Winfield Daily Courier from Winfield, Kansas • 19
- Publication:
- Winfield Daily Courieri
- Location:
- Winfield, Kansas
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 19
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
The WinficlclDaUy. Courier SaturdayDec' 23; 19221 IMERRYCHRISTMAS' lnr-. ITb A I SHOULD SAT 1 CTTfD THE PEALPR YOuf IAuItV OPNO MNQ1 PfTfllIC flBI MiMLT HYPRESEr-M1 DRESSING IPO-ITS 5 WELL- BOUGHT THE ittJ PUTIi'tE TT Efl- -MUST 0E I ll 1 UN I ft I 1 I MADE IT Ail fJ PATH ROBE- YOU PUT A LOT JJ FROM SENT ITr I flDIATR AP-T'S I fii9p NERVCU5NE53- IUI Ula I Ml 1 1 1 1 1 U. I 1 MYSELF- mi HNE- jJSiJ OF WON IT- HrT lI-JiT PRETTY NICE OF'EM (ffl 1 VAJ Uy-j- TSENP ME THAT-J -r-" 'I Wheat, No. 1.05 i.
ifwH i 'W IL t-vlll fl-4-f I II I I 11 I I vl I. t- Mw.Tx.ttta. Nfwfr rtt l( Roosters Qg I PPPli Turkey Hens young toms, AS BUGGIES Ain't it the truth? rl a Q'V01" tulkeys 2 -i, 11 1 1 1 1 nucks .10 i tiHinp. Wiiidfii A Deer's Life Geese in 1'igeons, per dozen liuincas, each I I I (By The Atuocliitrd I'roas) ITlKir2L: 'lSSsSSS I 1 mB "iV. FORIA, Dec 23.
A EMPORIA, Dec 23. A lieer steers Calves doer, ordered by an Emporia butcher Cows Stockers Feeders $8.00 to 9.00 3.25 to 6.00 3.25 to 7.00 9.00 to 10.2O 8.00 to 8.50 8.00 to 8.25 for special holiday trado, may find a home In the city park instead. At least the doer will not be killed ac i Beef steers Hogs Pigs Hides cording to Barley Stack, deputy game 06c Alfalfa No. 1 nnn tn isiui warden, who has notified the butcher that the state game law protects deer. A movement is under way to purchase the animal, by popular subscription, for the city.
Standard 16.00 to 17.5Q No. 2.. i5.oo to For Rent Wanted To Buy For Sale no. 1 to Prairie, No. 2 7.00 to 9 00 9.00 FOB KENT Four room modern house.
Call 400 West Ninth. 3t-62 WANTED TO BUY Furs ot all kinds. Will pay highest market price. J. P.
Barger Winfield 9. 30t-53. have talked about Freshly Roasted Coffee and talked about Extra Good Things to Eat. But today we haven't a word to say except A MERRY, MERRY CHRISTMAS Alton's Gash Grocery TEN HOUSES TO RENT See O. A Hott.
1 tf-48 Baby Grand; World's Champion Canary, Singing His Choicest Sang for Radio Fans and Found WANTED TO BUY Hedge fences suitable for posts. Phone 1611 oi write P. 0. Box 208, Winfield. tf-156 LOST Black bill book somewhat 1W SALE Old Store building, to move.
1100 block South Main St. See John Wallace. 3t-62 i FOR SALE Airedale pups, eligible to register. Emil Charboneau, Ak-roiij Kansas. 9t-57 FOR SALE Catalpa wood by the load at Albright Grove.
See Mr. Keeler at grove or phone 1611. H. W. Porth end company, Winfield.
tf-36 i FRESH sweet cider at Claypool's sweet potato storage house, 1st door south of Swartz Lumber Yard on Manning. tf-26 worn, containing about eighteen Miscellaneous dollars, in downtown district, Thurs day. Reward. FJwme 799. Mrs, A.
Carlisle. 2t-63 LOST Blue knitted scarf with NOTICE From thia date on Henne-berry and Company will have C. E. Ryan located at Winfield to buy hogs delivered to Winfield or Arkansas City a basis of 50 cents under the same class at Wichita. brown' stripes at either end be tween Eighth and Tenth, Wednes day.
Reward if returned to Mitch- He -was chairman of the committee ler's market. 3t-62 on insurance and member of the com FOU SALE Hedgewooil, timber and See Porth at office Manning St. west of Frisco depot, tf-20. iiniuw We will receive ihogs on. Mondays and Thursdays of each week.
