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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 27

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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MME. PETROVA ANNOUNCES HER PRODUCING STAFF Famoip Russian Artiste Engage Art and Technical Expert to Aisure Perfection in Prod uction To Release Superpicturet. alasems retreva haa announced the personnel of the staff that will as sies per in me pryquvtiwn 01 rvirvri Pictures i An Innovation, eo- flrmlr grounded on hard common 'mm that It will probably be adopted sr all studios srekln to produce perfect dramas, li revealed In Pstrore's sncasement of an art oonnoleseur-reglsseur. In the peraon of Baron Dewtts. to see va Pictures bow, eat, fencs, writ telegrams, tatephona and dance In strict accordance with the aoelal customs and practlcea of the country la which the acene of the play la laid.

Hitherto producers have had to be their own regleseurs, out tn thta ony. whaa every effort la using directed to make flawless photo-dramas. Pelrova haa decided to apare no expense In pressntlng absolutely perfect productlona; hence' par engagement of Baron Dssrlts. CawaafMaar Taehaaral Msastsr. The Dnron a nret amiss win do is eo-prrsts with Director Oeorse Irving In making the big spectacular xmn and the locale of her Bret picture absolutely authentlo and correct.

A raglaaaur can boat be d-srlbsd a "a soneuUIng technical Hla work eonalata of rs-movlng kll of tha Utile Inconalaten-clea which are apt to sraep Into tha flm. to an exacting audience, ara Inexcusable. A few years avo auch defecta would have passed without- a murmur, but today the sngagament of tha Baron la Petro-va'a anawar tn the public's Juet re-fiulrementa. It la therefore aafa to aay that when an audience views a acene tn Petrovs Plctnnlp it can be S'irs that It la an accurate Other experts who will aealat Director George Irving In tha production of Petrova Plctnrea ara: Robert North, atudlo manager, who brlnga to hla new work a fund of experience gained while earring In thla capacity with other companies. Harry B.

Harris, 1 who waa associated with Petrova Yorrasr 1lcturaa sndi assisted her iilraclor, Mr. Irving. In tha production of "Rattles." Mrs. Emma B. Clifton will he tha continuity writer for Petrova'a first picture, tha atory having bean written by Petrova herself.

Mrs. Clifton has collaborated with Petrova on former occasions. i Messenler. from tha Bloaranti studios, will ba, Petrova'a technical director. Special Publicity Campaign.

It haa been decided by Frederick I Collins, president of Petrova Picture Company, to present Petro va mature to the pubile through one of tha most powerful yet digni fied pubiioiiy campaigns In tha hla- Princess Tha different bma at this ooey Httla honae for. tha ooulnf waak. ara as Mon.Tues. lliat Dainty Actress Bessie Barriscale The Snarl Wed. Thurs.

Thai Toathtul Btaar Baby Marie Osborne Toldit Twilight' A aaory of Baal Heart Fri. and Sat That BUatbsg Actor Robert Warwick June lory of motion -pictures. Tha plan embrace maguaine, newspaper and dlrect-br-mall advertising on a country-wide scale. Daniel M. Henderson, who haa had charr cf advertising campaigns lor Mcciure Pictures and will manage tha advertising and general publicity campaign for Petrova Pictures.

Madame Petrova haa' engaged Beulah aa her personal representative, In charge of. her epeolal publicity work. Miss Livingstone waa formerly associated with Thomas H. Inca as his general publicity representatlva in the launching of "Civilisation" In New York. She waa general publicity representatlva last aaaaon for 11 W.

savage, and previous to tha conducted apeclal publicity campaigns for David Beiasoo, F. Ray Comstock, Kllsabeth Marbury and others. She also handled the New York publicity for Arthur. Hopkins when ha had Mr. and Mrs Vernon Castle on their dtnclng tour of twenty-four cities.

JUVENILE EXPERT WRITES SCENARIOS Storie By Judge Willis Brown To Be Produced By Universal Company. Judge Wlllla Brown, widely known throughout tha United States as a Juvenile authority and educator, haa bean lured Into the motion' pictures. That la, tha founder and first Judge of tha Utah Juvenile courts and tha originator of tha Boy City move ment, has written a number of stories for tha screen which ara to be produced by Universal. At tha Invitation of Carl Laemmle, Judge Brown Journeyed to tha motion picture city at tha cloaa of a recent lecture tour, and submitted several atorles he had created largely out of personal experience, Tha first of theae stories to bs (limed Is entitled "Nancy's Baby." in which Violet. MacMIUan will be starred on tha Butterfly programme.

