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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 11

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

STAY SHORT IN THE BUND EXPERIENCE OF SEKGT. MAJOR SCHOOF. loist InUrwOng Views of tht Situation la South Africa by a Student. Bust-Major Scboof. who was In and around tba Trsnsvaal from IMS to IMt, ia to tbe oily, and thla mornlna favored tht Journal wltn mam ot bis views Boon tbe Bora and their conn- irjr.

Xlurlna Jua )ihi ajoum there ha waa attached to the Buchuan. alaa4 Mounted Police, and bad every opportunity ot becoming familiar with tba Boera and ibalr manner of Ufa, usmseK a uerman. he bad lutla dim-eulfy In eecurtns: their confidence, and bavin received a lututaiy iramui. waa offered a poaltloa In the ttou army aa Vtldt cornet, which la equivalent to a British lieutenantry. Aa a apeclal favor ba waa permitted to alt la the Zuruet brain of the Bund.

Reapecllna thla incident, ba eaid. "Unfortunately fur my atay In he Bund. 1 had been In America, abd learnt my Kepublli anlsm there. Con-eeeucntly I diDered from the Boer Idea of runtilna tninge. I apoka out and waa kicked out." "Will the Boera aettla down quietly.

"No." waa the emphatic reply. "They bated tba Brtltah before tbe war. They tblnk tba Brltlab were to blame for the bloodabed wblcb deprived of euch a large number of their nation and that bate baa been Increaaed. You know bow tba French bale tba Germane, and tba Southerner the Yan-keee: but tbat hatred la aa lava to the batrcd ot the Boera for the Brltlab. Aa an example of that.

I beard a Boar woman, who waa cutting the neofc of a chicken, aay: 'I would like to cut the heart out of every Urltlcbcr and thla la only one example." "But tbe Boera are eetlllnc down, are they not?" "Yea. but If they had tba chance they would rise again. The only way to bold the country la to flood It with Anglo-Sax one. You muat remember that auch an Influential man aa Pete Cronje la very much dlaeatlsfled with tba condition of affairs and hundred take tbe cue from him." i "la tba while Immigration very heavy?" "Not aa large aa might be expected. Nlggera are being Imported from India, and alao hundreda of Chinese; TRADE WITH THE PHILUPPINES To Question Discussed la tha British House of Lords.

London, May It Tbe action of the United Aisles In escluding foreign v.ula from cuasLina trade In the to-day. Lord Musketry (Conservative) asked for further Information regarding the rtearotlatlona between Great Britain and tb United States, Germany and Moat a a a result of the exclusion mt Hrltlsh shipping from the Philippines, Marshall and Canary Islands, and also whether Great Britain reserved the water frontage of tbe British concession at Hankau. China, for British shins. Foreign Secretary Lansflowne In reply said he aarreed with Lord Muskerry tbat It as unfair while the coasting trade of Great Britain and her dependencies was open to all coasting trad that some countries were closed to British ship. But so long aa the pow ers did not Infringe treaty rights Great ed foreign ships from their coasting trade, took the smallest part In the British coasting trade.

Th government saw no prospect of Inducing the United States to alter the arrangements. TArd aUar-sdowne" explained that the United States considered that under the most favored nation clause they had th right to mate special arrangements entitling any power to exceptional privileges such aa Spain received In tbe Philippines. In regard to th Hankau. Lord Lansdowne said Instruction had been giren to afford British ships th preference In wharfage at Hankau. A to placing foreign vessels under restriction on the British coast the House of Commons committee- ap-Mlnted in 14 would be reappoints and he, the foreign secretary, hoped th member of the committee would make practical suggestions.

