The Gazette from Montreal, Quebec, Canada • 7
- Publication:
- The Gazettei
- Location:
- Montreal, Quebec, Canada
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 7
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
STEVENSON AND HAMMETT THRILLERS ARE SHOWN HERE Frank McCoy rresents ALLAN KEARNS In The Funniest Play in Tears PAIRED FOR 'MALTESE FALCON', TEXAS' II Guide to Theatres "Charley's Aunt are personable, frank-faced outdoor types who fit well into such business as comes to their hands in this picture. Claire Trevor has compar atively little to do as the rancher daughter, but turns in her usual crisp performance. II. W. W.
By BRANDON THOMAS Eves. 50c, 75c. SI. 00 Mats. 25c, 50c, 75c PLCS TAXES fli i'S sr mcr -v w.
WATS; t- a 'fit 3S i Melodramas Old and New Return To Screen in Novel Treatment At Loew's and Capitol Theatres 'Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde' Retains Thrills; 'Maltese Falcon' Is Credit to Director Huston; Orpheum Picture Is Story of Spies and Saboteurs; 'Texas' at the Princess ff. ,4 1 'iA iA SIM 4 -a- off 9 i RETURN ENGAGEMENT (By Popular Demand) "Th most Oaring and Revolutionary Motion Picture Since 1927" look Mag. 6 Mm WALT DISNEY'S Technicolor Triumph mm DR.
JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE." AT LOEW'S THEATRE. picture direct-3 rv Victor riemins. Screen play tv Juhn Let Mhin Irom R. L.
Stev-non'i story. PhotoRraphy by Joseph Rutienbtrr. Music by Tttm wax- tr'racters. Players. Dr.
Harry Jkyil-Mr. Hyde Spencer Tracy try Peter InitMd Beritman tmerv Ina Turner ON THE SCREEN LOEW'S -Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," at 10.40, 1.20, 4.00, 6.45, 9 25. PALACE "A Yank in the R.A.
at 11.15, 1.55, 4.35. 7.10, 9.50. CAPITOL "Law of the Tro-ics," at 10.25, 1.40, 5.00. 8.20; "The Maltese Falcon," at 11.55, 3.15 6.30, 9.50. PRINCESS "Texas," at 10.15.
1.10, 4.05, 7.00, 9.55; "Two Latins," at 11.50, 2.45, 5.40, 8.35. ORPHEUM "International Lady," at 10.05, 12.25, 2.45. 5.05, 7.25, 9.50. SNOWDON "Ruggles of Red Gap." at 1.15, 4.15. 7.20.
10.25; "The Penalty," at 2.50. 5.55, 8.55. IMPERIAL "Our Wife" and "I Was a Prisoner on Devil's Island." YORK "Hold That Ghost" and "New Wine." WESTMOUNT "Barnacle Bill" and "Aloma of the South Seas." MONKLAND "Dance Hall" and "They Met In Bombay." KENT "Keep Your Seats, Please" and "Underground." THEATRE HIS MAJESTY'S Frank McCoy presents "Charley's Aunt" with Allen Kearns, at 8.30 p.m. Matinee at 2.30 p.m. CABARET TIC TOO Two show nightly.
THE SAMOVAR Two shows nightly. AU LUTIN QUI BOUFFE Dinner Musicale. ASTOR Atterberry Players. ESQUlltE Twoshows nightly. EL MOROCCO Two shows ir Cnarle Emery t'rmp tn Hunter with "the most fascinating Disney characters you've ever met" (Redbook) Scenes of unbelievable splendor and that thrilling music conducted by rr.
Jnn im H.erlm B.mop Tna Mn. H.CSina Dr. Hn Ir.ierr.e TenwiClC Marda r-ettf Mr Prou'y STOKOWSKI Barton MarLane Aubrey Smith Peter Godfrey Sara Allpood Worlock Tannen Trance Robinson Ienis iuily Krvan Torreter Harvey l.nm.rtn Hare Lawrence Grant fr. Ourtlar.d HIS MAJESTY'S THEATRE John Barclay Will not be shown except at advanced pricet and on a roadshow policy of least until 19421 i Twice Daily Z.30 8.30 p.m. Sunday Mat.
3.00 p.m. MATINEES K1x-l v' 1 43c 66c ing up to the pictures' demands. The film's most outstanding feature in this respect is in the work of William Holden and Glenn Ford as the two leading men of the story. Both "THE MALTESE FALCON." AT THE CAPITOL. Warner Brother production directed by John Hunton.
Screenplay by John Huston based on novel by DasnieU Hamniett. Character. Players. Samuel Spade Humphrey Bogart Jlrigid O'bhaughncssy Mary Astor Ivc GeorKe Joel Cairo Peter Lorre Lt. of Detectives Dundy Barton MacLane F.ffie Lee Patrick a per Gutrrvan.
