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Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona • Page 8

Arizona Republici
Phoenix, Arizona
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE ARIZONA REPUBLICAN, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTE3IDER 8, 1907. 8 There Is an evaporation from the nteht, through the pores and glands of. the skin. 1 ms is nature way oi maintaining the proper temperature of our bodies and of preserving the softness and flexibility of the skin, and so long as the blood is free from impurities no trouble will result When however, the blood, from any cause, becomes infected rith and Impurities these, too, must be expelled, mntiri- irith the delicate tissues and fibres with which the skin is so abundantly supplied they the enect IS snowa troubles Ot various emus. iavu.t luC "rt.

curified. This cannot be flone Wim external applications, uui iimra wu- ttmnt 55. S. is the best treatment for all Ekin diseases. OUlUklUuat It goes down into the circulation, neutralizes ana removes we numors ana Jva returned yesterday from California acids and thoroughly cures skin affections of every kind.

S. S. S. supplies points where they have been spending the blood with the proper nntritive qualities so that the skin instead of being the summer. irritated and diseased by unhealthy humors, is fed and sustained by cooling, Arthur c.ieason.

who spend last win-healthv blood. Book on Skin Diseases and any medical advice desired sent ter here, returned yesterday after ottttt enr-orc-m rn ITTJWTl'i summer in Oregon. iflJi I SOUTH SIDE NEWS TEMPE Frank W. Griffon. ppf ALWAYS ON TOP Eggs 25c Per Doz.

Wm. M. Goodwin Tempe Here! NORMAL AND PUBLIC SCHOOL STUDENTS. We are prepared to furnish you with all your school books and supplies. You will be given prompt attention and the best of service.

Laird Dines, Druggists, Tempe PHONE 231 Ladies' and Children's Goods J. J. HODNETT, 1 WITH EVERY PAIR OF SHOES FOR CHILDREN A nice Writing Tablet. Just the thing for school W. Lukin Cash Store TEMPE.

ARIZONA. Normal Students Attention School opens shortly; we carry the largest and most complete line of school books and supplies in Tempe. We are better able to serve 3Tou this year than ever before. Harmer' Drug Store Tempe Lots of flds Coming In We Want Yours Next Hyder Tempe TEMPE A WEATHER OBSERVER. J.

H. Cummings Officially Appointed to Report Conditions. Kaik-rs of The Republican may have noticed for the past day or two that tho driver's gauge at this point has been given in feet and tenths of feet. This report, which will be published daily so long as the river is above fording, is given The Republican each day by J. H.

Cummings and may be taken as absolutely correct He has been appoint ed by the I'nited States weather bureau as the official weather observer fori this section and a of his duty con- i Klst in making reading he 1 river gauge at the bridge. In oruer that I 'h grade n.l the work of the 8th will there shall be no misunderstanding, an hy Mum th'tf thus explanation is necessary. The reading 1 left "cnl- may be that some yesterday morning was 2.1 feet. That. th? ill prefer however, does not mean that there are lish, KO' sh W'U but 2.1 feet of water at the bridge but 1 1x5 t5 'th her'plaxe v.111 be that th.

re Is that much water flowing DJ" th new lca(her- 8 desir-above low water mark or zero. This ed member of the faculty be noint allv im the gauge was established there the river bed filled in some and the zero now means a little less than 1h tuVt foot mark on the pier so that while the tularly adapted for the work of that guage may record four five feet of Th( rt' are a there is in realitv something i now on loss than that. Bv remembering that! In-tM connection it might be staled the published reading of the guuge is i that tnrre a sr, at nbw sd many feet low water mark. I readers will there by be able to muke a reasonable estimate of Just how high the stream is running. 2.1 feet does not seem to be a great deal of water but at the same time it is enough to prevent fording at the bridge and no one has crossed there since the last raise.

Fords have been established 1 above and below that point, however, but neither of them may be considered good ones and not fit for public use. Mr. Cummings has also been supplied with an official rain gauge and hereafter will be able to reixirt after each storm of the amount of rainfall. He CURES crrm mem eve body going on continually, day and produce irritation and inflammation, and TCcf WW ft Holliday 4. Cooley MESA.

Tempe will also be able to tell what direction the wind blew and its velocity. PUBLIC SCHOOL OPENING. Selection of an Additional Teacher, Probably Tomorrow. 1 Principal Charles Alexander makes the announcement that the public school will tomorrow at the usual 1 hour. Iurir.g the summer a number of repairs have twen made to the build- ir.g.