TO-DAY'S POLICE COURT STORY Saaatytuaa With Bis Toaru Far-aJyiail Found ia C. P. R. Yard. "A person about the age of 45 years, a laborer, who Is believed to be partially paralysed." Tbua read one of the Informations that came up at thla mornings session of tba police court for a charge lodged again', a man for loitering around the CP B.

yards at the Union depot. Tba man cannot speak, and aa hie name la not known, the clerk of the court waa ubllged to make out me Information In this way. Tba man was arrested about o'clo-k this morning by OP H. Consia'jle William Wilson, wbo found blm wandering around the yards. The man had made an attempt to get Into one of tbe coaches He Is believed to be French, and a hentyiMa.

Gbtet de-la- Raud. speke to him In Krench and aakad him Ma name, but be made i He pointed hta Anger to hla mouth and ahook bla bead, and tbe police believe that bia tongue la paralysed. Tba man ALO. ROSENTHAL ON THE BENCH mlcht hare been klUM by a train had he not been taken In charge by Constable Wilson, as he la In no fit ondlllon to Ink rnr of hlml(. Th unknown, when arrested, had In bla poufMiutj a bag.

which contained tunn clothe, a pair of moccasins and two pairs of mlts. The bag- had been ehecked on tb at lilind River, on to ooc lb shore of Lake Superior, and It Is believed that tbe man came to Ottawa this morning on the Boo train. Aid. Ham Rosenthal, who presided on the bench, rvmondad him until Saturday. Aid.

Rosenthal was1 accompanied on the bench by Aid. O'lveacjf and Aid. Oauthler. Another rase before tha court wss that of Mrs. Julie Baulne, of Heeriey street, who was charged by Mr.

Roa-alle LarxHnte, of the same sfrvet. with using Insulting lanxuace. The case waa dismissed by th emir' In verv autrk orArr. howtver. The these do the work at th mines, and, ther day Mr.

Lapointe call at the- am wane are mucn oiasausneo. police station and claimed that her "Rhodesia, wblcb Is north of tbe neighbor had used all aorta of bad Transvaal. Is a much more promising 1 names to her, but when the cas waa country, and Is opening up very well, called and she was placed In the wit-It Is about the else of Germany, 200.000 ness box. Mrs. Lapointe claim 1 that square miles.

1 have ridden about was not Mrs. Haulne who bad used .000 miles over It. and would aay that bad language, buj annher woman, one-third of It Is good farm land. The of course the caae fell flat, reat Is dry veldt, good for grazing, and the rae," remarked mining. Ther are probably JO.000 th acting magistrate to Mr.

Knjrllsh ta then now. Of course eral- Potnte "In future you had better ration la much affected by the rush to Canada- Tha rate are also against the country. Last year when I was in Glasgow, you could go from ther to Boston for 30 and to XlIirax for 40 billings. To ao from Glasgow to the Interior of Rholesia would ost probably i. The country has also been hampered by the difficulty of getting In supplies.

Tnttl a few years ago thev had to be taken In from Cape Town 1 tOO mllr. tfrw hey can be taken In from Ha vs. by way of Fort KalUbury, a saving of over 1.000 miles," iVhoof has taken up 50 acres of land rear Claresbolm, South Alberta, where he Intends to settle. present In the court worn to gle evidence In the case, but they A re not required to do oo. WITH UNLAWFUL PASSPORTS An Eng-llahman Mixed up In a Recent Explosion in St Petersburg.

London. May 22. An Englishman named McCulloch. whu Is understood to an actor, and who procured the passport found on th body of th.i bomb manufacturer killed by an explosion of one of his bombs In the Hotel Bristol. W.

Petersburg. March 11. will be one of lbse who will b-arraigned at Bow street police court to-morrow on the charge of conspiring to obtain passports for unlawful purposes. The officials here are most retlcen. but they say that the trial will disclose the detail of a regular system bmiiIo.

I. ft.r Julv 1 ISM which foreign aympathlsers 1th waa dlacuaaed In tha House of Lords 'he Liberal movant In Rujela fur- passports In the names of subjects of otter powers, thereby enabling the propagandists to enter Rum la. Th second defendant In the case Is H. S. Hral'ford of Hamtetead.

a writer for the fortnightly and other reviews on Ilalksn and Macedonian Questions. THE ORDER OF B'NAI BRITH Convention In Seseloo In Hew York. A Flourishing- Concern. New York. May 11.

