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Arizona Silver Belt from Globe, Arizona • Page 3

Globe, Arizona
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE ARIZONA SILVER BELT. Hntnrrtn y. September 15, 1883. THE SILVER BELT Is kept on file nt h. C.

Dakes Advertising Agencv. 05 Merchants hchange, San Francisco, t'nl. where, contracts made for It. for ndvei Using can he Office Hours of Globo San Carlo Telegraph Company. From 8 to 11:15 n.

12:15 to 4 p. and i to 9 p. m. Sunday hours 9 to 10 a. m.

and 7 to 8 p. ni. Xlght-rate messages must bo handed in before 8:20 p. m. to Insure- prompt transmission over VT.

U. lines. 0. M. Allison, Operator.

XjOCAJLi 3STETA7-S. Our friends Joo Sloan and D. Larre 'nro in town: Georgo Monroe has returned his trip to Tonto. Dr. C.

A. McDonell returned California on Thursday. from from Wo direct attention to the advertisement of Gustav Billing. Alex. Graydon advertises 100,000 pounds of barley for sale.

The jail is being repaired and improved lockspdfcupori. the colls. iJ. Dr. Pangburn, C.

T. Connell and S. Gilson left Thursday for Tucson. Stock brought to tho United States for breeding purposes are free of duty. Mr.

Gantzhorn, merchant, from Waxy, left Globo for homo this morn- "U5- 'Thcro was a danco at Grapevine 'Springs, Salt river, Thursday even-ling. JJr. Ti.Stevcns.superintendcnt of tho 'Gldbo and Casa Grando stage line, is 'here. We nrmoandobted to Mrs. James An-iflerson 'for "Detroit papers of recent Bate.

i There will bo preaching at tho M. E. Church to-morrow evening at tho usual hour. Travel to Globo is improving. 0.

G. 'gtago'is now carrying a fair share of pnssongors. W.tGutivefiwvfco has been in Tucson, uponllegal business, returned to Globo tho present woelc. Thcro Is -now a fair demand for mining in this district, and with a prospect of some sales. Mr.

McGinnis the now principal of the -public school reached Globo on Thursficy from Tombstone. A. C. Wohater who has been visiting relatives and friends in tho empire Stato bas'Eoiurned to Globe. There are now ififty-cight scholars upon the roll of ths -public school.

It is expected that twelve will be added tho coming week. We tender our acknowledgements tto Mrs. Swift, -of McMillen, for a generous siaediroll of golden ranch butter, of hor own making. Tho sound of the bagpipe, which during the days of Edward the confessor, fell upon the INorman ear, is now re-produced in-GUobe. Fresh eggs, apples, pears, oranges, lemons, choiee raisins, canned goods, crackers, oaft "and corn meal, just received at Chapel's.

A -few days since Thomas Irvine was thrown from his horso and although mot seriously injured, ho was slightly bruised. Hensloy and Red Jack, confederates of Tutfclo and lledfield in tho robbery of Wells, Fargo Go's treasuro box and the murder of John Collins their express messenger, wo fear havo W. A. Holmes will start for Owens-burg, Kentucky, Should tho girl give him the mitten, ho will hayo had tho satisfaction of seeing the blue grass country which will repay hinf for tho trip. We aro in receipt of No.

1, volume 1, of tho Now York Sun, dated September 3, 1SJJ3 fifty years ago. The paper is about tho size of a letter sheet, and announced to bo published daily by Benj. II. Day, printer. The following is the list of grand and trial Jurors for tho ensuing term of the District Court, in aud for tho county: GRAND JURORS.

John C. Coplin.D. H. Snyder, Geo. A.

Chapel, Jas. B. Hocker, Tlios. Lon-crgan, Ferdinand Hatch, W. W.

Low-thor, W. W. Brookner, John Keuncdy, E. O. Kennedy, C.

P. Ford, Win. Beard, Samuel II. Bell, F. M.

Ham-mon. S. Klein, If. C. Hitchcock, Chas.

Livingston, Jflhn Me Wilnian, Michael Lane, Win. Tucker, J. h. bmith, 15. F.

Crawford. TRIAL JURORS. Adolph Arana, Jamc3 Frcdorick, Chas. M. Clark, S.

