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Arizona Silver Belt from Globe, Arizona • Page 3

Globe, Arizona
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Icr p1 1 Arizona Silver Beit THURSDAY OOTOHUU 11 1807 0l rJisws An invitation germiiu is to lo gicu tomorrow night 1uikern ball Sh Villllo Kolluer daughter of 1 Kcllnor wrnvcil jistewlay fiom Phoenix Mrs Chas IJ Edwards retnrutil last Sattmlny from Phoeun wboro he bud been on a visit to ber mother Postmaster Crampton rceeiteil forty now hejltbs lock boxes last Saturday nenrly nil of which Ima bcuu routed Cbas Martin bs becu officially advised of his appointment to tliootlko of court comuiisiouer to luccecd Alfred Kiuuoy resigned From Oct 8 i7 and for two oek 11 Kolluer Co will have dried fruit sale and eel I largo variety of surplus dticd fruit At ncliiil cost Dr John Coljina returned ycsteiday from Phoenix Ho informed us that the result of tho examinations before the bonrd of medical examiner held last week had not been mudo public when hoMt Phoenix Twouty JHo jurors havo been summoned from Graham county to servo at tho forthcoming term of tho Federal court for tho Second judicial district which meets in Floreuce Trial jurors havo been bummoncd for Oct 20 Colmau has decided to re move his 2 stamp mill from tho Green Vulley mining district near 1ityson to the Goswick mine nnr the mouth of Tonto A recent test of tho Gos wick oro in Mr Colmnns mill was very satisfactory Brady and Johil Moukins have located what is behoved to be valuable- gold lcilgo six miles from lloudan creek in tho northeastern part of Gila county The ihowing is so good that they mil build an arastra to work tho ore Ghreuco King arrived in Globe last Friday and on Monday went out to tbo Continental with Superintendent Auitter Mr King will make thorough examination of the Continental and Black Warrior properties James Pulton jesterday received tho sad intelligence of tho death of his mother Mrs Guadalonpo Patton at her homo in tho City of Chihuahua Mexico on tho 8th itiut Sbo formerly Ined for number of years in Misilta In consequence of tho deplorable news Mr Pattons place of bustneea was closed yesterday Deliveries of ore from the Black Warrior mines to tho United Globe smelter continue Although daily shipments havo been reduced from 21 to 18 tons Horse uro employed to raiso tbo oro from the mine in place of the steam hoiat criminally destroyed by an explosion a short timo since Globe Miners Union No CO Western Foderatiou of Miners will cele brato the first anniversary of their organization next Tuesday night by a grand freo ball to be given in Parkers hall No pains will bo spared to mako the affair thronghly enjoyable and a cordial invitation is extended to the public to attend Max 0 Bonno has bought tho interest of his partner Georgo Graff in the Pioneer meat market Mr Bonno during a residenco hero of a year or more has proved htmsolf a good business man and citizen and his shop enjoys a large patronage Mr Bonno docs wholesale nnd retail business and pays the cath market price for bcof csttlo Ransom of tho firm of Kellner Co returned last Friday from a tour of tho Eastern cities having visited during tho two months ho toas away Buffalo Boston New York 1hiladolphia Chicago and St Louis Mr Ransom was tho representative from Arizona to tho Grand Army Encampment held at his old home Buffalo 1 where ho had a bplcndid time Ho was greatly benefitted by tho trip looks ton years younger and it is now harder than ever to gncss his ago A Jotter received by Mrs 0 II Keuyon from her daughter Maud visiting in Los Angeles tells of a thrilling nccidont which befell a party of Globoitcs in that city on Fridaytho 8 th mst Philip Oates Modesto Bor nncz Jr and Misses Maud Kenyon nnd Mamio Cadman wero ont driving when tho horses becamo unmanageable nnd backod onto tho track of a trolley lino Their carriogo was struck by a car and demolishcd but very fortunately tho occupants of tho carriage escaped injury oxcept Miss Kenyon who sustained alight bruises That somo of them wero not seriously hart seems providential NOTICrt Parties having watches clocks or jewelry for repair with A Kemmls or his successor Rodgoni will please call for thosamo without delay as tho business is being discontinued