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The Arizona Sentinel from Yuma, Arizona • Page 3

Yuma, Arizona
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Arizona Sentinel. Wednesday, no v. 20,1001. WEATHER REPORT. Fr the week ciding Tuesday, Nov.

10. 1901, YUMA, ARIZONA. Relative Tempera- Huinidity. tare 3 a in 5 ni Max. Mln.

33 SI 40 Go 21 T8 50 29 32 52 49 30 Si 52 56 29 SO 48 53 22 80 57 78 25 tl 54 55 25 .80 50 DayofWcck. Wednesday; Thursday. Fridoy. Saturday Sunday Monday. Rainfall for the week, Accumulated cxcss3 of tcniper'aturd for the week, 18 degrees.

S. HACKETT, Ofllcial in Charge. KEEP YOUR EYE ON YUMA. Miss D. S.

Oheate is employed as saleslady at Darling's jewelry store. Electric fcel ts at Cotter's drug store. Louie iaeger, proprietor of the S. P. hotel, was in town from Nogales Sunday.

For fine stationery at eastern prices go to Cotter's drug store. A. Bienkowski arrived from Nome last night, looking as young and happy as ever St. "Louis' beer5 Constantly on draught at The Ruby. fiugene Sanguinetti will leave Sunday morning for San Francisco on a business trip.

Complete line of Havana, Mexican jwd domestic cigars at Tohirii's. Billy DaviSj who returned from Nome last week, left on Monday rooming for the'Philippine Islands. When you come to towri call at The Ruby and see the latest. Dick Reynolds, an attache of the customhouse atNogales, was here Sunday his children. M'itiihg locations, conforming to the new mining laws, for sale at the Senti-.

nel office. Fresh cookies and crackers at Sbcrcv's. T. A. Diamond and D.

L. Diamond, prominent citizens cf Los Angeles, are-. stopping at Hotel Gandolfo. Yellowstone and Monogram whisKfeg at The Ruby, C'dptaiii Frazier has moved upon Ots ranch in the Yuma valley and is now enjoying the pleasures of a rancher's life The Ideal fountain pen. the only perfect oue made, at Cotters drug store.

George U. Wilder has opened a real estate office on Main street near the ttt hall-and- is-doing-a-thriving Fine confectionery at Tonini's. Fresh from the factory. Albert Townsend is now cn the Los Angeles and Yuma ran, filling the position of extra express messenger on the S. P.

If yo have real estate or canal stock for sale, call and sec C. D. Baker, real estate agent, Hotel Gandolfo office. "Married, by Probate Judge Frank, Monday, Nov. 18th, Harvey Fox and Bertha Gerueinder, both of Los Angeles.

Cal. Want to play billiards or pool? Yes? Well, then, go the Wig-Warn. A Kansas editor says: "Owing to the overcrowded condition of our' columns number of births and. deaths were unavoidably postponed this Week." Tonini handles the Parker Jointless Fountain pen, the best there is made. The ink is carried directly to the point of the pen, and will not leak as most fountain pens do and soil the hands.

Frank Jordan and Ben Heyl returned from Phoenix last Friday where they have been in attendance upon the United States district court as trial Mrs, W. S. Bowman's handsome sre- ter, Miss Rosa Nsrir, from Los Angeles, is in the eity and will remtvin during the winter visiting with her sister. J. D.

MeadGws and family returned last Wednesday morning from Tulare, where they went a couple of weeks ago on a combined business and pleas-tire trip. The Independent Order of Foresters will give social at their hall Friday evening. Music and other entertainment will be provided. All Foresters, both ladies and gentlemen, are invifed. Mrs.

Simony mother of Mrs. Volpin, arrived from San Francisco on Friday evening's train and will remain during the winter visiting with her daughter. K. L. Martin of Hedges is in the city on the way to Picacho.

where he will assume the position- of chief engineer the California King Gold Mines Company. H. C. Daupt, assistant superintendent of the D'a, Fortuna was in town Tuesday on business pertaining to the postal department. Ho returned to Fortuna' the same" evening.

Yuma Lodge No. AV 0. U. is making extensive preparations for a grand ball to be given at Elks' hall on Thanksgiving evening. It promises to be one of the big events of the season.

