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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 1

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ALCIDE LAURIN, Whs Wh Kill. In Hockey Mate Friday Cniiixg at MaxvfTle. GREAT BRITAIN'S CONTENTIONS SUSTAINED North Sea Commission Finds Russia Was in the Wrong. The United States Representative Gives a Summary of the Finding Rojestvensky was Responsible but His Military Valor is not Impugned. Parte.

Feb. 25, 130 p-nu The deci sion oC the International Comni Lesion of Inqutiy Into the North Sea- Incident was pabH-cly a-noounoad at the otostns session Uie commtoalop tbls after- aoon. The decision eel forth at considerable teua-th the circumatanves and lu-cUtrnte and gives the opinion of the a dm teals on tho varloua troporiatu lotnta involved. Th declaion says the delay of tho Kusslan transport Kamschatka following to breakdown of her machinery was perhaps the cans of tho Incident. The commander of tho Kamachatka signalled to Admiral Rojestvensky durlnsT the eve-nlnc that he had been attacked by torpedo boats.

The admiral therefore had reason to believe be mlsht be attacked and gave orders tor strict vigilance aKslnst the possible approach of torpedo boats, Cwdomtts the Firing, The majority of the commission con-alders thai Admiral Kujestvenskya orders were not excessive in time of war. particularly under tho circumstances that bo had every reason to conatder the situation very alarming. "The commissioners." th decision said, "recoa-nlie unanimously that the flahlns; flet ooramltut so hostile Act ALL THE INDICATIONS POINT TO MURDER The Tragic Death" of Old Mrs. Doyle Near Brantford. Dead Woman's Son who was Alone With 'Her Tells a Story Which Police do not Believe.

He Will be Arrested After Inquest HMTi.l to Th. Evonlnc Journal. Bruuford. Kb. Th next hour will wltnuM Important fcvlopmenu In the Doyle murder caw at Btirford.

All accident or suicide ha betn abandoned, and the authorities ar. now agreed that the. crime waa murder of the foulest kind. Th. Crown iheortrsaa to who accomplished th.

deed ar well advanced. An arrest la a matur of merely a day or ma. Provincial Detective dreer, of arrived the city Saturday right. Th. detective aaya h.

will stay here until the ease la cleared up. Early Sunday morning Detective drew drove to the scene, of the orlrae. It- miles from the cliy. wnd remained thera alt Amy. returning ilatse In --the, evening.

White at Doyle homestead mad. a r.rful examination of th rooms, and also had ad interview with, ths son and eome of the'neignaors. Home new material was discovered. Doyle leys his mother was- murdered In ths woodshed and that- carried the body from the shed through tha kitchen to her bedroom. This stats- Dux Christie's Missionary fliidy on japan.

Jsrvls', -Th. Bokatore. USa mall). 1 THE APPAREL OFT PROCLAIMS THE MAN. And 'whether he's in knickers or a dress suit It makes no din, re nee, pra vtded his linen Is beyond reproach, which It Is sure to be If laundered at BAKBR'8.

UILOINQ LOTS. Don't pay rent stl start a home now by Buying a lot sir a-r, Lyou. Mcleod, Archibald streets oTj lher parts 01 ine eny imn JL Johnson, the agant, 121 Bank BL and the majority of the commissioners being of the. opinion that there were not either amons; the Ashing boats or la their vicinity any torpedo boats, the opening of fire by Admiral Rojestvensky was not Justltted." Tho decision further says that fas Russian commissioner Old share in the- latter opinion. 'In any event." -the decision continues, "the comBitssiouere are" glad to recognise unanimously that Admiral ftojestveoaky.

personally did all be could from the commencement to the end to prevent the trawlers from be ing Hie obsct of Are by the Russian squadron. Concerning the squadron's proceeding without ass Is Una the damaged trawlers, the decision says: Could Not Stop, The commissioners aro unanimous that under tho circumstances preeed Ins; and following the Incident, there was such uncertainty concerning the danger to the squadron as to warrant Admiral Hojeslvensky la continuing his route. "However, the majority regrets that the admiral did not Inform the neigh- 1 (CONTINUED ON PAGE ment is sot acoepiea oy ins omciajs. In ths bedroom, as there is mors blood there than in the shed. Yesterday, afternoon Doyle pointed out traces of blood In ths kitchen, through which he would' have uasstd with ths bleeding body.

