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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 3

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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MONJDAY, MAY 11, 1931 RLYTHEVILM3. (ARK.) COUkTER NEWS Out-Mayors Mayor Walker 'Continued from PiTe 1) Thus the Eastman Kodak Co. solved Hi? problem of highly rcasonal r.iarUel su that in IS2D ihe numuor-of Its 1 dcviaicd less than 1 cm 1 from tho' average number for Ih? yojr. The pcl'cy is to rc vtlume tf pro- diictlbn 'or each mouth of the with -a 20 per com cut durln; ih? July-Amjus'.

vacation srason. Walwo'rlh inatJis of valves an.1 flllinji, found it woll ailiM Io 1003 of it; ristmnTe let inventory ir.r?n:'i of production. President Alvan Miciuiloy of Packard Motor Car CD. committee that voiiulirixDlian cf I production and enribyme.i; i money in capital investment storage: facilities, but ii "far inor: than by 1-nvrs 1 ccsls, by the of by I aiul and by their zeal and loyally anJ by the turnover PACE TOREJ. Bea: 1 riiclcr Scenes Horn" Furnish in 'is "In 1919, the Gamble of soap, varied G5 cent" ih the number of at its plant, retailers, budgeting sales and coordinating production schedule i had reduced that to 7 cent In 1929 and guarantee! -13 weeks' continuous work each year to its permanent lorce.

Simplirication and slandardizalion. in which great strides have been made by many concerns, has also served to stabilize, production and employment, The 'Campbell Soup concentrating on soup but dlverslfyin: regularises production by making tamato SCUT in laV- sum in ii 1 and fall. vc'isUble consomme and bouillon in fall and asparagus soup in spring, pen and chicken soup in early rum- mer acd celery soup in early fill Besides diversifying products, companies often stimulated off- season purchase of their goods. To nieel the problem of individual employment security, the four principal methods adopted have been: i working periods to j.TOvide mire emiitible. distribution cf available work.

transfer of err ployes. reserve funds and otne financial assistance. In Ihe 1921-28 business recession three-fourths cf companies v.hcsc methods were surveyed reported that they had rczortcd to working time 1 before laying anyone off. Even a larger propcrtion it appears, did that in 1330. Th Delaware Hiidsen Railroad, wit!" an elastic work day system, has cu its labor turnover 78 per cent in nine years.

Prevent Less of Income Such systems co not sustain pur power and reduce individual earnings, but prevent complete less cf income fo employes sava heavy -sxpens; of recruiting 'and training ne- forces whcN full thru operation re sumps. Several large man'jfactur ing concerns definitely plan transfer employes from 0112 Ivrw job to another when necessary" anr some" even train employes to be ready lo accept other jobs in the same plant. The growth of privati plans for indemnifying the unemployed has "proceeded slowly anc along highly individualistic the committee says. Stabilization efforts of trade socialions and regional cr commercial or civic groups, th committee listen, have thus fa largely been confined to campaign an educational nature. NEXT: Wiiat's happening tn riculture, according to th: wn business experts.

Clctiics make (he imiyor. ch? Weil, ciegancs, "Dapper JiDiiuy" uf New York certainly was v.iun the Lord Mayor of Liverpool. England, cuir.e Io town, as this pic-lure shows. lhj fcimal morninj suit uxrn by Jimmy (nt just 'couldn't By sellins to compete with (he Lord Mayer's luxurious gold-embroidered, bejewel- robe and glittering medals. And what's a mere secretary, Walker has, besides who carKcs a huge uace and wears a velvet a gold and scarlet waistcoat and a while-banded top hat?" Nurseries For Youns Moderns Done, In Contemporary Manner Are you one of those who believe the oV.rlch hides Us wilh Ihe Idea thai he's hiding Irani an Or (hut the lion Is really the king of beasts? They're bolh myths, like a good many slorles of the jungles.

The dccsn't do piiythlu; so as for Ihe zebra can kick lire daylights out of him' and pul him to These aie a couple of odd that audiencas. sen with their o.ui eves and hear with Ihelr own eirs in "Trader Horn," Metro- GoMirvn-Mayor's sensallonnl dranvi of Africa, wliich will open Tues iay at Ihe Ritz theatre. Hundreds ol Trucks It was filmed by the biggest plc- urc expedition lhat ever went in Africa, and lhat took with it the irsl and only sound recording ap- ip.ratus ever lo Invade Ihe dark continent. There were "ninny thrills that 25.000 mile trip, In which a safari of several hundred and I nail army cf and autos in vaded The cameramen crept up on lions, leopards, rhinoceri. croco diles, and ether denizens of th les, and actually placed micro phones to catch their voices.

