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Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona • Page 1

Arizona Republici
Phoenix, Arizona
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE ARIZONA REP LICAN. Tlio Largest Circulation of Aavy Daily DPaper Published in VOL. IV. PlICENIX, ARIZONA, TlfURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 20, 1891. NO.

65. Iffl GAMES TO TIE. movies Tin: act ion nkw inurr' mill Speeches Democratic s.uiiip Argument Tucson Complain tin' Lack of Appreciation In Organiser Chrlnt. iik to rut: lUrunucAN. Nov.

SO. Tho mayor allied that tho wisest policy was for to sign tho'iipprovnl of tho not of council in tho mutter of tho liutol. sensible friends must havo put in his ear, to the ell'ect that ho would tl 1., mandamuscd aud punished for contempt if ho insisted upon acting in tho muniier ho hud set out to do. Tho peo-( ho advocated tho hotel, nnd who a advocate all moved that prouilso to iu wove tlio city, were not to bo trilled mid ami Mnish would havo beon com-! ltd to npprovo tho action of thecoun- i or resign. Everything wag cut and lined to this end, and when tho was presented to this bucking mayor iiv came up liko a little man nnd took tus medicine, and ho took it at a single gu without oven a wry face.

was tho first time, evidently, I powerful will ha'd been-checkuinted, an i he had to knucklo to-tho will of the p. 'pie, whoso rcpresentiUlvo hois. It 1 1 lie hoped that Mayor Mnish was u.igiit a lesson that will lust him for i a balance of hla life, as ho will not bo us. ul in tho futuro unless his freshness wwit through a complete pickling pro- h. Tho voters of tlie city uiUHt elect peopiv to office who will havo tho brains meet all emergencies, nnd not simply ie elected because nothing of is to be considered.

It must be i nc mind that matters of great ini-p ti to tho city nro liable to como up at utn moment. Ix-Uovernor Zultck and Counsellor l'aker made speeches hero last week in of adopting tho constitution and aiy ying for admission as a state. Tlioy wee Democratic speeches, and stump vv Ues. at that. TJiey camo here to the oentiments of the Democratic piriv.

They aro in favor of coiistitu-i. test oath, with a great They aro in favor of Demo- ru state, with Democratic senators, uii'l Democratic member with ii great i 1'. They voiced tho sentiments of Democrats very ably, and as mouth-i they were ii sueee is. They nd- a -I no argument worth of serious I. ij-ht.

Stump speeches covers the flic friends of Judge Wright pi that ho will mop up the tloor the trashy arguments of Zuiick ao-i linker. Jiild like to hear Collins nnd lunUir. People would hnve some con- it-ue that their wns at least in g.xjd faith, and that they were not -I-, 'Ui by the Democrats to carry the -'i uiion by watery arguments, such a- wre tru-ilt-d to by Ztiliek i. Xu.ick hud Iki'onitt iiiueil i h' h. mid Im will hnn tiign I i iur new ideas, or new tie- i "i iiiit'thiug, to change the old 'it.

It is worn out. tinker did nt tinker's speech sounded tt utro legal fee was behind it. ki- like tho lawyer who knew his mil guilty. him 'f these gentlemen were con- and they might havo taught n.g idea how to thoo in ore profi- nan llio voters of I'iina county vtc. i to be sincerely legretted that '1 ri.

county hIiouIii feel called upon iih all the brains for thu territory hc, in the matter of the coiistitu- it then, even this grent drain i ti il on tho Democratic politi- l'hu'iiix. If there is one thing art- prolillc in, it is tho gift of gab, i Maricopa county, having sickened of ti' doses they havo been fronted n.ust feel thankful to Piuin county averting some of the eloquence Tuc- a-nnard. Wo can st'll stnud another su if you hnvo nny more fellows at know as little of tho constitution as and Zuiick, send them over. ''ganizer Christ is absent, and his II is almost at tho mercy of tho Organizer Christ was not prop-i appreciated in 1'hoenix, nnd unless 1''. i.ix concludes to do homago to Or-t u-r Christ, we enn't consent to hnvo 1' unload their Xulicks on our ''u.

unsuspecting Christian people is jn't tlo, neighbors. Wo cannot un ti-rtako to smilo you while you -imio to chastiso our organizer, unit Ho can't poao in a great man, unii-aa you extend a hearty, helping I'aiid and if we mako the Democrats un-Ufrn'and Organizer Christ's importance, in lat stand as a perfect unit, 'f lion Ii" rgan. tho Xocales Herald, expects it won't do to disappoint that i i ti loiiower ol the organizer. E.NT1SK NOUH. SMITH IN UANOKK.

