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Modern Light from Columbus, Kansas • 2

Modern Lighti
Columbus, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-i HI PffF hi joiii im nifxw .,1 1 From now until the Uth our prices on 99 tTft Jl a ft i Why Pay More when Castleb rrv ERST SIDE SQUHRE, 8LUM80S 1 JUNE VEDDINGS a ir zrs i Sunday by the illness of his sister, Mrs Grantham WALL Pili i EAST SIDE, NEW STOCK COMPLETE AT Mis Klign Waller was ill Tues day. Henry Mens near Neutral was in town Wednesday. Mrs S. A. Menter was visiting 1 Parsons Monday.

Will Lehman visited friends at Pittsburg Sunday. Raymond Cramer from Joplin was in town on Wednesday. Gar Richardson went to Mineral Wm Huntsing' and wife went to Smithfield Saturday for a short visit. Mr. Schultz who was engaged in the restaurant business in the iJe-neif building, has quit business.

Femrs Walker ana wife of Sherman were Mineral visitors Tuesday. Mineral is going to celebrate. There will be races and a good ball wants your trado A part cf it at least all of it if price and service will secure it. Ec'jar MadJux and Fannie Ll.tke Made Man and Wife. On Wednesday at 3 Miss Fannie Ulake and Edgar Maddox were ma mm and wife at the honje i the biile's parents, Mr.

and Mrs, T. A. 1 Slake Rev Oliver Cook of the Christian church performed the ceremony, The rooms were decorated handsomely in cut tlowers In profusion, being one of the most elfeclive dec Hall here. Mrs Ball accompanied her to Oswego for a visit with relatives. Mrs Sam Beggs has returned from the Territoiy where she has been with her husband for several weeks.

Chlldrens clay program at the Christian church Sunday evening brought out a large crowd who were well paid by an excellent, entertainment by the children. Hallowell friends were sorry to hear of the death of Silas Lemon at Columbus. Mr. Lemon was a brother-in-law of Paul Sweet and once lived in Hallowell. John Inman and family have been visiting in our community.

Mr Inman is moving from Gas City, Ks. to game at the park. Crane's Book Siore on business Tuesday. Paying this wed! 15c fcr But- ter and 12 l-2c for Eggs. Sun Flower 1.45 Magnet flour 1.45 i TurKey Red, Hard Wheat 1.4 5 7 bars good soap 25c' 17 pounds sugar 1.00 orations te'Ti in many Junes at similar occasions.

Refreshments wre served after the ceremony, following John McManus was an Eldorado visitor Sunday. Harry Trudgeon expects to start to California in the near future for a shotr visit with relatives. The Minearl ball team played at Farsons Sunday, the score being 3 to 2 in favor of Parsons. Come to Mineral to celebrate the hearty congratulations to this most worthy and popular young couple, They left on the evening train for St, Louis where they will make their J. B.

GSISHAM, Mgr. southern Missouri where he has trad ed for a farm. Also New Hammoclis and Croquet Sets. Fine stationery just in. M'sics ith Kenworthy an! Jessie Ditson spent Tuesday in 1'iLtsuig.

Gus Alexander and Will Allen from Galena spent Sunday in Columbus. McMillan of the Music House, Joplin. was over on Wednesday, Carl and Frank Larson were in from southwest of town on Fourth of July there will be a 1 game and races at the park and var Miss Elva Allen made a tirp to Columbus and Mineral the first of the week. NOTICE The regular meeting 1,11 1 I ious other attractions. Miss Rilla Scott of Columbus spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs.

Smith. Mr. Murry who has been conduct of No 190 A A will be held at Cross Roads school house Friday future home, Mr. Maddox having a responsible position there with the Postal Tel Co, He was formerly at the Frisco station here as operator and later on at the Katy, leaving here he lias steadily been promoted ui.t'.l he reached the poslti he low tills. He is one of the brightest, pleasant young men we have ever met, and it is safe to predict for him a splendid and successful future.