The land contest of Cash Smith against Ward Priest has been having a hearing before W. E. luarvin, commissioner, the past week. The land in cuest'ion is a homestead entry ruade by Mr. Priest in Yuma valley.

George C. Bftan, has resigned his position as manager for the Modesti Cold Storage and Ice Plant and has returned fo Los Angeles, his old home. George's many friends in Yuma wish bin success ho may be. New Masoriie Officers. The Masonic grand lodge at Prescott elected the following officers: J.

J. Sweeney, grand mastei'i F. M. Zuck, deputy grand mastei; J. 8.

Cromb, senior grand Vrarden; il. W. treasurer: Georee K. Eoskruffe. frrand secretary.

The appointive officers have not yet been announced. Phoenix has beeh selected as the meeting place for the lodge next year; A Great Statesman's Secret. The secret Of a celebrated statesman's long life was his systematic way of eating. Every bite of food was chewed thirty times before swallowing. The result was he naturally enjoyed good health.

Most men and women bolt theif food, and eat things which were never" intended to be eaten. They become costive, have a bad complSxion, lose flesh, and irritable and nervous, End the first thing they know they are played out." It is gratifying to know that Hosteller's Stomach Bitters cures stomach troubles. It is a purely vegetable medicine that has stood the test for fifty years: It cures cases which seem to be hopeless. Sufferers from any disorder of Stomach, liver or bowels should try it. Advertised Letters.

List of letters remaining unclaimed in Yuma postoffice, week ending Nov. 20, 1901: Aldrize, Archulita, Brown, Dewit Binford, Amos Corral Guadalue Cemaya, Lipa Castro, Jesus Cesena, Diego Felis. Juan Kostean, Herman Lorona, Catalina Moore, Crawford McKinley, Mrs Abner Munos, Gertrude Mollinado, Maaiana Palma, Pedro Rodriguez, Jno Ramirez, Paz Sandoval, Pedro Persons calling for above letters will please say "advertised." R. H. Chandler, Pi M.

Spread Like Wlldtire. When things are "the best" they become "the best selling." Abraham Hare, a leading druggist, of Beilev.HIe, writes: "Electric Bitters are the best selling bitters I- have handled in 20 years. You khow why? Most diseases begin in disorders of stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, blood ank nerves. Electric Bitters tones up the stomach, regulates liver, kidneys and bowls, purifies the blood, strengthens the hence cures multitudes of maladies. It builds up the entire system.

Puts new life and vigor into any weak, sickly, rundown man or woman. Price 50 cents. Sold at Cotter's drujr store. Social at Crane's School House. The ladies in the Crane school district, No.

13, will have a pie social Saturday evening at. the school house for the benefit of the schooi. A short musical programme will be rendered and other amusements will be indulged in. Everybody is invited, and the ladies are especially invited to bring pies. Atillions Given Away.

It is certainly gratifying to the public afraid to be generous. The proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles and have the satisfaction of ktiowing it has cuied thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, La Grippe and all Throat, Chest and Lung diseases are surely cured by it. Call at Cotter's drug store, and get a free trial bottle-Regular size 50c and S1.00.

Every bottle guaranteee. Dan McLaughlin Asphyxiated. The following press dispatch is taken from the Los Angeles Herald of last Saturday: San Francisco, Nov. 15. Daniel McLaughlin, who came to California about two years ago from Chicago, and who was recently employed on the Los Angeles Herald, was accidentally asphyxiated in his room last, niht and is now in the receiving hospital in a precarious condition.

McLaughlin did not extinguish the gas when he retired and it is believed that a gust of wind blew the light out, permitting the gas to fill the room. The physicians worked on him for hours before he showed favorable siirns of returning animation. McLaughlin was especially engaged to assist Lou Houseman, the sport ing editor of the Chicago Inter-Ocean, in reporting the Jeffrics-Ruhlin fight tonight. Dan McLaughlin was well known in Yuma, having lived here a couple of years. He was for a time in the employ of Mayor Shanssey.

He was of a quiet, rather retiring disposition, but under the influence of genial companionship was a bright conversationalist and a good entertainer. He left here about two years ago, going first to Los Angeles, where he was employed on the Times, later going to Chicago. His many friends here hope that he may soon rccoveiv To The Public. Allow me to say a few words in praise of Cnatuberlain's Cough Remedy. I can recommed it with the utmost confidence.

