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Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona • Page 1

Arizona Republici
Phoenix, Arizona
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

9 The Arizona Republican VOL II KAILKOADS Maricopa Phoenix JR It NEW TIME TABLE In Effeot June IB 1800 JJIAK AKRIVI Fasengr pin8r Frclgl STATIONS Freight 3 a A 8 I iU Phtuulx SI 110 1 -Tempo 27 Jg 510 16 Kjreno 18 llttnm 510 27 Sacalon 7 1123tnl 6W 31 Maricopa 1 1100 am Paclflo time Trains stop on signal Trains make closo connection with Southern Paclno trains Connect at Temjie with stages for Mesa City Jonesvllle and Fort McDowell Atlhreulx with stages for Proscott Qlllett Wiokcnbun and Vulture MASTEN Vlco Pre ind Manager Southern Paeifie Co TRAINS LKAVJE MAEIOOPA AM DAILY MIXED TRAIN FOR 2Z Tucson Reuson Lorcliburgb and ln turuiedlate stations OX A DAILY PACIFIC EXPRESS OOtl or points In Callforuli Nevada Oregon and Washington 1 A A DAILY AVLANT1C EX- iU1v pres lor i ucsou utnwu ueuiug hi FasoSau Antonio Houston acd Hew Orleans 1 DAILY MIXKD TRAIN FOR fJXU Yuma and tutnnedlilu stations GOODMAN Gjn Pass Agent RICHARD GRAY Jen Traffic Manager Santa Fe route The Great Trunk Line NORTH EAST AND WEST The Only Line running solid trains through to Chicago St Louis and Kansas City from the Southwest without cUmge Run dally from all poluts to all poluts In hiu Bttico New Seiko Aiiwu aid Califonia Freight consigned via tho Fe Route from above waits will go tlitough without trausfer thereby avoiding a deliiy of three to Uvedays Oiher lines throughout the southwest cannot approach the quick time and elegant train service of the Santa Fe Koala For ratas and general luformailoii address Gay General Freight Agent Topeka Geo Niohol80n General Pass and Traffic AjJt Topeka Kail MORIIHOU8E Dlv Freight and Pass Agt El Paso Texas Phoenix Prescolt Stage Line For Prssoott via Dlaok Oamvon Leave Phoenix Tuesday Tluiwlay and Satur day at a Arrive Sunday Wednesday and Friday at a Fare fll5 Fifty pounds of baggage free oxeeas 6 rent per pound Fer Prttfett 111 Valtu ul eignii Leave Phosnlx Monday Wednesday and Arnve Tuesday imuiuj and UHTkl 4 A LU yixrm Saturday at 5 Fare 115 fifty pounds of QTAGE oaraage free excess 7c cems wr iwuuu ZsT Office with Weils Fargu it Co i 4J tf aKKKNLKAF Agent Florence and Globe Stage Line Cabkyihu US Mail and fc Wklm Faroo TtTIC3 ExmiUI LEAVES FLORKNCi DAILY FOR Riverside and Hobo on arrival of stago from Casa Grande IS hours to U10K stage leaves Olobe dally at oclock acii trrlves at Florence li am Improved line good stock and comfortable stages four hone stock from Riverside to Olobe GUI IU A font Florence KELLNER A CO Agents Olobe HIIOKNK MIOULEXOK Proprietor Willcox anil Globe Stage Line cakbyiso Ur MAIL mE ABOVE STAGE LINK HAS IIEEN Discontinued Connection li now mad DAILY at Fort Thomas and Howie Station Globe and Bowie Station Cakbtino Mail 8TAGE AND Erisxss Stage leaves Globe dally at 6 a for San Carlos Fort Thomas Solomonvllle and all settlements on alia River between two last places and Howie Station 1eavcs Uo le SUttlon dal ly at 6 a in for all above poinn AGKNTS Reubeu Fuller Howie Station Fltsgerald Solomonvllle Liyton Thatcher East Pima Mr A Leahy Kurt Thomas KlugsburySan Carlos Alex flraydon Globe WATTKltfl Proprietor WAENiNa All parties who wore indebted to tho firm of LONG SPANGENBERG aro hereby notified that I huvo bought all tho book accounts of said firm and all accounts must bo paid at tho store or lo Hickoy my agent 0 0 mmta JpYEAU The Jeweler HAS JClTO Vjvn -To Joo Portcrte assay office cornur of Makioopa and Van Buiiim Streets mpMmm I if if WANTS uaiii momn iayiou Knapp Secretary A P1 lug Tho Oiily Paper Between Galveston Texas and Los Angeles California that Publishes the Full Dispatches of the Associated Press Tho quickest returns for the least mcnsy to be obtained from th Republicans Want Columns Situation Wanted Holp Wantad For flent For 8ale To Lot To Exchange On Oent a word each Insertion oi by tne month at Five OanU per line per day KOlt BALK IOR SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS CONSIST- lng ol A bedroom net dining and kitchen lurnlturc CaU at this