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The Sacramento Union from Sacramento, California • Page 2

Sacramento, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

2 DAILY PtF.CORD-UyiQN ISSUED BY TH SACRAMENTO PUBLISHING COMPANY Ofilce, Third Street, between and K. THE DAILY RECORD-UNION For ono year 6 0Q lor six months 3 0 ror three months 1 50 by carriers'at'r'iKi 1 iv per in all Interior nnt paper can be bad tbe principal Periodical Dealers, Newsmen and THE WEEKLY UNION If the cheapest and moat desirable Home, News and Literary Journal published on the iactnc Coast. The -vV'KtKLY Union per year 81 50 publications sent either by Express to agents or single sub-1 with charges prepaid. All Foatmaste are agents. 1 be beat advertising mediums on the Pacific C.a-t.

Entered al tbe Postoffice at Sacramento as second-class matter. 40. Kor Editorial Booms, nnt; one bell. Fur>, 1 nice, ring tliree belli. Special Airi-ni-n-s.

This pa.ier is lor at the places; L.P. 81, Merchants' Exchange, Calllbrnia street; tbe principal Ni Stands and Hotels, and at the Market-street Ferry, Hun Prancisoo. Loa An Hook Store, corner Becond and Main -1 recta. an Dikgo. Kmmal A 860 Flflh street.

Cox, Coronado Hotel. kmk N. Depot. T. curley, IUJ sireet.

Bavea Bros.News iiepot. Also, lm sah' an all Trains leaving and into Bacramento. Eastern Bmlneaa Offices. 48 Tribune Building, New York. tjXJ'j -The Rook, ry," Chicago.

B. C. Beck With, sole ugent foreign advertising. At Chicago. Visitors to tbe World's Fair can get tho the ,1:11111 Paciflc and Great Northern Hotels and at Mac Donald A- news agency, 56 Washington street.

weather Forecast. nl forecast for the twenty-four hours ending at midnight June sttu Northern weather: cooler throughout the Bacramento and Ban Joaquin Valleys by Monday night; southwesterly winds. THE WOMEN OF THE DIVES. Sun Francisco has entered upon a crusade against tho dives, and under a late ordinance now refuses licenses to dive keepers. If tho law is enforced some 1,200 or 1,800 women and some 700 men "will be thrown out of dive employment.

sympathy is expressed for the men, liut already a cry has been raised that it is cruel to out theso women. "What are they to do? Shall tliey starve? Many of tliem are tho support of homes; many have young children to maintain; Home aro wives of crippled men and invalids; others care for old fathers and mothers and other dependents." Now, say the sympathizers, it is a sliamo to throw out these women, even admitting that their methods iv the dives are indefensible, lint not all are unclean; a irood many soli liquors in dives who keep themselves pure. In a commercial city there always will be a largo class of men who seek dive levels. For them tho dive furnishes such social entertainment as they aro capable of appreciating. To Shut up tho dives will be simply to turn theso iiion to worse resorts and to street drunkenness.

This argument defeats itself; it proceeds from false premises; it assumes that there are no other lines open to tbe displaced women. Bnt if it is admitted that this assumption is sound, then the response must be, if society does not so provide that these poor creatures do not starve, then it is better that they perish than continue the dives as recruiting stations for thousands of other women, as the present lot passes out of action. The dives are not a necessity; such resorts are not needed to furnish social nutriment to a class. In fact tho dives nh tho men of this class. The saloon pure and simple is better for them than the dives and its adjunct the dance hail.

But if the dives are closed, the charitable heart of Han Francisco ought to provide some way for the wretched women worthy of any thought, that the closing will thus throw out of employment, to earn a decent living. Several hundred women ought to be easily taken care of to that cud in San Francisco, and we have confidence that it will be done. 11 not, the more shame to Sau Francisco. Probably SOO of tho women referred to support lazy husbands or male companions who are able to work, but prefer to live upon the wage of the women, which is dependent upon tbeir ability to coax dive patrons into purchase of drinks. So this group of 600 need not be considered; they are willfully enslaved to male brutes, and it will be better for them when tho support of tiie latter is cut off, Fu? oi the lUoO women are thieves.