1Im Hellah'i lllc llrotlicr SUrU for tlin Lnnil nf Oolil. Nov. 25. California to) imio a genuine southern tragedy tier bands, If tonight'H rumors aro 'rr-it. Miss Mattio Uellali, whoso af-ff wero so roughly treated by tho 2fl Mr.

Smith, has big brother, IMS tug brother is man of dctermina-'ii, a record its an nccurato shot. not until yesterduy that he l't into tho wholo secret of tho love-mak i.g which hia sister had been 1. Today ho announced that Mr. Sl" life was tho only forfeit thnt nettle this affair, llo had nn consultation with his friends to-" He left this city tonight on tho "i and Atlantic road. Ho carries '''til a bran new brace of revolver, ii he proposes to ueo as soon as he Mr.

Smith. 'oiiiieh If certain, Mr. Smith had i iiieoiit, for if Mr. I'ollah even gets iiim there will be a Californian Aiintlipr I'nllurf. i Texas.

Nov. 25. Another hero last night, that of l-n Tho liabilities are 20.000. UO i. Thii is tho third failure -iii-f the Htispension of lionet iiiuibeis niitii'ip'tti'd.

A i imlny iianlug an injiinc-i iik' the turned over to tho Inter- lai Ir, 4- U' national and Great Northern Hnllroad lf tho injunction is granted itwilltioup the funds of tho bank for Bomo time to como. A 8AI AFKAIK. A -Mothrr Accidentally Kill Hir Hon flth ItoTulYcr. I'ki-scott. Nov.

25. A fatal shooting accident occurred hero nt noon today, resulting in tho instant killing of thonluo-year-old boy of H.N.l'almer, tho well-known mining and mill man. Mr. Palmer has been employed at a mine about flvo miles from 'l'reecott. On Saturday Mrs.

Palmer had troublo with man nnd hia wife who occupied roomB in hor house, and llnd two shots at the former with a 15-cnlibro Colt's pistol. Today sho got a man who wag working for her to remove tho empty shells and reload two chambers. Immediately niter doing so Bho commenced to oil tho pistol, when her son stooped down in Iront. remarking that the pistol was not loaded. Simultaneously with his doing so, tho pistol was discharged nnd tho ball entored tho forehead abovo the right eyo, ranging downward nnd coining out behind tho left ear nnd scattering hia brains on tho floor.

It is supposed that when sho received the pistol after boing loaded, tho hammer was raised, and in turning tho chamber it was discharged, Tho mother is fronzied with grief over tho snd affair, nnd officers took the pistol away to prevent her from killing herself. KO.irANCI OF TWO COUNTKIKS. Wcilileil la Now Vurk on Her Arrlral From Frnnce. Nkw Yoiik, Nov. 23.

A romance of true scntimont was brought to a happy conclusion by marriage which took place today at tho city hall. Tho bridegroom wan James C. Taylor, a wealthy ranchman nnd cattle-rniser of Taylors-ville, near San Francitco, who in 42 years old. Tho brido was Mile. Henrietta Marie Posto, of Kolloville, France, who is a decado younger.

Tho romance began two years ago, when Taylor went abroad after the death of his wife, and met Mile. Posto. It was caso of lovo nt first eight, but tho lady bad nn aged mother, whom she refused to leave, and Taylor was compelled to return alone. Letters wero exchanged, however, nnd five weeks ago Mile. Poste's mother died.

