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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 11

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

GERARD PARTY ON WAY Chatlnnrrf from Page ettualroa clear "In Aniertca7T allied from Copeahagen on the twenty-eighth of September with Mra. Gerard, oa tha Danish ahtp Frederick VIII. bound Cor Naw York. I had apanl a 1 moat three yeare In Barlln. having been abeent during that lima from tha city only Ave or elk ilnye at Kiel and two week-enda In Slleaia la 1114.

with two wtaka at Munich In tha autumn, two daye ad Munich and two days at Parian KIcchen In "la. and two -k-ende at Heringadorf In tha aummar of tha aama yaar. with visita to British prison aampa scattered through tho two and a half "on V.H war. Messrs. Harbart Bwope.

of tha Naw York World, and William C. BullKL t.f tha Philadelphia Ledger, who bad been aoma Uma In Oarmany. I Impressed upon each of thaaa gen. tlemon my Sd bellaf that Oarmany Intended ahortly. unlaaa aoma daflnkta mora waa mada toward paaca, to commence ruthleae aubmarlna war and they mada thla vlaw clear In tha article which thay wrote for thalr rc.r-ecttve newspapers.

Mr. Swopa'a artlclee, which ap. n.r.d In4he New York World, wara -i ui aByraaswpw.M..saji.l..nii..-w'ee a book called "inside tna uarman Empire." In Mr. Swopa'a book, on I page 4. ha eayeV "Tha campaign for tha ruthleea U-boat warfare la regarded by ona man In.

thla country, who apaaka with tha hlsheat Gorman authority, i aa being In tha nature of a threat Intandad to accelerate and force uoon ua A movement toward paaca. Ambaeaador Gerard "had hie attention to thla. Juat "before ho left Berlin, but ha declined to accept tha rnterpratatlon." On page II Mr. Swope writes: Our ambaaay In Berlin expeoted just auch a demonstration aa waa given by tha U-lt In October, whan aha aank all veexele oft Nantucket, aa a leaaon of what Germany oould do In our watere If war cama." On page 74 ha aaya further: Throughout Oarmany tha objec tion for tha reaumptlon of nithlaea U-boat warfara of tha JLualtanta type growa atronger day by day. Tha Chancellor la holding out.

agalnat It, but how long he can reetraln It no ona can aay. I left Germany convinced that anly paaca could prevent lu reaumptlon. And tha aama opinion la held by every German with whom I apoko. and It la held alio by Ambaaaador Gerard. Tha possibility waa ao menacing that tha principal cause of tha Ambassa-dor'a return la October waa that ha might report to Waahlngton.

Tna point waa aet out In preaa dlapatchea at that time. I wrota a preface to Mr. Swopa'a 12.00 TO WINNIPEG KHOI-IL ettl mm- pondenl of New York World, who accompanied t.crmru to Amcrxax, Brptnnbcr, Ills. couree of our ehlp. but next day tha odor of burning oil waa quite noticeable for houra.

Thaaa Danlah eh I oa In maklnr the trip from Copenhagen to New York were compelled to put in at tna port of Kirkwall In tha Orkney Ialanda, north of Scotland, where tha ehlp waa aearched by tha Hrltiah autnori-tlea. On tha oocaaion of our vlalt to Kirkwall, during thla trip, a Swede, who had been ad foollah aa to make a ekelch of the harbor and dafencea of Kirkwall from tha top deck of tha Frederick waa taken off tha boat by tha Brltlah. The: Britleh had very cleverly apot- ted him doing thla from the ahora or from a neighboring boat, through a telescope. Shipa can only enter Kirkwall by daylight: at o'clock every evening 36,000 Harvesters Wanted Return rare Half a Cant par Mile to Winnipeg till November JOth, 117, plus I1I.0D to Origin! Starting Point. AUGUST 16th and 28thi: Two Sped! Thronffli Trains Flua Half A Cant' per Mile beyond to any.

Station Eaat of Calgary. Edmonton, or Burbank, Alta. I 1 I i win Lsv Pacific ifC KO CHANGS OF CAIJS. Tht Beit of Equipment and Loseb Counter. Oirt 8poisl Aeoomittodttloa for Wobms For Tlcketa and for Leaflet ahowlng number ot i laborera required at each point, apply to Sporka Street, or Central Station, or General Paaernger Dept.

Montreai, Que, and Toronto, Out. 0 Canadian Railway FARM LABORERS $12 WINNIPEG Plus j4c per mile beyond xcnrsions August 16 and 28, 1917 From all Staf talna In the Province of Quebec aleo atatlona In the Province Ontario Brookvllle, Smlth'a Kalla. North, and Beat. i FAHK RETl'RNING par mile to Winnipeg tit to -alanine point. No Change of Oars Between East and West On the C.

P. 5. For "Information apply to neartat Can Pic. Agent or to City Ticket Oince, 41 SPARKS OTTAWA. Pbone Qateca dtl and dJl.

TJZ-' THE SEASHORE 4t TAB VI1ITO URrRTiAM PORTLAND, CA8CO BAY, OLD ORCHARD, KENNEBUNK, ETC, ZZTrSSIiSJT' ed mm4 tha alvaMlaJlmlevaaaaea.Uetelhee.le am Grand Trunk City Ticket OITIcee: Rue- Ticket Office. Central station. AND WESTERN ONTARIO LEAVE CENTRAL CTATlim. HjH a-aa. aaaat gunday 1 WJ0 r-m.

Cxaeat Suada book for iha express purpose of in thlr way informing the American pabllc that I believed that Oarmany tnlandad at an early data to resume the ruthless U-boat warfare. Our trip home" on tha Frederick VIII. waa without Incident, except for tha fact that on tha eighth day of October, Bwope cama to tha door of my alsteroom about II i o'clock at night, and Informed me that the Captain, had naked that ha tell tha wlreleee had brought Iha newa that German aubmarlne were oper. atln directly ahead of ua and had lutt sunk alx In tha neighborhood of I Imagine that tha captain slightly changed the iTTifTt'-uuiUllll-j i.e. i lei eV.i tDlnlna and Parler -Carei.