office 8I T7HK SALE DITCH CONTRACTORS AND railroad gradere attention Twenty llrnt ciaes wheel scrapors tor tale Apply to VV GfcORGE Fhooulx 81 110 SALE GOOD SAFETY J7MJU lor either bojr or girl not over 17 or IS Apply to FRANK FURL Republican omc J70R aVLE TWO GRINDING PANB ONE X1 Settling Pan and ouo 12xA Engine All In arst class condition and will be sola cheap Inquire at THIS OFFICE T7HR 8AUS FAUM1NO IANUd 10 MILKS JC from citj ot Ilituutx fruit land near Art- jiMjiiBLlAliAlRiii1 aiihiirhdii nniiiArtv nvar lhtatiW lu tracts tu suit the nun naMtr thu bARt fruit I laud location lor a home near lnculx All with wuter rights at the owners piices Address ahj bos 155 Pboinlx ArUuna wxl STUVYKU OR STOLEN ABOUT FEDRUARY 9 LOST one cowboy saddle In or near iliccnix i iueral reward will be paid for Its return to GEORGE C1I1TW0OD at the Capitol CorraL 810 KEWAUIJ FROM THE FASHIOS STABUIS STRAYED on the evening of the cth lusuut one brown none blase face and white hind feet branded Won lett ahouldcr and onoCark brown horse with saddle marks Both are pony built Tne above reward will be paid lor their return to the undersigned or 15 reward for sueli Information as will lead to their recovery 85 TIIOS MOLLOY 1ltOFKSSlOMAL CAltllS HUMPHRIES COUNSELOR AT ABIUM uuice Room 5 Thlbodo Building References Laclede Bank St Louis Power Presldeut First National Bank btarkvllle Miss 11 Marshall Cashier Woodstock Iron Company Aunlston Ala BAKER A CAMPBELL ATTORN fcYS AT Office Over National Bank JESSUP DENTIST ALL WORK guaranteed and prices reasonable Rooms it and li Porter Building DR MILLER PHYSICIAN AND SUlt geon Office and residence Windsor House Centre street above Adams street Phuiulx DR SCOTT HELM PHYSICIAN AND SUR geon offlceand rekldeuce MarlcopaStrcet but side of PUtza Phcenlx Arizona vsjmsua SSfrTO DV HARDY DENTIST work guaranteed i oung Duiiuine oppoailo Commercial Hotel Phcenlx Arlsona ALEXANDER HAS REMOVED HIS law utilce lrom the Irvine bulldlntr tn tne rooms over the Hartford bank He hu in connection with the law business of the office established a general collection agency which will ha under the management of 3 1 Alexander All claims entrusted In our bands will receive early and faithful attention Room 1 JB EARLVATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR at law will practice lu Territorial and United States Courts Office rooms and 11 Cotteu Block Pbumlx Arizona OB ADAMS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Gotten BullJlng Center street 1uimix Arizona WEBSTER STREET ATTORN Office lu Thlbodo Building rooms 8 and 10 Phcenlx Arizona 1 WOODWARD II C1IALMIB9 tjyOODWARD ii CHALMERS ATTORNEYS at law Rooms 7 and Thlbodo building a uu ua jltixuua WM WEED SHORTHAND REPORTER Second Judicial District Court of Arizona Territory TypowriUet Verbatim reporting 30 years experience as a Shorthand Reporter ttf 8KCHICT SOCIETIES ARIZONA DEGREE LODGE NO 2 OF Meets first and third Thursday evening of ach month Miss Nettle Carrier 8 Bcott Secretary ARIZONA CHAPTER NO 1 A Stated convocation on the second Monday oi each mouth Ltghthlzer II Knapp Secretary A RIZONA LODGE NO XI staled meetings on the AND A first Tuesday of Reed 0 PHtENIX LODGE NO 6 Regular meetlne everv Wednesdav vn mg in Masonic HalL WBlaukeiishipM 0 11 Rothrock Recordar tUNTON ARIZONA NO 1 PATRIARCHS Militant I 1 Meets third Tucwiay oi each month Geo A Mlntz Commandant John Gray Clerk 17NDYMION JLJ second LEO ION A MKKTH and fourth Widnf Hiiv ni mk month Czaniowtkl Commander a II ttothrock Recoider ILORAL ENCAMPMENT NO 2 I 0 Meets second and fourth Tuesday oi each mouth uray scribe A uiimour i 0 cvcnlni John C3 A JOHN OWEN POST NO Si A Meets second and fourth Thursdays of each mouth In Monlhon building a Symouds Commander 11 Knapp Adjutant GARDEN VALLEY LODaE HO 1 1 0 meets every M1Mf evening lu Irvine T- ule KOF PHtENIX LODGE NO 2 MEETS every Friday night in Monlhon building CoUrOV tl Wfnthrrtn Cm and of 1KKNIX IllKlK Nfi i -v iUaC10 every Saturday evenlnir In Monlhon liutid Levy John Gray Becretarv MISCELLANEOUS riIEFA8HI0N BARBER SHOP FOR ShTllIlT hair PIlttfnr nhrnnnAnltin Kath In if hftlrslneelnir IaMp wnrt dnns at tu ihnn or residence Price to ult