Aa eoon as tho ranchman heard of it he cabled to the young lady to meet him in New York nnd started cast. Mile. Posto arrived on tho Ln Chninpngno and was met at tho dock by nor futuro husband. A isit to tho city "hall followed, where Alderman 1'Iynn mado them man and wife. Mr.

and Mrs. Taylor started west next morning. Mrs. Taylor speaks not word of English, blither husband speaks French lluently. "No bettor pleased audience ever left Leach opera house, than that of last eicning, alter witnessing the first per formance ot Zamlocti." san Diego Union, July 10 18SI1.

A HliUTAI. III.AOICMAII.KIC. Ill Mfiiitmiceil Twenty Ymr 1'ennl Menltudn. IjOXdon. Nov.

25. Charles Grant, alias a duze.i other names, was con victed today of blackmailing anil sentenced to twvnty years penal servitude. Among his victims were several titled ladies. He wrote them threatening violence unless thnv complied with hii demands for money. He referred to the es-sie with which ho coulu insert uyna- inito under tho door mats or by removing a brick in the walla and placo it therein in such a manner as to blow the house into atoms.

Many ladies were so frightened that they paid his demands When arrested "a forced bill of ex change was found in hitt possession, lie was also convicted on this charge and given seven years additional sentence. UNION 1'ACIKIC HUKD. Holiller Want Danmcu for Injurlta reived In a CollUlon. Leavenvoktii, Nov. 25.

Captain C. 15. Illsley, Lieutenant Selah It. Thompson, Sergeant M. J.

Hamilton nnd Corporal William J. Hunter, of the seventh cavalry, United States army, havo filed suits in tho district court of this county ngainat tlio Union Pacific Railroad company for damages received while returning from tho Wounded Knco fight last winter. Tho injuries wero received in a collision which occurred near Irving. The aggregate amount of damages aucd for is $9,500. KILLKI) BYADOSK OF MOHl'HINE.

Mm. LouImo Lane, of Salt Lako, Found Dead. Salt Lake, Utah, Nov. 25. A lady llmnnlnnnl Mrs T.OtllBQ T.flllL'.

w- D- yno lives not lar irom inu uusiiicaa nf il.n nit wiiM fniind ilpfid in her bed early this morning. Tho best ovi- denco seems to muicuio mui. umm wns caused by tho careless administration of a doso of moiphino by boiiio ono who had no knowlcdgo of tho effect of tho drug. Murdered for Ilia Money. SroKANii, Nov.

25. Tho identity of the man found dead on Hangman creek yesterday waa solved today, his name being H. N. Experson. Ho had ranch at Cccnr d'Alene.

At the coroner's inquest today facts developed that led the jury tobeliovo that tho man was murdered, but by whom is yet a mystery. When he left this city the day before his death, ho had considerable monev on his person, nnd when hie body was" searched it was all gone, as well as what effecta ho had in valise. Tho police nro making a vigoroua investigation. Aimy mill Navy DUajfree. London, Nov.

25. A dispatch from KioJanerio tonight sayj that tho dis-nensions between tho army and navy havo caused a disunion of tlieso branches of tho military department. A Lundtllde. Poitn.AM), Ore. Nov.

land-Hlidu occurred on tho Northern Pacific near 1'acoina thU afternoon, ami fifteen men were killed. "Ztiinloch superior to any of his perfect and pleasant genllemiiti Beaver Enterprise, Utah, December REPUBLICANSJTILL WIN. THK NATIONAL COMMITTI'IS CON-VII1KNT or SUCOKSS. llnrtlaun nr llliihiti I.lkcly tit lie thu StBiuliinl ltrarorn Hut tlio llriinli-llcaiin Will Win, No Mill tor Who In Noniluntril. Associated l'ross UlBiuttcIicn.1 SntiNacii'LU, Nov.

25. Henry II. Hyde, Massachusetts' member of tho National committee, lias returned from Washington. In an interviow this afternoon he said: "It is perfectly understood that Blaine will be nominated, practically without opposition, if ho does not positively dcclino before tho convention meets. Tho Itopublican party wishes him to run, and no onobut Blaine himself can prevent his nomination.

If ho fecla unablo to take the responsibilities of tlio campaign, Harrison will bo re-nominated. At the meeting tho members of tho committee expressed tlio greatest confidence in Republican success next year." A HOKKIIU.K MUUDKIl. A Young Hutclicr Killed With III Own Cleuvor. New Yoiik, Nov. 25.

