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Los Angeles Herald from Los Angeles, California • Page 7

Los Angeles, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

NEWS FROM NEIGHBORING CITIES. from Sixth January Ist, a son. Mother and child doing weil. Mrs. Hill, R.

J. Pengelley's Bieter, is stopping here at present. Revival meetings are still progressing, with many good results. Mra. Germain is visiting at the residence of her father, J.

Sitton. A creamery and cheese factory combined ia talked of here. Mrs. Lottie Hill ia atopping at the residence of R. S.

Deering. PASADENA. The Tournament of Roses a Sneeess. Notes. Pasadena, Jan.

fourth annual tournament of roses has come and gone, proving to be the most delightful gala day ever held in this city. Flowers were in profusion everywhere while gaily decorated carriages and tally-hos were to be seen npon every hand. The procession formed at 9:30 o'clock and after driving down Orange Grove avenue proceeded at once to the grounds headed by the band. The number of handsome decorated turnouts in line presented a beautiful appearance and the profuse manner in which flowers were used proved an eye opener to our eastern visitors. The first prize for the beet decorated carriage was won by the Raymond, while the Columbia Hill Tennis club carried off Becond honors.

The crowd at the grounds was large, of whom a great number.were from Los Angeles and neighboring cities. The programme was carried out as published, with no accidents to record. Messrs. J. R.

Clark of Philadelphia and A. T. Schalle of New York acted as judges, while Dr. Rowland took charge of arrangements, and in this capacity did excellent work. The various events in their order of occurrence, were as follows: Ranchmen's race One-half mile; best two in three: Won by £1 Mahte Jim, owner Wiggins, first prize, road cart; second prize won by Alhambra, owner H.

Ballard. Second mile, best two in by blind Jim, owners, Torrance Scovill. Prize, set of butcher's tools. Third, pony race, half by Nellie, Ribbon second, Betty third. Flat race, half mile, best two in three by 8.

Tyler's Lady Washington, El Monte second. The donkey race, about 20 entries Won by Arthur Hodge's Sweet Violet, Raceland second. Pony half mile dash by R. M. Baker's Pet.

Bicycle, safety, one mile, 2:35 class, gold and silver by W. Burke, Halbrook second, A. Joy third. Pony race, trotting to harness, half by Carlie Coleman's Elsie, Pet and Bessie second, May third. Bicycle, two mile, open, for gold and silver by Burke, Cromwell second, Stamford third.

Steeple chase, over a fair hunting course of two by F. E. Simons' King. Lady Washington second. Prize, $75 tankard.

Last event, hurdle mile, over six by Lady Washington, King second. A tourney at rings waa given, the participants being Whit Elliott, R. Barmudos, A. Barmudos and Jessie Yore. The event was won by R.

Barmudos. A great running race was witnessed between a horse belonging to Mr. Lugo and one owned by Chas. Gaesen. Mr.

fiassen's horse won. All events passed off very pleasantly, the only difficulty being in keeping the crowd off of the track. This will no doubt be remedied next time. On the whole the Valley Hunt club is tv be congratulated npon the successful outcome of the day. NOTES.

The agency of the San Francisco Chronicle has been combined with the Herald. A supply of New Year's Heralds is on hand at the Paeadena office of the Herald, 14 West Colorado street. Numerous photographs were taken of today's procession, some of which may be used in the world's fair picture. The Philomothean Literary society of Throop university meets next Friday evening in Wooster ball. An excellent musical and literary programme has been arranged.

Tbroop nniyersity will open Wednesday morning, not Thursday, aB was stated in yesterday's correspondence. A few days since a statement appeared in an evening paper to the effect that the wife of one of Pasadena's restaurant men had eloped, The husband in the case desires to state that at no time has he been in doubt as to the whereabouts of hie better half, and that any state ment that she has eloped is absolutely false. Pasadena Briefs. Pasadena offlce of the Hebjald, No. 14 West Colorado Advertisements and subscriptions received.

ST. NICHOLAS, half block from terminus of the Los Angeles, Pasadena and Glendale railway. Rates $5 to $7 per week. Miss I. Mc- Lain, proprietor.

MORGAN'S LIVERY AND BLE, rear of post-omce. Safe and lish at reasonable prices. Telephone 56. C. GARIBALDI, dealer in wines, cigars and tobacco; also canned goods.

Cast Colorado street, cor. Chestnut avenue. COOK A EJKOZA, general rblacksmithing. Ko. 15 Union street.