A series of boy atorlea will follow. It Is In connection with hla Boy City Idea Judge Brown has made tha greatest contribution to tha advancement of children, particularly boys, For savea years tha Judge has conducted a regular city of boys, containing at times aa many aa 1,000 "cltlssna" Tha astonishing developments of elvle responsibility and adroitness In business displayed by these boys when plaaad In control of their own welfare, baa created tha keenest Interest in educational circles In this country. Ons of tha Judge's most unique achlevementa haa been tha taking Into hla own homo sight boys of so- called "criminal heredity." Ha doea not believe In criminal heredity, and to prove his disbelief as wall as to assist boys who otherwise were branded as potential criminals, the Judge haa devoted to them the same attention accorded to hla own children, Tha oldest one, not twenty-Ave, and the youngest, now eighteen, have developed Into remarkably fine young men. Judgs Brown Is the author of the United States Parental Court bill now Is Congress. DOOGLAS FAIRBANKS WRITES OWN PLAY "Down to Earth, Bacl-to- Nature Story, Hit Latest Art-craft Offering.

In addition to Its other merits, "Down to Earth" Is undoubtedly the most hwlshly ataged photoplay which the popular Fairbanks has ever appeared. The Mm shows the many different locales visited by nappy young man whose "wander. lust ana "close to nature" ideas not only afford him tha real Pleasures Ufa, but at the same time axe the means of spreading health and sun. shins wherever ha goes. Tha theme la typical of the true Fairbanks nature, and In addition to Ms mirth, provoking qualities carries It the well-known optimism and philosophy of tha famous scream star, proving In all oas at ths serosa tonics ever presented.

Never before has this favorite actor been given a Aim vehicle that la -mors cloaely associated with hut own emit. Ing nature. Douglas Fairbanks knows himself better than any parson living: In Writing the story tor his awn, characterization It; Is, therefore, naturally to supposed that he grveo himself the- bast rehkle to express owS Mesa on Ufa, sunk aa for instance, ha haa so 'Stfeottvoly brought out la has recant book, "Laugh and Prepared for the screen by etever lle AnKa Loos, whose work for Pqugtss Is proving on of tha fan. portant sontribattng factors tar tha success of his organisation, "Down to Karth," promises to out-falr-baaks anything the serosa has yet displayed. Tha work of John Emerson, who has staged all of tha Fair.

banks-Artcratt effertnrfs thus far with such notable result. Is also in keeping with tha other anusuat merits of this film. Ssvsral nsw Idsas la fllm presentation ars Introduced by Mr. Kmaraoa with remarkable success Tha cast la. support of Msr-gaerits Clark In the "Bub-Deb" stories will bs ths sams through, ont ths series of flvs productions.

Among ths well-known players are Nigel Barry, Richard Barthelmees. PYajIV XT -1 -n Coombs and Jack O'Brtta. -Thsda Bsra Is -to bs starred In "Cansllia" rtnm e. This wiu bs ths flrst of a series ot Buner-r-ictnres to bs released ths latter part sf asptembsr. THE OTTAWA EVENING rTJRNAI, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1917.

PWHA'T- IS )NEWA "THE MOVING PICTURE THEATREsWk NEWS OF GREAT PERSONALITIES OF F1LMD0M, INTERESTING PRODUCTIONS, GREEN ROOM COMMENT AND ACTIVITIES OF THE FILM WORLD. POPULAR STARS IN WORLD-BRADY PLAY Carlyle Black well and une Elvidge Co-Star in "The Page Mystery." Really remarkable enow acensa ara one of the beauty features of ths newest World-Picture Brady-Made which bears ths litis of "The Page Mystery." It Is not surprising that ths enow scenes are remarkably beautiful for they wars filmed in the Adirondacks where the company went eepeclally for the purpose. It la a gripping, fascinating atory of mystery and romance, which waa largely ataged In the Adirondack Mountains, where the entire company went for this particular purpose. Carlyle Black well la tha star In this production and Is aeon with June Elvldme and Arthur Ashley and a splendid company of asmstlng players. Mr.

BlackweM'g hundreds of thousands of admlrera will be de lighted with his role in this new drama. Ha takea the part of an Englishman who assumea -uhe loss sustained by his brother at cards snd is thrown out of his home by his father as ths result. The young Englishman comes, to America 'and meets beautiful young girl under strange circumstances. They fall in love with one another and a remarkable romance developa. The atory is fsst-moving snd fascinating from start to finish.