Far Tklwta, neeervattona, Lrrareture and lafermatlea ant. t. rieJ Peeaeaear Offiea, at goarha or CN n.TSSz7mJt!9 KU-UUTOWIKT ADS, WILL AOVtrrTlaCM NOLDINA tt following Sal Rladly earl far replies! alt. Hay, etas, til, tin, MOa, not, tsar, tsoe, tail, tail, Railway, TAXNOllKCEMaiSTa. Announcemente fur rhurchea.

to-cletles. Cluke or other rgealaatlogs, of future eventa for which there le no admission tea, aaay be laaerted In thla suluma at lee par count Una, par day. aaab with ardar. No announce meat la counted aa laaa than I Una, Whan charged, tha rata la etc per count Una per day. and a dlaaouat of 10 per cent, la allowed for paymeata wttbla one weak af flrac Inaartlan.

trawlera draw a net acroaa the en trance to the harbor aa a protection agalnat, euumarinea. A paaanga through thla net la not opened until dayliglft the following morning. Captain Thomatnt-of the Frederick which ahlp carried ua to America and baok to Copenhagen. i by hie evident muatery of hie pro- reealnn. gave lo an ol nia paaaangera a feeling of confidence on the aoma-what perlloua voyuge In thoaa dan-geroue Vetera.

Con fere With PreakJcnt WUaon, When I reached America, en October 10. I waa given a moat Kettering reception 'and the. freedom a ih ltv N'eef York. -Within a few daya after my arrival tha Praa'. rJelenti aa Mhadow Lawn, Long and I waa with him for over four houra and a quarter In our- firat confer-.

ence. I aaw mm, or courae, alter the election, before returning to Germany, and. In fact, aalled on the fourth of December at hta apeclal rMtiMl. Before 1 left I waa Impraaaed with the Idea that he dealred above all thlnga both to keep and to make peace. Of courae.

thla nueetloa of making peace la a very delicate one. A direct offer on our part, might have; aubjected ua to tha aama treatment which m-e gave Great Britain during our ClvU War, when Great Britain mode 'overturee looking toward the eatabllehment of peace and tha North practically tell' Ina tha -Britleh Government that could attend to Ita own boalneea, would brook no Interference, and would recard further overturea aa unfriendly acta. The Germane atarted thla war without any conaultatlon with the United Statea and then ta think they had a riant to de mend of the. United Statea that tha United Statea make peace for them oa euch terma and at auch time atohey choae: -that tha failure to do aa gave them a veat- ed riant ta break all tha lawe of warrara agalnat thalr anemlea, and to murder the cttieene of tha United Btatee on the high aeaa In violation of tha declared prlnclplee of In- ivnuunruu jaw. Nevertheleee, I think thet tha In.

cllnatlon of tha Prealdent waa to go "or rer lowaro rorclng or peace. Our trip frem New, York to Copenhagen- waa uneventful, cold and dark. were captured by a Brit-lah erulaer weal of the Orltiun taken Into the port of Kirkwall for upuei erarcn, wnera we remained two daya PROMINENT ATHLETE KILLED. MONTREAL, Aug. U.

Lleui. David Willlameon, bachelor of acl-ence, and a prominent Montreal ath. lata, haa been killed In action while flrhtlng with the artillery. He wal eara of aga and a well-knorn football player ot McGlil Unlvtraity and the M.A.A.A. teama.

i.i BODY FOUND. NIAGARA FALIA Aug. 14. ran or a young woman'a booy haa been found -on the ahora of the Niagara river about half way between Lewlaton and Toungatown. a 8teUa, Nlaaara.

It la bailevea ta be part ot the body of Mm Violet Beaatrom, of Jameetown. one of the vtctime at the Gorge Route 'tragedy of July 'The glrKg htother loot her lite In TWOKlLMSDj SCORE INJTJRED. CHICAGO. Aux. It.

Twa are deed and it Injured today aathe ot. a.nicago, north Bhare at Milwaukee Electric train craihlng Into a tramload of ecnrelonleta at VNOPSIS OP CANADIAN NORTH. WKST LAND ajKOULATIONS. quia! cote haaa ol a family, or ana A mala over I rears old, may Man-teed a quarter-eeot ion of available Dominion land In Manitoba. Seeeatchewea or Alberta Applicant muet tepw la peraon at the Dominion Landa Agea or Sub-Agency for the District.

Kntrr by proxy may be mada at any Dominloa Landa Agency tout not aa otrtaln condltlona. Duties Stic month- raaldenaa unon and cultivation of tha hud la each or thraa yaara. A Homesteader may live within nine miles of ale honwataad oa a farm of at lea at to acres, on certa'e condltlona A habitable houae la re. quired except where reatdeajoe la Bar. 'nrmed la tie vlctnlty.

Uva atock mag we eubitttuted foi ealUvaUuo under, eertata conUlUaoa. In certain dlttrlcte a homesteader good aundlng may pre-empe a aejarrer-actlou ajongstda nia homestead. Price IV0 per acre.a Duties SU months' reeldeno la each of three yeare after aarnlns bomeetcsd patent! aleo aeraa extra cultivation Pre-emption patent aaay be obtained se soon aa home steed patent, au certain eondltMna. A aettler 'who haa axhaasted hie nomas tead right mav rake a purchased homeateed ta oartaln: dlatrtcta. Price 12.

oe per acre. Dutteo Muet reel da erg meorhe in eacb of three rears, cultivate acre; aud erect a house worth tM. W. W. OORT, Deputy of the ailntstee ad tha fnterler B.

lnauthorlaad pttbueaooej ar advavtiaamant will not ha paid tor ONAVCNTUrtR UNION STATION, MONTRRAU i Sammer Triin Semce 'Now in Operation OCEAN p-m. daily. aJAfllTIMt twranf a.m. dairy axcept Saturday Par AS phvt (Htjma reaMiwea. For fuu part leu lara regarding fares; awcplag car accommodation, ate- apply to p.

II. ButUer. General Agent Paa- eeniar uepu urand Trunk Ruaealt House Block. OtUwi im iiii.ii, PASSENQEE EEEVICt MONTREAL ft LONDON ICaHNej Paieieats ta Land Paaeenge.a.1 aaa aQONTEKAL AHT ga a 1 aawl ta Local aaanta. amli.

e.1 I yn'Sl5r, Kiag street Cast. Toreaua, BIRTHS. iMUftBAV At Renfrew. Thursday. Aues.l HIT.

to nr. and Mr. J. Murray, a daughter. lt-1 END ALL At the Montreal Homeopathic Hospital on July 17.