For further information phone 162 Burden; 632 Winfield or 356 Arkan mittees on cities of the first class, Automobiles public buildings, engrossed bills and several others. Good FORD COUPE FOR SALE sas City. Henneberry Co. 4t-61 As to the industrial court issue, condition. Call 165.
lv BDUSTRIAL GDURT 6t62" Household Goods FOR SALE Household furniture, including piano. Phone 1217-W. 1G18 Fuller. 6t-60 Help Wanted Male Mr, Ridgway opposed either its repeal or consolidation with the utilities commission. LADIES' SMALL SWISS WRIST WATCHES and American makes WANTED A married couple or sin repaired.
Clocks, spectacles repaired "If changed at all', make it strong WOULD OPPOSE ITS REPEAL OR MODIFICATION ele man to work on farm. Must Broken lenses replaced. Geo, Hudson er to protect the public," said Mr. be experienced help. Abner Duncan Son Side Malo-St.
tf 19 Ridgway. am in favor of the anti-picketing 1 provisions of Winfield, Route 5. 3t-62 FOU SALE-t-Nearly new 6-liole Ma-jestic Range with 12-gallon reservoir, Bridge Beach heater, No. 13 round oak coal heater; oak sideboard, dining tables and 6 chairs, rockers, 2 iron' beds and Sv Most; Important Legislation Poultry and Eggs WANTED Four young men to start the latw. and would favor a change in the act to have the industrial court Needed Is Mortgage Law and Cheaper Money work.
January 1' aslraveling sales appointed by the supreme FOR, SALB-Pure Bred Buff Rocks and Barred Rock cockerels and f.i'1'ings, sanitary couch, enterprise, men; salary guaranteed. Telephone court." E. Kinkaid, 3t-63 (By The Associated Press) No. 22 sausage mill, 4-quart lard press, and other househbld goods. one 200-egg incubator and brooder Aa to taxation legislation, Mr.
riTV. Dec 23 Mrs. G. BOTtyan! Route 6. Phone tance well under two hours and fif Ridgway points out that' solution lnncnu tw mnRt.
imnortant piece of legisia About 200 fine Plymouth Rock pullets and E. D. Shepiaerd, 23F22. St-62 ty minutes. i may be found largely1 in -the respect ive county and city budgets.
In the five thousand metres. Italy mile west of town, Phone 69F3. PIAXO FOR SALE at 403 4th will present Ernesto- Ambrosini, of "I would be in favor of reduction 6t-59 tion the 1923 Kansas, legislature could enact would be a mortgage law which would enable "our citizens to obtain cheaper money and build up Winfield. Will trade on cows or and Prlmo Brega of Rome, of state expenditures provided 'it car. Address I.
Hensley, Rock, Kans does not cripple institutions and crip Italy Keenly Prepared 20t-51 Ambrosini ran a good second to Paovo Nurmi at.Paris some time ago, ihe. Wate." according to tinanes.n pie the people who are employed by thev state, because I have a high idea pi.iwav of Kansas City, state sena For Next Olympiad ward the five and ten thousand tor from- the- Foufttr: senatorial dis- Did. you hear a litUe bird singing in your radio the other nie-ht? Well. meter races, and the marathon. Al forcing the record breaking Finn to the limit order to win by ten yards in, 15 minutes and 1 second.
Since then 'Ambrosini -has run the five that, cheap people employed are no good at any price. always have this is the bird Baby Grand. He took, the grand prize at the recent canaw though sprints will not be neglected Mr. Ridgway took a leading part show held in Chicago, winning from 500 feathered competitors in the final the Italian Olympic committee feels that taeV' have better material for in the last session of the legiBiauirB, fthousad under fifteen minutes, 1 been iu favor of paying good money to my employes for competent and efficient work and I certainly would choru3. The photograph shows the champion singing in a radio station in Chicago.
ehn'pr and fanero are known, will ROME, Dec. 21. The advent of the Fascist! government to power will have favorable influence upon the- development of sport and athletics in Italy. Premier Mussolini's cabinet is composed mostly of young men between the ages of thirty and forty, the majority of whom at some time or another- have taken active give a good account of themselves toir The first three have minutes and' 58 2-5 seconds; to be Tavesi, of Milan; and" Florentine of Livourno, are' the best men for the ten tiousand. Florentino, who be the last person on earth to cripple any institution of the great state by being parsimonious.