The interior has been freshly tainted, new furniture and fixtures I have In-en ordered and a wash room has been placed in commission with an adequate sewerage system. It will be necessary for the board to 1 elect a new teacher to complete the Tuesday. The principal w.H take up the work of the 1 "M1 n'r pos'i'on anu case all are. with the 7th grade vacant, the appointment of the new teacher will be made with a view to having her par- Jear' ov'r r'r cent of me ii ixmks oemg aurereni irom me ones In use last year. P.oth drug stores now have a full supply on hand and will be prepared to do a rushing business for the next few days.

THE PICKEREL FUNERAL It was learned here yesterday that the remains of Watson Ph krell ill be brought to Tempe for interment. The funeral will probably be held here the latter part of the week possibly the first of the week following and will be.under the auspices of the lodges of which he was a member. Interment will be In the Double Butte cemetery where his wire was laid to rest two years ago. SHORT NOTES. Sirs.

A. J. Peters and son returned yesterifay from California where they have been summering. Miss Nell White of Yuma arrived re yesterday morning. She will com plete her work in the normal this year that was dropped when she entered the Indian service.

Maurice JSlome returned yesterday from Flagstaff where he has been spending the past month. He made the return triy by horseback. Skin's store will be closed all day i tomorrow on account of the Jewish holiday. Mrs. W.

H. Kasterwood and daughter I i Howard Wood, and family eam In from Ixis Angelas yesterday and will make their home for the present at the Hayden House. Mrs. Matthews and daughter Anna, returned yesterday from Santa Monica. Hoyte Carteledge.

an old time Tempe resident. Is here again for a short time from Old Mexico. Mrs. William Payne of Tueson. formerly Miss Lena Hartsfield of Tempe, was a visitor here yesterday.

Miss Olive Oriffen entertained the Clover Leaf club yesterday afternoon at a lawn party. Mr. and Mrs. A. A.

Walsworth left last evening for a month's visit in California. M. K. Chureh South. S.

M. Cheek, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. preaching at 11 a. m.

and 8 p. m. by the pastor, Kpworth League at 7 p. m. A hearty welcome to all.

NOTICE. 11 0en on the counter. We have bought the land known as an1 stepped outside. The bills were the Gram- Vineyard, situated 3 miles sticking out In plain sight, and there south of Tempe. All parties are warn-lwas sKht but Villegas.

He ed not to hunt, shoot, trespass, remove. a ten and a five dollar bill or damage anvthing on this property. from Pile and slipped them into his All offences will be punished to He was not c'Kht in the full extent of the law. Hughes and acf- but Mexican returned in a Garner. MfSA THEY ALL RETURN.

All good return to Mesa. You; can keeji them away. Three months ago Julio Leavitt disiio.sed of his ranch at Mesa and left with his familv for Uluowater. X. where several families from this section had located and who brought back gloAing de-j script ions of the beautr and fertility Jof the land.

This week Mr. Leavitt i brought famil: back to Mesa. A short residence in New Mexico was sufficient to cause Mr. Leavitt to see I that there was no place ouite so good for the farmer as the Salt River val-; ley. and he says that now he is satis-' fed to remain here.

He is mlv one iof many who have In the left I Mesa In search of the land flowing iiu inn ami nones out no later discovered tney had left the milk behind and the honey was scarce and hard to find. IN FIRM. A deal was closed yesterday by which Manning, of Holleywood. C'all- TEMPE ADVERTISEMENTS. Eggs $1.00 per setting or 33 per 10o from the le st strains of ISrown anil White Leghorns in the west.

Poultry Farm. C. W. Alexander, Prop. Tempe, Ariz.

Great Reductions We are offering ladies' and misses' canvas oxfords and straw hats at greatly reduced prices. We will let the straw goods go at your own prices to close. New York Cash Store, Tempe, Ariz. Casa Lorn a Hotel TEMPE, ARIZONA. Fine Rooms for the Summer at $15.00 Per Month DIAMONDS We have without a doubt the largest line of loose and mounted Diamonds in the southwest, and every stone is guaranteed perfect In every way.

A Diamond bought from us is as safe an investment as you can find. You take no chance on our poods, and as to the price, we will compete with any firm In the I'nited States. F. A. HILDERBRAN CO.

