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State Line Register from Lamborn, Kansas • 6

Lamborn, Kansas
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oca THE IIAHT MND. DUSTING A COINCIDENCE. A Singular Mertliiff Disturbed lit a Decidedly hlngnlur Manner. A woman yesterday stood at the trritinsr desk in tho corridor of tho post-ofllco with a pen in hor hand and a postal card before her. She was thinking; deeply when a nian ap-pronched with a postal card in his liand.

looked in vain for a pen and finally said: "Madam, are you groins: to use that pen for the next five minutosP1 fcV'Yes, sir," she replied. "I rn just going to write to ray husband." "And I am just going to writo Homy Wife; Curious coincidence, eh?" "I don't know about that My ius-band ran away, and I have just got his address and was wondering whether I should tedl him to stay or ask him to come home." "Ity George, madam, but how singular! My wife also skipped out, and I was wondering what to say to her. We are in the same boat. Shall wo wrho: 'Coriio home, or, 'I nevor want to 6eo your face What a curious coincidence!" "Yes, I think it is!" remarked a woman who came up bohind him. "Trying1 to make a mash, are youl This is the way you hunt for work, la it! Come home with me or I'll pull all the hair out of your head and scratch that woman's eyes out!" lie went humbly along in tow.

and a newsboy who sat on tho window-sill looked after the pair and soliloquizod: That's what I call busting a coincidence and catching a liar at tho same time. Better write for your darling to return by telegraph, ma'am." Detroit Free Press. THE TRUE STORY. General Jiudlcy itve Out tli I.eltr II Ileally Vf rote-lie Out of J'olitlcs. Wasuinuton, April 20.

When the Van 1'elt letter was shown to Colonel Dudley to-day ho pronounced it a "clear, cold forgery," and telegraphed to Van Belt demanding that Van Belt give out for Jub I cation the letter which he actually wrote, and added; "I wroto only one and have preserved a copy. Here it Is. While I don't care to have my private letters published to the world, yet there is nothing in this letter which I am ashamed of, and while it was hastily written In confidence to an old friend I would have no object ion to the President seeing it. I have askel nothing from Ueueral Harrison and have therefore nothing to complain of. I wish the Administration every success, and would not if I could embarrass it in any way.

I am out of politics and would not accept any publio office. I have recently associated with Mr. Charles D. Ingersoil, of New York, and Jerome Car-ty, of Philadelphia, and have decided to devote my entire attention to the practice of law. I neither seek nor would accept any public office." Following is the letter produced by Dudley: 8.

D. Van Pelt, AnJkrton, Washington, April 15, Ks9. Dear Old Sam: Your good letter of the Cth of March I got in good timo, hut It found me absent. I have recently returned from a trip to the South, whore I went on legal business, and had a good time and a little rest from the crowds of peoplo who throng rny ollice from morning until night and from the mountain of letters which pile upon my desk every day. Your letter got into the pile, where I rescued it to-iiife'ht, and I hasten now to say how much cood it has done me to hear from you again.

There is nothing I should like better than to do something Tor you, Sam, but I am ufruid you greatly overestimate my Influence. Your old friend Heed has placed his pension in my hands and am working away nt it to get it soon. Perhnps there is no one In the country who has done so much tor General Harrison during the last twenty years as I have, but because our Democratic Triends down in Indianapolis have started tho hue and cry on mo, "ttrother Bon" does not seem to feel that he can afford to recognize mo as an acquaintance, and consequently I don't tako dinner at tho Whito House as might be Bxpcctod. I have not been insido the White House since Cleveland's inauguration, a little aver four years ago, but I will see if something can not be done a little later on and tell you what to do. If you shouldn't hear fmm me igain for the next two months don't be alarmed, for there will be just as good chances two months hence and a little better as there are now.

Give my kind regards to all the boys at Anderson, and remember me always as your Wend. w. w. Dudley. ILLEGAL GRABBERS.

AFTER THE RUSH. Matter in Oklahoma Nettling Down to imputes Ovor t'l ilinx, AtlmdoU With the 1'nuiil of lilliini; Contusion to Town Guthiuk. I. April 23. Near Alfred, a small station fourteeu miles north of here, Tuesday, three men tquatted on the same claim and trouble occurred between a man named Stevens from Kansas and the other two claimant, whose names could not be learned, who had agreed between theimelves to force Slovens and his family of wife and four small children oft tho claim und thou divide.