I SI J. to Mr. and Mrs. -Newton Kendall, of Mont real, a son. la-1- MAMIUAUlUa, PRVtN.MAVHEW At ltt-t St.

Calgury. on August 4. by the Rev. Mc Williams. Jauus R.

Fryer, ouly son of Mr. aad Mra Henry Fryer, BranUord. Ontario, to Anaia M. May- hsw, younxest daughter of the lata Mr. ana Mrs.

soaepn atsynew of Renfrew, Ontario. le-i DeCATUa. DAVIS At. Folkestane, England, on Auaaet' 4. 191 T.

Caroline UclMrmott. wiovw of the late W. H. Davta. 14-1 PgROUaoN-DAVIt Oa Tuesday.

14th Aus-ust. HIT. at Besserer Street, Ottawa. t'rancla Andrewa rarguson-Uavle. Captain In the Reserve of Officers Hie llejeetye 'Army.

Major (Honorary In tha MIHlla at Canada, formerly Captain the Black Watch (Royal Hinhlanuersl. eldest son of the late the Reverend Charles Robert Fer-gueen-Davie. sometime rector, of Tel-verton. Norfolk, tnsland. Funeral from All Snlnta Church.

Thursday, Auauet 14th. at I P-m. 14- IS! MKMORIAM. (VKia In loving memory of Mra Rdmund Svkes, of Cobden. who departed thla Ufa.

an August Itth. 1914. goftlx at- nurht a.r.hlninf Where lliou lepc.t, oarllna Nellie. Oae we loved but could not save. 11-1 SUler Una.

UNDVRTAJeJttUi. aUMalUALUI-rectors, almbaltucia Motor (ainUl-iances Horse. Ml Lattiier Aye. W. Phone Q.

loan. nSARLEU R. "WOODBURM. deruker. Ambulance lie Method St.

C. 4U0 BK.UJi: ANll HAKitlB. UCtNoiiU aUubalmers; private chapul; eubu-Unce. 3i Lisgar SL Oueeu MT. Residence overhead.

MONUMUNT. INVITO INTaiNDINU PUR- chasers to laspeel our stuck of Monumsnts. Prices reaaonabla. Julias at SUvens. Uldaau 8L PUuna t24.

HAVfc SOME BARGAINS IN stock monuinenta. Brown. 31t 8parks. MARRIAUK UCklNblCa. AHARLUi S.

SMAW, ISUUIR Ok' Marriage Ucensaa. lot Bank St. HKLXliNtl. TubllriR OP MAR-D. riage Ucauaea.

It CUff Street, off Kent. a ANDREW Q. ACRIO, OK Marriage Ucensaa, 104 uueeu St. LOST y)LU. LOST LADT'S HANDBAO ON PVIL-ton, or Branson, near swing bridge, containing money, gold watch, and other jewellery.

Return 41 Ull-mour or Journal. Reward. 11-1 OST PUlufrTCONTAINlRa "Mtee worktngman's payl. on Bank or Sparks street. Please return to 141 Bank street, or telephone Gueen 4719.

HOUSKS TO LET FOR SALE. rpO LET 151-131 RIDF.AU BT ALL A modern Improvements, newly decorated: 4 bedrooms. Phone R. 1110. 14-1 Al'ABTMKNTa) TOLKT.

MODERN 4 RO0M8 AND BATH; reasonable prlcea; Janitor. 119 O'Connor. a Hl'MMUt. RKHORT8. 1UKK CHATEAU, BUTTERNUT Bsv.

on tha St. Lawrence River, at the Thousand Islands. Excellent boating, good fishing, ssfe bathing, tennis lawn, telephone, dally mail, home cook-tna. For rates, etc. write for booklet to Tho.

C. Kemp, Brockvllle, Ont. PERSO.Ax MADAM AYER. OTTAWA'S POPU-. 1st society palmist, at 1MH Bank gt Apartment 4.

U-1 tTotl CA'N 8AVE DOLLARS '6H A hardware and kitchen utensils by going to HI Bank Street. 10-4 AD.VME LAING WISHES' TO AN-nounca that she haa closed her office for a few week, and will recuperate at her summer home at Britannia Highlands. XfADAME CAMPBELL' HAS RE-OP-tL enod her Massage Health Parlor, 6S Laurler Ave, mono n. 1491. 11-4 21Mf LAX PIJ55H rlMBHING Farley lo.i general contractors.

Banque Natlonala Bldg. Phones q. II11.R. Ml. iCf.

BAl-UN. 5ttXwa iron Word (Successor J. R. Smith). Fencing, lira escape, etc.

Nelson. rtALL RKii tJTO TBAN FttR 0rurnitura baggage or par-cel de Wery. ft 1117. pttosaMAN'S LiNiirfeNT I allmenta. tour dealer, ar MT4.

OC1ENTIFIO PALmTsTRY COME ana nave your hand read; will explain all lines and mounts. If In trouble let me aee your tate una. Mad ma 5 (jooper ot. a MASSAGE. AFIOLET ELBC-T trie vibratory treatments, scientific massage; graduatd operators.

C. 1C11. SAUSAGE AND'TbaTH8" FOR rheumatism. lit O'Connor near Laurler Ave. -14-4 XfJCSmJSjS.fireEif massages "XT It Hill atreet.

(1st l-t MANICURE. MASSAGE, NOW Sit Laurler Ave. W. (waa 411 Kent). LsKffRTC MASSAOaf AND-MASfP AK curing.

149 Bank Street. tAKSAdlt GrVErTBT A Mies For arpolntmeajte call aysfc hfAD. STEARNS. KM A ft. hT APTsT Q.

airg. Shampoo aad a-ava, Pag. minimrf, rnr si.aa INSURANCE. h. CARRIERS aV SON, IN8UR-and loana.

Cltlaea eiliMn. aact and loana, Phone G. 771- Lowest to tea, absolute se- curlty. Prompt settlements. POAN SCOTT A CHAMTnSig suranca.

