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Bisbee Daily Review from Bisbee, Arizona • Page 4

Bisbee, Arizona
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i 7 PAGE FOUR i i irn THE BISBEE DAILY REVIEW, BISBEE, ARIZONA, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUA RY 13, 1910. IHE8l5BEEDftlLYfiEIEWi2 Room in the Home of 30 Day Free Trial Universal Electric Iron All the News That's Fit to Print." Secretary of State Root Where Published at Bisbee, Arizona, the best mining city In the west, at the Review Building. Corner O. K. Street and Review Avenue.


B. KELLY General Manager PHONE (Business Office; 23 PHONB (Editorial Ilooras) 38-211 Many Notables are Entertained Co-operation -Sw SUBSCRIPTION RATES IN ADVANCE ONE MONTH .75 (By Mall or Carrier). SIX MONTHS 4.50 ONE YEAR -00 One Year Subtcription Paid In Advance 7-50 Address all Communications to THE BISBEE DAILY REVIEW BIsbce, Arizona Kntered at the Blsbee, Arizona, postofflce (or transmission through tee malls as second class matter. NOTICE. A.

reward ot $5.00 will Do paid tor Information leading to tbe arrest and conviction of tbe parties stealing Tao Uevlew from Subscribers. THE BISDEE DAILY BfiVIEW. THE END HAS COME AT LAST. The grand Jurv. uhlch was in ses- Udac3r Mr" Williams when he ran slon for the past sixty days, more or uuui8 aaa ls not iiEoiy to support him for any ot iose, has finally adjourned slno die, and lifter two or three attempts -indict prominent officials and prominent citizens, some of tho members of this body were doomed to disap-jKjIntmenL The most conspicuous of thctsfe rnemhers who continually insisted that there had been "stealing going on" was W.

K. Meade, and It took the personal investigation of the at torney genoral of the territory bofore Mr. Meade could be "Jarred loose' frost Mb opinions. It is evident that the- grand jury brought up for investigation matters over which they had no jurisdiction and which eeuld not be the subject of Indictment, B. A.

Packard, Fraah GooObedy and C. E. Ber-net le ai'ong (Sore who were made tbe auljccc of a persistent effort to shew something criminally wrong. In tho case of 3ns Packard it. was aa old estate, but when s41 the ovidence tearing on the cas was adduced, it was found to havo bean regularly clcssd and settled according -to law.

Tie attoraeys for Mr. Packard camo from Tucson to show the records and to testify. In the cases of Frank GOodbody and C. E. Berner.

officials of tbe county, It wns the obstinate contention that "stealing was going on notwithstanding the midence to the rontrary, which caused the grand Jury to be so long In session. In all probability the grand Jury would have been Jn session yot had r.ot the attorney "general ad Ued the grand jury that there was absolutely no evidence of any guilt in any cf the offices Investigated, although there may have bcei carelessness and Begiigence in some instances in the office of the probate Judge and clerk of tho board of supervisors. Apparently there has been much ado about nothing and the names of prominent citizens and trusted officials hate been mentioned In connection indictments when at no time was there any evidence adduced which would warrant an investigation looking towards this! end. mmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmiif BV MtfBssssLsHft kll.tliP Ffl84fc. IB anL MsWBBBMmB lir smTsBBssssssssssBsssssit-i XF9ftBw3 ffBBB'l1BBjBBBBBBBBBBJfap it rfflfiSnMthi tLiti fc-HsESS fc53i I wMBB3avyassWiBMtWPsisEslsgaiswprj.jaa fc -V wg i Jr wv-- iflBm i should be admired by all men and that is his straightforwardness in co! ex tending favors to friends or vindictive spite towards his enemies.

This paper did not support tho can- fice, if he be a candidate on. the republican tisket, but it is ready to con cede and is glad to say that he has made an excellent official In the early part of the term there was some friction created bctneen the district attorney and other eounty of ficers on accosmt of tho construction of 'the statute fixing feos, but this has all been straightened out by the decisions of the coarL Cochise county is fortunate in having such an efficient district attorney. During the past year he has teen a terror to ctil doers and we know of no defendant who has escaped punishment whore there was ovldenco available to prave him sulltr. DISTRICT ATTORNEY WILLIAMS. This paper again desires to go on record as congratulating District At torney John S.