I was often a dangerous task. One rhino charged, and was flroppe only a few feet from the-camera Another time a technician was set a microphone In a tree a night, when a leopard investigate! and the technician was saved onl. by the prunpt shooting of W. Van Dyke, the director. The safari traveled through densest jungles, native laborers cut liirj roads ahead of them for th s.

snimd truck, camera truck and ether apparatus. Camps were n'tchctl in the very midst of the uildrcness. Hundreds of hardships were undergone despite every precaution. Kcgaita i Too I'or Water Siinday BRUSHING UP SPORTS Laufi cr A fiilily high wind Sunday made ho river al Burflel 1 o-J louuh lor v.atcr regalia tacr-i which had been pliin- lihsapolntln? speed boat ra- frs and a lurjio-crowd which lintl "me I mil for the Hcv.cvcr several hoals look lo Ihe iinj sped up nnd down Ihe ivcr to the tank (or a half iille alnnB river (rout in an llor; to give the crowd something 1 tt.Vi'll. Ruwcll Iliinlwlck's 4-GO.

reputed I'e the fastest outboard motor Ihe wciid, was brought up (rom uphls and altachod lo J. W. Mcyir's made a few spins up nnd down (he water front Alllioisgh never given an open hioiile nnd kepi close to Ihe bank lie motor srnt the Red Boat fly- IIIB through ihe waler lo give ihj crowd an Indication of Its speed under more Ideal conditions. W. Meyer with Ills Illlle Ello Blue Hoy V.HS probably Ihc most iH'rfcjrmcr of the day.

The bon 1 with its small motor upuriiv! favovablv with the ethers. Th? K-05 "Flylns Dragon" from Memphis wiis in the water Tor short time. It Is the property ol Marvin Davis of Memphis. Eric Bollard said the water was IOD rough for his "Baby Bootleg- reported to be. the fastest of the locnl boats.

Roland Woltort and Scott Harris had a small boat and Bill Simmons nlso had a boat, the latter with an inboard molor. ncrnard McAfee and George Matthews v.ere given a ducking when their boat with the K-65 molor attached, turned over about a half mile below Barfleld point. The boys ssam lo shore wllh the overturned boat Hoover Expresses Regret at Death of Publisher CHICAGO. May II. (OP) Statesmen, business leaders and newspapermen throughout the nation sent messages of condolence today lo the family of Walter A.

Strong. Dally News publisher, who died suddenly yesterday at the age Carey In Title Role The message from President Hoo- Harry Carey plays Trader Horn, er was as follows- Nina Is played by Edwina Booth and Peru by Duncan RenaHo in t'ce mighty transcription ol Aloysius Horn's famous book. The trek took the safari into Ihe Uganda, into Tanganyika, the Belgian Con- "I am deeply shocked to learn of the passing ol Mr. Strong. He was so fine an American, so staunch In every righteous cause, that his loss is a loss to all our people.

Mrs. Hoover joins me in the expression go. the headwaters of Nile, nnd pf our greatest ull tin deadly "slespin? rtcknss" prayer lhat strewn may come to lioid Hunters Need S500 JUNEAU. Alaska, (UP) Gone the cays when all a prospector. lo hum gold and take out were pick, shcvcl, some provisions, end possibly a sled.

Gold was'reported discovered in Ihe Yukon, 40 miles northwest of Carmacks, recently, but, nobodv was permitted to trek to the district unlo'-s he had at least 5500 to start with. 51st As Swimmer BOSTON, Richard PinkEOhn. insurance man. likes the water. He has bcjjnn his Slsl successive as a swimming en- llrcs'ssl al the L-slrcct Baths.

Boston's municipal bathinrj resorl. He hasn't misjccl a season since lie look his inilial plunge. Trxns Rents Road AUSTIN. Ins Inaugurated new public cf.i'enlim Us counly road building equliifrcnt. at cost, to farmers In their land for Its conservation.