G. 8. MAYHEW, real broker, 20H5West Colorado street. Loans and Investments. D.

8. BASSJITT. adies' and Gents' Tonsorist Parlors. Ladles' hair cutttng, curling and shampooing. 5 East Colorado street.

PASADENA BLACKSMITH SHOP, 48 Broadway. General blacksmithing and v-oodwork. Randlemon A De Hay. M'DONALD, BROOKS A real estate, loans and honses for rent. Bargains in houses and ranches.

7 East Colorado street. ARTHUB H. PALMER, D. D. 8.

Dental rooms, Eldridge building, Pasadena. MERCANTILE LUNCH HOUSE, 32, South Fal Oaks avenue. Meals at all hours. HOTEL lights, steam heated, hot and cold water, elevator, and all modern improvements. THE PAINTER HOTEL.

Fair Oaks' and Washington; first-class family hotel. LOS ANGELES HOUSE, corner Colorado street and Delacey avenue; transients, $1 and per day; P. Klein, proprietor. KERCKHOFFCUZNEB Mill and Lumber corner Broadway and Kansas street. LOS ANGELES HERALD: TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 3, 1893.

7 DIVIDEND NOTICE. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE Savings Bank of Southern California, at a meeting held December 30, 1892, declared a dividend to depositors at the rate ef 5 per per annum on term depo' Its. and 8.6 per cent per annum on ordinary deposits for the six months ending December 1892, payable on and after 3,1893. H. BbaXy, Cashier DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE partnership business in farming heretofore conducted near West Riverside, in San Bernardino county, California, under tbe firm name of Ciyman Btalder, is hereby dissolved by mutual consent. J. M. CLYMAN. A.

J. BTALDER. December 2,1892. 12-6 law THE BEST COUCH-CURE and anodyne expectorant, AVER'S Cherry Pectoral soothes the inflamed membrane and induces sleep. Prompt to Act sure to cure.

BRAIN DX. E. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT, a specific for Hysteria, Dullness, Fits, Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by alcohol or tobacco, Wakeful ness, Mental Depression, Softening of Brain, causing insanity, misery, decay, death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness. Loss of Power in either sex, Impotency, Leucorrhctia and all 1 emale Weaknesses, Involuntary Losses, Spermatorrhoea caused by over-exertion of brain, Self-abuse, Over-indulgence.

A month's treat ment $1,6 for by mail. We guarantee sif boxes to cure. Each order for 0 boxe3, with is, will send written guarantee to refund tf not cured Guarantees Issued only by H. M. SAI.K A SON, druggists, sole agents, SBO S.

Spring street, Los Angeles. CaL CURB A new Rud Complete Treatment, consisting of Suppositories, Ointment in Capsules, also in Box and Pills; a Positive Cure for External, internal, Blind or Bleeding Itching. Chronic, Recont or Hereditary Piles. This remedy has never been known to fail. per box, 0 for sent by mail.

Why suffer from this terrible disease when a written guarantee is given with 6 boxes. To refnnd the money If not cured. Send stamp for free sample. Guarantee Issued by C. F.

HEINZEMAN, druggist, sole agent. 222 N. Main street. Los Angeles. Cal.

Tlie Celebrated fttoti) Sure, Sf "API positive OUARANTEti Mr IK ivT to euro any form wl of nervous disease. ff or any disorder of the generative or- gansofeithersex, whether from the BEFORE nseof Stimulants, AFTEf Vobacco or Opium, or through yonthfuiinaiso tion, over indulgence, Ac such as Lost of Brans Power, Wakefulness, Bearing down oack. Seminal Weakness, Hysteria, Nervous Pros Nocturnal Emissions, Leucorrhcea, t.iness, Weak Memory. of Power and Impo V'ncy, which if neglected often lead to prematura Old apje and insanity. Price $1.00 a box, eboxei (or Sent by mail on receipt of A WRITTEN OUABANTEE is gtrcn cry ts.uo order received, to refnnd the mone' 1 Permsient cure is not effected.

We hovt testimonials from oil aud yonus of bothnuues, who have been permanently "urefc theutaof Circularf-ee, Address TNf. APHRO MEDICINE CO. a M. SALE A SON, Druggists, Los EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST.

"By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It Is by the Judicious use of such artfcles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built np until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished Service Gazette.

Made simply with belling water or milk. Sold only in half-pound tins, by grocers, labeled thus: JAMBS KPPS St Homoeopathic Chemlets. London, England. DR. WONGI HIM, Chinese Physician and Surgeon, has resided at Los Angeles eighteen (IS) years.

His reputation as a thorough physician has been fully established and appreciated by many. His large Eractice is sufficient proof of ability anC onesty. The doctor graduated in the foremost tnileges, also practiced in the largest hospitals of Canton, China. The doctor speaks Spanish fluently. Offlce; 639 Upper Main street.