Williams on tbe splendid performance of his duty a. a public officer. From the beginning of his term to the present time he made good and this paper desires to see him continue to better his record. While tho verdict in the' trial of William Pfannkuche for the murder ot Asa T. Hoy was disappointing toniany wlio believed that the -defendant deserved the extreme penalty, still it was agreed by all that the district attorney, and also his assistant, presented the case as strong as it was possible.

There was just enough in tbe insanity plea to give the jury the opportunity to assess the lessor punishment for the crime. Tbarc is one thing about the manner in which the present district attorney performs his public doty, which COME WEST, YOUNG MAN. Wrltias to an ea tern newspaper, wostern man has tWs to sayt a iog oaly 36. per cent of the population of tho United States it tilling the sell, there Is Httto boo for the OS per cent to get food any chcapr thin now. "I notice complaints about the in creasing cost ot llring the 20 to JO cents per pound for meat, 30 to 45 cents per pound for butter, the high price ot milk, oggs, bread, etc "This is only one ot tho penalties of humanity for huddling so closely on one spot ot this earth that they have not even got room to mote around on the surface, but burrow passages underground like ants to travel In.

North Dakota could take care of half of tbe population of the city of New York. Your meat could be bought for 3 cents per pound on the hoof. Your butter and milk yoj could got for feeding and milking a few cows, end plonty cf it, no pinching down to one quart per day for a family; your eggs for taking care of some hens la summer time they mostly take care ot themselves. Aa to bread, here are broad neres lo raise wheat, potatoes and vegetables, and an abundance of fresh air thrown in. "It locks like a paradox to us when the jelty dweller is crying that ho cant get work and tbe farms all oyer this broad west arc crying for help; when farming ca3, only Lo carried on by nslng tho most, expensive machinery and tho farmer for the uraruUy of help has to utlllzoUija children and family to the utmost to run his turns and machinery." It is slgnldoant that the advice thus given to the dweltar In tho over-crowded eastern metropolis; Is from a western man familiar with conditions in this put of tho United Htfttes.

Arizona olrs a wonderful chance to the setter wto is willing to woiV. No section of the country has a tetter present nor brighter future thati this sunshiny terrltiCT- Let the eastern city dweller who now teems ctvzzot, or rather believe? himself forced to cko out a fcaro living in the overcrowded community in which bis lot baa been cast, once hoar tho call of tho west In lUr true meaning and tho dawn or a glorlo-ji day ls at hand for him. WATTERSON'S TRIBUTE TO ANDREW JACKSON The following is taken from the Louisville Courier-Journal: "Because Andrew Jackson was born in the South and died the leader ot the Democratic party, the penmen of tho North holding the seat of publi-cation, and thus enabled disproportionately and sometimes falsely to Color tho history of the country. whilst monopolizing its literary opportunities and honors, have turned toward him tho cold shouldor. In the earlier days of his career, after it had a.

beginning Jackson was something of a sport. That was environment. He was a good deal of a dualist, nod had killed his mas. That was clr-enssataaee. very tragical Jn hi3 cose, ad ckavsteterteOe of the period and (the Soatk.

Yet the man was as re ligiously inclined as Calvin or Knox; the child ot poor. Protestant Irish emigrants; under fire sad wounded la battle when just entering his tns; a prisoner of war to be released without a penny, or a relative or a friend to face on the one side a patrician society and on the other a savage 11-derness. youth and first nan-hood had to overcome obstacles which make tho struggles and privations of Abraham Lincoln look like an electric-lighted highway to fortune and fame onward to a bed of roses. Honor to his name and memory this day. which brought such glory to his coun try and in spito of the sectional and the partisan, such Immortality to him." majority or not.

So tho deraocraU must not depend too much on repub lican- dissentlon for success. -Thi democratic party should need nothing more as an issue next fall than the miserable makeshift tariff revision which wa3 enacted by the republicans last summer. Dolsgato Cameron ought to be thankful Jast now that ho cannot be jouated either" with the standpatters or Insurgent la congress. Our ad-flee to Arizona's delegate is to lay low, like Brer Itabbit, and talk only for Arisona and the bill and not keep company with either the standpatters or tbe Insurgents. ine repu means in congress are still drafting bills for the adniseion of Arizona as a itate.

but thpc Mil seem to make slow progress. At last the Associated Press announced yes- mat fresmeat Tart had ap proved the last one prepared by Mr. Hamilton. Now let it go through In a hurry. The closing of tvclts In any part ot tne city BELIEVED to b0 contaml natcd with sewerage Is a pjbllc duty for the benefit of the public health, and when this Is the concensus ot opinion of majority ot the Cochise 4 County Hoard of Health, there Is no trasonabto cfctut longer delay.

