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The West Plains Mascott from West Plains, Kansas • 3

West Plains, Kansas
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Pandora's Box of Evil THE OKLAHOMA BILL THE EARTH-WORM. THE CREEK LANDS. Never contained a worse one than malaria. Anatrallan Specimens That Attain a Length of Several Feet. Ia wandering through the fields in Bill fc trade ebiMm MARK Provisions of tha Springer Pnased by the House.

A Special Message to Congress on the Subject. the General Allotment act and to cover the expenses of surveys and adjustments, a diminish-ment of 20 cents per acre has been acceded to-There 13 no difference in the character of the lands, thus combining the unassigned and entirely unappropriated land being the Oklahoma country containing 1,392,704 70 acres at 95 cents per acre and the remainder which has been appropriated to the extent above stated being 1,277,060.19 acres at 75 cents per acre the total price stipulated in the agreement has been reached $2,280,057. the early morning, we often see little heaps of newly disturbed earth, and occasionally eaten glimpses of reddish GREAT rvi- mm 4 1 or pink bodies quickly withdrawing in little tunnels in the sod. These are The President Transmits a Provisional Agreement Made "With, the Creeks Sell Their Lands Clearing the Way to Oklahoma. But as it was desirable that the Indian title he earth-worms, considered the humblest of all animals; yet, as in should be beyond question extinguished to all parts of-the lands ceded by the Creeks in 1866, with their full consent and understanding the agreement of cession has been made to em CURES PROMPTLY SPRAINS, STRAINS, CONQUERS PAIN, HUMS, CURES, At DsteGisT and Dealers.

THE CHARLES A. V0GELH significant as they seem, they are among the most valuable aids to the agriculturist. We may appreciate Extirpate it When it nrst snows its ujuia head. If you don't, it will wind its sinuous length about you, and, perhaps, in the end crush vou. Hostetter'si Stomach Bitters annihilates and prevents it.

So it does dyspepsia, constipation, liver complaint, kidney an-meuts, rheumatism and nervousness. xgtj cannot select a prompter tonic and alterative. Bass clerks don't catch cold more than other clerks, notwithstanding there are drafts passing through the bank constantly. Washington Critic Always avoid harsh purgative pills. They first make you sick and then leave you constipated.

Carter's Little Liver Pills regulate the bowels and make you welL Dose, one pilL "Wheji a girl is bent on getting married she stands straighter than ever. Kentucky State Journal. The Throat. Brown's Bronchial Troches "act directly on the organs of the voice. They have an extraordinary effect all disorders ot the throat.

A. pebson who serves U9 throuph firo and water the cook. The Vineyardiat. brace a complete surrender of all claim to the western half of their domain, including the assigned and the unassigned lands for the this by selecting a field at random in a good producing country, making a section down through the earth for Diamond Vera-Ctsra price named. So the agreement takes the form in the first article of such a cession, and in the second article is stipulated the price in gross of FOR DYSPEPSIA.

all the lans and interests ceded with node- A POSITIVE CITES FOR. INDIGESTION AST) ATX tailed reference to the manner of the aeveral feet, when, if carefully done, we shall find innumerable tunnels formed by the worms, leading here, Stomach Troubles Arising There ToHf Pruanist or fit-neml fitalrr tri'N pi The overtures which led to this agreement for vou if nt'i already in stock, or it teill I sent by mail there and everywhere. In fact, the upper crust of the earth is an endless were made by representatives of the Creek Nation who came here for that purpose. They on receipt of 23 cts. i5 bnxr ti mtampa.

mem on receipt oj j-emi stamp. were intelligent and evidently loyal to the maze of srteets, lanes and avenues. A THE CHARLES A.VCSELE3 Baltimore, ad. interests of their people. The terms of tho agreement were fully discussed, and concessions naturalist has even attempted to calculate these numbers of little workers, were made by both parties.

It was promptly and has come to the conclusion that confirmed by the National Council of the Creek Indians, and its complete consummation only awaits the approval of the Congress of tho they average 100,000 to the acre; and If you want to be cured of a cough use Hale's Honey of Horehound and Tar. Pike's Toothache Drops Cure in one minute. A hand to hand affair courting in the dark. Burlington Free Press. in especially rich ground in New United States.

1 am convinced that such ratification will be of decided benefit to the Gov Zealand it was estimated that there ernment, and that the agreement is entirely were 348,480 in a single acre. This free from any suspicion of unfairness or injustice toward the Indians. vast body of worms is continually at work, boring this way and that, dom I desire to call especial attention to the fact that to become effective the agreement must be ratified by the Congress prior to July 1, 1889. ing to the surface during the night The draft of an act of ratification is herewith submitted. Groves Cleveland, Eyecutive Mansion, February 3, 13S9.

and retreating to a greater depths during the day; and it is at once evident that their tunnels constitute a system of irrigation and vemtilation for the THE LONDON TIMES. OF COD LIVER OSL, upper crust. In other words, rain, instead of running off, enters the With EXtffct of Man ana vonipuumi ojrupi Washington, Feb. 6. A dynamite bomb thrown into the ranks of the opponents of the Oklahoma bill could not have created greater consternation than the message of the President sent to both houses of Congress yesterday afternoon announcing the cession of the Oklahoma and other lands to the United States.

It was seen at once that by this cession every possible argument against the creation of the Territory cf Oklahoma would fall to the ground. It vfill be observed that the agreement with the Creeks, which was consummated at the Interior Department January 19, soon after the successful conclusion of general Weaver's parliamentary struggle, is an absolute cession of the land, and that the agreement was promptly ratified by the Creek Council, and returned to the President, who lost no time in layin? it before Congress. The friends of Oklahoma are overwhelmed with joy at the auspicious result of the negotiations. The message and agreement will be referred to the Indian Committee of the House and Senate and there is no doubt but that it will be ratified. The following is the full text of the President's message: To the Congress: I transmit herewith for approval and ratification a provisional agreement lately entered into between the Government of the United States and the Creek Nation of Indians through their duly authorized representatives, and which has been approved by the National Council of said Nation, by which agreement the title and interest of the said Creek Nation of Indians in and to all lands in the Indian Territory or elsewhere, except sueh as are held and occupied as the homes of said Nation, are ceded to the United States.