Stevens resisted this unfair treatment and Informed them he was willing for all three to work tho claim and leave the matter to the proper outhorities to say who was the rightful owner. To this they 'murrod, and during tho row Stevens was shot through tho lungs. He managed to roach bis family and died after a few hours. His wife was almost crazed. News soon spread over the neighborhood and a snnll narty of settlers soon assembled at the unfortunate man's tent The poor fellow was buried yesterday in a plain box on the cluiiu for which he sacrificed his life.

A collection was taken up for the widow, which amounted to 411. Mrs. Steven3 is not certain what she will dn, but the neighbors strongly advise hoi to remain and hold tho claim. The murderers lost no time in quitting the country for fear of being lynched. Till! GCTUKIS TRAGEDIES.

GuTiimit, I. April 25. There were two tragedies here Monday in disputes over claims. The first victim was N. T.

Conipis, reported in those dispatches previously. Of tlio other murder the facts ara ns follows: Tho bo ly has been identified as that of J. Cyland, late of Franklin County, Missouri. All information shows that it was a most heartless and cold-bloodod murder, perpetrated three desperate characters, who do-sired to take possession of a claim of which ho was the lawful owner. One of the murderers of young Cyland was captured and executed.

He was discovered in the bushes near the river. A posse of thirty men was formed for the purpose of capturing him. When they arrived at his hiding place they demanded his surrender. His answer was to pull his revolver, and instantly a volley was fired and he fell mortally wounded. He diod in an hour.

His name is unknown. Tho vigilance committee made no ellorc to conceal ths killing of tho assassin, and rely upon tho community to sustain thera in their effort) to overawe the turbulent and lawless element of the camp. OKLAHOMA KILLINGS. Fout Heno, I. April 25, A settler named Goodwin has arrived at lteno from Oklahoma and makes a sworn state-went to the post commander that his meadows showed fair and jjresn to the thousand of eager pilgrims.

From far away to the southward the wagon tralm came winding along the roads and across the ountry. Many had moved thelrcanips during the night and wore ajready at the riverside. OJiers had crossed tho river, but ovor there the mantle of charity Is thrown and no one of all the waiting men on this side of the rivor has evorueou anybody crossing no matter how plainly they wore to be seen. They are glad to soe the Invader return, but will say nothing about them iicroufter. But thero were many more in Ibe dark hollows on the other side who shivered In concealmont half the day and made their oppearanco at noon, These wore spotted and will be bitterly contested In the future.

Thocausoofso many returning Just as the tid) had set in fully towarJs the promise 1 land was a demonstration in force by tho military Sunday night The southorn part of Oklahoma was flooded with soldiers Sunday, and toward evening thoy moved out in all diructions toward the border. They reached the South Canadian shortly before midnight, and the boomers flying before them reached tho opposite bank in wild confusion about the same timo. Tho soldiers did not take time to overhaul anybody, and the fliet-footod trespassers did not give them much of a chance to do so. About cloven o'clock a lino of horsemon formed down close to the water's edge and tho wagons clusterod around the fords. The rich and the poor, the young and tho old boomers, tenderfeet mounted on horses, great and small, were all in lino.

Grny-beardod men whose hopes glowed and faded as ofton as the changing seasons had swept pitiful gusts of north and south wind ovor the land where they had long hoped to make their homes, were in line. Many of them had spent all their earthly possessions and the host years of their lives In the endeavor to possess the homesteads for which thoy wore now to tide a long race. Borne of tho best horses In the country had boon imported by the new comers to ride for these very claims. Thoy mid) a fine show on the dress pnrnde, of a dash down the street or a pranco to tho river's bank, But the hardy Indian ponies ridden by tho grizzled, old-l irne boomers made better time through tho swift and muddy current and stifling quicksands and then over the hills by uncertain paths to the places where tho corner stonos used to be. The river was lower than usual, instead of being ou the rampage, as had been anticipated.

