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The Weekly Orb from Bisbee, Arizona • Page 4

The Weekly Orbi
Bisbee, Arizona
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

l''fiMII'BlgjiMiEMW staBr-. ssr-car -y -i "4)0 i i i i i i ii i in i I H- hi i i ii i i i i ii i ii V. i 'v7 I I HH t- Hi I i Hi: iV-y-' jj- hi fr'' ml." "-5 tV 5fe' Amp f-5- t-r: i. --J A. a' i i-" fefe? 1 i 9 3 3 a.

(U ,1,0. U(L 1 iW.JM j- '3- i jvxRt 11 i Town Tattle I I Ciag Attractions at Opern House. (tariag Attractions at Opern House. Komi Stillraan Co. in a week's, cn-jfagement commencing Mch.

Mar. Ball.1. Mar. SO Harrison 'e; I JVo Saturday's Dally. ften that'new stock of furniture at B.

i. Qrahatn'a. Tho March winds hare arrived aud teal Mtate changing hands rapidly. B. Lag-, returned to Pension on this raornina's train.

Just received by Vln, J. Blewetta fine line of ladies' fall and winter hats. 2t Just, received a carload of furniture a F. Graham's. Bring your fob printing to the Orb bc.

AH kinds of upholstering and repair log done at B. F. Graham's. For the best cut and most styliBh gar- faint, call on A. Champagne, the, B.sbee bailor, Brewery Gulch.

n201w Sheriff Murray of Maricopa county is in Biabee on ofBcial business. lie will return to Phoenix in day or two. Call and examine that now stock of ladies' fall and winter lutt, at ftiis. Blewet's. 2t offea like yor mother used to make at tJj Can Can.

sl7-3t Library lamps and stand lamps Just received at B. F. Grahaii'a. AirVyDu going hear the Bostonisns? Of coarse. Only $0.10 round trip to Tactoo.

couches made tocrder atB.F. Grabam's. YljxA for sale, per cord, at the iOXi'grocery. m28-tf. Suits cleaned at 2 on Fhort notice at larrij the Tailor.

tf. You can trad your old furniture or ia n. i I ii i 'ft-' noyviwiidw as r. vtrauijuii te''' Another fine assortment of spurs; bridles and saddles just recieved atrthe 0 Harnesa Shop. Call and see them.

n28-tf B. F. Graham is expected home in a a few days 'from Fhoenix, with a car lead of horses for bie livery bueltieHB. A11 persons indebted to me will please remit at once as. I am going out of busi- sees.

Dfxia S. Boast. assortment of the latest styles' of ladies felt hats for sale at Mrs. ett'st, regardless of cost. JlO-tf Acxkk'h E.vpusjt Rbhiqy Will Stop a cough at any time, and' will cure the cold twelve hoars, or momiy 26 50 ct8j'( iale VaiBtsbee Drug Store; FOR SALE A 12'room term reasonable; also one 3room house with walls, with C5 feet lot.

Apply jit.OBB ofice tf '''The1 biggest fools iu Bisbeuare tho fourteeners, who have an idea they aro very smart. The extra that went out this morning with the crowd. of pleasure seekers, had to wait at Benson three or four hours for bean eaters to come alone At the rate" buildiug isnowgoiug on Hble ground to bo P' '-f': li- will bo taken wi had in sjcanyous will bo taken within a vsryjhort time, aud then what At.the Union church tomorrow Suu- day school at 10 a. in. Preaching at 7:30 p.

ro. by the pastor, Kev. Pritchahl. All are invited. The Copper Kings are expected to bo on the new ball grounds on time to- jmotrow; bring with you your garden rake, picks and ahovol are already on 2 l.thVgrouRds.

i Tbsre will be preaching tomorrow at the b.ali.upstair.8.over tbeope'ra bouse, 3unorniag and evening, by the pas. or, Ber. David Kob'erts, Sunday School at 30 o'clock a. m. All are invited.