The tlrd annual convention of the District Number 1 of th Independent Order of Britain had no right to complain. ThelB'Nal B'rlth. which includes Canada. eufBTcstkm thst Great Britain should N. and N.

Y. State at Its session reserve her coasting trade for British here to-day passed resolutions of syra- ftp IsQrd Lartsdosrne considered to pa thy with the victims uf persecution be no remedv as th United States and In Zhitomir and other place In Rua- Russla. which most completely exclud A per ranlta tax of IS cents waa levied for the support of the Fast aide employment bureau, and action was also taken to secure the co-operation of. the six other districts of the order in an effort to nationalize the Yonker Home for aged Jews which hitherto has been supported exclusively by District Number 1. The Finance committee reported a balance of Sl.iCT.

SIX MEN KILLED Krishna Boiler Explodes at Columbus Ohio, Much Damage to Property. Columbus. Ohio, liiy tz Slit men were killed to-day bv the exnloilon nr tha boiler of an engine that waa standing- near the Hbcklnej Valley Railroad roundhouse on West Slound street. The six men who were killed were at work nearby. Tha buiHttAST waa damaa-ed and quantltlea of the debrla were eratsered for hundreda of feet In all directions, Heveral of the men killed were thrown hlrh In the air.

iipiLiaiie ana imnuiinm were summoned and tha police were notl fled aa eoon aa the ftrat exsltement fol-lowlnf tha explosion had aubalded. Tha engine that exploded waa bclnx tested for Its first run after rebuilding. Four other anginas standing nearby were wrecked. Tha bodlea of tha six men were terribly mansled. arms and legs being acatterad In all directions.

One man la believed to have bean blown Into the rlrer and la not accounted for. The dead: Fred. Shuttle, Amos Apeakmen. Jacob Davie, Fred. Orumiey, John Birmingham, Carl Hand, On other employe was Injured, ree inu THE OTTAWA EVENING JOURNAL, TUESDAY MAY 23 igoj if PRESBYTERIANS WILL UNITE AN OLD SCHISM IS LAST CLOSED UP.

AT Details Ytt to Utlipd but th FiuUq WU1 be CompuuO. Winona Lake. May 2l-AmlI a storm of applause etUout debate a dUaeiiilng vote, the Oeoeral of U.j aPresbyiertan Ctumfr today voted to re-units with the Cumber lana rabyuriaa bo4y. whtok wUn-uaw uvtu -tit origtaaA on February 4, tbrby ao far aa lue main cbu-oa If bringing together the two laraesi branoAia ol she Frwabyisrta faith. Tbe tim-bertaud oonUreuoe, now In swsstoa at aVresno, baa not yet decided as to uoion.

iiy the adoption. It) It entirety, of the report ai th special oaovasioT oummluee tbe aaaembly ordered that the question aa It now stand and referred to th commit tee on co-operation, tha mrmbereblp of which waa ln-creaaeo: to XI. wluh the provision that It have power to confer with a committee from th Cumberland body, to the end that trte details of th consolidation may be worked out Ui a report to tb General Aaaembly. Th oooMteUte wis) KiovisaVlei, thr corporate and leajai right of both sides, keeping the consolidation within the legal Hmits. thereby avoiding civil suite and injunctions.

The committee In its report oo consolidation, canvassed the vote by Presbyteries, showing 144 yeaa and tt nay a Two Prsbyteris took no action, one gave conditional assent, and Ave mad no report. Five I enters from the east and the south, wtio apparently made no concerted effort outside of ct committee meetlnge to defeat consolidation, to-night declard that ttie General Aaaembly opened th avenue to defeat by referring to a committee the work of arranging; th details of consolidation. It la UUmatad that th opposition will take th question bark, to the Preabytertea of the Cumberland Church and ak rhat It be re -considered before the dommltte oil co-operation makes Its report In IMS. Several of the eastern duapter declare that tbe action of the General Aaaembly waa perfectly In aocord with tbe wlaties of th oppoaltlon. Tbe proposed union with th Reformed Church general aynod, wa discussed, but do action wa taken, pending action by that body, which la In session In New York.