Tho recommendations of lh0 Cochise County Hoard ot Health, addressed to tho City Council, which appear In an other column, should heeded forth with. If It wero totjiiti for anything bo mere dlMunllnM thai: Die apevtant. prewonte.i by the skunk cm the Poutc-IM Dispatch. wIjIIh on tho wllnens sland at Tomlmtono, It was liU declaration ypntflftjay th criticism of hi actions wss a Judttlnj? from the attlludo ot tht brugKsrt ho hnn not taVen occasion ns yet to acquaint himself with tho opinion of contempt eapmsed on every hand, The president again expresses the hope that the statehood bills will passed during the present session of congress. Delegate Cameron promised that the statehood bill would pass before last March If ho got Into congress.

He promised more in declar ing that if he failed to pass the bill before March 4, 1909, he would never ask for another vote in Arizona, Tho amount of moisture coming to Arizona during the past month certainly will be welcome to the farmers and stockmen of the territory. A man must He in the bed that he makes for himself. Chamberlain's Cough Itemed) never disappoints those who use It tor obstinate coughs, colds and- Irritations of tho throat and lungs. It no-r vailed as, a remedy for all throat and lung diseases. Sold by all drug-Rlits, WAiTTrOTus (I A .5 V' SaLtVl Af i.

I VZ7 The Swigcrt Bros. Optical Co1.) uumai inum orrauxs, 'J YOUM ftO.t- iznmtnf By CrORCE W. PERKINS. Financier ill pt as many of us have como to believe, co-operation in business is taking and should take tho place of ruthless competition, if this now order of things is better for capital and better for the consumer, then in order to succeed permanently it must demonstrate that it is BETTER FOR THE LABORER, and if profit sharing, pensions, insurance and the like mean anything they must mean co-operation between capital and labor, CO-OPERATION IN" THE BROADEST, 3IOST IIELPEUL AND ENDURING JORM. In all tho inventions and ingenuity that have been brought to bear on business affairs in the last quarter of a century nothing has been found to tako tho place of the human mind.

Nothing has been found to take the place of INDIVIDUAL INCENTIVE TO ACCOMPLISH HESULTS. Nothing has been found to take the place of a MAN'S ABILITY TO DO with a proper incentive behind that ability and no such substitute ever will bo found. It is, therefore, of tho utmost importance to American business interests of to day and tomorrow that every man in any given concern bo so associated with that concern that he will givo the BEST THERE IS IN ILLM to the performance of the" duties assigned to him. THERE IS A VAST DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE WORK THAT A HUMAN BEING PERFORMS IN A PERFUNCTORY, MACHINE-LIKE MANNER AND THE WORK THAT HE PERFORMS WITH A KEEN, LOYAL INTEREST IN WHAT HE 10 DOING, AND IN JUST THIS DIFFERENCE DOES SUCCESS COME TO THE INDIVIDUAL AND COME TO A LARGE CONCERN, IF IT CE SO FORTUNATE AS TO HAVE A FORCE OF INDIVIDUALS WHO ARC VORKING WITH THIS SPIRIT. If profit sharing means anything, if providing for old age means anything, if caring for those who become ill or injured while in the service means anything, it should mean the FOSTERING OF THE INTEREST OF MEN IN THEIR WORK, whether that work bo sweeping out tho office, shoveling coal or over a great commercial In short, it should mean HEAL CO-OPERATION BETWEEN STOCKHOLDERS, MANAGERS AND EMPLOYEES.

ttpsm i Women Teachers Io Not "feminize" Boys By Professor JOHN DEWEY of Columbia University. HERE is no more efficient body of workers in America They "fern- Price $4.50 Get One Today Don't Delay You can operate this iron at a less cost than by the use of fuel or gas, and you waste no heat. Keep yourself cool and your Iron hot at the same tin For Sale By Bisbee Improvement Co. than tho great armv of it3 women teachers. inize" boys? Nonsense! Or WHERE ARE OUR EF- FEMTNATE BOYS, if you please? THE NOTION THAT OUR SPLENDID WOMEN TEACHERS ARE MAKING MOLLYCODDLES OF THEIR BOY STUDENTS IS UTTERLY ABSURD.