Miss P.lake is one of the most pop ular and lovable young women of Columbus, being the third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A Blake. Only the Immediate members of the families ing a bakery in the Russell building has returned to Scarumon. Joe Thompson has his new livery barn almost completed.

iMr. ami Mrs. nioty spent j. uesudy in tlie country with Mr. and Mrs.

L'easley. Rex Castleberry from Lebanon, is visiting friends and rela CREAMS SEPARATOR fl night, June 21st Two delegates will be elected to attend the semi-annual county conference to convene at Columbus the second Saturday in July. Croft, Secretary, A. II T. RESOLUTIONS.

Whereas, death has removed from our midst brother Win, Pender, therefore be it Resolved, that the members of this lodge extend to the bereaved family our sympathy in their sorrow and would in some measure strive to help bear the burden which sooner or later comes unbidden to every home. Resolved, that we revere his memory for his ardent effort in the upbuilding of our order and the protection of our homes. Re it further Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the bereaved fam- Wm. Thompson arid wife have gone to Farsons for a short visit. Mr Thompson expects to take a trip in the Territory while he is gone Wm Sparks was a Columbus visitor Tuesday There will be a masked skating carnival at the skating rink Tuesday night, June 25 Frizes will be awarded for the best costumes Raymond a i family picnice on Lime stone Sui day Miss Lucy Grant is absent from' her duties at the central office on If you keep cotvs you need a U.

S. Separator to make them yield the biggest profit. It will make the most money for you because it skims cleaner than any other separator. It will save you more than any other because it needs less time, labor and repairs to run it. Look a U.

S. over for yourself. For sale by LAIZURE. Aent, and a few of her special girl friends were present. The isible study and teacher's meeting at the M.

E. church Tuesday night was line. Rev. Chase outlined the lesson, showing scriptural connections, lie brought out in a most vivid manner the spiritual application of each lesson. The Icfsjii is a quarterly review, the most difficult of lessons to teach, but those teachers present Tuesday night were helped to an insight that will make it easy and a delight to their pupils.

If you are a Methodist Sunday school teacher and are not attending these meetings you are not doing your whole duty to your class. A Teacher. account of illness Post Office Hours. WEEK DAYS. Money order office opens at ily, a copy sent to the Weekly News at St.

Paul, and a copy to the Modern Light at Columtus, slso a copy Success Is the Sum of the Problem. How to obtain it is a query. It can't be obtained in a moment, but takes time, Commecce banking Your Savings with us and in that way you lay the foundation for Bunceju. You can't point to a successful man but has a bank account. Our bank is reliable and sale what more can you ask? Wealth helps come through economy, prudent dealing and abank account.

The Columbus State Bank Capital $50,000.00. First published in Modern Light May 16, Publication Notice. in the district court of Cherokee county! Kansas, sitting at Columbus. i 8 a. Alfred S.

Albeity. as admiiiistrator of the ev late oi M. ti Aiuerty, deceased, plaintiff, vs be spread on the records of the lodge. M. L.

Croft, J. B. Clark, E. C. McCoy, Committee.

closes 7 p. m. SUNDAY Open in morning from 9:50 to 10 50. Open in evening from 5 to 6. Jesse Forkner.

P. M. Armlna O. Felton, Georee A. Robinson ar" tives here.

Miss Cas-ie Huntsinger of Mineral was visiting friends in Columbus Thursday. Misses Yirgie Majors and Jessie Newlands were down from Stippville Monday evening. C. E. Hughey of the Advocate olliee, was on the sick list the first of the week.

Mrs. Fred IToux left for Kansas City Tuesday for a visit with A. Long and family. Mrs. Ed ITood and children were down from Pittsburg the guests of friends the first of the week.

Miss Delia Sharp who is attending a' s.icnt Si n'ay with home folk in the Elm Tree district. Misses May Albin and Goldie Marshal and Mesrss. Lyman and Ralph Strong spent'it the JilulTs. Miss Garce Evans who is teaching science at the manual training school at Pittsburg, canio clown Sunday to visit her parents. There is a large crop of blackberries this season and the tin rain we had Wednesday made them ripen quicker and they are doing nicely now.

II. Castleberry of Salem, father of Leslie and Rex Castleberry, uncle of J. O. Castleberry, came to Columbus Monday for a few days visit with them. There will be a social at Mr.