El sin SL. Rav.i piwia. (. tnsaranca f-a. Fire.

iJfe. Accident. Burglary. JJjU Olaaa, Boiler Inauranca. Phone 4.

fO Bug cOMMisrox bpsTnem handling grocery Unea. Will pay good price, for, good agencies. Box ISM. Journal. ii.4 HfANTKO ALL KINDS 6r CLOTH ooa, hats.

Jewellery, R. STIohrT. Pai hKlHEkT PtdUHs far rev, eta. O. MIT.

vmiif rianm rsteter, U. flam CHINESE -'a LANTEftNSr TstK BOOstSTORC i -it BANK ftTRbET. A. Cole at or Publle Auction Prid.y of this week, at la at No. Usgar the contents of thle residence coaslstrng af parlor, dlnlng-roaes and bedroom furniture end fnrnlshlnxA earpeta, pictures, eutlery, giaaaware.

and a enlaeellanaaua In. a ur.i household Brtielea. i arreat.Uked naval tralnlna ata Hundreds of Jaeklea. mobI ahambatu at the Urn, attiad- the Injured. The Wuc topord li HUlHonse lor-Apartment- to Let When A Journal Want Ad is working for you, you are ttMy "tensnt hunting." The eiaential Iscts liout your house or apart ment are being placed each day before practically all the noun hunters' and apartment hunters in Ottawa and environments.

gome and apartment ban ten can tare themselves Uint worry vnM by xead. lng aach day of the hotuet and apartments offgred In Tht Joornai Dailies, a houae i not listed there, advewtise your wanta, a host of ajuwert should quickly be reoeived. Jmrnal Want Ada. are) taarVteil Si i no r.tralai rfoejrma. ana nsa mow- sag Juwrnai-Proaa fur am ctaarco, UkAJf WAM'aOA A APPLY MRS.

W. M. Stewart. 194 Carther Slrsat WAUL) MAlUdTl KITCHEN MAIOS and. 1-dialog aleW Aaply.rSrUto nrtrcncs; stFLUktra HospttsiTII-l A Gi Topley.

141 Rldeau St. rpHa! JOURNAL NEWSPAPERS want aa experienced lady stenographer who can tak editorial or business dictation and transcribe rapidly, take, charge of library, editorial accounts and dispose of secretarial work fur the departmental editors. Must be widely Informed and competent. Apply In person. J.

S. Crata. atanaaln aUil- tor. Evening Journal. 1 14-4 Kllta perno in lw offict pmtcrmi.

Apply In writing, stteitliig mftirvnccai, Orde, lewtU, WW Mnowdon, Troat uiltf-1n. 17-1 JUJilOR STK.SOGKA phr and offtc Mitnt. pvar at Bclhunc. Cttntral Chambers. "iyrNtJ R06.M OlliU AT OKCBTa-P- AlWon Hotel.

Paly and itreet l-t tJlKL AH VVAITKSH. Ai'il-V t29 ClhiSURXL MAIU VK FAMiLV OK thrM. Apply Mra. Hell, Street. U-J IWUI CMPICTICNT lXillirT10 UtVW 4Mrvant are required lor the (arniat of Uag-atchewan.

Married cou-plea with not rooie than 1- child aleo ffreatly In dejnand. Watte for tenieile help. dSv.UV pet month with buard. ouuide worlC Cotue on harveat excursion train) and report to tiaakatchewan Uovernmunt Agent. Railway Station, Winnipeg, or lu tfecrelarye Bureuu ol Labor.

Kcglna. U'alAaU(Aw-dUSl' UaAAsW A Uli laA uclUii ana buAUie. A iUtUAUv-niet, aVatlllKtlU. tleXl aUdllial LvOaJaMa AaV at'llC aiH nioii, 9 iirvuaiva am. ta-e dUaViAUv ii.t.

Vt.VMauU, y.eutvi, boring uu Itaaitia, uMUdexA- luaaf UaiU It a v-lea. etyt ea WtU fatUUlial ll.U.en.r taaaaVdi. Wdi XUUaJl iiuUvialA dMaUClalw CVaittasMaf aUaitt lieu, aftiicruvtu. out. tw- UUWli llaaVvAtaMUt IWeJ -holiano Ave.

kA.s4X4UaU--a a Utba. tJeUaVftei Metier tor tar two Wnd mlu on bov lie'unui. laibuaw. waae iMiu to attaoy men ttiai tia remain lull auaaon. Apply gjUUtig wogaa wanted to Box 23U.

Journal. rANl'EU llltbt CUVa KXfiOt- lenced iulll- right for large aaw mill on 800 Rrancb. C. P. R.

Must be active, and good on Uslts. Apply stating -age, experience, wagul de-slrod. to Boa lily Journal. 14-4 MUitsi MUM AT ONtK. TO to aa.

cliauffaure and auto mobile repairmen, to (III position now I scan Course takee only 1 weeka tlconsas and poaltluns guaranteed. Ottawa Automobile School, sparks Street. TEACaitlUj WA.NT1UB. AUUAUF1EO TawiCHUR (PROT-estantl, for 8.8. 7 and 1, N.

Elmblcy- aad' outlea to commence Sept. 4. Apply, stating salary and experience, to. Janice IV. McVoety.

Perth. R.K. No. i. Ont.

17-1 rotlAGHRK WANTKD. FRENCH AMU A English. S. 8. No.

I. Cameron. State qualifications and salary. Duties to commence Sept. 1, 1917.

A. T. Gull-besult. Klock. Ont.

tl-t A. NORMAL TRAINED PROTES-tant teacher for 8. 8. No. 4.

Morton. Salary Telephone and mall; Three miles from Renfrew. Duties commence Sept. 1. Apply, stating perlence.

to John, r. ilurweu, Kenirow, Rural t. t-t-s 7ANTBD4 QUAUK1KD CATHO-f. lie tathera for the Fort Franeea. Roman- catholic separate scnooi.

salary I 00. mnA tor tha orlmarv elaaa 1300. Apply Secretary R.C. Separata School Board. Fort Frances, Ont la yt a eh sw.t ExiEni ance: capable of readlnx French; aalary 120 per month.

jno. r. MC.n drew. Mayo, Que. H-i iUAUPIED TEACHER FOR FEK- guson's Falla School.

