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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 44

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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Used Cars 801 AUTOS FOR SALE (Cont. trom Preceding Column) 1937 Meteor, $1,495 RED and white. perfect throughout, fully equipped, one owner. Love. Motors, Studebaker Dealer, Authorized Sales and Service, 1142 Richmond Road.

PAR-1789. $35 DOWN $895 1954 CHEVROLET DELUXE 4-DOOR AC' heater, slips, signals, radio, snow tires, clean car. JOHN MORRIS 264 KENT CE5-2000 ARCHIE McDONALD 280 LAURIER AVE. W. CE2-9220 CE2-1937 OFFERS 60 CHOOSE FROM 60 TODAY'S SPECIALS! 1956 PLYMOUTH sedan, automatic.

low mileage $1095 1954 NASH 4-door station radio wagon, $595 1954 AUSTIN A40 sedan $445 1953 STUDERAKER President sedan, 2 overdrive $595 1853 STUDEBAKER-6 cylinder sedan $295 1853 PLYMOUTH $595 NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED FOR GENUINE CHRYSLER PARTS Call CAPITAL DODGE DeSOTO LIMITED 1554 Carling Ave. PA9-3111 REPOSSESSIONS To be sold for Balance Owing No bothersome co-signers No chattel mortgage to sign. Absolutely no gimmicks. On the spot Snancing. Walk in, sign, drive out, 10 minutes delivery.

Payments Down Mon tosa Cadillac 4-door hardtop 1955 Chevrolet $45 1956 Meteor $25 $53 1957 Nash- Metropolitan 1986 Standard station wagon $25 541 1954 Zephyr sedan $25 1956 Morris Minor $25 $38 1955 Plymouth sta. wen. $25 $51 1993 Dodge sta. wen. $25- $35 1953 Chevrolet $25 $33 25 Others to Choose From DALHOUSIE MOTOR SALES LTD.

248 DALHOUSIE. CE2-3665 Agents for Ace Bailiff Service, Reg'd SEE CAMPBELL'S TODAY For Outstanding Values in Used Cars, Prices Never Better, Selection the Best and Quality NEVER Stinted. 1959 FORD Custom 300 sedan, deluxe interior, custom radio, heater, automatic transmission, cylinder Only motor. $2445 1958 FORD Custom 300 coach. cylinder motor, heater and defroster, automatic Only transmission.

$1895 1957 CHEVROLET Bel Air coach. VR motor, automatic transmission, heatand defroster. like Only new. $1745. 1957 OLDSMOBILE BA 2-door hardtop, automatic transmission, radio.

Only $1795 1937 PONTIAC. Path finder coach, heater and Only $1495 1956 METEOR Niagara coach, heater -defroster. automatic transmission. radio: Only $1295 1855 FORD Fairlane, coach, heater and a defroster, automatic transmission. Only, $1245 1053.

PLYMOUTH Deluxe dan. heater and defroster $595 CAMPBELL'S Your Ford Edsel Monarch Dealer for 39 Years 265 Laurier W. (Continued on Next Used Cars 801 AUTOS FOR SALE (Cont. from Preceding Column) VOLKSWAGENS and BRITISH CARS From 1959 DOWN. Long.

Easy Terms, No Waiting. Come in and Drive One Morton Motors VOLKSWAGEN DISTRIBUTOR 740 BANK CE3-5673 VAUXHALL 1959 SUPER VICTOR 1.700 miles $1895 Our Customers Send Their Friends' MacKENZIE MOTOR SALES LTD. 560 Rideau St. CE6-3243 1955 HILLMAN MINX SEDAN 1 owner car in lovely condition. TOP VALUE FOR QUICK SALE.

MOTORS Authorized, Distributor Exelosive 298 Richmond Road Telephone PA2-3408 QUALITY CARS at BARGAIN PRICES SEE THESE AND SAVE 1958 DODGE Regent sedan, 2- tone, radio. A beautiful automobile in new car condition $2195 1954 CHEVROLET Bet Air dan. radio, 2-tone $1065 1951 CHEVROLET sedan. Real value $565 1955 PLYMOUTH. sedan, automatic, power steering.

radio $1145 1953 AUSTIN sedan, cal transportation $545 PAUL CARDINAL LIMITED Exclusive Austin Distributor for Ottawa, Hull and District PA8-1836 1259 WELLINGTON ST. INVENTORY CLEARANCE SALE 1956 DODGE Suburban. 1 er, really sharp. $1395 1956 METEOR 'Niagara sedan, air conditioning. 2-tone $1295 1935 MONARCH sedan, 2-toRe, air conditioning and radio.