They are in dive employment for what they can steal; for all they can wheedle a man out of or rob them of when drunk and drugged. These should be put outside I sympathy. The remaining 400 or 500 are to be divided among three clnsses, women who ally use their earnings to support dependents who are unable to keep themselves; women who save their earnings aud anxiously look forward to the time When they will be able to abandon the business; young women who have been led or driven into, or raised in the business, and know of no way of release from it, but would accept almost any hope of escape. So that society a very large number to provide having any worth at all being so few. As for the others, it will be a blessing wheu they aro gone.

In any view of the case it is wise police regulation to close up these recruiting stations, aud no matter what becomes ol the women thrown out, shut the door against the placing of new crops ot women iv these hell-holes. Ai uxANMJi: Webb, the apostle of Islam, who has set out to convert Americans to Mohammeciism, has begun his work by issjiing a weekly paper. That is all right, but wheu Mr. Musselman Webb proposes, as he does, to bring over 50,000 Arabs. Soudanese, Fellahs of the Nile and a lot more of lazy, thriftless followers of the green llag, we cry for mercy.

"Allah is great," but there is no room in the United States for the colonization of any more non-assimilable immigrants. Put up the bars. BE WISE IN TIME. There are unmistakable evidences that the 1 holora has malignantly revived in Europe, and that it is passing the bounds within which it was hoped to confine it. While it is possible that we may keep it from American shores, the probability is that it will reach us, since travel across tho Atlantic this year will be greatly i-u---j larged.

In view of this tact, it is not a day early to set about more systematic and rigid enforcement of sanitary regulations in every town and city in the country. Kvery vault, cesspool and tilth drain ought to be thoroughly cleaned, disinfected, and kept so, no matter what the among so mauy households, it is not a prohibitive harden. If this were dove this month in bacramento, we could leurn ol'choleraarri vai next wilh comparative coniplaoency. Such cleaning should be general, with not a solitary lot in the city exempted, because for oue in a block to remain uncleaned, renders useless all the work done upon others. Even if thu cholera does not come, the cleansing process would greatly enhance good health conditions this summer.

In tho meanwhile what is to be done with the garbage disposal question? The law now prohibits dumping, but it is not by quiescence on the part of the authorities tbo violation of the law goes on. Since a crematory must be built sooner or later, why not require the garbage handlers to do it now, at once? It calls for but small capital, and the construction is such that it can be completed in a month's time. Every garbage dump is a pestilence breeder. Let cholera or typhus break out in auy city and these garbage dumps become infected and breed the pest more rapidly than it can possibly be destroyed. The right thing to do is to cease, and at once, making garbage dumps.

If the order were made to-day it would be a month or six weeks before a furnace could be put up, and that brings us to the middle of July. It is therefore essential that whatever is to be done in tho matter be ordered entered upon at once, and in the meantime let all garbage dumps bo disinfected and for a time treated to tire, or by some other means made as little harmful as possible. The scavengers declare that they are harmless now; that with soil admixture they are innocent atlairs. Against them is every sanitary authority in the world. The Santa Rosa Democrat says: "It is believed that good roads upon wbich nothing would have to be expended for tifteen years could be imilt for from $1,500 to a mile.

At the highest estimate thirly-livo miles a year could be built, and in four years there would be 175 miles of thoroughly built good roads, macadamized aud drained, which would connect all the leading points in Sonoma County by tho best roads iv the State." The estimate of our contemparary is too low. A road to wear for all to will cost least for repairs, promote rapid transit, lessen cost of haul and enhance values of property, is cheap at (2,500 a mile. The a mile road is of doubtful economy, though greatly superior to the present dirt and coarse gravel roads prevailing in this State. The Fresno Expositor says "the proposition to work convicts on the public roadways is a good one. It furnishes a solution ol two rather troublesome problems at present puzzling the minds of sociologists, tine is, 'How to get better roadways'." and the other is, 'How shall we employ our convicts We do not believe the idea is a good are very grave objections to it.

