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The Ottawa Journal du lieu suivant : Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 31

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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eeaf areaae. Ottawa. Bu Cor pact. Oatarte TllHHll at Ottawa. TAS-stta om re vaaiiaear from at Miner.

ClMlwn MrKomaat taoeum. UM Udai A.aawa Ottawa 1. a I Pit ef State ha fana eeaa er lealirt.f rk.aa. TIM Cine1 urw reborn at Plan "nae wltala IS Bar altar laaf eleaine: iMna ethorww KM an ef the hoot a MrnlW fMvn nw af CM novel Ottawa alny. Ml UM iniml of la fare af Ti aaata at the efftoe ef U.

ate aheea. tunuv Diraatar. Hat Cartta A.euot. CKt hater thea aa. uu Winn tartr teeotiftoal aa la woe the in te awoomtaa 1.1W KM ta rtert way er 4 ef the Main, aaa trot lewaat tulw ah.

II net- aaa-- enaerur taiaalat. unfit at tnfhwayt. Oetarle iiimiw mr nv LAND AND BUILDINGS Prenrty Sal Nev. K-M7I Jam aner a) aa tliahway It. kaa aaa te Cmmmm I front, Tiioa.bie at Haoooe.

14 ai'toe eaattk af OMK KM via a. leeway air. in rm OST. vmunsDAt, untiuil lata. iMO.

tliili sieae ee Caoh ow Cartifwae Oua Unaee eayehta ta aw TTia ai af Oatlartet at una Hi I I It payable a Bay Dtatiwt mtinr. rmiiaim at Hifwway. -ta T-analay Baaa. Ottawa. OatartaL tmitiaa tin SOU oa Pfaartaaaat af tPakwajt.

MToparty Bacttan, HSIA Brtanaa St. ttMMaatiit1taatial. Knatatua. Ontario. Tiiitit.m.

tta-eees. Baa aubjaat aa a DtaAarrkir-rr or ttioaATt Jouroal Want Ads bring TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS 10 TAXES CITY- OF OTTAWA Wabttr Battta a horaar gtvaa hat IMMW tana mb the ClU af Ottawa lar ami tor erraen al taaoa eat ralaa eaat rear. eoy- boe aa teaee earopwtas la Um Slat Say af 0cmber. leal, ha -aaaa arrperre. that aopto thereof eioy a kaa al Wiwa la ma City Hall aaa thai Ik aa BX kaai baaa awalafiai ta taa oatana baaatta III 'J af AmmmI.

Ml aaa twi ta aalaall af aa- aiaajt af TJia aata taaaa anal rata aata taaaa WlU Ma aaM bv PuaUa Aarttaa at Iha Cll rtia. II. Umi Prlaa. ka th Cita af 0aa. aa rao)TMada Iha fen af Hattiaatt, IM1 at tlx NOW' 'cs la Um iwTHca.

Caiaattflnaaf af llaAar. Cn TraMwrrr. OTTO AT OTTAWA, ttat AL'O- UT. 1U. a Taa MAT-rma or 11II.UI aUtUaUOH.

TAJCt NtlTICS THAT mm aria a awtt aa ma axar- ka aatainaa at i ax lrM. OntallM, Aaaai i HaaaHf- "St ti Clair Baa la lha Caiiu af Caaal. MoMaaama. lar Latwra af Ooartlnaataa af lha inMat ahiMraa af Thoaaaa ahuvaal Hanaanoa, hatng Rahajr lull DATU al Win4aor. Oatariav Uua tut ay aa aWpiaaMiai.

una, DOMAUMd! CMARTSaS MM BaUMJUItaMllia. Jri ao4 Caaaaa aUiUaUac, war. Oatarta. i Solteiion lar Aaata TOWiSHtf OF CLOIXXSTER TENDERS 10R WATER MAIN 't CONSTRUCTION Trt W1B ba latatvaa hy tha awtrratrfMBl until M- IJ)T MONOAT. lirilMIU lt far auppry aaal taataUalMa af: a aaa tt wa tt I laa BJaa artataa Be.

Cyr aad Stuhaal Shv. tSaam af aiw-ari. Oaa-aU St. LaMk) I mm, Marrkaaf St. Manartaat ONKsa a Baa f.nait at stsse.