State ex perl -and aalary expected, to M. ento Bheppard. Ferguaon Fella. Ont. 20-1 EACHBR 'wanted for p.

sTno, CaKnelman. Ont. Duties very llacht Salary $450.00. Apply, ertatlnir qualification, to C. Meraiey, Cuaelman.

Ont. it- SITtJATlO.NS VACANT. MEN AND WOMENI LRARN BAR-nar trad. Sww areeka roowlred Tools free. Poattloa as cared.

We gay percentage while learntngv. Per parti o- aiara write Ho tar Barber oouega. eu St. lawranee Montreal. a AGENTS WANTED.

GN OR WOMEN "WORLD'S urraiast aomg use wniri- canvass; experience unnecessary: make 7.04 dairy, Linscott Company, Brant-ord. Onu H-ll SITUATIONS WANTED. YOUNG LADY BOOKKEEPER gle entry! desires change of posi tion: knowledge of typewriting; two years' experience: diploma 'and Would accept tl weekly. Apply Boa Mil, Journal. 11-1 BUSINESS CARDS.

ELECTRIC PANS TORRENT, tl-M per week. Fans repaired and R. 1119. HI Dalhousle. ed.

ROOF LEAKING. IRON, SHINGLE or gravel roof a mada waterproof expert roof era: general repairs to pro-perty. W. H. Guy.

Q. T401. 0 CilPairUMBNTALAND l'Vx-u chine wort Atkinson, 41 sparka, q. lino a UA1NTINO AND PAPER HANGING- moderaU prlcea. c.

gilt. City refer encea. a-' Phoaa ft. 1411. arm kaaa.

ana ftatarday alternoana lay aJtarnoona for tha coarea- lenee of anyone desiring lamps ar alee- trlcal repalra OABOUR1N A HftlfRf, 'sODdTng: t' tree planlltig. bulldlag ralatag aad ewwent. C. i4. KrbEAu" streW dARAifi.

"Six Ri 1 deau Street, W. fc Dench. Pronri-eta. ftleraae, tapalre. accessories; livery.

Day Pbone R. IU7; Night Phone -lena a a- L. PERKIN8 MACHINE CU Gaeollne engine end gvneral ma-cjipwry repalra 114 Slater ft, Pboae Queen lilt a AUCTION SALE. KoaschoM Aaraltara. mnilHI.e of Crlor furniture, oak dining room act, raeux and beds, Davenport, retrlaer-elor, oilcloth, and earpeta, Friday, at P-m.

151 Bank street. i 8. IJtAJtOKrr, 1HIC-KRNS CHUICK I LB. BHOIL- era, milk fed, free from disease, c. rondttloni cnuap for iaii.

Phone g. Mil. 1-1 KV1.NOTON PIANOS IN iJXKOuC A any finish used for demonstrstlng; cannot tell from. new. Hegular prive tJM.

Ta clear at 1214. Only tie cash down required, balance to suit purchas-er. 1'lano Is fully guaranteed. 4.RSON PIANO. MAHOGANY.

use new. aouuie veneered Inside and outside, select spruce sound board. Improved French repealing action. We guarantee thla Instrument for la yesra. Rceulur price Ilia.

To. clear at 4137; tltl cash, balance arranged. lU.VTuS PIANO, MAHOOANY; Cotonlal'style, made from Al mate rial, cannot tell from new. Regular seen. 10 ucar nil Ill tut, balance arranged.

I i 1 iOMIMON SOTUARE ItOSEft'OOU case, beautiful tone. In Al condition: worth 1171. To clear IM: 14 cash, ha lance easy terms. Big bargains. Don't fall to see piano oTT gan.

one Bell piano case organ, one Thomas plsno case orgen, all In first class condition. Ta clear at very dose terms and prices. TP YOU ARB LOBkiNO FOR AOObT bargain In an Instrument. don't fall to sea what we have. Perrlval Plsno 151 Bsnk St.

17-1 rlLOBE'TIvlE for-140 hand: would exrhsnge for smaller. Campbell steel and Iron woras. 11-1 L'UOST WOOO CORN U1NUE1I8. potato diggers, wsgons, lorrlss. pugglts.

Klppen. 4tl York St. a m. tonola and vour own rhoioa uf fifteen double-sided records. Turms.

Is casn, i per wees. u. w. aanusay. leim- neo.

ism nparas oreei. ttldfl BUYS A PHONOGRAPH and six selections. In excellent condition. Terms. 14 cash and II per week.

C. iW. Lindsay, Limited, let aparka Street. 1QX RUY8. BEIMERrVUPRlGHT ejU.OtJ in splendid condition; good tone and appearance: easy terma Orme Limited, IV Spurks St.

Victor Hettdquartara, Phones q. 4104, t). 4147, Q. 4lu. S'Mall -MASON R1SCH UPRlGuf! Svlendld piano.

Modern de sign. WUUs at. Limited, lul Sparks Street. ffl'OfBcSl'lNiO'rT" PIANO." BURL ersjnut. Large, handsome eale.

uood tone. Willis ai umlleu, nit Sparks Street. buNrTAM squareT 'iptfyj wood. Good piano for beginners. Willis 4k Limited, lot Sparka St.

riCTROLAS AND RECORDS WE have the most up-to-date atock and the finest demonstrating parlors In Ottawa. John Rapar Piano 170 Sparks Street. The Home of the victrola. 1 t'ln nl BUYS Al BELL GROAN wuw.w a snap for a qulc payer: John Raper Piano 171 Sparka St. The Home of the Victrola.

a GRAMAPIiONE WITH 11 -8ELUC-. lions, new, for 111. Helntxmen A Co. olano. for 1104, Matthew Webster 101 Gloucester SL, near vonx.

a MdRGHttMER" PlArlCLlfe'tlSE, A lQ. Easy terms. MattbeaT Webster 101 Olouceater. Th BEACH ODORLESS CHEJll- LU eal closet. F.

G. Johnson ill Sussex St Ottawa. Phong R. Mil. flAMPERS' NEEDS COTS, TEA t- uma.

eupeUoe. ate. cheap. 171 Wel- nnaion. a LLOUR.