This cold snap has froze the new items all up, eo so.that there ia 'nothing of absorbing interest ling rounu toiiay, except tnut it ia re- porfsd tbo round hog has gone back into his hole for another snooze, and the 'blue birds arc no longer to bo seen on tho fence posts, A lineal of. Bill Nye's "yaller dog" pdiid our ofllcon aocial call today and it was next tn Impocslblo to shake" hitn. Wo divided our dinner with him, and turned it out of deora, but like Clary's lamb, ho waited patiently about until we opened tho door, when, like n. soru thumb, ho was right ia place again. Tho owner can have imm.

1, enllino-and nnvlut? for1. this notice. He is verv fond of us, the ot is, and wo bate to pnit with htm "bnta.uid be persuaded to do to if prop- erly v7 -i j. Woti're. nton the same, in thu, Laud Offlco of this District, according to-law, and will a.

noUiled not to pressnt school year, hucn a step os wen Wlim. rt X- i.i a iii. bay bullditi lots, in the town ol rsaco, taken, tna monoy win v. y- from anv irrou or aa who may bo to I raised by a special school tax be. pany that these oruptivo dikes which'i.u I linvii AInI in-IhvIoJ.

which can only bo done by appear on the suface aro in licuimi-. of nil uit tin ti.huum,t tun rnnrin neopssitry. T. UKJM5N0K. nf nfr.rr.

-MstlK iiwfwffiV Pnimt ITmwaII "Mrt 1A nf American met la'st eveniriB at the office of Jiulgo Surimahor for the" purpose' of installing i.ho newly elected oflicors'for tiie current terra. Tha names of the qflk-ers jinBtnlled aro as follow? Senior Chief Ranger, Max 'Gayito. Chief itanirer, Treasurer, James Qmtin. Financial feo'urutary, James Kelly RecoidiHg Seilreuiy. John Tw'smiey.

Senior 'William Smith. Junior Y. W. M. Vptcott.

Senior Beetle, Julian Canlinas. Junior BeetleLChaa. W. Hull. Trustees, B.

J. 0'R'illy, JjmCM Howell ami W. B. This fraternal order hatf-3 Juai been organised with nieinberalupof twenty four, and thelr.4e,j lueetins will he held WednesdayVeventiiil of each week at fht Ouera House, be-jinning next Wednesday oveniiiir. Adjutant Slian.o nndrCaiitain Mtnri sonj the Salvation arm'v reprecenlnUvea who have been in' Biabee mr several days, left thia morntnj: for Flmei'tx.

Tho ladies created quite feelim: in regard to tile nnahipoperanili of the army hile her.e, and aliboimh they were both anfferieK from the painfu! effects they never flinched from what the.y conceived to 'ie their duty but were frequently out. of evenings holdiinr 'street meeting, tliui provini; themHe'ivea no hlutruardM in the work in which they are eniratreil. The ladies have tho beat wiahea of many friends in Biabee wherever tnoir lot may be fof they are devotyd to an en noblinji caue and tho world will b. bet ter for their bavin lived in it. From Friday's Daily.

E. S. Adam has rented and now occu pies one of the Biophy buildings in Upper Tombstone causon. Mrs. Wm.King is in town from the international line.

John A. Kruse will leave In the morning for Nacoaari on mining busihyes. Tho representatives of the 'Salvation army will hold an open air meeting ou Mam street, this eveniujr. jMrs. mother of Mrs.

Wolcott, ofTombatine, iB vMting. friends in Bia beo, and will reman some timo. At. prasent she' is tiie.guestof Mrs. C.

A. Overlock. Gov. Murphy yesterday appointed Miss' Mabel Gray Hoovei as a. pupil of the.

Oread institute at Vyorceiter, a school'founded for promotim: excellence in culinary art. P. Hilton, the' Huachuca cattle and, raining man, is in town today. "He reports activity in mining' circlos lu his with a prospect of somo valuable property cuanging nanus hush. The Nacosari stage will leave tomorrow, on schedule time', the load of freight and passengers having already been raapo up, but still, Tim says, there always room for one or two more.