It has done good work- for me and will do the same for others. I had a very severe cough and cold and feared 1 would get pneumonia, but after takiug the second dese of this medicine I felt better, three bottles of it cured my eold ond the pain3 in my chest disappeared entirely. I am most respectfully yours for health, Ralph S. Meyers, Wheeling, W. Va.

For sale by P. Cotter. Firemen--Attention. A special-meeting of the Yuma Fire Department is hereby called for Saturday, Nov. 2Jrd, at 7.30 p.

m. for the consideration of important Thos. D. Mglloy, President. T.

N. Day, Acting Chief. W. Shore Secretary. Communicated.

War's Longing For the Native Hills. Oh, for a stroll amongst my native hills as they were sixty-eight years ago in their native virginity, in their native borers by the gushing spring, along the bubbling: brook as it winds down the mountain side. Amongst the giant pines and oaks and chestnuts, dogwood and red bud, of a lovely spring morning when the sun first kisses the forest and the sunbeams are glistening in the djvdrops, all the flowers smile at his appearance: and the woods and mountains ring with the songs of beautiful birds; by the babbling brook that wanders the green glades o'er; when the winds crl spring to the violets sing and the wo'ods is strewn with flowers, and the soft and balmy breezes arc lad-ened with the sweet songs of returning spring, and the leaves are painted with freshest and brightest shades of green, gracefully rustling to the gentle zeph- yrs.and the tall, graceful, majestic trees bowing to the breeze, and the squirrels disporting themselves jumping from tree to tree, and the bees humming amongst the flowtTS, and the butterflies bathing. in the sun and displaying their gaudy colors. But alas! the withering hand of time and the blighting breath of cruel war has blighted and defaced the glory ahd beauty of one of nature's most charming scenes.

For here amidst these lovely bowefs was fought the historic, cruel and desperate battle of South Moun tain. Here they charged and recharged! The forest was strewn with the dead and dying. Over that sacred spot where I played in childhood and innocence, those native hills were bathed in human gores The wrath of man left them a charnal house, a desolated spot. The native songsters, the deer and 'pos-num fled And the rains are made of women's tears That from women's eyelids fall, And the winds are made "of sobs and sighs; and where ere you tread you tread on dust that once was living man. Oh, how sad- to on the cruelty of war! How much of the earth has been bathed in human gore! How many millions, -hundreds of millions, have been sacrificed on the cruel altar of fanaticism, ignorance, prejudice and superstition! How sad that man alone, of ail created beings, is the "worst enemy of man! That all the nations of mankind are spending mere to produce- destructive machinery to destroy man than for every other purpose.

There is perhaps more in weapons of destruction of that class than any other. A. L. That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills.

Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and" Nervous Headaches. They make pureJblcod and build up your health. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold at Cotters drug store.

Crushed Under Freight Wagon. Dan Devore, who came in Thursday morning, furnishes information of a fatal accident which happened to an old miner about a mile from Fortuna. He was riding off one of Morris Stiles' heavy freight wagons and being very much intoxicated, fell from the wagon and one of the wheels passed over his head, crushing it and killing him instantly. An inquest was held on the body and a verdict rendered in accordance with the facts as above stated. Deceased was a stranger, and but little pould be learned about him except that he was a miner.

His name is supposed to be Frank Lee and his age 60 years. Great Luck of An Editor. "For two years all efforts to cure Eczema in the palms of my hands failed," writes Editor H. N. Lester, of Syracuse, "then I was wholly cured by Bucklen's Arnica Salve." It's the world's best for Eruptions, Sores and all skin diseases.

Only 25c at Cotter's druer store. Court Continued to January 6. As per order of Judge Street theidis-trict court ad joumed until Monday, December 2nd, 1901, will on that date be further adjourned until Monday, January 6 1902. John Doan, Court Commissioner. More Railroad Material.

Several more cars of rails for the Picacho railroad came in over the S. P. last Friday, tinder the supervision of Harry Leonard- the rails were nnloaded at the foot of Main street, and will be transported up the river by the Colorado Steam Navigation Company. Thanksgiving Dinner. The Ladies' Aid Society of the M.