Fitz-geralu's home 5 miles east of Columbus on Friday night, June 21, for the benefit of the Bethlehem church. Ice cream and cake will be served. wife, Miua Kobiuson, 8. K. Chadsey, Fred Cliadsey, Mildred Chadsey, Wm.

Cliao'seyjda'; Dorsey and Florence Hare, parties doinp business under the firm name and style of th i N. Chadsey Mercantile and John Price and the First National Bank of kee, a corporation, defendants. The State of Kansas to the above named defendants, Mildred Chadsey, Ida UorseJ and Florence Haro, Presbyterian Church. June 23 All the services will be held at the usual hours The morn- You and each of you are hereby notified ing eermoil Will be SpeeCiallV to men thiltl bepn sued bv the above named 4. i i plaint ilf iii the District Court of Cherokee Evening, "With Christ in Every day county, Kansas, sitting at CVInmbus, where- in said plaintiff has filed his notitinn and nn Service" Good music aud a hearty welcome to all the services Remember that June 30 will be as ingiieiis observed in the Sabbath school "Decision Day" Russell Jones, Fastor less you answer the said petition o( the said platnt filed in said court iu the above entitled cause of action, on or before the 1st day of July, A.

1). 1907, said petition will be taker, as true, iind a judgment aud decree in sai; action will be rendered accordingly, the ture of which will be us follows: I Judgment, against the said Armina ton arid George A. Hobinson in fnvof'of ti said plaintiiY for Thirieen Hundred (1 Dollars, with ioterot thereon from the 2i day of October, A.D. and for ists of Sr' on the promissory note executed by the si defendants, Armlna Felton and George Robinson and a decree foreclosing realestat mortgage marie, executed and acknnwiedra. 1 The Blacksmith Horse Shoer and Wagon Doctor PLOWS SHARPENED.

Next to marble works. by tne said defendants. Armlna C. Felton am Licensed to Wed. I West, Pittsburg 37 Ida Bradley, 30 Gio Beltrioimo, Skidmore 29 Ellen Delsigne 26 Arthur Lamb, Cherokee 21 Jem ie Brunskill 19 Oeorge A Robinson in favor of 11 Aiberty now deceased, to secure the payment of sail.

note on the following described real estate situattd in the County ol Cherokee and stat 01 tiansas, to-wit: An undivided two-thirds (H) of the soutli one half of the southwest, miajter () Hallowell We are in the middle of wheat harvest and farmers are very busy Mrs Hattie Pollock is visiting Oney Pollock and family at Alta-mont. Laura Dobbins and daughter are visiting relatives in Reeds, Mo. Mr. was visiting her sister, Mrs. Lucas in Hallo-well last week.

Mrs. George Burton made a visit in Joplin last week. Mrs. Hiram Forkner spent the tirst of the week with Mrs. Johnson at the county farm.

Mrs. Roy Brown is spending a week with her husband at Scarumon. Mrs. Ernest Hohsnbeen is spending this week with Fred Ilohnsbeen and family in Ft. Scott.

Mrs. George Clevenger of Southern California is visiting Sam Smith and wife in Hallowell. Ira Reamer has returned from Baker and is talking of recreation in his father's blacksmith shop. Remember the Sunday school convention at the Cristian church the fifth Sunday in June. One main feature is a basket dinner and everybody expected to bring dinners.

Ira Johnson is with his grandparents, Hiram Forkner and wife, while his mother is visiting in Illinois. Miss Lucy Woods is making a visit at Blue Jacket, I She will have much to tell of the Territory when she comes home. Mrs. Larimoreof near Wichita has been visitng her sister-in-law Mrs Edgar L' Maddox, St Louis 26 Section Nineteen (III), and all that parto the sout hwest quarter (H cf the Southea Fannie Blake, Columbus 23 quarter IH of said Section Nineteen 10, 1 West Mineral. Miss Jennie Raymond has accepted a position in the postotlice.

Jesse Traylor and sister Marie of McCune were Mineral visiors Monday D. Keith and wife of Ft. Scott were the guests of Jas. Kenaston Saturday night. Dr.

