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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 9

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

COBALT AND FININCIAL NEWS New York Stock Exchange. Supplied to Th Svenlng Jwraal by W. aw aagnsit iru aoarsts or. Close. Ousn.

Nook. fCftB. Tex. lAmAL CODDCT lAion. jar r.

A BaVCODtlA lAma. smimni i jAuin. lAicmipa fB. O. B.

R. Erte Erie oErle V. H. lit, Paul UC. 4.

IP, Mloea Glfford Room. Itlre.t Northern 'ireen-Meehea f4.rBTves Hudson- Bay Kerr Laka Lsros. Llttls MP. Osjrash ivsncy rlcicn yipt.lng 131 110 44 Mil IIS 141. S5 im How iuii uii ni Jti let ui! ui Ind 4414 44 Or.

lUlnole HB. P.O. A Norfolk N. X. o.

Nor. Ph. Psnna. P. O.

Reading Iks lase. 16114 Ho. Pec 117' fco. Rv 13 1SV4 So 144i 14414 II. U.

8. Steel 71 1 8. Stari pfd. 11414 Si stt 41 110H ok 1M14 alts 44 1U. HI HS 114 74 71 ui 147(4 1471 4IS MS mi utii iu lalVs-'ltltt I4 lit 11 11 14ti 1444 14.4 4614 41 4041 liH 44 44 $444 14 11714 117 4i 117 141V III 71 U4 "Toronto Exchange.

Supplied t. Th Bv.ning Journal ay a mccu.ii 4M. 2. asam. Wed needs Naaa Cleee.

Bid. Analmutal li.ver Buffalo l. Cambers-Far land City of Cobalt CobaJt, Central Cobalt Laka IConlagss (Crown Raaarya (tl Asset .1114 .40 t.M 1 44 .41 is. .41 .41 41 .41 .14 14H a.a a.ia 1.41 4.0. .474 .4714 .11 i .11 .144 .14, .174, .44 .44 140.M (.424 HI 4.0 (.10 .14 .174 rM4 10.10 10 10 THE OTTAWA VALLEY MOTOR TRANSIT LTIL Owin to th rrajAtly ItMratuttd tlemand It ha ben 4cJdtd to tjrder Dior auto mobll BtaaT, tor this iuro a rjrtftr imu or-in eomptiny a biock rpr a llmltod Amount U1 ffrtl to pubirc.

Application should ba auvd at ones to the JOHNACOONALD. Que SL IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA. Head Office, Toronto. Branches in the silver country at Cobalt, Cochrane, ElSXake'ahd Gow Gandai Money transferred by tnail ortelegfaTJhr Ottawa Branch Trust Building, Sparks Street I Recommend the Purcbse of Cobalt Perm aster, too MoOrimmon Montreal River alines 400 stabw-tson Aabsstos. Pooled stock.

11 1 Laurie Silver Mlnee. too Union Pacific Cobalt Mine. Markat. Oould Consolidated Mining Co. Markat.

Pester Laroee, Crown Reaerve, Beavw, Maatrwal Reduction dt Smelting Nova Sootla. OtUaa, Imperial Crown. Silver Leaf, Everett Lake, Temiskamlng. 'Phone Main goat. BBNJAMIN BUF4LANO.

QOBZILTS Ws AnviftB th. purchase ml LA. KOB CONSOLIOAfao at th. sce-ssnt market prlca. This stock la bound to advance to higher futures within tn.

rat month or so. C. E.McCuais Co. STOCK BROKSRS. 1 SPARKS ST.

Ptwna 1M. OTTAWA. ESTABLISHED 1887 BRADBURY Bros. Stock and Bond Brokers 50 Elgin St. Pbone 998 H.

H. Hansard Co. ANKERS AND BROKERS. 101 parka Si, Bsnd. ataok mnt Invtnsani Seauntrac COBALT STOCKS bought and gold en tn.