Very clean $1150 1955 FORD 2-door, 2-tone and air conditioning $895 1933 PLYMOUTH sedan. air conditioning $395 1952 CHEVROLET Deluxe dan. toning. air radio $395 1932 DODGE sedan. air ditioning and radio $295 1949 AUSTIN A46 sedan.

air conditioning. Dependable $100 "BUY NOW, PAY LATER" $50-DOWN will handle Cliff Jackson 1270 BANK (at Riverdale) CE3-4495 CE4-6166 Open till 10 p.m. 802 AUTOS WANTED Chevrolet, cash. Big 3. Automobiles 1347 Wellington, PA8-0619 ALL cash in 5 minutes for class automobiles Brennan Bros.

1283 Wellington. ALL cash, no waiting. top cars onty. 10. John Morris.

.264 Kent, CES-2000. CLEAN automobiles, Cash. Trade down. Wally Biggs 72 Road. HIGH payments? Need money? Trade your Tate model car for cheaper car and cash.

Top price paid. Archie McDonald. 280 Laurier avenue W. HIGHEST prices, good used cars. trucks: cars sold on consignment Keith's Auto Sales CES.9113.

LATE model care wanted, We will trade up or down. Century Motore. Gladstone st. Kent CE3-4344. PAT Jones Auto, sells your for you.

PA2-6840. $803 TRUCKS and TRAILERS 1956 Ford dump 7-700, good condition. Apply after 6, 43 Lorne avenue. 1951 Mercury panel truck, new SH6-0912. Repossessed Truck 1955 Ford F600, van body, brand new fires all around, in excellent condition.

Low terms, down CE2-3665. payment. very easy Used Cars 804 GARAGES GARAGE wanted. Vicinity Bel. mont and Bank.

Week -end. CES-5526; week days, CES-1867. PARKING space, Gilmour and Evenings, CE2-9545. WANTED for small car. snow vicinity Metcalle, Somerset, MeLaren or Gilmour.

CE4-2264. 5.30 to p.m. WINTER storage, cars, $6 monthly, CE6-1163. 805 MOTORCYCLES ENGLISH Motorcycles. Reg'd, Tridealer.

Lailemand, (Eastview, SH6-8933 HARLEY Davidson. BSA. and NS.U. sales and service. Byles, 305 and 307 Bank.

CE6-9611. MOTOR overhauls, storage, makes, Crawford', 2070 Scott, PA2-5400. Miscellaneous 903 LEGAL DEFENCE CONSTRUCTION (1951) LIMITED NOTICE TO TENDERERS PROJECT: Supply, Installation and Testing of Group Electrical Controls for High Speed Wind Tunnel at National Aeronautical Establishment, Uplands, ontario. File 122-8-01-65. The Tender closing date for the above mentioned project has been further extended from 3.00 p.m.

Eastern Standard Time, Tuesday. November 17, 1959 3.00 p.m.. Eastern Standard Time, Friday, November -27, 1959 J. D. JENNISON, Secretary, No.

Temporary Building, 56 Lyon Street, Ottawa, Ontario, NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate Arturs Antons Kivitis, deceased. AIL -persons having claims against the Estate of Arturs Antons Kivitis, late of. the City of Ottawa, who died intestate, or about March 25, 1959, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned an or before November 26, 1959, after which date the Estate will be distributed, with regard only. to the claims of which the. undersigned shall have notice, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice.

DATED at Ottawa, this 26th day of October, 1939. AURELE CHARTRAND, QC, 45 Rideau Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Solicitor for the of Estate, Matilde Kristine Kivitis, CITY OF- OTTAWA Dept. of Planning and Works BUILDINGS FOR DEMOLITION OR REMOVAL SEALED TENDERS. addressed to the Chairman Members of the Board of Control, will be received by its Secretary, City Hall. Sumsex Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, up to 3.30 p.m., Standard Time, day, November 24, 1959 for the Demolition or Removal of Butidings known by the following Municipal Hinton' avenue 510.

Parkdale avenue; 504-506 Parkdale avenue; 241-243 Holland avehue, A separate tender will be required for each building. certified cheque made payable to the City Treasurer or cash in the amount of One Hundred Dollars ($100) must accompany each tender as a guarantee of performance also' certified cheque, cash or bid bond which must not be less, than ten percent. of the total of the tender. Tender forms may be obtained from the of the Building Inspector, City Hall, Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Ontario. The Corposation does not bind itself to accept the highest or any tender, and, in particular.

if only one tender is received. the City reserves the right to reject It: A. T. HASTEY, City Clerk. Ottawa, November 10, 1939.

