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The Coconino Sun from Flagstaff, Arizona • Page 2

The Coconino Suni
Flagstaff, Arizona
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

l-i t. ijj-j y-LJi The Coconino Sun. C. M. Funslon, Editor and Prop.

Subscription rates, one i4 six months $200 three month $1 00 Single copies ten cents. Adteitislre rates on application. Address. all communication and make all remittances to C. M.

HJNSTON, Lditor anu proprietor, Flagstaff, Coconmj Arizona Enterecl at the rhgstaff post ofiicc as second class matter. SATUItDAY, AUGUST 9, 1891. It will tako something a great deal stronger and harder than a rumor to kill Gen. Benjamin F. Butler, Jt must bo assumed that a woman js fairly well supplied with this world's goods when her husband gives hor for "a birthday present, as tho only thing fho needs, a coffin.

THE prediction has been njado that fchio Farmers' and kindred prgapizations will havo a mcrnbrrship pi 90,000 in Pennsylvania beforo tho pnovv falls, and yet some people say he organization is about to break up. J.T Kaiser "Wilhelm reads tho American newspapers ho finds a great deal pf entirely original matter that will furnish him with many now Mea3 phich may bo found useful should ho pvpr concludo to writo his outjbiog- The National Ecouomist thinks that Jndjana and Now York havo had tho pall long enough, and that tho next President ought to come from the breezy state of Kansas or from tho poughing pines of tho stato ot North Paroljna. Edjson is quoted as saying that pltimatcly ono'a houso will to both jigbtcd and heated at a cost which yril not exceed sixty cents per uunum. Ji this be trua "ultimately" cannot make its appearanco upon the horizon pf life foo soon. The big metropolitan newspapers nro continually boasting of their enterprise in discovering things.

For sorao reason none of them appear to discover tho truth, if it bo not sensational, ond vnt. lha nlam unvarnished truth is r- pft9n more sensational than tho most skillfully prepared falsehood. is determined not to bo be hind in all tho accomplishments of the highest civilization. The black repub )io has a deficit of two millions in the treasury, and an inquiry will be held If tha culprits bo whitewashed tho effect will be very artistic, as they ar ns black as tho ace of spades. Paws papers stato that thero is no fear of thore being any prohibition of Jhe export of wheat from Russia, nor will thoro even bo a tax on oxporta tion.

There may perhaps bo a question jn official circles of prohibition against jyhcat "containing over a certain prO' portion of rye leaving tho country. How tastes differ 1 Andrew Lang writes bast in a ipse gardon, Tolstoi in fced, Dumas on an ebony desk, while the average editor can turn out bright fdeas on the top of a flour barrel, a dry goo Is box or tho back of a typo trallev with as much ease as if sur- roundod by rose and obony library furniture. Nothing like work on a pewspipcr for teaching one to ignore the surroundings. DiaPATCnES from China indicate 'lint the imperial authorities are weak enjng, and that they wjll attempt to a volt tho threatened naval demoustra tion of tho powers by bringing to punishment tho people concerned in the rcceat uprising against foreigners. It is by no means certain, however, that this will tido over China's troubles.

Pn tho contrary, it is extremely prob ablo that tho effort to visit punish raont upon tho offenders will result In an uprising which may oventuato in a rovclution. Tho fear that this might ha tho result accounts for China's dilatory movements. Ir tho charges in tho partisan press pe true, the Ohio campaign, which tho world was recently assured was to bo ponducted on hjgh-toncd principles, Lids fair to degenerate into a vulgar jitrugglo for "boodlo The f'boodlc," ucoording to tho aforesaid partisan prew, to be contributed to one. sido by fljo N.ew York importers and to thp pthor by tlm ('protected manufacturers." Wo nro loth to beliovo theso pharges, and will not until proof is pubmitted higher than has yet ap. pcarod; wo do not beliovo that tho yote of tho avcrago American citizen is nor do 'we believo that the -candidato would Did Senator Carlisle intend to bo complimentary or otherwise when ho spoku of Senator Gorman as an able politic manipulator? Tup rubber trust is tho latest to stretch the good nature of the people.