GOLFERS CHOSEN FOR TO-MORROW The Players who Will Kepreaent OtuwaAfalnst Montreal Vtetorta. The Ottawa Oolf Club's team chosen to play against the Victoria Golf Club, Montreal, at tbe Ottawa link, to-morrow, 24th May, la as follows: President K. J. Chambrelaln. H.

H. Hansard, A. 2. Palmer. T.

llackarell. Roberts Allen. J. A. D.

11 ol brook. A B. rode rick, P. D. Ross, A.

8 imp on, E. C. Grant. H. H.

Houtham. A. Jack son, Geo. F. Henderson.

W. H. South ern, J. a. Kwart, J.

A Machado, t. Read. A. Kohl, Dr. Morsey.

Spares J. F. Orde. p. Toller.

R. Code, S. McDougalt. All the players of th Montreal Victoria Golf Club to compete to-morrow will arrive In Ottawa to-night and will be ready to start the matches early to-morrow morning. It la earnestly desired to have all the Ottawa players on hand early.

In en endeavor to play all the matches over In forenoon. The afternoon It 1 Intended to devote to the playing of friendly foursomes with the visitors. Ten or twelve of the Victoria, members will arrive at 7 p.m. at Central Depot, and ao direct to th Club house where they will remain during their visit. THE WIFE CAME BACK.

Mr. William Hamilton, the Gladstone avenutnnn who reported to the Journal yesterday that bis wlf had left him. 1 a happy man to-day. Hit wife has returned. It appears that Mrs.

Hamilton has been staying with some friends In Ottawa East, and that ehe never Intended leaving her husband for good The couple have made up, and all is now peace and quietness In the CAP. VS. CAUQRNAWAQAS. For to-morrow's game at 'Varsity Oval between the Caug htmwega Indian, who beat tho Nationals, and the Capitals, there will be after all a strone; line up In garnet and grey. Th Caps hstd a fine work out last night, when trie following men turned up Sowden, McDonald, Robertson, Broderlck.

Shea, Prlngle, Butterworth, Gletaon. Allen, Ktwood. Tur and Brown ridge. Jack Asbfletd had a cold and nursed It. A large crowd gathered tn the stand to watch th work.

As a result there Is a renewal of confidence In the horns team that will mean a good attendance at the match to-morrow. When It la known, further, that the eahamrorka have practically but elrht of last year'a twelve to put Uf asralnet the Capa on Saturday, tha Senator' friends wtll he arcorulnaljr cheered rKA a hope at vlctotg, It ia a tact that the Montreals have secured Mc-llwslna and Robtnaon of the Rhazn-rocke. while Hoobln Is a war on a pleaaure trip, and Currls ta aald to ba out of the game. REFORMS IN MOROCCO. London.

May fi The Times-. Tangier correspondent leara that th Sultan of Morocco will reply to tha Krench proposals, admitting that reforms are neceaaary but regretting hla Inability to conform to French wlahea unleaa all slgnalerlea to th treaty of Madrid aareea aa to the means for carrying Lhem out- no journaTto-morrow To-morrow being Victoria Day and a public holiday there will be no lesae of the Journal THE TOBIN TENT AND AW NINO COMPANY. nttj sew s-ar, tafsiisaj rvilT vr punry, lur mwij iif oi winnow, ver ndh screen and curtains, too pat terns. Em pert work. Prices reason able 'Phone Ol.

QUEEN'S PARK, AYLMER, VICTORIA OAY. Th Q. asntf will give free eon certs sMsrneon and evening- Par ticket eO. Spend Vleteria Day steamer tjit srerteetra get bear. Para go.

