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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 13

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

AblbeyS Curious and Clever Products of the Inventors! x.i fervescent Salt AUTOMATIC HTDRANT. It Merely Necessary to Lift ths brink In- Cup to Get Water. flu this are of economy, srhen every MTort Is put forth to nn, It Is not to be wondered that economy of tne handa I aa frequently axe any other form of the principle. For Instance, If we can make one hand perform, the nuilt of two we have scored eo Un- Tha 8lt-Actlnv Hydrant 'portmnt point la our war ajninst un-jiecesaa ry manual labor, and If we jnako thatjne band aerra the purpose two wIUitio additional ax pandit ur-e of onerty wo fearo acorc-d twofold advantage. Tho automatto hydrant will keep tit by mechanical moani to thle, deaidor-atum.

Tbo drinking cup or la miapandod by a chain to a lever, which by it own welf ht bolda In plaoo tho valvo which eontroli tha flow of watar. Whan tho dlppar to lifted, tbo walnut of tho loror alono la not aufflolant to bold down tho valva and watar tm- The Prudence of Edward. By Mtvud Sttvweli. 1 A Short Sparkling Story A terraced garden, with a glrmps. of the see, through arching trees; a time-worn dial marking tha sunny houra of a summer afternoon and a man and a girl In low chairs these are things that make for sentiment- But the suggestion made by Edward 'Was not altogethsr a sentimental one.

"I'm wondering. ho said thoughtfully, "If you would mind belnc engaged to me. face axproeead nothing but vague surprise. Only for a time, you Edward aent on with aa eaay laugh. "Just for a lark." "Dear me." said Claudia, "and why?" "Well." answered Edward, not without embarraeement, "that's where the great kindness comes In.

I want you to agree to play this game with mo without asking ma reaeone, I have a meat Important and sufficient reason. Claudia, but I am not at liberty to mention it- Ton would ba doing me a great kindness. It would be a real help to me." "How about Amy" asked Claudia, who knew all tho eoanpUonUona of Edward's affairs, and was aware that h. waa already secretly engaged to tha girl sailed Amy. "Amy doesn't tntnd.

Sh. understands a Joke as well, as any one." "It's a little eonruatnav yea know, Edward. First, there's Amy, who la really engaged to you and pretends she len't, and now there's mo, who am not really engaged to you and pretend I ami It's so Intricate." "Then yow will do HI" cried Edward, joyfully, Inferring eueoess, "I must admit," said Claudia, "It would be fun," -runt I should think sol It. will be Just splendid; mystifying every one. and pleasing the old people, and all that.

How they will gloat over usl It's such a suitable engagement, en, ClaudlaT They'll say they always expected It." Bo hand In hand they Mood, sheepish snd silent, before Edward's Aunt Karma and Claudia' Cousin Mary, who gave one glance at them and clasped ecstatic hands, "How delighted." they said almul- Tortured with Pain. Too Weak to Work. ULCERS. BOILS AND FIMPLES ALL OVER HER BODY Iwth waa IV. ceaertiea at Mr.

Sew. eel Belts. Xwrieh, 04. Ska kee.iljr Isaa4 relief tree, ker terrible flerlag ky aslaj Burdock Blood Bitters. A reendy without a rival for the rare el all diseases and treebUe arisisg fi sad blood.

A record exteadiaf ever a sjeartet fa center sad fksa.sad Of testimonial, win srav. this. Ms. Deats writes I "Toe weak to work, Uf tared with the paia a) a lepra, soils snd see! al ever aiy especially aa mf face. I had almost ssade ap an mind to give a.

trying to bare tkea cored. I was aia.isd te save any series ewe to see ss, ary dees was ke sack terrible state. I tried vrTtMag I casks think of hot got wore, sad worse. I was tbes led to try Burdock Blood Wnarsaad wss sarprieed at tee wsaderfel change the (ret bottle suae. Altogether I took eevee bottles and aal now completely cared sad era hi perfect kealtk agaia.