Some of these are that the labor results in heavy cost because of transportation and guarding; it is uot intelligent labor, such as ought to be given to road-building; it would inaugurate a species of the convict camp system, so notoriously bad in the South; it would result iv political jobbery. Better employ convicts at their prisons rather than in camps of labor. Tin: two or three days of heat last week prevailed generally throughout tbe State. The people of the city of San Francisco suffered, apparently, more than others, the humidity of theatmosphere there making in that city more oppressive than heat of 100 in the dry atmosphere of the valleys, The sputtering fuss made by the San Francisco press over the fact that the thermometer registered 90 in that city on Saturday proves that ten degrees of heat above 80" there is more discomfort- I ing than iv excess of in the in- I terior. m.

JoAqtiN has visited Sontag and Evans in their mountain fastness. was to have been expected he linds them -'honest, innocent aud much persecuted men." It would have been impossible for Miller to have fouud any other verdict, and to have remained Joaquin Miller. Erratically romantic, he is inc.ipabie of reaching any other conclusion alter such an interview. Berlin Cough Care. For coughs ami colds and all lung and throat affections thia article has superior merit.

It is perfectly harmless, gives immediate reliei, and cures the worst cases in from two to three days. Indorsed by our best physicians. Try a bottle anil you will always keep it." Price. 50 cents a bottle. C.

C. Liniment, the best remedy for aches and pains. Compound Powder, the most perfect laxative and cathartic known. Gives instant relief inca-esof constipation, indigestion, piles, biliousness, liver trouLies, rheumatism, gravel, etc. A great biood puriner aud pleasant to the taste.

The W. sl. Bone Company, San Francisco, soie proprietors. A -Sacrameuto, sole agents. It is that Mary E.

Wiiking U9es no notebooks te help her stories, full aa they sre of photographically minute detail. DAIXT MOXPAY, PAGES. Miss Wilkins has recently refused to write on a subject reg nested by her publisher, "How to Be Happy, Though Poor," because she says she is convinced of the impossibility of happiness under those circumstances. gjyectal llottceo. MRS.

WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been used over tifty years by millions of mothers lor their children while teething with periect It sootnes the child, softens the gums, allays pam, cures wind colic, regulates the bowels, and is tbe best remedy for diarrhea, whether arising from leeihlug or other causes. Kor sale by druggists lv every part ol the world. sure andaak for.Mis. inslow's Soothing Syrup. Twenty-Aye cents a bottle.

TIIK PUREST, finest and best of Candy can be obtained at 60S strtet. Try our home-made. TWELVE THOUSAND DOLLARS' worth oi Furniture and Upholstery to be closed out by the Ist of June. DITTMAR A WHEAT, 916 street, opposite Plaza. PAINLESS EXTRACTION OF TEETH by ase local anesthetic.

Bit. WELDON, Dentist, Eighth and .1 streets. Itctu (Tci-Ilrta. A DESIRE TO NOTIFY THE public thai CHARLES SELLINGER Is thi sole and exclusive agent for Sacramento County ol Jackson's Napa Soda, in all bottles on which ure blown In the glass the words, "Jackson's Napa Sodu Springs" and "Na ural Water," and all boxes on which are I painted or stenciled the words, -Jackson's Napa Soda Springs," and thai he alone is en- I tilled to receive all such bottles and boxes, i request all persons with whom I bave dealings not to return or deliver to me or my employes any such botiles or boxes, as 1 bave agreed lo deliver the same to Mr.Selllnger. Sxro-Xil C.