E.S.Adam has pu. chased the build- intr formrlv owned and oeeunied bv in Tinner Tomb-tone can. yonn. ne tiasalso pin chased tioa u.

A. OvcrlOe.k tho building eerupied by Frank in tho same locality. Officers Del Lewis Tom Vaughn anested two hobos in. the tunnel below the bend in the railroail eaxt of town last night. Del says thin is a favorite resort lor this class tourism, where (hey can make a fire, warm themselves aud clinch their earnings.

W. A. Driscoll. of Lai Angela, gen eral manager of tho Uliuii Luui- bcr Coi, went down to N.tco with Jamea II. J-ick yesterday, returning in the af- ternoon.

While at.Naco they vieited Chase (k Jack! brick, yard plant. Mr. Driscoll pronounced the brick In stock to be fiitt clubsln every tpiiiticular. Speaking of Biubee, Mr Driscoll paid tills was bis first trip here and that he was irprfsed tofiiid Mich a tluiltj and up-to-date community tucked awav in the rocky mountains In fact we hciiid him say that for energy, enterprise and hpnpr, he did not think the people of Bisbse'yeru to be excelled hv any other community in North America. An' Onu-repurtcr was informed tb.lay by School Trustee Lewis Williams that facilities.

for the'accommodaiion of the school children ol this school dintric, would soon bo under way, aud that in a short time a new building containing four rooms would be completed, l'ho dimensions of the rooms will bo 14 by feet, two dow'n stairB and two up stair's with a conveniently wide hall, running tho full longht ef tho building between the rooms above nnd below. Tin building is to bo const runted, of brick and when completed will afford, with' jfl- In iiho. nmnle room t. This is tho bast of news Bhl. Hnd children.

t. "wbfiru the mouev to como from to pay four addhional''teachors." There is nono in ib Bi.r,nl.,fnii'd at rrefcnl, and for the holdlag a.n election for "that- purpose, when the taxpayers will have to decide i tiifu ia ni fur inu iuukiiud uunvt I 4 "Vt.n II consideration, which ik wivu v.ui mnre to sav'ot some future time. laa AtULUNA Cor Minio8- and Com. Amonu the many mining out camp of late, onn of numuul wax wiiHuiniuaiuil on Fjjb. Mr.

KiiTeikllitnt'liett, of Ij in mir. Ciimn Itir leot abuiii'tuu daya tnmfullv looking ovor a property known aa the Aulmrn jjroup of minea, wliioh l'w ami udj in- inji the Queen cIhiiiih, and in tlie very lieart of ih nmm-al buain. The imuilwr of ulniin-i by Al ll nulieti wie 19 in all, couipripiiit! ili; Atiliuin me Oruioml tsuiup. the Brophy and O'tlare dtune uni uclaini known a tiie U.ilenu. 'lo many iiiay.ttear Hiriuiue that aue.h valuable iiosieny.un thenow called JAubuui gioup in ulainii reinumcil ao Um' withoui eapiutl Diking holil, but to uc heie it i eaaih iiiider.stKxl, even 1.

loimh the iiiiiiiiisi-ion abioau natura Iv i- )L it' iakuniiiliv thi Uopiiei-Qiieoti wliu havu been oper tin- heie lor nineteen veuiu. Old proapecto-a toll utlmt thia aatmr I'. I iir1. I ii que-'tion. w.ia 'aktvl eoumany n.i I it.tii.A i iii i I tpper rim! Hr -iitifn--? niniead ill anoin fo.iv nh.on llwv hold, lor 'they did not their.