I feel tkai hie." madtatolr apouta from tbo. faooet Thua Instead of having; to hold tha dipper In ona hand and turn tho watar On with tha other, tha aacond part of tha op ration la performed for ua automatically. a a ROT ART DIRfcJCTORT. A Uaaful Piece of Office Furniture for tho Buoy Business Man. Tha need a of tha huitllng- builnasa man are a'waya In tha aavandancy In tha mind of the lnjrentor and a contrive aoe completed and patented haa aa lie purpose tho helping of the hurried man In bla hurry houra.

Tha affair la a rotary telephone directory, a cylinder attached, to tha telephone arm bearing on Its periphery tho namee and telephone numbers of tho principle concerns with which business Is dona, A thumb screw at Tha Rotary Telephone Directory. tho slds snables tha telephone user to rapidly turn the cylinder and find the concern he Is deal roue of talking; to. Aa tho names are, of oourso, arranged alphabetically, the ease with which tha desired Information obtainable through thla method la apparent. With Surprising End. taneously, delighted dear Alicia will bel" A slight look of discomfort mixed with Edward'e smiles.

"Will sheT" he cried. "I wonder why." And Claudia knew Instantly that hs waa perfect Ir aware of the oauaee of his Aunt Alicia' pleasure. ine scenes that followed, the arch ness of the old ladles, ths stroklngs of tho cheek and pattlnge of the hand, gave Claudia eo much entertainment that ho threw herself Into the game with aa keen seat a Edward oould wish. In after year ah expressed surprlas that her complexion had not suffered permanently from the unremitting blushes of those days- As Ed ward foresaw every on. had expected the announcement for months.

It waa charming. It waa auitabie. It was Inevitable, exclaimed aunt and oneles and cousins, and dear Alicia, would be so glad. As they all laid stress upon this -Claudia became worried by Edward' Aunt Alicia. Ths old lady herself waa 111.

and a personal Interview with her was not addsd to Claudla'a sntertalnmenta, but letter were exchanged. The answering of letter waa one of Claudia's greateet difficulties. Spoken congratulation were easy to deal with, but the oom position of phrases that should be neat but vague made her poeltion aa an impostor unpleasantly plain. "However." ah. com forted herself.

"Edward will soon clear It up, and then wc shall all laugh over It together." And, Indeed, as time went on. she be gan to want comfort. It dawned upon her that It might be harder to get out of the situation than tt had been to get Into It, and the longer hen pseudo-en-gagemeat lasted the more thankful aha waa thai it waa not a real one. Edward Jarred on 'her. -and made the whole affair distasteful.

To a girl who waa little more than a child the game had seemed capital fun at first, and aha was flattered by the appeal for help, but prolonged familiarity with isaward) nad destroyed her seaL Ehe was relieved one dsy when he confided to ber that be was going away to so Amy. "Bey nothing till I com back," he Implored. "That depends." was an ah would say. While waa away his little cousin Joan came to visit Claud! In ths terraced garden. The two girl set In the low abatr near the sun dial, whlls Claudia reluctantly suffsrsd- a catechism concerning ker engagement.

Now. Joan had a talent cor making revelations, which were sometimes of a mischievous kind, and sometimes by chance hao benencient results. She wss herself alwaya unconscious both of ths revelation and of ita consequenee. On thla occasion she excelled herself. "What a lucky thing It Is eou'r.

going to marry she said. said Claudia, with a secret shudder, "whyf "Well, only know this," Joan went en, anxious to Justify herself. "About two month ago Just before this dreadful Illness of Aunt Alicia began I myself heard ber tell Edward ehe wouldn't leave him a penny unless he married you. Bo there!" Then Joan prattled on gayly about wedding presents aad the rent of nouses, of beoomlmr hats, and motoring honeymoons. She thought being In love made people dull: they seemed Interested nothing.

Suddenly Claudia rose abruptly. "Come Into the boose," she said. "I wsnt to writ, a not. to your Aunt Alicia." "To Aunt Allcial" exclaimed Joan. "But.

my dear, ehe' dying!" "Then there Is all the more need for me to low no time," said Claudia, flippantly. Ths note was written and posted, and then Claudia, subdued snd a little nervoue. atseleej heraelf for aa en plea e-errt Interview with Edward, who was expected on the following day. When he cam. ah.

waa conseiou at en re of a change In him, a repreoeed agitation, an excitement that was part ly anxiety- He. too, saw a change In her. She was lass childish, and anything bat genial. "What'a wrong k. asked.