Jewelers SUCCESSORS TO H. COOK. 10-12 W. Washington St. Phoenix.

fornla, became one of the owners of the Hagerlund-Jones Hardware Co. He surchased the interest of A of A. A. Jones, who lias been connected with the firm ever since the store was opened in Mesa. Mr.

Manning Is an experienced business man, and will be given a hearty wecome to Mesa. J. W. Hagerlund retains his interest in the store. Mr.

Jones has many friends In I Mesa, and thev will be glad to know that he dues not intend to Jeuve the valley, but will probably engage in ranching. The hardware store will be 'closed several days this week while Ian inventory of the stock is taken. A MESA WEDDING. September is starting in well. A wedding a day Is not bad for a small city, and the Mesa young people are trving to reach that record.

Tester-day. Senorlta Conception Mendlbles, one of the Spanish-American belles of the town, was married to Tomas Nun- ox, nt the residence of Leo Ortiz. The Rev. Father from Tempe came over to perform the ceremony in accordance with the rites of the Catholic church. There was a grand banquet after the ceremony, and last night a dance was given in honor of the young people.

Papa Mendlbles was so proud of the success nf the wedding fiesta thut when he rode up town to nnnounce the event, nothing but the sidewalk was good enough for his cronco. and the police judge charged him the sum of ten dollars for the luxury. Mendlbles paid the fine without a mur.nur. He would have stood for a double dose if necessary, he was so happy. HONEST MAN GONE WRONG.

A Pnivigo Indian named Lucas VII-Iegas. who has been In Mesa for many years, and who had the entire confidence of all who knew him. sot into trouble yesterday. A Mexican forgot his pocketbook in the Babbitt store. new moments ami uncovered the shrinkage In his wealth.

He accused the Met lean. the latter denied having touched the pocketbook. The police Judge was called In and the marshal was told to take the Indian to the jail and search him. When Villegas stepped within the door ho reach ed down and drew the money from his shoe. He was locked up and later pleaded guilty.

The court assessed a fine of twenty dollars and then suspended a thirty day sentence over he head. Villegas lias often been entrusted with sums of money, and never before showeil symptoms of dishon- sty. He lays his moral lapse to the! fact that he had taken a few drinks of the white man's bad red medicine. PERSONAL NOTES. Miss Leona Heaston went to Koose-veit restcrdar where she will teach school the coming term.

J. J. Hodnett, who is engaged In business in and. Mesa, was in town yesterday with Mrs. Hodnett.

Mrs. Effie price and her granddaughter. Klo-a Midd'eton, returned yesterday from Olohe. where they ha'-o spent the summer. Richard ndolph.

from Rlsbee, Is now holding down the dough trav In Mesa's Miss Flora K'xins arrived from Tucson yesterday and is visiting with her old school ch'im. Mrs. J. E. Trane.

Jo. Miss Mary Rarkley will go phoenix today and tomorrow will enter the Tjimson business college. Miss liark-ley will take a general business course. MESA ADVERTISEMENTS. MONEY TO LOAN Plenty at 8 per cent In amounts to suit POMEROY KELLY Real Estate Agents.

MESA CITY. ARIZONA I We have on hand plenty of Bale Ties, Barbed Wire and Nails of all Kinds; also Car Buggies and Stude-baker Wagons, Powder Caps and Fuse. For anything you want, write 0. S. Stapley Co.

MESA ARIZONA. EL0RSHEIM SHOES "FOR THE MAN WHO CARES" It is a stylish well fitting shoe that Is suitable for all occasions. The Klorsheim shoe has a "touch of art" and a "dash of style" that is sure to appeal to young men and good dressers every where. See us before buying shoes for autumn and early winter. We are sole agents for this famous shoe, in Mesa.

THE TOGGERY MEN'S WEAR MESA ARIZONA Including stenography and typewriting. I Mr. and Mrs. Gu9 Barkler will arrive today from a few months visit to the coast. NEWS OF SCOTTSDALE.

Scottsdale, Sept. 6. (Special Corre-siondence of The Republican.) Mr. Uossmun arrived here a few davs ago from his summer vacation and is stopping with the tlravus. The George b.ys expected to return this week from their camping trip but tne river nas oeen too nigo io; to ford.

They must cross the river twice before reaching home. Mr. ai.d Mrs. It. W.

