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The Horton Headlight-Commercial from Horton, Kansas • 8

Horton, Kansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cures Plica. firo. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S.

Gov't Report. Frank Letson left Tuesday for a ten-days visit to Enid, Oklahoma. Baiting liessie Muke is working in the Bank of Ilorton during the Tuwn Topics. Saturday night I went down to the Bryan headquarters to hear the lion. Bill Price, orate.

Bill was a lepublican until the gold standard plank of the St. Louis convention was brought to his notice and then he flopped. However, he didn't do his great political somersault until abbnt two weeks ago, when he found that his chances for state senator had gone where the wood First Free Will Baptist Church X. Main St Rev. N.

K. Simpson Pasto. SERVICES, Snblmth School at 10 a. m. rrencliitiK every Sablmth at tla.

tn, E.J, Uyers, Supt. Mrs, E. H. Clouce Ass J. E.

Went ley, Sec'y, Lyilu Hull. Ah' Y. P. S. C.

E. meets every Subuth ut 6:45. J. E. Hull, Pre.

C. W. Seever Sec. J. E.

U'estley, Kec Sec'y. Junior C. E. meets every Sabath at 3 p. tn Mrs.

Cora O. Byers, Supt. Young peoples' meeting at in. Prayer meet ins every Wednesday at 8p.m. Covenant, the last Friday of each mouth.

very vsn? absence of Ford Ilovey, who is laid owder To the ETAQT 2sv I CHICAGO. ROGK ISLAND PAC RAILWAY. The Rock Island is foremost in adopting any plan calculated to improve speed and give luxury safety and comfort that the popular patronage demands. Its equipment is thoroughly com plete with Vestibuled Traits, BEST DINING CAR SERVICE ABSOLUTELY PURE up with the typhoid fever. Just Received.

13 entirely new songs and inarch es Campaign songs at E. BOUKQUIN'S. bine twineth. Then the clutch of Opera House Saturday night. One Minute Cough Cure, cures.

That is whit It wu mad tor. Poison Ivy, insect bites, bruises, 'Woman's Mianiou Society tneeta once a month, dute announced front the pulpit, Mr, M. Sttllwett President. Nrs, S. C.

Beldeu, Sec'y. CHt'RCH OFFICERS: the ehylocks and money sharks of Wall street waa felt at his throat, and he took a back haudspriug scalds, burns, are quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, the Kansan Comtiieut. Feline larceny item from the Mas cotah Record: It is said that au efiingham young lady will bear-rested soon for stealing a cat from a hotel in Muscotali. and landed amid the Bryanites, great pile cure. C.

A. Sautter. Dan Smith has sold his farm four miles north of town, near the county line, to Jaa. Wheeler. Bill conversion to silver is too late.

He should have got into his We wish to say tnat we have the exclusive sale 6f the Red Cross present crowd previous to the con-vention of the silverltes. He might Call for Red Cross vinegar Deacons: E. J. Byers, Jos. Carpenter and S.P.Belden.

Trustees: E. J. Byers, J. W.Leverett and W. A.

Byers, Clerk: J. E. Westley, Lyda Halt Aaa't. Cliolrister, A. H.

Byers. OrKanlst, Addle J. Hardin The public cordially Invited to all above services. Seats free. Salvation free, COME! vinegars for Horton.

L. B. Duff The congregationalists of White Cloud seem to have it in for their minister. They gave him a "pound" Strirtlv pure at L. B.

Duff sons'. 32tf have had a chance then. Now his flop was done for nothing. party last week. Speaking about music mad com Over at Alma, a young fellow IN THfi WORLD.

Pullman Sleepers, Chair cars, all the most elegant and of recently improved patterns. Its epecalties are FIST TIMF corteousem. rAOl liMCpL0YES, FIRST CLASS EQUIPMENT AND First Clasi SERVICE GIVEN For full particulars as to Tickets, Maps, Rates, apply to any Coupon Ticket Agent in the United States Canada or Mexico, or address, JOHN SEBASTIN, o. P. CHICAGO.

asked his best girl to marry him and she said she would when Bryan The Perfect Ointment. The virtue of Beggs' German 32-tf Mike Shaunnessy returnad from Chicago, Tuesday and the belles of Horton may rest easy, as the genial Michael returned alone. Will Whalen, otherwise known as "Red" is now the right bower and general utility man for Mike Crane, stationary engineer at the back shops. This kind of weather makes a munities, what the matter with this burg. A band, an orchestra; piano players galore, Mandolin and Guitar clubs 'till you cant rest, and to enumerate the singers would re was elected, and now he is wonder-ing what she meant.