The state taxes the distance events. Commencing Sunday, November 26th, when a full distance marathon was run at Milan, there will be five thousand and, ten thousand metres races in various cities of Italy, Milan, Turin, Genoa, III HID- nmir. the "Swim Across Paris," Ma -are nominal. There is great room lito defeating Billington of England for iniDrovement in the way of reduc was champion or itaiy iszu out pner0 is tion of taxes in each county and city Rome, about twice a Vas off form last season, is stepping "rbut coming strong. part in some branches of athletics 'Naples or in the state and there is where the and have retained a deep interest in month.
It is the intention of the fiports. Mussolini himself is an ex- 'committee to have four full Olympic money is spent." Senator Ridgway believed the re cently turned irf- 32 -minutes, 2 1-5 -the-eit and LtlTor seconds. y. 'Tr Li to members of the turns from automobile licenses, ar distance marathons run between now and the departure of- the Italian team for Paris in 1924. The last one will take place about January, adeauate to' pay the interest on an The sprints, snot put, javeuu buu They claim to Indebtedness on funds used for con discus throwing are giving MiB-iuB 7- johnny Dun- the com struction of permanent highways mittee much concern, and they ao r.iohvio nnrt Si- .1924.
pert fencer and lils under secretary of state, Finzi, besiaes being one of Italy's most renowned aviators was at one time one of the best five thousand metres runner in the peninsula. The first effects of the assumption of leadership of the government by in the field of sports, already have been seen in the prom- not look forward to earning any dees unaer wvn ii enflncr tllPtTl 11D01I and to pay off part of the principle We Wish You Heartily' the Seasons Greetings points in these events, -unless some cuy ana each year, and that money re should come- to light me 'BUf a countries. Signor Tonetti, vice president of tie committee, is sanguine that Italy has a first class-chance of carrying off the blue rbbon of the Olympic In Arri Valerio, of Tur- wfiichts from other ceived front the license fees on cars Rhould co into the state highway phenomenon! between now and 1924v funds to build roads." sprinter Italy can boast-just now is in Zucca of Turin. His time for the spondent that althoujomich In of Milan, The Kansas City senator hopes the lpeiKiature may' devise some method ise by the premier that ap-j in, and Hugo Fregorio propiiations of funds to defray the.Ialy claims to have laiy claims to nave discovered hundred metres is uu. the day.ythere is.
one i w-ino-iny relief to the farmer, but iho iBSiips of worthy successor to Dorando Pie- la the aquatic events Italy expects the issues ot expenses of the Italian Olympic team which unanimity has i 4rt nmto a P-nrfl ftnnwiiiff i lie ijrciiua. has no plans personally to offer. to Paris in 1924, would be forthcom tri, whose sports, mi. I -r 3 1 in(l. lYli41H.U.
iijb. me- im mpic preparation- in maratnon at iionaoa, auu -it-f Italy, which had been stagnant races in America against Tom Long- Governors Get Leave From Conference to Inspect Coal Mine throughout the summer owing -to boat, Johny Hayes and Alired Schrubb, are well remembered in nporting circles. "Both Valerio and Fregorio can run all day. What they lack just now isfinal speed for the last two or tiree miles. However, they have, both negotiated the dls- lack of funds and consequent lukewarm enthusiasm, has taken on "a new- lease of life, and followers of athletics in Italy are rejoicing.
The" preparation of the Italian Olympic team will be directed especially to- Prompted by a sense of deep appreciation and an earnest desire to convey to our good friends and patrons our feeling toward them we-send this greeting. As the tide of good wishes flow to you during the-Joyous Holiday Season, we assure you that none are more sincere than ours for your prosperity and unlimited happiness. Yes, we wish' you a Merry Christmas and may it be the merriest one the world has ever seen in all the centuries which have passed since that first glorious Christmas Day far off in In the Yuletide joy we shall, not forget here to say'' that we deeply appreciate the loyal patronage, the friendship and good will of the many friends of the 1 Christmas 1 922 I I'v bJ kjf i 'a a i'lfV 1 if 1 i I s4- 1 'l A I SAf's, i ''XZt i' vivyyyy-iv desire to extend to you the compliments of the season and express our sincere wishes for your happiness at this Christmas time and prosperity the Coming Year with 'continuance ox the cordial relations existing between us. Winfield Ice Co. Vinfield Natural Gas Co.
While the fourteenth annual governors' conference was in session at Whte Sulphur Spring, W. a party of state executives made a tour of inspection of a nearby mine. The photograph shows some of them just after they had returned to the surface. From left to right are Governor Thomas E. Campbell of Arizona, Cover nor D.
W. Davis of Idaho, and former Governor John G. Towrfsend of Delaware..
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