Hobort Lyons, a young butcher, was brutally murdered tonight in his own shop with a cleaver, by Michael Slinoy. Tho men had been tho best of friends, and Sliney called to collect a bill for coal. Lyons' mother, who was in the rear room, says she heard only a pleasant conversation between the men. She went for a moment, and when she returned her ton staggered into the room, with blood pouring from a horrible wound in his head, and sinking on tho floor expired, after muttering, "Sliney did it." Sliney was arrested soon alter and denied having committed tho deed. ALUMINUM IN NKW MKXICO.

Important Discovery Mailo by a l'nrty of Tru'iector. Amiwiubuq.ui', N. Nov. 25. One tho most important discoveries ever mado in this part of tho country was reported today.

A party of prospectors who havo been operating about forty miles west of this city camo in and brought with them a sack full of samples. On being assayed they wero found to carry aluminum in largo quantities. The iind is at the foot of tho mouutaiiiH on tho western slope and about thirty miles from the railroad. "Zamloch is tho King of Mngi." Daily Gazette, Colorado Springs, July 30, 1891, THK CHILEAN TKOUltl.K. All of tlin Dintcully CininiHiiccil In Trltlul Qunrrel.

Nkw Yoiik, Nov. 25. A special correspondent of the Associated Press from Valparaiso states, regarding the assaults upon American soldiers, that the trouble commenced in a trivial quarrel betweon two American and two Chilean sailors. Ono of tho latter spat in the face of an American, who retaliated by striking his inaulter. TWO I-AKACIIIKS.

They Kill Their Old Father llrcauno He CourU a Wldovr. Decatuk, Nov. 25. Ed. and Grant Attorbery wero arrested today and charged with tho murder of their father David J.

Attorbery. The children have been bitterly opposed to tho marriage of the old man with a widow ho waa going to see, and there havo been many family quarrels. lllalno'H Nephew Killed. Tcom, November 25. Robert J.

Walker, son of Mayor Walker, of Helena, Montana, and a nephow of Jas. G. niaino. walked, out ofjhis window in the second story of tho Eannio Paddock hospital this morning and was killod. St.

I'aul In the Field. St. Paul, Nov. 25. A call for a mass fleeting of citizens, irrespective of party, has been issued to take formal steps to secure for St.

Paul the Democratic National convention. THK MAKICI'TSS. Telegraphic Quotation From Chicago and San 1'raliclsco. San FitANCtsco, Nov. 25.

Wheat, weak buyer season, buyer for year Barley, easier buver season. 1.2l)fi buyer '91, seller '01, $1.14. Corn, $1.45. LIVE STOCK. n.i.iifin Mmi 9ri ripiinlH.

9.00J. Tho market wns Htendy today. datives, lexuno, i.i.vv-, ma- terns. others, Blockers, $2.50. UKAIN.

nmniuii Nov. 25. Wheat Market fitwt pnuv nupnintr frnm nliout 4 i lower and closing was about Jt, to lower than yesteruays prices, ivu-ceipts, 1,791,000. Shipments, Wlicat, easy cash, 02c; December, 92j. Corn cash, C9.

Oats-cash, 33kf May, 32J3S. Iiarloy caOi, 59(gGoc. MINING BTOCICH AND MI.VCH. San FiiANCihCO, Nov. 25.

Belcher, 1.C5; 95c; Crocker, 10c; Consolidated Virginia, 4.75; Confidence, 3.00; Gould" nnd Currv, 1.30; Ilnlo nnd Norcross, 1.40; Peer. 15c; Potosi, 1.80; Savago, 1.40; Sinrra Nevada, 2 45; Union Consolidated. 1.90; Jackot, 1.50; Ophir, 3.35; Best Belcher, 2.30; Peerless, 15c; locomotive, 5c. Silver bars. Mexican dol lars.