The legislature has passed;" Governor Ross Sterling has'signed, a bill, authorizing the plan. 'Sfom KELEO. Washington. (UP) ccnnecled by a sten' the 5)22 ot a lead 1 fcnctl. were found by Jack Dcck- hsni.

son of deputy sheriff neck Fr.scinaiing for Young America Is ibis modern worked out in sivcly peach and blue erlar srhrmc, with fuin'turc for comfort and beauty and tn fit liilic tots. 'Jh: walls are ilccomtcd in a tr, nmuse.anii cntcrinin the cliilil wha stvs Hum, gny aucks tlrcLscd up in funnj fashion, intent on ruiinr errands. ccunlry about Lake Albert. Native ceremonies, dances, the wild "juju" or magic hysteria, and olhcr details of jungle life were filmed from authentic occurrences, as were the animal thrills. Hundreds of crocodiles, hippo, rbino and.

In fact, every ceast found 111 Africa, even to the great wild ele- contribute thrills and gasps lo the picture, which was more than two vcars in the making. W. S. Van Dyke, who directed production, is famous for such travel romances as "While Shadows in the South Seas" and "The i.tabbv Pagan." Urge Special Session for Unemployment Relief WASHINGTON, May 11. Six women, all accompanied by children, called al the White House today lo urge President Hoover to call a special session of congrass for unemployment relief.

The women said they were out of work and needed funds. Ben Former Woman Solon Asks Alimony Increase CHICAGO, (UP) Mrs. Edith Williams Born, former member of the Texas legislature anrt 0112- ime candidate for governor of lhat state, has filed a petition lor an ncrease In temporary alimony mcnls pending settlement ol ler suit for temporary maintenance. She claims she sacrificed a high social and political position to marry Hijhry A. Born, president of the Born'Refrigerator and Is entitled to more than the $80 a month" temporary alimony recently awarded her.

Bl' JULIA BUNSHAKD rest of tlie things, for baby's toys NEA Service Writer rainy nm-isement pp.ra- KEW pj-ycholDgy p'icnnlia. And best of all. the of giving a modern bed with rounding base Americans rooms of their, with no points to Jut out ami hurt 1 Kins Rests Comfortably Aftar Operation on Eye PUHCEIARK N. May II. (UP) Prajadhlpok of Siam was resting comfortably in a darkened room today after the successful removal of a cilaract from his left eve.

an operation for which he traveled with a lirge retinua half way ircund tne His majesty was nortunlty to sse the president but. introduced the women to the pres- iipnl's secretary. Newton. They asked' Newton to prevail upon the president to summon congress. Artist to Operate Studio on Wheels rencrted to Inve spent a restful! and felt no Intense from the operation. that are. artistically lovely. a ineulcale an i'jn of brauty. interior schemes that this new urge has been seriously. or ihe younj modern, not cnly everything in lh-3 nursery designed in contemporary easy lo look al.

pleas- nt to the new trend re- the of dalnly colors very young thai especial- child. Bed Is Elevated The is placed on a higher vei al 0:10 of the nursery. two steps up lo it ars just high enough to intrijue young one into trying them again and again, in fact, himself indefinitely with th'in The wide window ledge offers other opportunities for climbing which any hcaltl.y youngster welcomes. Mp vnr's Exempt and Woman Killed in Airplane Explosion MASON CITY, W. May 11 E- Morosv.

52, Yiungs- town. a pilot, and Miss Frances Miner, 22, Andover. his pas- were burned to death when their monoplane exploded and crashed near here lodny. The plane which had taken off only a 1 Jew minutes before for Parkersburg was only 100 feet in the air CHICAGO, sludio on wheels in which the painter may roam Ihc country looking for subject material, has been constructed for Charles W. Dahlgreen, Chicago artist.

It has the advantage cf bringing an In touch with Ills subjects without the disadvantage of sun, rain, wind, or mosquitoes, Dahlsreen said. He plans to (lo painting In the west this summer and recently completed a trial trip in Indiana. The truck is equipped for painting as well as living quarters. Electroscope Locates Radium Worth $4,000 BROWmvOOD, (UP) Through the use of the electroscope, twentieth century divining rod, $4,030 worth of lojt radium was recovered her.3 by Dr. J.

M. Kuehne, University of Texas physics professor. Dr. Kuehne was called Into the case after the Central Texas hospital found that Ihe element had been misplaced. The professor found' Ihe radium In Ihe clly trasli pile.