McKay. 157-141 Sparka SL Phono Vluesn n. a BE D-H AND' FURNITURE, clothing bought and sold. Roaem- evaky. R.

130. a 2To "BEACIf UDORLtHB CHEMI- cal closet. F. G. Johnson Ul Sussex OtUwa, Phone SL 1U0.

HORSES CARRIAGES. A BSORBlNai REMOVES BURSAL Enlargementa. Swollen Tissues. Curbs. Filled Tendons.

Sore- neaa from any Bruise or Strain. Stops Spavin Lameness. Allays Pain. Does not blister, remove the hair or lay wp tha horse. 11.00 a oottie.

neuvered. Book IK tree. Mada In Canada by w. p. Young.

P.D.F.. 421 Lrmana Build ing. Montreal. P.Q. it ALTOMOBILUL OVERLAND Mil ROADSTER, TRA-vellel 7.000 'miles; good running order, fully eoulpped; reasonable price.

pply Box 1414. Journal. 17-4 v-'VO-liAi'X. ari'UAal VUCalANIU. tng.

ail weuiiurton. aween ini. MUSIO AND TUITION. JACK E. CAVILL, PUPIL OF DON-aid Hems, teacher of violin, stodla II Glen Ave.

Phone C. MIS. tl-l V1HORTHAND, FRENCH AND ENG-llsh. Standard Typewriting. 179 leuner avenue nasi I S3 EMMA PI ANOFORTli 1 harmony.

Ill Wavsrlv Street. CL SOU. 11-1-70 fRTllANCLAaKS 7 morning, afternoon or evening. Private lessen given, E. Rowlee.

tPIA Bank. O. 1471. a tANADIAN CONgRIt ATfiRl or v' Music Bay and Slater StreetavtL Puddlcooiba. director.

and tar proa pectus. rtONALD hliiSln VIOUN. SINOINU'. 'oeuo. Studle.

tte MeLareei SL Phone PM. KAZlADEI'a ORCrXESTRA MUSIC VJ for balla, partlea, receptlons-41 SL Andrew 8 Phone Rldeau I44t. a LANGUAGE THE DE method k) the royal road. BRISAf Claaeee. man ecureea.

acaasaiie 4Ja 414 Bank St. HOTKLS. EXCELLENT BOARD. CLEAN lodglngi New Welllngtos gatoLfU COUNT Ckl PRIVATE AND nubile aublte dining room. cisajeoaa Has fvtoletta.

Proprietor. a ll'lsTl cGMFOetTABLE ROOIg popular anmmeretal hotel, The M. Iframhotee SIGNS. j. cGNTiyrsi man class Chambera.

Phaaa OIL. O. U41. siix. OLD LEAP LETTKRl; iu, cO-i aa.

show earaa. eta. Lavev aaea 1M tMttar at. Just act Bank. 4 ml BAKEK BETCHERMAN'.

FOR SALE ONE POWER BLE-vetor. aassengeri easily eonverted to frelglit; In perfect order. Cell Pl-houeve Foundry and Metal Ut 'Wear eMi.) atari-A I E. X. CAXDWKLL OO Usaltcd.

IQt Baaii Straat. Que 147S. 17 ARM OF TWO HUNDRED ACRES within eight miles of city, Clay bmui all. Good bulldlag. Well fenced and under aplendld slate ot cultivation.

A bars' a. a W. t. HKefl Real SaAala and Insaraacw IM Bank Pbxwa gaod. I.U ISAd.

fS THE NORTH SIDB OF JAMES Street, netween Bank and Kant, we offer a genuine bargain in a first-class home. Good, op-to-dats. twelve-roomed house, ea a lot 41 a 101 Worth WOOO. Can be bought for I7.100.M. uwner waving city.

V. ROGERS. LIMITED Real Estate and Fire lawaraace 14 Oaak Street. Queen laM. SALE BEAUTIFUL SANDY Hill home in the best locality; full particulars on enquiry.

A. D. HKliMKK CO. Offloa Paowa Q. SIS.

I aw tVasak. KVfr-NEW It ROOMED. tr. door brick. Ottawa South: up lo date la every particular.

Oae of our best. Easily bandied. a Real Eetale. laaetrancu, Mfra. Agenl toe Bank.

Pbusw J171t Heav CSMl 7W BUYS At GOOD 4-ROOUCD tlW. detached house, reduced from tl.lM: hardwood floors, hot air furnace, double balconies: a bargain. Will exchange. a UA Real Eaute and Insurance Km Hank Kt PIhhsT Q. CENTRE-DOOR home, close to Driveway; oak floors and finish: hot wster heat: two mantels.

Mske appointment at om-e to see title house, aa alii sell Quick. Price, 4J. W. ItAMS 'ihen-ban Rial (cauie 4 lasaranca. PlMNaa Wall a.

Kca. usted. WcMboro. NEW ORCHARD BEACH. LOT No.

ei. 130; No. 111. 7uo; No. lis, 100.

All good Iota near vdandy beach, a BEACH Real Eauxte and Inauranoe ITS), Bank Street. Quectt SMI. TJAna.MN ll.M FOR DOUBLE A on Fifth containing every modern convenience; a rare opportunity for a wis speculator. II. loo will handle.

BENTAU DR. IRA BOWER. DENTIST, 101 Booth Building. G. 141 a mW.

U. McGUUlU dentist! -aak SL Chambers, ear. Bank aad Albert. Open numta by appointment. Phone A U7a.

a taElllCAIa M. A. McPARLANE. M.U.C.14, Mc-GIU. Uceullsts Edinburgh.

Glaa. gow. Post-Graduata PolycUalc, New York. 4MI Cooper. Diseases of heart and lungs only.

Lata of NewtYork and DR. MAUAS, rXIST GltAD. LONDON Hoea. Materalty oaaea and dia-eaaaa of eronica 00 iv. Hours: 1-1.

l-l and by appointment. Private boa-pital 111 SomereeL O. sMS. fVR. A.

k. tloLARaiM blYK EAR. oJ nose aad throaL Corner Met calls ana Cooper afreets. Entrance 111 Metcalfe street. Phone TJ.

