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The Arizona Sentinel from Yuma, Arizona • Page 4

Yuma, Arizona
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Arizona Sentinel. 8sTFFrY Ay UAH 10, 1SS0. (Emm the Cittern.) Chief Justice French left to-day (2d.) for Pres-eott to be present at Ihc sessions of tbe Supreme Court. The people of Tombstone are now petitioning to have a money-order department connected with their post-ofliee. Mr.John Wasson has retired from the firm of Sallbrd, Hudson and J.

S- Vosburg nas become a partner by purchase of Mr. fourth interest. Phcenix, January The present Btorm is the severest in six years. The dam of tke Grand Canal is washed away the heau sate of the Maricopa Canal is broken and the water is Handing considerable country. The river is impassable and nil communication cut off.

No mall from the north for three days and none from the south for two days. Fluid Xotcs. Mr. S. M.

Allis and party have just, returned from a turvey or two land grants in the southern portion of this county The San Rafael del Vafle grant is situated on the San Pedro river, commencing about miles above Charkston, and iK three miles in width by ten miles in jength, and includes some excellent land Mr. Allis speaks or country to the west of this grant, which be says i. the finest p'e-cofgr zing land he has seen in the Territory. Itisa level tract, stretching away toward the Hmichiicas, forming a beautiful meadow, with scarcely a rock for the surveyors' monument. There is a scarcity of water, but Mr.

Allis thinks probably a supply can be obtained in the foothil's, and also in the plain by bqring. The San Ignacio Babacomori grant is in the Babacomori Valley and is three miles wide by twenty miles long. The west half of this grant was generally supposed to be withput water, but Mr, Allis dis covered three fine springs in sandstone formation, which indicates that they are never dry. This is also an excellent grazing country, with a considerable sup-plj of good timber. There is also a grand oak forest stretching away from the grant to the foothills or the Patagonia Moun.

tains. About the middle or the grant, near the Mustang Mountains, Mr. Allis found nu extensive outcrop of limestone, seeming to underlie the Mustangs. In this limestone was found many indistinct and mntamprposed fossils, some of which have been examined by Prof. Cox and pronounced by him to belong to the carboniferous age.

Among the specimens may be mentioned the '-Spuifer Bisul-catus," "Productus Punctatus," "Nodade Nautilis resembling the "Nautilis Decor-atusofProf. Cox's conl measures. On the end of the claim was found heavy outcrop of limestone, showing "Ten-taculites." and "Eneriniies," probably of the Permian Whoo Geronimo wifc'i ninety-three of his hand ol Apache Indians, has" just surrendered to the military authorities at Rucker and will be sent at onc) San Carlos. This is the band which has been depredating for some months along the border, and dfd much of the work credit-cd to Victory's band. The military of Arizona have been pressing them closely, for the last few weeks.

This surrender virtually wipes out the renegade Indians in southeastern Arizona and on the borders or Sonora. Much credit is due the military for, their quiet and persistent pursuit or these Indians, and more csneci-nlly to Captain Haskell who has been on the border engineering the military movements. Star. Phtenix, Herald 31 ult. A large pile of mail for tha northern country has accumulated at this pointon account of the impassable condition of the road.

The Phoenix Base Ball Club nre practic ing on teir new ground preparatory to their coming match next Sunday with the McDowell boys. The mail rider from Gillette got in this morning and returned with letters for the Tip Top country. He attempted to swim his horse across the the Agua Fi ia but failed. The 6tage driver started out yesterday morning for Wickenburg but arter going 18 miles to Cave creek he found that Btream impassable and was obliged to return. A large number of freight teams loaded for the northern country a-c camped four miles north of town near the slaughter "house.

They will no doubt be delayed lor fCTeral days The following companies have been incorporated: The Paeific American Fence Company, with $2,000,000 capital stock. Directors-TV. A. Nygh, Chanes H. Moore, C.