Toronto gtaaMiavd Stock and Mining Viooanaw, hp prlvau Sev Sootla Ophlr htHNt L.k Right Way Rochester SllTOT Leaf sliver Bu dilver Quacu Temlscsmlng Ballsy .7114 .4414 M5 .1714 -iv J44. .41 1.11 .14 114 Wadlie.da'y Ki.rnlna aalea. COBALTS 4JUIKT. Ottawa broker, to-day told Th Journal Cobalt wn very aul.t Bum, which on report of 7. Inch vlu ben atruck went up to 40 una.

and' fell hack to 14 cant at sloalna- yetrJay. rallied a llttl. waa auoud at around 40 cant h.r thl aftarnoon. OHAWAS MEET' PL ST. OlARLES LOCALS HAY CHAIXKNGK FOR PEOPLK bHltLU.

Ottawa BbccM team wm practtc at 'Varsity Oval thla sventng in prepara tlm for tha match with Point St. Charlee here Saturday aft.rnooa. Point, ar. a vary fast azrresetlon. and Ottawas Ih.

Montiwal and Dlatrlet Lssrut Cham plonshlp they will chsllang. for th. Shl.ld, Canadian ehamplonahip trophy, bow aaed by th. Cslgsry, Alta, team. CRICKET TEAM TO MEET CANADIANS Philadelphia.

August Th. team lartad th AaanciaUd Cricket Cluns at Philadelphia ts repreeeet th. United gtatee gainst Caaada at Maau-aal oa Monday, Tueaday and Wednesday. Aug. 31, 4 and SI.

It ha. been announoad. will be aonstltuud aa lollowa J. L. Bvaaa.

Jttony- Marioe Crteket CUib-t Captain I. J. MacDonough. H. W.

Mid dleton. A. 1. Henry A. Valentine, Phil adelphia Cricket Club; B.

M. Cregar. Hi H. corataa.yk.. sotiomioy, oeimont Cricket Club ft- Jl l.IIanr.

Oermaa-town Cricket Club, and Pallows. mnkford Crlctat Club. Last year th United 8tatea gained a vary easy victory. This will be th rat match between th. United State, aad Canada ta ba playsd at Montr sal.

the previous games In Canada, with on. exreptlea, having been played at To ronto or Ottawa. Of th. thirty-nve matehea played between th. two ooan-trlaa, twenty-tour ha bean won by the United Rtatea.

nln. by Canada, and two hav ban drawn. CONRAD AND WOODS MAY STAY HERE Central Prison WU1 Likely Befane to Horetve the Putmntia Robben. In aU probability the (Jlarnond bar. Conrad and Wood, will arv entlr sntanci of on year tn tb.

County of Carleton Jail, and that Central Prieoa will sot aa. (or any portion of their term. Dr. lall physician, who naa th. nun under traaUntnt, statad to Kvsnlng Journal that the msn w.r.

In such condition that ha deem- -it almost certain that th offlclal of th his Toronto limb, w.uld rerun, to th.m. "Each pri soner received Into Central Prlaon," said th. doctor, must he acootn pealed by a certificate that he 1 capable t( performing an ordinary day labor aad la In a clear mental condition. My eartiaeat aa to th. condition of the two man hag b.n forwarded, aad .1 do not think It probable that they will be removed from here.

"ia thr no alternate provielon that can be made (or prlaoners who Ilk Conrad and Wood ar not physically fit," questioned tb. reporter. No. They will hav. to complete their ssntsnc.

her unless tran.frrd to Toronto or obtain a pardon. Th men ar victims of Incipient con sumption and thla will debar them from Central. IWTKBKSTIMO VISITOR. An Interesting visitor In the city to day I Brother Orion, tw.nty-.lght ago a teacher In this city. Bro ther Orion I now sngsged In educa.

tlonal work at Philadelphia. Pa. Brother Orion visited at the Archbishops Palaae and the great change, tn the Church here and In Ottawa generally during th past twanty-elght yeara hav Impressed him deeply. W. B.


1909. .71 -1114 ,1114 I.W il .41 LIX 1.14 .17 T.M Beaver to .1 4. 1.00 at 4014. MM at 41. loo at a.

l.oo. at 4. l.w. at l.aa at IB. .4 a.