The eighth section of the Indian Appropriation bill, approved March 3, 1S85, authorized he President "to open negotiations with the t'reeks, Seminoles and Cherokees for the purpose of opening to settlement under the Homestead laws the unassigned lands in the Indian Territory, ceded by them respectively to the United States by the several treaties ot August 11, 1SC6, March 81, 1SGG, and July 19, 186G." This section also contains an appropriation in furtherance of its purpose, and requites that the action of the President thereunder should be repotted to CoDgress. The unassigned lands thus referred to should be construed to be those which have not been transferred by the United States in pursuance of the treaties mentioned in the section quoted. The treaty with, the Creeks is dated July 14, 1S6. It was confirmed by the Senate resolution passed July 19, lSGtS, and was proclaimed August 11, 1806. 411 785).

The third aricle of the treaty makes a cession of lands in the following words: "In compliance with the desire of the United States to locate other Indians and freedmen thereon, the Creeks horeby cede Hood's Sarsaparilla ia Caret ally prepared torn Sarsaparilla. Dandelion. Mandrake. Dock, Pipsissewa, Junipef Berries, and other well-known and valuable yegetable remedies, by a peculiar combination, proportion and process, (riving to Hood's Sarsaparilla curatiTe power not possessed by other medicines. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the best blood purifier.

It cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Boils. Pimples, all Humors, Dyspepsia. Biliousness, Sick Headache, Indigestion, General Debility, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Kidney and Liver complaints, overcomes that tired feeling, creates an appetite, strengthens the nerves, and builds up the whole system; Hood's Sarsaparilla Has met peculiar and unparalleled success at home. Such is its popularity in XiOwell. where It is made, that whole neighborhoods are taking it at the same time, and Lowell druggists sell more of holes, and so penetrates the earth, Cures tjonsumpuun, dtohiuiiis, 0UKhs.

Colds, Scrolw and all Wasting diseases. thus being held for a longer time. Air also finds its way below the Surface so It pleuount ana yawiaDie honey. IU strengthening effect Immti that the homes of the little creatures dlate. It doe not come up to asert Itccir mi ccnsfannlly after being swallo wed, 3 tn.

er Kmul.lunK certainly constitute storehouses for moisture. But this is a very small part of the work accomplished. The worms are in league with the farmer, are in fact his unappreciated assistants, upon It a Kreat prodnrrr or HOS CL.E, It purines the lllood. na patient tram rapidly In weight while taking It. itlaittrna EnnilIon, tne only one tnut iii whoso endeavors depends much of tho alvay ready always alike, and thnt nevei Hood's Sarsaparilla than of I all other Barsaparillas or blood purifiers.

It is sold by all druggists, fl; has a thick, eumnSy nd irreaay Throngh With Irish Testimony American Testimony Introduced. London, Feb. At the opening of yesterday's session of the Parnell Commission Attorney-General Webster said he had finished with the Irish portion of the Times case and would now take up the American part. A witness named Beach then testified. He said he joined the Fenians in 1865 and was appointed military organizer.

After the failure of the invasion of Canada by the Fenians he joined a society known as the "13. the object of which was to provide money to carry on the Irish agitation and ship arms to Ireland. Beach said he remembered the visit of Messrs. Dillon and Parnell to America in 1880. The meetings held during their stay in the United States were organised exclusively by the United Brotherhood or Clan Na Gael.

"Witness attended several meetings at which Messrs. Dillon and Parnell were present. Mr. Parnell attended the demonstration in Chicago at which bodies of the Clan Na Gael and the Hibernian Rifle Guards were under arms. Beach produced a copy of the constitution of the or Clan-Na-GaeL This top to npset the FA it.vrs i six for $5.

Prepared only by C. I. HOOD CO-Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. It Is used In nil the leading ii a- nw.i.rlbrd bv the most euHnent physi IOO Doses One Dollar cians In the United States and Canada. Ask your Druggist for It, and take no other.

J. A. MAGEE Lawrence, Mass. m. OAS! MAN CFACTTKER8 07 Thri trentleman on the left took IMercnry, Potast and Sarsanarilla Mixtures, which ruined his diges success of his crops.

They are con- I tinually swallowing the earth and depositing it the surface, and working it over and over. If I should ask my young readers to estimate the quantity of earth brought to the surface in a single acre in a year, I fear they would not place the amount as high as Mr. Darwin, who states that the vegetable mold, thus transported, in some places amounts to ten tons an acre. Think of it! If your ten-acre farm is in one of these farming localities, these silent workers, say to the number of a million, have plowed up about one hundred tons of earth for you, giving you a fine lop-dressing. The worms not only carry all this material to the surface, but they drag vast quantities of leaves and other matter down, that serve to enrich the soil and render it capable of producing larger crops.

The earth-worms of Australia attian a large size, sometimes several feet in lenth, and have tion and gave him mercurial rheumatism. The gentleman on the right took Swift's Specific (S. S. which forced out the poison, and him provided for concerted action with the Irish brotherhood and kindred societies to bring about a combination of the Irish up from the first dose. US! SWIFT'S SPECIFIC is entirely a vegetable medi revolutionary movements hi all parts of the world to act decisively against England.