The authorities are not satlaned with the stains and think they may be rreaaed spots. Doyle admits hsvlng tried to remove the marks in the kitchen, and says they are not so clear on that account. Neither Is ths son's theory of robbery ana naraw py msrsuuer. onienairwa. In the first piaos, ahe had no sstraor-dlnary means that would warrant robbery.

There are njo tracea of ths approach of robbers. Tba time o'clock in ths morning is an unlikely one for such a purpose. Then there was no forcible sfltranca to ths shed nor any I marks on the kitchen door. Further, it Is not Uiought.that rob- bars would go to the length of killing an aged lady when they must have known that shs was Incapable and only her son waa with her in ths house Moreover. It Is not natural that ths old lady, who walked-with -two canes, if shs believed burglars were In the houss would- boldly go to the eraodshed and open tho door without Aret rousing her son.

Henos ths' theory la exploded. In new of these facts it Is thought there sr. Just grounds' 4o put Doyle on his defence, A warrant for bis arrest has been Issued, but It will not be put Into effect till after he tails but story to the coroner's Jury to-night. Ths authorities want bis tals to go on The weapon was rnbabty an axel Th. Munt eide wss used.

The axs la now in ths possession of the coroner. Although bs will make no announce ment II is believed Ins axe wa. '-i-dj '7 I 12 PAGES VOU: XX Na 65. OTTAWA, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 190s PRICE ONE CENT. 1 The Killing of Alcide Laurin in a Hockey Match at Maxville Witnesses Under Oath at Inquest Say That Loney's Blow was Deliberate.

Laurin had Turned Away When He was Struck. The Referee States That He had Blown His Whistle Before Blow was Delivered and Describes the Game as the Roughest in His Experience. Loney, Supposed to be Under Police Surveillance, was out Driving With Friends Yesterday. (By a Btaft Representative-) The blow that allied Alcide Laurin. of Alexandria, on Friday night was struck deliberately, according to the evidence given at the Inquest held on Saturday night at Alexandria.

Allan Loney. who struck the blow, Is under police surveillance at bis home In Maxville. The referee. It Is claimed, had blowup la whistle for the cessation of the same before the blow was struck. Laurin's hockey stick had been broken and was lying on the ice at his feet.

He held nothing in bis hands and wording to several of the witnesses had turned away from Loney and was stooping down to pick up bis stick when be was struck. His skull was crushed Just above the left ear for over two Inches and the bono broken Into five pieces, while the brain was torn and mashed. The skull waa crushed over half an Inch deep Into the bead, and death waa la sts neous. In Alexandria, It was stated at the OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BCBD1NO HA XMMSNCKD. Special to The Evening; Journal.

Medicine Mat. N.W.T.. Feb. XL deeding has commenced in the Medicine Hat district, owing to continued mild, weather- Lethbrldge. Feb.

3. During the last three days considerable plowing has been done by farmers la this vicinity. All report the ground free trora frost and 1 gjauL ondlUon, ooooooooooooooooo PROTEST FROM THE PULPITS Vigorous Denunciation of Separate Schools. 'A MONSTROUS PIECE OF INCONSISTENCY." Saji a Wlnnlpea; Baptist Pastor. A London Hatbodlgt Also Speaks Strongly.

Special to The Evening Journal. Winnipeg, Fes. tf. "Rev. p.

Clifton Parker, pastor of Logan avenue Baptist church, forenerly of Toronto, mads ths following stirring pronouncement in tils sermon last night regarding separata schools in th. tsrrltoliss: "It is a monstrous piece of incon-slstenoy on ths part of ths administration to refuse the Northwest provinces what they bad a special mandate from the peopla to give to this province, and I acn sure bed 8lr Wilfrid lAurter mads this issue last November whan be appealed be would never oav. been returned to power. "All to. new provinces mad.

out of ths Canadian waet should havs equal rights. Nobody wanla separata schools except a fee claries controlled by an ulti-amontana power and now la ths time for ths pulpit, press and people to rise up in their might and bring about an abolition rather than have brought forth Into the twentieth cen tury two provincial monstrosities. each having a vicious railway system suckling at one breast and a vicious school system at the other and without right and ths power to shake them off forover." Special to Ths Evening Journal. London. Feb.