vW V' holdllua luueii lor nt. vOiri? aftPr ai.tru i i lllwr Mill! lllllllll lilH xMltlH mi- I.WIl I AH III? VII IIII.Y.1I1 1" yeara' to li.ui!'liVt eome beie on KC teunei dtitleup lut lr SIm. rke nile our city a fly-tion of ff t''l iV. vil vis' cBhiiiil A.tli Mr liHiititiei'i ian.te.1 H. ouiuuip MiV t'tfCait-fe Ii-) fetf thtuionrmi for hi 9lh' d.iy of 'FebnUry.

lflo niind jdnee of in Bemon. Mr, tiakor toik in the situation ut glance, lie ia one of oil' -Invwd iiiitt'iift-H men, Una failed to discover 'why an iiuarfiiiitrvfiAe veilook. a ohrck. rte hit a should make a'ny difference in t.ue value lunt i atand at thedyjnfc in of the property on either bide of it, hia purchase of a large pruriy, a cash conaideraiion, wiiii joina Hie Copper Queen for 3000 feeti pro vis hia beliet til condiilona aa he found tnein to exist after a jareful examiiiauou ot both Iiib and the Colptr Queen urou erty. In examining the propertv he lately Mr.

iianuhetl fortnd "the same formatioiici, the Maine ciopping and the tame class and grade of ore an be found on the Copper Q-eii property, and in fact on aoiuo of hia claims richer crop pings than are to be found at any point ou the Copper i-eu itroiiu.l, mine than this, wtnle hid holding, are ttiferior in size to ui) Copper Q.iedii', hae the advantage of having nearly hull' of bis lately aequued territory on level ground, the A. 'A E. it. 11 running right through me. center of laa' clifilna for 'lieaily a mile, g.ving Him great facilities tor the ereotlou of' hia smelting plant.

and the economical handling' of his ores. To any stranger-coming into our canij it at once becofuea "evident that we pre greatly in need of. smtaule tmildiug 0u pwi " u' lUo uW'n "dtti lliai'W A 6l'er would appear al.noit tiUAidSl able, he terruo lately aciuirod by Mr. llauehett i.ffeis many advaiitaKea in tiie way" ot aiowii3ite that have long been aougut for, coute queiilly a in'oveiueni in the difectinii of Lowell, (the new town Hint biittieu) ia us a matter oi fitctiuevltitble.

Miners must at once Hie advailtage of this as fiey will be within easy ot the vjjouth Uisoee piopeny ou one Bide and UiO'Coppei Queen od the other. Ac: regauts the inuieutl this Auuuin uroup ol ol.tini?, it is the opinion" bl expoiiehui'd miners tins cump that the piopr( now on ned by 3 Mr. liancheii, Ins out lew equate, and no tupeitoiu, lying as doea along tno coutaei.auu imveioed by numeioud porph'eiy diKes the whole leuui and uhcii cuitynu tho ores oo.uiu ngut to. the nut luce. Two oi iheau aiKeeit will be will to mention: 1 tie gieai hornbeam.

dike, wmuii luru neai ly Hie whole lejigin ul the Oimoml xioup, the uvuuige widiit ot winch iaM ui, it beincompuied oi a-iui cupping of quuiuue, poipnyiy inagneuie 'of iieniiiitt) in lean iiautuy with cuibuhuie and gluuci) copptu oieoomg Up ail tne uitui aouih a. ke, which runs lllas and culled purineis i.iii;kuow-thiough tho, may ne inU this we el: tyoiy bottl' on a pos-CiflleU a l-Mi ttMerol cuiiiti- itive gtlaiaiiiee. For sate- at Jhhbeo uldi ddieivnce tienii iltit I'mi Stole. inoio lilt in Vlt-lble oli-lne eiirtitoit and Hid ii piirutoilcti wuo uzoi.e To Whom it i jy Concern. oi led and tjiiveroiu-which i.i trio-eahlo for over uide.