747IH. MAUICETS. KUTA1I. l'llICEM. Wheat ljifto VAl linrley lc; Alfalla seed 7c; Flour Grain sacks 8c to 9c; Hams 10c; Bacon 15c; I.nrdl2Jc; Eggs 25c; Onions 3c; Potatoes 2jc; Beans (pink) 5c; Butter beans 7c; Butter30c; Checso 15u; Apples (evaporated) 15c; Peaches 12.c Raisins 8c; Dried grapes (lc; Apricots (dried) 12Jc; Prunes 15c; Honey (strained) Cc; Honey (in comb) 10c.

THANKSGIVING TOIiKEY. (Copyrleht, I83l, by American Press IS now quito littlo timo since msset sandaled, gold draped, red headed autumn I Mniled graciou!) i HTTilIn Tinnn tlin I y.A -i I uiuuimiiH i.iim- wa senpo nuu set; MsSn ner gay official' tivii vuu i ing year in thu form of large, thick pumpkin pie. You can feel Thanks-1 giving in the air, just as you can Clirist-1 mas or rent day, Tho 6pint of the season is Ec-reno and quiet, nnd tho haze shifts about tho sumac liko a dream, while tho occasional breezo wakes rns-tling symphonies in tho dry, crisp oak leaves, and causes ripples of discomfort to follow one another rapidly over the shining anatomy of tho short haired I dog until ho arches his back and tries to gather himself together for warmth, whilo his tearful eyes protrude nntil it seems a physical impossibility for him to close the lids over them. And it peeniH to tho casual observer of poetic nature that even na the chilly air curls the leaves, so does it curl tho dog's tail until it has tho appearance of having been douo up in papers. Tho rosy apples hnvo long ngo been gathered, nnd tho pumpkins have been put away in tho cellar nnd tho corn ntaclrs have been gathered nnd aro now robing tho inner cow, while tho cobs nro being converted into pleasant pipe3 nnd plugs for keeping tho mouth of tho deceased Porker onon At this time tho gobbler is being red eo txrantuuiiy tuat no is at a loss to divino the reason thereof.

Ho littlo fancies that ho is living high to furnish high living ou Thanksgiving day. Ho cannot understand tho meaning of tho smiles that wo daily lavished upon him, and when ho is confined in a coop while tho cramming process is in forco ho littlo droams that it is to prevent him from moving about and taking any exercise that might tend to reduce his flesh or harden his muscles to an extent that might possibly shatter the artistic beauty of a set of store or vegetable ivory teeth. It is a pathetic sight to see a gobbler in training for a Thanksgiving feast, whilo ho gazes wistfully across the murky landscapo where tho partridge drums nnd whirrs, uts innermost spirit surcharged with a vague, unsatisfied yearning almost equaled by that of tooth powder poet shivering on tho pavement whilo enjoying tho nleasant vision of a shop window full of light overcoats, somo of which in tono aro solid liver whilo others nro striped liko bacon. He stands upon ono leg for sufficient length of timo to givo him varicose veins in that member, yet ho littlo dreams that ho will shortly bo without a leg to stand on, and that his wings will bo utilized as ash brushes, whilo liis wishbone dries on a nail over tho library door lite a scalp on tho polo of wigwam. What a glorious thing it is for tho turkov that ho can eat himself into a state of epicurean perfection and still bo in total ignorance of tho untimely fate which awaits him.

Uejng a vain bird ho probably fancies that tho food which is lavished upon him is tho re sult of a general recognition of his great beauty and shape. But if ho knew the real state of nilairs it is quite likely tnat he.would. noUook upon, tho cprawhen ft) -V. inxc li.J. V- AST it is red upon the ground, and instead or drinking the water set apart for his nso he would sit down in it liko a duck, whilo nestling in his bosom tho fond hope that such a departure might have the, to him, salutary effect of developing nose cold or a good old fashioned attack of chills that would quickly shake tho flesh off bones, feathers and all, and render him as cadaverous and woebegone as a tailor's collector in a biting Dnowstorm.

