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Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona • Page 13

Arizona Republici
Phoenix, Arizona
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ARfZOfrA EPUBMCA3T, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 10, 1905 1 POPULAR Advertisements Running Let Than One Pop Sale BIG AUCTfdir -Wednesday, 10:30 a. m. at the residence of Mrs. E. M.

Wharton, 361 North First avenue, the contents of her 10 room home. The furniture is all high grade and In first class condition. Hammond and George, auctioneers. FOR SALESix room brick In good repair, three lots 50x140, cost $3400, will take $2000. Address P.

O. Box 505. PASTURE and 8 tons hay 3 miles from Five Points on old Black Canyon road. Call on W. D.

Bell, 3 1-2 miles north asylum. HAVE Chicago ticket for sale cheap. Address this office. FOR SALE Bargain by owner, high grade copper property; some good gold claims. Be quick.

II. L. Tilley, Box 1133. Phoenix. FOR SALE A good span of mules, also horses.

Cowboy Corral. FOR SALE Sound cotton wood. Phone Black 444. Cowboy Corral. FOR SALE Lady's very fine three stone diamond Tiffany ring.

Big bargain, $27.00. Call between 1 and 2 p. m. 710 N. Second St.

FOR SALE Almost new Charter Oak range with hot water plate. An excellent baker. For patrlculars apply to Mrs. Wm. E.

Thomas, North Center St. FOR-SALE Very fine white diamond gentleman's ring worth $40.00, will sell same for $26. Address 37 N. Center. FOR SALE 5 and 10 acre ranches or any size you want.

Prices always right. J. L. Irvin. 11 N.

First ave. FOR SALE Fifteen good saddle ponies at Cowboy corral. Five Points, Tuesday, Dec. 12. One day only.

O. D. Flake. PUBLIC SALE Tuesday. Dec.

12, at 10:30 A. G. Allison will sell at his residence one and one half miles east of Tempe creamery on M. P. rail road, English shire horses, cattle.

farm Implements, pure barred rock ed hens, etc. Time will be given. Hammond, auctioneer. FOR SALE New No. 7 Remington typewriter.

P. O. Box 393, Phoenix. FOR SALE Four room brick on East Monroe $800. A bargain.

Address Box 505. FOR SALE A profitable business cheap for Cash. Small capital required, party leaving town. Box 1021 postoffice. FOR SALE Small driving mare, five years old, perfectly gentle, can be seen at Dr.

Ramsey's stable. FOR SALE Fully paid combined mechanical engineering course, International Correspondence School, at great sacrifice. Address care Republican. TWO SEATED, full leather top carriage, good as new. For sale cheap.

Andrew Nielsen, Tempe. FOR SALE By owner, 12 acres, 3 1-2 miles from city, 4 aews fruit, 8 alfalfa, good house, Individual ditch, from paid up right in Appro-priators' canal, also house and lot in city. 160 acres wild land near Buckeye. For information call on J. W.

Marshall, 1-2 mile, north Alhambra brick yard. FOR SALE Safe. W. B. Lount.

FOR SALE Furniture belonging to Mrs. E. B. Morris. Iron beds, pillows, mattresses, dressers, one chiffonier, library table, piano, commodes and other articles.

Apply to Mrs. Baxter, N. W. corner Washington and Second St. FOR SALE The "Oya" lunch counter, restaurant outfit, buildings, business and good will.

Address J. J. Maxie, Kelvin. Arizona. FOR SALE Several 5 and 10 acre tracts near town.

Some good city residence property. If you want good real estate bargains see H. Riddle. 17 N. First avenue.

PEARS Tor saie at Five Points by box or ton. First door east of Salari's saloon. WILL TAKE DIAMONDS- In exchange as part payment or full payment on pianos if part payment balance can be paid in small Installments. The Wiley B. Allen C.

E. N. Jenkins, Manager. FOR SALE Dl stilled water. Lightning Delivery.

FOR SALE About 20 tons of barley hay, mixed with alfalfa. 1 1-4 miles east of Indian school. H. Schrader. FOR SALE Com pletef lies of Scrib-ner's.

Cosmopolitan and other magazines, unbound, cheap. P. O. Box 396 City. Pop Bent LIGHT housekeeping rooms, also fur-nished single sleeping room.

New home, everythi? -Clean, with bath. Second and McKinley St. Mrs. Louise Sable. Saddles "We have just opened up a placed on display our initial shipment of saddles.