Tu vaiuea in i.u i running iroin 41) to oo er cunt It-ad un.i from 2o to lUvi oancurt in eiivor to tne ton, and it would be welt to note, heie ttiaiWhile there aro no ledges or veins lu this immediate uintnot, that ttieie. arc certain zones and oio chanuels thotmh these oba nels may not bo con-, betwien detined wail.i. i.mdike ol this camp run all iho way liom 20 to 300 feet wide, all having a general coumo, though they soiuetiinns appear like the sticks of a fan, and ilia fact luu the ore bodies beneath sequeiitly Thk Una the ore Iwdies beneath tho surface, con onuratulatCH Air. Hahi-hett on thu valuable purchase he ll.n (ml tlllll t1 IllllUil titMjl t.A wJ mu wumou I Mr. Fen nor on the ijuceess of blij uuder taking, and as Mr.

Fenner is to bo Sunt. andmanaKer.of tliacompanyVinterpfltsJ at the western end itarguoawell for the uccesa of the enterpripe, aa wo know of no on. better adapted for tho iionition, ho lielti? in the priine of life, aotivo'ainl (uer-uetiu, aa well, as beintf a nkill-d and an experienceil aud practical miner, posset-amn alt tho qualities needful to make 'a auucuaa of tliia new enterprit. Mr. Han hett ic just the kind of a man here and I'uic Oict wiihea for and believi-H hia ventUie will be a nnceesi! in the mining eanip of Biabee.

That the company neiiii. bininoHB ia evjdemed by the fuel that aheadv ihty liuvt" ait ceveral inen to woik on their clainia ailii a cunt met Ima been let to the J. Jack Lumber eompany for the election 'f luiablu bull lin for the miner-, and woik on the. Name was emu- lueiieed Una mornintc. There i no liettor medicim! for the balnea IliairCliauilierluin'nCouii Itn pl'MiMint liihie aim prompt and effectual i-urea make it fi.vonto )i il lim-o himiiM j.ltl 1.

1 tnilii iimiiii'" vtiii. iivil. It cuiva tlietr coujha and eolda, IIHI.VHIlllIl! lllll-UIIlOtllll Or flllllT RMIII.IW eoiiaeiineucea, It alao citiea cr.uip and hita been tit-e I in of tbou-nnda of caaea unborn it failiue s) tar a .1..., Ill .1. 41 ll. HI i .1 111.

II. IT i i.i i i. eitiup, but when Iven aa ciniiib will i.i evvili 4 tlli; mini ni lii i wi hikjlioi U-Ili itiltqmhi'B Hie Uiu1i uiueui, it; e.WiertU' espec.iwie, uim tmi tievetllV ami Deqitenuvtot tlltf'piHVXVim eouinnu, iim tutu tt ijll mil. 7.

i. uir nitiu He ia a toloied nfleman, rewprcled by ail'vyho ki.ovv him. aiouii The foundation for tho new link depot is taat, appivitchiug completion and aoou the- brick uiasoua ivil, he at u.jvi lr tw tfu m-iin utrn.ittnu tliu ntntiu IVI "'V'll I and when the building will' I handsome, conveu as well aa almost tire proof The new base hall suits for the "Cop per Kings of A rwona'' arrived laut.eveii-uig and tbo boys are highly pleased The boys will.noon begin practicing aud 11 then bd ready to intet any team in the territory. Jas. Howell came iu yesterday from the San Bernardino ranch.

Hh reports eveiythmg progrei-sing nicely in tiatj section ot the country, i Miss H. Warning and Mise Stowe left this evening. for the San Bernaidino ranch, here they will remain over Sunday. A party of about twenty five Bist-ee filk will leave in the morniiu fr Tuc- t-on on the excursion to take iu ti.e "Bostoniaus." Robin Hood at the Opera floute. Saturday, "eh 25th.

nouiiJ trip from BUbee Special tram. Close connections. Gl A. Metcalf returned yesterday Xu.b I I 1IOII1 valOOlilia, micic mo vvrug nitu shipment cattle. Just a nice line iu dinne eta in decorated china ware, at Bi F.