TbJs tare, of oar engagement I A SPRINO STIRRUP Designed to blako tha Outing "of the Rider afore Enjoyable. A grant many riders are unable to accustom themselves to the Jar of horseback riding, and an Iowa man, who probably Is numbered on th'o Hat, has ossayed to solve tho difficulty tor them. As the accompanying picture will show, the Idea consists of a spring atirrup, the mechanlam so arranged ta The Spring Stirrup. appropriate casing. The Jar to the rider la broken by the springs, extend and ocn tract aa the Mar's weight Is put on and taken from tt.ra with each lesp of bis steed.

ever," shs said. I To ber surprise he acquiesced at once. "Yes. yes. If you wish It.

Claudia, I don't want you to keen it no a day longer than you like. Shall I Cell the people or will you? "I have told no one." said Claudia, slowly and stgnlncantly, but your Aunt Alicia." The amlle on Edward's face died suddenly. did you tell her?" he aaksd. eagerly. "When?" "I wrote to her last night" "Then," said Edward, with a sigh of relief, "you were too late.

She died early this morning." And yet, after all, hie Aunt Alicia's will give him a surprise. As Edward Is going to marry Claudia." the old lady argued to her self. "It won't matter which of them has ths money. Claudia is worth six of Edward." And that Is why she left everything she possessed to Claudia. PUGILISTS SENTENCE COMMUTED.

Waahlnslon. Feb. S. Tne DrM'-nt has commuted to a term of Imprison ment to expire Immediately the sentence of John Bolan. who was convicted In Arlsona of engaging In a pugll-Istlo encounter and sentenced -to Imprisonment tor -one year In the territorial prison.

The facts are said to be that the encounter was not a reg ular prise fight, but wss an exhibition sparring match, and In ths opinion of fas president ths minimum penalty. which is one year. Is exceeslvs punish ment In this case. prisoner al ready has served six months. feet and Ankles Swollen CDld Not Sleep at Night.

Backache aad Kidney Tractile the Cause. Doan's Kidney Pills Cirei After Other Remedies Had Failed. These WMderf il KMiey Flits will bribe Most Ok.tln.te Case Kidney TrMkrt If Oily Uvea a ftlr Trial aal llted Accsrdliii te Directions. Read what Mrs. Ceo.

H. Alward, vVsitee Point, N.B., has to say about them V'Thi. Is to certify that I have used Doso's Kidney Pill, for pain In the back and kidney trouble and I do most grstefelly recommend them to any person eefleriaf la thie way. I was so bad with kidney trouble that I could aot get around the house. My feet aad ankles war.

so swollen aad painful that I could got a. reet day or sight. I tried several remediee hot coald get no relief whatever antil a friend advised at to try Does'. Kidney Pills. I soon perceived a decided Chang for the better and bad only takes two boxM when I was sbk.

to do' my hsass work again, aad three koxe aad. a coea. plete cure." Dose's Kidney Pills are 50 eta per boa, for Si. 15, ail dealers or TBI DO AN KIDNEY till CO, Tocon. MT.

THE MOST HUTWITtOUt. EPPS'S GOGOA Art admirable food, with all it natural quail tie Intact, flttad to build up and maintain robust fcaalth, and to reelst artntar'a xtrama- cold. Sold In lb. tlna. labcllad JAMES EPFS HomcaonathiO Cnamiata, London, Bngland.

EPPS'S GOGOA OiVINO TtlNQTH VIOOUR, ELECTRICAL WATER-II EATER To Provide Warm Water Irnmellitely From Cold spigot. Water-beaters sre ever demtnd. and the aim pier and more envcitva. with due regard for the saving of liiuu. the mors are they sought For this reason a newly patented electrical heater will doubtless nnd favor.

Near tho faucet Is Introduced, in lieu of tha usual plain pipe, a specially con structed section or pipe adapted to be The Electrical Water-IIeaer. heated by an electric current conveyed to It by Insulated wires. When warm water la desired It Is but necessary to turn on the current and the water at the same time, when the water, rushing throush the electrically heated pipe. Is warmed. Cold water le ob ulned by simply throwing- the elc-trlcal switch out of circuit.