1030. a flR. V. U. CRAltA GRADUATE COL-L umbua and Manhattau Maternity Hoepitaia, baa removed to Mala 8L, Weatboro.

Hours: t-U. 4-4. J-s. Pb. ii rR.

U. E. WEBSTPA COR. MET-a-r aelfe ard Lisgar sta. Gynaeoolo-alst and chief oonultlna auraeon 10 Co.

Carle too Geuera. Hoepttal. Diseases of woman and auraery only. Hour: l-l a. I VH.

UUHiXN E. BOOTH. IM UAU-A net W. lata houae surgeon Polyclinic Hospital and Manhattan Mater-elty. New York.

Queen 441. MAX U. CLOT. tM SOMERSET. Dlseaaea of woman and aurgery Hours: g.4, and ay appointment D1 H.

HERBERT B. MOFPATT. SURO- err 171 O'Connor SL (between Me- lren and Gilmourl. Naw Phone Queen 117 A. E.

MAHOOD. B.A., M.U. C.M.-Wanhattan Hospital N. X. City.

IMa-llll. Eye. ear, nos and throaL Corner Metcalfe and Gloucester. Phone Queen 1441. Office I am.

a DR. ELIZABETH EMBURY. 114 Metcalfe SL, comer' of Nepeaa. Offlae hoc re: to It a.nx. to 4 p.m..

ana 1 to I P-m. 44. sua. children. I-vR, OMAR WILSON, tie METCALFE street.

Specialty, akla dlseaaea Phone Queen 1174. DR. G. GELDERT, LATE UOUSL Aaaeethetlet -Royal Victoria Hoepttal, Montraali Ad se sine tie Carleton County General HosottaL Specialty-Dental, surgical and confinement anaesthesia. Realdanea.

U4 Beaaarer SL R. IM. in- w. K. PHYSICIAN AMU smeean IM Somerset SL Hours: 1-10 s-4 P.OL, 7-1 as Phoaa Q.

144. "Uerbert L- IMS. C.M. 1 Ear, noae and threat Po.t-aradu-IU New York. Vienna.

Berlin and Lon-An Unenitals. aa Gloucester, cor. Met calfe. Offloa hoars: 1-L 1-4, t-a, Phone QueenSMX. 7.

H. ALFORD. M.D.. CM. (McGILLI Physician and Surgeon.

Postgraduate NeYork Ho.pltala Cor. O'Connor and Napeaa Sta, Pbone 1107. OSTEOP ATHY. TAR. MILTON H.

PETTTPIECE. SPE. clallst In nervoue and dlseoes of spinal origin, by adjustment of structural defecU of the body lit Nepean ptreet. DR. JES8IB1 B.

W4 ua.UK-Ur WssL Telephone Quean 47. Treatment by appotntmunL TR. GEORGE A. KEITH. Ill EL- as sin.

Queen eon. CHIBOPRACTortS. ria LA NO M4 RIDEAO ST. a 'smu BW' atomaah epedallaL If you are sick, have tried everything without benefit, aoma aaa aaa ma and get wau. 'a D1 ELIZABETH A SPENCER.

na Vn oumb Marv Anartaiaiit. 411 Main at- Phone a Stte. a TsR. OALBRA1TH, CHIROPRACTOR. 411 Somereet SL Literature a ra-aeeL Pbone Q.

ItTt EIsEOTROPATHT va KtrnKNR PARENT. NERVE IJsneclallst and The K-Raye, sya. Ultra-v west ataya, ueooa, n.iiaiamla Vacuum aad Lia-ht and Bake Curea, Including all Medicw-Kleetra Currents and Treatments for rvalyeta, tueaainas, warvea. asta- mVsraMraagtaalw it. Mia.

avaot ana Mronf HOMEOPATHT. rvR. D. c. McLaren.

141 laurier LrXva. WssL Phone Quaes ML Of-Bee hoar; a-u auaw 1-4 PATENTS. riNANCLAU ONEY TO LOA M-RQal OR amaU anoaata, Lawaat later aMslal advaataarea. IX. A.

Pare. BoMcttor. eta. Tauet Blag, Ottawa, a ShXXlND-HAND TURING, ETC. F.1 SALE SECOND-HAND staat erlra eabt.

rabtnn aad aloee. Apply Baker AV 1 UcXju St. aasenw. arawj 1 PUBUSHERS' NOTICE Address All oommunleallons should be addressed aa The Journel, J- Jeurnsl Building, Ottawa, Ont. 1 The Journal la a member at ther Audit 1.

Bureau of Circulation WANT AD. RATCS. Cash with Order to par count Una Kr day; lis par count 1ln for 1 days: -c per count Una for I daya, Twenty par cent, discount on Situations Wanted and Rooms to Let. When' Charged too per count Una per time: to p.c, off where paid for within one week of first Insertion. Six words make a No ad.

counted aa less than two lines. SnaagomenL Birth, Marriage and Death Notices, Me per lime. TRANSIENT DISPLAY. II cents per agate line. COMMERCIAL, DISPLAY.

Will be quoted by Advertising Department, Branch Advertising prrice mentioned below, or any recogulstd Advertising Agency. ADVERTISING OPP1CES. Terento Office J. B. Rathboae.

Manager. It King St. K. Toronto. H.

Lduy IU11 Fifth Avenue Bldg. Chic. Chas. H. Eddy 101 People'.

Uaa UWg. Boston H. Eddy 1011 Old South Bldg. London, Eng. P.

W. Large, it Lud-gala MIL NOTE. -Ttiriiiinirt WiMKMn. -rar-nn Wk, aeeutnus nu resuoiieibilll for electros, stereos or matrices. In case of error In sny sdvertise-ment.

The Journal Publl.mng of Ottawa. will not be llaMe for damages further than the emount received by them for such Individual advertisement. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Delivered In Ottawa and Suburbs. Evening edition.

1c per copy, 12c per week, paysble to the: carrier; Morning edition. Sc per oopy. 10c per month, or 14 'per year payable at office In advance. By Mall To Canada and BrltUh Possessions; general rste, 11 per year. Special rates to some places quoted on application.

To the United Slates, Hhj per month. or It per year. Other foreign -rates quoted on application. AU Inquiries for mall subscription rates should be addressed to The Ottawa Newspaper Subscription P. O.