T. Shot well, W. M. Gillespie and John Moore. Also, the Arizona Southern and Sonora Mining Company, to operate in 'Arizona and Mexico, with $10,000,000 capital stock and the euroe Directors.

Posf. Yuma Exchange SALOON. IITAVF. LEASED TTTTS POPULA.) resort, and shall endeovor to cot tribute to the comfort and pleasure of nv palronv CHOICE LIQUORS AND CIGAFT Conptintlv on hand. A SPLENDID BILLIARD TABU Furnished Rooms Main street, near Steamboat Lauding Kail road Depot, fiS-tf A.

FORWARDNG AND COKKlISSlOf Superior facilities have beer eccurcd by BARNETT, BLOCK CO. For forwarding merchandise to v.nd from all parts of Arizona, via MARICOPA AND CASA GRANDE. All Consignments to their care will receivi PKOMPT DESPATCH. A FULL stock of General Merchandise always on hand and offered at BED HOCK PRICES to Teamsters, Travelers Miners and others. Mark Goods "care B.

B. Co." Satisfaction Guaranteed. Tombstone District FOR THE ACCOMMODATION OP Visitors to the above named Dis trict, I Lave established a GOOD HOTEL In the very heart or the District and in close proximity to its mot celebrated mine. The Table will receive especial attention, and be supplied with everything procurable in the country. Hav and Grain Always on hand, and a secure place provided for animals.

I have also a stock ot MERCHANDISE Carefully selected to meet the wants or Prospectors, Miners and Travelers, which I am selling us Cheap for Cash As the goods can be laid dawn by any bod v. 40-tf JOHN B. ALLEN. Colorado Hotel. Gila Street Yuma.

yAAC LLVY, Proprietor. Havii become the owner of This Well Known House, I have completely renovnted it in all its parts, and now open it UNDER MY OWN STJFEBVISION, And am determined to keep it AS A HOTEL SHOULD BE KEPT. It is and shall remain The Best Hotel IN ARIZONA. Everything shali be first-class, ana all its departments shall lie conducted in such a manner as to conduce to the pleasure and meet the approbation of the rcsideni traveling public. 33 del Is Attached to the House, Wherethc very bft.

"Vtn. Liquors and Cigars cau be fouud. THE ARIZONA GEORGE TYHG, EDITOR. JOB PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION HEATLY EXECUTED PROMPTNESS LB DESPATCH. Living a fine assortment of (he hi test styles of Vv'oed Type, our facilities for printing Posters, Hand Bills, Sales Bills, Notices, Etc.

Etc. Are not excelled in the Territory Do Mot send to California For work you can obiain in 320 California Street, San Francisco, Cal. Corner Main and First Stieets, Yuma.A.T. James Kfl. Barney, (Successor to "VYm.

B. HowperA Co.) Importer and Dealer in GENERAL MERCHANDISE Forwarding and Commission Agent ttivri Francisco, Yuma. Arizona Territory. The attention of Merchants, Miners, Staticn Keepers. Liquor Dealers, Handlers, Transporters and Freighters fs asked and invited to my late imporiu tions of General Merchandise, Embracing as they do, everything required oy everyDoay, comprising, in part: Groceries unci Provisions, DRY GOODS and CLOTHING, LIQUOR, TOBACCO and CIGAES, HATS, DEUGS, HARDWARE, MINING IMPLEMENTS, DRILL STEEL, POWDER, 9 ANVILS, BELLOWS ETC.

All of which arc oncred at San Francisco prices, freight and charges only add-cd. My facilities for purchasing enable me to boldly make this oiler to any and all. Special Orders Carefully and promptly filled by my San Francisco Branch office, and entire satis. faction guaranteed, both as to selection iind price paid. In this my motto is EXCELSIOR." Commission and Forwarding.

Every attention will be paid to forward ing consignments of Merchandise, Machin ery, Ores, Hides, either lo or from the inteiior. Sales of Ores Gold, Silver, Copper or Lead, will be Hnttdc at highest possible rales for account of owners. Mj long experience and con nection with buvcrs in the different mar. kets give mca very decided advantage over an' one in the Tcrritor is making such sales to the profit of those entrusting them to me. Correct and responsible assr.j-s obtained and submitted when desired.