MP 0XKKKOOX The Little Jap; Fighting Man Feats ol Valor That the Great Hearted Soldiers and Sailors of the Flowery Kingdom Have Performed. When the allies had to fight hard at Tian-tsln to escape being whipped by despised Chinsse troops, the American and Europeans believed what they had heard of the quality of the Japanese fighting man. They Joined forces with him, rather inclined to class him aa an experiment in modern warfare, they took off their hat to hi courage, discipline, dash, snd endurance when they left him. But this campaign was not needed to prove that the army and navy of the Japenes. was equal to any tests of actual Mr-vice.

In ths Chinese war, ens of the national heroes of Japan aa In command of a tin-pot of a merchant steamer which had been pressed Into service ps a transport, mounting a couple of rapid-fire popguns. This sailor, now Itear-Admlral Kabayama, waa not looking for action, but unexpectedly he found himself on the edge of the fight of Yalu. Before he could get out of the way, his transport waa cut off from the 'Japanese 'fleet and cornered under the fire of Chinese bsttleshlps and cruisers. The feeble craft seemed a bopelesa Insurance risk, but Captain Kabayama had no Idea of surrender or Inactivity. He dodged In and out of the fighting line, trying to pick a way to sea, but doing his share of the pounding whenever he got a chance.

His rapid-firs guns barked Incessantly, lie riddled and sunk a torpedo boat that waa 'rash enough to make for blm, and banged away at tjattlrihlps with amaslng audacity. When a shell burst on his deck, snd swept away a gun-crew, he ordered two of hie officer to fetch their cameras and got some reallstlo pictures. FIOHTINO A BATTLKSHIP. Another torpedo boat shot out of tha ruck and let go nor torpedoea at point-blank rang. "Here Is where we all' go up In the air together," said Capt.

Kabayama, But lb. torpedo dived clean under the and to show that thla trifling escape did not daunt the Japanese skipper, he eent his ship full speed ahead and tried to ram the biggest Chinese battleship In the line. The quarry and, feeling that he had done hie share with the limited meana at his commsnd. Kabayama worked hi way through the battle and rejoined the Japanese fleet, bla transport badly cut up, and many of bla crew killed, but still In communion. Ths Kowshlng waa ordered a little later to follow the erulsw.

but the panle-etrlcken Chines, would not let the British sklpprr obey the commsnd. and threatened to murder did not turn tail and run for It- Capt. Togo was not playing at war, and when was disobeyed he opened up with the fixed guns he could bring to bear, signaling lor all Europeans to leave the Kowthlng. The terrified ship tried to get out of range. Crfptain Togo chased her.

and. feeling annoyed over the situation, let go a torpedo from on of his bow tubes. Hsrr von Hanneken, a Prussian officer In th Chine, service, was on board th Kowshlng. A few seoonds after th Nanlwa torpedo hissed Into ths sea, hs relates, "the day became night. Pieces of coal, rpllnters of what had been th ship, column of water, filled th air.

1 believe all of ua leaped overboard, or were burled skyward. Many of th crew reached land by swimming. The Japanese csptaln would give no aid In rescuing the Chinese. He was not st that time educated up to the humanities of KO rXAR Or DEATH. gongs ars sung and stories fold te this dsy of a Jspsnese sailor In th Talu battle.

While standing on th rail of hts" he wss struck by a fragment of shell, fatally torn, and knocked off Into ths H. rose tor a moment in a whirl of bloody a HOuswirira help. New Style el Kitchen Cabinet That Should Prove a Boon. The Inrentora of the kitchen cabinets appear to have been particularly active lately, the Patent Office kavins announced several new wrinkles In this line In the past two month. Each purports to be an Improvement over all those that preceded It, so It would seem that the acme of perfection should well reached.

An Indiana, man, however, appears to havo struck upon a most happy Idea with the cabinet. This la here- The New Kitchen Cabinet with Illustrated. With a combination of drawere and slldlnc ledges, with receptacles for the various Ingredients used In the kitchen, and racks snd hooks for the utensils needed by the cook. It would seem that nothing Is left to be desired. A feature of the cabinet la the swinging an-ammment by which space Is economised.

and shouted to his comrade. "Japan forever then tank. was th am quality of patriotism tbat showed la th tele, told In broken English, by a Japanese navy lieutenant, whom an American correspondent met In Nagasaki not long ago. This young officer was' In oommand ei on of th torpedo boat wheb attacked In flotilla the Chines battleship In th harbor of Wel-Hal-Wel. A all naval ax-pert take for granted, such attack means (he destruction of most of th torpedo-boat force, and success la achieved If one of them Uvea long enough to send Its deadly weapon home.