In taking i this line we have iriven the different makes a careful and thorough examination and selected the saddles that combine the be.t material, most thorough workmanship, and styles suitable t'i region. Like a house a good saddle must be sound from the foundation Our saddles ai-j so built. Beginning with the best tree obtainable and using only the highest grade of saddle leather and employing only expert saddle makers has turned out a saddle not only handsome In appearance but comfortable for the rider and easy on the beast. You should see our handsome hand carved saddles. WAfT Month Must be Paid in Advance.

FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping In Brill's addl- tlon, S10 13th street. Frank Johnston. FOR RENT Furnished South Second avenue. rooms. 333 FURNISHED ROOMS Single or light housekeeping 529 W.

Adams St. FOR RENT Seven room" brickhouse, furnished. Good location. Very reasonable. Apply 526 W.

Washington. FOR RENT Reasonable, by month, horse and phaeton. No. 120 South Twenty-first avenue. FURNISHED south flat, four rooms, bath, electricity, wood and gas stoves; best locality.

376 North Fourth avenue. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. 433 S. Center. NEATLY furnished tent house for rent suitable for two or more.

One block from car line. A. Jay Lacy. 13th Brills addition. SUGAR BEET land for rent.

Recommended by sugar company. Dirt cheap. See J. E. McClain, Tempe.

FURNISHED single tent, reasonable. No sick. E37 South First St. FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms. 1 1-2 miles north of Indian school.

Cave Creek Road. F. G. Wolf. ROOMS FOR RENT Everything new and clean; 320 N.

First avenue. Mrs. Tetter, who is a scientific cook and nurse, will cater to sick people at reasonable rates. FOR RENT Front rooms with fire places on first floor. 1008 N.

Cen ter street. NICELY furnished rooms. Single or en suite, with free bath, at the Ar cade, 32 South Center St No sick accommodated. FOR RENT Six room house, close in. very desirable, furnished or unfur nished.

Apply room 21 Postoffice building. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms single or ensulte. Just thoroughly re novated, new bedding and furnish ings. Shakespeare Rooms, over Dor ris theater, W. Washington St.

FURNISHED ROOMS The Dorrls Second avenue west of court house Mrs. Kay, formerly of the Alamo. FURNISHED ROOMS For lodging and housekeeping. No tuberculosis 347 N. Fourth avenue.

FOR RENT Blacksmith shop. 303 N. Center. Apply to W. B.

Lount, 21 N. Fourth St. FOR RENT Furnished and unfur nished houses; all sizes, kinds and prices; also, houses, lots and ranches for sale. W. K.

James, 37 North Center St TO LET Seven room house, nicely furnished with modern conveniences. 816 West Washington St Telephone Black 1463. Board and Booma FURNISHED housekeeping or single rooms; with or without board. 316 N. Fifth Btreet LEE'S RANCH 5 1-2 miles east of.

Phoenix, open for the season. Terms reasonable. Good well water, plenty cream and eggs, camping ground with board by the single meal, day week or month. Also light housekeeping tents. Write Mrs.

Lee, R. F. D. No. 1, Phone Black 55.

FIRST CLASS private board. Tewks-bury's, 3 miles east Indian school, rural delivery 2. PRIVATE BOARD Pleasant room, with bath and electric light. Use of piano, horse and surrey. Plenty of milk and eggs.

Man and wife preferred. 918 E. Van Buren St. $10 A DAY to agent from now until New Years in picture business; catalogue free; selling Instructions and 50c picture entitled "Good Night" for 15c. Zigmund 1420 Larimer, Denver, Colo.

STRICTLY first class private board and rooms, single or ensuite, furnishings new with all modern conveniences. No consumptives taken. 356 North Fourth avenue. CAMP BONNY VIEW, six and one-half miles north on Cave creek road; free dally stage; ready for two or three boarders at reasonable rates; best table, air, and water: high, dry, and picturesque. See it before locating.

Box 991 P. or see Todd, Republican office, afternoons. ROOMS with board at Grant's ranch. near street cars. Shingle or canvas roof tents.

Table first class. Also tents for light housekeeping. First house east of Indian school. Personal FREE Your fortune told; future and past revealed; surprising; by the eminent philosopher astrologist clairvoyant St. John.

12 Sheldon Chicago. Send birth date and three 2c stamps. Pratt-Gilbert Co. ATTRACTIVE maiden, wealthy, alone, and unfortunate, wishes acquaintance of honorable gentleman. Object matrimony.

Address Marie, Box 107, Oak Park. 111. Lost and Pound LOST A small nickel-plated thin cog wheel, about 6 inches diameter. Return Republican office. Reward.