Hundreds of testimonials are on file at the doctor's offlce which he has received from his numerous patients of different nationalities, which be has cured of all manner of discuses to which the human body is thesmalle pimple to the most complicated of cases, P. O. Station Lot Angeles. 11-16 3m TO THE lr Gibbon Corner of Commercial, San Francisco, Cal. Es- treat ment of Sexual and Diseases, such as Gonorrhea, Weakness, Impotency and Lost Manhood per raaneutly cured.

The sick and afflicted should not fail te call upon him. The Doctor has tray eled exte in Europe and inspected thor oughly the various hospitals there, obtaining great deal of valuable information, which be icompetent to impart to those in need of libservices. The Doctor cures where othets fat 1 Try him. DR. GIBBON will make no charge unless he effects a cure.

Persons at a distant OURED AT HOME. All communication strictly confidential. Al) letters answered in plain envelopes. Catlor write Address DR. GIBBON, Boj 1,957, San Francisco, Cal.

Mention Los Aneeles Hkbai 12-17 THE STANDARD BRED STALLION DICK RICHMOND, Race Record, Will stand for public service the season of 93atonr farm, Los NieUv, cal. Terms: cath, or approved at time of Bervice. All inari-s bred by with usua return privilege. all as we will not De responsible for accidents or es capes. Good pasturage or fed hay If desired at reasonable terms.


uoNORRHCEA And GI.KET In Oni to fovu A QUICK CTTRK for LFUC-OHRHOiA WHITES. Sold by ill PRTJdOlsrs. Address ftir 91.00. ICALvooa UANtit'ACi eaiHO to. LAMOAttias, H.

Bile A Bon, agents, 80 S. Main It. A BOOK FOR EVERY MAN Strength! Vitality! KNO.i Or A new and nnlv QoMMedaJ PRI3E ESSAY on nervous and PHYSICAL DMIIILm, ERRORS n( YOUTH, EXHAUSTED VITALITY, PRE. MATURE DECLINE, all DISEASES and WEAKNESSES of MAN. SOOpiiges, btolh, gilt; 125 invaluable Only fLOO by mail, double Milled.

Descriptive Prospering, with en dor st; in crts of vim crtm the Prcsa nnd voluntary I Anii testimonials of the cured, I NOW. Consultation in person or by mail, F.xpert treatment. IN VIOLA RLE SECRECY and CERTAIN CURE. Address Dr. 11.

Parker, Ol The Pcabody Medical Institute, No. 4 Butflnoh Mass. I The Science of Life, or Self-preservation, Is a treasure more valuable than cold. Read it now, every WEAK and NEKVOUs mm, and learn to be Medical Review, $3 SHOE ncTt Best Calf Shoe in the world for the price. W.

L. Douglas shoes are sold everywhere. Everybody should wear them. It Is a duty you owe yourself to get the best value lor your money. Economize in your footwear by purchasing W.

L. Douglas Shoes.wbtch represent the best value at the prices advertised above, aa thousands can testify. Take No Beware of fraud. None genutne without W. Douglas name and price stamped ou bottom.

Look for it when you buy. W. 1,. Douglas, Brockton, Mass. Sold by W.

GODIN, 104 North Spring Street. Bff ANN'S QONE UTTER a Will cut Dry or Green Bones, Meat, Gristle nnd aIL Green Cut BONES will double the number of ejrgs i -will make them more carry tho hens safely through tho molting period aud put them in condition to lay when eggs command the highest price and will dovclope your ohlokl faster than any Feed Green Bones and use Croosozons to kill the llco, and you will make i fifty per cent more profit. Send for Catalogue and prices. mmi mnpRATOR cik (MI" MUSEUM OP 1 Hrll ( i S. i.lo and lcaru how onderlulK -'i are made and how to avoid sickness and diseases.

Museum 1 vV, II 'l ln thousands of new objects. Admission 25 cts, Private Offlce, 311 Geary St. jr men: cincture, loss of mauhtwd.diseasesof skin and kldueys quickly cured withoul tin. use of mercury. Treatment peraooally Send for book Pruning! Pruning! Pruning! When scientifically done it improves tree and fruit Now is the time for pruning and 1 trimming your orchard, vineyard and young citrus orchard.

Try and see the right way of pruning I will prune a few trees free, snd in a few you wilt experience the ocnefk of it. Address C. Box 580, Station Los An- gales, 12-eod-lm w4t S. S. Co GOODALL, PERKINS A GENERAL Agents, Ssn Francisco.

Northern routes embrace lines for Portland, Victoria, B. and Puget Bound. Alaska, and aL coast points. SOUTHERN ROUTES. TIME TABLE FOE JANUARY, SAM FBANOISCO.