Martin come Uown from Cochise county and will visit here a short time then go on to Kansas Cltty. Muster James Vanderhoof fell recently while getting off a farm wagon and the hind wheel passed over his leg below the knee. No bones were broken but he hud a pretty sore leg. Tom, Caldwell Is overhauling and painting Mr. Brown's buggy and the store will have the swellest rig in town.

Mr. and Mrs. James P. Ivy visited in Scottsdale over night and went with a party from here to Granite Reef and the Arizona head. The trip wis a very pleasant one.

The road is fine. The people at Granite Keef are a very pleasant lot of men and took great pains to show and explain all details of tho work. The rise in the river has delayed some portions of the work for ten days. V. A.

V. MARVELOUS INVENTION CURES WEAK MEN Patent Granted by the United States Government. A new and scientific appliance Invented by L. H. Hiwley.

IX. will produce full manly power at first application. The effects are Immediate and startling to a high degree, develops, strengthens and cures lost vlg- or. Positfvelv no failures. I'hvsicians indorse and use it in their practice.

If you are the least skeptical as to the value of this remarkable treatment. rend for Illustrated circulars, take them to your family physician and get his opinion. Th's is the first time any one has requested you to take his circulars to your family physician. Why? Simply because he knows your physician will not recommend his treatment. Not so with this appliance.

Yur doctor will Immediately grasp the idea, and when he does, he will recommend it. Nothing like it has ever been sold before. It works the same on every individual. Send today for free descriptive circular of this wonderful instrument. The moment you see it you will realize its possibilities.

C. C. I. or free tri ll s. hemes to catch the unwary.

This Is a plain business proposition that will appeal to you as the greatest opportunity ever offered to those who are weak. Address L. B. Hawley. Wisner Building, R.tchester N.

T. Why does the law punish Smith who steals ten dollars and never lays hands on Jones who steals ten millions? Frof. Fountain Music stores Nos. 1 and 2. Special price for violin, mandolin and guitar lessons for the summer.

APPROPRIATOR'S CANAL COMPANY. Notice of Assessment. To the stockholders of the Appro-prlators' Canal Company, notice is hereby given, that at a meeting of the board of directors of the said Appro-priators' Canal company, held on August loth. 1507, an assessment (Xo. 2) of ten' (10) cents per share was declared levied upon each and every share outstanding and in rorce, or the said company, for urgent needs of the (company, and as provided and permit- ted under Article I or the articles e.

627.4 ft. to cor. Incorporation, for levying and coiiec- tlon or such assessment, bald assessment Is payable Immediately to the secretary, and any stock upon which said assessment has not been paid, on or before September 15th, 1907, will become and be forfeited, and the same cancelled on the company's books, in accordance with the said Article VI. JAMES P. 1VT.

EMIL GANZ, President. Secretary. notice to taxpayers. Notice Is hereby given to the taxpayers of the City of Phoenix. Maricopa county, Arizona Territory, that the original assessment roll of the said city of Phoenix for the fiscal vear beginning July 1, and ending June 3i, 1308.

has been duly filed in my office and Is now ready and open for public inspection. Notice is further given that the 'Board of Equalization the City of Phoenix will convene in the Council Chambers, at the city Hall of said city, on the second Monday in September, 137, at 7:30 p. m. and will continue in session from day to day thereafter until the business presented to 1 is disjHised of, sitting, however, not later than September 24. 1907, except that at the first regular meeting of the Common Council of the City of 1'lioenlx ia October 1907.

persons not attending the said board of equalization meetings in September aforesaid, may on making satisfactory affidavit that ther had not notice of increase of valuation of proerty as assessed to iheni In 1907.. be then heard thereon by said board. All matters relative to the equalization of assessments must be presented to said board during its said session. FRANK THOMAS. City Recorder of Phoenix, A.

T. Klrst imbllshed in The Arizona Republican, official city paper, September 1. 1907. Cement Works Use cement blocks for foundations, fence posts, pier caps, window sill and caps. Ranchers save money by dipping your fence posts in asphalt.

II your rwof is leaking a coat of asphalt will make it a good as new. M. L. VIEUX. MINING APPLICATION.NO.

271. United States Land Office. Phoenix. Arliona, July 29, 1907. Notice Is hereby given that Hualapal Copper Company has made application for patent for tho Hualapal No.

1, Hualapal No. 2, Hualapal No. 3, Hualapal No. 4, Hualapal No. 5, Hualapal No.