Ho would doubtlcsii stand in a deep seal brown study, picturing to himself the happi-nets that could bo his if he could only become possessed of certain patent medicines that are warranted to make thin people fat and fat icoplo thin. Ho could then fatten on corn and reduce himself with tho medicine, nnd thus live like a fighting turkey cock, and at tho same timo remain so attenuated its to render his chauces of going under the Thanksgiving carving knife considerably slimmer than his anatomy. He knows there is a certain spring on tho farm that contains chemical proiertie3, but he does not yearn to drink of it in tho hojw of reducing his avoirdupois, for tho reason that ho knows that its medicinal virtues exist only in the circular of the fannhouso that would gather unto the proprietor many shekels of silver and greenbacks. He knows that tho proprietor gives the spring a dash of quinine ivhTISw nnrlv in tlin mnrninT. i which fills it with a di3- gusting flavor that causes tho imbiber to fancy that fi'S.

,.1 2 il. la uuitig mm tjicuiiBciv-CiSi ice, when in reality the CSk i IjUlillllU IlUb 111 lb UU3 V1J1J tho effect of destroying tho malaria germs in the bubbling fount, that still offers the imbiber fair chance of contracting a good caso of typhoid fever. Ever thing bespeaks tho advent of Thanksgiving. Tho 420 horbe trot at tho county fair; tlio savory aroma of pumpkin pie; the strident ripple of tho expiring pig; tho farmer laying in a box of dominoes and a. barrel of applejack to mako tho winter night summery; tho call of the loon, tho piping of the quail, the deep, early twilight freckled with tiirobbing stars all these Buggest tho season of Thanksgiving.

And when commerce is ready to fold its sails to eat turkey, that poor bird is still fattening himself to bo a satisfactory medinm of its, comlnerco's, gratitude. But if lie tho gobbler only know; ah, me, would he then exclaim; Ah, would Hint IM been hatched a wild turkey To roost ou a sycamore tall, Or better a rudo turkey buzzard That never Is oaten at all. 11. K. MUXKITTMCK.

ClrciiniMtiincrn Alter ('use. irv Briggs I didn't think much of the minister's Thanksgiving sermon. Griggs You would if you had seen tho isizo of the turkey his parishioners gave him. ii iiPf IHj ION AT A I'AliKI'NTIM! WItKCItKI) OFF THE OOLDEN 1VTK. The (leoree C.

Cut to the Water' JC'Ise by the Steamer Mlneola The I.aller VePl lllaine I For the Accident No I.He Lost. Associated I'resi Dlipaichcs.l San FiuNCiht'o, Nov, 25. Tho barken-tino, George- C. Perkins, sailed this afternoon for Seattle. Ther3 wss little wind, and the Perkins was drifting out to sea, wlion, just outsido tho Heads, sho was struck on the left quarter by tho steamer "Mineola, which was starting on her way to New York.

The Perkins was cut to tho water's edgo, and sixteen feet of her rail and side carried away nearly to tho water, with a portion of the main ligtring. The mainstay was also sprung and the deck started. The Mineola atempted to work tho disabled craft back into tho bay, but the hawser parted, and tho tug Etna, coining up, mado fast and brought her in, instead of tho Mineola, which continued on her voyage. Under tho circumstances the Perkins hud the right of way, and tho blame must rest on the Mineola. J.OCAI, l'HKVITIKS.

Saying! and Doliicx In I'hoeulz and I lie Hurrouinllnf- Country Thanksgiving day. Graders on the North and South road aro beyond Glendale. All banks nnd public offices are closed today Thanksgiving day. The Wormser block opposite the Mills house is being improved. Tlio civil docket has been laid out up to December 20 by Judge Gooding.

Tho Illinois society picnics at the park today. All strangers in the city will receive a cordial welcome. W. A. Frecre has bought the interest of his partner, J.

D. Smiley, in tho Palace saloon, Prescott, nnd will continue the business as sole proprietor. A croup of sweet potatoes weighing twenty-eight pounds, due from one hill, form nn interesting exhibit at the chamber of commerce rooms. At the Trinity Episcopal church, Mohave street, opposito tho courthouse, there will bo special divino services today (Thanksgiving day), at 11 o'clock a. m.

Ail are cordially invited. White Winter Pear Slain apples, twenty-thtee of which fill a three and half gallon jar, arc on exhibition at the chamber of commerce rooms. They wero picked from II. II. Linvillo's orchard, who marketed twenty bushels of the eatno variety of apples yesterday.