For Port Harford 8. Corona, January 5, 14, Santa 23; February 1. Redondo San Pedro I B. 8. tanta Rosa, January 2.

Newport. 10,19, 28; February 6. San Diego For 18. 8. Coos Bay, January 3, 12,21, 30; February, a.

San Pedro and 8 8. Eureka, January S. way ports 17, 26; February 4. LBAVB SAN FIDBO AND BBDONDO. Fo.

I 8. S. Santa Rosa. January 4. 12, 21, 30; February, 8.

San Diego fB. H. Corona, January 7,16, I 25; February, 3. For is.B. Santa Rosa, January 6 Ban 14, 23; February 1.

Port Harford ,8. 8. Corona, January 9, 18, Santa Barbara 27; February 5. For 18. 8.

Eureka, January 2, 11, San Francisco 1 20, 29; February 7. and 8. Coos Bay, January 6, way ports 15, 24; February 2. Cars to oonneot with steamers via San Pedro, leavo B. P.

R. R. depot. Fifth street, Loi An- geles, at 9:25 o'clock a. m.

Passengers por Bteamei Corona and Santa Rosa, via Bedondo, north bound, leave Santa Fedopotat 10:15 a.m.; or from Redondo Rail- way depot, corner Jefferson street and Grand 9:00. a. m. Passengers per Eureka and Coos Bay vfa Redondo, leave iaat a Fe depot at p. m.

Plans of steamers' oabins at agent's office, where berths may be secured. The company reserve the right to cnange th? steamers or tholr days of sailing. passage or freight as above or tickets to and from all Important points lv Europe, apply to W. PAKRIg,, No. 124 West Beoond Los Aneelea Honoluln and Kilaaea! HEiLTH, DIVERSION and fl PLEASURE I) fplendld Steamers twice month.

LOW FARE-) I Bpecial rates to parties of six and over Illustrated printed mnite' furnished on application to C. H. WHITE, or i Agent S. P. Agt Oceanic Burdiek blk.

124 west Second st 12-16 Conipsgpie Generate Iransatiantioue. 1 FRENCH INK TO.HAVRE. PIER (NEW) NO. 42 ajSTI LvNorth river, foot of Morton street (SsSftaV Travelers by this line avoid both transit by English railway and the diveomfort ot erosslns the Channel In a small boat LA BRKTAt.NK. Januaiy 7.

LA BOUKCH'GNE, January 14. LA CHAMPAGNE, January 21. LA GABCOGNK, January 28. For lieight or passage apply io forget, Agent, No. 3 Bowling Green, New York.

J. F. FUGAZI A Agents, 5 Montgomery San Francisco Branch office, 19 Montgomi rj street Tick ta for sale by all railroad and steamship offices 490 tf OF TRAVEL. Southern Pacific (Jompaay. IMPORTANT CHANGE OF TIME DECEMBER 19, 1892.

Trains leave and are due to arrive at LOS ANGELES (ARCADE DEPOT), Fifth street, dally, as follows: l.eafeFur DISTTHATTOH. An. Froi. 8:80 a.m. Banning p.m Banning 4 00 pm 8:30 a.

lu-lOam 10 30a.m Colton 4 00 6:15 p.o. 8:30 a.m. Doming and 8:30 a.m. Paso aud 4 AViSp.m Chino a 8, Chini 10:10 a. Cnino 6:15 p.m a.

in. A Pedrf' 8:15 a-, 40 per-. San Pedro Long Bead, a 11:56 am 500 p. uing Beach Han Pedro 15 p. m.

2:00 p. in. Ogden and East, 2d class 730 a. p. Ogden and East, Ist class 12 30 pro Portland.

Or 7 30 a.m Riverside 10:30 a. Riverside 4:00 p.m 430 p. Riverside 6:15 p. 8 30a.m San Bernardino. lo lo 10:30 m.l San 4:00 p.m.' 4 30p.m.

Bernardino 8:30 a.m. Redlands 10:10 am 10:80 a. m. Redlands 00 4:30 p.m. Redlands 6:15 2:00 p.

m. 3an Fran, and Sacram'to 7:30 a 10:40 p.m. San Fran, and Sacram'to 12 30p a 9:52 a.m. Hanta Anaand Anaheim 0:04 a 5:10 p.m. -iauta Ana and Anaheim 9:25 a.

Santa 1:30 pm 4:66 p.m Santa Barbara 9.10 pm' 9:30 a. Santa Monica Monica i 51) a Santa Monica 6:15 p.m Santa Monica 4:30 Santa Monica Santa Monica a. m. Monica 81:10 p.m. Monica 4 :62 p.

