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The Canton Pilot from Canton, Kansas • 6

The Canton Piloti
Canton, Kansas
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THE PILOT. CANTON. KANSAS SIDE NOT SHOWN TO PUBLIC Roll Call of Red Cross Began on Armistice Day Stomach Catarrh Grover Cleveland' Talont at Mlmlo 1 Tanlac Put Him Back on Job. Says Davis Causa untold misery tad Pilfering, II ot which neeuleas. re-ru-na Known to Ftw Who Admired HI Recognized Statecraft.

While I am reminiscing about my acta quickly and eurely on ca Urrh of tb atomach and bowels 1 Miss Clara D. Noyes, director of the American Bed Cross nursing service, displaying ot the National Bed Cross headquarters one of tha posters for the 1023 roll call period from November 11, Armistice day, to Thanksgiving. Above, a group of Washington society girls on board the President's yacht Mayflower, enrolling the cook. relations with Mr. Cleveland, I will jump ahead about ten years and speak of a visit he paid me for three days during March, 1903.

IR 0 1 UiN7 USE He was to deliver an address at the i IFTT YEARS MOW BWOth Henry Ward Ueecher memorial meeting In the Brooklyn Academy of Music on Sunday evening, and he arrived i. heeling effect up-11 mucous linlnn. 4 Von Belchini iu. tour atom from Princeton on Saturday. He was ach, nausea, vomiting.

like a boy out of school. A cramps, palm in to abdo-man, diarrhoea, eonatipa- iim all nmnfAm. We were going to the theater on Sat catarrhal condition In tha rK'v urday evening, and I suggested Justin McCarthy's "If I Were King," played by Sothern. I hope It Is not sad," he said. "I oreaneoi aigesnon.

Don't suffer anotherday. It la needles and dangerous. Two generation have found Po-ru-na just tha medicine needed (or tuch Sold Everywhere Tablets or Liquid want to see it from start to finish;" Tve never been much of a hand praising medicines, but I can-certainly say something good for suld Geo. Davis, 110 Nuglee San Francisco, Calif. "I had a bad case of ptomaine pot aonlng and It came pretty near laying me out altogether.

For three months I was In an awful condition and suffering constantly from I became weak all over and was going from bad to worse. I tried everything I knew of, but It was beginning to look like nothing would ever reach my case. "Then, a friend of mine recon mended Tanlac to me. And It's a fact four bottle have made a clean sweey of my troubles and built me up to where I feel like a new man. I am working every day now and when It comes to recommending Tanlac I can'l put It too strong." Tanlac la sold by all good druggiBti, Advertisement.

Up to Date. Mrs. A. I see you have a new cook. Is she experienced? Mrs.

I believe so. She started the lirst day by coming late and then asking the afternoon off. Boston Evening Transcript. and, with a smirk, he added "For I am a hayseed." I discerned afterward that he would xather have seen a com edy or vaudeville. 1 When we got to the theater many In the audience recognized him, and heads were constantly turning In the direction of our box.

I mentioned It to him, but he said: "Oh, no; they don't know me any Milk for the Baby. Two-year-old Betty had always used a special brand baby milk but recently has been drinking very little, preferring the more solid foods. At the dinner table a few days ago it became the of discussion and It was decided to discontinue the special milk when rhyllis, six years old, who had been listening with interest, Inquired: "Daddy, where do they get milk for babies? Is that calf's milk?" more." is natal After the theater we had a supper SI of delicatessen and beer at home, which I knew he would like, and he Memorial to the Southern Women horsewhipped, he sues. amused ns with several funny stories and mimicry. My wife remarked that he might have made a success on the stage, and he replied that his friend Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of Joe Jefferson had often deplored his having missed that profession.

The war has made table linen very valuable. The use of Red Cross Ball BlueWvill add to Its wearing qualities. Use it and see. All grocers. Adver.

tlsement CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and Bee that it He mimicked the humorous Con I hi I wv ft I Bears the gressman Campbell of New York, who Signature of used to come to the White House, and pointing to the room occupied by Cleveland, asked the clerk, "Is his royal nibs In?" And sometimes Tim Campbell made requests that Cleveland had Novelties. "Do you think the country needs, a new party?" "No," replied Senator Sorghum. "If the old parties keep on modifying their platforms for a few more years, they'll offer all the political novelties anybody reasonably desire." In U3e for Over SO Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's CastoriS Not for Discussion. "I understand your campaign fund Is quite large." "Let's change the subject," interrupted Senator Sorghum.

"It Isn't large enough to be worth to deny as unconstitutional then- Tim would come back with: "Oh, I wouldn't let the Constitution stand between friends Oscar S. Strauss lu the Outlook. No Fatalist. There have been a good many mis conceptions about the Turk, and the DYED HER BABY'S COAT, A SKIRT AND CURTAINS WITH "DIAMOND DYES" prevalent Idea that he Is a fatalist may is be one of them. A Cleveland man whose shoe repairer is a Turk, and both skillful and conscientious, likes to chaff with him now and then.