Professor Says America Lacks Own Language (UP) America Is wllhoitt a languors of Its own, believes Dr. George O. Curme, pro! fcssor of Germanic philology at Northwestern University. Closing Stock Prices A. T.

and 182 3-4 Anaconda Copper 27 5:8 Auburn 251 Caterpillar Tractor 27 1-3 Chrysler 21 Cities Service 3-1 Continental Baking 1-2 General Electric 42 1-1 General Motors .44 3-8 Monlgomery Ward 20 New York Central 97 1-4 Packard 7 7.3 Radio Corp 20 3-4 Simmons 14 1-2 Corp 20 3-1 U. S. 112.3-3 New York Cotton YORK. May 11 Ion closed steady. Dec Jan March May July Oct New wallpapers have imagination Tied nursjry.

with ducks pressed up in their designs. Fish, flow- in funny hats, playing wilh the ors, little (heir places in these new designs. have characters as 1 well as ler and seem more than likely lo build rich memories for the very young. Frills Are Abandoned There Is something especially gratifying nbou: the way Ihc modem inferiors for young girls and bays with IV.e unn2C3s- Esiy, do away wilh all frills and yet are by no means plain. mcst agile frogs in Ihe Some of Ihe little lady ducks are going to market with parasols over their hcsds and baskets en tiieir arms.

The funny old man' Sun is laughing over on one cor- ncr and the latly In Hi? moon i From Traffic Violations whcn burst into names and ten. BOSTON, If a dar- Boston Law Students in? Iraffic policeman should lag 1 Mayor James M. Curlcy's automo- 10 Sdect Uwn LoUrSBS bile Ihc mnvor probably up Ihe tag with-1 BOSTON. new currlcu- cul ihinkine twice. lum plan whereby law school stu- Samuel Silverman, cily corpora- denls at Boslon University may lion counsel, has ruled that Ihe have opportunity of selecting th-Ir mayor's car is an emergency ve- own courses has been announced I by Homer Albert, dean of Ihe law school.

Under Ihc new system, 12 courses become eleclive and ro quired subjeccls become "majors." Book cj Hid Morphine Students will be permitted to con- Judge's Sporting Spirit Saves Heavy Fines CHICAGO. Judge Alfred O. Ertckson is not only a pugilist but a good Two men, who said Ihcv were drunk" on his bailiff on Iheir way to courl. When pair u-ere arraigned before Ihe judge, and expalncd the reason for the attack, lie refused to inflict a severe vcnally. open high low 1058 1062 1048 1070 1072 1060 1090 1090 995 982 1053 1003 1037 104D 1077 974 900 1025 Spots quiet at 990, oil 10.

New 1059 1070 1C8S 1000 In his new book, has been 35 years In the making. Dr. Curme proves lhat every usage In American speech can fcc Iraccd lo various English dlalccls. Even Oullah dialect of the. South Carolina negroes is net a relic of African days, he says, but is mere- ly a cop-upllon of English NEW ORLEANSi (up) Dr.

Curme Is a chamalon of the Cottoll i oscd stcady use of the spill Inhnilive, con- nn open ni Dec Jan March demncd by rhetoricians and gram- marlans, and says It has a scholarly origin In Klh Century England. MANHATTAN. dlo stalion KSAC, opcralcd by the Kansas State Agricultural College as a pioneer educational broadcasting experiment, will be completely mcdernized during May. Tlie slate legislature appropriated $25,000 lo defray the expense. May July Oct op 1U54 1067 1082 990 1003 10332 high low 1060 1018 1067 1057 1091 1080 930 973 1003 991 1038 102J 103-) 1070b 1091 932b 1002 1036 SpcU steady at 955, off 15.

Pacific Flier Doubts Safety of Mini Car SHAMOK1N, (UP)-Marlin Jensen, one of the two filers la ed from five lo eight times, ac- ccmplete Ihe trans-pacific' flight cording lo Robin Compion, sla- in the Dole -Cup Race, recenlly lion engineer. Perfect modulation fured to enter an tmlhraclte mini and a close adherence to the as-, here because he feared for his LINCOLN, bliraards. which swept Nebraska and held the state in their grip college had been broadcasting pro- centrate In subjects winch they MIAMI. au- are especially interested and In Ben- which they can do teller work. where Ih2 Illlle cucks lo be gctllng reartv for All of Ihc furniture for modern nurseries Is bulll rn child sb? scale.