The Netewaka Herald says the Salve is its quick healing power. Else it would not have earned its A new cigar Bign iu the shape of wooden aborigine, graces the entrance to Stubenhaven's cigar store. Billy McGee ia laying off this week on account of some1 emery getting into one of his optics. Engineer Luke Lee presented his daughters, this week, with an elegant upright piano. If you are ia need of dre ss goods blankets, underwear, flannels, or recent cold wave ia accounted for world wide reputation.

Your pop-ular druggist C. A. Sautter has it quire a column. I am willing to bet the cigars that there is more musical talent in Horton than any other town in the state; Brincr on young man thinK ottne overcoat lying on a shelf at "his uncles." your bets. i Money to oan in amounts of $10 Mrs.

Cynic and myself had con Solarlne. The best polishing material made for any kind of metal 13, 23, and 50 cent cans at E. Bourquin's. anything in the line of dry goods to $100 on gilt edge security. Address Drawer C.

call on G. Kanoff. Horton Kansas. Purify your blood with Hood's siderable of a debate the other evening in regard to the prettiest girl in town. Of course every married man knows that his wife has Sarsaparilla, which will give you by theaccidental meetingof Ingalls and Burton in Topeka a few days ago.

Mr. Berkheiser, of Bayard, who married Miss Daisy Highbargin doesn't think the expenses of the wedding were excessive. The Whiting Sun Bays some reckless person has repaired the sidewalk in front of the Baptist church. An undertaker over in Burlington has Bryan's picture in his window. The people will see that the Boy Orator's remains will be in the hands of the political undertaker this November.

Home Seekers Excursion to an appetite, tone your stomach and opinions diametrically opposite to strengthen your nerves. The Fair association has engaged his own, and that was my trouble. I had returned home after my ar Blotches, Pimples, Scrofulous Sores and all humors of the blood and skin will succumb to Beggs' Blood Purifier and Blood Maker. It posij tively has no equal. Every bottle' guaranteed.

Ask your popular druggist C. A. Sautter for it. points in Arkansas, Iudian Ty Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana and Arizona on September 1st, 15th, 29th October 6th and 20th 1896. For rates and limits inquire of the Horton Band to furnish the mu duous duties in pushing a pencil Time to Take the Train.

(BOCK ISANO KOVTB.) Trains carrying passengers leave Horton follows: SOUTH. No. 13 Texas Express. Daily 11:11 a. N.

25 Tex Express. Daily ex. Sat. 9:43 p. No.

31 Freight, Ex. Sunday 7:96 a. NOKTH. No 17 Denver 20 p. tn No.

Freight. Daily 11:55 p. EAST. No.M Mail. Daily 7:10 a.

Ne. 18 Chicago Exp DailyEx Xo. 14 Mail and ExpressDaily 5:30 p. Atl other trains daily. Xo 26 Sunday does not uo east of St.

Joe Xo 23 Saturduy south of Topeka Coupon tickets to all parts of the country. 1,000 mile tickets $25.00. For any in-formation Inquire of W. O. MICHAELS, Agent.

EfHorton and Hiawatha Stage leaves Hotel Wiudsor daily at 5:20 p. in. for tlys great religious weekly, when the better half sprung the sic during the week, which insures us plenty of first class music Hol-ton Tribune. W. O.

Michaels, Agent. Horton Kansas. We saw a gentleman Saturday, question in regard to the beautiful physical qualities of Horton's fair maids. We had quite a talk and while I think Miss is the finest specimen of femiuenity, not Now For Business. No one need be told that the free who heard the Boy Orator in Kan sas City on the occasion of his Caution.

All instantaneous cough cures contain opiates and are liable to dry up the phlegm and mucus in the bronchial tubes and lungs, thereby causing congestion. We guarantee Beggs' Cherry Cough Syrup against this danger. C. A. Sautter visit there last week.

He says the silver agitation has unsettled business and created a feeling of alarm and distrust throughout the country. Things have, for the most part only in Horton, but in the country, Mrs. Cynic thinks Miss is the If the various odds and ends composing the aggregation led by the "Boy Orator" would select some name by which it could be desig uated, they would relieve this campaign at. one perplexity that seriously inconveniences every speaker and editor. DeWitt's Colic Cholera Cure.