17 Rev. Mr. Martin, pastor of the Hamilton Hoad Meth-odlet church, preaching yesterday mornlng en ths separata school question In th Northwest, saM It was well for tboss who had the deatlnlea of the people in their control, to be wary for though It might appear to sorns that ths people would stand for everything, yet they might be compared to a mountain which for years hsd appeared peaceful and fertile, but suddenly belches forth the burning lava and which when It found an outlet eft death and disaster In Ha waka. soncealad In ths Doyle premises. To a newspaper man left night Doyle declared he bad but, ewe as.

around the bouse, and that Is now in tba woodshed. He said bs had not had another. Tba ona found has blood on It, according to ths coroner. Detective Oreer is devoting considerable attention to the motive of the deed. Of course If 'ths crime wars not committed in ths woodshed, the entire story off Doyle la discredited.

Tba detective said that the erlras waa clearly a murder, and Is farther of tho opinion that Doyle Is somewhat deranged in his inlnd. Tba detective Is well pleased with bis investigation, and aald: There will surely bs an arrest In the case, possibly not Monday, but certainly when all tba facta have been gather I inquest, Loney has the reputation of being; a hard, rough. klea player, and men who played againat him on tho lacrosse n.a claim that he was always a rough player and hard checker. Mot Two Weeks Ago. Alexa ndrla and Max vine hockey teams met on Alexandra ire a couple of weeka ago, when Alexandria won by a score of live goals to oar.

The match waa clean and free fr-mi n.ugii play, the only man hurt being McDonald, of the Alexandria team, a ho had his shoulder Injured by Leuey, it is claimed. The Alexandria team were named before going down to iUxvlll that a roug-h game was Intctidrd and that the MaxvHle players arranged to knock out soma of the Alexandria players. The referee learned that the game was liable to be rough, and he therefore warned tho player moat carefully that rough play should not be Indulged In and that It would not be tolerated! There were about eighty supporters of the Alexandria tam present at the warn and most of these THE PRINCE TO VISIT INDIA Heir Apparent Will Make Extended Trip. ROYAL TOUR ARRANGED rOK NEXT WINTER. To bd Attsndad With all thg Pomp of Boya! rTOfrtM.

LondoaT Feb. SI It hss been oOlrUllr arranged taht ths Prince and Piincrse of Walea shall visit India In Novrmbi-r and stay until March, making a tour ol the principal cities end native states, receiving the chiefs end princee on of King Edwurtl. who, after consuta-Uoa with toe viceroy, has directed that feeytnle ocreilon the exchange of cere-saonlal presents will bs accepted by the PrlnoB or Princess of Walea. 8n Walter Iwrence, sua private sec retary to Lord Cursnn of Kedleston. vice roy of ladle, has been appointed as the bead of the Prince of Walea' staff for this tote' THE FUNERAL OF ALCIDE LAURIN 8pci.U to Trw ETenlns Journal.

Aleundrlm. Feb. J-. Thm funcrid of AlcM Lauiin. who tu kilted in a bockty match mi Uaxrllte on Friday ntcht.

took pi aro thlm morning from bta fthra rfskk-iie to Ht. Kin nana CttMdral and cmeu-ry whr-o mud wu calibrated by Km v. J. Dulln. Katlwrsi McKae and Fox vr aJQ In tba sanctuary.

Navrr bjfor In the blatory of the town has auvli unlvrMl ympatby been ex-ni-plirltpd aa at thin momluca obaoqulrs. Uusioeor waa runrfly auapcodrL The caniac work. factory and all bualneaa olacva In tba tom aa wU aa tba schoola wre tlwuxl All daaaea wer rapreaented. The funeral cortfrgu'fi'rot'veded to tba chuub whare th reniuina wera vlawed by hua-drada of people. Beautiful- floral trtbutaa vera reoelved from the Mmvrilt- and Flacb hvekt-y iMrna, tba Montrt-al Htar, Mr.

Oaangaaad. the ataff oi tba aiengarriun, whora daoaaaM waa tmplayed. Tba MazT.ll hockey taacn waa r-pr--anted by Maaart. W. N.

O-vuUy. U. Hrnlth. A. J.

Young. D. McLean and Angua McDonald. Tba pall b-anrs weia Meaara. 'n-d.

Ktmp, D. Korr, J. R- Huot. A. K.

Bauve, W. J. Binipj-un and T. W. Mun-roa.