Tustin 8 :43 a. Whittier 8:43 a. m. 4:52 p.m. Whittier CATALINA ISLAND.

Tbe fast and elegant steamers of the Wllmlneton Transportation Company make close connection at San Pedro with Southern Pacific Company trains that run alongside them the dock. Excellent hotel accommodations on the island. Round trip, $2.7,3. Tickets good baturday to Monday. Trains lv Arcade depot prrainsar 9.25 Saturdays Mondays 4:15 pm.

Take Santa Monica trams from San Fernando street, Naud's Junction. Commercial street, Aicade depot, Jefferson street (Winthrop station). Grand avenue, or University. For north: Arcade, Commercial street, Naud's Junction, San Fernando street For east: Arcade, Commercial street, Naud's Junction. For other branches: Arcade, Commercial street, Naud's Junction San Fernando street.

Local and through tickets sold, baggage ohecked, Pullman sleeping oar reservations made, and general Information given upon ap plication to J. M. CRAWLEY, Asst. G. Pas.

Agt B.8 I 00'- Benond. CHARLES BKYLKR, Agent at Depots. 8 Sundays only. A Bun.lty excepted, KICH'U BRAY, Gen. Trafna tan T.

H. GOODMAN, Gen'l Passenger Agt SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA RAILWAY COMPANY. (Santa Fe Route.) IN EFFECT SUNT)AY, JAN. 1, 1893 Arrive. 5:15 p.m 7:50 a.m 7:00 a.m...Overland 6:35 p.m 8:15 a.m San Diego Coast Line.

1:15 p.m Diego Coast Line. 6:50 p.m 1 7:50 a.m 900 a.m San Bernardino 9:55 a.m 4:00 p.m....via 1 1 5:16 P.m 6:35 p.m Riversfde I 1:25 p.m 9 00a.m 6:35 p.m tU-uOa I Riverside and San -MM Tlaon SjggjiS 7:00 ami Redlands, Mentone I and Highland. I ra via i SSP 5:15 p.m Pasadena 6:35 P- fiediands, Mentone i til and Highland via 3:55 p.m 4:30 p.m Orange A Riverside 6:50 a 1 36 a.m '25n AzUBa 8:43 a.m 4 oopni anQ 5-25 am 6:35 p.m 110:25 a.m Pasadena 7.50 a.m 5:15 p.m Pasadena a.m PantaAna 8:15 a.m Santa Ana 110:15 am 1:50 p.m Santa Ana 1:15 p.m 4:30 p.m Santa Ana Santa 6:50 p.m 9:05 a.m Redondo 8.29 a.m Redondo 3:10 pm 4:05 p.m Redondo 8:50 7:48 a Santa Monica Hanta Monica 9:43 am Santa Monica 6:06 p.m 9:00 a.m San Jactnto vlaPasace'a :25 pm tl i :00 a.m San Jacinto via Orange 3:55 p.m 9:00 a.m lemeculavla Pasadena 1:25 p.m (11.00 a.m via p.m 8:15 am RscondidovlaCoastline 1 1:15 p.m Dully, Dally except Elunday Sunday only E. W. McGEE, City Pas.

and T. Ag't, 129 N. Spring Los Angeles. ED. CHAMBERS, Ticket Agent, First-street Depot.

Depot at foot of First street 23 Los Angeles Terminal Railway Company. Los Angeict uepots, east end of First street and Downey pvenup bridges. Leave Los augeles for Leavo for Pasadena. Los Angeles. 6:35 a.m 7:15 a.m.

7:10 a.m 8:05 a.m. 8:00 a.m 9:05 a.m. 9:00 a.m a.m. a.m.... p.m 1:05 p.m.

1:25 p.m 2:05 p.m. 2:25 p.m 4-05 p.m. 4:00 p.m p.m. 5:20 p.m p.m. 6:20 p.ra 9:30 p.m.

p.m m. Downey avenue leaving time 7 mlnuttslater Leave Los Anjreles for Leave Altadena for Altadena. Los Angeles. a.m "11:35 a.m. 4:00 p.m.

5:00 p.m. All trains start from First-street depot. Leave lab Angeles for Leave Glendale tor. i Glendale. Angeles.

a.m 7:25 a.m. I 8 15 a.m 9:05 a.m 1:15 p.m' 6:25 p.m... 6:15 p.m Los Angeles for Leave East San Pedro Long Beach and East for San Pedro. Los Angeles. 9:45 a.m 7:40 a.m 112:45 p.m til :16 a m.

6:15 p.m. 3 35 p.m. Between Sut Ban Pedro and Long Beach, 10 minutes. Gabriel Valley Rapid Transit Railway MONROVIA DIVISION. Leave Los Angeles for Leavo Monrovia for Los Monrovia.