Even the modem lights sending 800 grains of morphine through Golfer and Fly Caster Compete MEDFORD, Oregon, The i leaves a book. very lalesf In freak con- I The book was entitled "Guilt." test between a golfer and a fly IWith it was anothjr volume, "You caslerl The malch will be played Each piece In the modern nur- which are always Indirect and acle- sery Is designed for use. shows It iQiiate, have llltle dance figures (hit Mrl Is satisfactory for that reason. will "lease children. The little But.

there Is a richness In the col- children fortunate enough to in- ors. In the designs of the draperies' rit cl modern mirssr- and papers that make the whole es should grow up with more than teiribly and pleasing to a measure of bMiiiy-appreclatlon In his or her heart. For instance, for the very younj -i'd, there is a room built ii shades of peach and furniture In m.iplc bknrts bcautlihlly with the scheme. There is. first cf all.

a hsndy child, there is a room built in tho K-fi Year Old Tree Bears Fruit VANCOUVER, Washington. (UP) There will be apples this year on Ihc 103-year-old Hudson blu lhat wardrob going one wilh sliding doors, one way. tlw other th3 way, that has shelves on one side for baby's slices and bonnets, and the other clothes hangers for ham. They have dubbed them baby's dresses coats. "ific Siamese twins." One cjg Iv There Is a low.

undcrsluns standard size, Ihe clhcr pullet size.) chest, In the sains design as the Bay apple tree en Ihe lower part of Vancouver barracks. The tree fcrew from a seed planted by a member of the Hudson Bay Company in 1825 and seldom has mtFKrd year in bearing. A. A. Quarnbcrc.

horllcnilurist. said it likely will bear a large crop this season. Can't Win." Banjo Gives Jerry's Additional Pep YORK, S. (UP) There's a slcop and stoney hill here over which the average farmer has a hard time driving a work team with two mules as motive power. but to Jerry Fipps and his one its just a matter of music.

"My mute likes banjo music." he explained, "so whorl we approach lhat hill I mule perks between Ward Spatz, expert fisherman, and Ted Baker over the Rogue Valley Club course. Baiter believes It he can break 80 he will have an advantage. SpaU claims he can make a 150-ynrd cast with accuracy and in greens competition he said he could laud a fly in a hat at ICO feet. slnrt strumming. My up, cocks his ears, Board Membtr 52 Yc.irs MEXICO, Missouri, S.

P. Emmons, 84. helped dedicate the new high school here he announced "that his dreams for Mexico schools had come true and that he would retire from the board of somehow gets new life, and over on which he had served we go wllh more pep lhan contlnously since 1819. The ordinary mules. board decided differently, however, (Farmers eays the and recognized his long service by same Irick works wonders at cow- electing him its president emeritus milking time.) for life.

for several days, took a toll of between 20,000 and 30.000 head of cattle, it was announced teday by tl'e agricullural deparlment. The ereatest loss was incurred in Arthur, Garden, Granl and McPherson numbers to or were drowned. Only through Ihe various radio stations In the slate did farm heads prevent aditional losses. They broadcast warnings uider way. I objected Is used to raise and lower Station 1CSAC began operation the gunboat cars in which the coal December, 1921, although the is brought to the surface and In which many of miners go to.

and from their work. grams over another station to that time. prior Copper Wire Used bv Pi-cons MIAMI. Ariz. Cham, her of Commerce here cites the 1 counties where great 1c that a group cf local pigeons of livestock either froze, uscd copwr wlre a Ilg lh nests as proof of the effectiveness of a '-use home produced maleri- ais' campaign.

Courl.T News Want Ads Six Men Killed When MJne Shaft is Wrecked RIVER HERBERT, N. May men were killed and several injured in an explosion In number two Victoria mine today when a shaft 100 feet underground was wrecked. RADIO REPAIRS Phone 121-122 Louis Green Julius Shide CIRLS DIZZY SPELLS "WHSN I was a girl, I suffered from pains in my back and Bides," writes Mrs. A. L.

i I Frier, of 123 Williams St, I Columbia, S. C. "My face 1 would burn and would get dizzy. My I was taking Cardui, and 1 thought it might help rrtp. I After taking it short 1 while, the pain was 1 gone and I quit having I the dizzy spells." I Csrdul is a vegetable medicine i and may be safely 1 taken by women off i all ages.


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