C. Heir.eman, S. S. Bullook, Cornelius Bovius, Charles Denhart, James Lewis, Charles T. Connell, Frank Boston, O.

H. Bony, Jerry Hyndmuu. Hamilton Ellis L. P. Coles Isadora Diss Edward Berry, B.

P. Greenwood, W. C. Eddy. E.

L. Gil-ou, Adolph Hoag, Geo. F. Dunbar, Wilt'- Kt-1 .1 'i 1- Hi-'HlT HOW DOES THIS STRIKE YOU! Tlie Kallrontl l'roni Ktufl to Globo mi Ah- mured Suoecss. Tho point of junction, Flagstaff, comes to the front with an offer of one hundred thousand dollars.

The terminus, Globe, follows, goes ono better and takes two hundred thousand dollars in bonds. The smelters and mining companies, such as the Old Globo, Buffalo, Long Island and Carrio sign another one hundred thousand. Tho cattlemen and farmers along the route, place confidence in the road to amount of one hundred thousand dollars. Two hundred miners and laborers, ofTer their labor for shares in tho enterprise. All this means the" placing of two million dollar's worth of railroad stock.

It means the immediate! letting of tho contract for tho first fifty miles of road; it" means new existenco for Globo; it means a glorious revival of trade and prosperity for the county. It means tho long success of our copper entcrpTises; it means Globo tho copper center of tho continent; it means dividends to tho shareholders of tho Globo, Buffalo and Long Island; it means tho opening of our immenso silver and 'gold interests; it means cheap reduction of our ores, cheap freight, revival of our mining interests; it means a population of 10,000 whero Globo now stands with barely it means more, it means money for everybody who to-day suf fers from hard times, who is waiting for something to turn up. What then is tho matter with our people? Flagstaff to-day js tho only point where sufficient interest for tho enterprise has shown itself to raise ono hundred thousand dollars for the road; havo our peoplb becotuo shortsighted; cannot Globe, tho terminus, aid in proportion as the point of junction ha? done? Cannot Gila county promise to raise, in thoFast, after tho necessary' legal enactments have been complied with, a beggarly 200,000, at a low rate of interest in exchange for railroad bonds? Is ourbelief in tho growth of Gila county, and the consequent growth of our resources, upon railroad advent and, connections, so small and timid as to waver and think whether we shall bo able to bear an additional tax Burden, such as would accrue from the issue of bonds. Would not each onof of us pay-cheerfully, as our contribution for ono year, double tho taxes wo aro paying now; for after tho road is onco built, the railroad taxes themselves will form a heavy income for onrcounty, leavo alone the increaso of population, and consequent increaso of taxable property. Can tho farmers bo possibly so short sighted, as notto see that a railroad will give them an amplo and profitable outlet for that surplus grain and farm produce which is sure to accrue in the near future.

Can the copper companies bo so blinded as not to pcrcievo that a railroad means for them big money, and no railroad ruin. These lines arc not written with a view to bankrupt our county, they are uot written with a view to sec the farmers homestead mortgaged; they are not written with a view to see the copper companies furnaces Ho idle idlo forever; they shall simply serve as a reminder to thoso who may think that we can better afford to rcmtnn in tho conditions of slow decay, than to help such enterprises, as for instance a railroad from Flagstaff to Globe. Tax Payer. jV I'lctiMunt Trip. Messrs.

Allen, Hamill and Holmes who havo been peregrinating along tho lino of tho A. 13. II. as far as its proposed intersection with the A. fc P.

road, have returned. Tlioy accord in the opinion that tho lino will run through a fine section of country adapted to grazing and agriculture as well as being flanged by iinabundanco of timber. While nt Flagstaff they inspected tho largo saw mill belonging to Mr. Avers. It has a capacity of more than 100,00,0 feet per day and works with tho regularity and precision of a clock.

Immense logs disappear, and aro turned ipto board and railroad ties with great rapidity. The mill has contracts to furnish feet of lumber, 25,000,000 of which is for ties for the Mexican Central K. R. On their way back they examined the Golden Wonder inino owned by Judge Birchett and E. Chilson, a inscription of which is given in another column.

They were also at several extensive cattlo ranches Brady's on Wild Ryo Creek, Watkins, Upper Tonto, Clines' and Allen's, Tonto, and anu uordons on river. Stock on all these places they report as looking well. Viva la Itapubllro. To-morrow is the anniversary of tho independence of Mexico. If nervous citizens nro startled by the firing of pistols and guns ut 11 o'clock tonight, they may naturally conclude that sons and daughters of tho sister republic are awake and about to cuter upon the celebr.itioit of tho indopen-I niilivitv.