Apgcles. 7:55 a.m a.m. a.m 8:55 a.m. 2:56 p.m 5:23 p.m 4.00 p.m. tDaily.cxceptBundays.

JSundayonly. mages meet the 8:00 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. trains at Pasadena for Mt. Wilson on new trail.

Passengers leaving Los Angeles on the 8 a.m. train for Wilson's peak can return the same Theater nights the 11 p.m. train will watt 20 i mtnutesafter ihe theater is out when later than 10:40 p.m, Special rates to excursion and picnic parties. Depots east end First street and Downey avenue bridges. General offices.

First-street Depot. T. BURNETT, General Manager. w. WINCTTP, Gen.

Passenger Agt. Kedondo Railway. Win: er Time Card No. 9. In Effect 5 a.

October 3, 1892. Los Augeles Depot, corner Grand Aye. and Jefferson st. Take Grand aye. (able or Main St.

and Agri ultural Park horse cars. Tiains Leave Trains Leave I.os Angel a Redondo for Redonno. for Los Angeles. mdatlv 7:20 a. m.

dairy. a. m. dai 9:10 m. daily.

1:35 p.m. dally 11:00 a. m. dally 6:00 p. m.

daily 4:46 p. dally Running time between Los Angeles and Redondo Beach. 50 minutes. City Ticket, offlce at A B. Greeuwald's cigar store, cor.

First and Spring streets. GEO. J. AINBWORTH, J. BUTTON.

President. Supt. P. THOMPSON, Yioe-Prastdcm German-American Savirjfifs 114 SOUTH MAIN STREET, LOS ANOELEB, CAL. CAPITAL- PAJD IN 3OLD, $100,000.00.

rest compounded quarterly to depositors at the rate of 6 per cent on term and 3.6 per on ordinary deposits. E. N. MCDONALD, Fres't DR. JOSEPH KURTZ and 8.

W. LUITWEIIJtR, Vice-Pies v. VI( IDR PONET, Treasurer. M. N.


McDonald. H. W. htoll, Joseph Kurtz, M. N.

Avbbt, E. A. Pun, Conrad Hafen w. m. Sheldon.

8. W. Ltitweiler, Victob Ponkt, C. N. Cunt, Isaac Johnson.

Open every Saturday evening for deposits, fi PBR CENT INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. Main Street Savings Bank and Trust Company, CAPITAL, $200,000. MAIN STBBKT, LOS ANGKLES, CAL. The design of this Institution is to afford a safe depository for the earnings of all pobmsbs who are desirous of placing their money where it will be free from accident, and at thesame time be earning for them a fair rate of Interest. Deposits will be received in sums of from II ta Working men and women should deposit at least $1 per week from their Tksa will form a nucleus that will ultimately enable you to purchase a home or begin business.

Children can purchase 5 cent stamps in all parts of theclly and county. It is the best education can have in saving and earing for money. J. B. LANKJtRBHIM, OHAB.

FORMAN, J. V. WACHTEL, President. Vice-President. Cashlec MONEY "TO UO ANI MQRTGAQEB, 'j Security Savings Bank, Capital, $200,000 HO.


MYERS PRKfIIFIEHS ISAIAS W. HELLMAN, President Nevada Bank, San Francisco; President Farmers2Sa2 chants Bank, Los Angeles. WNB President Fourth National Bank, Grand Rapids. Mle S'r nsfm AH Vice-president Farmers and Merchants Bank, Los Angel Fl Smtiri AC SuMlkl Capitalist, Los 8 pi iiiLMAN 61 Oilman, Waidecx'i Lo. iaSSZ tU' iii; of Graves, O'Melveny Shankland.

Attorneys, Los Angelas 5 a i I DOl Gr O'Melveny Shankland, Attorneys, AngeleMJal JAnaa UWDUtI TUtmt-mn J. E. SARTORI CASHIER; also Vice-president First National Bank, FIVE PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS, THE NOTICE OF THE PUBLIC IB CALLED lo the fact that this bank has the largest paid up capital and surplus combined of any sarutm bank fn Southern California, and only loans money on'approved real estate security 35 NBOne its tookholders are some of the oldest and most responsiDle of the commaattK that under the State law, the jpilvate estates of its stockholders are pro rata liable for thelSS Indebtedness of the bank. These facts, care exercised In making loans, insure a safe dejosltory for saving accounts. School teachers, clerks, mechanics, employees in factories sat And "convenient to make deposits in smail CHILD SAVINGS DHI-OSITB received in sums of 5 cents and upward.

may be seat bi drait or Weils, Fargo A express. jh, Los Angeles Savings Bank, No, 338 North Main Street. STOCK oo nnr STJKF LUS 34000 H. W. HELLMAN, President.