In the railroad yards all was bustle and confusion for twenty-four hours beforehand. Long rows of box cars were standing oji the sidetracks, whore they have been accumulating for weeks, The railroad men huve had their hands full for two weeks past on account of the rush of the cattle bu linoss. The stock trains have been keoping the truck warm day and rho Supremo Momont For tho Oklahoma Rush ItoachocL A. UrealeNciU Stampede Tor Homesteads and Towu r.tiU Cltln Populated In Moinmil mid Wild 1'ritlrJfH Kud denly Spline Iulo Activity, GrniniE, April 2.1. Fiftoen thou-land home jeckers are camped on the grainy upland of Guthrio, the pioneer city of Oklahoma, Thoir camp fires gleam in the darkness, and their touts loom athwart tho sky like 1111 urmy in a bivouuc Guth-rio, horotoforo an inslgniflcunt station in a wild and uninhabited country remote from civilization, has more than a population of 13, (WO.

All this wan gnlnod la an oftornoon. Iu no country Have America, and in no part of that country but the groat Went, could such a tiling bo jtonsible. It In a triumph lor the Western people, especially for cltiz' iia of Southern Kansas, such as they nmy never again have the opportunity of achieving. That thoy were fully equal to the occasion need no uiore proof than the presence of 15,000 peoplo lu New Guthrie lust night. The conservative and leisurely Knst may well look at this and wonder, Whon the first train arrivod at Guthrio from Arkansas City tho embryo streets and lols of tho new city had already Loon laid out by onterprising men, citizens who bad been early on tho scene.

Hardly had the cars slowed down at tho station whon engnr men leaped from tho cur windows, olippod from tho roof of coaches) and poured out of the doors in streams. One fat man was in such haste that ho stood on his head and turned a somersault on the soft earth. When he got upon his feet he rushed tip tho slopo to the land-office liko a crazy Texas btoer. In a minute tho slope loading up from tho station was black with men rushing headlong eager for coveted town lots. In two minutes not one of the men who had filled the train was left iu spouking distance of the railway.

By tho timo this crowd had rencliod the top of tho slope near the lnnd-olllco men, who had boon running parallel lines for streets and driving In slakes for town lots, were well on their way along the level strip of land east of the land-olllce. The crowd then caught tho moving line of etreots and lols and rushed eastward at a tremendous rate. Tho men who brought along a muslin sign bearing tho words "Bank of Guthrie," wore compelled to take up a lot one mile back of the station. The next train arriving from Arkansas City brought 1,00 home seekers about ton minutes later, The mon in this train poured across the prairie like an army charging the wing of tho enemy. They spread out north and south Willi axes, spades and stakos and Logan with wonderful energy the location Of town lots and streets.

The third, fourth, fifth and sixth trains from Arkansas City swollud the uumbor to as many thousands. By this timo the lot seekora had reached tho eastern horizon. In area Guthrio is as big as Arkansas City. Whou the seventh and oight trains came in, nto In tho afternoon, the crowd had ovei flowed all bounds. On the east tho streets and town lots had been extended fully two miles, on tho north a mile and a half and on tho south nearly a mile.

No attempt had been mado to lay out a town on the west side of the track, although a slope of green pruirie was unmolested. west land had lieon nil filed on for liomosteads, with the rxcoption of a wonderfully beautiful piece of jinfc south of the Cimarron rivor and west of the railroad track. It was tho llncst Btretch of ground in the neighborhood. Men were not alono iu their search for lots. A fow ladies came down on trains prepared to go to housekeeping with tents and cooking oulilts.

One lady lost her tent somewhere on the cars. Sho spent the afternoon looking for friends with whom to spend the night Another lady who lost her husband in the crowd when the first rush was made hunted all over the town site in a state of speechless agitation. Almost with tho first rush of the home-seekers from the cars the homeseckers who had started across tho Oklahoma north line at noon in wagons and on horseback, began to pour into tho new city. Their horses were reeking wet from tho hot and furious drive, They took possession of such towu lots in the future Ckluhoma molropoiis ns they could lay claim to. Meanwhile the laud-office was besieged by nn eager and determined crowd of mon waiting to lllo claims upon homesteads.