It Is ons of the finest mystery stories that has been told tor a long time and Mr. Blackwell la seen st bis best In this production TO HONOR AND OBEY? NEW FOX PHOTOPLAY Gladys Brockwell Supported By Strong Cast in Powerful Play. One woman against ths world. forma tha theme of the new Willi ini Fox photoplay starring Gladys Brockwell, "To Honor and Obeyt In this production, Mlsa Brockwell, the "Girl of a Thousand Expressions" fights stralnst heart-breaking odds and cornea from the fray weary but victorious. Her part is that of Lorrie HoHls, whose marriage to Hallam (Bert Grasshy) la not particularly felicitous.

In an effort to aavs her husband from financial ruin, shs goes to 1 the home of Patton (Charles Clary), a broker and former suitor, and aska him to let her' huaband win In the Stock Market. This she does at her husband's suggestion. Shs is mortified later to learn that he thinks she haa rewarded Patton for to give aid. As Haluun's fortune begins to raise, he falls In with Rose Delvana (Jewel Carmen), a flirtatious sales-, girl. Hla Interest in Rosa Increases, and bt Anally gets a divorce from Lorrie, claiming that she has been unfaithful.

Then follows Incident after Incident, In swift, succession, bringing Hallam to a Just retribution and taking Lorrlc. after many trlala, eil Into the arms of tha honorable Patton. nosemary Theby. who recently returned to Universal, will make het reappearance on that programme lending lady with Lee Moran and Ed dis Lyons In a comedy-drama. a- Bryant Washburn, ths" popular star of "Skinner's Dress has been exempted from military aer-vlce on the grounds thst hs has a wlfs and child to support.

Francis Bushman will likely hnvs a better chsncs to bs exempted -he has severs! children and, of course, a wlfs. Maxlns Elliott will make hsr screen debut In Goldwyn's screen version of Robert McLaughlin's noted story, "Ths Eternal Magdalene." SPECIAL FOR FAIR WEEK ARTCBAFT PROGRAMME! Douglaa Falrbanka In a atory from his own pen, entitled "Down to Earth," will hold the screen a. the Centre for a full week, beginning Monday next. Eileen Percy again appeara opposite the star and the aupportlng cast includes Herbert Standing, William KeUh. Charles Oerrad and Ruth Allan.

Evelyn Naablt has started work on her second picture under the direction of Julius Bteger, entitled "Ths Oroater Love," a alt-reel drama by Jamea Btarr. Exterior scenes aro 1 sen fix (Ski af 'l- 'Dovai To Earth AKTCRAr-T' PICTVftBX Douglas Fairbanks and Elleea Percy In a Earth," at Uie Centre, all nest week. to being made near Miss Nssblt's camp In the Adlrondasks, where she la spending a vacation. Mme. Olga Petrova makes her debut on tha Paramount pro gramme at tha Imperial the latter half of next week In "The of the Land," an adaptation of oer Broadhurat's well-known play, a Dorothy Phillips will make her inext appearance on the Bluebird programr'a In "Triumph," aupport.

ed by William Btowall and Lou Chancy, JACK P1CKF0RD IN GELEBRATED STORY Co-Start With Louise Huff in The Varmint," Owen John-ton't Story. Imagine falling. In with the daughter of your Latin proreasor, wno naa caught you In many a scraps and piled your eoul with awe at' the mere sight 8uch a plight Is Jack Pick ford's In "The Varmint," Paramount picture, a screenadapt atlon of Owen Johnson's celebrated story which originally appeared In the Saturday Kverring Post. Mem. ber of a crowd of fellows, including The White Mountain Canary "The Coffee Colored Angel." "Ten-neasee 8had," and others are "The Varmlnt'a" friends.

"The Varmint' earned his name by ths most thoroughly pestiferous conduct Imaginable, such aa demanding two helpings of prunes, which article of diet were atrlctly taboo, and other misdemeanors. Tho "JIrkct Shop." Tha "Jigger Shop" of tha Law- rencevtlle School stories stands out in a place by Itself in allure- and faacinatlon. In case there ahould be one of enquiring turn of mind who demanda what or whom i "Jigger" might be. be it under. atood that a Jigger la a delicious, soothing, soul-satlsfylng concoction made of Ice cream, crushed fruit and other blissrul ingredients.

In the Jigger Shop the Lawrenceville boya have forgot Greek and Latin translations, recitations ana. even football practise In Joyful partaking of Jiggers. It was hers that "Ths Vsrmlnt" (Jock Plckford) met the Tennessee Shad. Doe Mac-Nooder, "The White Mountain ary" and all tha othera In tha mount picture, "Tha Varmint." Life sasssgsw saasw bjegw He Is Again! I il GLAS FAIRBANKS I'eSSA, i Hnppy-gcky and fall of the "Old Nick" In the latest Artcraft Production Keystone Comedy British Gazette iu Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday THE SCREEN'S FAVORITES Jack Pick ford AND Louise Huff .1 IN THE GREAT COLLEGE PLAT. "The Varmint" OWEN JOHNSON'S BEST WORE.