One of theso cUys the limit will be 'reached Alien, good-byo trusts. If robbery was ever justifiable, it was in tho case of tho man who did tho money-or-your-lifo act with tho proprietor of a faro bank at Dayton, Ohio. Hit H.AKK!333i's tho soisid must hav 0 boen a great relief to the newspaper correspondents who had to tell in a different way ovory day how ho took his bith The farmer who owns a largo crop of wheat can look with complaconcy at tho upward tendency of tho wheat market. His affairs havo been going down hill so long that no ono should object to tho turn they ha 0 now taken. The Chinese question is again booming up, owin to tho fact that while tho United States government has extended a cordial invitation to the government of China to participate in our World's Fair by sending exhibits, it has taken no steps toward a change in tho present laws, which prohibit tho landing of citizens of China in this country.

It is clear that Chini wjll send no exhibit if her citizens are not allowed to visit the fair. Tho Treas ury Department wants Congress to soho the conundrum, but nobody has yet mado a definite suggestion of how it may be dono satisfactorily to ourselves nnd tho Chinese government. Territorial Notes. The Aztec mill, located ten miles south of Prescott on Hassayampa creek, was struck by lightning about 10:30 o'clock Monday night. The building caught fire and was totally destroyed.

Courier. A marriage has been consummated between a Wallapai squaw and a Mohave buck. The Wallapais do not take kindly to the union and, we understand, will try and have the holy bonds dissolved or have them both brought up before the United States court on the charge of miscegenation. Miner. Supervisors Rowe and Haskell leave today for Jerome to look after road matters and to see about pro viding Jeromeitcs some sou of a jail building, where ollenners against the laws can be kept.

Jeromejtes claim that they have hail much trouble and inconvenience for the lack of such a place. Oourier. Yavapai county, thanks to our able and energetic Board of Supervisors. is now on a casn oasis. All noating indebtedness has been paid up to date.

The road fund was two eais in arrears when the present Board took the helm, but was by 11 settled up to the first of last April. In order to do this, the Boara had to keep the levy the same as last year. Courier. An expedition is being talked ud for the purpose of maksng search for the "Lost Pegleg gold mine sup posed to exist in the desert north 0: northwest of Indian Wells. It will leave Yuma as soon as cool weather comes, and devote the coming winter in search of it, if it not found be fore that time.

Yuma Sentinel. Many cattle are being killed by the trains on the Willcox section this sea son. Section foreman O'Neill is do ing his utmost to find the legal own ers for all such, but a number are yet unclaimed. Cattlemen living along the line of the railroad should more thoroughly advertise their brands, and iccover damages for stock killed Willcox Stockman. A.

L. Pogue, of the Florence Res eivoir Company, is proceeding with the organization of a company for the purpose of building a dam at Reservoir Butte, a few miles above Florence. This is a natural dam site, and when once the dam is constructed the leservoir thus formed will furnish water enouch to irrigate 1,000,000 acres of land. Graham County Bui letin. Mr: Denicke, viticulturist inspector of rresno county, is reported as saying that from what he could de termine from his short acquaintance with Maricopa county, that he 'thought it would, with plenty of water which it Iras, surpass California in fig culture, owing to the light dry winds.

He thinks it will soon be a leading fruit producing region lempe News The I'urcnr of In.omula-The parent of insomnia 01 wakefulness Is in nine cases out of ten a dyspeptic stomach. Good digestion gives sound sleep, Indigestion Interferes with it. The brain and stomach sympathizes. One of the prominent syrnp-. toms of a weak Mate pf the gastric organs is a of the great nerve entrepot.the brain.

Invigorate the stomach, and you re. store equilibrium to the great centre. A most reliable medicine for the purpose is Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, which is far preferable to mineral sedatives and powerful narcotics which, though they may for a time exert a soporific influence upon (he brain, soon cease to act, ind Invariably injure the tone ol the stomach. The Bitters, on the contrary, restore at tivltyatq the operations of maiauimpoiianiurgaQ, auuiucir iiencnccnr influence. is reCectedliiTTsolind sleep and a trcnqu'tl state of nervous A wholesome imhetujtljilikewise given to the 1 -'ilii'AiMtMH(j.