LOST or strayed from Cave Creek, large sorrel horse, branded left hip. Return Cowboy corral. Will pay for trouble. LOST Leather purse, containing $20 gold piece and four quarters. Reward if returned to Morgan at Dor ris-Heyman Furniture Co.

STRAYED From pasture near Glen-dale, brown horse with white in face, branded on left thigh. Reward for information given to D. J. Peter, 406 West Van Buren, Phoenix. LOST Pkg ofl-2 box-orange labels.

Return to this office. Reward. LOST Silver mounted spurs. Reward. Return to Walter Card, Eureka market.

COME TO MY RANCH One bay mare with white star in face. Peter Nelson, six miles west of Phoenix, on Buckeye road, brand connected. Situations Wanted pTjsTtIonwaISteTj good health, graduate high school and normal school; several years public school teacher; one year's experience as stenographer and bookkeeper; desires office work in Arizona, January 1. Address "Stenographer," 3744 San Julian, Los Angeles. YOUNG man wants position of any kind; wages no object.

Address A. H. Pep.rce, Peoria. ENERGETIC young woman wants out door work. Would like to help raise Chickens, do light gardening and be generally useful for board.

Address Republican. RELIABLE MAN wants position to assist on fair ground during fair. Address this office. WANTED Light employment by day or hour. Address 14, Republican of-fice.

WANTED Light housework by healthy elderly woman. Address 16, care Republican. ASSESSMENT work done by practical miner, contract or by day. W. T.

Peacock, Phoenix, Ariz. WANTED Situation by lady with boy 10 years old, to do light housekeeping. Address Republican office. SITUATION WANTED Young man, 19, desires permanent position, good health. Can furnish good reference.

Address 4, Republican. Helo Wanted MANAGERS wanted everywhere for appointment of agents. New scientific game for drinks and cigars; replaces forbidden slot machines; played with nickels or pennies; rented, or sold on credit; payable after sold; or if operated on percentage in public places you remit one-tenth of earnings monthly until paid. Samples loaned Managers free. Address, Manager, Department 79, 1G80 Lake Street, Chicago.

WANTED Men to distribute samples, tack signs; $3.00 daily. No canvassing. Continental Distributing Service, Chicago. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Family of two.

Mrs. S. Oberfelder, 745 N. Center. Call mornings.

WANTED Man and wife to work on ranch. Phone 72X. WANTED A live hustler in every town to act as agent for the best merchant tailoring concern in the United States. An elegant sample outfit, including all paraphernalia for taking measures, sent free of charge. Apply at once to secure exclusive agency for your town for spring.

Here is an opportunity for a wide-awake man to get into a legitimate paying business without any investment. No experience required. Reference required. Mention this paper. The Whitney Exclusive Merchant Tailors, 149 Franklin Chicago.

WANTED A first class salesman for Arizona and New Mexico to sell exclusively during 1906 (commencing Jan. 1st.) our first class line of calendars, advertising specialties and druggists' labels and boxes. Our line is so complete that every merchant and manufacturer in each and every town can be seen; our goods are first class and strictly up-to-date; our house has been established 25 years and is well and favorably known. Commission 20 per cent and 25 per cent; and energetic salesman can easily make from $60 to $100 per week. New samples will be ready Jan.

2nd. First class men only wanted. Enclose this advertisement with your application. Address 45, care Lord Thomas, Chicago WANTED--Woman; plain cook; gen eral housework; no laundry; three-room house. Apply Kennedy, 1004 Baltimore street LADIES I want all to know of the splendid opportunity I can give any woman whereby she can actually turn her spare time into money.

Tho work Is very pleasant and will easily pay J18 per week. There Is no deception about this. No experience Is necessary. If you really- want 'make write onto. Address Harriet M.

Richards, Box Joliet. 111. WANTED A picture framer at the Phoenix Stationery and News Co. 10 and 12 W. Washington.

WANTED Girl for general housework. Apply at Stein's employment agency. WANTED To hire teams for ranch work. W. J.

Murphy. WANTED Boy to guide a blind man. Call room 3 Leland hotel 8 a. m. GIRLS wanted to work at the fair.

Call at Nellie Smith's shooting range. 29 South Center St. WANTED A good girl or woman for general housework. Apply mornings at 344 N. Fifth avenue.

ANTED Partner with small capital for manufacturing business. Big profit. Address Liddle, Republican office. WANTED Experienced sales ladies, not sick, for fair week, nice work, good salary. Telephone Black 1323.