E. church will serve dinner on Thanksgiving day in the room next door to Rimpaa's store. If you haven't provided for a turkey dinner at home, here's your cnanec to contribute your mite to a worthy societv. Read This. As unscrupulous persons persist in misleading the public I wish to state that without exception I do not wholesale bread to any store in Yuma, nor to the restaurants, except to the Exchange Cafe and the Southern Pacific hotel.

W. Shokey, Prop'r Yuma Bakery. Notice. Ail persons found violating the city fire ordinance will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. J.

H. Shanssey, Mayor. For Sale. Water rights in the Irrigation, Land and Improvement Co. (Ludy) canal, by UG, "Wilder.

Box J6, Yuma, Arizona. ROLL OF HONOR, The following is a list of pupils of the Yuma public schools who were neither tardy nor absent during the present month: first bnAnn, Albert Aune, Josefa Reyes. Jose Avlla, Emily Reynolds, Chona Bnlsz, KloisaTapla Maria Bedoy, Rbbcr la Tapla; Rafael Bedoy, Elvn Westfall, Julia Burke, Alfredo Carmelo, Ygnacio Carmelo, Austin Cawley, Frank Dc Grande, Cnrmelltn. Do Mara, Ventura I)e Mara Eleanor Dunne, Jose Juan Elht, Amelia Godfrey, Ellen Juhl, CliaTles Leroy Bonnie I eroy, Erininia MeJIu. Angelina Modesti, Alfonso Molina, Anita Monjc, Emilia Navarro, Frildencla Nnvarro; Santiago Neallf, Lizzie Nolan, Henry Froctor.

MARY J3. POST, Teacher. SECOND GRADE. Hiram Bowen, Maude Franklin, Isabel Carrasco; Albert MelntyiY; Horacio Redondo, Ethel ReifF, Laurie Rel IV, Alfred Meedcn, Jhirics Nolan, Mary Westfall. EDNA GREENLEAF, Teacher.

TIIIKD GRADE. Lucille Elliott, Mnude Spear, George Proctor, Frank Daniel, Roscoe De Vane, Stephen Gandolfo, FOURTH GRADE. Emilia Lopez, Charles FrocJor, Sara Reynolds' Decker. JENNIE KENT, Teacher, FIFTH CRADE. Mnurlfic Elliott, Charles Connor, Albert Thurnian, Addle Ingalls, Isabel Jones, Howard Franklin, Stella Fleree, Lena Aune, Julius Levy, Edith Townsenti: MARGARET HARRINGTON, Teacher.

TKKTH CRADE. Anita Post, Maude Lynch, Dick Johnston, Josie Williams. GEO. E. MORRILL, Principal, Fcr Rent.

Dwelling house, Madison avenue and First street. Call at the Sentinel oflice. H. E. Fairman of-Falomas arrived at Hotel Gandolfo Tuesday evening from Los Angeles, where he has been rusticating for the pust month.

Eddie Baker, one of the pioneer ranchers and cattle men of the Mohawk valley, came in from Antelope Tuesday morning, returning Tuesday night. Farm lands, town property, residences and all kinds of real estate bought, sold and rented by the Yuma Title Abstract Company, Bank of Yuma Building, Second street. Hotel Gandolfo is admitted to be one of the best houses on the coast. American or European plan. Fine meals are served in the cafe, where you order what you want ad pay for what you get.

Mrs. R. P. H. Eaney, a niece of Miss Bessie Munn, of San Jacinto, is in Yuma and will remain during the winter visiting with her aunt.

Miss Bessie has many friends in Yuma and will be a great favorite with the social circles of the city. Barney Meeden has been in town visiting -with his parents. His many friends in Yuma were pleased to meet him and see him looking so well. Barney is holding down a position with the M. J.

Nugent mercantile establishment at Kofa, King of Arizona mining-district. Peter and George Hodges left for up river last Saturday. The Hodges boys have just completed a sale of some mining property for $80,000, and are now looking for another mine. The Sentinel wishes them good luck; they are good boys and deserving of all the good things of life. The appraisement of the old quartermaster's property has been postponed on account of the claims of the Ives canal and the Polhamus property.

The appraisei's have reported the matter" to the department and are waiting for instructions before proceeding with their work. Commissioners Creighton and Latham have returned to Phoenix. Mr. J. D.