6. Hualapal No. 7, Hualapal No. 8. Hualapal No.

9, Hualapal No. 10v Hualapal 11, Hualapal No. Hualapal No. 13, Hualapal No. Hualapal Xo.

j- Hualapal No. Hualapal No. 19. Hualapal No. Hualapal no.

21. Hualapal No. Hualapal No. 23, No, Hualapal No. 25 lode claims.

Mineral Survey. No. 2353. located In the Moor Mining District. Maricopa County, Arizona, approximately in Township 8 North.

Range 3 East. Unsurveyed. Hualapal No. 1 hodc. Beginning at cor.

No. 1. the N.W. cor. U.S.L.M.

No. 2355 bears N. 1 degree 30 minutes E. 2127 feet. Thence S.

35 degrees 00 minutes W. 1C00 ft. to cor. No. 2.

Thence S. 38 degrees 00 minutes 6274 ft. to cor. No. 3.

Thence N. 33 degrees 00 minutes E. 1500 ft. to cor. No.

4. Thence N. 3S degrees. 00 minutes W. 627.4 ft.

to cor. No. the place of beginning. Hualapal No. 2 Lode.

Beginning at cor. No. the N.E.' U.S.L.M. No. 2335 bears N.

15 degrees OJ minutes E. H90.7 ft. Thence 33 degrees 00 minutes W. 1300 ft. to ccr.

No. 2. Thence S. 38 degrees 00 minutes W. S27.4 ft.

to oor. No. 3. Thence N. S5 degrees 00 minutes E.

15u0 ft. to cor. No. 4. Thence N.

38 degrees 00 minutes W. 627.4 ft. to cor. No. 1, the place of beginning.

Hualapal No. 3 Lode. Beginning at cor. No. 1, the N.W.

cor, U.S.L.M. No. 2355 bears N. 36 degrees 03 minutes E. 1407 ft.

Thence S. 35 degrees 00 minutes W. 13S9 ft. to cor. No.

2. Thence S. 38 dgrees 00 minutes E. 627.4 ft. to cor.

No. 3. Thence N. 35 the place of beginning, degrees 00 minutes E. 1389 ft.

to cor. I Hualapal No. 2i Lode. Beginning No. 4.

Thence N. 38 degrees 00 min-'at cor. No. 1, the S.W. cor, S.L.M.

utes W. 627.4 ft. to cor. No. the place i No.

2353 bears S. 37 degrees 18 min-of beginning. jutes W. 41S6.9 ft. Thence 29 de- Hualapal No.

4 Lode. Beginning at minutes E. 15M feet to cor. cr. No.

1, the N.E. cor, S.L.M. No. I N- Thence S. 28 degrees 00 mln-2353 bears N.

36 degrees 03 minutes E. utes E- S4S n- cor- fa Thence 1407 ft. Thence S. 35 degrees 00 min-I s- 29 degrees 42 minutes W. 1500 ft.

utes W. 13S9 ft. to cor. No. 2.

Thence I to cor- Thence N. 38 grees N. 38 degrees 00 minutes W. 627.4 minutes W. 648 ft.

to cor. No. 1. jo cor. No.

3. Thence N. 35 degrees 00 minutes E. 1389 ft. to cor.

No. 4. Thence S. 38 degrees 00 minutes E. at cor.

No. 1, the N.E. cr, U.S.L.M. 627.4 ft. to corj No.

1, the place ofiNo. 2355 bears N. 13 degrees 7 min-beginning. i utes E. 3379.5 ft.

Thence S. 59 de- Hualapal No. 5 Lode. Beginning at I irrees 22 minutes W. 1500 ft.

to cor. cor. No. 1. the N.W.

cor, U.S.L.M. No. 2- Thence S. 38 degrees 00 mln- 2355 bears N. 41 degrees 53 minutes it.tes E.

64.8 ft. to cor. No. 3. Thence W.

12i6 ft. Thence S. 35 degrees, 00 minutes W. 1300 ft. to No.

2. Thence S. 38 degrees 00 minutes E. 627.4 ft. to cor.

No. 3. Thence N. 35 th Place of beginning, degrees 00 minutes E. 1500 ft.

to cor. Hualapal No. 24 Lode. Beginning No. 4.

Thence N. 38 degrees 00 min- at cor. No. 1, the N.W. cor, U.S.L.M.

utes W. 627.4 ft to cor No. 1. t'ae place No. bears N.