WANTED Laborers at sugar factory at Glendale. Valentine Perry. WANTED Expert orange packers. Apply W. J.

Murphy's office. WANTED Husky young man, strong and healthy, that is willing to gel up early and do a hard turn for three hours a day. Address A care Republican. WANTED Cook, man or woman. 126 W.

Madison. WANTED Wanted two young men to travel in Arizona for old established eastern house. Inquire A. H. Sture.

st Irving hotel. MEN to learn barber trade. Moler'a System College, US East Second St, Log Angele. WANTED First class salesman to iane cnarge or the work of the International Correspond Schools in Arizona. Salary and commission.

Transportation paid. Bond required. Apply today. E. C.

Everitt, Division Supt. Ford Hotel. WANTED Woman needs a good home to do housework for" the winter; wages moderate. Good place for right party. Address Housekeeper.

Republican. BOY WANTED at the Ford hotel. WANTED At once, milker. Model dairy, Tempe. Salesmen Wanted G.

W. SMITH. Duluth. made four hundred and eighty dollars one week selling Weir's Lead. Can't you? D.

T. Weir White Lead St. Louis, Mo. AN ACTIVE salesman can earn $200 per week selling our product. Pocket sample.

Exclusive territory when ability is shown. Lonwear Tinted Lead St. Louis, Mo. Miscellaneous Wants WANTED To buy good team with harness and wagon, or without. Phone Red 483 today, or apply Commercial hotel Monday.

WANTED Two or three well furnish-ed sunny rooms for light housekeeping by permanent tenants. Addres3 this office. WANTED Five dozen young hens, leghorns preferred. State price. F.

Curnow, Box 963. WANTED Ladies to train for the stage, drama, expression and physical culture. Apply 2 to 3 daily The Virginia. Cartain Peacocke, late dramatic Instructor at Dobinson School of Dran.atlc Art, Los Angeles. WAN TED 1100 pound mountaliThorse for milk waor.

Address and call Mr. Thomas. 3 West Jefferson St. MONEY to loan, $1,000 on chatties, also some to loan rh real estate. J.

L. Irvln, llN. First avenue. FURNESS Clairvojant and trance medium. 145 Secsnd avenue.

WANTED To rent part of furnished office. L. this office. CAB STAND at the Cabinet, or phone number main 30S. Bob Finney is ready for business every afternoon and all night.

Fare 25c. WANTED to rent or will buy on easy payments 15 or 20 acres with house, shade, well, alfalfa, and water within" 4 "miles of city. J. M. Weber, Rural Route 4.

A LADY MANICURTaT and chiropodist who is unable to locate suitably would like to make visiting appointments by card. Address P. O. Box 413. ALICE LAWSON healer and psychic life reader.

Fee $2. 114 East Adams Street. MRS. ELIZA A. EDWARDS, experienced card reader, tells past present and future.

Ladles, 25c; gentlemen, 50 cents. 223 Buchanan St, corner of Third St i For Sale A cood 10 acre ranch, four miles from town, has a good 5 room find screen frame house, plastered on inside and painted. A good well, chicken barn 12x25. with yards, buggy shed, fenced and cross fenced into 4 fields. All seeded to alfalfa and barley.

Water in Arizona and Appropriators canals. Price $1500 $700 cash. Balance 1 year at 8. HIRST EGLY Real Estate, Loans arid Insurance 17 North Center Street. Phone Black 1362.

I THE FINDING OF GILHAN Who Wandered for More Than a VeeK on the Desert. According to a telegram received last evening from Tucson, John Gil-man a prominent cattle man wh.r owns a ranse about twelve miles from Wilcox, who has been lost for the past eight days was found by the party o. officers In search of him yesterday. He was on the desert near that city. The telegram did not state the physical condition of the man when he was located.

For the past year Mr. Gilman ha been in very poor health brought on by family troubles and for the past month his health has been such that it was necessary to have an attendant with him at all times. His mind had become affected. About three weelu ago he was taken to Tucson and placed under the care of Dr. R.

A. Aiton and some improvement was noticed. About a week ago he was missed and a search about town developed the fact that he was not In Tucson. Sheriff Pacheco organized a searching party and the hunt was begun. It was remembered that he had several days previous to this Jokingly remarked that he thought he could walk from Tucson to Wilcox and many feared that It was this he had attempted.