Washington Letter. (From our Itesulnr Correspondent.) Washington, Aug. 24, Why has Air. Harrison out short his vacation and determined to return to Washington early in September, is th political conundrum of the w(eek. Secretary Foster, who brought the news of tho ohango of programme, sayj that it is because of important business connected with tho Interior Department, which requires President Harrison's personal attention.

Tint gavo speculation a wido range, and thu consequence is that evory iraiginablo sort of inpottant business is being put forward us tho causo of this supposed to bo sudden determination, but the most generally believed story eenis to bo that the "important business connected with tho Interior Department" is tho selection of sorao ono to take Socretary Noblo's phce, as tbcru i i the best authority for stating thji Secretary Noblo is oxtromely anxious to lay down his present onerous burden as f.oon as ho can do so without embarrassment to his chief. Miny nlso bolievothat a chmgo is to be mado in tho head of tho Pension Ollico, tho moit important, as far as sizo and cost are concernod, of tho bureaus undor tho Interior Department, but both of theso places luiva boon changed so often by report that theroare naturally many doubters now. There is another important matter undor tho supervision of the Interior Department that may have hid something to do with bringing tho President homo ahead of the timo ho expectnd to coino. That dopaitmont has brought all tho power at its disposal to bear upon the cattle barons who occupy what is known as tho Chcroken outlet, in order to got them to comply with the law enacted by tho last and ronjovo theiefrom, but if reports received here nro to be rolled upon not ono of them has moved or givea tho slightest intimation of any such intention. The matter will bo callyJ to Mr Harrison's attention as soon ns he comes back, and it is said th it tho do parimcns omciais win urge upon mm uio uecesiuy or reinoying mu violators of law by force.

It may bo too that tho new tccip-rocity treaty with Yonczneli, which is said to need only lr. Harrison's ap proval and his oujcial proclamation to go into effect, has had something to do with changing his plans. Thero are also oilier things which need attention. For instance, it is generally conceded that a coaling station i.i the West. Indies is a necessity for this government, and, according to Frod Douglass, our late Minister to Hayti, ve have no pro3pect of cutting one from that country at Mole St.

Nicholas. Where shall wo got one 1 Tho report that tho German government was trying to buy tho Island of St. Thomas has brought to memory tjio fact that Demimilc, its owner, onco us a mark of friendship offered to sell it to tho Unitod tatc3 for .1 nominal sum, and Secretary Seward, then ot the head of tho Slate Department, ugrced to its purchase, but for some reason it was never bought. It might be bought now, if Girmnny has not already got ahead of us. 'I'hero is no lactc of important business to occupy 31 r.

Harrison attention when he returns. The squibblo in tho Pennsylvania Republican Convention about the resolution ondorsmg Blaiuu has been much discussed by a few politicians of both pai cie3 who aro now in Wash- iticton, and thoy all ngreo (hat it looks like the Itlaino boom to bo ono of (ho regula features of the campaign, instead of a moru flash in tho pan, as some people had been disposed to regard it, and thero seems also to bo a disposition on the part of all of them to bailee that Mr. Bhmo is bound to lo nominated unks3 ho positively forbids the U30 of his name, and thero is a growing inclination that ho will not do that. A New Engjand Republican, now in Washington, has suggested a cuiious ticket, which no says would prove a strong ono if run on a pU.form which shall havo no other pi inks except reciprocity and opposi tion to sham civil service reform. Ihe ticket which he thinks would just fit that platform is Blaine, of Maine, and Gordon, of Georgia.