Thla Is what happened at Wei-llal-Wel. Said the lieutenant "The fir was very heavy. The two torpedo boats nearest mine were riddled, snd sunk with 11 on board before they were within sulking distance. We war hit many times, snd bad some killed and wounded. But the engines were working still, and th lrlng-gear was not smashed, and enough of ua were left to attend te the, things and also serve the torpedo tubas, so we were very lucky.

It was the happleat moment of my life, when we were still afloat within six hundred yards -of tb biggest and finest battleship left In ths Chinese navy. Ws fired two torpedoes, Just an Inatsnt before a shell went through our boilers. "Mine was the only attacking vessel left In action. My boat blew up, and sunk before the torpedoes were much more then out of th. tubes.

I went to the bottom and came up again, and whlls I waa trying to swim out of ths storm of shells I saw the battleship sinking Ilk a One torpedo bad blown her bottom out. There were only foue of my crew of nearly thirty found alive, but they died happy, because they bad helped Japan." Ths immortal 6eed of the Japanese private who blear open the Tlin-tsln gate, when It waa oertain that be would be blown up with It, bad an earlier 'counterpart In ae desperate a feat of valor at the slsg of Ping-Tang In ths Chinese war. The FJng-Tang-- defenders mads bloody and hard-held resistance. The Japaness troops tried to storm the massiv. walla and ths tetout gets again and again, but wars driven back with discouraging

THAT AVFUL BREATH. Possibly Haven't Noticed It, but Oth ers Have. Dr. Agnew's Powder. Catarrh, If neglected, soon develop Into the chronic lorm, accompanied by lb most nauseating and disrustin symptoms.

Dr. A Bow's Catarrhal Powd.r is a spec! fie lor curing Cold, umgna, uestneas, neaaacne, see Throat, Tonsilitia, Cold in th Head, In-iseate aad all ether diseases oi tb aos aad throat. Mr. C. Spooner, a literary editor of th Kmftkm Nrm, Ontario, writes! "I was troubled with conctsst baadache, and ased almost every concoction sold under th.

name of 'Headache Car' without obtaining any relief whatever. At last I heard of Dr. Ageevr's Catarrhal powder, and thought to riv it a trial, although hav ing not little taitn tn it curative action. 1 was at one relieved and alter using it but a short tint almost oil rely Ire. iron tn.

disorder. Suffer boa Stomach Dkardarf If to, your liver is probably not work1 Ing property. Dr. Agiaew's LKer Pills, purely vegetable, rapidly Induce healthy act too and restore the entire erstem to aoraul condition. 40 dosesj.

eta, Ko7 SCARFPIN PROTECTOR. Holds Ihe' Jewelry Secure and the Tie and Collar to Place. A man Is not neatly attired unless his scarf or tie la stralcht, his collar h.ld In proper position and hts scarf-pin Is Just right. Not only that, but the average man who asplree to look his best Is constantly beset by a certain unrest of mind due to the fear of losing his scarfpln altogether, which fear Increases In proportion to the Intrinsic1 or sentimental value of tho pin. IIow the Scarfpln la Protected.

Thee, dainty little things have an annoying habit of running thslr points against stiff shirt bosoms and pushing up and out through tho fabric of the scarf. To remedy all these evils there has been Invented a security device which Is extremely simple. To the scarf-holder Is attached a tiny bit of strong chain, which haa a double clamp, holding firmly to the sUck of the tie. All danger of the pin working; out removed and a safegmard Is afforded against the deft manipulation of the fingers of any would-be thief who might chance to try to "lift" the pin. After on retreat from the walls, a prval of Intaacry, named Harada, re mained behind, crouching under the aheiter of th.

over-hanging battlement. IIOW HARADA OPENED OATE. Th. Chinese varriors within war. ahouUng ov.r their triumph, when Harada acaled th wall anseen and dropped Into th midst of a hundred of th defenders.