Mr. Gilman is a man sixty years of age and has had his holdings In this territory for the past fifteen years. About two years ago his wife sued for divorce from him and this was grant- Propeity Snaps- FOR SALE Highly improved 20 acre ranch close in with brick house and other out buildings. Pro rate water share in Maricopa canal only $4000. FOR SALE Five acre ranch, close in with good house, only $1200.

FOR SALE A fine 12 acre ranch all in alfalfa, with good six room house and other improvements, 3 miles from town, $2500. FOR SALE Highly improved 10 acre ranch near town with good brick house, barn and out- fcj buildings for only $3000, (im- provements worth more than that.) FOR RENT Every desirable furnished or unfurnished house for rent in Phoenix is on our list. If you are looking for a house to rent call on us. We have it. H.

I. Latham Co REAL ESTATE Fire, Accident and Plate Glass Insurance and Surety Bonds. MONEY. TO LOAN 44 North Center Street. 0 'B FOR RENT.

Small 3 room house unfurnished, for per month. Small 2 room house, unfurnished, for per month. 3 room house with screen kitchen for $10 per month. 2 room brick and frame house for $3 per month. 2 very largo brick rooms and tent house with 5 city lots for rent cheap or will sell at a great sacrifice.

6 room brick and frame house with bath, cellar, in good condition, almost new, owner leaving: city, for per month. Will sell at a great bargain. 5 room brick close in for $15 per month. 3 room brick, partly furnished and stable on rear of lot, for $10 per month. 5 room brick house with all modern conveniences, close In and in the very best part of the city for $30 per month.

7. room very large frame house with nice shade trees and shrubbery and three city lots fenced for $30 per month. 4 rooms nicely furnished with gas and wood stoves, bath, for $45 per month. 3 rooms nicely furnished for $25 per per month. 3 rooms well furnished for $15 per month.

6 room furnished house for $50 per month. 7 room furnished house for $75 per month. 9 room furnished house for $75 per month. 10 room furnished house for $125 per month. 15 room lodging house for rent at $50 per month.

8 room two story brick for $60 per month. 6 room brick close in for $75 per month. FOR SALE. 2 lots on East Monroe street for $150 on the very liberal terms of $1 down and $1 per week until paid for, no interest and the taxes paid for this year. 1 more lot on East Washington for $150 on same terms as above.

1 lot on West Jackson street for $225. 1 1 lot in Neahr's addition on North Eleventh avenue for $300 on payments of $5 down and $5 per month, interest on deferred payments. 1 lot on North First street for $400 on easy payments of $10 down and $10 per month, interest on deferred payments, 1 lot on the Grand avenue electric car line for $60 on payments. $1 down and $1 per week, no interest and taxes paid for this year. For houses and lots on reasonable terms and extra good bargains call on or wiite.

PECRA BROTHERS Phone Red 901. 512 W. Washington St, Phoenix, Ariz. I If THE. EASTERN hTORE Let us heip you solve the problem.

"What Shall I fi You for Xmas?" For souvenirs, a dainty piece of drawn or soiia uws une( hiigree jewelry, made from native Arl- zona rrold -n our own factory. For ladies, Imported silk and embroidered wj's; pattens. For novelties in furnishing 'h1m and toys IIany more seasonable at i store. on are cordially Invited to ci'l and Jr iiciv fr Trance, Turkey and Mexico We show you a line such as has m-vt en Aii.ona. Selim Ackel, Frop.

224 East Washington St. 82 ed her and since that time his health has been faMin him. He has a brother and sister resjding in California and an effort was made by them to haw him give up his business hero" and po to California and live but lie refused to leave his ranch. It is probable that since the occurrence? of the past week and since it is known that he cannot With safety to himself be left alone BOOST THE FAIR-DECEMBER 25 to 30, 3905. Honest goods all the way through lowest prices that van be sold at.

If In any way unsatisfactory, bring them back. That's the Spears Policy 1 i 1 csuAHKbis. RUGS STOVl CHAIRS TABLES IRON BBDS i I WHY PAY MORS? I fc fcrl I I IWCi FUR HOUSEKEEPING. fj Vv2i -1 x-r I H'i'-js' vv. aw I VUErO IUUilfilUvbl LILMfW If I 1 nAVAIl WAMT A PATH 4 1 'J 1 I I TV I i 1 IA DO YOU NEED A SINK 9 Vi that be taken 1..

treatment. eisht M-. attempted suU-id- dfspond. nt but uiuihn i i-fui. i a era! lodges and tl Growers assoeiat ioa and spei-t-d ii th- e.iiii'iuiiit 1 lived.

r. 1 .1 Si. t-I. Wi FORYOU i -3.

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