5rtr, OWN to EARTH" from the story written by hiinsclf. It is sure to take your breath and make you hold your aides. Remember the Theatre and cW't mis i nf KR Entire Week C142 rpjj EA TRE Sept' lOth to 1Stn wot 908 KSSBBXOBS. SPECIAL FOR FAIR WEEK Tharsday-Friday--Saturday OTTAWA'S FAVORITE FILM STAR. Madame Petrova IN HER FIRST PARAMOUNT PRODUCTION "The Lav) of the Land" By GEORGE BR0ADHX7RST.

The Play that Ran Successfully for Months on Broadway. 1 EXTRA-- Return Engagement of "LITTLE HELEN HUYCKE" TBI! RBTVRXBD BOLDrnrteT FAVOBJTfl TOOAli BE LBCTIOJf S. Bring Your Exhibition Visitors To See I r1 "CANADA'S THEATRE BEAUTIFUL Blllie Billings, late comedienne of the vitagraph company, who la now with Qoldwyn. where aha la annear- Ing In aupport of Jane Cowl In "The Spreading Dawn," has decided to change her first name snd will hereafter be known aa Florence. Whata- da matter.

Bill. It's a good ole name? --GREEN ROOM COMMENT Qoldwyn'a production of "Polly of; the -Clrcua," atarrlng Mas Marah, which will shortly bs seen at ths Kegsnt, cost over 1250.000 -to pro duce. see Jack Plckford, aupported by Louise Huff, will be seen In "The Varmint," a story of school days, at tha Imperial the first three days of next, week. Charlie Lalumlere, Pathe'a Mont real manager, waa In town thia week. "Charlie" guve a screening of hla new aerial.

"Tha Seven Pearls." starring Mollis King, to -ths trade ut the Cejitre, after which ha bouxht the eata for tho few, Tha Flower haa booked tha new serial, ths first spisods to bs screened September Hi. "The Page Myatery," a World-Brady production, will be the at traction at the Flower the drat If of the coming week. Carlyle Black well and June Elvidge ara the co- stars in this feature. Charles Clary has the lead opposite Gladys llrockaell In "'f Honor and obey?" a l'x feature, at tha Family the flr.t Itulf of the coming week. Others In the are Bertram tlrassby, Willlurd Louis and Jewel t'armen.

Julia Dean haa been enguKcl to star lu a aorlca of World-liraily and is already at work on lior flrst, aa. yet un-numctl, but auld Ut bs of a mutt timely nature. Evelyn Kesblt und her little Russell Thaw, in "ItvdeinptloiiJ" will be the stellar ut the Itegent during the entire wee It. -beginning Monduy. Marie Walcamp Is the featured player In "Tha Red Ace," now i serial In sixteen episodes now In tits-courso of production at Universal -Cy.

Emmy Wehlen, one of tha most delightful of screen stars, has commenced work on her uew production for the Metro proKramniv. entitled "Nobody." This la a pic turisation of the novel of the same name by Louis Joseph Vance. Herbert Rawlinson and Urowniu Vernon will co-star In "Flirting With Death," a forthcoming Blue-ilrd release. Temple of Silent Art. JTTTV egenT Entire i Exhibition Week BEGIN1IINO MONDAY, SEPT.

10. Evelyn Nesbit AND HErSON Russell Thaw ion The Supreme Photo-dramatic Sensation of the Season. Based on the former life of the central cliaracter in the most sensational newspaper story the world has ever known. The story of "Redemption" teaches a wonderful moral lesson fearlessly drawn from the heart of a great tragedy. t6 NO INCREASE IN PRICES Coming Mae Marsh in PolayoftheCilcs', A Story of the Big Tops.

The first of the famous Qoldwyn productions shown exclusively at this theatre. IF LOWER MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY, Carlyle Blackwell land June Elvidge "The Page Mystery" With ARTHUR ASHLEY. The fascinating and thoroughly entertaining story of "The Page Mystery" is laid in the Adirondack Mountains in mid-winter. The scenes shown are the most beautiful ever projected on a screen. The players have powerful roles and portray them to perfection.

See this splendid feature. O. HENRY STORY- THURSDAY FRIDAY Mollie Kins and EarF Fox A js, "Blind Man's Luck" Mrs. Vernon Castle 12th Episode "Patria.".

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