They were taken by urprlsa, Bator, th.y realised who Harada waa, he had shot three at them, bayoneted another, clubbed his nn and amaahtd hi way to th gat. It waa th work of a moment t. throw down th great Iron bar which hold the gat closed, and flung It open for hi comrade to finish ths Job, Harada did not rush out to Join thorn, but held th gat with hi back to th wall. until th attacking fore scampered In ana took th fort with bloody uccess. Strang to say, they found the lone private aire and still fighting, although badly cut and battered.

He waa dec orated by the Krnporor. and. In ad. dltloa to th ballade mad about him. he 1 held up to th school boy of Japan a th kind of cltlxen the country need In her defence.

Th mother of Japan have played their part In the herolo annals of their oldier sons. When an Infantry regiment was marching through an Inland village on lis wsy to the front In 1H a woman Insisted on ssslng a lieutenant of the company In which her son was a private. Th. ofnoar con rented with reluctance, because be feared that she would plead that her only boy might allowed to stsy at home. But what shs had to say and what bar heart waa full of waa thla "I have com to thank you for your kindness to my son, and to ask you to that be doc hi duty well.

I am a widow and he I my only son, but I hav told him that when he goes Into battle, he must quite willing and ready to die for hi Emperor and his country. I have told blm, too, that I shall dts of sham if disgrace blm-elf aa a oowarl." Another mother, whose son wss hsr sol. support, waa told that bee son must return to the. colors when the recent mobilisation waa ordered. In preparation for war with Russia.

"The duty to th flag." shs ssld, "comes befor the lesser duties to the home. Though I should dls of starvation, you must not hesitate. You must think of your country, not of ms I'" MONOTONY IN FOOD. Ko matter what the kind of food, choice or common place, do not serve the earns Items day after day. One does not tire of bread as readily as of most other articles of but breed certainly will be relished better If the kind be varied, as It may be.

with rye. Ore ham, entire-wheat, oatmeal and Boston brown bread. The else, shape and general appearance, too, of the loaf each has an effect upon the appetite. If a cork should be a trifle too large for th neck of a bottle, drop It Into boiling water for three minutes and It will be found to fit quite eerily. Department of Agriculture.

SALE OF PATENT MODELS TEND PR ARB INVITED FOR TUB imrchaM en bloc of th modala heretofore dpolte4 in tho Patm ont-co by applicant for paU-ota of Invent on. The molvla are Mini Twentr-I, to thirty thouaand In number, and are made of every variety of The e1 win be maddi for raah, and without any warranty aa to tho number of tha mwiiela or trreir condition. The purchamir munt remove all the ai'Mirla fnim the prmieea In which, thry are stored within two weeks from the data of notlca by poet of the acoaptaoco of ha tndtr. The lowest or any tender wlH not nec-aMrily be ttaaUd taodera addraaaed to tha ander Irnepd and rndorved for Pur-chaa of Patent Modla" will ba fwoeiv-erf at thte effica until Ttteday. the 'let daw of ataroH.

IViH. at ona o'clock p. By Order, A. JARVJR aVeoretary. lpairiaient of AcHfnHura, Ottawa.

21t January. 1M. 4N Newvpapere tnartln thla ad-vertleement without authority from toe PapanaMut wiU not ba paid lur 1L) Taken every day means bright eyes, clear complexion, sweet breath and perfect digestion. SHE PATIENTLY BORE DISGRACE A Sad lettef' from a lady whoso Hiuband waa Dissipated How She Cured Him with Secret Repiedy. I had for yrart pttietiUy born th trvc, milfrlnjr, iniMr-f Ukd prinilronl due to my ousjlmnd't drinking ha bit a.

Hoaxing of your mu Tdkwa frmady- Ic (to cura of driiakcn-mu, which I Coold my htnband fcrrtly, I decided to try H. I procured prkaf and mixM it In bis food ud cod (-ft, and, at th remedy waa odorlaaf audi UHelesa, did not know what it waa that quickly rtzlW-v-cd hi -cnivinc for Uquor. is to trick vp lle-ali. appetita for olid food returaed, ba nock to bb work in- larly and now have a bappy boaa. JUtar waa -Bompletely cured I told him what I bad dona, when be ackjhowW.tjrrl ihwt it hadberahra avinfc aa ba bad not tha mchlution to hraak off of hiaowa accord.