Baas ra- Mimiaf of aaat nlaaa ant apart- rtranaaa campwat aaa at a ittaa aai iap I a a ta ay twe of SO aant af Bat trtaaa the tataaar 'wO ka laralaha fcy ItaaU te accaet mt Inniai or aay oar. ana la aartleular It an lander latataad. Ck Mana- caaWty it I it the tight at raiact r. kncLDBtm. cw TawaahlB Cliiiriaiar.

Boa OS. Net 4 DESNOYERS CONSTRUCTION LIMITED CAN BUILD A SUPERIOR QUALITY HOME For As Little As H800 with $300 deposit TOTAL DOWN PAYMENT, rwiikm oaeeas Horirari THAit siaes NEW "LAFAYETTE" PROJECT This Is only Ova niles from Inter prtwiiicial Bridge Bee at Oar taloi OtTtce: 43d Millar street oatineau Near our "PLACE DES ERABLES" DESNOYERS CONSTRUCTION LtMTTED ZOEL LEBLANC Agent MOj-S25S M03-31 IS tALXSMUf: JOHN LUCK MOJ-W03 ANDRE MENARD M03-5S92 DEPT. UGAT I i NOTICE TO CREDITORS AXD OTHERS ta taa liUN at AX MIA BOLOca. Paraaaaa. Al aaraoaa haataa etataaa afktaat Um Cautta at tha anoaa haaa4 aawaaaaa.

tola af tha Ciij a Ot- tawa. in la Oavntjr af Carattoa aa aa4 aa mm Jto aajr af AufaK aa tkaa yia k. nia aaaMa anth lha Maaanifaaa aa a Ut aaa af Octoaat. Aitar that ala tha aauia anUI aa atrtmiaMB havm rrrara ant) OATTD al Ottawa thJa loot GUARAirrr TRUST COatPAKT Or" ANAPA, Taactitar. Bank Btraat.

OTTAWA. Oatana. mr atiwHBOT. Bwirr LArOrMCY aal KTJ1X. Barrtatart arat tiakciltaa.

atf Bparka ktraat, Ottawa. Ontana. OF PVBUC WORKS. PJIAWA tfAlq TZrmER atilnnit ta Sacratarr. Dartfiaat af PukUc M.

Boon. B-jal. Sir CharKa Tuupar Bivaraja Drtv ot'aw. and andoram -tinbih OB MJ AOMHWHTHATWy-f Blilll fMm. OTTAWA.

OKT wnU rwrattnaj MRU I lam. lIS I. CD Bkll AT. OCTOBCB II. 1 MX RtXr.1V KK CCNERAI.

OT CANADA, tlarauak: CkWf Arehttect. Boo D-T1S. Sir Charica Twrarr Buildlna. Hlvr- urttr. uttawa: tvutrn Ar -fit tart.

HIS street. Ottawa: Dlatrirt ArrhMact. Il tMonaxJar Suaat. Moniraal: tha- trart Arcbltrct. sxt Jarvta ntraat la Ottawa.

Maalnal aawt Tf Th ratura niitiUoa wtthla a af Bat aapaaii a-ul aa fortaitaa. Ta ka itiaiiatiil aack SUjSOS aae ava at anaraalttra intra fbt I aeeaOTaantra ky an aarwntMHv taioti tana.r eoKaaaiala. i aa the artnlaa tenia aaa II. by Ik DrvMrt-iwrr I ant im mwomn with tha a Illlwa eat forth tharata, Tk to a art ar any taa at bobibt rornxB, CTMrf of AaaainMtratle NOTICE TO SURRENDER Tea Aaktala Baate nllta Ca-Oaaratlra UatMad NOTICE IS REftEBV CIVXN that Th Aakdale Horn Baiiainr Co aaaiatlaa Uraltaol OATEO at Ottawa, thai! lOtk Bar at sisitaniir. ltai.

NOT LANCHJ. UGH TV and APrtlANCE AUCTION SALE I aai faatrartai' hr proprtataf af HIUKAU TV a APPUANCI ITORS. la Bt-deaa tt. Ottawa, ta aflar hy Publla Aartlaa kat am bra ataak af awrchanaia. Oaraa aat ataaaMtiMMMMJ th aaal vacataFa th anwflaa Svary' iiubmI la fa nafar Monday.