SCHNERR. TN TIIK. SUPERIOR COURT, STATE OF 1 County of Sacramento. Inthe matter ol the state ol MICHAEL DELLi iNE deceased. Notice is bereby given, that FRIDAY, the 16th day of June, at In o'clock a.

k. of said day, at tbe courtroom of said court, at tbe Courthouse, In the of Sacnunento, State ot California, has oeen appointed asthe time and place for proving the will ol said Michael Dellone, deceasi and tor hearing the application of Thomas Grimsbaw tor the issuance to him ot letters testamentary thereon. W. 11. HAMILTON' chrk.

Sr. .1. lliivry, Deputy Clerk. J. Tubbs, Attorney lor Petitioner.

J'-O-lOt I)KV. WILLI Ail J. POITER, AN EMIlt neut Unitarian divine from the East Will lecture at Pythian Hall, TUESDAY EVENING, June6th. and Its Influence on Religious Thought." A rich treat isln atore, as Mr. Potter is thoroughly competent to handle this interesting suhiect.

jeo-Ut RHOADS "i TOWNSEND BODSE, Southwest Corner Beoond und Streets. Wli. FAWCETT, Proprietor. Elegant reading and reception rooms. Headquarters Memorial Day Conimitlee, Juno J.

RESOLVED. THAT THK THANKS OF ihe Urand Army of tbe Kepublic are hereby extended to General Sheehan aud stair. First Artillery Regiment Colonel Guthrie commanding), i'anton Patriarchs Militant, LO. O. Division Uniform Hank, K.

of Knights ol Sherwood forest, Boys' Brigade, and nil others who assisted llie U. A. R. in the observance ol Memorial Day. Resolved, That our thanks are also due to tne children ol our public schools aud others thai furnished flowers.

It C. K. ADAMS, Chairman. EDWIN li ALSIF ffi LEstablished Real Estate INSURANCE AGENTS. mm- Money to Loan.

Rents Collected. 14 Montgomery street, San Francisco, And 1015 Fuiirtli Sacramento, Cal. SEALED MM" ON MONDAY, JUNE 1898, BETWEEN the hours 01 7 ami 8 sealed proposals will be received by the City Hoard of the office of the Secretary, room in Udd Fellows' Temple, for 1 I Ust. Furnishing 850 cords unore or less) of Fourfoot Wood, delivered, either white, black or live oak, second growth, the price ol each kind to be stated. Also, cords I'ine or Cedar.

SECOND. J2J25 reams 1.2-pound Cap. jio reams 12-pound Letter. 12 reams S-pound Note. 100 Note Tablets, ruled.

10 MXXS Envelopes: KG Envelopes. 300 gross Pens, GUlot's lu4, Speucerian No. 1, Kan. s' Ink, o-gallon demijohns and lv bottles, per dozen. 2o dozen B.

Erasers (give name of maker). boxes German Slate Pencils, sharpened. 50 gross Penholders. 10gross Lead I'enclls il-Jayle, Graphite or Dl son Jioo uruss chalk Crayons. Hi dozen small bottles Ked Ink.

gross each 11, 30 und 16 Rubber Bands. Samples of paper, envelopes, penholders und lead pencils ri quired. The board reserves the right to reject bids H. SHERBURN. President.


PARKINSON HAS CHARGED HIS OFFICE HOURS TO 1 to I and 7 to m. JeB-2wned PLAZA CASH GROCERY Tenth and stroets. OPENCER PROPRIETORS. NEW, good, cholee selection; large variety. Choloa Butter, Frtsh Eggs, Fruit, and Vegetables.

Prompt deli cry free. A call is Invited. CLARK BROS. STANLEY. 'I ANrl A 1 H.s OF WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.

ili-i street, bet. Ninth and Tenth. Sportsmen's Headquarters. HF.N KH t. RT.