I heartily advis all womm afflicted aa I waa to fit your remedy a trial" FREE SAMPLE partkulata, testimonials snd pries sent la plain araled covdopa, Come- Bondeno. sacredly confidential, enclose stamp C-VvJv. AddreuTHESAMARlA RKMEUV 25 Jordan street. Toronto, Canada ak ior sais or Graham a- eJliott, 9t Street. The SECRET I PERFECT DUSTfoTU Sent Free If aetata MM As) Cortine 8rn -beat De velopoMDt a ataiple bema aeu aao avrvirra Sfralaui the bttM ti cbMi atao till bot low places la oeeh aod cbMt.

It baa ba Wei by trading aa-trMMe and aoeletp Me far as Tear, book ftviaf fall (Mkr kcuult eent true. Pteetrated front Ufa, ebewiaf liar mmA afuM astaa the CoreUM Brateta. LMiera MDE. THORA TOILET. Toronto, AJpf fnr aula br Orahara A Klllott, ft) Sparko Street.

Chocolate Bonbons If vow bay Lownrr't Can dies in the original oemlcd packages yoa wiljbnd them la perfect condition, or mooKjHixnAeA. A few of tbo popular nrontai among the IMranetkiare. "loeeial AatarUa." "onTenir." 'Golfers." Coloalal Danker1 riaba, T.vaelee ar- WorinaH. 'TOioooUte Pepperaaata. raavaa' Pmtkmw mrm Wwlgkt, TkefM Clay ('npane a lo) rr 1 1 f.

ADMINISTRATORS' SALE Of Excellent Farm Lands and Chattels In the Town- ship of Fttzroy. IN TUB KSTATB OF ARClIinAI.D McDunald. Uactjaaed, there will ire offered sale by 1'ubilo Auction by. The Toronto Ueueral Truata Corporation. AdmLniatratora of tho a bote -tatft.

at tha dwellliia huue lately occupied by tha fud late Archiuiid McDonald, deceased, un tha TV eat I(-itf of Lot Twelve. In the Third Conwasl-m of tha Townahtp of Fitaror, at tw- o'dorlc In the arfmoon an lite Herond Day of atnrch, A.I. )'Ju4 '-lar certain parte! or -tract of lnd and premise's attuate. lylnc and belnic in the Townnhlp of Kusruy, In the County Carteton, and being comptmcii of part of the 'Went ftr outh-Wt Half of Leot Number In ttie Conccanlon of the aid Township of Kits-roy, containing 81 mrrt-m iuotw or Iris, subject however a lite efimte for tne life of one John MclA i ild -wile In 9 acr-re thntrnf. Ttirre are ci acted on the said 3nls a dwell inpr h'-uae, tw.

hetriks, stible and other outbullillnsa ant the lattda ere to a tiwi a.l rhunlt'i ati'1 are fonvetni ntljr -itnatf-i to the Town of and Ihe VtiUn-e of Klnhurn and jin! are s-cellent faiminr lnil. Thia iroierty will vltred lor s.i it? iiti)M to a renea-ve bid. 'thirv wlU also te offTeil for on the same day and at ie firtie place. one cow. one horr1, one mf it, nne Ifiah.

oi. wrinicon, on lmKiry sn-l other artlolea. Turins on rrtl tsi-te- Tt-ii prr t-ent. of the invhijie tnony to he tmid down at lhj ttinei 'it mil to th Vendors' f-tolMt'irs, and tha balan-a In thirty Uave then.iftr Trms on h-i 1 1 I'sh tue day of sale. Kor f.trth"r pnrUcuHr-i and ronditlonit ef ils apply to Tilt1 TtKONT UKNKHAb TKUflTlf C-PO RATION.

or tn l.ul-maae and Dulinaae Veadoro' licjtora. Am prior, OnL Tho Journal office riosao at p.m. After that hour anyone requlrln a Journal ran obtain the aarna at 19 Sparks street, near Klgin, from R. flhiiiington, dnrnlst. rv He aooa octi aoratttull? in.

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