th time ODtMslte ha linn fA UII 1 inrii upvn iftuusp fIAla OlUUUKX prletor pro- 10MMMERCUL HOTEL CORNER CENTER V1 Jencrsou streets only houne employtn mine ueip inrougnout UKCJ Ii proprietor ASSESSMENT NUT1CK LUHRS Citrus Water Company Principal Place of Business Ban Bernardino California IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT A NOTICE meeting of the Directors held on the 27th aay oi January itJi an assessment of thirty cents per share was levied upon the subscribed stock of the corporation payable on the set ond day of March lsui to the First National Bank of San Bernardino California Any stock upon which this assessment shatl remain unpaid on the second day oi March 18U1 will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction and unless payment is made beforu will be tolcl on the eighteenth day of March 1831 to pay delinquent assessment together with costs of advertising and expenses of tale JAMES MACK Secretary Room 11 Bart Block San Bernardino Calif dULIEN ONFRAY Practical Gardener and Florist Has In stock choicest varieties of ever blooming roses chrysanthemums newly Imported and a great variety of other planU Scant Strut If I SlstU bit cHUmi Chtoj Ml PHOENIX FRIDAY MORNEWGr FEBRUARY 20 1893 WITH i Ml Fell Many Adobe Houses Last Niglit SWEPT OUT BY TilE FLOOD Tho Salt River the Highest Ever Known SEVERAL PEOPLE PROBABLY LOST The Hirer Overflows It Hank arA With in An in Itoar Sweep Over the Lower Iart of the Valley Carrying Destruction In It Path It Iteache the City Flooding All the South ami Eat Side anil Itemlerlnff Very Many Fain llle Itnmeles People Unprepared for the Terrible Onrush of Water aid Much Suffering Will Ensue People were greeted yesterday morning Mith tt dull roar coming from the south that foretold that Salt River wns an angry raging stream carrying destruction in its wake From early morning every kind ol conveyance was brought into use by those anxious to gaze upon the roaring torrent The air grounds ivero the first plate to bo viuited the water having reached the lower hide of tho race track Many drove down the Greoahaw road and a mile or so from town was met by the overflow steadily pushing its way to the north covering acre after ncre The early alarm of yesterday morning had been heeded by most of those living closo to the river and women and children bad been moved to places of safety The men in most cases stuck dojrcedly to their homes but steadily tho water kept creeping higher and higher until it began to be plain that a flood was coming the liko of which was never known in Central Arizona Rain had fallen almost continuously from Tuesday night until Thursday morning over all tho valloy while up in tho mountains a cloud burst had evidently occurred At the rate of one foot an hour the water in the river kept rising and at every little bend or turn the water struck with such force that tho banks were washed away as if they were but toys in the hands 6f a giant and as tho high ground intervening between the main body of the stream and the little sloughs gavo way the water spread out over vast areas As it surrounded the houses on the low lands tho question began to go up Whore aro the inmates wonder if they got out Soon it was rumored that Mrs Vol Gentry wife of the ferryman on tho Greenlaw road was missing with her four little children Rescuers reached the house only to find it empty and they brought back word that the occupants must Burely have been swept away Not so however Finding a little ridge paralleling the river tho bravo woman gathered the two smallest children in her arms and having tho other two cling to her skirts started to wade out struggling along in water reaching to hei waist Finally she found a point where she could wado towards the high ground to the north and just after emerging from the water was found by Dr Helm and a party of friends just west of the potters field Tho Doctor immediately brought the woman and children to a place of safety and secured for them food and clothing Mrs Ocntry said a party of seven Mexicans were on tho roof of un adobe house unable Jo escape Driving to the house tho water running over the bed of the wagon tho Doctor