nnd will be closed by tho 20th of tho pribcnt month WW At Kellncrfl dtoro nro UrtrgAiuA rttVo For mining men or Indies fair The Tonto round up liognu nt Oak creek on tho 10th and on Monday nest the cattlemen of Upper Salt river alloy will commence lo work tho rangv Rob Anderson announces that ho will not take lm wagon off tho road I tho coaiinir winter nnd will bo pre pared to deliver milk to custorJera throughout thn year Geo Peter tho prominent stockman of lower Tonto waB in town yesterday snapping yarns with his friends Thorn is no better citizen or more jovial companiou than he and ho is always a welcome visitor But 0 my aint ho a Republican I i Geo lftll relumed last Sunday from Phoenix Ho found his brother Hill somewhat improved and tho attending physicians express a hopo of his ultimate recovery although improvement will necessarily bo slow ii i James Fault left on Monday for Los Augeles to visit his family who havu bcou spending tho summer thoru Mrs Faull who underwent severe biirgical operation lust mouth con Unites to improve Mr Fuull will probably bo absent six weeks There was a hot tune hi Globo last Saturday night a ball and musical entertainment nt Parkers hall a Mexican circus on Push street a now saloou opened with music and free driuks aud tho Good Templars met in cou clave in Masonic hull And yet wo hear it said that Globo is dull Will Kelloy of tho Bulletin Publishing Co of Solomonvillo Ariz was visitor hore on Tuesday aud Wednesday Tho Bulletin is soon to be enlarged It is already ono of tho best weekly uews pupcrs published iu Arizona commendable for its independence aud sturdy opposition to official corruption Edmund Kenton who followed his son Wnllaeo to Now Mexico to find a new range for their cattle returned to Globe yesterday and left for his homo on Salt river this morning Ho and Wallace failed to connect on tho trip but they wero both favorably impressed with tho country they saw iu western New Mexico Wallaco Kenton returned on Tuesday having been ubsent nearly two months looking for a now location for his cattle Ho found tho country about Silver City aud Hillsboro in oro to his liking than any other section hovbitcd Tho rengc there is very good and ho will in all probability move his cattle to Grant county next spring At Central he visited Mr and Mrs 8 Berray Tho Copper Flat mines of which Mr Berray is suporin tuudent are developing well Smelting was resumed tho day before Wallace left thcro Beard chief engineer of Ilia surveying party which surveyed a routo for the Arizona Pacific railroad from Crawford on tho Denver i Silver City roud to Gcronimo Arizona and who recently went to Chicago to submit tho maps and estimates to tho stockholders in that entarprise telegraphed to Wood assistant engineer nt Solomonvillo lest week to be in readiness toresnme work within ten days Tho ronto as projected runs to Morenci and Duncan down the Gila to Geroui mo and thenco to Phoenix with a branch to Globo Last Friday night somo malicious person entered tho lower orchard of Andro Matirol and destroyed all tho melons in tho patch which would have made thrco wagon loads when matured and cut thu bark from niue peach trues entirely girdling several of them Mr Man el has suspicion which umotints almost certainty as to who tho scoundrel is who perpetrated this outrage Ho loft tho clear imprint of his shoes in tho soft loamy soil of the orchard and which from tho peculiar marks could bo easily identified also tho tracks of his horse which lead north on tho pubho road This is tho second or third instauco of malicious tresspass npon Mr Maurols property believed to havo been committed by one and tho same person Such acts nro repre hcosiblo in tbo extreme nnd tbo miscreant if caught should bo soverely dealt with Mr Maurel offers a rewnrd of 850 for information that will lead to the discovery and conviction of tho perpetrator Itotltr Than IClonclykr Tho now El Dorado has at last been located at Kellner Cos store Prices lower than ever Como and bo convinefd Free Ill In Send your address to Bticklon Co Chicago and got a freo sample box of Dr Kings Now Life Pills A trial will convinco you of their merits These pills are easy In action and arc particularly effectlvo in tho euro of constipation and slok headacho