The witness said that in 1878 De- cine, and is the only medicine which has ever cured Blood Poison, Scrofula. Blood numors and kindred cVseases. Send for ourbookson Blood and Skin dis and convey to the United States, to be sold to and used as homes for such other civilized eases, mailed free. THE SWl sfjcui iu w. Drawer 3.

Attentat Ga voy and Millen were sent as delegates to Indians as the United States may choose SEP Ireland, receiving $10,000 from the skir to settle thereon the west half of their ern. and Stationary and Traction Enplnes, lf. Morwe Powero. Trend l'ow ILb Machinery. tWS'JJT'" mishing fund and a further sum which entire domain, to be divided by a line running: LLanoso.M Catalogue, mailed JTA1EK.

does not appear in the official lists. Qj-iSis this ta Ja north and south. The eastern half of said Creek land-, being retained bv ttjem, shall, except as herein otherwise stipulated, be forever set apart as a home for said Creek Nation; and, in consideration of said cession of the west Attorney-General "Webster read Devoy's official report, in which he urged that bo-fore any large quantity of arms was sent to Ireland, three delegates should be sent half of their lands, estimated to contain acres, the United States agree to prepare Irishmen to use them. been seen climbing troes. Some casts to pay the sum of thirty (30) cents CURE CONSTIPATION.

To cm joy health one should have recr- found in India are a foot in length. Beach further testified that Eagan told him that Mr. Parnell desired to join the brotherhood, but it was thought that his connection with the organization would The worms evidently live in complete nlar evacuations every twen four darkness; but it is known that at hours. The evils, froth mental and destroy his usefulness, and on this account per acre, amounting to 5975, 103." The provisions that the lands conveyed were "to be sold to and used as homes for such other civilized Indians," has been steadily regarded as a limitation upon the grant made to the United States. Such a construction is admitted to be the true one in many ways, especially by the continual reservation of the ceded lands physical! resulting1 from HABITUAL CONSTIPATiOH he was not allowed to join.) FATAL EXPLOSION.

certain times and under certain conditions they are luminous, so that a state of things may exist underground of which we have no conception, and are many and serious. For ihe care of this common trouble, Tutt's Liver I'ills hare gained a popularity nnpar Terrible Explosion in the Insane Hospital from settlement by the whites, by the same on a portion of the same to Indians by the use of the tunnels of these little creatures may at Lincoln, Neb. ttiieieu icgamiy sugar coatea, SOLD EVERYWHERE. faith, he shall refuse a patent and declare all prior proceedings before had in such case to be null and void and all persons settling on lands under the provisions of this act shall be required to select the same In square form, as near may be and to maintain a continuous personal residence of three years on the land, and to improve and cultivate the same for that period in the manner required by the homestead laws before obtaining title thereto; but payment for lands, where payment is required to be made by this act, hail be made in four equal installments. Under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior, as follows: The first payment shall be made Within six months from the time of entry, the second at the expiration of one year from date of entry, the third at the expiration of two years from date of entry, and the final payment shall be made at the expiration of three years from the date of entry Provided, That there shall be reserved public highways four rods wide roih'd every section of land in said Territory, the section lines being the center of said highways; but no deduction shall be made in the amount to be paid for each quarter section of land by reason of such reservation.

Sec. 8. That the procedure in application, entries, contests and adjudications Under this act shall be In the form and manner prescribed under the homestead laws of the United States, and the general principles and provisions of the homestead laws, except as modified by the provisions of this act, shall be applicable to all entries made hereunder, and no patent shall be issued to any persons who is not a citizen of the United States at the time he makes final proof and payment. Final proof and payment, except in cases of contest, shall be made within three months after the expiration of three years from the date of entry, and in default thereof, or in default of the payment of any installment of the purchase-money when duo, the fMry shall be liable to cancellation, and the money paid thereon Bhail be forfeited to the United States Lands entered under the provisions of this ast shall be liable to taxation after the first installment of the purchase money shall have been paid; but the same shall nt be subject to any judgment or lien obtained apon indebtedness contracted or obligations incurred prior to the issue of patents therefor, nor shall such lands be sold, or contracted to be sold, leased, or contracted to be leased coftteyed mortgaged, or in any manner encumbered, prior to final proof or pa ymeht and the record hereof made in the office of the register ant receiver of the district where the lard is located; and any sale, lease, conveyance or mortgage-made, executed or contracted for prior to such final proof, payment and record, shall be ibso-lutely null and void; and all assignments, transfers and mortgages of unpatented land entries shall be at the risk of the assig ees, transferees, and mortgagees, who shall have no recourse against the United States for any failure of claimant's title before issue of patent: Provided, That the provisions of section 8305 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, entitled "Homestads," shall not be modified or changed by any thing in this act. Sec.

9. That whenever any portion of the lands opened to settlement by provision of this act shall be occupied for town site purposes, and the secretary of the Interior is satisfied that they are occupied in good faith and a' necessary for such purposes, the said Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to cause patents to be issued therefor, under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, to any legally organized company occupying and en tilled to the same, upon the payment in cash of 83-) per acre for the lands so occupied. The money so received for each town site, except such amount as may be required to be paid to the Indian tribes, as provided in sections 5 and 6 Of this act, shall be held by the Secretary of the Interior as a separate school fund for the benefit of the people of such town, and shall be expended under his direction for the erection of school buildings and the support of schools therein: Provided, That town sites actually occupied on the public land strip at the date of the approval of this act by not less than one hundred bona fide inhabitants shall be patented to the legally organized company selected by said inhabitants, said sites to embrace the amount of land provided by law; Provided further, That all patents issued for town sites in the Territory of Oklahoma shall contain reservations for parks, and other public purposes, embracing in the aggregate not less than ten or more than twenty acres, but no deduction shall be allowed on this account in the amount to be paid for said town sites as provided in this section and patents for such reservations shall be issued to the towns respectively when organized as municipalities. Sec. 10.