Miss Laura Gordon of Salt river was bitten by a centiped on tho ankle, last Sunday, and suffered severely for several days, but is now recovering. J. C. Glasby of Safford was here the present week closing out a lot of barley and flour, which ho had in store here. D.

Henderson was tho purchaser. Messrs. W. W. Brookner and G.

M. Allison, Misses Hattio Middleton, Mary McMillan and Mrs. Henry Middleton made a very enjoyable trip to Salt river this week. Dedication. We cordially invite all far and near, to be present nt our dedication services, morning and evening, Sept.

23rd. We will try to have all feel paid for being present at that time. Globe Baptist Church. Tho Gipsey Mining Co. which, for some reason unknown to us, has suspended work.

They have a single compartment shaft down ono hundred feet, well timbered, from which depth a drift is run a short distance on excellent ore. Rev. D. W. Calfeo visited Salt river on Sunday last, and preached to the benighted residents there.

A temporary placo of worship has been improvised, near Pcmbcrton's place, and a Sunday school established which is attended by twenty or more children. H. M. Snapp, District Court Clerk, who left Globe a single man for the East, some weeks since, has returned, bringing with him a helpmate, in the person of a wife. Thero aro other benedicts hero who should profit by Snapp's example.

1 II. N. Thomson, of Willcox, and well known in Globe, according to the Epitaph of the 9th, has been nrrested by the U. S. Marshal and taken to Phoenix to be examined by the U.

S. Commissioner upon a chargo of vio lating the U. S. Revenue. From a letter from tho front we learn that tho work of construction will shortly begin in earnest on tho A.

M. B. road. Tho connection will be mado with the A. P.

road threo miles east of Flagstaff. Two miles square has been located at junction of roads for a townsite. Old Dominion shipments for the week, 707 bars of copper 234,885 pounds. Furnaco No. 2-was started on the 8th, but shut down the same day on a'ceount of scarcity of water.

A new well "has been dug, and the second furnace to-day. Full supply of coke on hand, and teams arriving daily wlUfmore. Bullion 981 fine. Ji Another remarkablo striko is reported in our immediate vicinity. This time it is in the Arizona Central mino which is owned by Peter Negro and G.

O. Noland. Tho ore b'ody is represented as about three feet wide and unparalelledly rich. Some of it going as high as eighteen thousand dollars per ton, but such ore is not a representation of tho ore body of the vein. The average however, of the ore, it is claimed will go five hundred dollars.

The Frthie which is near tho Arizona Central is also reported as turning out rich ore in satisfactory quantity. 1 i Sir Knight A. Bailey has returned from San Francisco. Wo refer to him as Sir Knight for tho reason that ho was lately in the procession in San Francisco where Knights in martial array in countless numbers created a thrilling interest, and whero emblazoned banners emblematical of the holy order that in the middle ages, observed tho custom of making pilgrimages to Jerusalem for tho cxpiationvof a sinful lifo and to pray at what was supposed to bo tho sepulchre of Christ. Neither Bailey or Eaton who was also in procession San Francisco, look' ft's though they had conformed to tho rule of lifo established by St.

Bernard, which enjoins upon all members of the order, ''rigid abstinence, prayer, self-mortification and constant devotional exercises." If they did it seems to agree with them and has swelled them out so nobly as to cause them to fill only a less generous space in lifo than their compeer Judgo J. V. Porter whoJ) avoirdupoisc has so prodigiously increased upon a St. Bernard diet that ho is now regarded as a very jumbo. It may be that they disregarded the rules and occasionally "took a little something for the stomach sako" as did thoso whom Phillip arrested in France, for not taking kindly to tho rules of the order.

Not being a Knight ourself, wo, possibly, may have become a littlo mixed, and it might bo that the order has relaxed its rules since the removal of refrac tory members to the island of Cyprus, and that an indnlgenco in creature comforts has taken tho placo of St. Bernard's rigid rules, and that, after all, total abstinence does not account for tho glow upon tho checks and otherwise healthful appearance of returning Knight's. We never believed that abstinenco put fat upon Porter's ribs for tho reason that parched coffee grains aro almost always to bo found in his pocket, and especially when ho visits and asks for soda LETTER LIST. List of Letters remaining in Post Office nt Globe, Arizona, for the week ending September 15, 1883. Cray, Mitchcl, Sparks, A 5t Hope, Wm Thompson, N-3 Morii-1, Itichard Whlttfer, Phillips, It CARTAS Kalrtiblo, Santiago Montoya, Pablo Madiid.