ROJESTVENSKY HEADING NORTH HI Attempt to Batch Vladivostok I tfrlar Him Into U. S. Waters. Paris, May U. Much attention Is given her to Vice-Admiral Rojest-vMky probable pttsteig into the Paclno north of the Uiani of Lusot.

and suggestions are mds th the reported intentions of tiu- Russians to lendssvous at tb IsU-id of buy an will give the American authorities lu the Philippine the same di'Ucultirs In preserving remote p-miu aaiinst the Incursions of Admiral Hj-s vensky that tne Krench auihorltiej experl kneed In the viler wr lu l.i-ChlriA. The naval expert of the Temps lengthily point out thut the information brought by Vdriou to Chinese ports the previous view that aRo4eetvasti ktrtiitg the north of the Phlllpi)ims intu the Pacific, avoiding toriedo si-tacks and the mine the vtrai'a of ormoea and the autiu-nt emu en -t rat ion of the Japan-- iVet In the straits ot Korea. Further, Hojeatvenikv by this means will be free to make a long l-tour and reach Vladivostok through one of the northern straits of Jjah. However, it Is pointed out that th preavnee of the Russian Ileal north of the Phlllp-pties places the Huhiuhm only a few hundred mile from ii Jspnese naval base at Kelun On the utheni part of Formosa) aril that a ftghl Is etui poaslble before tho detour A BANK FAILURE. Ooldflaid Bank and Trust Co.

la Very BM Shape. Ooldfleld. May Th- inM. Held Bank and Trust nijiiiy. with liabilities of $71,227, has Um J.

The as-aets so far discovered me SJl of which IM00 Is In iioiu. was 11 In the vault and a nv ( mniA piece was fouad under the counter. The most disorganized stste of affairs seems to exist in the books uf the bank. JoJdfleld Is a new mlnnm town in the heart of the newly discovered gold country of Uouihwesieru evada. LOCAL BARBERS' UNION.

Over Twnty New Member Initiated at Last Night's Meeting. The local barbers' union last night held their regular meeting in me Canadian Institute hall, over twtn.y new members were Inflated rtnginT the membership up ta sbou: sixty. Aid. Boudreault, President binpey and ex-PreJdenl Irter. of the Trades and Labor Council of Ottawa, war present and addressed the tnoet-tng on th Advantages of the numbers of tbe trade belonging to the locxl union and the strength given to it by aftlliatloa with th International union.

TRAOK WITH SIBERIA. Imperial Board Trade Issues a British Traders Ousted. London. May board of trade to-day Issued an eahsustlve report mad by special commissioner H. Cooke on the trad of In which Brltlab traders are again taken to task for allowing nationalities to elbow tbem out of a promising market.

"Th American, Dan and German," writes Mr. Cooke, "are already there and have captured some of the most fruitful fields of enterprise. These rich region will be to Increasing millions what the colonies are to the British 11 e. Kven now Kuaalan Immigrant In Siberia, peasants though they be, are supplying the London market, with butter and aa they reap their crop with American harvesters, discuss with Intel, (genre thir preferences for machines from Milwaukee and ALL HOPE IS NOW ABANDONED. French Fishing Schooner Lost With 128 Fiehrmn en Beard.

St. Servan. Franc. May 28. All hop has been practically given up here tfor th safety of th three-masted sailing vessels.

Cousin Reunls, which left this port eighty days ago for St. Pierre Et Mlqueion, off th coast of Newfoundland. She had on board 128 fishermen and great grief prevails her among the missing men's CLAIMS HE WA ROBBED. Albert Fautuz. a shanty man, whose home la at tit.

Anne clalma thai he waa atrurk on the heed by aeman and robbed of IS, at Kldeauvllle, last nlahtL Fautux save that ha waa met by two men who asked him (or a matr-h. and that when he gav. one of the men a match tha other struck him on the head with hla nsL FOUR YEARS IN JAIL. Washington, Msy 13. August W.