That all lands in the Territory of Oklahoma not embraced in the provisions of sections 4, 5 and 6 of this act, which are not required by law, treaty stipulations, executive orders, or rights of occupancy for the use of any Indian tribe, or which maybe relinquished as an Indian reservation, shall be open to settlement under the provisions of this act: Provided, That whenever Indian lands are purchased by the United States with the consent of the Indians, and opened to settlement in said Territory, the President of the United States may fix the price to be paid therefor bv actual settlers, which price shall in no case exceed $1.23 per acre, and the proceeds shall be held for the benefit of the Indians concerned, as provided in sections 5 and 6 of this act. Sec. 11. That the President of the United States is hereby authorized and directed to appoint a Commission, to be composed of five persons, not more than three of whom shall be members ot the same political party, whose duty it shlal be to open negotiations with the Creeks, Seminoles and Cherokees for the purpose of securing the consent of said Indians so far as it may be necessary to the provisions of section 5 and section 6 of this act. The Commission is authorized to enter into such agreements with said Indian tribes as it may deem necessary to accomplish the purposes of this act and shall submit the same to the President for his approval or rejection.

The compensation of the members of said Commission shall be at the rate of 10 per day; and they shall also be allowed, in addition thereto, their actual necessary traveling expenses, stationary and postage. They shall have power to appoint a secretajy. who shall receive a compensation of 10 per day, and such allowances far traveling expenses as he may actually incur. Sec. 12.

That it shall be unlawful for any person, for himself or any company, association or corporation, to directly or indirectly procure any person to settle upon any lands opened to settlement by this act with a view of their afterward acquiring title to said lands from said occupants; and the parties to such fraudulent settlement shall severally be guilty of a mis demeanor, and shall be punished, upon indictment, by imprisonment not exceeding twelve months, or by fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. Sec 13. That all leases of lands belonging to the United States or held in common by any of the Indian tribes within the Territory of Oklahoma, as organized' by this act, including the Cherokee Strip west of the ninety-sixth degree of west longitude, whether controlled by persons, corporations, or others, except such leases as are held for the purpose of cultivating the soil strictly for farming purposes, are hereby declared void and contrary to public policy and it is hereby made the duty of the President, immediately after the passage of this act, to cause the lessees of said lands, and any other persons illegally occupying the same, to be re moved from said lands. Sec. 14.

That the act of Congress approved July 25, 18G6, granting lands to the State of Kansas to aid in the construction of the Kansas Neosho Valley railroad and its extension to Red river, and an act of Congress granting lands to the State of Kansas to aid in the construction of the southern branch of the Un on Pacific railway, and a telegraph from Fort Riley, to Fort Smith, ap- proved July 26, 1806, or any other acts of Congress so far as they relate to lands granted in said Indian Territory and the Public Land Strip, excep for the right of way and necessary stations as now provided for by law, are hereby repealed and all or any rights to said lands are hereby forfeited to the United States, and no railroad company now organized, or hereafter to be organized, shall ever acquire any lands to aid in the construction of its road, or in consequence of any railroad already constructed, either from the United States or from any Indian tribe, or from any Territorial Government within the limits of the Territory organized by this act. Sec. 15. That neither the Legislative Assembly of said Territory, nor any county, township or city therein, shall have power to create or contract any indebtedness for any work of public improvement, or' in aid of any railroad constructed or to be constructed, nor to subscribe for or purchase any shares of stock in any railroad company or corporation. Sec 16.

That the provisions of this act shall not be applicable to lands lying within the limits of what is known as Greer County until the question of title thereto between the United States and the State of Texas shall have been finally determined in favor of the United States. Tiie House adopted an amendment to the bill as follows: It is expressly provided that the rights of honorably discharged Union soldiers and sailors in the late civil war to make homes on the public lands under the existing Homestead laws shall not in any degree be impaired by ti passegs ot this bUL other portions as the home of Indians and also be brightly illumined. Living Light Lincoln, Feb. 6. The boilers used by various provisions in proposed legislation in in heating the insane hospital here ex For any one of fiO Congress.

Thus the bill now pending for the CIILY CHOICE SETS Of ploded at 2:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon, Fob any case of nervousness, sleeplessness, weak stomach, indigestion, dyspepsia, relief is sure in Carter'3 Little Liver Pills. organization of Oklahoma provides for the payment to the Creeks and Seminoles of the ordi "Following is the Springer Oklahoma bill which has passed the House of Repre sentatives and now awaits the action of the Senate: A bill to organize the Territory of Oklahoma, and for other purposes. lie it enaJUd by the Senate and How ef Ilepre tentative of the United State Of America in. Congress Section 1. That oil that part of the United States included within the following limits, except such portions thereof as is hereinafter "expressly exempted from the operations of this net, to-wit Bounded on th west by the State of Texas and the Territory of New Mexico; on the north by the State of Colorado and the State of Kansas; on the east by the reerra tion occupied by the Cherokee tribe cf Indians east of the Ninety-sixth Meridian of west longitude, and by the Creek, Siminole and Chickasaw reservations; and on the south by the Creek Siminole and Chickasaw reservations ond by the Stale of Texas, comprising what is known as the Public Land Strip and all that part ot the Indian Territory not actually occupied by the fire civilized tribes, is created into a temporary government by the name of the Territory of Oklahoma; Provided, That nothing this act shall be construed to impair the rights of persons or property, or to Impair any patent to or right of occupancy of lands now pertaining to the Indians tn said Territory under the laws and treaties of the United States, executive order, or otherwise, or to include any territory occupied by any Indian tribe for which title has been conveyed by patent or otherwise from the United States, or to which such tribe may be entitled by law, executive wnier, right of occupancy, or treaty, without the consent of said tribe, or any terrl tory Yfrhlch by treaty or agreement with any In oiar tribe is not, without the consent of said ribe, to be included within the territorial limits of jurisdiction of any State or Territory; but all such territory shall be excepted out of the boundaries and constitute no part of the Territory of Oklahoma until said tribe shall signify ts assent to the President of the United States to be included in the said Territory of Oklahoma, Except for judicial purposes as provided herein, or to affect the authority of the GoVern-aent of the United States to make any regulation or enact any law respecting such Indians, their lands, property, or otheir rights, which it would have been competent to make or enact If this act had never passed.