brought them all oJtinsafety and none too soon for the housefoll with a roar a few minutes later About 10 oclock a rumor camo that tho water was coming down tho lower Tempo road and that Gregorys house was already surrounded Riding out that way a reporter found tho report true as tho water could be seen pouring down tho rond like a mill race In a few minutes it had rcachod tho road running south past the depot to uncle Lum Grays place Some Chinese gat donors south of Linvillos house vainly strove to throw up dike that ji i would keep the water jT their growing crops but their work was but a puny effort against such a mighty and resistless flood Down tho Tempo road camo a swift current fully two feet deep and sweeping out on every side over orchards and fields At Captain Nortons and at Honshawfl tho women had been sent to places of safety but tho men were buBily engaged in throwing up embankments about their houses vainly endeavoring to Bavo tho walls Fearing to follow the road any farther to the east a circuit was mado back to tho railroad and then out that to fho east in rear of Beckets place Uis house was surrounded with water like tho others and with that terrible roar that seemed to assert to itself tho power to Bweop all before it tho water was beginning to pour over the lower Dutch ditch Over to tho northeast towards tho insane asylum tho water could bo seen sweeping down towards tho town indicating that tho river had broken over its banks in another place farther up as well as to tho south Hastily riding down to tho ico works and grist mill and notifying tbo men there und the peoplo living in that part of town that the water was eoniing the horso was again turned to tho east and a quick trip mado to a point near the beautiful home of Greeorv This too was surrounded with wntr Mr Gregory and his son resolutely re- msea to leave their house although they had sent their families out but finally friends prevailed upon them to got out as it was feared thev would be drowned if they remained much longer ju lirown living a short distanco east of Gregorys moved his family out safely but returned to his house for some articles when it was picked up by the current and sweptdown stream with Mr Brown inside The house struck against a large cottonwood tree when Brown leaped for tho tree and succeeded in climbing into its brandies whero he remained a prisoner for several hours it being impossiblo to rescue him until a boat was secured from town when Will Scott brought him safely to high land In another small house near by a woman weak from child birth only twenty four hours before was carefully removed to a place of safety John Halver living on Section 12 some four miles southeast of town moved his family over to the railroad and returned to tho house with a wagon after his household goods A trunk sewing machine and some bedding were placed in tho wagon when tho walls gave way and all else inside was lost Mr Halver fortunately wits at the wagon when tho house fell The waler continuing to rise rapidly ho hurridly drove out leaving Borne milch cows hogs and several horses all of which weref lost At 1 30 the water had reached Put tons park and in a very few minutes tho house of William Kemp just north of it was surrounded with two feet of water Men had thrown up earth to try to keep the water from coining down Washington street but it was useless and on and on the flood camo pushing its way into the city House after house on East Washington street was surrounded with water Coming past the East End school house at 2 oclock a Republican reporter noticed that school was still in session Tho teachers wero quietly notified of tho approach of the wotcr and they dismissed the school Higher and higher crept tho water from tho south and cast Linvillos handsome brick residence south of the depot was surrounded Still on it came and presently every house south of the upper branch of tho dutch ditch was surrounded It camo so fast that many raved nothing from their homes hastily cscapingto a place of safety Over the ditch it pushed its way crossing Jackson street and washing about houses 100 feet north of that street along Center Montezuma