Klisario Kenteria, Jesus Merlettl, Ilautlsto Please say advertised and give date of list. W. E. Spence, P. M.

Golden Wonder mine, situated near Green Vallej, Yavapai County, Arizona, about two miles distant from the line of the A. M. B. R. is owned and being worked by Messrs.

Birchett and Chilson. It is gold bearing and very freo ore, containing no baso metals other than a small percentage of iron. Tho vein is well defined between walls of syenite and will average about two feet in width, with a north and south trend, and dips to the west. It has produced since its discovery four years ago, upwards of three hundred tons of ore, the major part of which has been reduced in an arrastra, with an average result of about 70 in gold per ton. Tho developments so far con sists of an incline 75 feet in depth which exposes tho veiil'the entire distance, from the botto'pf Tvhich there have been two levels run along the vein, to tho south 100 and the north 80 feet.

There has also been a perpendicular air shaft sunk, which cuts the vein at tho bottom of tho incline and follows the ledgo downward to a depth of 200 feet with a level run about GO feet to the north, besides other developments havo been mado which we failed to examine for want of time, but wo saw enough to justify us in making the assertion that the Golden Wonder is a most promising and valuable property and as a proof of its value wo will add it has done so far what 49 out of e'very 50 other mines have failed to do that is paid for the developments. This is only one out of a hundred or more ledges in this immediate vicinity, some of which give even better promise at tho surface" than the Golden Wonder. Arisiomi ItcniH. The survey of the boundary line between tho United States and Mexico will bo made immediately. A large corp of engineors have already commenced work at Yuma: it is thought that it will take six months to run tho line through Arizona.

Leon Rubio, the Mexican accused of murder and who has been confined in the county jail for nearly three years, was taken to the cougty hospital' last Saturday. His left sideis paralyzed, and the man's death serins near. The evidence against Rubio was only circumstantial from tho first. Tho reason why ho never has been tried is because there has never been a court in Graham county where 'the alleged offense was committed. The right of a speedy trial has certainly never been given Rubio.

There is some dispute as to whether this is an adjourned term of Court or a new term. Judgo Sheldon said from the bench that tho Supreme Court had decided that tho Territory could not fix the term, and the Legis-lrturo had decided that it could. So one decision it would be an ad journed term, and from tho other a new term; in either case tho law would be satisfied. The report that Ju, Chatto, Geroni-mo and Nacha's bands aro encamped near Casas Grande, Mexico, is confirmed by Juan Cariot and Antonio Lopez, who arrived at Deming, direct from Casas Grande, on tho 12th. A truce has been entered into between them and Major Ornate, who was in command of 34G Mexican soldiers and more reported marching to Ornate's relief, with a view surrounding Ju's command.

When Ju is hemmed in it is presumed the, world will be informed of tho fact. The Indians make daily trading visits to tho town of Casas Grande. AtCpralitos, twenty miles distant, everybody in armed, and no one ventures' from the hacienda without an escort. The citizen of Mexico aro bitter, jn.thcir denuncia tion of Crook. The Epitaph has been informed that Bonito, Crook's plenipotentiary to the court of Ju and Geronimo, is to receive 100 per month.

Ho hopes to return to tho agency by but does not speak hopefully of the result of his mission. Ho is accompanied by two as unlettered bucks as himself. His credentials bear date, San Carlos, August 25th, andthesign-manuel of Captain Crawford, commanding Indian scouts on tho reservation. The embassy camped at Eureka Springs on the 27th ult. II.

W. Bremen, of Silver City, N. has seventy-five men on his pay roll. Bremen's efforts, in tho early days of that burg, materially assisted in preventing its collapse, and not only there, but also in Globe.whcn but a few months old, he showed his faith in its ultimate outcome by building a costly saw mill and expending not less than 20,000 in opening and grading roads to tho timber. To-day ho is a heavy tax-payer in Gila county.