As the afternoon wore on, this crowd grew larger, until at closing time it leached a regular jam far down tho line toward the railroad station, Business in the land-office wont rather slowly. Tho register and the receiver did the best that they could, but tho pressure upon them was tremendous. The men who were waiting to file claims were forced into lino two abreast They carried blankets and baskets of provisions with thorn. Friends brought them water to drink from tho engine tank nt the railway track in tho rear of tho land-oflloe. Dealers in real estate began business before two o'clock in the afternoon.

One enter prising dealer had as a background for the safe transaction of business a stock of rifles which had been placed there by the Government troops en duty at the land ollice. Near by was the tent of United States Marshal Needles. The tent was surmounted by a large American flag set on a young tree Hags tan. Tho lond-oilice occupies the most con spicuous place iu the entire town site. It is located at tho top of the slope that leads eastward from tho r.iilroad.

It can be seen for several miles iu all directions. It is not yet finished, but it is doing some thing more than a land-efllee business. The Itush From tho South. PtmCEi.L, April 23 A bright morn ing showed Oklahoma in nil her glory as the boomers made their way down to the river lank and the depot The hills and Mice at a Women's Meeting. A certain historical mouse is said to have been the means of rescuing a lion caught in a snare.

Hitherto the aforesaid mouse has been the only one of his species whose career was deemed, worthy of record. It will now, however, have to divide its posthumous fame with two other mice, whoso names will be handed down to posterity as having effectually dispersed a meeting of strong-minded ladies a feat no sane man or men would have dared to attempt. This notable inei-cent occurred at a meeting of tho "Women's Suffrage League," held at the house of a lady at Southport. Just when some fair orator was exercising to the full her declamatory powers ia aid of the sacred cause, a mouse was observed curiously contemplating the scene from a coign of vantage on a chiffonier. The flow of eloquence was at once stopped and silence fell upon the entire meeting, one lady only venturing to observe that she had heard "that mice bite dreadfully." But when this mouse's presence wa3 supplemented by that of another, no more words were wanted; a rush was made for the door and the meeting broke up in "the greatest excitement." London Truth.

Etctraordinary License. "It seems to me," remarked one of our citizens the other day, "that physicians ara allowed extraordinary license in the manner in which they juggle with the wolf ara of their patients." "Now here is Dr. who was attending Mr. up to the time of his death, and i ho treated him foi1 one thing ho treated him for a dozen different disorders. First the doctor pneumonia was the trouble; then it was consumption.

Then tho patient was dosed for heart trouble, and so on until just before he died it was ascertained that disease of tho kidneys was the real trouble, and that which had been at first treated as pneumonia, consumption, heart disease, were but the symptoms ol kidney disease. "But then it was too late. "This is only one case in a hundred, and I am beginning to lose faith in tho doctors altogether. In fact I haven't had any need for their services since I began to keep Warner's Safe Cure in my house, a little over three years ago. "Whenever I feel a little out of torts I take a few doses of it, confident that tbu source of all diseases is in the kidneys, which I know Warner's Safe Cure will keep in good order, and will erad icate any disease that may be lurking there.

Had Mr. followed a similar course, have no doubt that he would be alive to-day but of course all people don't think alike. One thing is certain, however, and that is the doctors are allowed a little too much freedom in the way they have of pretending to know that which they really know nothing about. If they don't know what is the real trouble with tho patient, they should admit it and not go on ana expermieuu a. the cost of the patient's life." Cure for Barbed-Wire Wounds.

For healing cuts and flesh wounds of all kinds in live-stock, especially from barbed wire the following liniment has no equal, and flies will not trouble a sore when it is used: Raw-linseed oil, sixteen ounces; saltpeter, powdered, one ounce; sugar of lead, powdered, one ounce; sulphuric acid, one ounce; carbolic acid, one-half ounce. Mix the oil with the saltpeter and sugar of lead, and slowly add the sulphuric acid, stirring constantly. When cold pour off from tha dregs and add the carbolic acid. Apply with a feather twice daily. Do not wash the sore at all.