Sec. 8. That there shall be a Governor, Secretary, Legislative Assembly, Supreme Court, Attorney, and Marshal for said Territory, who shall be appointed and selected under the provisions of title 83, chapter 1, of the revised statutes the United States, relating to the government of all the Territories. The pro-Visions of said title shall have the same force 4i effect in the Territory of Oklahoma as in Other Territories or the United States: Provided, that the Legislative Assembly and Delegate to the House of Representatives shall not be elected until the President shall order; Provided, further, That no person shall be entitled to Vote at the first election, or to be fleeted to any office, who has not been a bona Side Resident of said Territory for sixty days Xre ious to said election. And provided further, that the Council in said Territory shall consist thirteen members, and the House of Repre-jentatives shall consist of twenty-six members, which may be increased to thirty-nine.

Sec. 3, That the Constitution and laws of the United States which are not locally inapplicable shall have the same force and effect in said Territory of Oklahoma as elsewhere in the United States: Provided, that nothing in this ct shall be construed to interfere with the local governments of any of the Indian tribes which may now be provided for by the laws and treaties of the United States, or which ny exist in conformity thereto: And provided further, that the Supreme Court of the Territory shall have jurisdiction and shall embrace all causes of action, crimes and offenses arising ithin the limits of the Territory organized by this act; and all laws heretofore passed granting jurisdiction to United States courts within the limits of said Territory are hereby repealed; but cases now pending shall be prosecuted to their final disposition therein the same as if this act had not been passed. Sec 4. That the section of country lying between the States of Kansas, Colorado and Texas, known as the Public Land Strip, is hereby declared to be part of the public domain of the United States, and shall be open to settlement under the operation of the Homestead laws only, except as otherwise provided in this act; Provided, that the sixteenth and thirty -sixth sections of land in each township fehall be reserved for school purposes. Sec.

5. That whenever the Creek and Seminole tribes of Indians shall signify their assent to the provisions of this section, in legal manner, to the commission provided for in this act, and the President has issued his proclamation fixing the time as provided herein, the unoccupied lands ceded to the United States by said tribes under the treaties of June I 1806, and March 21, 1SCC, shall be open to settlement, except the sixteenth and thirty-sixth sections in each township, which shall be reserved for school purposes, and shall be disposed of to actual settlers only, in quantities not to exceed 100 acres in square form, to each settler, at tho price of 1.55 per acre. All persons who are heads of families or over twenty-one years of age, and who are citizens of the United States, or havo resided in the United States for two years and have declared their intention to become citizens thereof, shall be entitled to become actual settlers on such lands. An accurate account shall be kept by the Secretary of the Interior of the money received as proceeds f)f the sale of such lands. The Commission 'Teinafter created for this act is hereby au-norized to confer with the Creeks and Sem-inoles to ascertain whether said Indians are entitled to any further compensation than that heretofore paid for said unoccupied lands.

If Baid Commission shall find that further compensation should be paid said Indians, they may, toy negotiation with said Indians, fix the amount of sueh additional compensation, not to exceed the sum of per acre, less the cost of sale and the amounts heretofore paid said tribes in the purchase of said lands; and any additional sum agreed upon by said Commission to be paid said tribes for said lands as provided herein, shall be placed to the credit of said tribes in the treasury of the United States. Sec. 6. That whenever the Cherokee tribe of Indians shall signify their assent to the provisions of this section, in legal manner, to the Commission provided for in this act and the President has issued his proclamation fixing the time bs herein provided, the unoccupied portion of the lands west of the ninety-sixth degree of west longitude, ceded to the United States by the said tribe of Indians by the treaty concluded July lSGti, shall be open to settlement, except the sixteenth and thirty-sixth sections of said land, which shall be reserved tot school purposes and shall be disposed of to actual settlers only, in quantities not to exceed 100 acres in square form, to each settler, at the price of fl.So per acre. All persons who are heads or families or over twenty-one years of age, and who are citizens of the United State, or hae resided in the United States two years and have declared their intention to become citizens thereof, shall be entitled to become actual settlers on such lands.

An accurate account shall be kept by the Secretary of the Interior of the money received as proceeds of the sale of said lands, and said money shall be placed to the credit of the Cherokee Indian tribe in the treasury of the United States, after deducting the cost of the sale by the United State and the amount heretofore appropriated and paid to the Cherokee tribe as part compensation for said unoccupied lands: Provided, that nothing in this apt shall be construed to authorize any person to enter upon or occupy any of the lands mentioned in this or the preceding Eection, for the purpose of settlement or otherwise, until after said Indian tribes and the Commissioners herein authorized have concluded an agreement to that effect as provided herein, and laid the same before the President of the United States, who is thereupon authorized and required to issue his proclamation declaring such relinquished lands open to settle went, and fixing the time from and after which 6uch lands' may be taken. Any person who may enter upon aay part of said lands contrary to the provisions of this act, and prior to the time fixed by the President's proclamation, shall not be permitted to make entry upon any land or lay any claim thereto in said Territory Sec. 7. That the President may, at such vlmes as he may deem it necessary, dire -t land fflces to be opened in the Territory of Oklahoma, not to exceed four in number, and may nominate and, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, appoint the usual officers to conduct the business of said land offices; and the Commissioner of the General Land Office shall, when directed by the President, cause the various portions of said lands to be properly surveyed and where the same has cot alreudy been done. It is hereby made the duty of the Commissioner of the General Land Office to carefully examine each claim under the provisions of this act before Issuing a patent to the claimant; and if it shall appear that said claim was not taken ia good.