Truly, that would he a combination of opposite3, and handcuffs would probably bo required to keep it together. Wo luvo lots of people in Washington this week, but no politics to speak of. The American Association for the Advancement of Science, more than a thousand strong, is holding its nnuual convention here; Tuesday and Wednesday tho National Association of Am ateur Oarsmen held it3 annual regatta on the Potomac, and Wednesday and Thursday thp veteran telegraph opera tors, including tho "old-time telngrnph-ers" and the "military telographfrs," held a re-union, which closed with probably the most unique meeting ever held in this or any other country. Thore woro wires running into the hull connected with every largo telegraph office in the country nnd overy word of the spoeches made by Mr. Wona-maker and others was instantly ticked to more than one liuudred thousand listening operators in every section of tho country.

Stato Department officials will neither deny nor confirm tho report that a new reciprocity proposition 'has been recently made by the Canadian government Mr. O. Osbon( our enterpijsing photographer, has decided to remove his business from Flagstaff, and will start sometime during tho coming week on a tour throughout tho ferri' tory. It'is to bo regretted thatHr. Osbon departs from our town, and ho him tho bist wishs carries PROCEEDINGS, The first District Court of Coconi; no county convened at Hoxworth's hall Monday last, Hop, E.

W. Wells presiding. A full irps of court officials and attorneys were present. The first work of the court was the impanelling of the Grand Jury, the following citizens serving thereon: W. A.

Swttzer, foreman; John Vories, J. Coalter, R. L. West, J. R.

Treat. Charles Howard, Charles,, Jerry Woodbndge, George Bennett, J. T. Munds, John Guyton, John Clark. Albert AJvord, A.

A. Dutton, Ford Nsllts, Frank Rosers, Dan Prime. C. R. Ihyles, Robert 1 Freedline.

Rafael Corea, vVm. irks Ed. Hmnerty, Martin Garuse and C. M. Palmer, who had been held over to appear before the Grand Jury, were brought in to be given the rights of to the jury but all such proceedings were waived.

In the case of the Territory of Arizona vs. Bargeman, murder, nol prossed and defetideut discharged. John V. Rhodes vs. Phillip Hull, dismissed.

Tappan ys. Hill, trial set for Saturr day, August 29, at 10 a. in. Perrin vs Bishop, postponed. Case of A.

lUilroul vs Frank Roibdu, Gus C. T. I'lullip Hull and J. W. Uenhuin, continued for term.

Rumsey et al vs. A P. Railroad, counsel for plaintiff given timo to amend service. The Grand Jury reported an in dtctment against Thomas Wood for murder and dismissed charge against F. 1 Tilton.

J. Babbitt was admitled to practice before, the bar of Coconino county, 1 Anton Klein, a na(ive of Germany, was admitted to citizenship. Willard Uros vs. Brav, dismissed. Bernard Tret, et al Brav, dismissed.

1 Territory 'of Arizona vs. Wm. Marks, trial set forSaturday, August 29. Clara H. S.inth vs.

Tohn B. Smith. testimony submitted and taken uu dcr advisement Territory of Arizona vs. Thomas Wood, defendant plead not guilty. Teintory of Arizona Martin Garviso, arraigned.

Territory of Arizona vs. C. Palmer, arraigned Territory of Arizona vs. Ed. Hag-gerty, arraigned.

Territory of Arizona vs. Thomas Wood, trial set for Monday, August 3'- Territory of Arizona vs. Win. Marks, trial set for Saturday, August 29, -U 2 p. m.

The History Co, vs. William Poiv-ell-rverdict rendered in favor of defendant, together with $38 50. Teiritory of Arizona vs. Martin Garviso and Ralael Gorea, trial ftt for Saturday, August 29. Territory ol Arizona vs.

Ed, Hag-gerthy, trial set for Saturday, August 9- GRAND JURY REPORT. In the District Court of the Fourth District of the Territory of Arizona, in and for the County of Coconino. To Hon. E. Wells Judge.

We, the Grand Jury in and for the said county, duly sworn and impanelled as such on the 24th day of August. 1891, beg leave to make the following report, to wit: We have investigated fourteen charges three for murder, two for burglary, one for assault with a deadly weapon, one for resisting an officer, live for grand hrceny, one for embezzlement, one for perjury. We have found and returned twelve true bills and ignored two charges. We have investigated the different county offices, and the reports of the several committees are herewith submitted. We have discussed the matter of Court House and Jail, and other county improvements, and after consulting the chairman of the Board of Supervisors, have referred these matters to their consideration.