For malaria and liver troublfes they havo been proved invaluable Thoy are guaranteed to bo perfectly free from every deleterious substance nnd to bo purely vegetable They do not weaken by thoir action but by giving t6ne to stomach and bowols greatly invigorate the system Regular slzo 25o per box Sold by 0 Hitchcock ryif jy iMtaiijHiiaa 9 Wo wero placed under obligations to Messrs Morris fc Rnyfiold of tho Klondike on Tuesday by generous present of choico liquois and cigars Sheriff Williamson rceciA ed Word ov or the wiro this morning that tho Moxicnu who stolo four bulriH from Adolph Dms last week hud hoeti arrested iu Solo mouville Thb cutiiiaiumeut given by Mrs Fostqrj at Parkers hall lust Saturday evening was well nttuudud nnd proved very enjoyable An excellent musical programme was rendered and dancing was indulged iu till late hour Troui tho Gruhum County Bulletin wo learn that arrangements havo been mode whereby Philip Cout7cn surveyor of Tucson will complete tho survey of tho Dcor Creek coal fields Ah soon ns the agreement has btou approved nt Washington tho Burvey will begin i i An important striko was recently mado in tho Rescue silver mine which is being worked by Do Gloss Co Tho oro body shows faco ol 20 inches and has been stripped 0 feet The ores averages D00 miners in silver aud is growiug richer nnd tho voiu apparently becoming wider as work progresses Mrs Goodwin and child and Lambert started list Saturday for Phoenix whero Mrs Goodwin expects to visit for a month Mr Lambert has returned to Phoiuix to stny Ho is a favorite hero and has always generously assisted iu entertainments when called upon Wllio we will miss von Mr nnd Mrs Pnwso havo met with a heavy bereavement by tbo death of their baby boy whiih occurred at 1 oclock this morniuj Iho funeral will take pace this jiftcrnoon at oclock from tho homoof Mrs Sondroy near the Old Dominion Smelter Tho friends of Mr nnd Mrs Prowse sym pathise deeply with tlem In their sorrow Mining companies checks cashed at par for customers and nil depositors with Kulluor St Cp havo tho ad- vautigo of Cash Priats by having tho cashier mako cash tags for casli sales besides every deposit balance is payablo any tlmo wanted All deposits are reserved etrictly for safe keopiug only and all goods said for cash at only one half tho usual profit price ii Mr Fowler secretary and treasurer of tho Corinne MI1I Canal and Stock company of Corinne Utah in speaking of Chamberlains Cough Remedy says I consider it tho beat in tho market I havo used many kinds but find Chamberlains tho most prompt and effectual in giving relief and now keep no other in my homo When troubled with a cough or cold givo tills remedy a trial and wo cssuro you that you will be more than pleased with tho result For sale by 11 Hitchcock drug Riat Our old friend John Boyd arrived from tho north yesterday after aa nbsenco of several months He was ono of the principal witnesses in tho caso of Jordan vs Shnerman a suit for possession of valuable mining property at Jerome of which Mr Bod was ono of the original locators Tho verdict was in favor of Shnerman but tho case will bo carried up in all probility to tho Supremo court of tho United States Mr Boyd has returned to spend the winter in Globe Tho San Luis Vulley Colo Grnphio of Oct 2 says editorially Dispatches from Tellurido to tho Denvor papers stato that tho Rev II Gill is being tried there by a committee of preachers on chargo of immorality and that tho ovidenco is Very damaging and ho rofuses to appear The Graphio of tho Oth inst gives tho following additional informatitiu Rov Mr Gill now nt Rooky Ford and last year nt Aspen has been suspended from tho ministry of tho Methodist church on the chargo of imniornlity nnd it is alleged that he will bo tried iu tho Aspen courts for misappropriation of trust funds Tho accused is tho samo Gill who was formerly pastor of tho Globo church Whilo down in tho southwestern I part of tho stato somo tlmo ago says Mr Chalmers editor of tho Chico Cnl Enterprise I had an attack of dybcntcry Having heard of Cham berlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I bought a bottle A couple ofdoscsof It completely cured me Now I am a champion of that remedy for all stomach and bowel complaints For salo by Hitchcock