Box lie. Ottawa. Ont. BUSINESS OPKICE. The Buslnesi Office Is open every evening, except Saturday, till 10 p.m.

for handling edvertising and circulation matters. JOURNAL TELEPHONES. Day and Evening Calls ll.M a.m. to 10.00 p.m.! Queen 6900. Private' Branch Exchange connecting all Department.

Night Calls 10.00 p.m. to 1.00 a.m.) Queen 4000 ONLV I editors and Queen el ONLV Reporters. Queen 4901 ONLY, Sporting Editor. Queen 401 ONLV, Mechanical. Queen 4004 ONLV, Delivery and Mail.

LEUAJi. ODE BURRlTf. BAitHISTi.Kd. Carlatoa chambers. Money to lose.

R. O. Code It. CX. E.

P. Burl lit. GREENE. HILL AND HILL. BA1 rlatere; money to loan, 110 Wcr-llngton.

EDWARD J. DALX BARRleTEII. etc 44 Elgin SL Phone u. tfURPHY. FISHER at SHERWUOuT UA Bainetore, eta.

41 Elgin Street. Moneyto loan on real estate. Hon. Charles Murphy. Herald Fisher.

P. Sherwood. SlanWy O. Matcalfet Stanley M. Clark.

MCUIVERIN. tLAYDOrl KRBS. Barristers. II Elgin StracL H. H.

McGlvarlo, A. Baydoa at John P. Ebba. EWAR'C. SCOTT.

MACLAREN Keller. Barrlatera, 14 Melcaua SL Q. Witt, a BRAY 41 RETALLACR. HARRIS-tera. 70 Sparka St.

Quaes Uf, Chae. i nray, n. at. cteuuiaca. J.

OGLE GARBS, LL.B., at rIAR-r later. Money to loan. Union Bank Bldg. El AGO A EN. OENDeRSUN, ureen at nemnge, Etarnsiere, av- ncltara.

Trust Building. Telepboa Queen TIM ''r' ELLIS. fHOMPSON at ELLIS. Barrister. BoUcdlora.

ata. aiooer to loan. 11 Metcalfe SL, Ottawa. John T. Thompson.

K.C. Arthur Kill a WRYSUaR M1GGERT1. OAR-, risters and Solicitors. Supreme Court, Parliamentary and Departmental Agents, 41 Central Chambers. IL Chrysler.

IC.C. F. P. Hlggerty. B.

LUSSIER. at. AKKlS'l'EU. Solicitor, Notary, II Rldean SL, cvner Moagrova (Matthews' Building I. Pbonai Rldeau 744.

Money ta MCLAURIM. MILLAR at KENNEDY. Barrlatera. etc. Office, 11 Elgin StreaL Money to loan.

Oeo McLaurth, I.I.B., Havana Millar. D. Roy Kennedy. K. V.

SINCLAIR. K.C.. til BoSTft Bulldliuc Sparka SL, Barnater, Par Uamentoiy. Departmental. Sup.

Ex. Court AgenL Phone Queen 111. a W'i iLITRED J. OKACK BARRUiTEK. Solicitor, notary, ate.

rtoom it. Canada Life Building. 7t Sparka SL Telephone Queen zsl. a RICHARD i. SIMS.

BAMRlrJTEU at Solicitor, Notary Public Supreme Court and Parliamentary AgenL 'i'ruil Building, a Sparka SL, Ottawa. Cau-tda. A. K. BLANCUET.

BA1UUSXUI, BOUClxor. CTwva, ww. end II. Canada Ufa 74 Sparka SL -f Money iu wvmn OSBORNE a BROADeOOT. BAR rlstsrs.

Solicitors. Notaxlea Publle, ata, carleton tjhambera, tt Sparks P. MAGEB, BARRISTER at SO- ui rt.nada Ufa Building, tt Sparks Ottawa. Money to (rod oa real estate at tsweot rataa. Telapboae Q.

PM. MITH at DUNLEVtB. BARRISTERS. solicitors. Itooma su sua ss i Bulldlna.

41 Sparka SL Money Joan: lowest rataa 1 A. Smith. P. S. S.

Danlevle. SECOND HAND DEAlEKaV, IT AVE YOU ANYTHING TO SELL v.f 1-1 Theh phone Henry. Q. lilt. ItlHKK-? PRICES PAID FOR CAST- off clothing.

U. I44L B1! EST PRICES FOR. OLD CLOTHING, i miMkiiaaeous artleuuv Goldea. 37 CUu-ence St H. tUl ntORNITURB AND CLOTHING bought and gold.

R. tfBt. N. Wlten. II William.

A.TTENT1GNI SELL XOUK OLD a. furniture and clothing. Q. tie, HiaaiiT PRICES PAID pgr oost-oYf elethlng. Phon.

174. Mag Flnklestela. 14 York SL a ACCOUNTANTS AIJDrTOHA. tUNNTNGHAM CO. CHARTERED Aocountsnt.

Auditors and Trus-taea. Fire, PlateOlasa. Burglary Inaur. anoa. Boom tit Booth Bldg.

141 Sparks StroaL Phone Q. 1171. rUDOROB I. BLATCH CHARTERED Accountant, Auditor and Trustee. Sparka Chambers, IM park SL TeL Queet liU.

a TRANSFERS MO VINO VANS. TTILL! tlfar. AUTO LTVERt g. TRANS' far. Offloa, B-tfL Rauaa, a XkMBRIDGB AUTO BAGGAGtS trans: taaeav transfer, panel delivery any die- ins.

rrai ALLEN'S TRANSFERS FOR' A prompt and careful delivery. -Barlow, proprietor. Phone Q. 1410. Am a RAZOR SHARPENING.

AXORS AND SAFaTTf BLADBS groung ana nonac traaera emarp- aalna Worke. inu. Bank tH. PIANO TUNlKts. If ATT HEW WKB8TKR EXPERT -aUptaaw tuning.

Ordem peaenatly at- tswded. tvl Oloacester St. Paane a rURlt. AND (IPItOLSTEUY. (J.

W. SHERWOOD. CT awlUblaaM repalrlns. 41 alaeon..

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