Keep a supply constantly on hand to be ready foe casualties. Homo Journal Officials Who Grabbed Lands hi Oklahoma to I5o Investigated Bona Fide Settlers to I5e Protected. Washington, April 2G. Immediately upon the receipt here of press reports that Government officials and others temporarily in Government employ in Oklahoma had used their authority as such officials to secure prior rights in lands in the Territory, in disregard of the rights of others, the President and Secretary Noble telegraphed to special agents of the department now in the Territory to make a thorough and prompt investigation of the facts in the case and upon its completion to immediately notify the Secretary of their findings. A report is expected during the week.

In speaking of the matter Secretary Noble said that not the least shadow of an injustic9 to settlers in Oklahoma would be tolerated for a moment and that as soon as the facts in the case could be ascertained if officials were found to have been implicated in any attempted injustice or wrong doing the action of the Gov ernment in the matter would be very prompt and decisive. Commissioner Stockslager, of the General Land-office, said that from present indications the contests over land claims in Oklahoma would ultimately involve nearly every quarter section in that Territory. This being the case, he thought it probable that the department would make-the Oklahoma contest cases a separate class and dispose of them at Otherwise in the ordinary course of business it would likely be eighteen months or two years before they could be reached. Contests in which abandonment is charged could not be passed upon until the expiration of six mouths, as the law did not recogniste a separation of the claim for a shorter period than six months as abandonment. But cases in which fraud or violation of the law or the President's proclamation in going into the Territory prior to April 22 could be tried and disposed of at once.

AN OLD GRUDGE. A Missouri Lawyer Fatally Shoots a Wealthy Farmer. Sprixgfield, April 26. At 0:31 o'clock last evening A. II.

Livingston, a prominent lawyer of West Plains, fatally shot William Summers, owner of a large farm, grocery store and livery stable. The shooting was done in Liviugston's law office. Summers, with two or three others, was there and an altercation arose between the two. Livingston ordered Summers out of his office, but he re fused to go. He tried to put him out, when Summers resisted and attacked him.

Liv ingston retreated into his consultation room, and seizing a Winchester rifle shot Summers at the door between the two rooms, the bullet entering his body just above the navel and passing entirely through, striking the wall. They were so near together tnat bummers' clothes were burned. The trouble arose from an old grudge because Livingston sued Summers to collect a bond he had sizned. Livingston is well known throughout the State as an able lawyer and prominent Democratic politi cian, and Is forty years oiu. summers was forty-eight, much larger than Livingston and one of the wealthiest men in Howell County.

Summers' wound is pronounced fatal by physicians. Manifesto From Uoulanger. London, April, 6. In an interview General Bjulanger denied the report that he would immediately issue a manifesto explaining his intentions, and stated that as yet he ha i no thought of doing so. The General has received scores of bouquets sent to him by admirers in France.

He has received many invitations to attend parties to be given in his honor by persons who are desirous of lionizing him. party of four had been fired upon by a party of twelve Texans, who claimed the location made by Goodwin and party. The Teians claimed the land, haviug located there with Captain Pay no several years previous. Goodwill made his escape and hid in the thick brush along the river until after dark, when he made his way toward lteno. The rest of his party were killed.

A detachment of company Thirteenth infantry, under Lieutenant Buck, were quickly sent to the scene to recover the b.xlios and make a full investigation and arrest all suspicious persons in the vicinity. HALF BREED KILLED. Arkansas City, April 23. Elder Tovvne tells of a tragic scene enacted at Oklahoma City, of which he wa3 an eye witness. A white man by the name of Noland and a half-breed named Halbert got into a quarrel over a claim and the latter was instantly killed.

Noland made bis escape. GROWIXO CONFUSION. Guthrie, I. April 25. Confusion at Guthrio still reigns and continues to grow in dimensions.

The trouble is all about lots. There are six and seven claimants for every lot. The present town site of Guthrie contains 1,923 acres of land by actual survey and every lot is taken. A very bittr feeling is being engendered against the three hundred United Slates marshals who were at Guthrie and had claims stiikad before ten o'clock and then threw up their offices. Unless this can We done away with trouble is apprehended.