SpL 17 and Tuoday, Snt IK At llinil tutrlns Ctetnt aealast th galata of Bart Bat. taol Brian, lata af tha City af Ottawa, aa the Ceaalr af Car la taa. Waaanr. Si nan t. wj ha SMrS an ar atmif tha lath Bay af Aanl A ltaa.

OarkMiar. A IX It-ta. after at the Ka lata will ha ala- Uv. aocor-vrnu ta t4 trlhuta.artth rw.ra anry the tk tram Ik (- erwrtrw taa aiia.i.ia. wtBXaat kahl to aay af wheat etatna tnay than DataB at Ottawa Wtat llth Bay ef af Btptaiabai.

A.D. UMI. ADA WAROAB BBOt I. 14 a RC-TRT JOHN BBOUSB. aoaxrr riNVET mouse.

KxecMlert. rwAirr ElXr. 1 IIUI at BUTUUL TT aWicltan Mr ike aaaa ktoualfo at. Ottawa A I HORSE AUCTION CatM.tiiMi.Bl aaaT duanlotl IStoV ailaoa. Bttrtrr horaoa.

giaia aaniaa. aaoMlaa aanl eauiarnewl. Batartay. an. less CTBCU -M- KAITCH.

Hlfhway No. 17. oat. At s-asot es-it Jcaornal Want Ads bring qulclr, results. MacDONALD HOMES LTD.

Proudly Presents A Unique 4 Point Plan HacDonald tiamm furckCMrt 9 Choice Of Ontpt tht POUOKIng. CXEERSPAlf SPACEKlENT -FINISHED lHTIOSIlOOMZrZ BUILT-IN APPLIANCES i PRICE ADJUSTMENT- Now far the first time Mac Donald is offering this unique plan "witbout sacrificing any df the Mac-Dprisld features, Some of. these fftur-art-. -r toth CMorot on rxmitoa chance' a VOl'U HOME BUILT TO TDl'B PESUpONAUTY a BFirX At.L TH WAT ABOUND a stons ixrrmoRS a CANADIAN WAI.VIT, CHEBJIT. ANT1QCE KlTCHr-N CABIVTTS XONTHLT PAYMENTS Slot Oriae eat tmtar ana ere peral' af ear wtwSew.

CRESTVIEW Oaa mile totith at the OEM. Store aa the Mertvale Maad PA8-1791 "MawaMaaj.aaaaaaMj Priiajiajyya.ay a aawjaaw ay a "yaa 8ATCRDAY. KPTTMBER' 15. Wi THE OTTAWA JbUHNAL Miscellaneous i GOV't? PEARSON Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Find Driver -r TENDERS FOR nOILER PLANT aetata era trtto D(tM MM. ana la w.

aw. OMrM- Bae wit nrtA MwMel artiery vaaa. lar ttt PM Ottawa SWroktertMaa, 14J rowing aa the United Stales he said. Mr. Fleming read carefufly throutb Mr.

Ptrsoa's atate-l Miscellaneous ma NOTICE TO CREDITORS la the fatal af tSTTTIA ELUNOB lAitivaiM, ad a the Sataia af Lttiua Jao-cwwoht. late af th City af Ottawa, whe aaas aa ar about Aaa; wot a. aaaa, ar MiMtanninB mm ae la an after but will wtuck Bate the faatrtttataoV rwearB enly te ato ratana ef whurh the anaareienaa ahall have aattoa. aw4 aa aatwelrinS araU net be liable te ear aaroea af akin rtotnk thry ahaa aat tkaa have aUarey rtota at Ottawa Skis lark day af SniittMktt. tea.

TWDMAt aTOOca. as Baak Street. OttewaXOnt. AAOVF FOP' 700 HoWm Trade Verbal Ranches Over Loan by KEN af Tka Catlaa rraa Acting Ptiana Mutiatcr rtanv and Finaaca Minasur Now laia lhata al tl aat. aaak traded verbal Deara aaaa far hapaniaa al la Fndty with Labaral FattawMf Mark moattM Prarwon ever lha S330.000.000 aatar Baaiaa.

taraa-Mi-n: Befotattd with liva Uaitcd ana Blwtraal. Takra. Batlartaa SlttCl jflklirifaf COfnpaBMt. ana WMrlaoal BrfrKaratart. B- tvnlmB MCklfif era nitm- a Canaaionar i la avoid taa tcriout problaau el today by eraatinj itili graaicr Catt' Caviar; lira tartiaMal Chaa- OflM for Mr.