Use hen. under sentenc of two vin Imprisonment for his connection with postal frauds, pleaded guilty to-dav to an additional Indictment In which he Is charged jointly with Crawford and Lorens with conspiracy In th purchase of letter carriers satchels, and was at one sentenced to an addi tional two years Imprisonment, sev eral other Indictment Involving slml- isu: cnargea wmi te quashed. THE CHICAGO STRIKE. Another Report Thst a Settlement Is In Sight Chicago, Msy 22. -After a conference of several hours, representatives of the teamsters' union and of th employers declared at midnight that the pros pects for settlement of the strike are excellent, and that ths end of the trouble may bo looked for at any time thin the next 4 hours.

Ths stumbling; block In the ninili. tlons Is ths declarstlon by the express cosmpanles. that nnn of their striking drivers will be taken back 'under any condition. All other terms submitted by the employers to the strikers have been accepted. The manajrers of th express companies, declared late this afternoon that while they would not re-employ their drivers, they had no Intention of keeping a "black Hit." 1 This phsse of the strike was the only matter discussed at the conference and In the opinion of all present tha sh-eenc of a blacklist opened a way for a settlement, and ths negotiations will be continued to-morrow.

President I Mhea of the teamsters, said to-night sf- ter leaving the conference that he re- I garded the chances of settlement good. Victoria ray opportunity. Oet photos taken at the Jar via studio, 117 Bparke atreet. QUCEN'B PARK, AVLMIR, VICTORIA DAY, The 0.0 F.Q. Band will give free eenoerta afternoon and evening.

Fare tieketa Me. Spend Victoria Day en eteamar "Emerees." Italian orchestra an board. Fare 60e. NEWS FROM VARIOUS PARTS Brantford Man Lost New Ontario. In thla city.

in A NEW TUNNEL UNDER THE DETROIT. Younr Child Lost In tha Wood. The Haekerel Id Full Swing. Hpetlal to Tbe Evening Juurnal. Brantford, Uy.

21 Word has been recelvs-d here that llurn Nelles, lawyer, of this city, 1 missing In New Ontario. He left Brantford last March to loin a surveying party along inn ing and Ontario Railway. According to rvport be was seen by some packers on April above Twin Lake, attempt ing to Join his party. Tiu-y vised him to proceed no farther, sine the rivt-r wss breaking up. It is thought he has fallen through the li and be-n drowned.

A wife and child are living KILLED ON THE TRACK. 8 pedal to The Rvenlng Journal. Ki Catharines. Uiv 21. John 11.

Mo Intee, Louth township, was killed by thu tl.T.R. train yesterday afirrnooti. Mr. MclnU'e wa walklns on the track about a mile and a half from here, and being very deaf, did not bear the train approaching. Th body waa horribly mangled.

TUNNEL UNDER THE DETROIT. Hpeclal to Tbe Evening Journal Windsor, May Actual construction work on the Michigan Central tunnel under the Detroit river will begin within ninety day. The entrance to th tunnel on the Detroit side will be at a point between 17th end 1 streets, and the terminus on the Canadian side will be at Sandwich, near Laasamptlun CatlaVlic church. The cost will be 600.000. Including the costly electrical equipment and extensive entrances.

There will be two tunnels running parallel and having a apace of either 30 or Sft feet bet wren them. The line of the tunnels will be almost straight across th river. Ther will be a full wide curve at each end of the tunnel as It leaves the river, extending along the shore and accommodating the entrance to the present lo-cation of the Michigan Central tracks. The lerwth from end to end. Including the curves, will be two miles, and It will take two and a half years to 'Omnlete the work.

arrnrdlntT tn rhlf Engineer W. 8. Klnnear, of the Mich igan Central who Is in full charge of thr tunnel work. The work will be done from Canada. LOST IN THE WOODS.