The Grand Jury respectfully calls the attention of the Board of Supervisors to an act entitled "An Act to Suppress houses of III fame in certain places," passed by the sixteenth legislative assembly, and urge upon them the ncccfsity for immediate act? ion, to the end that all houses of ill-fame and ill tepute may be removed sufficiently far that their bad influ. ence will not lie felt by the public in. general at all hours ol the day. The Grandjury hereby returns its sincere thanks to the Judge and other officers for their kindness and cour teous treatment during its session, and for the dispatch with which they have assisted the Grand Jury in the performance of its duties. Respectfully submitted, W.

A. SwirzER, Foreman. To the Foreman of the Grand Jury We, your committee, have examined the offjee of "the Boird of Suoer visors, and find the books in rather bad condition. We did not have access to the vouchers, for the reason that they had never been turned over to the clerk, and we had to refer tq the stubs to compare with the ledger. We found there had been io(3 warrants issued by the Board, calling for and vye recommend thaf the county tuintsn tnqm wun more suitable office furniture in the way of desks, book racks and tables.

To ho Foreman of the Grand Jury Your Committee- on County Treasurea ollico wish tq submit tho follow, ing report: Total receipts. 813,126.60 Total disbursements 5,326.01 Balanco pa hand 7,800.59 General statoment General fund SI, 127.35 Expense fund 2536.77 Contingent fuud. 5.05 clchool fund. A vV 20.85 Sch Dis No. 22 11.38 SchDisNo.

24 ....40.95 Sch Dis No. 37 40.78 Sch Dis No. 39 C3.23 Sch Dis No. 42 Balon 68.90 84.00 7,951.05 57,951.55 Wo find the balance on hand con- sjsts of tho following items: Deposited in Arizona Cential Ihnk Now York Exchange 3.000.00 Check of Babbitt Bros on Albuquerque Nat. Bmk.

1,700.00 Check of Babbitt Bros on Albuquerque Nat. Bank. 2,020.38 for Ex. ou moneys 10.30 iHicli Cash. 11.50 57,800.57 We found everything cornut, and we desire to compliment Mr.

Bibbitt upon tho vory neat and business like uppearanco of tho books. To the Forenun ol the Grand Jury Your committee found the office Of Recorder in good condition mo far as fuiiiibhed. The Recorder claims to be short iS books, but has made rcqtisttion for ame to joard 01 Supervisors. We would recommend thai the board provide a safe or vault for records as soon as practicable; we also find the office ol our Probate Judge in good order so far as he can keep it without tufficient records, his school business all being l.ept on legal cap. He ha also made requsi-tion for books and in our judgment as soon as the officers receive tin necessary blanks the olfjcers will be prepared to 00 prompt and dlkiea.

work. To the Foreman of the Grand Jury. Your committee appointed to investigate the books and offices cl the Sheriff, and District Aforney, cf uoconmu county, respecllully sub the following statement as the resua of their investigation- We find the books of the District Attorney to I'e kept in a neat and p'oper manner, and all papers connected therexvitn placed on GJe the othce ot the county clerk. he books of the Sheriff show, that there has been re ceived; Ffom poll taxes $192 50, less ten per cent for collection 173 35. lTOin Licensu 5i495 vc per cent for collection 1,420.25 making the total amount due the county ''593 S- Fr which amount find in the hands of Gmnity Trt-asur-er $1,220 75, deposited in the Arizona Central Bank 372 75, making a total of $1593 50.

The books and accounts of the former sheriff, we have been unable to investigate and therefore would respectfully reler the matter to the Hoard ol Supervisors for their consideration. Wc would also recommend that the Sheriff should have or be furnished with a safe or vault for the belter protection of books and papers connected with his office. The jury in thu case of Territory vs. O. M.

Palmer, after buiug out all last night, failed to agree. Host's Tins? We One Hundred Dollars Reward fcr any case of Caurrh llist canncl be euied bylakinj Hall' C-tarrh Cure. F. CHENEY CO Preps Toledo, O. We, thr undersigned, have Uno.n K.

