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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 7

Logansport, Indiana
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1 -i PLUG TOBACCO. Tint of It was decided, however, bythe owners, the White Collar to'-send the boat out, and the towboat Hercules Carrel was sent out to aid her in passing below tho bridges. The Carrel was secured to the stern of the Longfellow, and both boats passed down the river to a point about fifty yards above the Chesapeake Ohio bridge, where the Long-fellow became entirely unmanageable. The shrill blasts of the whistles on both the Consumers of clewinjtokccowb are willing to paj a little more tkn the price diarged for tlie ordinanj trade tokccos, will find tto Irand superior to all ottera BEWARE LIMITATIONS- TO THE BOTTOM. Ohio Elver Stsamer Crashes Into a Bridge at Cincinnati and Sinks, Eight Persons Missing and Thought to Hnve Lost Thiir of tho Accident.

Ci.N'C'iN'N'.vn, March handsome Cincinnati Orleans Lonfrfullfnv, wi-nt In tin: bottom of tho Ohio i-ivi-r at 7 o'clock I-'riiliiy morning, ftifrht or mure livus went down with her. IShu sank in 30 feet of water opposite tho Miir- inct C'Jiil at tlio foot of Smith street. She struck tho channel span of the Chusapuaku bridge ami sank within thrui: minutes. AruUImit. to According to thu best information eight persons lost, but tln-rc wuru over 100 people On board thu boat when tilie struulc.

The pilot in charge of the boat says thu fop- was so when she struck the pier that they were unable to discern it in the mist and were not aware oC its proximity. The steamer literally crumbled to pieces immediately following the collision, and the bow of the boat while the cabin and stem lloated away. of Dmiil nail MlHiintf. Following 1 is a corrected list of the dead, inissinff and injured: MIKer. porter.

Now Qrlann.s. I 1 I'unor, Newport, Din-id Alilr-ldce. Soho- run. Mow Orluiins; Unknown deal: hand; lieiintoii. cluuU hand.

CSticlunnU; Unknown Tvoinun, iiH'tilld, of N'ow YarU: her Cunnilo puy- HlL-lnn. Ur. Anderson, Now York. Injured --U'llHura Colbert, foot, mashed; Wilson IX li.irt. foot timsltuil: L'iipu Kuhrcr.

Liinils tut: Mute KlnK. of LIio llurculus roll. llorlimr The real cause oi' the accident, it is said, was the fact that the Jiki- the ill-fated steamer State of was so unwieldy that and I tho pilots wi'iv, powerless to control her. The boat was to have left here for New Orleans Thursday nijjht. but was piwi-nteii from so on ao- eount of the dense foy.

Kivor men say the fon was even greater Friday morning, ami the boat should never MBit' i i'nH in' 1 i'i I I M'l' many of whom the Carrel, which was still alongside. All this occupied first warnings of danger, and the doors of the staterooms were hurriedly thrown open, while the passengers gathered together on the front part of the cabin The fog was so dense that they could see nothing, and few of them were aware of the uctual danger. The officers were cool and collected, arid retained their presence of mind for the most part, even in the face of the imminent danger. snvod tho I'ajtmiiiffuM. The crew was summoned ou the front of tlu: boiler deck and preparations wi-re miulo for removing the passengers, many of whom were dies, to nioort'd bul.

a fraction the time between tho moment when it was first seen that thu bnat would strike- and thu actual collision. Tin: sound when thu boat struck could bo heard for several along the river front, and sounded if the walls of great building had fallen. A moment later the river was bhiek with Moating wreck- age'auit freight. Smile The passengers had escaped to the Carrel, aud when Lho collision occurred tile hawser 1 rukc, while the Carrel drifted to the Kentucky side of thu pier. Thu wreck sankqutckly, and three minutes later scarcely a vestige remained.

The number of missing and dead, so far as it is known at this time by thu boat agents is eight, but this number may be increased when the Heating wreckage is overhauled. There u'ere about forty passengers on the boat, crew of fifty and about twenty laborers iXouo of the latter i.s known, as all wei-c shipped for the River Transfer company, a short distance below the Chesapeake Ohio bridge. the number of laborers is not known, and therefore it is impossible to ascertain whether any is missing. lUmt lii-uvlly The steamer Longfellow was one of the largest, bust-known and handsomest packets on the Ohio river. She was and up to about two years ago was known us the U.