.4 a. ana at tiu. 1 ooo at aa. 40 at 1114. loo at 40.

too at 114, to at 40. 1.000 at li, au in im at a. COBAIT MOTES. (pacta wtr. te the N.

a Spark Co, Buck DrOKara.1 Toronto. Oou Aui. 11. Cobalt Lake waa th. feature at the opanlnc yeeler day, but aota (' Kjnewhat.

prollt takluj be In partly reeaoaalbta. PetaraoB laka waa iiaaoy ana ooo demud. Fceter. which kas baaa on th dow yraoa (or th. put few days, rallied In the afternoon, and quickly climbed tiny, makln an advance of tan Bum mini up th.

whole market, th. trend la apparently upward, with nKda lata reaction front tuna to time. Th dividend payers not n-Ilroted. Nlple.ln. Kar Lake.

La Roee. Crown PUMrv. and othere win Improve with th. "teneral City af Cobalt baa reacted a little, and la fluttering: around a level which makee It attractive, silver Quean look. a.

thoush It would become Ar. en-tuu. lu beea listed on the New York urh. Sparks 84. Private and exctusire wire to my Toronto Correspondents, R.

L. COWAN members. Standard Stock: and Exchange. HOUSES TO RENT From October First, Throe New HOUM. 7i.

FORBES, PHONS ail. iSS SPARKS ST. WILL DISCUSS LEM1EUX ACT Labor Congress. AMENDMENTS MAY PR0B' ABLY BE SUGGESTED- OplBloa or Workln. Set Forth Lae Nlarht' Journal Endurwed by Mr.

Draper. would th. Lratus Act Ukely be dli in Mr. F. M.

Brapar waa aakad to-day ad at the oomln Dominion Trade, and Labor ConcrMs at Qusbeet II that It would. Th Journal read Mr. Draper th. faiu.wtn. Toronto dospateh.

and aakad hint what h. thou 1t about It: "Amous otbar Important question, to be dlacuased at th. Dominion Trades and Labor Congree. thl. September In tlue-bae th.

L.mtoux Act will oome up for review. Now that thl. act has bean In operation tor aom. tiro, the labor man feel moT eompotowa-i-uoiuia in. jro-1 vision than formerly, several etruea hevlus taken placa oonuernln wnicn tn.

act waa Invoked. "A labor man la thl. city. In dlacuaa. In th.

ub)eot. etetrs that tn one feature eepeclally th. act la weak. 7 case reoenlla.aroee.'he eeld, '-when an atrraamant betwaan a company and the union Mid not to ae vary plain, an strike waa almost Imminent. A u(cstlon waa mad.

to h.v. a Board of Arbitrator, undar th. Lcmleux Act decide what th aireemrnt meant, but fell, aa th. company elated before hand that It would not bind Itself ta Bra. with th.

decletoov Whet I hold Is this, when a aompany a onion make an esreement and a oueeUon arise, later on a to what certain clauaee la th. asm-Plant mean, th. matter should be with under th. Lamleux Act, and thl act hav. an additional

to th. that both parties must by Ibis darlslnn, I do not know what that maTTTtT- aalrt Mr. Draper, "but what hs suggests would mesa compulsory arbitration, and that la what th. member. th.

Do minion Congreya ara against. If you look 4-lst-B4ght's Journal, in the edl tcrial column, you will see an outline of what means th. Lsmlsux Act, which, think, put. It as phunly and clearly as It can ba put. I believe th.

act will dla- pact a hard match. Should Ottawas wla cussed at th. coming convention. It I probabl. that awvwal amendment to It will b-, susgested." MANY CHANGES ARE CONTEMPLATED Marvagemesit of the T.

Linuaay Co. Vt ill Improve ItuUtuiis aad Buaineea Motlwxia. Mr. A. K.

Itea, menacing director of the T. Lindsay Company, who hae been her. for a few days In connection with matters pertaining to th. now h. be taken'bver clone with 111 brother, left lest night (or Toronto.

yesterday hinted that th new arm of which Measr. and J. B. Rea 'afw'nva mwiilxra. con-templsted aatenstva changes and stat-d that already they had announced that (or the balance th.

month they would cloaa daily at I p.m. and at 4 on Saturdays, The Journal learned today that Mr. A. K. Item -Intends to at one fit up th.

first floor of th. big building tor ladles' ready-to-wear Ws Intend," said Mr. Rea, "to offer th. finest on this contlnsnt as to sty Is, quality and price." During the next week or two arrant-menta will mad (or an. elaborate sal of all lln, a th lntntlon I to Improve the present quarts rs com modious and modern though tney are.