6 degrees 20 min-of beginning. lutes E. 3987 ft. Thence S. 59 de- Hualapal No.

6 Lode. Beginning at grees 22 minutes W. 1300 ft. to cor. cor.

No. 1. the N.W. cor, U.S.L.M. No.

2. Thence S. 38 degrees 00 mln-No. 2335 bears N. 46 degrees 05 min-utes E.

604.8 ft. to cor. No. 3. Thence utes W.

581.99 ft. Thence S. 35 de-j N. 59 degrees 22 minutes E. 1300 ft.

greos 00 minutes W. 1300 ft. to cor. to cor. No.

4. Thence N. 38 degrees No. 2. Thence S.

38 degrees 00 min- 00 minutes W. 604.8 ft to cor. No. 1. utes E.

627.4 ft. to cor. No. 3. Thence I the place of beginning.

N. 35 degrees 00 minutes E. 1300 ft. Hualapal No. 23 Lode, Beginning to cor.

No. 4. Thence N. 38 degrees i at cor. No.

1, N.E. cor, U.S.L.M. 00 minutes W. 627.4 ft. to cor.

No. 1. No. 2233 bears N. 0 degrees 52 min-th place of beginning.

utes E. 4439.8 ft. Thence S. 59 de- Hualapal No. 7 Lode.

Beginning at KreeS 22 minutes W. 1500 ft. to cor. cor. No.

1. the N.W. cor, U.S.L M. No. x.

Thence S. 3S degrees 00 min-2355 bears S. 19 40 minutes utes E. 604 8 ft. to cor.

No. 3. Then ft. Thence S. 35 degrees 00 i x.

59 degrees 22 minutes E. 1500 ft. to minutes W. 1500 ft. to cor.

No. 2. 1 Cor. No. 4.

Thence N. 38 degrees 00 Thence S. SS degrees 00 minutes W. 604 8 ft. to cor.

No. 1. the 627.4 ft. to cor. No.

3. Thence N. 35 .1 11 A c- 11. iw vui.i iiualapal 22 Lode. Beginning at No.

4. Thence N. 38 degrees 00 xo. 1. the N.E.

cor, V.S.LM. No. Utes W. 627.4 ft. to cor.

No. 1. the 5135 bear N. dezreei 5S mlnnten place of beginning. Hualapal No.

8 Lode. Beginning at cor. No. 1, the N.E. cor, S.L.M.

No. I335 bears S. 19 degrees 40 minutes W. 96.8 ft. Thence S.

33 degrees 00 minutes W. 15'0 ft. to cor. No. 2.

Thence N. 38 degrees 00 minutes W. 627.4 ft. to cor. No.

3. 35 degrees 00 minues E. No. 4. Thence S.

38 Thence N. ft. to degrees 00 of 'beginning. Hualapal No. 9 Lode.

Beginning at cor. No. 1. the S.W. cor, U.S.L.M.

23 degrees 00 minutes W. Ill ft. to cor. No. 2355 bears N.41 degrees 53 min- No.

3. Thence S. 38 decrees 01 minutes W. 1206 ft. Thence N.

35 de-j utes E. 1S ft. to cor. No. 4.

Thence grees 00 minutes E. 1300 ft. to cor. No. S.

59 degrees 22 minutes W. 103 ft. 2. Thence S. 33 degrees 00 minutes E.

627.4 ft. to cor. No. 3. Thence S.

35 degrees 00 minutes W. 1500 ft. to cor. No. 4.

Thence N. 33 degrees 00 minutes W. 627.4 ft -to cor. No. 1, the place of beginning.

Hualapal No. 10 Lode. Beginning- at cor. No. 1.

the S.W. cor, U.S.L.M. No. County Recorder of Maricopa County. 2355 bears N.

46 degrees 05 minutes Arizona, as follows: Hualapal No. 1, W. 581.99 ft. Thence N. 35 degrees 00 Book 16 of Mines, pages 144-145.

Hual-minutes E. 1500 ft. to cor. No. 2.

apal No. 2. Book 16 of Mines, pages Thence S. 38 degrees 00 minutes E. 1 146-147.

Hualapal No. 3. Bool: 1 of 627.4 ft. to cor. No.

3. Thence S. 33 1 Mines, pages 14S-149. Hualapal No. degrees 00 minutes W.

1500 ft. to 4. Book IS of Mines, pages 150-151. cor. No.