IRV1NO BKTTKR. tsondon. Feb. Wi Henry -Irvtng continue to tonprov. oooooooooooooooo LINES THAT LADIES WISH.

Don't yon often wlah that you had a sty lien, up-to-date, and moat xqu.lte at I It skirt to take In- some enjftynble venlng, wedding or eUier ocraak'n. which are loo numerous to nr. at whk'b atlk aklrts era moat be-com ins and Mpprrfprtai; here la a goid-n opportunity. Th Canadian Houae Purnlshlnc 71 Rlda atrwt. bav Jiwt received th finest Hn of aflk aklrts ever ahown In thl eity at prir to ault everybody, frees, tie upward, and thlr ay paynMnUi syvtara puts th Mame at your own door If you have to atay away from some enjoyable affair for the want of on.

SPECIAL RECITAL THURSDAY EVENING. Mr. Clarence Bddy wfll play thetew Karn-Warren Pipe organ. Kara Co Ud, (Church organ build era) the saw Hie blow struck and the altercation that ted up to it. Rouo.h From the Outset, The Ice ass in very poor condition, and from the very outaot the game waa rough.

Play was stopped time and again owing to fouls and rough play. Five men of the Maxville team were ruled off for rough play and the Alexandria inn showed the effects of the rough trestmeut they had been subjected to. The coach of the Alexandria team. Donald McDonald, seeing the condition the Ice waa in and the dirty play that waa going on, advised the Alexandria players to be content to plsy simply a defence game. After the game had been In progress about an hour, Laurin turned to one of tho other play era and said "We'll have to score If we are carried off the ice." Shortly afterwards he secured possession of the puck and carried tt from one cud of the rink to the othrr.

When he reached Loney. who was playing cover point. It Is started he shot for goal- The puck (CONTINUED ON PAGE OOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOO JJUX.J, U. piBSON HOME. 17 Hon.

J. M. Otbson hss returned home. Ills heslth Is greatly Improved, but on the sdvtce of his physician be -will refrain from arduoua work for a couple of months. Ha ieavee on Tuesday evening to at- tend the D.H-A.

meeting at Ot- taws. O000000000000000 B. C. DEMANDING BETTER TERMS Victorian Legislature Passes Strong Resolution BOTH PARTIES UNITE IN PROTEST. Claim Mad That the Position of British Colombia to Peeollar and Demands Belief, Special to Tho Kvenliiff Journal.

Victoria, B. C. Keb. J7. The Leg La in ture here by unanlmoua vol have adopted the following reaolutlon ra-' gardlng Teltr terma Wbereaa, th Government of BrlN Columbia have from tlma to tlra made repreaentatlona to the Oorern nicnt of Canada urUig upon the Utter a re-adjustment of tha Bnanclal twrma of tbs union and whereaa auch re-adjuatroent haa not yt been, granted by the dovernnint of Canada, and whervaa tho claima of th provlrioa'ara baaed upon permanent condition pa cullar to Jiiitlah Columbia, and aatiti tht provlnca a dlatinarulahed front-other provinces in distinct and sep arat relief "lie It therefore- resolved that In th opinion of tbla Houa the province la entitled to such distinct and separate rHef from th Iornlnlon of Canada baaed upon an oul table consl deration of rondt lions In th provlntre, the larg contribution mad by tha province to the Dominion by way of cuatoms duty and otherwise, and the exceptionally htsti coat of government th prov lni-o and of the developments of our njtural reaourt-es." Th debet waa Uken part In only by the premier and iesdr of the Op jytwittnn.

the former offering a longer renolutli'ti, aklng House to en-fnn-e the memorandum which tha dovermnent used on th hilt-ting la the last Dominion election. This Mr. Mat-Donald -rafused to dbbut prepared the above, which Premier McBiide accepted. OlftPUTED HOTEL SALE. Special to The Evening JournaJ.

Toronto, Kcb. 17. Lin-Jon Brooks, off T'irunto, has issued a writ against Jrihn Pratt, of Ottawa, to aecur performance of a apeclAo agremnt te sell the Arlington Hotel at Ottawa. ladles' smiwahoes Just received. MclMuttall Cu siier, Huasex HL GREAT ORGAN RECITAL.