Special to The Evening Journal. Halifax. May Eva Taylor, the 7-year-old daughter of Capt. John Taylor, of Lynn, strayed frbin her grandmother' home at Two Islands, Psrraboro, on Haturday, and Is still lout In tbe woods. Hundreds of men are scouring ths denxe forests for the little girl, who.

unfortunately. Is deaf and dumb, making the nances of finding ber alive, very remote. After leaving home the child was traced several miles through the woodi to five islands, but thrre she doubled bark on her tracks, and all trace of hT Is lost. To-day bloodhounds will employed to locate the missing child. Hrr mother Is erased with grief.

Her father Is master of the schooner A Pound of Facts ill ta worth ocstn of trvaerlaw. Fart No. I. Thrre have been snort Infants successfully raised on BORDEN'S EAGLE BRAND CONDENSED MILK than noon any other substitute (or motheri' milk. Fart No.

a. Infants thus hroufht up are subject to very little sick, ties compared with thoe otherwise raised Tlwrte prove th. third fart, which h. that the Eagle Brand Condensed Milk is pure wholesome, carefully prepared and unequalcd as a food lor inunis aUteia Meveaweiteshea, WU. H.

DVNN. MmlrsMl. Quas BUSY FISHERMEN. Mackerel hav struck In on th Nova Scot la coast, and the fishermen are active. A fleet of forty American -sels are now on this ooast.

waiting for the schools, and the fishery cruisers Canada and Osprey are here, ready to prevent tinning Inside th three-mile limit. Ten American seiners are at Liverpool, several ar off Lunenburg. snd eighteen srrlred here yesterday It is expected they will all be busy by the middle of th week. A HEAVY FAILURE IN NEW YORK New Torh. Majr IJ.

The doors of the Merchants- Trust Company of thla cliv were rinsed to-day. The Merchants' Truat Company had a rapltal stock of 1000,000 and owed iVtViVtY.W.'.iYimYtW Britannia-on-the-Bay is the about Ottawa where the business Try It and See A well-tailored coat is one of the greatest pleasures a man can have. It fits when he gets it and fits all the time he wears it. Our suits have an easy set to them, which ensures comfort and satisfaction. The new summer woollens offer some beautiful goods for your choice.

BAKER BUSH 195 SPARKS STREET Phone 226a depositors about t2.000.SOS. Aa examination of the company's affaire waa made by the State Banking Depart, nient our December SS laet. Tha report of lite state BankjneJ Da. oartment ahowed that the eetnpaora hook surplus of I1.1SS.7S7 had keen re. di-ed by the examiners to tl.a7ta.

While the examiners had Increased tee value of aorae of the seenrtUe. beat by tha company, they threw eat soma others as valuetees and redooed the valuation of otbere, The company la trustee of a M.00t.tM consolidated or tires', ea the property of th. Hudson Valley Railway Cera, pany. which la a consolldatloa at trolley llnea around Albany, Troy, Sara-lota and Lake Oesrfs. A new Union Jsek wtll be Boatlea from tha flax pole of OS-Mayor Cos's resident to-morrow In boner of tae Klnrs Birthday.

rwt TV.T TV 47 1 nere is wo Delightful Spot Then Britannia-on-the-Bay With the beautiful flowing river and expansive bay, its delightful scenery and above all its wonderful, pure, clear air, soothing and exhilirating. only spot 'round man can make his summer home. L. N. Poulin's property at Britannia is the only choice spot on which to build.

This property has the most exquisite location. Is high and dry. Within three minutes walk of the park, yet far enough away to be out of the noise. One minute from the electric cars and directly overlooking the beautiful river. Lots For SaJe Best building size, 50x100.

These lots have twice gone up in value and before another year they're sure to double their present figure. For a summer home, one of these lots would be an ideal purchase. For an investment, nothing better. Think it over. L.

N. Poulin's Store Spcxrks and O'Connor Streets. Lorn a Cottage on the Hill BritarvnioL-orv-the-Bay P.4 A liberal discount will be given for cssh or sold en essy terms..

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