Gold Dust Gold and Silver Bullion, fJnilcd States Treasury Drafts, Legal Tenders, Soldiers' Warrants, Bankers' Drafts and Good Com mercial Paper, Grain, Hides, Wool and all Territorial and Mexican Pioducts bought it value for Cash or advanced on as ma3" be desired. I feel under increased obligittions for the patronage so liberally accorded me as the successor of the old anducccssful house of Wm. B. Hooner it und wilc acknowledging this fact, allow me to add that those dealing with me will find as compl'Vs i stock as was ever offered Jr the old firm with all that is new and desir-ble in addition. SOUTHERN PACIFIC STAGE LINE.

Carrying'Mails and Expruss 125 milea pei day, schedule time, with Concord Coaches. Connecting with the Southern Pacific Kail-road DAILY IMMEDIATELY AFTER ARRIVAL OF THE TRAIN. For riicenlx, Prescott, Florence. McDowell, Wiekenburg, Silvci King, Globe City Pinal, Tucson. Camps-Grant, Goodwin, Thomas, Bowie, aud waj points in ARIZONA.

Silver City, Fort Bayafcl, LasCruces.Me-silla and Santa Fc. New Mexico, connect-ihg at Mesilla with stages for El Paso, Forts Davis, Stockton, Concho, "Worth, and Sun Antonio, TEXAS. Connecting at Tucson with stages for Altar, Ures, Hermosillo, Guaymas, and al. points In MEXICO. The best organized and eqoiinued Stagi Line on the continent, and complete in all ts connections.

KERENS GRIFFITH, Proyiiutors. G. II. Boweji, Agent, W. M.

GiUFFiTit, Superintendent. Princiual office at Casa Grande. A. T. PARK BREWERY! The most popular resort in TUCSON, A.

T. VISITORS TO THIS PART OF ARI-zona will here find the bushiest, men of the country. CHOICE GERMAN LURCHES, Comprising a jrrcat variety of imported delicacies. Including nil the best Brands, as well as that of my own brewing, which has obtained a merited reputation. All the TERBITORIAl NEWSPAPERS Are to be found here.

CAREFULLY SELECTED CIGARS, And a full stock ol soimd Wines and Liquors. Park Brewery I)e-ot at the old stand, on Main Street. Branch' Depot, in front of the Palace Hotel. ALEX. LEVIN, Proprietor.


JgEING fully satisfied of the prosperou Future of Yuma, And having proved to the people that we kuow now to uuy ana sell goods that Suit the Teade We have enlarged our business, increased ur siock, ana intend to We receive fresh goods rfuHv, bv rail road, and by keeping no trash, or dead biocK, we mid we. can sell CHEAPER THAN ANYBODY. Our assortment is so complete that it is useless to Name X-fc, The manv years' experience of Mr. Gitioccliio, as a buyer, have; secured for nun irreat racimifs for ensuring satisfac tion in qualitj- and prices of goods. Attached to our store we have a eomp'ete Conducted bv a I'rst-elass baker.

All or. ders tilled at short notice. JAVA AMD CiR. COFFEE, Fresh raasted and ground on the prem. ises.

G. Successors to MONTEVERDE GAXDOLFO, Main Street, Next Door lo Capital Saloon, 43-tf COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL TUCSON, A. T. EVERY ATTENTION PAID TO THE comforr. and pleasun.

of guests. ROOKS RESERVED ON REQUEST, Mail it Telogranh' iMOpYAN, GRAND OPBNiXO Lord Williams. TUCSON, ARIZONA Will display for puMic inspection one of the Largest and Most Attractlye Ever brought to this market. They have arranged to have arrive a complete assortment of Mich jrooda as the people of Arizona may want and they can sell them Wholesale and Rt tail. CHEAPER than they can be atfi Jed fr any other inaiket, not excepting the much extolled GuuyiiiH Route.