There will be many interior changes. Th Intention la to mark down vary considerably th. present stapls Unas men clothing, dry goods, boot and Bhoea, china, glaaaware, and many other llnsa. Bom Motion are overstocked and th Intention la to elaer out many of the different llnea. special attention will give, to the buying puhlto and tbay will hav advantages of getting good bought at th biggest wholesale house, and In bulk.

It has also bean announced that irbm now'bn air goodB'bought at tho establishment be cheerfully ehengwd or money refunded II unaauatao tory. As Mr. Rea stated yesterday, baa not been long enough her. yet t. give out a detailed statsmsnt.

but will have before long aom.thlng (urthsr te say regarding-th ehangea contemplated. LEAGUE CONSIDERS PROTESTED GMES Rocheeter. N.T., Aug. IS. saaclal moMing of th.

dlractar. ot th. Eaatt Baseball Lmgu. le being held In thla city. President Powers called the meat Ing to order.

Kastsrn team war re- prasentrd. Protested game will take up moot of the time to-day. Rochester haa two to be put en the docket. will be that by Baltimore played hare when oansel le claimed to have run out of the tine after making a hit that drove in the winning run. Tb other Is th game played recently In Jersey City, which Manager Ganael protwstsd tMcaua.

Owborn was declared out when Holmes, who waa coaching at third. ran towards th. pl.t.. CIVIL SERViNTS IN OUTSIDE JOBS Over One Hanrtred Maker Extra Pay araring i netr swrt tuisa. ust to CM to Host.

Chas. Murphy. Thr ar ovor one hundred civil servant. In Ottawa who work at Jobs ontsld. their regular dutiee, ana will put stop 1L" said atugan.

Cedleug, organiser of the International federation of Lavbor, In rhla city "The names will be shows to Hon. Ch.rla Murphy abortly, whsn our committee will wait upon him." con. tinned Mr. Cadleuz. The labor men contend thai dvll servanta work at office, musical, and prof.salonal work aad at suny af the trades.

A10RE MEN IN OTTAWA SOUTH Now at Work-on the Sew-' age Syatetn. IMPEOVEMENTS ADVAN CIStt STEADILY. Satlafafltorr Fiosiema Bclnf Made-on Uk. Vladuc and th umeroiu Olvto Worata Voder Way. City Enaiaasr K.r thl.

morning placed a swnd tnc of men at' 'work upon the Ottawa South aswasa system now being Installed by th. oily. The work In thla portion ol the rwoontly annexed territory Is Sain, ruahed with possible despatch and Mvvaty-ttv. men are bow employed there. Th.

sidewalks la Ottawa South are nearly aU eomplatad bow and the roadways are well advanced. It will now be only a abort time until 'the realdenu of Ottawa South, will be enjoylrif th same convenience, aa th. city proper In so far a a watar and aewer system la con cerned. The bin at th. and of Bank street has Deen considerably ut W.a so Ihe 4rad la now not nearly so stsep, which 1.

a creat benefit to drivers of vehicles At th. viaduct on Wellington th. work la barna advanced steadily aad ur.litatt opted, and It la hoped will be complete. within th time tpectneeV On th. vmrtis paving contracts th rough sut th.

city, wttk t. advaoclog satisfactorily. Oa th. whoi. there i a rs il agount of civic Improvements ua.

dsr way at preeent and th. engineering staff tht, city hall Js kept' very busy. GREEK FUGWAS HAULED DOWN Canea, Islaad-of Crate. Aug. 11.

Th. Greek flea! raised thres weeks ago by the people of Crete In deftanc ot the Sovereignty of Turkey and as an of their desire for union with th. Kingdom of Gteeu was low-4 at aunrue to-day by a party or International bluejackets. There was no ralstano. on tb.

p.rt of th. Crete na. and th. function waa carried out without- dUsorder and accordance with the pre-arranged pro gramme. A landing nai ty from -the battle- ahlne of Great Britain.