MA XJ- tacturer and Importer of Guns, Hitles, Pistols, Tackle, and Sporting Materials'of every Guns cnoke-bored, stocks bent, and repairing on guns and ritles a specialty, for crtoe-llst- No. fi23 street. Sacrameuto, SUIE ON, i'AU X' STREET, CHINEBE AND JAPAN- i tIV'J e-c Bazar. 1 ealer in and manufacturer of Lilies' and Children's Underwear men to, Cal. And Typewriting thoroughly tnusrht at Atkinson's Busiueos CoJJ- Stenographers fnrnlsbed fbr business offices.

Instruction in l'eumansnip. Spelling, Grammar aud Composition without extra charge. PHCENIX MARKET B. H. HULBURD, Proprietor.

Cor. Thirteenth and Sacramonto. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR POTJLTRT and ligs and all kinds of Country Produce. Send In your Chickens, anil give us a trial. I lecture entitled-From ErjE tj ring Youth to Perfect ManfT.

iW hood." TelJs ofthe errors itSSv 'ff youth, tbe piifalls for pSSrVKf young men and of Lost -f XS Manhood. Price 25c. Sent svPrekr tne next davn. u'riteto P.ol.i.H.Hudson. 8H I Market street, San 1 Cal.

Sale grog. tTZo. They've been cut in two and some are quartered. Twould take too much space to describe them in detail. Come and see 'em.

We invite comparison, it's our best advertiser. See to-night's and to-morrow morning's papers for brief descriptions. Facts will more than bear out our assertions. A visit to this great sale will more than repay you. Call early, as delay might be followed by disappointment.

Someone else would possibly have captured just the bargain you desired. Bear in mind this Sale begins to-morrow (Tuesday). HALE "BROS. CO. 3tXXCItCIXXB.

AUCTION SjPILE OF VALUABLE AND CHOICE BUILDING LOTS! We will sell at Public Auction ou the premises, ou TUESDAY, JUNE 6th, At 10:30 a. mHE EAST HALF OF LOT 8, II AND JL Tenth and Eleventh, being on streei, between Tenth and Eleventh, 40x160. This ls a choice lot and will positively be sold. Also, to close an est.tie, mil Lot No. 2, 0 and I.

Twenty-seventh and Twenty-eighth streets, 80x100. Bale positive. S. S. Attorney for Eslate.

D. J. SIMMONS AUCTIONEERS. Salesroom, Cor. Eleventh and sts.

R. E. GREER GENERAL AUCTIONEERS, Real Estate and Commission Merchants. ARE IN NO MANNER, DIRECTLY or with any other establishment. R.

E. GREEK. Auctioneer. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. VTOTICE IH HEREBY GIVEN THAT xN sealed proposals will be received by the Board of lnrectorsoi the Mendocino Asylum tor furnishing the materials and performing the labor necessary for supplying one automatic regulating gaa machine, witb mix, rol the latest and most improved pat- tern and capable of using permanently open, unadjustable burners.

Machine to be operated by water-potter and set complete in the building provided by the Btate for that purpose, at the Mendocino Asylum, together witn all necessary pipe and flttlngs and gas governors, or checks, as jier plans and specifications now on tile in tho of the Secretary of the Board of Directors ofthe Mendocino Asylum. proposals will be received by said Hoard ot Directors at the office of its Secretary in Ukian City, up to 10 o'clock A. on the lOTH DAY OK JUNK. 1-UJj. Each proposal shall be accompanied by a bom! in hast 10 pei cent, ot the amount of such proposal.

Tlie board reserves the rhcht to reject any and ail bids. May 0, 1893. THi W. L. CA BOTHERS, Preeideni of the Hoard of Directors of the Mendocino Asylum.