Pleimant. quick rssutts, safe to ue. stuff. And there you are. Dont be in the least surprised if you hear Boy looks careworn and haggard and he doubts if he can hold out much longer.

At any rate he will be in a bad physical condition to been at a standstill in the commer- ial world; investments have been of a family breaking up on account of incompatibility of temper. Its receive his defeat in November. tayed.and all lines of trade indus-ry have suffered. But the sweep- US. It Does Not Pay ng republican victory Somebody recently made the as had the effect of clearing the tmosphere and already prospects to experiment with medicines.

Beggs Blood Purifier is no novelty. A record of twenty yesrs proves it re brighter. The result in Maine, following close upon the victory in The Bryan club of this city should call a special meeting and instruct its members as to the number of republicans they are to claim enrolled in the club. One member says they have twenty, another thinks they have a little erniont, shows unmistakably that Gentlemen of Horton and Vicinny. We have returned to )Tour city, and have received our Fall and Winter stock of Suitings, Coatings, Pantalonings, Overcoatings to be the best known formula for enriching the blood and driving from the system those impurities which Dreed disease.

For sale by C. A.Sautter. the trend of popular sentiment is toward sound money. The move startling statement that Tom Dun-uean had sent his rabbit foot to W. J.

Bryan, whom a large section of this country believes is running for president of these great United States ou a supposedly democratic platform. Have been unable to see Tommy in regard to the matter, and being from Missouri, will have to be showed. The Cynic. ment has been apparent before, but the elections in those states have Mrs. J.

Palmer, formerly of rising of thirty while nnother says they have exactly thirty eight. We have heard another claim forty niphaeised it in a remarkable de- this place, but now of Chicago, is visiting friends in Ilorton, She gree, in uotn states me iiii.iih:uu and another fifty, but the Commer nuestinn was made the dominant 1 cial last week puts them all in the ssue, all other questions being CA IDDJWI THE TJVII au shade and says there are exactly 73 practically ignored. Tne situation says her husband recently wrote her that a poll of the Illinois Central shops, where he is employed as storekeeper, had been taken and out of about 3,000 hands employed, w-ah considered from a purely bus- The fact is McMauigal can count them till on his linirers and toes ness standpoint by men of both and still have toes left. parties, and they voted in the inter Be Sure You are Right. And then go ahead.

If your blood is impure, your appetite failing, your nerves weak, you may be sure that Hood's Sarsaparilla is what you need. Then take no substitute. Insist upon Hood's and only Hood's. This is the medicine which has the largest nales in the world. Hood's Sarsaparili? i3 the One True Blood Purifier.

only 300 could be found who would vote for W. J. Bryan. est ot financial safety and honor. Notice.

The result greatly encourages We invite the attention of the If you have ever seen a little public to this fact. We are now in the friends of sound money everywhere, and brightens the outlook foi a irreat victory in November. child in the agony of summer complaint, you can realize the danger of the trouble and appieciate the shape to do all kinds of repairing on engine, boilers, threshers and We cordially invite 'on to call and examine our line of the latest patterns and styles for the coming season. Remember the place, my old stand, Kemper Block, South flain St. Horton, Kans.

It has already had its effect in crea ting a feeling of buoyancy iu busi farm machinery, bicycles etc. All work uuaranteed at Reeve's old ness circles, merchant in Kansas City, regardless of politi- stand, Ilorton Kansas. Yours for business, value of instantaneous relief always afforded by DeWitt's Colic Chclera Cure. For dysentary and diarrhcea, It is a reliable remedy. We could not afford to recommend this as a cure unless it were a cure.

C. A. Sautter. Hood's Pills are prompt, efficient, always reliable, easy to take, easy to operate. Buy all sciiool supplies at Steel's Book store.

al affiliations, felt better Tuesday Hokton Maciunk Repair Shops. morning when he heard that Maine had gone almost unanimously for honest money. REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY. There seems to be no longer any The banners of the Modoc Club, Women's Relief Corps and G. A.

R. reason tor serious anxiety, it fc'V apparent that the people are not of Topeka, for the G. A. R. encamp eady to overturn the financial sys Theories of cure may be discussed at length by physicians, but the sufferers want quick relief; and One Minute Cough Cure will give it to them.