Thuraddy evening st Knox, church -he sure and Mr, Clarence Kddy play new Karn -Warren organ. Kam -Warren Orgar pip Organ Bulkier. Tli Ottawa Electric Company beg to remmd He "pstrona that In order to sav the dlacotrm upon lighting ao-oounta dated (he ISth February, payment ahould be mad on or beforo too Wth rehruary. Th ottlce of tho Company will be open until p.m. on Tuesday, 2ttn.

Pehrury 17th, 1905. (nrt hooka at Jarvta. "Tlie Boog-etore," Don't nd vow money away. ALLAN N. LONEY.

Who OsaH ths Blow in the Hockey Match at Maxville Which Killerf Aleida. Laurin. Allan Loney la about 10 years of age and Is the only son of M' K. A. U-ney.

merchant. He baa alwaya borne a good character and la ilctly temperate. He has lived in Maxville nearly all bis life. His psreu.s and himself are Episcopalians. Ths Lousy family is highly thought of in the KUROPATKIN EXPERIENCES A REPULSE FlOCI-HQnof Q' VrlfMiramoiit s7iA-ee nn ajligugivuioillf jl all lUllCS JUitdL of Mukden.

Details Meagre. Nogi'i Port Arthur Veteran Again in Action. Quiet on the Russian Right Flank. Stoessel Reaches Moscow. 8L Petarsbttr-r, Feb.

St. Oeneral Kuropatklo haa tslersphs4 to lb Bmpsror Under date stt Feb. as fot luws "At o'olock tbla moraine tha enemr occapled Tslnkstebao. Exact reports of our yesterday's toeeee bars not yet and about SOS snsa wounded In, hospitals at Hantuoru. Tha peroentaae of klllrf la 1-nM P1k.

of the detachment raporta aooounta of bravery by many detached bodies) of troops." Oen. Kuropatkin Instance many sees of oloaa nabtlna; and baronet charsas. and concluded: -This mornlnc a battalion of the n- Hn. wlniMrf In th. dlMntlnn of Sa- pin Pass, six miles aouthweat of San-lunjra" and this svenlnc tba enemy's outposts comrnancad- to approach tba eases oocupisa oy us.

Mr fWMHlMire. r.b- 97 1 II m. an action of no moan prsparttona Is in i see an tha Russian left flank; The ad van Mure thus far Is on th. atda of ths Japanesa. thoush at heavy oosx.

VmTM A fMiB th- ftHMlt It Is dlfll- cult to say how severe ths tosses bava been or how decisive tne reveres ana whether ths Japanese an likely to at tempt to drive In ths Russian left much further. 1 1 haa beea -in t-hiiai hia left flank far In advance to command tha crossing- of ths Tsltss Rtvsr. ths operation batnc of Oen. OH DDeO beta's movement on ths liaht flank lo ssoura the fords of ths Hun mver preparatory to the break tnc of tha loa In the eprtns. Tba scene of the opera tions Is SO mllss southeast ot atuKoen.

t. an imDortant denle co-nmandlns tha road to ruaan. Both ermlee holdlnc apparently imprecna-ble positions on ths centre Oeneral a vL.1 1 1 niejined to ln- auf urate widely eweeplne: operations on-both flsnks, but lbs Japanesa countered hard. The Associated Press oespatcnes from the fret Indicate that tne i. mi.

and favorable for op eration, snd'that all la quiet on tha Russian riant wine. 1 1-- i. viutlvoatok deeoatch to the Aseoclated Press ths entrance to the harbor la open, and tba squaa-ron. which seaworthy. Is apparently nn risk, but SS SaVltUt ItS strencth for oo-ope ration with Vloa- Admlrable Bolestvensays squaii.

n-n Hakharoif Oan. Kuroptkln's chief of sUff). In- a despatch dated to day, reports tnai wnen me .0.1.... end captured Beresnaft Hill. reb.

24. after severe qcbtlns. they were In superior ioros aura auv.riwM literally over tha bodies of their own men. Th Japanas loa waa vary heavy, tha dead lylna; rn heaps. The Russian losses have not yet been as- TMnkbetchsn.