From to-day it is tio intention to run daily train, including a sleeper, from Kansas Citv, via tho Atlantic and IVifV, to Onhlanfl ('nrniii Is it not about timo that Graham County should havo a session of court. The act creating the county was approved March 10, 1881, and no term of tho District Court has ever been held in that county, and yet persons thero are hold awaiting trial for over two years at the expense of the county. The law provide, that persons charged with crimo aro entitled to a speody trial. The reason for this unparal-led delay should at once be judicially explained or the prisoners set free. No doubt many of the persons thus held have served a longer term of imprisonment than if tried and sentenced.

Preferred Locals. Safford flonr at Chas. T. Connell'a at $5.50 per cwt. Barley at D.

Henderson's at $3.50 per ewt. Leave orders for tho Belt at Taylor I scriptions received at cither place. iv ljuii'ii a ur itb me usu wniuu. ouu- Connell has just received a large supply of Graham flour, cracked wheat and unbolted white corn meal, which ho will sell at way down prices. D.

Henderson sells extra family flour at 5.50 per cwtJ- Every sack guaranteed. Fiske the gunsmith, has a new lot of rifles. Taylor Hatch are the solo agents, in this city for Cyrus Noble's celebrated Whiskies. WANTED. An owner for a blue side saddle cover, and a pair of heavy brown California blankets, which can be seen at the Sheriff's office.

LOST A bunch of kovs on a patent ring, among them there are handcuff shackle and omco Keys, lue nnaer will confer a favor by leaving them at Sheriff Pascoe's Office. A magnificent assortment of Wos-tenholm cutlery, consisting of razors, pocket and shoeing knives, at Taylor Hatch's Taylor Hatch have the finest lot of imported and domestic wines, whiskies and brandies ever, offered to an Arizona public. They will sell in quantities to suit. Taylor Hatch havo in their stationery department, tho most varied assortment of that line of goods, and all of the leading periodicals, and standard novels. New Advertisements.

ousr. TO KEXT. Good Stable on Premises. C. KEN'YOX.

MEXICAN LAND GEANT And Two Actual CATTLE RANGES STOCkED-WANTED. Also, some Developed Copper Properties. All for England. 1. ROBB, Silveh Belt Globe.

GUSTAV BILLING Smelting WOKKS, Socorro, N. M. AVill lo Kcudy to Buy SMELTING OEES (Gold Silver and Lead Ore,) September U'irst. SAMPLING promptly done. ASSAYS qarcfully made.

Cash Paid As soon as Assays made, sept. 15-Jw G-oocL 50,000 pounds whole barley and 50.000 pounds cracked bailey for sale at 33.05 per 100 pounds. AMiX. GIJAYDOX. sept.

15-tf Common Vcy few people In this world possess what is known as practical common sense, jet those who do claim a moiety of that ne-eeiiary aeijiilieiiientsay that it is foolish to assert that there Is no known cure for Ithcnmatisiu, when the gicat medicine, Salicj Ilea, is guaranteed to Rivu immediate and permanent relief. A te-t of its efficacy Is the tact that it has been established for live eats, and is an assured success. To Capital Seeking Investment. I OWN THE CONTROLLING INTEIt-est in the two copper claims, with a large amount of high grade copper ore in sight. Flentv of and water on tins claims.

1 want g.w,000 to buy outstanding intei usts, develop claims and put llumi in bullion pioducing condition. 1 will repay this 35,000 out of tho fiist copper produced, leaving you with one-half interest In two good, developed claims, with good reduction works on property. Tou can secuie yourself by deeds to claims and all improvements until money is paid back, then divide piopeity and go ahead. Who wants to investigate this in good faith Call on or address JOHN D. HUKGESS.

Dunlap PostolBcc, Graham County, Arizo- n.i, in ron sepi the mm (9 III ffl ft 4 is Pi i A A Enlarged A Paper for the Minor 1 A Paper for tho Farmer! A Paper for the Mechanic! A Paper for Everybody! TIIJ3 HIJLVER BELT Has tho largest bona fide circulation of any weekly paper in the Territory, i and is consequently the host advertising ra'ediuin. 1 'V JTK SliVF.n KELT Job Office Is Xew nnd Complete, NEW TYPE, NEW PEESSES AND THE BEST WORKMEN Enable us to turn out a much Letter" class of work than any of our competitors. jEEfFor anything in the way of printing, call at the Silver Belt Office. HENDEES0N, i ueaier in v. Merchandise, Groceries, Provisions, Clothing, rs OOTS jHOES; Grain, Hercules Pow.

der, Caps and STuse, I RON, Etc. In addition to mercantile business, I conduct a general BANKING BUSINESS, Including Foreign, Exchange. CORRESPONDENTS: Kalesi Lewis rhanlx. Tucson. Anjlo-Calitornlan IlanV, Ltnilttd, Francisco.