Coss and wife will leave for Illinois to visit relatives. They expect to be away two or three weeks. Messrs Chas Walbert, Will Nelson, Fred StaualTcher and wives took advantage of the excurison to Eldorado Sunday. Mrs. R.

E. Harris returned from Kansas City Monday. Vernon Land was called to Columbus Saturday night by the death of his uncle. Dr. Buckles left for Wichita Tuesday.

Messrs. John McFarland and J. E. Wheatley are attending the undertakers convention at Leavenworth this week. Remember that Stauffacher's will be headquarters for all kinds of Fourth of July goods, including flags festooning fire crackers, sky rockets, Roman candles, pistols, whistles, etc.

The insurance adjusters were here Tuesday and settled for the Castleberry clothing stock, also for the damages done the building by fire. Mrs. J. D. Smith left Wednseday for Coffeyville where she will visit friends for a few days Smith was called to Girard ingwesioiine ngnr-ot-way or tne Kansas City.

Fort Scott and Gulf Eallroad ComranS all in Township Thirty-one (31) south Range Twenty-four CM, East of the Oth P. and barring said defendants of all rlght.titl interest, lien, estate, equity of redemption right to redeem, which they, or either them may have or claim to nave on sa' premises. Alfred S. Alberty. Adm inistrator of the estate of AlbeS deceased.

1 By Curran Curran, his Attorney? Seal. C. H. McNay. Clerk Distrif First published In Muriem Light May 30, 1907.

Notice. In the Probate Court of ChornUea County, state of Kansas. In themattei of the guar. person and estate of Zarilda Piersol, a person of unsound mind. Tlit State of Kansas to Zarilda Piersol.

a person of unsound mind, and to all persona interested in her said estate. Notice is hereby given that the undersign, ed, M. A. Houshoiuer, guardianof the person and estate of Zarilda tiersol, a person of un-ound mind, did on the 20th dav of May, A. 1907.

file in said Court his petition, wherein ho asks said Court for an order authoriz-tne him to sell, for the purpose of mkin Silas Leamon Dies Silas Leamon died at his home in this city on Saturday night June 8 aged 68. ne was a veteran of the civil war, enlisting in Co. D. 1st Reg. Oregon volunteer cavalrv.

He was buried under auspices of John A. Dix Fost of this city on Monday, nis brothers Attest court oi ineroKee The Rlakes, Blisses and Shepards will leave the end of this week for a camping outing at Anderson, Mo, Victor Housholder and Edwin Blake left the first of the week and will drive through to the camping ground Mrs. T. r. LaRue and daughter Dorothy who has been attending Lin-denwood college at St.

Louis, came home the first of this week and are the guests of Mrs. II. A. LaRue They, with Logan LaRue will go to Manitou, where they will meet a party of friends from California and spend the summer. RUBBER TIR provision for the matntainanoe and support of the said Zarilda Piersol and the payment of ber outstanding indebtedness, the follow-' lng described ral estate situated in Cherokee County, State of Kansas, to-wit: Lot Block Five, l'rk Addition to the city of Co- I lumbus, in said County and State, aud that said petition will be heard by said Court on F.

of Billings, Mo. and Wm. L. I from Neosho were here and his sister, Mrs. Paul Sweet and L.

and M. E. McKee of Hallowell, nephews, and Mr. and Mrs Jesse Baker, Mrs WAGON AND CARRIAGE WORK Saturday, the 29th day of June, 17 at 0 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, or as soon tneieafter as the same may be retched at the office of the Probate Judge of herokee County, Kansas in the court house of the city of Colutobug. M.

a. Houshoiuer, Guardian of the person and estate of Zarllda I'leisol, a person of unsound mind. AttestA J. H. Ellis, Probate Judge.

J. N. EGLESTO: Tempy Rowe of nallowell were also in attendance Mrs Rowe was a nurse in the war and was in service with the Oregon troops She also crossed the plains with Mr. Leamon when went to California in 1861. McCormick binder.

The "Old Shop," Watch the Hoods, North of; Fosters. I 1.

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