Schuyler, a prominent civil engineer of California, is in Yuma, in consultation with Captain Ingalls with reference to the improvement of the Rollins-Ives canal property. If Mr. Schuyler reports favorably this property will be put in first-class condition at once. Ex-Mayor R. J.

Duncan arrived Sunday morning from Tucson. His principal business hero was to look after his property interests in Yuma. He spent one day in the city and a good deal of that time was taken up in responding to the greetings of his many friends. Mr. Duncan returned to Tucson on MonTlay evening's train.

Hon. Burt Dunlap, chairman of the live stock sanitary board, is in Los Angeles, where he and- his family arc detained und6r quarantine regulations, the Hon. Burt having developed a case the doctors pronounce varioloid. He will be all right in a few days and" permitted to journc3' homo. Col.

Dick Darling, who has bsen stopping in Yuma for the past ten days, left Tuesday eveuing for Quartzite via Palomas andHarrisburg. Col. Darling met C. W. Grassel, a prominent mining" man from Cleveland, Ohio, at the train who accompanied him to Quartzite for the purpose of examining some mining property owned by Col.

Darling and others, situated in the Tyson mining district and reported to be very valuable. Mrs. Greene and two children and her sister, Miss Vcrnie Graham, daughters cf J. H. Graham of this city, arrived Sunday morning from Michigan-and will remain during the winter with their father.

Miss Bessie and Howard with Grandpa "Jim" called at the Sentinel office this morning and said they thought the Sentinel's Parson, was all right. The Sentinel extends a welcome to Mrs. Green and Miss Graham, who will prove quite an addition to the social circle of Yuma, DEALER IN Fine Confectionery, Fruits, Nuts, Vegetables, Tdbaccoand Cigars. BMBEH SHOP' in connection with the place. COR.

MAIN AND SECOND STREETS Col. John S. Speer, superintendent of the Fort Yinna Indian school, and P. E. Carr and Frank Sullivan, erH ployes of the school; returned ThurS1 day morning from Phoenix, where they had been as witnesses before the United States grand jury.

The particular case iu which they were summoned was that of the three Yuma Indians, charged with interfering with officers of the Indian school while the latter were returning to the school wilh three girls who had run away from the i2sti: tution. The case was dismissed by the grand jury, whose action was no doubt influenced by a recent ruling of the Interior department which abrogates a ruling made by former Secretary Browning, and makes it optional with Indian children to attend any school or no sohool, as they pleased. Such action cn the part of the interior department will unquestionably be deti'imeutal to the government Indian schools, and for that reason is to be reprrett-d. School Notice. Notice is hereby given that the quarterly meeting of th board of school examiners for the purpose of examining applicants for teachers' certificates will be held at the public school house' in Yuma on the first Monday in' December December 2nd, 1901.

A. Frank, Probate Judge and ex-Otficio Superintendent of Public Instruction of Yuma Arizona Territory. First pub. Nov. 20.

td Elmer Kane, a well known miner; who went to Alaska from Yuma in 1898, returned a few days ago and proposes to again try his luck in Yuma county. Mr. Kane thinks that if Arizona's climatic conditions prevailed at Nome the country thereabouts would be great for the miner, but the shqrt season in which the miner can work and other difficulties in the way of profitable mining which are not encountered here, make Arizona far superior for the average miner. Mrs. Alfreda Mercer, who was convicted and sentenced to six months' confinement in the territorial prison at the last term of the United States court, at Phoenix, for violation of the Edmonds act, was brought down by Deputy Marshal Wells last Saturday.

Mrs. Mercer is the mother cf several children, and strange to say, her husband stood by her to the last. A week or two ago the Sentinel credited the arrival of a daughter at the home of Althee Modesti and wife, and we hasten now to retract the statement, to avoid trouble. Mr. Modesti assures us that the youngster is a boy and in time will cast a democratic vote.

If democracy keeps- on gaining in the future as it has in the past, we are not for statehood by a long shot. Mr. T. A. Dimond of Los Angeles, teacher of music, is in Yuma and expects to start a class here.

He was leader of the following mandolin and guitar clubs: Elite, Eureka and T. A. Dimond's in Pasadena, and the Her-mosa Trio in Lcs Angeles. He has been connected with the Fitzgerald Music Co. of Los Angeles and is their Yuma representative.