and Maricopa streets Further to tho east it swept around joining with the water that had flooded tho east end reaching up as far as Tonto street Tho depot Holmes Gregory Lindscys plaining mill Smiths grist mill Minors ico works wore all surrounded with water the neighboring lumber yards were inundated anct in fapt all the city south of Jackson street and easd of Tonto wan a vast body of water with the buildings standing out liko little islands Between fivo and six oclock tho heighth of tho flood seemed to bo reached find after remaining nearly stationary several hours tho water began slowly to recede about 8 oclock last night AT THE TEJHE CKOSSING The Itallroad Mrldge and Trestle Entliely Swept Away The river opposito Haydens Butte was visited by a Republican representative at 3 yesterday and found to be at its very highest stage commencing to fall from that tlmo and receding within half an hour fully four inches The railroad bridge and trestle were found to bo almost entirely missing All four of the concroto and iron piers appeared to stand judging by tho swells in the river though their tops were deeply sunk in the flood Ono of tho truss spans evidently tho southernmost was lying upside down in tho river on tho south side parallel with tho stream tho lower stringers and the ties and rails completo just apparent above tho water Of the largo trestle on the north side not a vestige or sign remains to even mark out where it once existed On tho Iliccnix side perhaps the only witnesses to tho washing awoyol tho Ml bridge wero Eomo Mcxicniis encamped near by In answer to inquiry they said that tho ttestle bad gone out about the middle of the night but the bridge spans stood firmly until noout 8 oclock In the morning Then tbo water was running several feet deep over the floor and heavy masses of cottonwood drift -whole trees indeed lifted the three spano from their cradles upon the piers Two of the trusses sank nt onco from sight and probably were torn to pieces in short order Water covered nearly all the Limo Kiln fiat on this Bide and the railroad track for nearly a mile was displaced though not entirely removwl The view of tho raging torrent as it passed through the narrow channel above this point was grand almost beyond description tho high waves showing the force and rapidity of tho flow As far as could bo seen Tempo appeared to bo safe though the water was all ovor tho Hayden orchard and almost up to tho flour mill and Mr Haydens residence A large fldobo building Used as a ftorehouse by the ISIinu Lumber Company between the mill and river was apparently surrounded with water and no doubt was leveled Below Tempo the water had just reached the top of the clay bank surely twenty feet in height and but a few more inches would have caused the floods to sweep over on tho cultivated lands As it was A Halberts resi dence was surrounded with water and a nnmbei of adobe houses on tho bank were evidently melting away Above the Butte the lower lying fields of Winchester Miller were under water and tho fine two story residence of Mr Miller seemed in danger of washing down There was no water running back of tho Butte however Up the river on both sides tho lowlands were covered From the amount of water apparently passing over and around the head of the Tempo canal it was evident that tho first fow miles of that waterway had been destroyed as well as the dam The rise being about six feet above any previous water level must have proved devastating to Lehi which is at but a little elevation from the river There wero at that place resident about twedty families owning without exception small and neatly cultivated farms Nearly ail the residences aio of adobe as well as a commodious and well appointed school building and it is to be expected that all must have been sapped by the encroaching water and leveled Tho farms of Julius Licberman Boone Lewis Carley and Hilario Pacho under tho Tempo canal were also flooded Tho large ferry boat was seen in apparent good condition on the south side and will no doubt bo started at soon as the river shrinks into its usual bed The brow and slopes of Tempo Butto were lined with -persons who seemed