J. Chtn 'i for the last years, and bciicve liiin honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any olligaticn marie jy thesr firm. i Truax, Wholciale Druggists, Tob edo, O. Watdinj. Kinnan Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.

Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ol the svstem. l'rice 75c per bj. tie. Sold by all Druisti. ill I teeiies, luts' Far- Wholesale Liquors.

drocien eClothing Made Order. Sza SENATE CHOP HOUSE. (SANDY'S SALOON.) Everything supplied that the Market affords. oo.vrtD ny dav si, ou 21 me iu, MEALS AT ALL IlOUrtS. Your patronago solicited.

Private room for dinner parties at back on? trance. ALF. BOULDER Flagstaff. Ariz. i GOMDCIM.

LODGIHG HOUSE, (Furrnerly Tngsnrts nail aad Court lloiiie) KINGTON, frRIZ. beg to inform tho public that wo havo just refitted and furnished tho above houso as -a first-class lodging houso of oigh-tonn rooms, and. rospectfully solicit tho patronago of tho traveling public. J. GUTHRIE '1 NITED STATES' COMMISSIONER Ufofthe District Cuurt in ihe Kcurth iudiCial District of the Territory of Ariiona.

Jfstriet Commissioner In and for tlie County ofiCoconino, in said Territory, and Notary. Admitted to pras tice before the varioas bureaus of the de-pari went. OlHee two doors north of the kink Hotel. O. O.

F. FLAGSTAFF LODGE, No. 1 1, meets every Wednesday even-inc. in Odd fellows' Hall. YUilinsbre a .1 vnu MUCH cuiuiaiijr mvueu.

ji. tuivif N. W. S. DeClon.

Secretary. 1 12 Notice (or Publication. Land Oihce, I'rsscott, Jcxy 21, 1891. 1 OTICn is hersby given that the follow IN nifj named ictticr his filed notice of itU intention to make final proif in support of his claim, and that said proof te made before Guthrie Savage, United ntalet Commissioner, at Flagstaff, on Monday, August 31, 1S91, vii: William M. Fain, homestead application No.

67S, fur the southwest of section 26, township 17, It E. He names the lollouin witnesses to prove his continuous result.vce upon, and cultivation of, said land, Allen Doyle, John Marshall, I nomas C. 1-ricr, Menu JI. Fisher, all of C. MARTIN'.

P.egister. Holies for Publication. I.AHI) OrncE AT Fruicot, Aug. 17, 1.S91, 1 OTICE Is hereby gien that tw f.tllou- IN in named settler has fild nqtice of his intention to make final proof in mpport of hu claim, an I tint saU pmf will lie made before J. Guthrie Savage, United States Court commissioner at Flagstaff, on Saturday, October 3, 1S9I.

vl': Julius Aubuieau, declators 'staterne it No. 2277. far lots 3 and 4 and of Ji pf 30, Tvvp 21 R7 E. He names ihe following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and Cultivation of Mid, iicnjamin IXriKV, hrancis VI. Jaine 'ieorge Marantcn, tte phen I'nrlyrnsn, all of Flagsta t.

An. aug22 Maktiv, Register. Notice for Publication. Lnd Office at PKEscorr, Ariz. May 291I1 1891.

Notice i hereby given that ihe foilouin; named setltcr has filed notice of his inten. tiun to male finil proof in support of Ins claim and that said pro'if will be made before the Clerk of the District Court of Coejliino Cuuniy at FlagsUlf, Arizoia 01 1S91, lusepn K. Howard declarator) statement No. 22S3 for Ihe Sju'hciU Norhtuest i. Northwest "Siifhea-t and Ills three and four, hection ihuty.

township eighteen, ii. He nameMhe follouing w.tnesses to pro- his continuous resiuence upon, anJ culuvj- uf said land, viz: James TMuatK, Fiajsurn' Arizona; Arizo.11; Frier Higslaff, Arizona, and U. (Joiiiey. Flagstaff, Arizona. Martin, Register.

rirt publication August 22, 1S91. ummi3ci! SUMMONS. TNTIID JUSTICE COURT OF FI.VQ-JL staff Tiecirct, County of Coconinu. 'Urnlory of Arizona, (ft 1413 1414 NoiH4.1Dliiiv.ooJ, llalntilH, v. Kenrv Maivin.