Pr- iari.u. aaaaaar at tNj itartn charted ia a tu lament. M.r vary una coma auw. i Taaamt: Varaaat Claanara: Caak I etflaetly tUly ttatO- Baaiatari Uaaal Btaaajal Baata- BMBt Mr. Pfa Fuiuraa.

a law kuaaraB atfcar cabinet mclin(. aat Earl Baaa Bartalaa tor All L. OrtntOYi It Biiaaa St OtU ACBEB. AartMnaar, 'Mr. Nowlaa, with oevioui tar catm.

uid Mr. Ptartoe't tula- mtnt "kit ahoajl aa rattaaal aa trt-XartAMmrHlIiyBlemf NOTirFTft fBtniTftRSl -laaWAjaaral loamr Ban Bit o-vaar ioaa BKUcaiat laai cat (ovmnot intend "la liaaaea, ciuTcnl external ddiciti my ion i -terra bor rowing. "What a chant from lh day before the tut etaction whea the then minister el 5-aanca (Mr. Daraau) was i awtiwna aimntcii "rrnen aa ar hatara tka lttk.ana aawcipaituce ajainaT. OOT- Brtnt, thea tamed ta reparian ja the csrrtoor oattioe the caU- oat chamber and said: that snxr "That't a rerfectly silly state ment Mr.

Pearson, ha ataoe Either a doeea't aaJtrtta ar hB do Hit with ta Waderstaad. He mliht racaU what the Liberal government did ia 1MB aad la 1MT when they were (aced with very aevBftklor- etga eaxaaata crisis. They took steps that led te a cheat the exchant value of the Ca with the nt eofktahaiioa ury Psnd and. as pari uf iteli proirsmryn Into the New York market and ratted a Ioaa sim Uar to that the Caaa- 1 a a govaiamcnt yetfercuy 1 with be would nmiiU kun-i self ef that and not seek to mate'" Cheap political capital oat of Nate meats like WILL KEP0BT Mr. Fleming laid ba wit go te Washington today to.

attend the aiUHial meetings ef taa gev- ef the lateraatioTial InfATBatoonal Itionetary a a d. Lttaraatioaul Finance Corporation, and buentatioaal DevwtoBnt Agency where he expect to report oa the circuin- 1 Canada to value the dollar and seek beas aad crediu te bolster dwindling roreiga esxhaate tssertss. He said his Wsthtoftoa state- will be "gratifying he- caase the arotrasa made since June has been very gratifytag ia relation ex- chaage) TO TIT BOOK TORONTO (CP) Jack Be. rormtf Mimice buOding aTarpac-tor, Friday was seat to trial la county court oa' two charges of perjury arising out af bis ettti- moay before a ludicial toojuiry into tubuitjaa Mlmico's buiading practices. A gecieral teiiinas grand Jury ander Judge Robert Forsyth raturnsd a true bill af inaUctaseat aialatt Book.

Kb date has been set far the trial I I I ae-aJN IXaaaaB I -r" 'i Svk 1 I II I II II HAROLD R. MAYHEW, 133 First Avanua. supartty lendeat of tha Pott of Of taws, who retired Thursday after 41 years of eervfca. Ha Was BotMfwd ka cereanony JirwrB.Uer-1 St Custota Hous sad pre, 1 I sealed eaiin iHnailiiamitl I Negligentizi: In Fatality! A Supreme Cenrt ml Ontario Wiry Tavreday htasd VUllaaa Wawdel MaitM, 21. al tO Atlas Us Avians, guilty of ctbtsbbiI aeglitsnco caarsiag daalh.

Uat March lha car which Maine was drhring was arfolved ia aa accident that reettksd tha death at Badesttiaa Ronald Merita Aafiaa. Is. af tH Ailiay. ton Avenns. Mains wbs drtvntg est am Byron Avemts srhea Ins car went aat of cantrol aad tmath ad hate several cars both parked aad tBsvtag.