P. Schonck. At that time she was- pin-chased by her present owners, the White Collar Ijinu company, and the name was changed to the Longfellow. She was freighted almost entirely with reaping and mowing machines for the southern markets. The consignment consisted of more than 300 machines and was billed to Vieksburg, Bazoo City uud Now Orleans.

-It is doubtless the, largest shipment of harvesting machinery ever made at one time out of Cincinnati, ami shows that thu south is preparing for a period of. prosperity. An interesting fact connected with the shipment is that the goods were actually sold aud are not being shipped down there on exhibition. HOW 10 PASS INSIRANCE. An Expert's Opinion.

"I was born and brought up in the Life Insurance business and whenever I found a man troubled with any kidney trouble I have always recommended Warner's Safe Cure, not because I had any 'axe to grind- but I found if a man would take a i half dozen bottles of the Safe Cure 'that in nine cases out of ten be 'would pass the medical examination. I have tried it myself and I know that it is kept up to the standard." T. R. TAILOR. C'oA octon, -V, Y.

MR. SLUDGE, THE MEDIUM. The Poet Browning rjerectei! an tlnn on His Wife. Mr. Frederick Greenwood, in his personal recollections, written for the "Realm," tells the following- story: la- "Everybody who lives with books has heard that Robert Browning's 'Sludge, the reflected upon Flome.

and most people have also heard that the celebrated creature succeeded in bringing Mrs. Browning under his influence completely. But the trick that undeceived her (we must suppose; is not so well known. It rnay have got into print, but, if so, for one, liavo ucvor seen it, and tell the story ns it was l.oi'.l by Browning himself, bctn a.bor.t the Brownings a good know many people known to thorn; was, in his tea-party way, an agreeable sort of person; and there were here and seances there; said the poet, casting a vague look about the room to express his bewilderment, '1 don't know how it was. 1 did my best, but little by little he gained her over to believing in him; how much to my distress, After awhile Uorne found a yet more excellent way of working oa the poor lady's mind.

She had lost a liu.le child by death, and, her own wishes running to embrace the promise, he began to hint that someday he would bring the little one's spirit into her presence. But ho was slow in performing'this for, otherwise, ho would have lost the advantage of an excited expectation, often stimulated'and as often baffled. At last an evening was named when the mother's yearning should be satisfied. In the customary way, light was shut out of the when tho three sat down, and the usual rap- pings and questioning's and invocations went on for a time, and then the child's spirit was to appear. And, sure enough, there did arise above the edge of the table something that was whiter than the dark, that seemed to havo a motion of its own and the luminonsncss of a living thing, and that might veritably be what poor Mrs.

Browning fancied it. lint, conscious of her trembling state of mind, her husband was in auothcr- gucss sort of passion. '1 suddenly sprang up, dashed my arm across the. labk', and took hold do you The scoundrel's obscene The Claming anger in which Browning finished the so mnny years, no doubt about wlfcit happened next to the celebrated i Ilu was instantly and i literally kicked of the house; his PERIL OF THE NORTH SEA. Full of Anxiety to the and Pneumonia to the Passenger.

The passage ef the North sea, or German it Is equally well known by both looked upon with dread by the navigators who have to brave its dangers, says the Boston Transcript. The sailors of the Xorth German Lloyd call it the Sea of Murder, in allusion to th'c marine disasters with which its history bristles. The captain of the linor whose destination is Liverpool feels that the perils of bis voyage are practically over when he reaches Queenstowh. Thecommanders of the sister ships of the Elbe, on the other hand, realize that the most dangerous part of their journey is yet to come, for ahead of them is the narrow and crowded English channel and the equally crowded and tempestuous North sea. These unruty waters are open to the fierce sweep of the wind that is so dreaded in Europe, that which is from the northeast.

Only those who have experienced these marrow-chilling, pneumonia-breeding blasts can realize their anger and their power. Tho Gulf stream, which surges up the channel and around the northern end of the British Isles, meets the icy currents from the arctic regions. Storms, varied by dense fojrs, result from this combination. The east const of England forms a deadly lee shore for the shipping caught in the prevailing winds. In addition to these natural dangers, the North sea is crossed nnct recrossud by doxens of steamer "lanes." It is also the seat of the great herring fisheries, with their thousands of smacks and schooners that, lying at anchor licre, there and everywhere, are are by no means the least of the dangers which menace the navigator.

Here. too. there are hundreds of Scotch and English coasting craft, which stand well to sea to avoid the dungers of shore lines. And, lastly, the mouth of the Thames spreads funnel-like into the North sea, adding to the total perils with its fleets of incoming and outgoing vessels. for Infants and Children.