Sydney Greenstreet Detective Tom Polham Ward Bond Miles Archer Jerome Cowan Wiimer Cook Elisha Cook Jr. Luke James Burke The Maltese Falcon Is one of those surprise picture. A gang-ter film peopled by such motion picture incorrlgibles a Humphrey Liogart, Gladys George, Peter Lorre, and a remake of a ten-year-old detective story, it might very easily be overlooked as routine film-making. But make no such mistake. The Maltese Falcon is lively, original.
Intelligent and provocative entertainment and is not to be missed. The fact that most of its cast are good honest performers who avoid the sensational in their performances, that the Dashicll Ham-mett novel had created no great rtlr when made before and that Warner Brothers have been making gangster picture of about the game budget requirements for sometime, persuades one to look elsewhere for the reason of the Falcon's merit. When it come to mind that the picture was directed by one John Huston, from a screenplay written by the same John Huston, credit seems safely located. Mr. Huston 1 the son of actor Walter Huston and one of the younger generation of Hollywood.
This is hi first job of direction but he knows the business from the writing anglo. There js more than a little temptation to hail Mr. Huston, as an unobtrusive Orson Welles. Ho has a similar ability for keeping camera, story and actors all working at the same pace, of failing to recognize some of the screen taboos and of not underestimating his audiences' intelligence. His impresses, however fl.s a more workaday ability, with less of the flair for the unusual that 1 Welles' own.
It is his use of the camera which perhaps stimulates the Welles comparison. He keeps every scene exciting throuRh the camera angles. Working with Arthur Edeson as cameraman, he achieves many of the same effects created by Welles' cameraman. Gregg Tolnnd, in Citizen Kane and in The Little Foxes, without the technical Innovations. The Maltese Falcon tells a story of skullduggery in San Francisco, centering around possession of a precious relic of the Knights Templar of St.
John of Malta. That romantic touch Is the enly romantic one. All the people involved, the unscrupulous collector and his assistants, the beautiful female agent and the detective himself, all of them are strlckly realistic in thought and action. A great deal of double-crossing goes on in the struggle for the falcon or it worth in cash. The detec EVENINGS 43c 66c 88c PLUS TAXES All Seats Reserved MoS ordan flfltd prampllyj mr CwOf, Diilrlbvtvd by IKO todio fidww 'it's'" "FANTASIA," occording to Webster, is a musical composition not restricted by the usual laws of form or time.
AFTER THE SHOW Is a oood TIME to enjoy our BUFFET SUPPER at tht if ii in hi. i. mm, 4 XwMVHmX- d. from The Maltese Falcon, the William Holden and Claire Trevor Texas, the film at the Princess. Mary Astor tells her trouble to Humphrey Bogart In this scene Dashlel Hammett thriller now to be seen at the Capitol.
Down below, have no troubles to speak of, living the life of the great outdoors for nvc CAFf- RESTAURANT Br THOMAS ARCHER. Tot tht third time Robert Louis fantastic story about the rr.edtfo who succeeded In dividing Ir.ta two perionaUUwi by the rredium erf a secret drug, haj been jt upon the acTeen. This time, so tT as memory serves, the producer jnt nearer to the deeper jmphcatioru ef Dr. Jckyll's with forbidden things. Tri Stevenson story retain all Us old fascination.
You may dismiss a thriller of the papains; moment. Nevertheless, when you leave me theatre you will carry It away in your mind. And this is for the rry nrjvio is reason that everyone rs himself In Hyde a well as In JrkylL Slevenson told his parable well. Moreover It is all superb theatre. Tm idea of Dr.
Jekyll dickering wilful transformation and then nrtins that it happens in cf himself Ereat drama. No can resist It. This 1 what placea the siorv. in its dramatic form, air-no with the great play of the W'rld Metro's new version deviates in Its situations in no way from the classic ones of the past. Tho evil Hvde st.U gets his victim.
He still oversteps the mark and is betrayed in the end and disposed of mercifully by his best friend. He still nakfs that fateful Journey to see his fiancee nnd undergoes the frightful transformation brfore the is completed. We have? sot rly through these scenes before tnn we still sit tensely through t.nem now. even though we know what Is coin If) happen ns much as we do in Matbdh. Th film is brought up to date by th camera treatment given Spcn rer Tracv.
whine sincero portrayal i th title roles Is a derided step nhrtifl the mrlodramntlc efforts John Uarrymore and Fredric March in the two previous screen version. Tracy's basic features are not changed by the transformation of the good It the evil self. A minimum of makeup, comparatively speaking, definitely Impresses tipon trie audience that Jekyll and Hyde ar the same. It Ls not an acting stunt this time but a genuine bit ianty. Perhaps It even geU as far ms tragedy.
The outstanding piece of acting in the Mm, however. Is not so much Tracy'a as Ingrid Bergman's. Miss Bergman plays the hapless barmaid who is. Hyde's victim. She builds up fir you the real terror cf the man.
hi complete embodiment of the evil side f.f human nature, not nly materially but brutally too. T.i.s is a remarkable Job of a study in persecution in fact. The aupiorting roles are ably handled by Donald Crisp a the fsther of the innocent girl to whom Jekyll is engaged, by Lana Turner the girl herself, and by Ian Hunter as Lanyon. It la to note the injection, more or Ws, of the same idea as Marlowe's Faust into this Jekyll and Hyde fjm, Jrkyll's crime Ls less that ne is the victim of hi baser self tnan he is a scientist who discovers too much and probe knowledge beyond it proper limits. Irene, noted designer, has been signed by Alexander Korda to ere-te the costumes for (Jamie Lorn-oaril in Ernst Lubitsch's To Be Or Not To F-e.