-Russia. Italy nnd sahoe, the protecting powers of Crete which evacuated the island on July 7th laat, came ashore before sunrise, proceeded to the fort over which the flea- was flying and remov-' ed th Hellenlo emblem from He taff. The four warships assembled r-. haelnne vtslard.f afternoon. 1 their nreawnce being an outcome o( the difficulty that haa arisen bslwsen Greece and Turkey alnce the evacuation, and an Indication of the purpose of tha power, to maintain th.

atatus quo. Yesterday tn. foreign consuls in ansa notified th. Cretan Government the. tha rlreek flaw would b.

hauled down thla morning warned. th. Government that irreparaoi. consequence would any attack made on tne international lano.n. nartv.

On receipt Of thl. warning th. ratanauthorltlea lasued -appeal to the people not to oosiroci in any way tn. acuen oi mi yvntm. TWO "YE AHsJ1 TrBRCTO.

JoMphlrt Potvln was glv.n two In the Mercer tt- formatory thl morning for keep- IH lnv a nuaatlonabla bOUM at U1 Wellington strsst. a OOOXlOOOOOOOOtJOtHWOOOOOOO LAUNCH STRUCK BY SEVERE SQUALL And Two Ocnipanta Harrowly Eacap- ed irrowmng. Special to Th JsurnaL Port Dover. Aug. Whila the gsso- llno launch Naiad waa returning to tht port from Selkirk, having on board the-only son of Richard Coll, Cleveland.

Roy Ml and Bassn Waddle, shs wm struck by a severe aquall. Th. boat IB tew Oiled and Coll uacleaied th. painter aad waa attempting to pull It up when a heavy sea struck the tow, pulling him ta. ins painter, running overboard, caught th tiller and rendered the launch temporarily unmansgsmsnt, and the tw yeungsr lads were forced to watch thslr.

companion drown. Thsy managed to repair tho-niler and run under th shelter of Peacock Point, though they heavily on th rest off th. point In doing so. COLLEGIATE TO ZZiRE-OPBN SEPT. Asanstant English Maater Resigns.

Va- caacy iu no guiea unn, Ttwaa aenouecsd at a meeting af th. CollegSat. Instltuts Board held yaaterday that Mr. Robert Hoia, aeelstanl sngitsn teacher at he coU.glaie, haa -raslsnea and 4s going te Windsor, Ontario. Sups will at once ba taken te fin th.

vacancy. Too new Ontario Act announcea several, rhangee that will affect solterlates to km axtsnt. By on. octhsa the date of the reopening of auoh educational in. tllutlon.

after th. summer noiteays is flgsd. The eollsglaite 'her W41I reopen oa Seyt ember 7th. SUBSTANTIAL SUM FOR SCHOLARSHIP Former Pupils of tarred) Heart Jan-. lontte Present Sum of SI.

OOO. In Re-L'tilo. The Jualorat. of th. Sacred Heart was la fate laat night, tbs eoeaeto.

being th. reception of th. U0 or mere old student there wh ar. congregated tn th -city from th length and breadth of th. Dominion.

Th. outstanding feature after the opening of th. low laat night was the presentation ta th. Jualorat. by the "old boys" of a fund for arholarehlp which wsa give, towards ths future matntalnance one etudent at th.

arheoL There wm speech ee by the elerey sn ethers present. Among those wh. gave addresses w.r. Aid. OtrTtis.

Montreal: Rev. Father eaaara. president th. snt.rtamlng Fshsrs I Orsndpre. Father JMnaotta, rather Doaols (provlnrlat).

and Father OuertM, High mass wss sung la the JuniorW. Chapel thte morning by Rev. at her NoewiaMla. wh later preached an eloquent est ins. te ths eraser atedeota After ehitrch this morning a i.tsreet-Inr bawbaS gun.

wss played between beam mad. up of the old etudent and tha member, of the OMste Order. At nosn te-day a was held, whack srrved auli success ruL THE.O0SS JDfcJWdJ THE ROSS CO. limited This Store Closes at 6 p. m.