IHIRTT of with pf pgr.on.. permit to of it without It nnqnettionaMy remedy for CMMrgg tho world hui ever kno-uro. It i. Children it. It them health.

It will their linu. In it which absolutely nafe and practtoidly perfect child'i medicine. Cmtoria dontroyii Wormn. Cnttoria nllays FcTcrishneim. Cmtorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd.

PimrhcBft and Wind Colic. Castoria Teething rotary said to a ItrltlKli Coming. March Parker, sec- shot- and stocking after him, no doub of the London Athletic club, United Press reporter that the London team will sail for New York on September 0 on fie steamer Majestic. The games will take place o.n September "1. The details ot' the events have been practically arranged on a satisfactory basis.

Chinese mandarins of the second class wear a button of coral red. suggested a cock's comb, since the cock is the bird that adorns their breast. The third class arc gorgeous, with a robe on which ft peacock is oncd, while from the center of the red fringe of silk upon the hat rises a sapphire button. The button of the fourth class is an opaque dark purple stone, and the bird depicted on the robe is the pelican. A silver pheasant on the robe and a clear crystal button on the are the rank of thu fifth class.

The sixth class are entitled to wear an embroidered stork and a jadestone button; the seventh a partridge and" an embossed gold button. In the eighth the partridge is reduced to a quail, and the gold button becomes plain, while the ninth-class mandarin has to be content with a sparrow for his emblem, and with silver' for his button. IJlKT Salmon. The largest salmon caught in British writers during the last twenty-five years, according to Mr. II.

Ffacncll, was one caught in the Tay which weighed scvcnt3'-one pounds. There are plenty of instances of fish between fifty and sixty pounds, and a few above sixty. In YonelPs "British Fishes" is tho statement that a salmon weighmg eighty-three pounds was for sale in London in 1S-1. It seems to be a fact not run as big 1 l.lis. March S.

park board, at a special meeting Kri- that British salmon day, decided to offer Loring park, in i QS formerly, this city, to the stair, to be used for a I yoll you can Ktarvo a call capitoi site. Loriug park in tho or a week, then feed well for a week center of th.j city and comprises forty nnd haTe calcll up in thrift you are euros Constipation and Flit tul ency. Cantorin ncntroJizcn tho cffocts of carbonio Caatorio. not contain roorphino. other nai-ootio property.

Cttntorla nssfcmilatoii tho food, tlio stomach and giving hooltliy and natural ulecp. Cftiitoria put up in one-alzo bottles only. It is not tn bnlfc. Pon't allow any one to yon anything elso on tlio pica or oro thftt It am, good" See that yon get C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. Tho of Is on rvery Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.

Spring Curry Comb I Clock Spring Blndo. Soft as a Brush- FltsevcrvCurce. Hut Pcrlcct Comb- Used by Annr by Barnoni cut angh Circuses, and Leading Horsemen of Uw Warti. Asb Dcaiei foi It Sample mailed post paid 25 CCttM COMB IN THE: WOFRL.P i For keeping the System In a Healthy Condition. CURES Headacfve, CURES Constipation, Acts on the Liver and Kidneys, Purifies Blood.

Dispels Colds and Fevers. Beautifies tho Complexion and Pleasing and Refreshing- to the Taste. SOLO BY ALL. DRUGGISTS, 4S-A nicely illustrated Lincoln Story Book civcn to every pnrclinsor of't Lincoln Tea. Price 25c.

Ask your drucR-isi, or LINCOLN Fort Wayne. lad, for by B. Porter. AMERICAN FOOD ArJD COOKING. estimated to be worth The Spring Is your most dangerous time! Get your blood pure and your nerves strong.

Nervura Blood and Nerve Remedy, IS THE GREATEST AND BEST Medicine! J.oTL Ills I orttinc l.ft Count Victor Boworowsky, an eccentric I'olisli nobleman, has left his ea- t.irc estate to be administrated by, tni.stccs in the interest of science, art and literature. The estate described' as at present to "several million florins," but it is to accumulate until the total amounts to twenty mil- Kens, the count had eviditfitly fear that the fVvernmcnt of Caliciff would refuse to in which case tllft entire property will pass to the KritSak museum. The count, had been with blindness for years, fortnight ago committed suicide Lomburg. Are You Prepared for Spring? How to Get Well and Keep Well. to prepare Ivcnt of W.