to find their chief point ot interest in the direction of Phcuntx THE KAILUOAD Great Damage Suffered by the Maricopa Fhccnlx Colonel Mastcn and other officials of the Maricopa Phtenix were promptly notified of tho rise and were at the depot ready to start on a trip of inspection at tho first break of day About 0 oclock a start was made but before four miles had been covered th6 track was found to bo under water in places and such a rising and stormy current cutting nway the roadbed that it was deemed unsafo to proceed further with the train so return was made The previous afternoon Colorel Mas tcn apprehensive of trouble at the bridccsent Master Mechanic Webb and Roadmastcr Porter over to Tempe with a locomotive and a passenger coach eo that tho south side will not suffer for lack of railroad communication with the outside world if such communication be not prevented by the condition of the Southern Pacific Tho Maricopa ThoMiix officials do not believe there have been any washouts south of Tempo though there is of course a possibility that the Gila river bridge has shnretl the fato of its companion over tho Salt Tho loss to tho company by tho flood without considering tlio vast loss in income and idle time that will attach can scarcely be less thap 60000 from apparent damage to bridge and roadbed It Is unnecessary to state that work will bo pushed on tho repairs to tho greatest of Bpeed yet a number of weeks must intervene before another pas sanger train rolls into Phcenix Travelers therefore must stage from Tempe to Phcenix ad interim crossing the river by ferry Tho railroad telegraph lino was carried across the river on the top pieces of tho bridge and tho consequence is that with tho destruction of that structure Phcenix is doubly bereft of mail and telegraphic communication It is expected that the company will find a speedy means for restoring this important adjunct to the news columns oIThe Republican even though tho wire be stretched in one span from tho Butte on the south to the sandstone hills on tho north surely less than half a raile THE VARIOUS CANALS Heudgates and Dam Going Down the Raging Stream Tho king of the canals tho Arizona has perhaps suffered more than any of its fellows Thoueh the water was receding at last accounts it is still running over tho canal banks whero tho ditch lies along tho river it is believed AtK that a large section of such canal will bo found wanting Tho water broke over the headgntos and bore away a hoist house yet It was telephoned hist night that the head practically uninjured By means of a second fiystem of gates several miles down tho canal the water has been held in check and not moro than a necessary quantity allowed to pass There is no danger of the crib dam breaking Another long portion of tho Grand canal was taken nway by the waives of the river but as it is in the upper part now unused it matters little The headgato dam and much of the canal of tho combined Maricopa and Salt River Valley companies aro utterly gone Vanished Sometime Wednesday night tho current took the gate nway The consequence wiis that too largo a quantity of watijr was pressed into both canals to the demoralization of their banks The farmers and tho other lower canals on tho Salt river have also suffered much damage On tho south side the canals have surely been greatly injured Men familiar with tbo Highland the Mesa the Utah the Tempo and other ditches are confident that not a dam has been left among them and that the waterways must be badly washed It is also considered a fact that ths new steam dredger on tho Jfeta canal has been destroyed DOWJf THE GILA Fears That a Number or Live Have Ilecn Lost While it is probable that the Gila is not carrying onolmlf the water tho Salt has still tho former stream is undoubtedly high The Agua Fna draining the tremendous watershed of tho Bradsbaw mountains is reported to be so high and eo wide that tt attempt to ford would bo suiciie These three great streams combine their flow about twenty five miles west of Phcenix and when they join their forces then lo receive a great addition from the Hessayampa fcuroly the stream is one to be feared Messengers were Bent