CITY OF OTTA SALE OF CIVIC PROPERTY SEALED OFFERS. to purchase, addressed to the Chairman and Members of the Board of Control, 111 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, and marked. "Offers to Purchase of City-owned will be received by its Secretary up to 3 30 o'clock p.m., November 24.1 1959. Each offer to purchase is to be accompanied by a certified deposit cheque for of the of the bid and the balance of the purchase price is to be paid within thirty (30) days of acceptance of the. offer.

The Corporation reserves the right to reject any bid and to accept the earliest hid received where offers are for -similar amounts for the "property. Sale of this property is subject to reserve bid and no offer for less than this amount will be considered. Tender forms may be secured in the Board of Control Office, City Hail. Fairmont avenue, East, Old No. 2 Police Station, West 105' Lot No.

1, 105'. North of 11. Fairmont avenue. A. T.

HASTEY, City Hull Driver Fined $100 Maurice Schryer, 119 Lois Hull, in Hull court Wednesday was fined $100 and costs by Judge Avila Labelle, on pleading guilty to: a charge of driving while impaired. His driver's permit was also suspended for three months. THE OTTAWA JOURNAL THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, GH DR. GEORGE WHERRETT. DR.

GEORGE WHERRETT Incident His Life onto in September, 1961. World Operation. 166-nation organization at its genferal convention in- Istanbul last September, succeeding a Turkish doctor. The next international 1 convention will be held in The international union does the same work on an international level as the Canadian association does on the national level: collecting and publishing information, co ordinating the work its individual chapters, educating the public, assisting 1 in the rehabilitation of patients. The international is financed through a levy on member countries.

The national organization, which has a seven-member headquarters staff here, is supported by its provincial chapters, which tin get their money from sale. of Christmas seals. Last 500.000 Canadians bought Christmas seals worth $2,500,000. Control of tuberculosis in Canada has greatly advanced since the days when Dr. Wherrett began devoting his life to the elfort.

"In those days," he says, "it was real problem. There was hardly a family that did not have TB in it somewhere." When the TB association was. founded in 1900 the death rate was reckoned at 200 per cent per 100,000 of the population. Last year it was six per 100,000. Cases Still Frequent.

"Perhaps that is not an accurindication of the amount of in Canada, though. Thanks mainly to antibiotic drugs and improved diagnosis facilities, people nowadays do pot die from disease as they used to. The number of cases has not fallen off nearly as fast as the death rate. "Last year there were more. than 7,500 new well.

over half the 11,000 to 12,000 recorded annually when TB was at its peak. We are afraid the idea will get around that TB has been when certainly that is not the case." The World. Health Organization -with which the international TB union works closely--has said the disease will be considered under control when fewer than one, per cent of children aged 14 give a positive test. Even in Canada, which has the fifth-lowest rate in the world, that objective is far from being realized. In recent' survey m' Ontario, for instance, 4.4 per cent of.

children aged 10 to 14 reacted positively. The percentage would be greater at the higher age. Internationally, tuberculosis is still a major and often -deadly menace, Dr. Wherrett says, event though the rate appears to be dropping. On the basis of calculations by the World Health Organization it is estimated 10,000,000 to 000 people in the world suffer from "The problem now." says this leader in a 'world struggle, "is to apply the latest methods of diagnosis and treatment in the underdeveloped, Journal Want Ads bring quick results.

To Hold Panel On Literature And Freedom The Hopkins Club of Ottawa is sponsoring panel discussion on the topic "Literature and On the panel will be Dr. D. J. McGuinty, Prof. K.

Russell, Prof. C. Visgak, S. Petraroja and Dr. P.

Marcotte. The discussion will take place tomorrow night at 8.30 p.m. at the Academic Hall, Ottawa University, Three Hurt When Car Rams Truck Three persons were injured, none seriously, in a collision involving three vehicles on Highway 17, one 'mile east of the city limits, Wednesday at 7.40 p.m. Admitted to St. Louis de Montfort Hospital were Joseph Larocque, 45, 14 Nelson street, who suffered cuts and bruises to his left ankle; his wife, Marie Blanche Larocque, 44, who sustained lacerations to her face and fractured left ankle, and Jean Paul Laberge, a 40, 272 St.

Andrew street, who received. neck injuries. three were in a car, driven, by Mr. Laberge, that rammed into the rear of truck that had stopped on the highway to make a left turn into a service station. Driver of the truck was Gerard Biron of Gatineau Point.