Feb. Th Jepan-sss attack an Bsmssoff Hill 'developed Into a encounter of th most sens-u lna ry nature. Th Japanese pressing forward a bayonet cnara-e. were received with pyrooxylln band' srsnades Klnavn k. hlirUwl mlnSS.

and lb Japanesa macblne runs which took posnions so eupi)un mi. silenced fer a time, sod bestsn i. jaMiui. am. an with greater resolution, however, and th iiflant Anally yieraea tn am A STITCH IN TIMS IAVH NINH." Thst IS why you should hsvs a Clinical ST Kever Thermonieter hi the bouse be-cauee It warns you In tlra.

of the need of a ten. Reliable. qulrk-releter-Irur onne from II. OS lo KM. Iran Allen Tli.

Uruaslet. Dank street and Laurler avenue. eni 'r AGAIN face of greatly superior number, anil a artea of attack which contained Met and day. Tha Japanese on Friday attacked a hill op-posit Tssntl Pass, but were repulsed with -mat KM. New.

ha lust beea received here that tha Japanas renewed th attack on Tssntl Pass to-nltrht. sd Ulsjsntun and Cbsnchlehpao yesterday, on th same day they burn, ed and abandoned Chlsnsunmupsotsu. near -Wattaom mountain. Oollleloaa tial aia.ii aAaM. mm.uJmmIm partttea.

eontlnua. Manchuiiaa army headquarter ewe port that two Infantry attacks by tb Russian In tha nel(hborhood of htalkm Mountain Friday slant war repuleed. The only announcernertt made to day from th baaoouaiaera of th Jan anss armies In Manchorla waa a brief statement lo tn ffect that tha Rus sia-, continued a b.muerdment Matur- day and Sunday, that th weather Is very oold and that ft la snowing. The statement cabled to America, from London that Japan haa ordered fur battleship In K-land 1 Inoor- lant fa 1 s.ssrslieil-,1 s-hI eniMie s-l swd aw ill li si tha, In futar will, oorketruct alt ber ves el at homo. Bbe has equipped ex- ivmivf ywua, wuopm aua sui wiu armour foundries and there la and wrowlns; sentiment in uto navy and ajnonc tho peopl generally la favor of homo coi-ttxuction exelualirety.

Tit. Oonnan steamer Rnmlos boun-1 for Vla4ivotolc with a oarvo of Car dllt ooaU, wm eessei last ntht. Th Identity of the eteamer whlcl. Is oaucht In the Ice north of the Xalani of Hokkaido haa not been determlne.1 as 1 lmpoasalble to approach her. It Is reported that two other eeseele whit attemptinf to pas Leperouao sir alt off Cap Soya, tho northernmost CONTlNUtQ ON 4A-Qg EVENTS TO-NIGHT Russell Theatr 8ky Farm.

Hideau Hireel Convent Lecture an Oaellc Revival, by Rev. W. P. CfBoyle, O.M.I.. U.Dat 4.W p.m.

'Protestant Hospital Opening Toun Peopla of St. Andrew's church, by Rev. Dr. Ucrrldse. Ht.

David's onun-b Box social in aid of fit. Hilda Oulld. Ht. Patrick s- tisll Progressive suchra party In aid ef Ht. Mary's church.

Bayawster. KU Andrew's Church Lecture. Dr. oaundera. i Pt.

Paul's church Lecture, Dr. Ami. Drill Hall Annal meeting ttrd D. -O. R.

Dey's Arena 81ms ra Woods, liana-facturers- Hockey League, Is p.m. Rial to Rink Crystals vs. Wanderer, City Hockey League. to 10 p.m. Otter Rink Ken-s va Stephens' Oulld.

18 p.m. O. A. A. C.

Alleys vs. O. Q. F. Reglmenlal Bowline League.

Central' Alleys Rosa Co. vs. M. Oarland Co, aterchama-. Bowline League.

O. A. A. A. A.

C. vs. Or. I Champlaln, t'anadlan Pool Aasoclatlon. Booth's HalV Dalhousle Lode.

A. U. W. Huctell's Hall--Godwin Lode. A.

a V. W. at a Hat uiv. no. i.

J.j.n, Victoria H.ll-Ottawa Tent, knldhts-of the efsresbees. Ottawa Ksst Town Hall Court Bes nW i. o. r. TOO LATE FOR CUtMIFICATION.

-AVTKD UENKRAt. FBRVANT. Aoniv Mrs. rotherlnsTham. Vlsta Road.

RockBSe, 'AVTIID-BT TOI'NO LADT. ROOM I and board' la arirata family. Ad dress M.M., Journal. WOn AMUSEMENT ANO OTHER. TRANSIENT MENTS (K FACE.

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