riding to warn the bottom land settlers when the first flood news was received but the riders could not pass tho Agua Fria and it is feared that liven have been lost in the country below Gila Bend AltOUT THE CITY- Notes of the Flood In the South Part of Town The prospects at sunrise alarmed the people at the Fiir Grounds and Messrs Ayers and Porter begun to movo their stock By 0 oclock the water had surrounded the stables and Mr Farring ton wtiose residence is just below and near tho bank of the river loaded his family in a wnipn and motedthein to town No one suspected that the flood would reach the thickly settled portion of the town but by -1 oclock almost every resident south of Jefferson street was preparing to move Crowds of people collected at the waters edge on Center Montezuma Pima and Cortcz streets and watched tho water as it rapidly creaped to tlw floors of the houses below By 4 30 ocloc wagons were in great demand Horsemen were rushing excitedly to and fro locating those who had to bo movol A dozen officea wero detailed to assii those in distress Firing of guns could bo heard in the direction of the river and reports came in that a family of five were up in a tree with deep water all around them Marshal Blankenship dispatched two horsemen and a wagon to their rescue Between tho hours of 430 and 530 eleven buildings were heard to fall between the depot and Center street in tho Linville addition There were probably a hundred families driven frota their homes and many of these lost all of their furniture The whole of the Mexican settlement in tho vicinity of the depot had to vacate and aro left without roofs The Court House and several of the church buildings wero opened up to accommodate tnose who had no place to go By 2 oclock tho muddy deluge had worked its way through tho Montgomery addition and btgan rapidly backing up on Cortez street A veritable river run through a channel cut between the Electric lighl works and Sneriff Montgomerys Ihouse About 5 oclock the ndobo house in which the family ol Judge Perloy lived collapsed They howovor had stored their furniture in a frame addition and it was saved The water ran thiough the residences of Samuel Purdy And Rev Ricker 6on ruining all of the furniture it could reach The fa rnlture of Sheriff Montgomery including a fine piano was also floateu and much of it carried away Five adobo houses on Jackson street belonging to Powell fell in between 5 and 0 oclock A house belonging to Major AV Evans known as tho Sheets prouerty on Aravaipa street also fell In Mrs Bnce who lived in the house was carried out all other furniture going down in the debris At 4 oclock Dorria Brothers largo adobe house in Linvillos addition fell in leaving tho rcof resting on tho door frames Everybody in Linvilles addition except Geant lost most of their furnituni In tho efforts of tho poor to savo rheir meagre households Eainful and amusing incidents occurred urros dogs cats and chickens could be seen wrestllhg with the waters and every implement of the kitchen water buckets tin pans hash bowls wash tubs wero floating about Marshal Blankenship carried out twenty three jieople on his back and Officers Zent McDonald Widruer and others devoted tho day to helping thoso in need As soon as nhe basin south of the Asylum was filled the water backed up over the ridgo Ground Pattona park and Collins addition was in the swim Continued on Fourth Page Vitt 2STO GO Short Session of the Council Yesterday Much Speech Making in the House Speaker Clark Wates Warm and he and Farisli Exchange of tlio Day Council called to order at 2 oclock Prayer by tho Chaplain Minutes of previous session read and approved Council Bill No 60 read first time Reports of Committees amending Council Bill No 27 and House Bill No 01 read A message from the House informed the Council that it had passed IIouso Bills 50 and 01 and yiat tho Governor had signed House Bills Nos 29 and 49 Council Bill No 57 to create the office of County Auditor was read second time Referred to Committee on Counties and County Boundaries and 100 copies ordered printed House Bill No 03 to encourage the organization of volunteer Fire companies was read