A safe cure for children. It is "the only harmless remedy that produces immediate results." C.A.Sautter, Made a ment at St. Paul, were painted at the Rock Island shops in this city uuder the supervision of Master tem under which they have grown and prospered so marvelously and The Shakers of Mount Lebanon, a community of simple, honest, God-fearing men and women, have prepared the Shaker Digestive Cordial for many years, and it is always the same, sijnple, honest, curative medicine that has helped to make the Shakers the healthy, long lived people "that they are. The Shakers never have indigestion. This is partly owing to their simple mode of life, partly to the wonder Well Man 1st Day- IStoDay.

of Me. fly to evils they know not of, but may easily foresee. Repudiation Representative Hepburn of Iowa) will have the sympathy of the people of the whole country over the loss of his son, who was murdered at Little Rock Arkansas a few days aso, by a drunken saloon keeper. It appears that the wretch who did the crime was lying at the depU asleep in the sun, when the train pulled in, which was engineered by Mr, Hepburn, who for a mere joke cut the shoe strings of the sleeper' who awoke and began cursing Mr. Hepburn and drew a revolver and THE GREAT 30th Day.

IEIXTOXI X1.333VT33I33: not to be the policy of the coun- proliiria the above results In 30 days. It ai't painter K. Jockin. They were magnificent specimens of the painters art and were regarded as the best banners exhibited at the reunion. As a result of the encomiums "Ed'' has grown several height.

GREAT KOCK ISLAND ROUTE. ry for the next four years at least, the signs of the times point voworfully mid (iiurkly. Cures when all others fail ouug meu will ivfiam their Inst manbood.aud old meu will rr-rover their youthful vmor by using aright. OFFICIAL STATEMENT OF THE FINANCIAL CONDITION OF THE ful properties of Shaker Digestive Cordial. Indigestion is caused by IlKVIvO.

It quickly and Biiriiy re.torcR Nervousness, Lost Vitality, Impotent-', Nightly limisHions, Let business be resumed. The Latt Vower. I-'ailini Memory, Wasting iseasos. aud all effects of Belf-abuso or oxcei-fi and in(Ui'-retioa merchant and manufacturer can go ahead with their plans with the stomach glands not supplying enoua'h dicrestive iuice. Shaker which one for study, business or arriaRe.

It not only rnren by Htnrtinjz at the seat of 4weant, but more than a reasonable confidence HORTON Playing Cards. Send 12 cents in stamps to John Sebastian, Gen'l Pass. Agent C. R. I.

P. R'y, Chicago, for the slickest Is a ureat nerve tonic and blood builder, brimi-t-ii! back the pink clow to iialo cheek' ami ra- Digestive Cordial supplies what's wan finer." Shaker Digestive Cordial begaii firing, whereupon the latter returned the fire, the two exchang-three shts, when it was found that Mr. Hepl urn was fatally wounded that their calculations will not be disturbed by a ruinous monetary atoiing the fire of youth. It war" off Insanity and Consumption. Insist on having 1CVIVO.

no invigorates the stomach and all its At Horton, in the State of Kansas, at other. It can be carried In vest locket. By mail, 1.00 per parkaiie. or sii for fi (, with a post glands so that after awhile they and died in a few minutes, while pack of playing cards you ever handled, and on receipt of such re tiTe written guarantee to cure or refund his assailant was nnharmed. policy.

The country is safe. Vermont and Maine have started the wave that will engulf and destroy every menauce to national honor the clo.s" of business on the lst.d.iy of Sept. 1896. IIESOCBCES. the money.

Circular tree. Address SOYil KEDIC1HE 271 WatJasb CHICAGO. ILL Rev. Thomas Dixon, who created mittance for one or mOre' packs they will be sent you postpaid. don't need help.

As evidence of the honesty of Shaker Digestive Cordial, the formula is printed on every bottle. Sold by druggists pr ice 10 cents to $1.00 per bottle. C.ASAL'TTEK.DriiKKlst, Horton. Kan and prrsperity. A.

Journal. Loans and discount!" on perxonal and collateral seriiritv Orders containing 60 cents in something of a sensatiou in New Yo'k CiU a few days ago, by de Loans on Ileal Carelessness in- girlhood causes A Comfortuble Konte to California nouncing Bryan and free silver in his sermon in Music Hall, announ Real entate Expense account stamps or postal note for 'same a-moutit will secure 5 packs by express, charges paid. 47-13t the greatest suffering and unhap- Durintr the winter you should ced to that portion of his audience Reminder, forces upon our its own peculiar The advent of fall A Timy Each season consideration perils to health. patroniie the Phillips-Rock Island Excursions that run from Chicago piness in alter nie. iiuie irregularities and weakness in girls should be looked after promptly and treatment given at once.