NOTTRSE, It in necessary voumclf for the advent iiprintr by tnkLnC a ttprlnir medicine. VMO the remedy which cured S. IV. Noumc, of Hudson, Muss. 4l TYoro constant worry over business matters," he suffered from the of sleep, and became so nervous that 1 entlrelv unfitted for my In fact, I feared insanity.

I used Dr. Creeno'sXorvura hlooil and nerve rem-' cdy. The effect was almost magical. I could again sleep, mental composure; appetite, ami strength relumed. Six bottUjs ot this reractlv cured me, and I Lave remained well date.

I have recommended Dr. Greene's JCervura Wood and nerve remedy to many of my friends and neighbors, aud have yet to learn of a failure to obtain good results." He was Cured by Dr. Greene's Nervura Blood and Nerve Remedy. Do You Feel Weak, Tired, and Nervous OLIVEE The wonderful care of Mrs. Oliver Wilson, of Nortliboro, will interest you.

I -was snfferine from she savs, caused by female weakness and neirons prostration. I so ner- TOOS and weak I could not go up a common pair of stairs without stopping to rest, and was troubled to sleep at mprht. I cook Dr. Greene's Nermra blood and nerve remedy, and bare obtained my old elastic step around the liouse. to the surprise of my friends After creeping around for two years, hardly able to do anvtliinc.

it lias proved a boon to tnilv. know of many otners whom it has cured and who speak moss highly ia praise Ql it." Snixio Suitc-mc-nts In a Uocnnt J-'rcnch Ilevicn- Xot Oui: I'ucttj. The ignorance of French writers who treat of matters relating to the United States is generally very much in evi- den'ce. One of them iu a recent issue of the Revue ScientiSque, writing upon i the subject of our edible turtles and incidentally of cookciy in this country, makes the statement that green turtles i arc taken iti the neighborhood of Xew there to Florida. lie also asserts that it is only in aliments of aquatic origin that our food products are superior to those of Europe, 'that our fishes are abundant and generally good, but that our culinary treatment of them is inferior.

As regards our meats, poultry and game, the Frenchman dismisses them as little worthy of attention. Of the first; two it may be conceded, says tho New York Sun, that the average quality is not soliigh as in France. His estimate of our game is probably based upon the condition in which it reaches European markets, where it is sold in larg-e quantities in the close season here. This estimate ia not a fair one, inasmuch us almost all of our game which goes abroad has, previous to shipment, been held for months in cold-Storage warehouses, to its deterioration both in quality and flavor. As regards our native cookery, the French writer asserts that there is not much in it to tempt a European particularly, and especially a Frenchman.

While this may be true concent- ing the country at larg-e, an exception must be made in favor of the native i cookery of Maryland and eastern Vir- ginia and that of the Creole population i of Louisiana, whieh, within its com- pass, is second to none. The fact must not be lost sight of that in the last decade culinary skill -with us has made i great advances, the results of which would not be apparent to a superficial foreign observer. A case in point illus- trative of our progress in this direction is offered in the alimentary department of our exchanges for woman's work, Within the restrictions which it im- poses, the edibles there on sale, the work of native feminine bread winners, are promptly bought by discriminating' i purchasers, so far are they superior i I foreign preparations of a similar character. Messina- of her quiet life fell on us like the dew: and good thoughts, where her footsteps pressed, like fairy 5 tt sa blossoms grew. fcrr-? 'was the land of tne -l' Abassios or "mbced races." From early cbl W- boot! there hunJredi; who ra afflicwd with tkta ttrriljlc disease, which Ihcniedicflt raenandevcnHotSpriugsfiill to benefit.

S. S. S. bus made a wonderful record iu tho euro Of Eczcmn; oven remedy I failed, tail DOwncd blood IIBI rcrne'ly hfus n- moved the dis-I II VIII Yofc cnrmot afibrd to risk the harmful! effects of mercurial and potash 11 a I remedies, they are I UI worse lhan the dig- 11III S. S.

S. JtUIIE Buanuitcc'l table, containing no drat orminernl ot any hind. Send for our trcRliseoi blood and Fkin free. SWIFT SPECIW AUnnta. A LADY'S TOILET Is not complete without an ideal POMPLEXBO! POWDER.

PGZZ0HFS Combines every element of and purity. It is beauti- iyiacr, soothing, healing. harmless, and when rightly used is invisible. A most 1 delicate and desirable protection the face in this climate..

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