We have taken especial pains to ImpCC tine goods, such as we can wurrant, undlti the line of NICE THINGS TO KAT 9 We have endeavored to cater to the taatt.3 of all. We Lave a complete stock of Dress Goods, Cents' Furnishing Goods Clothing HaV3, Hardware Carpets, GomGoocc Drugs and ffledicines. Boots and Shoes, Crockery, Greceries asv Provisions avd a complete assortment of Sutlers' Goods. Close buyers will find it to their advantage to examine our goods and prlcet before purchasing elsewhere. LORD WILLIAMS.

PIONEER NEWS DEPOT or Vi'izoiiii. Established in 1S70, J. S. fiSansield, Tucson, Arizona. Dealer in Newspapers, Magazines, Oeriodlcals, School Bosks.

Stationery, Cutlery, Etc The Best Brands of Cigars and Tobacco Always on Hand. f3T0rders for Booksand Papers promptl attended to. DR. SPINNEY CO. No.

11 Kearny street, rPREAT ALL CHRONIC AND SPEC1AI J- diseases. YOUNG MEN of youthful follies or indiscretion will dc t. I IIL Ul. tcn wauui menisci cs ui inn, me greaitfs uoon ever laid at the Teetof sutlering hu inanity. Dr.

Suinnev will in forfeit Hve hundred dollar forivirr -n of weakness, or private disease of any kin? or cniiracier, which lie undertakes huq failr co cure. MTDDLE-AGED MEN. There are mnnv nt tin? nf thlrv sixty who are troubled with too frequenl evacuation of the bladder, often aecompan icd by a slight smarting or burning sensa twin nuii tiis.i, " UlC OjatCtU iU I maner tlie iiaticnLi-niMiot ncfinmt for iu examining the urinary depo.xit a ropy sed iment-will often be found, and sometime! particles of albumen will appear, oi the color will be of a thin milkish hue again changing to a dark and torpid ai nearance. There are manv men whn r1i of this difficulty ignorant of the cause which the second stage of seminal weakness. Dr.

guarantee perfect cure in all such cases, and a healthy restoration of the genito-urinary organs. Office hours 10to4 and to8j Sundays from 10 to 1L a. m. Consultation free Thorough examination and advice, Call or address DR. SPINNEY 3G-tf N.

11 'Kearnv street. San Franelsc. ANOTHER WONDERFUL CURE i EFFECTED BY- California Elastic Trnss! CALIFORNIA Elas. lie Truss W. J.

Hornc, Pronrielor Dear Sir: I fee) that I owe it to you and to lumanity to write the fact that I have been Substantially Om-i-ri i SiWLC a bad case of rupture or '30 j-ears'stand-insr, by one of your incomparable trasses which I bought of you three months ago. I can not describe the sHtrcrinir.phvsIcaH and that I haTe undcrirone du ring that period; mid now I feci like a beiliir. I hav worn nit Irtnris nt Trusses, both Steel and Elastic, and neci received any permanent relief until I tried yours. Its simnlicitv of anA facility with which it can be adjusted, end the ease and perfect freedom to the mo tions or the body with which it can be worn without causinir anv irritation, art its chief merits, and it is a TH-rfm-t sun- port. I have not tiad nv siim i re turn or the rupture since the first day I nut it on.

and feel tlmt in i.Mrr.ti cured. It is invaluable, and the fact should be known to the world. You can refer anv one to union thnsuiiinot merits. am trnlv vmirs. Chief Mail Clerk S.

F. Daily Evening Post Send for Illustrated Catalogue. and Price CALIFORNIA ELASTIC TRUSS CIL removed to 720 Market Street, San Francisco. TUST OPENED IN THE BUILDING iii-vt. iihi)V; the storp of M.

Rami'V No pains spared to make the tabic the Best in Yurna. Meals at ail hours for2o'and50 cent. tne I OPEN DAY AAfb NIGHT. AMES M. BABNBr.


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