second time Referred to the Committeo on Judiciary House Bill No 59 relating to elections was referred to the Judiciary Committee A message from the Governor instructed tho Council that his excellency had signed Hcuse Bill 31 to encourage arbor culture House Bill No 01 was read amendment adopted and bill passed by a vote of0to3 Council Bill No 27 fixing fees of witnesses in criminal coses was read Amendment of committee adopted and bill ordered engrossed and to have third reading House Bill No 50 read first time House Bill No 04 relating to salaries of supervisors was referred to Committee on Ways and Means A message as received from the Governor instructing tho Council that he had signed Council Bill No 15 creating the county of Coconino Council BUI No 18 to have come up under special order was made a special order of business for Monday The Council then adjourned The Assembly The IIouso was called to order at 1 15 Prayer by Chaplain Minutes read and approved The Committee on Territorial Affairs reported favorably on House Bill No 4 and Council till No 36 House Bill No 28 camo up for flnal passage Mr Uoff moved that the bill be made a special order of business for Monday to take precedence over all other business Discussion ensued upon the motion Mr Speaker took the floor and Mr Fisher assumed the Chair Mr Farisli opposed delay commending tho substitute offered by the committee to tho bill and urged immediate action Mr Clark opposed rushing the bill through and favored more time for all members to examine tho bill Mr Brinley asked that tho amendment or substitute be read for the information of the House Mr Clark thought the action of the gentleman from Yuma was simply to clogg the legitimate proceedure of the House and asserted in excited tones that he scorned such acts He claimed certain rights upon the floor and would assert them Mr Farish rejoined and in tho course of the remarks some pointed thrusts and parries were made The motion of Mr Hoff was finally carried House Bill No 34 relating to trespasses introduced by Mr Lesueur came in for its share of debate Laid over for ono day House Bill No 4 to suppress houses of ill fame in certain places in incorporated cities passed to engrossment and third reading Council Bill No 30 to protect and promote horticulture was read second time by title and passed to third reading The rules were then suspended to permit Mr Dougherty to introduce a bill to provide for a proper representation at the Worlds Columbian Exposition The bill provides for appointment by tho Governor of a board of commissioners and managers and appropriation of 50JOO to be raised by tho itsuance of 4 Territorial bonds payable in twenty years bearing interest at 5 per cent per annum etc Referred to the Committee on Appropriation A message from tho Council informed tho House that it had passed Council Bills Nos 31 38 and 50 indefinitely postponed House Bills No 26 and 19 and refused to pass House Bill No 10 and had concurred in House Memorial No 1 At tho request of Mr Chalmers he was allowed to withdraw House Bill No 22 creating Circuit Courts Council Bill No 31 was referred to the Committeo on Fees and Salaries Council Bill No 3S establishing a uniform set of text books for public schools was referred to tho Committee on Education Council Bill No 50 was referred to tho Committeo on Judiciary Mr Brinly moved that the House hereafter meet at 2 oclock Carried IIouso then adjourned An Arlsona Wiggins Curious but Mexicans in the valley have been talking for a month or more upon a flood tho date of which they gave as February 20 It seems that the information or prophesy was originally delivered by an aged Mexican in Florence who is deemed by his countrymen something supernatural They nffirra that ho has never failed to correctly foretell any great ri80 in the Salt or Gila rivers and when he said the two streams would rise to an unprecedented height on that certain day they had unlimited faith in tho prediction and Ihey seemed to havo been right Rpwrfll llTrr iflnma nullftl In frntr Ilia mountains vesterdav and will lav hora until the roads dry out -ii.

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