J. it. PLATERi Vice-President. W. M.



PLATER. W. HELLMAN, Jai 6-5 tf paid on deposits. Money to loan on estate. BANK OF AMERICA, FORMERLY LOS ANGELES COUNTY BANK, Temple Block.

Capital Stock paid up $300,000 OFFICERS. JOHN E. PLATER ROBT. 8. BAKER Vice-President GEO.

H. STEWART Cashie DIBXCTOBS. Jotham Bixby, Chas. Forman, L. T.

Garnsey, Lewellyn Bixby R. S. Baker, John E. Plater, Geo. H.

Stewart. LOB ANGKLES SAFE DEPOSIT AND TAUBT COMPANY, with CITIZENS' BANK, 313 South Spring Street, Los Angeles, Cal, Will remove to their new and elegant rooms in Stimson Block when completed. Branch office, Grand Opera House Block, Pasadena, Cal. T. 8.

C.LOWE President T. W. BROTHERTON Vice-President A. P. WEoT Cashier Buy and sell alt first-class securities.

STOCKS WANTED In the Los Angeles, Pasadena and other gas companies. First-class, well-secured Gas, Water and Railway bonds for tale. loans accepted, best of security given ai.d liberal interest paid. 12 26 7t rpHE UNIVERSITY BANK OFLOBANGELEb Southeast corner First and Broadway. Capital stock fully paid np $100,000 surplus 60,000 R.

M. WIDNEY President D. 0. MILTIMORE V'ce-Presideni GEO. L.

ARNOLD Cashlei DIRECTORS. R. M. Widney, D. O.

Miltlmore, B. W. Little 0. Wells, John McArthur, C. A.

Warner, L. J. P. Morrill. General banking business, and loans on firstclass real estate solicited.

Buy and sell firstclass stocks, bonds and warrants Parties wishing to invest in first-class securities on elthei long or short time can be accommodated. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA NATIONAL BANK, 101 8. Spring Nadean block. L. N.

Breed President Wm. F. Bosbyshell Vice-President C. N. Flint Cashier Capital paid in gold coin $200,000 Surplus and undivided 25,000 Authorised capital 600,000 DIBXCTOBS.

L. N. Breed, H. T. Newell, Wm.

H. Avery, Silas Holman.W. H. Holllday, B. C.

M. Hagan, Frank Rader, D. Kemlck.Tbos Guse A 1111 am F. Bosbyshell. 7-1 tf THIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LOS ANGKLES CAPITAL STOCK $200,000 SURPLUS 296,000 J.

M. ELLIOTT President J. D. BICKNELI Vioe-Fresident J. H.

BRaLY ashler G. B. Assistant Cashlei Directors-J. M. Elliott, J.

D. Bickuell, 8. Mott, H. Mabury, D. Hookei.

D. M. McGarry Wm. G. Kerckhufl.

jc 1 rpHE NATIONAL BANK OF UALLFOK.TIA Corner ot Spring and Second streets, LOS ANGELEB, OAL. Capital paid up J. M. C. Marble President O.

H. Churchill Vice-President A. Hadley Asst. Cashlei ROARD OF DIRECTORS. Dr.

W. L. Graves, E. F. C.

Klokke. O. T. Johnson, W. Hadley, K.

N. McDonald, M. H. Sherman, Fred Eaton, John Wolfskill, Thos. R.

3ard. 0-31 OS NATIONAL BANK, U. S. DEPO3ITO RT Cor. First and Spring streets.

Capital $500,000 Surplus 85,000 Total $585,000 George H. Bonebrake President F. C. Howes Cashier E. W.

Coe Asst. Cashlei DIRECTORS. Dr. W. G.

Cochran, Perry M. Green, George McAllister, George H. Bonebrake, H. H. Markham, John Bryson, Sr.

F. C. Howes, Warren Gilielen. No Interest Paid on Deposits. Exchange for sale on all the principal ci of the United States and Europe.

THE CITY BANK, 37 South Spring street. Oatitai. Stock $300,000 A. D. CHILDRESS President JOHN S.

PARK Cashier DIRECTORS. W. T. Childress, Poindexter Dunn, J. J.

Schallert, E. E. Crandall, John a Park, R. G. Lunt, A.

D. Childress. General banking. Fire and burglar proof safe, Deposit boxes rented at from $3 to $20 per annum. QALIFOKNJLA BAN hi Cor.

Broadway and Second lam Angeles. Subscribed capital $500,000 Paid up capital 600.000 Surplus 20,000 J. Frankenfleld President Sam Vloe-Presldeul J. M. Witmerr Assistant Cashier DIRECTORS.