killing three men, injuring others and Hi! nary Government price of Jl.23 per acre, less utterly demolishing tne boner nouse, a Vegetable or Flower Seeds, Roses, Shrubs, Grape Vines, Fruit Trees, Etc. logue, at est cl ciyi uaVW- the amount heretofore paid. smoker Vesuvius, one story brick building 40 by 60 feet in size, one end occupied by the five larg-j An inveterate Prairie Farmer. The section of the law of 1885, first above For example, we send postpaid quoted, appears also to have been passed, in boilers and the other by the electric ap paratus which furnished light to the build contemplation not only of the existence of a The best known remedy for consumption Is and guarantee 6afe arrival Sfi Paf-kpts Choice Flower Seeds. 36 sorts.

claim on the part of the Creeks, but of the sub Oxygen cure, write Dr. ing. AY. H. Huntley, a patient from Saline Ktantial foundation of that claim in equity, if not in law, and in acknowledgment of the duty County, who was in the boiler house when price $1.80, for fl.CO 30 rackets Choice Vegetable Seeds 30 sorts 1.00 15 Everbloominr Roses.

15 beautiful sorts 1 .00 14 Geraniums, 14 splendid 1-00 15 'HrnHtirms. 15 efee-ant sorts 1.00 the explosion occurred, was crushed of the Government to satisfactorily discharge the claim of the Indian people before putting tho and scalded and must have died in stantly. T. K. Saunders, a patient land to the free uses of settlement and Territorial occupation by whites.

But it seems to 13 Grape Vines, 4 sorts, our choice 1.00 For the other 54 Bets and 1001 things besides from Pawnee County was killed in the same manner. A. D. Gifford, another (many New and Rare) see our GrAnd SfpftlKG have been considered that so far as the lands had been assigned they may fairly bo patient, was dangerously injured. The chief engineer, John Morrin, was thrown Catalogue, 150 pages, sent free to all who wish to purchase either Seeds, Plants or Trees.

taken to be such as under the treaty were "to be sold." As to these, they having been as FARCO'S BOX TIP SCHOOL SHOE 1M be lt-( Shoe made for signed or sold in accordance ith said treaty, tnrougn tne building ana scaiaea so severely that he died last night George the claim of the Creeks thereto has been en Davis, second engineer, had one arm tirely discharged, and the title from the United bHCr cirlib Warranted no hod4y and sold as Sterna States passed unburdened with any condition or limitation to the grantees. This seems to iollowa i broken and John C. Hall, a patient from Omaha, was slightly injured. No od3 can tell what caused the explosion. The second engineer says that boiler No.

1 had be an entirely clear proposition. Slzss-8 to lQ4t1.5 ltd! The unassigned lands must be those which ore unsold, because not only is that the fair si rsVlC: sifjnificance of the term, as used technically, in just been blown off and fires were being started in the other boilers. He heard a noise in the dome of No. 2 and had just 15 1 1 conveyancing, but because the limiting con dition in the Creek treaty was that the lands jumped to the door when the explosion should be sold to, as wel as used as homes for THE GENERAL MARKETS. KANSAS CITY.

Feb. 12. CATTLE Shipping steers 3 40 3 70 Butcher steers 3 50 3 75 Native cows 00 2 55 HOGS Good to choice heavy. 4 25 a 4 55 WHEAT No.i red 90 a 9 i No. 2 sort OJi-ia 02 CORN No.

3 5V4 OATS No. 8 SOY, 2i RYE No. 2 43 4 FLOUIl Patents, per 2 40 2 50 HAY Baled 3 00 5 BUTTER Choice creamery. 22 24 CHEES13 Full cream 12 12' i EGGS Choice ll'HS 11 BACON Ham 10 Shoulders 6 Ci Sides 7VQ 9 LARD 6 C7s POTATOES 30 40 ST. LOUIS.

CATTLE Shipping 3 75 4 25 Butchers' 3 00 8 25 HOGS Packing 4 4 4 60 SHEEP-Fairto 3 9J 5 00 FLOUR Choice 3 50 4 75 WHEAT No. 2 red P3 CORN No. 3 SSV4 S9 OATS No. i i'443k 85 RYE No. 2 46 46I4 BUTTER Creamery VI 23 PORK 11 87 12 00 CHICAGO.

CATTLE Shipping steers 4 25 4 50 HOGS Packing and 4 55 4 85 SHEEP Fair to choice 3 53 4 75 FLOUR Winter wheat 5 00 5 75 WHEAT No. 3 red 1 00 1 CORN No.2 SI 34tf OATS No. 2 S4lja J5 other Indians. The total quantity of lands in the western half ot the Creek Nation, and which occurred. went Insane and Died.

were ceded in 1806, is 83 acres. The as- Our name is on the bottom of rrexy fhof. CAffr jrourdealer for Knrjro's fix Tip Shoes. If hedws no keep them Fend to us nd wn jilfurnih vou a ir receipt of rice. C.

II. i UOO Chicane, Hi. iNAXfl THIS FATEi Asthost, Feb. 6. January 15 L.

ig-ned lands as above defined are in three F. Landers had an attachment issued on bodies: 1, the Seminole country, by the treaty All others wishing-it should remit the cost EOc Ours is one of the oldest, largest and most reliable nurseries in tho U. S. 35th year, 24 greenhouses, 700 acres. THE STORRS HARRiSOM Lake Ohio.

arKAME THIS PAl'fcU mntj Itaijoirtu. ADVANCE IM PRICeT TEIii TOUR FRIENDS Ladies' Home Journal Is to be made BETTER and LARGER. If can be had now for only 50 Cents per fear another year it will cost $1.00. We shall double the price because we cannot afford to furnish so good a naper as the Journal ia to be for less than one Dollar, but we shall double it Value, and give you more of it for your money. AGESTS can mate ktmclrrl of dollars securing subscriptions at Half Price up to July 1st, 1889.