(iraham's. i For fur roliep, whips and harness, go to the N. K. Harness Shop. They will treat you light.

A. new line of fancv, and do uestic pan-s patterns' at'HarriH, the I ailor'i I guarantee all my suits or pantt- to lit mi Nile. 1 1 an is. tlioliti'or. tf.

YOUR FACE. Shows tho statu of your feel ny -and the Mttiio ot your nealtii a Impure blood makes apparent a pale aud sallow complexion, I'unples laud. Skin ISrupioiH. If vou are feeling weak and worn out and do' not havo a bealiltv appearand vou hould try 'Aoker'a Bloo.i Klixirt It cures all hloo I iIihc ises wher- cheap Sarmipar- i i Notue i. hereby iv.

ibat th un-deirigurd, wdl tu no way be rewpoiiHhle for any debts contracted by my wile, Budget Millnan, torn nd inter the date heieot, CoN I. SULLIVAN. Dated at 14, I8li). lm miH Iwmi n- uu lot dead ai kippi- ti tamp heie of ol lato 1 heii tj be a aw to un-lrli a man tor obtaining inouev oi good Where the circuuielaiicen ehow that he never intended to pay. l'ho law telat-niv' io thu.

obtaining ol goods under faii-e pretenses doe not apply to niuiiv of these cases. Ulobtt Tunes. ckkk' Dvara'BiX TAiairre auk soul on a poBlti'Vtt iiiiiuilutee. Cihoi heart bum, raising Of the food, diireeN after etitliw or anv lonu oi I'vP'pMa. une lllllo ivim immediate relief.

25 nlU. Ill uhd AO els. lor alo uisUoe Drug Blortf. Shibley. Bi sftee Transfer Company.

Freight, I.jfjgrc fid lajuss I to yart the City. Pre mi: It ciice and Quick Delivery. Central Restaurant nEALS AT ALL HOURS. BEST -Troph Oys era and FWi, Game of All Kinds in f-'eat-on, Make a ppeeialty of Dinner and Lunches for l'artiea, evenniK or'day. Sir, Upptir Main Struct.

a 13K S1 The Bisbee -Tailor, "misfits," but arc built herein Bis-vltc by I agree "to keep iu repair Aft Xkh I- lor one year all suits Mc JAJVIES QUINN- CAHJtV A STUCK. OF Fancy 1. And of ff at a liiarin. Goods delivered at your door without extra cb rgeaiid without delay. Ouara'ntee Remember the house TURF Bgftocoo9etjioe Did You Notice It? buy their C.


Free Delivery. O. K. Street, Bisbee. CARETTO' 0 Strecfc Bisbee, Rue Lipn and Cigars, you u1.1.

bk tuk.vtkiv vou visit MY II.WIIT vmirw Atlas, Assurance 'Company: Ob LONDON AND SAN FRANCISCO. O'Reiily, V. Low vp.tcs rnd Intuiting of )ttivtc Hciticucc rJpeuiiI; V. Stiles "Kil- i Open Day andNight OF COOKS. NEAT AND CLEAN r.iicl 2rs.

T. J. Jobuaten, Prop. ttirued out at my shop. sa? t-o-a Groceries, to the puf.j!iri.

Their he besv and are sold VbperyMaiif Street. Bisbee. SALOON. ilGEO. DUNN, Proprietor That alio the best people Bisoee Meat and Bread of 't, "SALOON FIRSr DOOR KORTII 0 CUY JAIL Botji Imporlei ani Bomestic.

ICE-COLD BEER CONSTANTLY ON jJDRAUtillTQUIKTAN'D li'ORI'hULY RKhOltT. Resident 4gcnt' ceial ir.ducemeuts for Jong, risksr: i 4 KM B1E1 tM "X.1 a I ii- fv'. oj i li-J I to- -v; a w.crr -fST- ft 4 12 l. i A- Hi I wsewKBifia's: --iaiKs?.

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