4. Thence N. 38 degrees 00 Hualapal No. 5. vk 16 of Mines.

minutes W. 627.4 ft. to cor. No. 1, the place of beginning.

Hualapal No. 11 Lode. Beginning at cor. No. 1.

the S.W. cor, U.S.L.M. No. 2255 bears S. 19 degrees 40 minutes W.

96.8 ft. Thence N. 25 degrees 00 minutes K. 1500 ft. to cor.

No. 2. Thence S. 38 degrees 00 minutes E. 627.4 ft.

to cor. No. 3. Thence S. 35 degrees 00 minutes W.

15'iO ft. to cor. No. 4. Thence N.

33 degrees 00 minutes W. 627. ft. to cor. No.

1, the place of beginning. Hualapal No. 12 Lode. Beginning at cor. No.

1. the S.E. cor, U.S.L.M. No. 2355 bears S.

19 degrees 40 min- utes W. 86.8 ft. Thence N. 35 degrees 00 minutes E. 1500 ft.

to cor. No. Thence N. 38 degrees 00 minutes W. 627.4 ft.

to cor. No. 3. Thence S. 33 degrees 00 minutes W.

1500 ft. to cor. No. 4. Thence S.

33 degrees 00 minutes E. 627.4 ft. to cor. No. 1, the place of beginning.

Hualapal No. 13 Lode. Beginning at cor. No. 1.

the S.W. cor, U.S.L.M. No. 2355 bears S. 78 degrees 46 minutes W.

1098.7 ft. Thence N. 35 degrees 00 minutes E. 1500 ft. to cor.

No. 2. Thence S. 38 degrees 00 minutes E. 627.4 ft.

to cor. No. 3. Thence S. 35 degrees 00 m'nutes W.

1500 ft. to cor. No. -4. Thence N.

38 degrees 00 minutes W. 627.4 ft. to cor. No. 1, the place of beginning.

Hualapal No. 14 Lode. Beginning at cor. No. 1.

the S.W. cor, IT.S.L.M. No. 2355 bears S. 57 degrees 11 minutes W.

1523 ft. Thence N. 35 degrees 00 minutes E. 1500 ft. to cor.

No. 2. Thence S. 33 degrees 00 minutes E. 627.4 ft.

to cor. No. 3. Thence S. 35 degreesc 00 minutes W.

1500 ft to cor. No. 4. Thenc-e N. 38 degrees 90 minutes W.

627.4 ft. to cor. No. 1, the place of beginning. irunhinal Nn 11 Twte Recfnnini.

No. 235S bears S. 34 degrees 05 minutes W. 1592.61 ft- -Thence N. degrees 00 minutes E.

1500 ft. to cor. No. S. Thence S.

38 degrees 00 minutes E. 627.4 ft to cor. No. 3. Thence S.

35 degrees 00 minutes W. 1500 ft. to cor. No. 4.

Thence N. 38 degrees 00 minutes W. 627.4 ft to cor. No. 1.

the place of beginning. Hualapal No. 16 Lode. Beginning at cor. No.

1, the S.E. U.S.L.M. No. 2355 bears S. 34 degrees 05 mln- 12, utes W.

1593.61 ft. Thence N. 35 de-14, 'grees 00 minutes EL 15o0 ft. to cor. lg, No.

2. Thence N. 3S degrees 00 minis, utes W. S27.4 ft. to cor.

No. 3. Thence 10, S. 35 degrees 00 minutes W. 1500 ft.

22, to cor. No. 4. Thence S. 3S degrees 24 i 00 minutes E.

627.4 ft. to cor. No. 1. the place of beginning.

i Hualapal No. 17 Lode. Beginning at cor. No. 1.

the S.W. cor, i I No. 2335 bears S. 52 deres 43 min utes W. 2951.C ft.

Thence N. 2 degrees 42 minutes E. 13)0 ft. to cor. No.

2. Thence S. 38 degrees 0 minutes E. (48 ft. to cor.

No. 3. Thence S. 29 degrees 42 minutes W. 1300 TU to cor.

No. 4. Thence N. 38 degrees 00 minutes W. 648 ft.

to cor. No. the place of beginning. Hualapal No. 18 Lode.

Beginning at cor. No. 1. the S.W. cor, No.

2355 bears S. 41 derrees 7 minutes W. 3005.8 ft. Thence N. 29 degrees 42 minutes E.