We offer them good pay for every subscriber secured, and an CClffcaT'S to the person who extra Prize of SSZ2KfiJt shall eend us the largest number S400 for the second lnrp-st list, and so on. gsmple copies and posters -witt be furnished, so that a great demand can be created in any neighborhood. CURTIS PUBLISHING CO. PHILADELPHIA, PA. XSJSmttraaea looms some cattle sold by his brother, George ofl8C6, 200,000 acres; 2, the Sac and Fox reservation, sold and conveyed by article Mulhail, to Zack Mulhall, who was in the i A mi six of the treaty of February 13, 18G7, g.

rcirlpllye Va- employ of Hunter, Evans of Kansas City. By the decision of Judge Herrick, (15 495), amounting to 3, the Pawnee reservation granted by section 4 of the per of Hie country ana a fine ptiotw pmpl.ic views of Oklahoma ivtnry, aol'i. silver. act of Congress of April 10, 1876 (19 29), of this district, the attachment wa dissolved. Upon hearing the verdict L.

F. anri plncer nunc. Anuresa, now a OkUiloir.a City, Indian Territory. for which the Government received the price Landers proceeded to the hardware store allowed the Creeks, 30 cents per acre, 53.0J5.94; of A. H.

Davis in this city and purchased WEET POTATOES a bull-dog revolver and proceeding down making a total of assigned or sold lands of 732 673.99, and leaving as the total unassigned lands 2,663,754.89. Of this total quantity of unassigned land which is subject to the negotia Main street met his brother George and No nrrt- Sent out to be biroutel or. hir-- enr'requirea. ru required. Mulhall at the First National Bank build ing and after a few words from both par Address T.

J. voiuui, tions provided for under the law of 18S5 there trlMI THIS PAl BR Tom tc. should be a further division made in considering the sum which ought fairly to be paid in dis PROCCKEn. Also Tkaue-Makkb. etc ties shot Mulhall, the-ball striking the left hip bone and ranging upward through or near the stomach.

At the time the wound was thought to bo fatal, but Mulhall was charge of the Creek claim thereto. In that part of these lands called the Okla est reference. Iahdi ..1 i RYE J. 2 46 iOlA homa country no Indians have been allowed to experience, MJimp ior-io-pu?" V. T.

FITZGERALD, Uw, again seen on the streets this week. Im reside by any action of the Government, nor BUTTER Creamery 16 20 PORK. 11 33 11 40 NEAV YORK. has any execution been attempted of the limit mediately after the Landers be ing condition of the cession of 1866. The quan came violently insane and was confined to his bed ever since and Satarday night ho tity of these lands carefully computed from the TT wit5 fr rvn fe-liour rowi tn ifce woo! ala and retail trade.

I.arjr mana' rrs in our line. Edcik SALESMEN surveyors is 1,392,704.70 acres. The remainder of these unassigned lands has been appropriated died. Seventeen Drowned. l-cent Wazei (3 Per D.y.

poPn-n. in some degree to Indian uses, although still CATTLE Common to 4 CO 4 65 HOGS Good to choice 5 3) 5 70 FLOUR Good to choice 5 15 5 75 WHEAT No. 2 red 9CJf CORN No. 3 45 46 OATS Western mixed i9 32 BUTTER Creamery 10 81 PORK 12 50 UK Money adrancca ror w-. A J' as within the control of the Government.

Albany, N. Feb. 6. News has been Manufacturing tincinnau. pentennial Thus by three executive orders the following received here that at Pine Lake, Fulton County, a3 seventeen men were driving Indian reservations have been created.

First, by President Grant August 10, 18(59, the reser OF FUSE GOD LIVER OIL OKLAHOMA: XrJh Bprlntrer la, large map from latest V. S. scrvey. how and where to Bet land- lecrtpt ion covert about words, fact, no euta; map. II Inches.

All for 23c. note or stamps. Address Enoch Powell. 4i2 Laurel ave- Kamaaa City. Mo.

vation of the Cheyt nnes and Arapahoes which embraces of this land 619,159.59 acres; second, by President Arthur August 1 1883, the reser nf Iran Snifa in! Procured quickly, vation for the lowas containing 223,417.67 acres; third, by President Arthur August 15, 18S3, the Kickapoo reservation embracing fPIQHS! pamphlet on Pension and llonnfv Laws sr.sTraEB. Address V. IT. F1TZGEBAUJ. S.

acres: fourth, a tract set apart for the Pottawatomies by the treaty of Feb teams engaged in hauling logs across the ice the ice broke and the men and horses were all lost. A dispatch from Qmajohai ie says that tho following information has been received there regarding the accident: Twenty-four teams were engaged in drawing logs across the ice, regarding the safety of which no fears had been felt. It gave way, however, after seven drivers and teams had reached the shore, and the remaining drivers broke through the ice and sank out of sight. None of the bodies have yet been recovered. Claim Atrency for Western Soldier.

Indianapolis, Ind. WIIMI Tlilb FATEB vterj tin jsa vriw. ruary 7, 18C7, (15 statutes 531) followed by the "Religious New York" Profusely and beautifully illustrated, showing tha churches of the Jews, Catholics and Protestants, and fine portraits of some of the heads of the churches of the Metropolis and telling how New Yorkers worship, from the Jews to the Christian Scientists. This article in Demoresfs Monthly Magazine for March (now ready) is a very spirited one by the Kev. Carlos Martyn.