Following the crash a boat trailer being towed behind the Laberge car was struck in the rear by a third vehicle driven by Patrick Joseph Lafortune, 309 St. Patrick street. Total damage was estimated at $1,700. OPP Cpl. Gordon Jack investigated.

Carillon Recital This Evening Robert Donnell, Dominion Carillonneur, will present the following program on the Peace Tower Carillon this evening from 8 to 9 o'clock. Prelude and Solfeggietto. for Carillon P. Price In a Monastery Selections Garden A. Ketelbey F.

Couperin Cecilienne, Andante, La Bourbonnise, Gigue Melody G. G. Dawes Rondo for Carillon J. A. H.

Wagenaar Folk Melodies: (a) When Thou art Nigh (b) Bal chez boule Serenade W. Carmichael Waltz Sonata in in F--Finale B. Marcello A Flat Canada and God Save the Queen. 3 -(Photo by Lowe's Studio. Golden Lake Couple Mark 50th MR.

AND MRS. FRED LIEBECK. Mr. and Mrs. Fred of Golden Lake celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary recently when they were "at home" to friends and relatives.

Rev. W. F. Krotz gave a short address and extended congratulations to the couple on behalf of those present. Mrs.

Liebeck, who was born in Killaloe in 1693, is the former Augusta Krantz, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Kranzof Golden Lake. Mr. Liebeck.

who was born in Wilberforce Township in 1887, is son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Otto Buckwald of Ruby. Ont. They were married Evangelical United Church, Golden Lake, on November 24, 1909 by the late Rey.

T. B. Meyer. Anniversary Mr. and Mrs.

Liebeck have been lifelong residents of Golden Lake where Mr. Liebeck was employed by the Canadian National Railways until his retirement eight years ago. They have one daughter, Mrs, Edward -Peters of Oshawa, (Beryl), and two grandchildren, The couple received many gifts and messages of congratite lations including messages from Premier Frost, and Mr. James Baskin, Conservative MP for South Renfrew. Among those present for the celebration were Mr.

Maurice Hamilton, Conservative MP for North Renfrew, Mr. and Mrs. Versal Scheels and family of Arnprior and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Peters of Oshawa.

By JACK BEST, of The Canadian. Press, When George J. Wherrett was final-year medical student at the University of Manitoba he decided to spend part of his vacation at the tuberculosis sanatorium at Fort Qu'Appelle, Sask. It was a fateful decision. Today, the veteran executive secretary of the Canadian Tuberculosis Association, president of the International Unelect ion Against Tuberculosis, vividly recalls the move which shaped his life.

student had to put in two weeks as an observer and helper at a the 63- -old doctor explained interview in his office in downtown Ottawa. "The Christmas holidays presented a golden opportunity, spent most of mine at Fort Qu'Appelle. The work appealed to me from the outset." Career. "When the two weeks were nearly Dr. Wherrett continued; "the superintendent--Dr.

R. G. Ferguson, now retired in Regina- -suggested I return to the sanatorium after serving my In ternship. I did so, and have beer in the TB field practically evert, since:" Dr. Wherrett, who was born in Shoal Lake, has been executive secretary of the Canadian Tuberculosis Association for 26 years.

He took the job after two separate stints at the Fort Appelle sanatorium, during the second of which be was assistant superintendent. In, between his internship and his national appointment also were an engagement with the New Brunswick health department he organized the province's TB clinics--and two years in England doing postgraduate study in internal medicine. On the executive committee of the international body since 1947, he was elected president of the IMPORTANT ESTATE AUCTION 1265 BANK STREET (Strand Hall) at Riverdale Monday, November 16 Starting at' 2 p.m. Tuesday, November 17 at 10 a.m. to Noon Tuesday, November 17 at 2 p.m.

until finish have been instructed to sell by anction the following articles belonging to the estate of the: late. Gertrude Perrott: Sheraton Sideboard. French Buhl Cabinets, French Provincial Chairs, Georgian and Vietorian Dining Chairs, Empire Antique Easy, Chairs, Rosewood Spinet Desk, Commodes, China Chests of Drawers, Antique Occasional Chairs, Music Canterburys, Sofa Tables, Ottomans, Inlaid Game Table, some excellent Living Room Coffee -Tables, Old Brass and Bronzes, Fireplace Equipment, Clocks, Gilt Mirrors, Fine Old China, Pair Dresden Branch Candelabra: a large assortment Cut Crystal in Vases, ters, Glasses, Bedroom Suites, Rugs, Paintings, ete. This lot must be seen to be appreciated, and is without doubt one of the most' interest. Ang and outstanding estates which 1.

have ever onered for sale: Doors Open for Inspection at 9 a.m. Nov. 16 W. S. WALKER Auctioneer PROVINCE OF QUEBEC Municipality of West Hull To the Ratepayers of the aforesaid Municipality: PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the undersigned, Secretary Treasurer of the aforesaid Municipality, THAT: POLICE AND.