Except Saturdtrys During August when we Close ot I p. m- DIVaPORTONT Ar Sa I of ca I I i Linen Quantity 13 25 Dozen 14 55 Dozen 15 45 Dozen 18 60 Dozen 20 55 Dozen M22 65 Dozen Meantime the father bad wssbsd th. llttl girl's wound, rolled her up In a blanket and carried her In and laid her oa a lounge In the sitting las down on th. floor beeld. her, where he was later -found-Seed i The doctor could discover no trace of violence or poison and think the father died from the.

effect, of tb. shock. They notified Coron.r Oray of P.t.rboro by telephone. He In com pany with fh two doctor and a con stable, visited the scene- of th tragedy. I After viewing th remains, th coroner decided to summon a Jury.

Th in quest will be held this afternoon at the home. Wllloughby bad alway been a quiet peaceable altlwn, but had-not been In good health. Last year ha sold his farm In Hummer, and Ust spring pur chased the home where the tragedy occurred. He had Since regretted this etep. bad brooded over hla move, and papers wr xcutd a few dey ago tranafsrrlng the title of the latter property back to the original owner.

The relation between HI rose if and lamny. however, appear to have been of tb happiest nature. LOWEST RATE IN ONTARIO Promised rlph Bderw Canadian Fir Special to Th. Journal, Ouelpb, Aug. II Ouelph la to have a pair 4Va brigade, aocordlng to a bylaw that was rssd at Ih City Council meeting.

The city I thus keepltrg it part of as agraement with the Canadian Tire Underwriters' Association, by whom they have been glvsn a conditional promts, of ths lowest ksy rat. of fir. Insurance enjoyed by any city or town In Ontario, 1 MTNCHF-S AT THE GUILD. Lady clerk In stores and business house, hav been securing their midday lunch at a small coat at tha King's Daughters' Oulld, I IT O'Connor strsst. Th.

bin offer. I a cholc on nd is varied to suit the most exacting. In tha new Berwick nail. IIS Laurter avenue. 4 which tb King's deughtcrs will occupy August gist, the accommodation will be oven larger than the present quarters and a splendid redlag room will be available, Sizes of Hems 1, and J4 inch "1, andilinch '1; yi and inch 1, and yi inch 1, yi and 'nch 1, y3 and yi inch 1, l2 and i inch OBITUARY.

J08HPH TAflSB. a well-known contractor In Ottawa, and also spent number of years la the West. About two years ago be resided for a 41m with his grandson. Dr. R.

Tasee of Hull, but his death occurrad at St. Andre Av.llla, whers th funeral was fisld Sunday. Dr. Taase of Hull waa In attendance. FORTTJNAT BERN1ER.

IN ALL 688 DOZENS The best Handkerchief buying opportunity that has come in many a day. You Know Real Irish Linen Handkerchiefs are the limit for reliableness for the prices "they are regularly sold for. Keep that fact in mind. But read The best is to come. We are going to open a sale To-morrow morning of Real Irish Linen Hand-; kerchiefs, made from the best Irish flax yarns, at large discounts off the regular prices.

We have cleared a manufacturer of "several" surplus lots and added all odd lines romjnit own stocks of which we have less and not more than twenty-five dozens. There are 688 dozens in all think of the immense1 pile. All high class and all pure linens. Hnadkerchiefs that retail from $1 to $5.50 a dozen. This sale is about the greatest the year in pure linen handkerchiefs.

XomeJTorinorrow. Following is the compictetocTTlistr No. WOMEN'S ALL PURE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. No. Quantity Sizes of Hems.

"aau anciii i i JJ. 33 -14 15 1916 1915 ,2122 2116 2115 '2315 2316 20 Dozen 15 Dozen 115 Dozen 55 Dozen 30 Dozen 25 Dozen 27 Dozen 25 Dozen 60 Dozen inch J4 mch 1, and i Inch 1. and inch' 1, y2 and inch 1, y2 and 4 inch 1, and 4 ncb r-. 1, and J4 inch 1, and inch I Regular 1 Sale I Price Price $1.00 .79 $1.25 $1.65 $1.15 $2.25 $1.69 $2.25 $1.69 $2.50 $1.88 $2.75 $1.98 $3.00 $2.22 $3.25 $2.45 MEN'S ALL PURE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. I Regujar Sale I Price Price i i i I $2.00 I $1.59 eK 1 en $6..0 9krl $2.50 $2.15 $3.50 $2.69 $3.75 $2.98 $475 $3.88 $5.50 $4.30 Women's Fine Lawn Handkerchiefs, hemstitched, regularly sold at dozen.