It is better than a Sunday visit to New York, and will be of great interest to every memberof the family. Thechildren will be deliehtedto learn the new games in "Young Japan at Play," (handsomely illustrated) in the March number. It is a wonderful number. Ask your Newsdealer it, or end SO cents to the publisher, W. JEXM.VOS DEMO It EST.

15 East lth Street, Sew Xortu THIS PATCa mjajgviita. act of May 3, 1872, (17 statutes by which individual allotments were authorized upon the TRIAL. The Missorat ajd Kxss Fir.iKR will be sent on trial four montlig any addrean in United States, Canada or Mexico, for ten cents in s'lver or stamps. ON tract, though but very few Indians have selected Almost as Palatable as Millc. Tho only preparation of COD T.ITEIl OIL that can be taken readily and tolerated for a long time by delicate stomachs.

AP AS A REMEDY FOTt COySOTPTTO StKOHLOtfr AHECT1QNS AAFM1A, il.S-tSAL 1EKHJTT, COUGHS AND IHROATTTI tfctTSOAS, and all WASTlStt DIMKIER.SOf' CKILUKKN it is wmrrellowa in its rqit. Prescribed and endorsed hy tha htxl thyeiciaU In the countries of the world. For Bale ly all Itrmtcxlttn. HfSend for Pamphleton Wasting Disea. Ad dresu.

SCOTT Sft UOWAK. Sew York. and paid for such allotments according to the provisions of the law. The entire quantity of the Pottawatomie reservation acres. This shows the quantity of lands unassigned but to some extent appropriated to Indian uses by the Government amounting to Address K.

Faembb." liox B. Kansas City. Mo. B3YAHT ST8ATTGH IMK Louis, JSo. Has 800 Students Tearly.

Graduates are la getting positions. Send for Circular. 5 f-3 EI Boosneepinir, Penmanship, AxlU fiy Eat metic. Shorthand, thoroughly jy mail. Circulars free, BRI AST'S COLLEGE.

BagWlo.S.T. CSI1I nVMCNT'orall profitable, easy. Ad-EM rLUT dress lVoTell Maof. Erie, 1. 77,050 19.

For the lands which are not only unassigned but are nnoccupied, and which have been in no way appropriated it appears clearly just and right that a price of at least should be al $10 fl DAY TO Ely's Cream Balm jit vr.M. rMXl mis rATIl lowed to the Creeks. They held more than the AGENTS ANTED! ty CIRCULARS FREE. ordinary Indian title, for they had a patent in fee from the Government. he Osages of Kan in Head ELY BROS 66 Warren Sfc.N.

T. sas were allowed $1.21 per acre upon giving up their reservation, and this land of the Creeks is reported by those familiar with it to be equal A. P. Ko. 1826.

1 000 Brewster's Safety Rein Holders GIVEN AWAY to introduce them. Every hone owner buys from to 6, Lines never under horses' feet. So rid cento in stamps to pay potttafre and packing for Nickel Plated fcamnle thnt fflla for 5 cents. BREWSTER MANUF'C HOLLY, MICH. WHEN WRITING TO ADVERTISERS, please aay you saw the Adrertisement in thia paper.

to any land in the country. 'Without regard to the present enhanced value of this land, and if reference be only had to A Striker Killed. New York, Feb. 6. Yesterday afternoon a party of men, presumably strikers, attacked a car at Sixty-fifth street and the boulevard and began pelting it with stones.

The passengers left the car and the officer in charge of it, Thomas K. Sny der, having been hit in the face by one of the stones, fired into the crowd. The bullet went whizzing through the brain of one of the men. He died while being removed to the Roosevelt Hospital. His name was not ascertained.

He was about forty years of age and a laborer. The officer who did the shooting was placed under arret and brought before Superintendent Murray. He has an excellent character. Fatal Church Fight. Anderson, Feb.

6. A factional church Sent at Olivet which has been in court the last three months culminated in a fight yesterday in which Simeon Shorte, a rough character, assaulted Tom Dona-hoOj inflicting fatal injuries, ssk a PFiAOFIELB'Sp- the conditions when the cession was made no less price ought to be paid for it than the JTLRT DUTCfU ELZEE3 CI A ST; GUY KORTHERH GR0WH of 1S8 praise my seeds, and say tiey Increased all yields ye often doubled toem by sowing my rth-era rown Sefda glTing them on wheat 40 ordinary Government price. Therefore, in this provisional agreement which has been made with the Creeks the price of J1.25 has been set Cures all Diseases Peculiar to Women Book to "Woman" Mailed Free. UliAPFIELn REGULATOR ATLASTA, GA. BOLD BY AXL X)2tCG GISTS.

Oat 2u0, Barley 73, corn roiawes ow eic We pay ta Prises $lf50 ea Farm Seeds and aa Ves-etabdea for largest yield in issa. Ton can win one or mora if yon want to. Bee Catalogue about it- Operate 5.a acres in mftm nt SMd nrOTert tled upon for such land wita the deduction of the thir cents per acre which has already 11111111 been paid by our Government therefor. As to acres; cellar capacity OO.tffl bus. Oar city has 49 'Ir the remainder of the unassigned lands, in view of the fact that some use has been made of mails, 70 froicht trains and 31 express oaiiy.eowe can fill all orders a once.

Send 8c for Grain sam- find that Piso's Curs for Consumption not only PREVENTS, but also CUEES Houtm- mmrnm ri i 'jf? (v. for them. of the general character indicated by Caaoatreana geiimetatnioz 6ALZ.EK. I Crosse. i.

fttrfebbasr and ffet fine Catnloz lalbikaaak the treaty of 1865, and because some portion of them should be allotted to Indians under BTSAXZ una tJktZi rm Uasyts vats..

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