Orders taken' for pianos and small instruments and ev erything in the music line. 2tf NOTICE. In the Probate Court of the County of Yuma, Territory of Arizona. In the Matter of the Estate of Ygnacia G. Figuerba, Althee Modesti, executor of the estate of Ygnacia, G.

Figueroa, deceased, having filed his petition herein, duly verified, praying for an order of sale of all the real estate of said decedent, for the purpose therein set forth, it is therefore ordered by this court that all persons interested in the estate of said deceased appear beforo stud' court on Saturday, the seventh day of December, 1901, at 10 o'clock ji. m. cf said day, at the court room of said court, in the town and county of Yuma, A rizona, to show cause why an order should not be granted- to said executor to sell the said real estate" of the said deceased, at private sale; and thatva copy of Shis order be published in the Arizona weekly paper printed and published in this city irad county. Dated this 6th day of November, 1901. A.

FRANK, Seal Probafe Judge. First piib. Nov. 6, 1901 tl Notice for Publication Homestead Entry No. 3G42.

Dcpartmcat oi the Interior, Iiand Ofilce at Tucson, Arizona, Ost. 5, ISOl. Notide isr hereby given thr.t the followintr-' nained i-cttlcr has tiled notice of his intention to make Anal proof in support 6f his clnihii anft that said proof ue made before the Clerk of the District Court at Yuma; Arizona, on Saturday, December 7, 1901, viz: Frank WVbstcr, of Yuma, Arizona, for the W. Sec: 7, T. 0, S.

H. 23 Gv S. B. M. Ho names the following -witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation-of said land, viz: G.

Wilder and itcbert S. Hatch, oil of Yuma, Arizona. MILTON K. MOORE, Rcgibter. First.

PuWlciviicn Oct 33- 1S0U rg YUMAA, ARIZ, sa Telephone 218 Gandolfo Cash Stores JOHN GANBOLfO. Proprietor Dealer in General Merchandise delivery to any part quality as well as price guaranteed Wagons, Carriages, Buggie-sncl all kinds of Farming Implements sold on small WE SOLICIT YOUR VALUED PATRONAGE Your If he has, try Riinpaii try him anyway. He can Suit you with a Fit and Fit you with a Suit every time. First-class Tailoring, Best Goods, Lowest Prices. RSIV1PAU CALL AND SEE CUR -1 Trautmaa Watchmaker and Jeweler Room 7, flodeoti Bfock, The Pioneer Mercantile House of Varaa.

Wholesale ana Retail dcaI6r in mrim UIU Hay, drain and tumiier, Boots, Siioos, Etc. LssCcr. First ARTICLES OF INO Know all men by these presents that wc, Richard Darling, W. F. TimmOns and Wash M.

Gay, citizens of the United' States of America and residents of the Territory of Arizona, for the purpose of forming a' corporation under the laws or the Territory 6f Arizona, do- hereby adopt the following articles of incorporation: ARTICLE I. The nones of the incorporators arc as follows: Richard Darling, F. Timni'ons and Wash M. Gay, all residents of the county of Yuma, Territory of Arizona. ARTICLE EC.

The name of this corporation shall be "The Valensuella Copper Company. ARTICLE HI. Tfloprincipal place of business of tbi3 cor poration shall be in Denver Ciiy, Colorado, with a branch office at Quartzsite, Yuma county, Arizona, and such ether places, in the United States, as the Board of Directors may select. ARTICLE The purposes for which this corporation is organized shall be: To acquire, by purchase or otherwise, placer, lode and deposit mining property ond properties and to operate, lease and sell the same. To acquire, buy? lease, let and scll lands and realty of every To construct, buy, rent, lease, let ahd sell buildings and tenements for any and every purpose.

To construct, lease, own and operate. tramways, railways, or roads, roads ahd canals', steam and freight boats for cither passengers or rcigrit from its principal place or places of business, to navigable streams and existing railroads and als'a to let and sell the same. To acquire, own, operate, construct, lease and maintain factories, mills, smelters and reduction works for the proper- treatment of viatious'mlnerals produced by the company or by others, and to let, lease, sell and dispose of the same. To acquire, buy, lease and construct telephone and telegraph lines and to maintain, operate, lease and sell the same. To acquire, by purchase cr otherwise, hotels, boarding houses; stables and shops and to maintain, operate, let, lease, sell and dispose of the To buy and sell ores and' minerals of every nature and description and to do 'any and aK- things which may at the time appear to the directors of the company to be to the best inter, estand profit of the Company, and not inconsistent with' the laws of the Territory of Arizona.