Attest: J. 11. myia-tw NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT sealed proposals will be received by the hoard 01 Directors of tne Mendoelno Asylum for furnis.iina tbe materials ana labor for the lollowing branches of work ior tiie completinn of the buildings of the Mendocino Asylum. Said bills wiil be received separately, aud the work let under separate contracts, its follows: 1- and iron work. S.

and isterers' aad heating work. i aud graining work. proi will be received by said Board of Directors at tba oflice 01 Us Secretary, in the iown of Ufclah City, county ot i Mendocino, state of California, up to" 10 o'ei ck A. M. on the 10TB DAY Of JL'NE 1-93. ntracts are 10 be let iv accordance with plaus and speciUcationa of said work now in u.e office of 1 aua a fierce, arcintecls, 126 Kearny Francisco, wnere plans tin spi cations mat le seen daily between tbe hours 01 .1 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock v. until said loth day of June. Each proposal shall lie accompanied by a bond of at least lv per cent, of tue amount ol the proposal tendered.

Payments Jor said work wili be made and Bald v. lit lie let In ace jrdance with the provisions or au of the Legislature ol the State of Calilornia. entitled "An Act to regulate contracts or. nehalf of the Stat in relation to erections and buildings? approved Murfb and the Acts amendatory thereof Tne Board of Directors the right to reject any aud all bids. Bated May 1893.

THUS. L. President of Board of Din of Mendocino Asylum. m. mvl2-4w rpHE WEEKLY UNION la THE STAR JL weekly ol the Pacitic Coast.

itxc. gcer, EBNER BROS. 116-118 si root. Front and Second, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DE In Wines and Liquors. M.

CRONAN, and 1108-11 IO Third Saoi-umeiilo, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER in Pine Whiskies, Brandies and Cham. pagne. GEO. E. DIERSSEN CO.

(Successors to G. W. Chesley llil STREET, SACRAMENTO, WHOLESALE OEALEBS IN 'Wines, Liquors and Cigars. JUST ARRIVED BHIP EDEN BALLYMORE, PROM Antwerp, twenty-live tjarrels of re-lmported Bourtion Nutwood iVhlsky, to be laid at Capital Ale Vaults, oulv mercantile Lunch House in oily. NAGI I.E -A SVENSSON Proprietors, 308 .1 stn-et.

TeleDhone 88. Only tbe Choicest Viands Dispensed by JIM HARRY, 1 OftQ T. 8T- BKT- AWD X- PABSI, Ruhstaller's bteam. White labor coods. OLD JORDAN KENTUCKY WHISKIES, RYE AND Bourbon.

Hand-made, Sour Masb Double Copper. COSBY ROTHER, Importers and Wholesale Dealers, loos Second utreet, Arcade Building, Sole Agents Pacitic Coast. M. MANASSE. SOT SXREET, Tlie Hardware and Cutlery Mao.


AND under way- your AMERICAN STEAM LAUNDRY, VTOTICE TO OF BYRON McCREARY. yen by the undersigned, ofthe last will and testament of Byron Mc- Creary, deceased, to tbe creditors of" and all persons having claims ugainst tbe said deceased, to exhibit th em. with the necessary Touchers, within ten mouths after publication of this notice, to tbe said executor at Ihe offlce ol Frank D. Kyan, attorney-atlaw. County Courthouse, seventli arid I streets, Sacramento City, the same being the forthe transaction of the business of the In the county ol Sacramento state of Calilornia.

CHARLES Mn RKAJJV tor of the ite oi Byron McCreary ased. Dated May 532, 18S I. mv to op 1-. L. GEORGE, deceased.

Notice is hereby given by I Igned. administrator of ihe estate of P. George, deceased to the creditors of, aod all pen ns baying against the said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within tour month- iiner the first publication of this lo the said administrator, at the office Prank D. ttyau, attorney-at-law, Courthouse. Seventh and City, the same elag the i lace foi tbe transac- I tbe business ol toe said estate Inthe I ofSacramento, state of California It.

