; u4iu aniL'uurs, aim as teisuiL has produced copper to over 34,000,000 I pounds during the year 1898, and the net proceeds of such production are reported to have been over $2,000,000, and it has been said by experienced miners who have been under its employ for years, that the Queen mine now has sufficient dre in sight to keep it in constant Operation for the next twenty years without further development. Is It not reasonable to believe that the property of the Cochise company is-fully valuable, when It is within such proximity to such a wonderful mine? The blasts setoff in the underground-workings of the Queen property can easily! be felt and heard at the shaft of our and oftimes the concussion hasaUpcfed marked attention. Tlie iiorlglnal owners of these valu- able rapes nre kxcal business men, well and.

Jfvorably. known in Blsbee and surrounding vicinity, who are doing, their to make this enterprise a suceesjj in every respect'. The board of UiiectSiH are nnginal owneis, ami are donaups their services to the toes puny. lit lil siti-h time as rhf mine vift pay ''hey own (he interest in this propeity, and as a 'Jjotection to stockholders liave plied tvj -j entire interest in escrow fur a ternifjf One year. jj Jbookb of oln now cnitu for subscriptions, and a Sliareg'are offered-wt ten tents injr share.

No application for than1 100 shares will be 'At- eeptfi i Tfi'i comixiny r'seive the lierht at utiy tjme to advance the price of shares without further notice, or to reject any application for block at their fmJ' cent received from the 3ale(bf expended 'toward the'd6-velopjne'nt Dt dur property "and the erecliim-. tl hoisting works, -and all necessary 'improvements, and to jnake'diir enterprise a success in every particular. Wej'inYlte Investigators and their experts or their engineers to closely scrutinize our property. Applications for shares may bo made to any pf the directors of the or to any of our legally author- lzctt representativts. If L.

C. Pres. MUHEIM, Supt. Treas. G.

W. S. IC WILLIAMS, Sec. Bfsbee. Arizona.

L- li- 1- X'-! "t'' HOWLAIJ) CO. 1 i JPHOTOSRAPHIG SUPPLIES.I- 31 Wholesalo and Retail. -Mo -'HH. iMiun Lob f.N-f '1 1 -T T- T- "i 1 H. a Zl 2- NICHOLS FLETCHER, 14 i i1 a representative cstab lishment catering to rL' F.are, Li Reasonable Rates, Correct Service, Op' Fay an.

ipt! pfc MtEKMAJf. I'lCnUlL'llt. ffjl. C. HA VIS.

VIoo-l'ri)lilont. 1" THE 1 Gf Arizopa. rW'Iir, 5O.000 nrntiV arid Profits innnn ininrtts 400000 triiiisfcrs tnndcliy driitt. nnli to lo luU unr I miri. 1 AnpniinM of liHiivhliiuU, firm ami como "dlel'iHUyJ thalr r.

by i 1 kCiplilfliii tf. yards of ir, j- i Olor at rj iw3e per yd" nilulnRrf-7 A.DF t.S. Deputy, JL-r Kujrlweer. '51 Assayaajg at Cfirr.ent Prices. iv Latb iifttTuctor1 ih'Sbhool of' Mines, Univorsity of 1 1 i 1 i tf W'.

y- i vaa 5.1 1 R. fiAHn-COi L9.u; gr ri ft I if m. I'm--- i- Ji I I wr- 4 TI -(i-i sir. r-. -N an 1 1 n-' i uumn run a.

ti a2 yi BISBEE, ARIZONA. I TOKP' muooN. 1 i Proprietor I The Emm. Bakery iv 1 J. A.

S. Prop; Is iior dpfcn for business in the Duffy building, Brewery Gulch, and is now ready furnish Prpns with the best of Gakes and Pies -it ed-Rock Prices. He will also continue business for a time at the old stand, O. Sti.eet,-nextJto.the Orb office, $pXnW4iy That" all hay their Uniotiilarfeet' MV6lWO03l; BISBEE, DRUG STORE 1 Keeps 011 hand a PURE DRUGS, HEDICINES AND CHEMICALS, Mso a full line of the tions, Toilet Articles and Terfumes. Physicians Pres'crip tioris Carefully and Accurately Also a well selected WINES, OUORS AND CIGARS "Call anil see us.

J. S. "sTillia.aM.s dz, Co. i Ill IM.BJ IfoMhP '-m -r -Pl'F Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat.

Itartinciany aigestsrne iopqana piur- JNaturo in fitructinatho exl austed diifestivo. 6r gans. It is the latest discovered ditfesV ant and tonic. No other preparation Mn.iinnrnnr.ri if, in ftlncinncv. it in- utjinfclv "relieve and Indlfestlou.

Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. SlckHcadachc.Gastralla.Crampsano!, lOOUlliSUl lulJCHti.uuiKv.;iuiuu. Prepared by E. C. OcViltt a Cblccco.

KUK Ahh ihu nio-eityoii Main 1 1, Str.ot, Known ai tlie iiwi-i fiuuilmc, etc. Apply on 1 lie pieniirw. I 7 1 inn w- -vl'- SILK finest anyfs i 1 41! "-fi cli-l' SurVyr S7M1 vrYMi Jr? i erf the test people of-Bisbee Meat arid Bread of Ktf96ftVoVft large of leading Patent Medicines, No Compounded, stock of the best r'ti. THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. 4- WORLD-WIDE CIRCULATION.

Tvcnty Pagfcs; Weekly; Illustrated. Np.ispensadle to Mining Men i t2swimmk teak, nswAni.5 coiu rniE. MliliKG AND SCIEIVIIFIO PRESS, r.rtn M.B..-r- oan i-nvctscu, jAL. Attention, Smokers! WU011 you wiiit cotiuhio McxJcati Cisrar nnd a ifnod inolio.eull for tho 'L3 Hon NucScncs," Muacii Ionlus.

Tor i.alo.cvei-rtli OFXF 1 iif 1 iV 2 I 4 1 a A it ltfiSwftK.

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