NOTICS. Motrmeut of I'haenlx l'eoplo Arrlral Mild noiiarlurefl-l'emoniil (lotnlp. E. E. Burns, San Diego, is in tho city.

Mrs. J. II. Bassctt, Gila Bend, is in town. Governor Irwin and family havo arrived at Prescott.

P. C. Bicknell leaves today with a small force of men for his Monov-Mnkcr mine, Gold Hill, to do development work. Mrs. A.

E. Knight, Denver, camo in yesterday, to join her husbsnd, who recently became a. member of the firm of Howard, Leckncr Knight, painters, etc. I'OUltTEKS INDICTMENTS. The Or mid Jury Wind Up Its Iluslneu With a Flourish.

Yesterday the grand jury created a stir by bringing in fourteen indictments against the following named persons: W. O. Huson, justice of tlio peace, three indictments. Lon Forsec, justice of the peace, three indictments. Constables II.

C. McDonald, M. A. Gallardo and T. M.

Elder, each three indictments. AU-of the above, Gallardo excepted, have given bonds in the sum of $500 for each indictment. Tho above nnmrd officials are held to answer for violating section No. 105 of the penal code of the revised statutes of Arizona, whiclrreads as follows: "Every person who, with intent to defraud, presents for allowance or for payment to nny territorial board or officer, or to any county, town, city, ward, or village board or otlicor, authorized to allow or pay the same if genuine, any false or fraudulent claim, bill, account, voucher or writing, is cuilty of felony." tVhy Not net Itreakfast At the Reedy House, west of depot, Gila Bend. Meals always first class.

M. W. Kkedy, proprietor. THE MASQUE HALL, A Pleasant ETCHt Attended by the Elite of IMiicnlx. The niaBquo ball given at tho opera house last night, under the auspices of tho Hook and Ladder company, waa well attended and most successful affair.

Many elegant costumes wero worn by the ladies and gentlemen in attendance and all enjoyed themselves. About twenty couples wore masks, somo of them cxcecdinglyunique. At 10 :30 o'clock tho dancers unmasked and the festivities continued until a Into hour. The music was furnished by Professor Hester's orchestra. A Good Hatch.

Mrs. F. M. Hord, who resides about two and one half miles south of Phonix, recently set seven liens on ninety-five 1litvimitli TJnlr ncrtra mtnltintr in till production of ninety-two chicks. Through Tourist Cars.

Beginning Tuesday Nov. 10th, the Texas nnd Pacific, in connection with the Iron Mountain Route and the Southern Pacific company, will run a through Tourist Sleeper, leaving St. Louis every Tuesday, 0:45 p. Fort Worth Thursdays 9:05 a. ni arriving nt El Paso Fridays 12 :15 p.

Los Angeles Saturdays 10 p. San Francisco Sundays 8:45 p. m. Similar cars re- turning, leave San Francisco, Tuesdays 3 p.m., Los Angeles Wednesdays 6:10 n. m.

El Paso Fridays 2:30 p. Fort worth, Saturday p. reaching St. Louis Monday morning at 0 :20. For further information, timo tables, appiv to E.

L. Sargent, general P. railroad or 11. D. PIattr depot agent, EI Paso Texas.

riHHNIX IIUSINK89 HEN. Hems l'lcked Up by Itcporter Among the Merchants. Popular prices is what makes the Bee Hive tho popular storo in Phoenix. All aboard for Williams Hotel, Maricopa Junction. Tho Pioneer Hotel will open on Thanksgiving with a real old-faBhioned American dinner, consisting of turkey and cranberry sauce, New England plum pudding, homo-mado mince and pumpkin pics, in fact, a regular "down cast" Thanksgiving dinner liko your mother used to cook.

Professors Hester and Pilzcr, teachers of piano, violin, zither, mandolin, guitar, etc. Office at St. Claire A Pratt's. Use Tea Rose Borax soap. For largo assortment of fine new goods in watches or jewelry call on Vantilburg Davison, the now jewelers opposite opera house.