druggist BUSINESS POINTERS If you want clothing mado to order nnd guaranteed to fit at kdasonahli pricks call on mo and I can please you New samples just received Van Waoknen When In want of good whiskey call for Tom Howe Van Wacienen Solo Agent for Globe Childrens hair cutting 25 cents nt WhalloySvbnrber shop Why bother with your subscriptions when Engono Middleton takes sub scriptions for nny paper or book published at publishers prices THE KASSER GOLD MINE A Good Property That Will Soon Be Added to the List of Produces Tho balance of tho machinery for tho Kasscr Gold Mining company pacsod through town on Monday on tho vay to thb mino SInco tho pur chaoo of tho majority of tho stock in tbo company by John Gibbous of Now York the policy of the company has beon entirely changed and de cldodly for tho bettor Miles Gibbons when ho assumed charge hs goncral manager in April last planned tho systematic development of tho properly nnd hits adhered rigidly to his original determination realising that tho first requisite was to thoroughly opoti tho mino in order to prove its worth Backed by nmplo capital ho has carried on tho work systematically removing only such oro as was encountered In tho couise of development and today has a most encouraging showing for tho amount of work dono The vein has been followed on tho several lovels nnd shows up strong in all tho openings much of tho oro assaying 30 and higher A doublo compartment slmfl has been sunk to a depth of 100 feet aud well timbered At tho jnouth of tho shaft tho ground has boon excavated nnd loveled for tbo hoisting works nnd tho machinery iccolvod last wcok will havo been placed in position within two weeks when sinking will bo resumed nnd tho slm ft carried down to a depth of probably COO foot John Knsser who Is a stockholder in tho company is in chargo of tho mino work as superintendent Tho 10 Btamp mill has been entirely rebuilt with substantial stone retaining walls and with all the appurtenances of first alaBS mill added Tho mill Is spacious creeled with tbo viow of adding 10 bUiiups In tho spring should conditions justify enlargement Tho mill will bo completed within 10 days nnd eoon thereafter tho stamps will begin to drop for what Is confidently cspectcd Villi bo a long run Tho oro bins at tho mino nnd mill aro full and tho mino can supply good oro as rapidly as needed Tho Messrs Gibbons havo purchased and bonded a number of claims adjacent to tho Ka3ser property which protnlso well and upon which thoy intjnd to do considerable work within tho next few months Thoy aro tho kind of mon who build up a mining camp nnd wo hopo thoy will bo well rewarded for their enterprise Art work In oil pastel and crayon taught iu Gnuns hall by Lulu llnncll tvv hour lessons for CO cents Also lifo eked portraits from photos or tintypes enlarged for No money until work is satisfactorily dono UNITED STATES JURORS Shoiiff Williamson has been engaged tho past three dayB summoning 25 urnuil nnd trial jurymen to 6crvo tho United States court nt Florence Seven or eight persons wero tnkon froln fJalt river and Tonto tho bslamm from Olobo Grand jurors aio summoned for tho 18th and trial jurors for ho 20th Following nro tho names of thoeo summoned OIUNI JUKOr3 Cbas Hdrrell Dney dott Hob Bonz Soott ltor 0 Robertson Howard Livingston 0 Tillman TllIAI JUnOIlfft Hiram Coon Chas Hiil Wm BraunamaD Augustus Muhaucy Hattabaugb Wm liardwick Geo Jarvis Coombs Richard Thro vartbcn James Danforth Mur Bbnll Kenyon Wm II Wood Sou Frank Jordan Ed Lcighton Geo Chandler Gustavo ISobso Jacob Suter Gns Hey mini and Murk Ezekiels arrived on the utago today Tho St Louis Store has just received a full line of mens and boys clothing Lacoy of the Gcrouiinco and Globo stagu line camo in on todays stuge New full nnd winter samples of clothing jast received nt Ynu Wngeneus Wm Garland president of tho Gila Valley railroad arrived nt Gcronimo yesterday Kellner Co havo hats galore so they say and you can buy one cheap any timo of tho day Mr and Mrs Walsh who spent the summer on their ranch near Mesa returned to Globe last Thursday They hav leased tho ranch for two years on favorablo terms nnd are hcio to reside permanently Mr Walsh who caught cold on tho road and has been quite unwell blnco his return Is wo