ARTICLE capital stock of said company shall consist of one million two hundred and fifty thous and shares of the par value of one dollar each- and said stock upon issuance td be paid in full in cash or its equivalent in property conveyed to s'aid corporation or by services rendered said corporation, and when issued shall be forever nou-asseseable. ARTICLE VI. Private property of the stock-holders of this corporation shall be exempt from any pad Blithe debts and Inabilities of the corpoiiition, and the highest amount of to which this corporation to subject Ttself shall not ex ceed one hucdroit thdnsacd dollars. ARTICLE VIL The time of the commencement of this corporation shall be on date when these arti' clcs of incorporation are filed for record in the office of-the county recorder of the said county of Y'uuia, Territory of Arizona, and shall continue for a period of twenty-five years'from said ARTICLE Vin. The affairs of this corporation shall bo con-duetlby'a board of directors conalstincoMlvo FT.

YUMA, CAL. TELephone'S4 of the city. Satisfaction in 5j a 9 a a O. 9 Has rie disappointed you? Baker Bfdo. SAflPLES 1 ESTI, arid IVIatn Yuma, Jtrxiona; persons who shall be stockholders of this corporation.

ARTICLE- IX. The board of directors shall consist of F. Deldcshcimcr, L. F. Bradshaw, Gedrge Cs Manly, C.

W. Grassel', and Rfeliard Darling who shall hold office until their successors arc elected and qualified, at an annfral election to' be held by the stock-holders of this corporation che year from the date of the filing of these efrtioles of incorporation in the office of the county of Yuma, Territory of Arizona. ARTICLED. The articles of Incorporation may be altered or amended byd majority vote of the members? of the board of directors at any regular meeting of said board or at any special meeting called for that purpose and these articles when scf altered or amended shall be filed with the county recorder of the county of Yuma, Tcrri-6ry of Arizona, ARTICLE XI. Ariy vacancy that may occur in any of the offices of the corporation shall be lllled by thrf board' of directors by a majority vote; thereof at any me2ting of said and any Vacancy ocsurrfng'In the board of directors shall be filled In like manner by a majority vote of the-remaining members' and when so elected they shall hold office until the next annual meeting1 of of the said corporation.

ARTICLE XH. The board directors shall at thCTr flrsfe meeting and from time to time thereafter, establish and adopt uch by-laws, rules and regulations as they may deem expedient, not incon sistent.with the laws of the United States ancf of the territory of Arizona. ARTICLE Xin. The price for which the capital stock of this4 corporation shall be sold shall be regulated by the board of directors at any necting thereof. In witness wiereof the above named Incorporators, have hereunto set their, hands and seals the 5th day of November, A.


GAY. or amzon ss. Cbnnty of Yuina. Before me, C. P.

Cronin, a notary public in and for the county of Yuma, Terrftory of Arizona, personally appeared Richard Darling, Timmons and Wash M. Gaykuown to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to" me that? executed the same for the pur poses Chd consideration therein expressed. Given under my hand and' seal of office this-5th day of November, A. D. 11)01.

P. CRONIN, Notary Public in and for Yuma County, (Seal.) Arizona My commission expires Jan. 5th. 1905. Recorded at request of Richard Darling, at 3:55 p.

m. Nov. 0, 1301. U'. if.

Eeccrder, TERRITORY OF ARIZONA, 3S. County of Yuma. I. C. P.

Croni.I! countv recorder in and for thrf County of Yuma. Territory of Arizoira, do hereby certify that the foreaolng is p. true, full and: correct copy cf the Articles of Incorporation of "The Yclensuc'riu Conner Comnsnv nw pears of record in Book 3" of Bonds Asree' mcnts, page records, of YSihy county, In witness whereof, I have hereunto set niv' hand and nSlxcd my seal of offlcjr, this 6to day' of November, A. D. 1901: C.

CRONIN, (Seal.) County Recorder, A'rizoaa. First publi'catiori Nov3 13. 1901. SulscribGr oirrtlie-' IstineEv.

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