Each package of "Diamond Dyes" con tains directions so simple any woman can "I suppose you are a fatalist?" he dye or tint her old, worn, faded thing new. Even if she has never dyed before, she can put a new, rich color into shabby said to him on one occasion. skirts, dresses, waists, coats, stockings, sweaters, coverings, draperies, hangings. AffAC fiUAR VAD) ft everything. Buy Diamond Dyes no other kind then perfect home dyeing is guaranteed.

Just tell your druggist whether the material you wish to dye is wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton, or mixed goods. Diamond Dyes never streak, pot, fade or run. Advertisement. Simple but lmiiressive ceremonies attended the dedication of a window in memory of the women of the South, presented by the United Daughters of the Confederacy to the Americnn Red Cross nt the Red Cross building, Washington. Tho presentation was made by Mrs.

Livingston Rowe Schuyler, president general of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. Unexpected Results. "The phrenologist told Algy so many The Turk stopped his hammer. "What Is it like?" he slowly asked: "Why, a fatalist Is a man who believes that what will be, will be," the customer explained. The hammer strokes began again.

"What will be, will be," the Turk repeated. "Yes," said the caller. "But just suppose you are crossing the street and a big? automobile Is rushing right at you. What would you do?" "Me jump like sheol," replied the Turk. "You're no fatalist," laughed the caller.

"Me just good cobbler," replied the Turk. Theodore Schierliiiauu, mayor of was taken by a band of unmasked men from his place of business and horsewhipped, because, they told him, he was voicing opinions against the Ku Klux Klan, and because he rented his opera house to a nice things" "Yes "That's how he has a swelled head." London Zoo Gets Pigmy Elephant Suspicions which may be unjust candidate for district judge to make need not be stated. Mrs. Ruth Williamson Birmingham, Ala. becoming mother my health gave way.

I suffered severely with a pain low down In my right side. My sister-in-law, having been cured of a bad case of feminine trouble by taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, advised me to take It, which I did. I am now starting on my third bottle and the pain has all left me. My husband said to me the other day, 'That Favorite Prescription must be a wonderful medicine, I don't bear you complaining any Mrs.

Ruth Williamson, 4016 First Avenue. You should obtain this famous Prescription now at your nearest drug store, in tablets or liquid, or write Dr. Pierce, President Invalids' Hotel In Buffalo, N. for free medical advice. an antl Ku Klux Klan speech.

He Is suing the township of Liberty for $10, 000 for the attack. WLDOUGLAS GETS A CROWN AT LAST shoes ana XV. li. Douglas shoes are actually demanded year after year by more people than any other shoe in the world. terial anil workuiaiieuip are ft uneaualeil turt lie price it is nrrwrt.h whiln fnr VOU to knOW that wun you buy W.

L. UOUgias BUUCT yuu 3 tingthebenetttof his40years I exporienoe in tuaaiiiKkueucBii shoes possi Die ior tue prion, eboea are WLDOUGLAS, Her Choice. Rastus (to Ids girl) Ah's gwlne down lo dat new sto' to get some candy. Dey's got candied cherries, strawberries an' I don't know what all. His Girl Man, bring me a chocolate-coated watahmelon an' Ah's yo's for life.

Boston Evening Transcript. ways All About Brother. While In college I attended a dance with a young man of whose dancing and conversational powers I knew nothing. I spent a miserable evening, for he was a disappointment in every way. After a party the girls at our sorority house always gathered In one room to discuss the evening.

When I came Into the room the first question asked me was, "Well, did you have a good time?" I sank wearily Into a chair and there was only one man at that party worse looking worse la every way than my date-Kandall. De-pew." Absolute silence reigned. I looked up to see Randall Depew's sister sitting opposite me. My cheeks still burn when I think of this embarrassing Incident. Exchange.

wortlituopriceuaidfor them. Wear them ami save money. Protection against unreasonable profits is guaranteed by the price stamped on every PAir- 1 110 of our own stores in the Weak and Miserable? largeeitios and by shoe dealers everywhere. Aak your )W youW.L. and portrait Pest known shot Irade Hart in t4 world.

stands the highest standards of Quality at the iow-t est possible cost. Slut Are you dull, tired Bnd achy both Douglas shoes. Only by ex amining them can you ap name ana price ui preciate tneir vaiue. neiuse substitutes. Insist upon bar-Inn W.L Douglas shoes with plainly stamped ered with a bad back? Do you lack ambition, suffer headaches and dizzinessfeel "all worn Likely your kidneys are to blame.