1500 ft. to cor. No. 2. Thencat S.

38 degrees 0" mln- utes E. 4 ft. to cor. No. 3.

Thence S. 29 degrees 42 minutes W. 1500 ft. to cor. No.

4. Thence N. 38 degrees 00 minutes W. 648 ft. to cor.

Nx the place of beginning. iiualapal AO. 13 Lode. Beginning at cor. No.

1. the S.W. No. 2355 bear3 S. 4 degrees 00 minutes W.

4372.2 ft. Thence N. 29 degrees 42 minutes E. 1300 ft. to cor.

No. 2. Thence S. 38 degrees 0 minutes E. 648 ft.

to cor. No. 3. Thence S. 29 degrees 42 minutes W.

1300 ft. to cor. No. 4. Thence N.

38 degrees 00 minutes W. 648 ft. to cor. No. the Place of beginning.

HuatepU No. 21 Lode. Beginning N. 59 degrees 22 minutes E. 1300 ft.

to cor. No. 4. Thence N. 38 degrees 00 minutes W.

604.8 ft. to cor. No. place of beginning. 1 E.

3234.2 ft. Thence S. 59 degrees 22 minutes W. 13C0 ft. to cor.

No. 2 Thence S. 38 degrees 00 minutes 11 604.8 ft. to cor. No.

3. Thence N. 59 degrees 22 minutes E. 1300 ft. to cor.

No. 4. Thence N. 28 degrees 00 minutes W. 604.8 ft.

to cor. No. the 1 place of beginning. Hualapal No. 23 Lode.

Beginning at cor. No. 1. U.S.L.M. No.

2333 bears No. 1, thejN. 42 degrees 42 minutes" E. 2717 Thence S. 38 degrees 00 minutes ft.

E. 1 9S0.S5 ft. to cor. No. 2.

Thence S. to cor. No. 5. Thence N.

2S degrees 1207.2 ft. to cor. No. 07 minutes W. 6.

Thence N. 59. degrees 22 minutes E. 1 ft. to cor.

No. 1, the place of be ginning. The locations of these claims are recorded in the Mining Records of the pnges 151-153. Hulapal No. 6.

Book. 16 of Mines, pages 133-154. Hualapal No. 7. Bok 16 of Mines, pagos 135-156.

Hualapal No. 8. Book 16 of Mines, pages 157-158. Hualapal No. 9.

Book 16 of Mines, pages 159-160. Hualapal No. 10, Book 16 of Mines, pages 161-142. Hualapal No. 11.

B.ok 16 of Mines, pages 163-164. Hualapal No. 12. Book 16 of Mines, pages 165-166. Iiualapal No.

13. Book of Mines, pages 167-163. Hualapal No. 14, Book 16 of Mines, pages 169-170. Hualapal No.

15. Book 16 of Mines, pages 171-172. Hualapal No. 16. Book 16 of Mines, pages 173-174.

Hualapal No. 17. Book 16 of Mines, pages 174- 176. Hualapal No. IS.

Book 16 of Mines, pages 176-178. Hualapal No. 19. Book 16 of Mines, pages 179-1SO. Hualapai No.

20. Book 16 of Mines, pages 1R1-1S2. Hualapal No. 21. Book 16 of Mines, pages 573-575.

Hualapal No. 22. Book 16 of Mines, pages 575-577. Hualapai No. 23.

B.ok 16 of Mines, pages 577-579. Hualapal No. 24. Book 16 of Mines, pages 5S0-51. Hualapai No.

25, Book 16 of Mines, pages 5S2-583. The adjoining cjalms are the Sunny-side Lode, unsurveyed. and the Belcher lode. Survey No. 2193.

on the west of the Hualapal No. 23; the Oriole lode, unsurveyed, on the west of the Hualapal No. 22: Navajo No. 1 lode on the west of the Hualapal No. 21 lode: Navajo No.

2 lode on the west of the Hualapai No. 24 lode; Navajo No. 3 lode on the west of the-fluplapal No. 25 lode; Jumbo No. 1 lode, unsurveyed.

on the north of the Hualapal No. 19 and Hualapal No. 20 lodes, and. as far as known, there are no other adjoining claims, and. except as stated, the claims are bounded by United States Government lands.

LYMAN W. WAKE FT ELD. Register. Box 192. Phoenix, Arii.

at cor. No. the TV u.3.L.4Li.

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