Metropolitan National Hank New York. Ma.Ku.liuctti National Hank, Boi-ton. Jkri-liaiits Loan and Trut Coiujany, Chicago. Treasurer' Xotice. GLOBE, A.

SEl'T. 1R8.1. NOTICE is hereby given Unit there funds on hand to pay all warrants on the Countv General Fund up to and Including No. C5.1, and Unit interest will cease on said ar-rants from this date, D. B.

LACEY, County Treasurer. S. Van waoenen. Doputy. Improved 4- 111 t.

eii ft or, til 01 Q. a til Mrs. L. Graham, Teacher of Piano. Residence, South Ilroad Street.

Pupils not having instruments can practice at her dwelling. Globe, A. Sept. 1,1883. sept 1-.

(iS3 week In your own town. TemtfHnd a ouUit a Jdrcss II. Hillett i. Portland Maine. For Sale.

The ranch generally known as Holme's Well. For particulars apply attlie IJELt Office. scpt.23-tt OU SALE. Two frame houses ono contnlninB three rooms and the other two. The pioperty is eligibly situated.

arVrive low. ror particulars apply at the Belt office, mcli 10-tf UTiiltccii Dollnrw KcM'urdi THE ABOVE KEWA11D WILL BE paid to any one who ill return, to undersigned the follow ing described horso: A small bav horse, branded oi left hip with anchor attached to lower part of letter, and on right hip E. witli'haff circle under the letter. 1 C. IlOIJEUTOX, July 28-tf O.K.

Corral. AMONG THE SHAKERS. In certain sections of the country there! are religious sects known as Shakers: but for the piesrntve will not speak of them. The "shakei to horn lefer are thoso who suffer from swamp fcp hlch necessarily entails Iilieumatie troubles nnd To these unfoitunatc ones, therefore, we recommend Salicylica us a panacea for their ailments. Tiy it and be convinced of its curative pow ers.

A COMMON-SENSE REMEDY. Salicylica. moi-e I51icu.mui.isni, Gout or jSciiruIpfftf Immediate Relief Warranted, Per manent Cure I7IVE YEARS ESTABLISHED AND neier known to fail liua single case, acute or chronic. Refer to 'all prominent phvhicians and druggists for the standing of Salh'vlica. SECRET' The only dl-Uver of (he poisonous uric acid which exists in tho blood of rheumatic- nnd gouty patients.

SALICYLICA is known as a common-sense reined becaiu-e iti.trlkesdliertly at the cause of Rheumatism, aud Neuralgia, while ho many so-railed specifics ami supposed p.maceas only tieat locally the effects. It has been conceded by eminent scientist thatoutwaiil applications, such as rubbing with oll, ointments, liniments, and soothing lotions will not eradicate those diseases which are the rc-ultof the poisoning of the blood with Trie Acid. SALICYLICA works with man clous effect on tills acid, and so remoes tho disoider. It is now cxclushely used by all celebrated phvslcians of America and Europe. Highest Medical Academy of FarW reiorts 15 per cent, cures in three davs.

REMEMBER that Salle, lira is a ceitln cure for Rheumatism, ('out and Neu ralgia. The most intense pains are subdued almost Instantly. Give It a trial. Relief guaranteed or money if funded. Thousands of testimonials sent on application.

$1 a Box. ti Rnxes for S3. Sent freo by mail on receipt of inontyt Asli jour for It. But do not be deluded into taking imitations or substitutes, or something recommended as "just as good Insist nti tln genuine with the name of WAMIBrRNF. on each box, which is guaranteed chcmlcalh pure under oui- signature, nn in-dispensible requisite to insure Micros in the treatment.

Take no other, or send to us Froprietors, 287 Broadway, cor. Reado St. NEW YORK. For sale by Dr. S.

C. Ileliicman and all lending Druggists. apri) lt-ly Vi.

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