Lameness, sharp stabbing pains, backache and annoying ine sole. stamped on the sole. The ff wrwujj retail prices are the same wnu aunt 1.4 fe'ili everywhere. TO MERCHANTS If no draltr in your toien handlri W.Lf)nualu shots, write to W.LDougltu shots, write to- urinary disorders are all symptoms ot weakened kidneys. Don't wait for more serious trouble.

Get back your health and keep it! Use Doan's Kidney Pills. Plaything for Pussy. Pridnt Ai day for exclusive nthts to W.L.Douqlnt StMda A plaything for cats has been pat 10 Svark Street nnaic tins quick ot tolUs tell their merit. Ask your neighbor! ented by Edith F. Kettlie of Medfoed, Iir oak ton, iaM.

Quick turn-over hne. Mass. It is a small, short metal cyl I is aBsiasgmytwavrh.wva The lirst pigmy elephant ever sent from Africa recently arrived at the Lon A Kansas Case lnder with perforated ends and Is re: meant to contain catnip. The end don zoo. It was shipped from the French giiboon.

The adult male parvnt of tills baby elephant was shot, and measured only six feet high. The baby is but Mrs. J. W. 21(14 Washina- pieces are merely paper discs easily feUi Sort ton Parsons, two years old and stands only three feet high.

Inserted in rlng-sliapeu openings pro I vided for them. The toy rolls about, aiou. vrb Pant Notch Prices and for that reason Is attractive. The Pershing Gets Louisiana Ducks 90 per cent of your furs are sold in New York rt'gardless of where you ship rSrf On (h. Get All Ycnr Mone 1 Ferdinand, recently crowned king says: "My back hurt so 1 could hardly get up and sharp pains shot through me.

When I moved sharp pains caught me In the small of my back. I had sick headaches and my SHIP DIRECT TO HERSKOVITS i vuei lunDi la nllD nim.RT-.MAKB IT YOURS catnip Invites by its smell, and pussy manages, after a while, to claw through one of the paper ends and get 3 Don't or hlp nr fori nntll joo irtour nnt( of Rumania, shown wearing the crown wbidi had just been placed upon his head In the Cathedral of Alba Julia. at the contents. Nvv trtppitiir lowest ooat. CBff.

Trmoir'Trmur. Bookj OnmriiUed Fjr Ptloa. ijst. supply auiu. WEITE OB SEND A POST OABDTODA.K Jl NAMED FOR MRS.

HARDING Crushing Retort. "Hello, dearie," said the fresh young man with a "toothbrush" mustache frequently. I used Doan's kidney Pills and they gave me a lasting cure." Get Doan't at Any Store, 60c a Box DOAN'S Kp FOSTER-MILBURN BUFFALO, N. Y. and dressed to the minute, "a glass of sweet milk and a piece of lemon pie." "Anything else?" asked the fair but haughty waitress.

"A little" sruied and a smile, If you Speed Necessary. "Of course," said Miss Cayenne, don nunu. EVTRYBODY KNOWS THE QUALITY COMPARS THE QUAKTITY Ull no fore "You've got all the speed you need, nra willing to pay more for rapid and as for a smile, look at yourself in work." one of them mirrors along the wall "How rapid must it be?" Inquired mimi feci If that don't give you a laugh, you the dressmaker. ain't got no sense of humor:" "Rapid enough to keep a dress from going out of style between the time I order It and the time I get a chance to wear it." Not a Dust Collector. Will Vawter was painting a Brown county scene when one of those outing" fiends whose words outstrip less dangerous ShoePolisliss A bad in is far than a cunning one.

knnwledee approached him. It must have resembled a bad smear or daub to the o. f. He watched the artist a Qwllairiigs few moments, and then inquired: "Do you just leave It rough like that or how do vou smooth It down? On, Here Is a new variety of chrysan Refreshes Weary Eyes "WheaYour Eyej (eel Dull cd Heavy, use Murine, tc Instantly KelievestiiacTlredFee ling MaVn thf Clear, br'itht and Spaikllng. Harmlest.

Sold and Recommended by All Drugaiiu. fvt" EYES Toole Don't (ret oald. rt Bn toddy Ifa aucli mure pleaMtnt. At all rood dnijrtnUfc 7ie, or direct froai bSiC-LLUS. Caok.

akawUa, Taa, replied Mr. Vawter. "I sandpaper It themum named for Mrs. Harding, wife when I get back to the studio. If I'd of the President, and exhibited at the General Pershing has been enjoying a hunting trip with Governor I'urker of Louisiana In the swamps of that state near New Orleans and reports are that he has been bringing In his quota each day, llere are the general and his guide waiting for an approaching flock.

ipnve It that way. you see, It would W. N. WICHITA, NO. 46-192Z show of the Department of Agrica tare la Yashlngton.

catch dust." Indianapolis News..

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