C. IRVINE, Administrator of tbe Estate ol P. 1., (ieorge I LatedMay 13,1893. uiylo-StM B. WILSON ACQ, Corner Siixtki.

tl Streets. Is a very important one to the ladies of Sacramento, for it gives them an opportunity to secure CLOAKS at prices that unquestionably are the lowest ever offered. The magnitude of our spring and summer stock of LADIES' JACKETS, CAPES AND PAPS Impels us to make an offering that is rendered doubly powerful by the fact that it. comes ju-t in the hlght of the selling season, and embracing the newest and choicest productions in Ladies', Misses' and Children's Outer Garments. WILL REMAIN OPEN." To Ou.r Friends and In January last we, with others, signed the petition of the Clerks' L'nion to close our store each night at 6 o'clock Our signature was affixed with the understanding that all other firms in our line would iv a short time do likewise.

After a fur trial of live months we ate led to l.elieve that our closing at 6 o'clock each evmin is to cur injury, and the nonsigners are reaping the benefit of much of our former trade. We therefore announce to ail that we will keep open our place of business as usual. Yours for success in all trades and unions, H. MARKS, PRICE LIST. 4B 5 uBlnes' Workia 86c cu Boys' Uray Woolen School Baits reduced to Our Scotch I weeds; former price, $12 50; si aIH serviceable Boota and Shoes for ii -iZ'-Z rormer and working, at ureatly reduced c11 cn', 11 prices Black Pinhead Worsted Sack Suits; former SOOMen'BWorl educedto2sc i Men's 1 ndershlrts reduced to 25c.

Blue Flannel and round cut; 50 dozen Suspenders reduced from iioc to just the thing for railroad men; former 10c. price, SIO: now $1 75. Socks reduced to six pairs for 26c Young Men's All-wool Scotch Cheviots, In blgb Handkerchiefs 50c adi Sl5 l- H. uts stiaw, and fur. just the kind lor workmen Ali-wool Fants; former now $2.

mil-nen STORES AS USUAL. MECHANICAL CLOTHING STORE, 414 AND 416 STREET. H. MARKS, Proprietor. IDO HOT FAIL TO BUY YOUR Screen Doors and Windows EARLY, and thus avoid the annoyance of flies and mosquitoes during the ENTIRE SEASON.

They cost no more now than when the summer is ha If spent. We offer good DOOR SCREENS i at $1 and upward. WHITTIER, FULLER CO, to 1022 Second Street. ", LEAPING JEWELER OF JN'I v. HIGH KRADE AND Watches of'celebrated makers, suet, as Patek, Co.

Jules Jurgensen A Lanoa ami others. Also, p-nu Uiuiuouata specialty. J15.1 sTUIJI'Ji. Sign Town Clock KLUNE FLOBERG, AND JEWELERS. 12S 3 STREET, BETWEEN FOURTH VV fifth, dealers in WATCHES, JEWELRY and IMAMu.MIS.

REPAIRING In all Its hranches specialty, under Mr. Floberg. Agents for ROCKFORD WA'J PAN. SACRAMENTO LIMBER i MAIN street. Land M.

and streats. Sacramento. Sumner lieaicrft. DEALERS IX LLMBER Second and Streets, Sacramento. W.

F. FRAZER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Lumber Dealer. Fifth and Streets. FOR PICNICS. Lunch Baskets, 10 cts.

Wood Plates, per Sets. Canned Meats, Pickles and Olives. KILGORE TRACY, CASH GROCERS, E. Corner Eiglith and Sucr.iiiiento Grand Closii Out Sale! INTEND TO CLOSE OUT MY 1 consisting oi Clothing Hats, Furnishing Goods, XKTJNKS, VALISES, 1 And hope all In need of anything in my linn will give nic iiiJl. an I urn selling everything at New York C.

ROBIN, 612 ami 014 Street ARE IW ABOUT 111 IVE? II SO, BKND A.N* OEOEK TO Marry W. kl THE PIONEEB BTEAM CARPET Works, southwest corner Twelfth and 0 and have yonr carpets cleaned and properly relltteu and laid by competent men. It will cost you no more than to have it, poorly done. A nice Jot of Second-hand Carpet for Telephone 292. NOTICE TO (MRACTORsJ THK CAPITOL COMMISSIONERS HAVE I onder consideration tayli fapes on Capitol gjrounda, and request those nterested to bid on same.