J. Frankenfleld, G. W. Hughes, Sam Lewis J. 0.

Kays, E. W. Jones, I. B. Newton, Hervey Lindley.

General ng and exchange business a 4 4m FARMERS AND MERCHANTS BANE Los Angeles, Cal. Capital (paidl up) SSOO.OM Surplus and OFFICERS IBAIAS W. HELLMAN HERMAN W. HELLMAN JOHN MILNER Cashier H. J.

FLEISHMAN Assistant DIRECTORS. W. H. Perry. Ozro Childs.

J. B. Ucker- Bhlm, C. E. Xhom, C.

DucommuD, H. W. Hanman, T. L. Duque, A.

I. Exchange for sale on all the principal of the United States, Europe, China aud Japan SAVINGS BANK OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA i Southeast corner Spring and Court streets Angeles, Cal. F. Spincx, President F. C.

Howes. Vice-President. J. H. Bbaly, caskier and Tress DIEKCTOBB.

Geo. Hi BitDebrake, J. H. Braly, H. L.

Drew, J. M. Elliott, C. N. Hasson.

F. C. Howes, M. W. stimson, Hiram Mabury.

E. F. Spence, Gillelen. dm STATEMENT OF THE Bank of America. January 1, 1803.

RESOURCES. Cash on hancJ if 60,792 67 Cash due from bankers 59 Total available cash Loans aud discounts Real 27 7.10% Furniture and fixtures 500 Os) $871,677 SS LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid up in gold coin. $300,000 Lndividtd profits 19 000 06 Deposits. Dividends unpaid $871,677 Of ihe above mentioned resources tbe "easb due from bankers" is situated in New Task, Chicago and tan Francisco; the "real estate" in the Los Angeles and Sau Bernardino: the evidences of tbe "loans aud eUacounis" aud ell other resources are te the city and county of Los Angeles.

i tatb of California, County of Los Angeles, ss John E. Plater, president, and Stewart, cashier, of tbe Bank of merf btiaar first duly swoin, each for himself, says the fore gofng statement is true to ihe best of his fcaowtedge aud belief. JOHN E. PLATER. President Geo, h.

Stewart, ashicr. subscnb and sworn to before me thhrSDA day of December, 1892. J. G. ESTUDII.LOL 11 Notary Public.

NOTICE OF" SALE OF BONDSPURSUANT TO A RESOLUTION OF TTO board of directors of Modesto Irrtgnitsa. district, duly given and nude on the ifttb. of December, 1892, notice is hereby given said board of directors will sell to the ntckol. and bent bidder the bonds of said irrigaow district to the amouutof one hundred and time dollars beariug in le see. at the rate of 0 per cent per annum, psrsMc ml-annually, on the Ist day of January and July of each year, ou the presentation at cave interest coupons at the office ot the treasurer of said dUtrict.

Said bonds are issued by the board of direstorsof Modesto Irrigation district, in with aud by tbe authority of an act of toe legislate of the state of California, emitted act i provide for tho organisation and gnwensmentof irri.miuu di-tricts, and to for the, acquisition of water snd other property, and for tho distribution of water therchy foe irrlga ion purposes." approved March 7, IMC Said bonds will be solu for cash, and far cw less than 90 per centum of the face rates thereof Sealed proposals end bids for the purehtse at said will be icceived by the said beuV of directors at their office in the city ot Modesto, county of sianislaus, slate ot CalUerata, may be adduced to or left with C. 8. Vt boti, of Bald board, at XodeaXt. Cal at any time alter, the dans of this nn.ur snd until 2:30 o'clock p. in.

ou the 21st das jHUua'y, A.D 1893, at which time and ataesihe said sale will be made. Ssid bom's v. ill be each of the denomtaaaac, of will he uegoii blein form aaitirfU conform fn all respects to the sat act. Tne boa of directors reserve the rigfcttMcject any or all bids. Bids must be sealed and addressed to tbeaaeretary of said board, and indorsed: for Modesto Irrigation District Bouds." Done by order of the boardof directorsof Irrigation district, December 15, ISM.

FRANK A. CREaSY, Presfdeat- C. 8. Abbott, Secretary. 12 MM Kerekhoff-Cuzner MILL AND LUMBER COMPART WHOLESALE AND BETAIL Main Ofltoe: LOS ANGELES.

Wholesale Yard at SAN FIT mill Branch Pasadena, LbbmbhU. Azusa, Burbank. Planing and Pomona. Cargoes furnished to order. Baker Iron 950 to 966 BUENA VISTA ST.

LOS ANQELEB, CAL Adjoining tbe pbone.l2*..

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