aro pleased to learn improving T77J fin onrw jDOrr PAY fC fOlfi OUNCES of wtirwirfotJ wth CH POMP pftwoxejivr JwotfA Teas ColJ Sptce Ritrsct btJdrc Powder our oxpenso Iat ifyouro not pleased Cl WESrfViEEff Solo Ajront for Globo From August 16th We shall adopt a CASH SALE BASIS and Lowest Possible Prices No goods will be charged at these Reduced Cash Prices Terms Strictly and no Bookkeeping We willonvince our patrons that this change is a Mutual Benefit and not desist till the Cash Basis prevails Cash Customer need no more help pay other bad accounts CONVINCES No 1 On General Merchandise we Out One Half or 50 per cent on usual Giohe profits BOM THE FOLLOWING EETAIL GASH PRIDES Arbuckle Coffee 6 lbs for 100 Levi Strauss Overalls 65c Pink Beans 25 100 Other Overalls 50c Gran Sugar 13 100 Best Fedora ITats 150 Bacon 12 100 Calico per yard 5c Breakf 9 100 Bro Domestic 7c Blended TcU 4 LOO Blea 8c Rolled Oats 20 100 Check Gingham 8c Rice new 14 100 Ladies Shoes 100 and up Candles 8 100 Miners Nailed 200 Sardines 12 cans 100 Coal Oil 5 gal can 200 StChasCrm8 Salmon 8 jLd ta i a i Iu JU IU 100 GiantPovderNo2lbl2c 100 Wire Nails 6c Tomatoes 9 100 Rod and Tire Iron 6c Oysters 8 100 Sisal Rope 12c Best Denver Flour per lb 4c Blacksmith Coal 3c Other 3c Ham 12c Table Salt 3c Lard 9c Gal Barbed Wire 5c Wheat bran lc fS All Dried Fruits at cost for two uoelcs From Sept 1 3th we viil have a Eeulair weekly Bargain Counter sacrificing a new line of surplus goods each week 5 Leaders of Low Cash Prices Merchants Bankers Lumber AGENTS- Copper Mining and Smelting Oo iISS jj6 David Peter htid farnlly hnvo taken possession of tho Bouquot ranch in Tonto ono of tho finest ranches in Gila county which was purchased hy Peter last winter Dav id Peter of Illinois brother of Geo Peter nnd lather of David Pctorj Who lus been visiting Ihem for several months is so well pleased with Arizona that he may concludo to remain i II II Dyer mining engineer of tho Old Dominion Copper Mining Smelt ing Co who took hit family to Michigan a few weeks ago returned to Globe today 5fr Tom Robertson will collect accounts for July and past duo to Kellnor Co and horcafter all accounts not paid within flvo day from pay day will bo stopped ehori nud closod Dont send away fur your Job print Ing Wo do high grado work at moot roaoonablo prices Call and tee our samples Aionzo IUtM5YPrcs nnd Treas A Walker Vice Piesident ulcers 1 Ml i ii i JMTlWTlHWnPr 17 tfgilM A 1ASCOE Geo Wl Hunt IJllOOKNEK ssv vhk ss mm 1 VU17RWS yixsixy Drv Goods Groceries i us ri rtS ii i i iiivl THE PASCOE Livery Stable and Gorrali Srosd street opposite tho Erldeo GLOBE ARIZONA Proprietor Secretary Manager Jobbers EVlens Furnishing Goods Hats Oaos Hardware Lumber Wood Etc Etd The LARGEST nnd FRESHEST LINE of GOODS to be found in the Territory Goods congtuntly arriving in carload rates gives ub advantages over all competitors both in quality and price Brookner Genera Bisanage i a issr a a a -v imau 1 1 en wv umu zji fatf tn kUMjOlkR SSKJlk UM COMPACT 0 DEALERS GENERAL IESGH ANDISEi SIMCLEcml DOUBLE TEAf1 ton HIRE Hay and Grain For Said At Aia Times Hdmcs boar led bv the tUy cec or month and given the ut attention Vlrfton ill find mi belter iri Olube fur thijr teattia i SOLICIT THE TRADE OF Families Cattlemen Banchers Teamsters A HSTID I2T Whoso needs can always be supplied and whose patronago wo endeavor to deserve by LIVING PRICES and FAIR DEALING MAY and CRAIiti Always on tSahd SGoods delivered free at Globe and surroundings IIYMAff SULTAIT Managorj liitk Heat lorfoct Safety No Under Shadow No Smoke No Odor Direct Light Down ward and Outward tfs RHH3 I I Soft Wliife Light jji trrras I hot tST UiV fiVJ amnKato Wiir Fi fijuiKs scBKf mewiL cvaiz tVoStH if vf Burns one part ordinary coal oil to Uio burner in 20 liourtf Pays for itsolf In oil and chimneys saved Call and g6o it in uso at tho old GEO THWAITES Torritorlal Agt CLOBE A VA11 Kirlcn from one burner up PINAL BREWERY MAKUFAOTUKES The Best Beer in Arizona A Pufe and Wholesome Reyerage Visitors to Globo are invited to call at the Brewery and test it It dispels that tikfd ftOTTLED 11EER a Specially GHAS BACKER 6LOBE ARIZONA Proprifttft 4 4l i aP W1 kj HI 1 Wm sJQBbD fBnSW mtjf sSkcmBBmEsM.

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