WHY, WOMEN THEMSELVES ARE ANYTHING BUT MOLLYCODDLES IN THESE DAYS OF BASKETBALL AND ATHLETIC STUNTS" WITHOUT NUMBER! THEY'D OE THE FIRST TO DESPISE THE "FEMININE" BOY, INSTEAD OF PETTIMC HIM INTO BEING. The whole notion is an English pipe dream. Girls in England arc an ateoiuteiy suiti iiit TYPE. They are brought up to wait on their brothers by inches just as thoy are afterward supposed to wait on their husbands. Very likely a course of education under such gcotle yoting women would tend to "feminize" boys or make them bullies.

But English critics should not judge other girls by the kind they happen to know at home and then, to cap the climax, implant their own preconceived impressions on impressionable) Americans. That's adding insult to injury. Luckily, the big, common sense majority of AMERICANS PBEFER TO JUDGE WITH THEIR OWN EYES. That they don't believe women teachers are making weaklings of their sons is shown by tho MULTIPLICATION INSTEAD OF SUBTRACTION among tho ranks of those same teachers. American fathers and mothers WANT THE BEST and insist on having iL They simply wouldn't stand for the great majority of women who instruct their children unless they believed in those women.

That their belief is fully justified is my unhesitating assertion. Dried Fish There is nothing that is more appetizing for breakfast than nice dried and well-cured fish. Dried Herring Salmon Halibut Finnan Haddies Salt Mackerel Sardines BISBEE GOHMERGUL CO. Phone 97 Brewery Ave. mat nstires oney to L1 No Reason Why We Should Not Achieve Great Wealth.

By Chancellor JAML5 R. DAY of Syracu University. AMES J. HELL has been, warning us that we are making overuse of our opportunities and that extravagance is the result It is true wc are becoming somewhat lavish. We aro inventing things which are tremendously expensive, and these are BECOMING NECESSITIES.

An automobile costs as much as a homo in the suburbs, and wc mortgage the home to buy the automobile. It becomes a religious thing for people to stop, take account and set the bounds of their desires. THERE IS NO MORE REASON A MAN SHOULD NOT AND CANNOT ACHIEVE GREAT WEALTH THAN THAT HE SHOULD NOT ATTAIN GREAT SCHOLARSHIP. Within a certain degree there is a religious permission to MA USE OF THE THINGS GIVEN US. There is no religion in ixnnln making themselves look "Ugly.

It may 1 cxjecpd mm tho con- will surrender to President Tait rnthor than to give up tho pat- ronago for their district, bat it ls not to be oxpectod that tho Insurgent re publican senators -will bo bo easily suppressed. However, tho republicans) havo a hafclt of getting together oa election dajvregardless of nhcthci they agretr with the policies of the All Coals may look alike, Coals do not burn alike, There's quite a saving in the kind we sell. Try it and see. Prompt Deliveries Full Weight. MOORE FEL a FEED BISBEE, LOWELL, WAPREN TELEPHONES L-102.

That's All ARIZONA INS. AGENCY A. Hughes Manager Bank of Blsbee Bulldlpg. T. CLARENCE E.

KrinbiU TEACHER OF PIANO. 0'rector: Liebllng Piano Club. Stutllc, No. 1, Alta Vlslta, School HIL Phone 412. Have Your Flctures 'mrfuc at ir.e IS JBroadzcay Stutio J.

A. Taylor, Prop. Cor Broadway Ao. and Brewery Gulch. 1 Bisbee Suit Club and Cleanini Works.

Pressing Club. Four Suits Pressed per month, $2.00. First $1X0 paid In Suit Club' may win a $4000 suit of elotnes made, to order. Cleaning. Dyeing, Repairing- Upper Main Strest, next to Palace Undertaking Parlors.

Phone 305. L. L. Stewart. KODAKS Photo Supplier, Wholesale and Retail.

Develop. Ing, Printing, En larglng, Posta-pald both ways on Kodak work HOWLAND DEWEY 510 S3. Broadway, Los Angeles, CaL I 1 .1 i-1 "gJl" T7 feMil.

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