Sale price per dozen Men's FmtFLawnandkerchiefsrrwmsti Sale, price per dozen A former well-knows Ottswan In Ot persos of Mr. Joseph Tass 414 at St. Andr Avsllln. a tew days ago. The deceased was well known In thla city and was the father of tb lat Benhtor Tease, and of the lata Mr.

Ell Tassa, who waa editor of "Can ada," a newspaper one published hers. and later clerk of the French Journals la-lh. ioeQ Cominona. Tb ds- caeaed waa In hie 14lh year. The lata Mr.

Taaa. was at one time Mr. Fortunal Bernlr, for the past twenty-nine years well-known hotel' keeper of Hull, died yesterday after an Illness of about a year. The de ceased was 64 year of ag and wa a mem ben of th men's congregation or Notre Dame de Orace Church, and of the Catholic Order of Forestsrs. Hs leavea a widow: one eon, Mr Honor Bernler, and two daughters, Mrs.

Bro. dear, wife of Mr. Charles Brodeur, architect, and Miss Lauren da Bernler. The funeral will ba h.ld tomorrow morning to Notre Dame de Orae Church, 'and Interment will In Hult cemetery. TO 85c.

a a $1.19 As Pure Linen Handkerchiefs are a. most acceptable gift for any Lady-oi Gen tleman -at-OristmasJhis sale is especially timely and careful ad- vantage of it Ihe above sale prices are for Handkerchiefs in Half and One Dozen Lots only jind to every purchaser of one dozen on the Opening Day of the Sale, which is Tomorrow, we will present a handsome agate pencil with solid nickel mountings, complete with box of lead refills. These pencils are suitable for either ladies' or gentlemen's use. (Main Floor.) THE ROSS CO. IMed 1 THE ROSS CO.

limited TWO KILLED MYSTERIOUSLY (OONTI.fUKD FROM PAGE 1.) PROMOTE IRISH TRADE toa, ton of flir John W. Johns rntrc Industrial Coram. of Lon doadarry, -Ireland, waa tha jrueat of Comm. toner of Industries Thompson yesterday. fHa Is in Canada for th pur po ot, securing; toetter trad re- latlona between th two eountrtea, and finding a market for Irish linen (oodss.

In oompsny with the oomrols-slonsr ha visited svarai of th lara; lorttt iMirafaetuiHasj estabiis hmanta. after which left for Winnipeg. A NEW TROPHY. A perpetual trophy for tlnghey baa ben prs.ntsd to the Britannia Boating dub by Mr. J.

a. Bangs, of Orme and Son. Conditions governing the trophy are aa followat I Th trophy will knows as tb Bangs cup. It will be a perpatual trophy for annual competition, two lap of three-mil eouras. Winner of two race, out of Uiree held during season to bold cup for one year.

4 All er aft must be under 14 feet, and of th regulation enghy claaa. 4 Boats to be owned by members of th B. c. and sailed by their owners. Craw to ba compoard of two sun.

WITH SIR WILFRID. Hon. Kodolph Unlsoi, Postmsa-tr gsnsral, left Murray Bay yeet.r day for Quebec aad to-day went to Arthahaakavill. to spaad a fsw days with Sir Wilfrid Laurler. Northern Crown Bank Capital Paid Tp A.tborfassd Oapftal fas i.too,sos Tbs Korthva Crows Bank fully qulpped to undertake every description of banking transaction: Travelers' and Commercial Letters of Credit Issued, available tn all parte of th BUI of Cx-change.

Drafts and Orders on all oountrie. bought and sold: Canadian Bankers' Association Money Order for sale at all Branches. Savings Bank Department at All Branches OTTAWA sUtAKCBESl SPARKS ST. 117 RIDCAr ST. ins waxxjoTOW sr..

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