Reliable watch, clock and jewelry repairing. Harness oil at half price, at Andre's saddlery. Preserve your harness, when it can be done so cheaply. Diamonds is all the cry sinco the great Diamond Exhibition opened at Thibo-do's Drug store. Be sure, to see it at once as Saturday is the day.

The Bee Hive store sells the best $2 ladies' fine Bhoe in the world. Cape Cod Cranberries fresh and nice at McNulty Co. The North nnd South road will soon be built, but in tho mean time Peoples Smith continue to do first class dyeing, cleaning and repairing, gents clothing a specialty, at bedrock prices. Opposite The Rei-uijijcan office. The holiday stock at the Bee Hive will be the finest ever shown in Phecnix.

St. Claire Pratt, stationers. No more willow switches for buggy whips. Captain Andre, the enterprising saddler and harnessmakcr, will sell you a fine whip for 25 cents. V.

Joycau, manufacturing and repairing jeweler, cor. Center nnd Adams sts. Pianon sold and rented, A. Redewill, Phoenix. Tents and Wagon Sheets at Talbot Hubbard's Hardware Store.

Many strange things happen. Tho forty miners diecoered gold, but Coron-ado Natural Mineral Water is tho greatest discoveiy of today. It is being shipped to all parts of the world. A large supply on hand at Goldman Co's. Don't forget that tho Bee Hive store will givo a 500 piano to its patrons on March 1, 1892.

L. J. Wood, agent for the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, the oldest Life Company in the United States, and the largest ono in the world. Tho Bee Hive store will givo a 100 silver set nnd tray to its visitors on December 15. Everybody invited to call and register.

No purchase required. Mattio Cook, teacher of vocal and instrumental music for piano or organ, next house cast of gas works. Best soap in the world, Tea Rose Borax. Professor Zamlock, tho great rival of Herman, is to givo three performances at the opera house, beginning next Saturday. His slieht-of-liand and tricks of ledeerdemain are fully equal to Heller, and he keeps the audience in a roar with hia loquacioua humor.

A different program each evening. Hundreds of valuable presents are given away at each entertainment. Best nnd cheapest family groceries nt. La Mariposa store. Miss E.

L. Borquez, Spanish teacher, residence, Center street. Pride of tho Wcfct chipped beef of McNulty Co. "Never beforo was such a diamond display made in Arizona," wa a tin unanimous verdict of the people who crowded Thibodo's drug store th6 wholo day, admiring tho beautiful jewelry, all set with brilliant diamonds and other precious stones. And such low prices! Why pcoplo wondered and doabtcd that such fine goods could bo offered at such ratce; but Mr.

Nilson, our jeweler, assured everybody that ho will guarantee every article ns represented. The only reliable grocery store in tho Territory in La Mariposa store. For a "first-class breakfast go to the Maricopa House, at Maricopa. riONEEIt HOTEL, FORMERLY Till: PHOENIX. Corner Washington and rinia StreeU, l'hoenlx, Arlsona.

ThanLsglTlng Dinner. BILL OF FAKE. KAI.AD8. Lobster. sours.

MulLicatawny Glblet. FISH. Tenderloin ol Solo. UOILIID. Mutton, Caper Sauce.

Tongue, Tomato Siuco ROASTS. Stuffed Turkey, Sauce. Prime Klbg ol Beef. Veal with Dressing STEWS. ChicVen Fricassee.

ENTBKES. Lamb Chops Breaded, Egg Sauce. Oyster 1'atees. Maccaronl a la Mafia. Pork and Beans.

YICaKTABLIS. Mashed Potatoes. Sliced Tomatoes. Baked Sweet Potatoes. Green Onions.

Radlthcs. Celery. DISIKTS. Home-made Mince, and Pumpkin Pie. New England Plum Pudding, Brandy Sauce.

Pound and Jelly Cake. Apples. Tea! Milk. Codec, liko your mother made. DINNER ONLY 35 CENTS.

New- Stage Line. The Phoenix nnd Mesa City stago will leavo tho Mesa fruit storo at 7 o'clock a. m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday's, returning same days. Fisher Silliman, proprietors 1.

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