Under an official guise the marshals got into the Oklahoma country and staked off tho best claims in the forenoon. The boomers in the brush saw this and they came from their hiding places and did the same thing. The marshals could do nothing because they had violated the proclamation, and so the brush men and marshals stand in together, while the multitude of home settlers are against them. One gentleman, finding he could get no lot, filed on tha entire towu site of Guthrie, and the case will go into contest BOULANGER IN LONDON. The French General Takes Refuge in England.

London, April 25. General Boul anger and his party arrived here at 8:20 o'clock yesterday afternoon and was immediately driven to the Hotel Bristol, where he will establish his quarters. A large crowd of admirers gathered in front of the hotel nml extended a cordial welcome to the General. When General Boulanger and party arrived at Dover a largo number of friends of tha General gathered on the pier and received him with cheers. The passage from Ostend wns a rough one and the General sulT T9d from sea sickness.

A police commissary from Calais watched the party on behalf cf the French Government. Several hundred persons, mostly French, awaited in the Charing Cross railway station the arrival of the train on which General Boulanger traveled from Dover. When the General emerged from the train he was heartily cheered by the people inside. There was a mixed crowd outside the station. which alter nately hooted and cheered him.

Although it was announced that M. Rochefort would remain in Brussels he accompanied Oen-eral Boulanger aud Count Dillon to Lorn don. The crowd outride th station is es timated to have numbered U.UUU persons. They groaned and hissed the General as well as hooted and cheered him. The public generally are apathetic concerning Ueueral uouiauger's prjsauce iu mw viij.

night ever since the movement north began, and crews have been running for days end nights at a time. They already had about all they could attend to, and the train dispatchers were sorely puzzled to keep sight the track bafore the order camo to prepare for putting through tho "boomor" express on special time. The anxious yardmastor and the sleepy engineers were glad that the day of confusion had come at last, and their one hope was that it would pass without a wreck. Scheme after scheme was tried tc induce railroad mon to make use of their opportunities to take different parties into the country ahead of time. Some wanted to hire box cars.

Others wanted to secreted In other ways on freight trains wliich were goingln before twelve o'clock, and scores wanted to ride in ou the en-glnos. But the train men only laughed and the schomers went away unhappy. The train of twenty-four coaches moved siowly out at 11:3) with all the people on the house top waving an adieu, As il approached the bridge stealthily a courier gallopsd up the opposite side of the river and the pickets were withdrawn. The train crept ovor at last. The scene on th other side can only ba left to the imagination.

The boomers' cavalry carried every thing before it They rode far ahead oi the train and were soon all over the country. They reached Oklahoma station before one o'clock. The train reached thore by two o'clock. The quickest run was made by T. F.

Howard, a distance of twolve miles in forty minutes. He had the racohorso imported for the occasion and left the rest far behind. Tho tender-feet drove their packhorses hard at the start and left the others behind. The old boomers kept Iheir wind till the finish and ended the race iu line style. What the horsemen did not get in Oklahoma was captured by men who were on the ground or very near it at noon.

According to tho general account they came from every direction at twelve o'clock, and a few minutes afterwards were holding down claims for miles in the interior of the country. The railroad excursion ists had to content themselves with town lots. Several thousands of them have boon taken at Oklahoma City. Two fac tions are already wrangling over the location of Oklahoma City proper and Guth rie. Oklahoma City covers parts of five quarter sections as laid out at present.

Guthiu extends into ton square miles and makes a good town sit9. There is no lum ber at either place and edibles were so scarco that a great mauy went hungry. The trouble has hardly begun. Many men found one more compani on their favorite quarter section. Half the land iu the vnlljy will bo contested.

The facts will dimonstrnto that Oklahoma was full of people when the army officers declared nobody was tliera except a tew wlio were entitled to remain, on account of runners between deputy marshals and railroad officials. Tho best of every tiling was taken before the outsiders got a share, and the probability is that every thing will be contested. Tlu KlnsHsher Arrivals. Kingfisher, I. April 23.

The boomers on the west side of the Territory poured into Kingfisher pretty much as those from Arkansas City did, though Its numbpr of comers was much smaller ar.d the excitoment insignificant as compared with that at Guthiie, as the land-office at Kingfisher was not opened and no entries could be made. The llock Island sent forty stages from Pond Creek promptly at eight n. m. and the crowd was in Kingfisher shortly after noon..

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