Then hta car strttck Anris. wha was na the stde. waUu. Citation and a radio Of) b- I Aaaua diad al iniurUa hea- iMlf oJM-ataft'- Mr fiisTplul Asrii 1: started his csrser ta IRS at tha Outport of Raa-frrw. Mr.

and Mrs. IrUyhew 1-ivs fsna it Renfrew. TO SET UP MAIDS QUEBEC (CPV-Youth Miais- ter Paul Ceria Ifb Friday made iidilJlaBTtlictuBent spell- iag eut prtnciplas te ba ased la tettint op a trttem at retonal scboot hoards scroaa tba prow-laca. Wbaa tba Job la done, ba told a press cot-feisaca, there will ba about TS rsg-onal school cxtrauniuioas la Quebec. Tea al ready exist and oBore are expected to be added by the end ef the cai lent scnow year.

Mr. Justice Avleti rarasadsd Mains te Monday Jor i "-v-MJW UNDER SCA (Rtwters) Two Frsatkmia Friday dived te aa -BBdaraisiw bouse- wher they will reamla subaserged for week mor thaa fast aadar the Medrtar-raaeaa. The bsass. amad LHa genet. Is oawtppad with aO con.

venltncas. btdwdlng tare ttm ortaeie bads, cankiag aaaaih stwi, tsesphoaa. aad ssievlsaan. The two Albeit Fake aad Cat. ada Wesley, wilt bouse treaantry, to resaarcb hi the aaa.

An Impofttnt Announctmtnt for FIIYCICeU. ECJCATICI TEJLCwIF.S A meeting win ba bald a Wtdnttdayr Sptmbr 19th la Room CIOS of the OTTAWA CCaOCil Ed II 1M fJL at arbidi MpreesnUtlie of McMASTie. UNIYEWaTT will diacttaa the forsaatloa of cists st leading te the Degree lACHELOR OF HYSICAL EDUCATION Applicants for the course svwsst bo unrest liry gradustsa and lum aualificatatMt la Ue CrtU of physical ee 1.AU INTERESTED ARE tNVrTED Tp ATTEND that 1 right, only $700 down wm mort you Into a'imii, of your owa la fashionable ParVrood Hllla? wtartil of txnfort built Into each of these delightful -designs, and eroTOM tarr It the finest, and pared roadt, curbt and ttorm aewtn are Installed by inn to to assure you of consistently low taxes Drive out this weekend and see these award-winning homes and InTettlgate our buy now. pay lata plan. irlcea from $18,040.

NEW COX 6T0TX AND TRXDQX INCLUDED TJf THE PURCHASE PRICE OPEN DALLY 10-9 WEEKENDS 10-5 PARKWOOD EASY TO REACH Oo Fisher Avarne kjat south of the Baseline Road. HILLS by MINTO Why Collect Rental Recei pts? Did yea know that monthly payaMttta oa a borne of your owa are uauslr lanrer thaa attTont rental ratatf It's true you can pay Veas each atonth (tnduding prtncipal, rntarest and tsonal. while building an equity hi a wonderful heme for your family. Why coileot muu rocmpur Look at What You Can Own The beautiful Bronson sema-deXacbed taodef ia Copeiand park ia built with alf the skill and aafUananatiq) that baa made the Taylor asme faunoua. It's big (almost 1.200 square feet) arith a complete batemarit Uvtt's ideal far a play foom.

"The opto kitchen has entire peatry wal ef tupboaios and the Beet sued -bring room bat large picture wirtdows oemtouklng the tsrden. Three btdinnnl and modern bathroom are pay to see. Best of ail. there la no rorvaerirrg- to be dona, becauss roads are paved, curbs, sewers and atroat lights art eperatitig right now. A B.

TAYLOR CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Thar tt only one of these atodaU left You caa more in bow for anrv VW PA9-3H5 will a rMitaatal at the MBtTtO. ewe Ttt Er ilMwllwiU Carnnc A laal 1515 BASELINE RD. Ta -TlTrf Va a ttttltttitttttitittitiiitittitAt utiiUiutM a a a uatittn iiiiitt iiiuiiii jj lii iftiiiiitfi iliiii a A aJrtut.At'a.L.

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