FIRE WANTED Applications are invited for the position of Police and Fire Chief tin this municipality. Bilingual necessity, Automobile necessity: Applications should reach the. Secretary-Treasurer not later than December 1st marked Office, Chelsea, P.Q. GIVEN at Old Chelsea Fifty-Nine. this 11th day of November.

One Thousand, Nine Hundred and R. JAMES REILLY. Artist Raymond Picard Captures Outdoor Mood A small group of oil ings from the brushes of real artist Raymond Picard are being shown in the foyer of the Little Theatre this week. The artist-paints -with considerable -assurance and competence. His specialty is landscapes but he also is able to produce on canvas the superb figure of what could very well be a water nymph seated on driftwood.

Mr. Picard an obvious lover of the outdoors captures the mood of the changing seasons. Open water is shown at Spring break-up and Autumn with its, kaleidoscopic colors. CHIEF WALKING BUFFALO Chief Walking Buffalo, right, 88-yearold former chieftain of the Stoney Reserve at Morley, looks up to Parliament Hill from the where he qbserved Remembrance Day yesterday. With REMEMBERED, TOO.

him are his nephew, Jimmy Kaquits, 20, left, and his adopted, white son, White Buffalo, centre. three left today for Europe on behalf of the Moral Re-Armament movement: While every eye forms its own beauty we were attracted by the high of these paintings, the artist's obvious command of his media, his color sense and handling of light and shadow. He derives his inspiration from such well-known places as Mont Tremblant, Lac Desert, Como. The lighting in foyer failed to bring out the full beauty of all the paintings. They are certain to arouse admiration and the inadequate lighting could perhaps be rectified.

W. Q. K. (Journal Photo by Dominion 88-Year-Old Warrior Finds Ottawa Changed Chief Walking Buffalo of the Stoney Reserve at Morley, saw his first Remembrance Day ceremony on Wednesday. A grand old warrior of 88- but definitely of peace -Chief Walking Buffalo is en route to a month-long European tour.

There he will travel on behalf of the Re-Arma-year-old ment SALES REPRESENTATIVES TIVES wanted for Ottawa, Hall and Montreal districts. by large and growing national concern in the food industry. Must be fluently bilingual and have own car. Some experience in dealing with food outlets desirable. Excellent salary arrangements.

'Foll company benefits. Apply in confidence to Box E-575, Ottawa Journal Grants Help Pay Gatineau Road Costs Wearing a' great black overcoat, the Chief joined the ranks of thousands who bowed their heads and prayed at the Cenotaph during the two minutes' silence. Two grey braids, knotted with maroon ribbon, peeked out from under his spanking new fawn Stetson. He was flanked by his 20- nephew, Jimmy Kaquitz, and adopted white son, Buffalo. In citified life, White is Miles Phillimore, of Mackinac Island, Michigan.

Now 1 many years- retired from active tribal affairs, this was the Chief's first visit, to Ottawa since he came here in 1914 to consult with the government in an official capacity. "It's changed an awful he said looking down Elgin street and to the Parliament Buildings. He had comment on the action of the Indian band at The Pas, which yesterday. -refused to accept a $2,000 offer from the CNR for back rental on the land used by the railway since 1914: "They'll hold out for more he said. And of the Remembrance Day ceremonies: "I'm happy we managed to pass through Ottawa at the right time." The Gatineau South Winter Roads Association recently completed plans for the maintenance of 'lower Gatineau roads and elected its executive for the coming year.

The Provincial Roads Department will maintain Highways 8 and 11 in the area and the subsidy for plowing, sand. ing and salting of other roads has. been increased from $100 to $175, the association nounced. -Members of. the new execute: tive are: J.

F. Kealey, president; Gerald McMillan, dent and Basil J. McGoey, secretary-treasurer, Jack McGarry, Allen Stew. art, Joseph Nesbitt, Clifford Bradley, Gabriel Maloney, C. E.

Murtagh, T. G. Mayburry, A. Legros and Fred Orange were elected to the board of MORE STUDENTS, East German institutions of higher learning in 1958 had more students than in the whole of Germany 20 years ago, said the East news agency ADN. It said there were more than 64,000 -students at univer.

sities and colleges, and a fur. ther. 19,000 taking correspondence courses..

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