Dr. Xo political party that ever has had the gall to go before and Minneapolis every Tuesday and via Kansas City, Topeka, Wich Pierce's Favorite Prescription pro the people with claims that could compare in point of absurdity with ita, Ft. Worth, and Kl Paso, lands you at Los Angeles the following motes regularity of all feminine those presented by the Popocratic functions, makes strength and finds many reduced in strength and vigor, poorly prepared to continue the business of life. The stomach and bo els, the great highway of animal economy, are especially liable to disorder in the fall. The nervous system has alto Saturday nierht.

which was disposed to disturb him that they cantake the one alternat ive and that is to stay away, for he will continue to preach eermans on national issues until after the election and besides that he expects to go to North Carolina to speak in favor of sound money. He further cites his disturbers to its criminal code of New York and says that if he is again disturbed that they will be dealt with for said disturbances. builds up a sturdy health with Trip is quick and cheap, for a City Warrant- l.Ojti.M Cash and Sight Ex- -change Total $131,0.41 liabilities. Capital Rtoek paid in Undivided profits Inttreot HH0.47 Exclianse Individual Demand certificates 23.4Uh,K S4.922.H Total State or Kansas, County of Buown, sb. Geo.

8. ilovey, Ciinhier ofwtid bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, and that said hank has ti liabilities of any character whatsoever not set forth in said statement. Geo. S. Hovet.

Cashier. Subscribed an1 nworn to before me, this lfith day of Sept. lifjri. J. F.

BAll.KV, KotHrr Public. Com. expires 12th day of Oct- 1-Mt. which to meet the trials to come. second-class ticket takes you on a The Favorite Prescription is not a fast, first-class train, and sleeping car all the way only costs $6.00 universal pauacea.

It is good for but one thing. It is directed solely suffered in the struggle. Typhoid fever and malaria in particular find from Chicago, St. Paul or Minne at one set of organs. apolis and but $5.00 from Kansas Br.

Pierce's Common Sense Medi in the fall that combination of earth, air and water that mark this seaaon as especially dan Cilv. Write at once for a folder that gives route and time table and any cal Adviser, a 1008 page medical work, profusely illustrated, will be gerous. The falling leaves, the de Republican Meetings. The dates for republican meetings to be held in Horton as arranged by the republican state cen combination of this campaign. Xo party has ever before had the nerve to make use of the disastrous conditions, its attempts to administer government have brought about, as reasons why it should be continued in power.

Xo political party has ever before had the impudence to tell an intelligent people that the consequences its misguided attempts to administer government are due to a law enacted twenty three years previous, a law that existed less than five years and which had been repealed more than seventeen years before its effects were felt. This is but a sample of the exhaustless gall of this popocratic campaign. sent free ou receipt of 21 one cent Correct Attest 1.... I W.K. Ticket Agent can give you the rate for cheap ticket that permits you caying vegetables contribute their share of contamination.

Hood's stamps to cover postage only. Ad A. F. Moore, Directors. to ride on the fastest trains, an H.

dress World's Dispensary Medical Sarsaparilla furnishes a most valu fr small amount additional (men N. Y. able safeguard at these important points, and should be used in the Honed above iysm hrve" A Through fall before serious sickness has tral committee are, Hon. J. F.

Scan-Ian, Monday Sept. 21, Congressman Case Broderick, Friday Sept 25 and Hon. Edward F. Taylor of Chicago, Wednesday Oct. 2d.

These speakers are all men of National note and eminent as forcible and impressive speakers. Sleeper." Thes Tourit-t 1-x are laid you low. 46-w There will be a sparring exhibition at the opera house Saturday night after the show. Dan. C.

Sullivan and Paddy Purtell will have a six round po, Elmer L. iul-len and a number of local limit's will don the niits. Don't miss it. IMtS WHtKriLUU. tAo.

El Best ough Taste liuud. Ue In ttmw. bTdmeffWts. popular mode of travel, and iu win Call for Gold Xedal flour, use no ter thie isa popular route. NO.

SEBASTIA.N, G. P. A other. For sale at L. B.

Duff Sons.

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