Defendant. Tirnlorv of Arizona sends greeting to IUnry Marvin, defendant You arc here-iv summoned to eppear in a civil action brought against you by the atxne named plan.ti'Ts, in the alovc eiintied cjjrt, anJ cu are required to answer pblnlillV com pliltit the undersigned Justice of the Teace, hit office the lonn of Hagstafl, in said, within ihe lime as fullons, to wit: II this rummons is served on you, in this piecinct. within five da) if served on vou without the precinct, but in said county, vtilhin ten days; if served out of the county, fifteen da) and in all other casts twenty da)S exclusive of the day of servic-hereof, or judgment by deliult will taken against )Ou. Given under my oDieisl hand this 31st day of July, iSoi. P.

GIBSON, Justice of the Perec Flays.aff URI3ANO GARCIA, THR II VND MADE SADDLE MAKER HAS. 10CV7E0 AT WILLIAMS, ARIZ. All my work is hand made and fully guar, anticd. Cattlemen and others needing first-class Saddles are invited to call and inspect my work and cet prices. I can fully satisfy you that it til be to jour intereit to Have your order vrith, URBANO GARCIA, WIIXIAHS, ARIZONA YG6 (las opened a bide Railroad.

iitHH- Uestauraut Soull BOARD BY DAV OR VEEK- Singlo paeals 25 cents. Meals all hours of tho day. Twenty-one meal ticket 85. HENRY HELLER Has openod a new BLkCKSMTCH SHOP, East of "Babbitt's Store, FLAGSTAFF, Arizona. All kinds of general black-smithipg promptly and satisfao-torily done.

horse anoEi.Na a Tho Wagon Shop in connection is in chargo of II. "Van Normax. COPPER HARDING ItCVItnS OK ALL CI.ASiKl OK Copper Ores and Haltes. VVrilo fur Frtct, 1752 Curtis Strsst, Dwrer, Colorado, 1 ocoio Bakery. 0AKE3, XD- Everything Kept in a First Clas3 Bakery, rffiOrilcrs efi at ihr I law House Ail) he promptly attended to, J.

F. HAWKS, Prop. Flagstaff ststles, LIVERY, FEEDMB SALS Best of Drivinqr and Sackle Horses for Hire. A. C.

110 BE, ProT). When Mr, Kathrens opened the Dry Goods Emporium this morning he found things scattered about the store in great shape, His first impression was that the wlule had got loose nntl thrashed around, but upon investigation he found a country dog that Ind go: in over night, estimates his loss $30. Charlie says that particular dog won't be npr, to spend another night the store. I take this opportunity to say that ,1 have to-day marked down a lot of Men's Suits, Pants, Etc. H.

DR Flagstaff, Aug 'qj fffl I It MINES, Proprietors. Hqw Chairs uiiMi Outfit Thraa'liDiilv HOT AND COLD BATHS. Largo Dath Tuiis and' Convenient Rooni3. Hair Cutting in the Latest Stales, E. MHIPPLE 5 CO.f UNDERTAKERS, Flagstaff, Ariz.

COFFINS AHD CASKETS. EH3ALHIHG A SPECIALTY, 5Mail or telegraphic orders promptly attended to at satisfactory rates. hZ CURE rYOURSELFl rmpet.vv hlic5.Stiermatorrbrel Fnr mr uk' Ivour aruKSUi ior a doiuo 01 Ifi'r- a. It cures in fewdTS I without the aid or publicity ol a I doctor. Non-poisonous and iguarantcea not to iinciufc I TM universal American wire.

Manuiactnrcd br Iba Ertss Okaucal Ci.1 CINCINNATI, O. U.S.A. ftp Mill A WHALE m. mm. 'Ht'l S.


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