I'Jan-. ite, may be seer. I calling on the State Gardin r. i NOTICE TO RILDERS. QEALED BI! 9 WILL BE RECEIVED DP iO to 4 P.

St. JUNE 10. 1893, at I James Beadier, architect, 1018 Eighth street, Saciamento, tot the restoration ot certain por tlons Suiter's Fort, in confoi drawings and spectl on tile in See. The work to be done in conformity with lUornla state laws ln regard loan u.atlii- ul labor on public works, and eaeb bid to be accompanied by a oerlifle check to "tbe President oi the Board Butters fort Tr isti vs." a- forJnit and mark 01 tbi will enter Into a contracl and bond the v. completion ofthe work for the arno hia bid.

Said board reserves the right to any or all bids. FBANK V.N;President. Bac 11. OLNi) THE WEEKLY L.Mu.N Xo XuL'U tr) in the iuMb ftailreaZ- CTiinc (Tabic. Wli PACIFIC COMPANY MAY 7, Tralii9 Leave and are Due to Arrive at Sacramento: LEAVE TRAINS HUN DAILY.

AKIIIVB (i- rom) 10:50 Ashland and Portland 4:15 A 7:10 A Calistoga and Nana 12:05 Calistoga and Na 10:25 A Deming. El I' 1 7:10 PKnights L'dlng A Oroville Los Angeles lv A 10:50 A Ogden and lass P.Central Atlantic Expn for Ogden and East 6:50 A POroviue via Bt sev'le J'n'c in io a 3.00 Red Blufl Ma Marysvilie 10:16 A 11:05 A Bedding Tla Willows 3:30 4:35 A san franclsoo via Benicia 12:05 A Sau rancisco via Benicia i 0:35 A 7:10 A sun Francisco 8:40 PSan Francisco lo Benicin 10 4:00 PSan Francisco rla Benicia i 0 i A'San Francisco vlasteamer 1 Ji A San Fran, via Llvermore A San Jose 0 10:25 A 7:10 A Hants ItoSa 10 2:80 Stockton and Gait 10:25 A Stockton and Stockton and Gall 10 26 10:50 rruokei and ii no 2 0 Valle 0 1 7:10 AjVallaJo 9:10 PI Jlle A Folsom le a A ted. IMonday excepted. nn.ruing. Foriifterno RICHARD OKAY, Gen.

Traffic Manager. T. H. GOODMAN. I EXCURSIONS TO WORLDS' t) Fair special and great Coi Urn world Fair and tbe East with lowest rate ticket.

No crowding to cure litrgi' Leave Sacramento F.v- KiJY THURSDAY. No change to Chlcsgo. ln cnarge. Address JlfJO A 624 Market stri t. Ban rr.u- Clsco.

or call on C. .1. l.Lls.d. uot.Suoraniento. J.

FKAXK CLARK, UNDERTAKING PARLORS, 1017-1019 Fourtli Sacranieuto. I pMBALMINO A SPECIALTY CLARK, Funeral Director and Comfy Coroner. Telephone Nu. 134. W.

J. KAVANAUGH, Undertaker, No. 818 3 beC Fifth and slith. ALWAYS ON HAND A LAROE ASSORT. ment of Metallic and Wooden linrial Cases.

Coffins and Shrouds furnished, orders will receive prompt attention on Short notice and at tbe lowset rates. Embalmlng a specialty, mtics oiien day und nliihl. Telenhone No. im mi Will be paid for information ot the whereabouts of BRADLEY CHAXDLER, mv brother. Address L.

C. CHANDLER, 231J street THE SOFT QLOW OF The tea ro--e is acquired by ladies who use fouisiiia Complexion powder. Try I It,.

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