Next Door to His Majesty's 1433 GUY ST. TWO LUNCHEON SPECIALS DAILY at 40c and 50c Pre-War Imported Beverages sfrvi BOGARM ASTOR "THE aMB A WARNER BROS. HIT. with i GLADYS GEORGE -PETER LORRE BARTON HacUNE LEE PATRICK SYDNEY 6KEENSTXEET Hj 'fh 'cr a ff, 6777, SHOWING 47 MX Is only concerned with the outdoor life of its inhabitants and stresses the fact that they live action-filled lives. For story there has been summoned up the one about the struggle between the cattle rustlers and the law-abiding 'ranchers just after the Civil War.
There's a great deal of to-do about preventing cattle from reaching the railroad at Abilene and this involves plenty of shooting. The more intimate details of the story have one hero a bandit and the other a law-abiding gentleman, both involved in the cattle business and both in love with the same rancher's pretty daughter. What distinguishes Texas from most of those other films is the fact that there ls a great deal more humor in it The action, and there is plenty of that, is interwoven with broad comedy situations and lines. Some of the best of this comes from the roughshod methods employed by the dentists back in the frontier days, while an exhibition of old time prlze-rlnff antics at the opening of the picture provides a strong comedy introduction. The acting is satisfactory, com- tive's partner is shot and the element of revenge is introduced, JVU wiinout melodrama.
lor a surpns ingly hard-boiled climax. The bru WITH tahty of some of its scenes will make you sit up in your chair and "GU1UGUIU" tne subtlety or otner should Hatter you. And the way In which young Mr. Huston has avoided straight and simple and obvious. I'm afraid Miss Massey, attractively blonde though she may be, is too obvious for serious spy work, too apt to flare at the nostrils or dart suspicious glances under lowered lids to be a real menace.
Then too, she made the fatal mistake of falling in love with the very man who is after her. That was a bad break, but then better spies than Miss Massey do it every day. International Lady ls filled with moves and countermoves, with the swift, sharp scuffle in the deserted mill at midnight for a climax of action. The two heroes, having rounded up the spy ring and saved the shipment of Flying Fortresses for Britain, fly back to Britain, as an American and a R.C.A.F. pilot stand gazing upward, saying nice things about the secret service organizations of both countries.
Poor Miss Massey got shot in the back and had only a kiss from Mr. Brent to cheer her as she faced court-martial. C'est la guerre! H.W.W. "TEXAS AT THE PRINCESS. Columbia release of Blschoff production.
Directed by George Marshall. Screenplav by Horace McCoy, Lewis Meltrcr crJ Michael Blankfort. Charocters. Plavers. Dan Thomas William Holden Tod Ramsey Glenn Ford "Mike" King Claire Trevor Windy Miller George Bancroft Doc Thorpe Edgar Buchanan Sheriff Don Beddoe Tennessee Andrew Tombej Matt Lash an Addison Richards The latest state of the Union to be immortalized by having a motion picture named after it is Texas, which producer Samuel Bischoff salutes this week.
Like Virginia, Arizona and its predecessors, Texas NOW AT THE cliches of action and dialogue will delight you. The excuse for the dialogue cncnes generally employed may be seen here, for Huston's avoidance of them tends to make the picture 1224 Stanley St more talky than most films with the same amount of action. But the dialogue ls marked with such clar ity of expression and such consist routine character Jn the cast as the secretary Save for Miss Patrick, tho car. has to play roles of refreshingly unadmirable character. It is a further credit 'd Mr.
Huston that not cno of thprn sneaks any nobility by him. H.W.W. "INTERNATIONAL LADY." AT THE ORPHEUM. Edward Smalt production directed by Tim Whelan. Story by E.
Lloyd Sheldon and Jack Dcwitt, screenplay by Howard Estabrook. Characters. Flayers. Tim llnnley George llrent Carta NillKon Ilona Ma.ssey IteRKle Oliver Basil Itothnone Sidney Grenner Gene I.ockhait WcbHter George Zucco Dr. Rowan Francis Plerlot Bruner Martin Kosleck Tetlow Charles D.
Brown Mrs. Grenner Marjorie Gateson Moulton Leland Hodgson Sewcll Clayton Moore The most glamorous figures of any war are its secret agents, beautiful blondes and handsome gentlemen whose work carries them amongst the best people and the most luxurious settings, wit-pitting and romancing all day and all night. This we know for truth, for the motion pictures have long told us so. International Lady does not attempt to attack such long-established precepts. It plays the game in providing llona Massey as the glittering central figure of its intrigue and has not only a handsome F.B.I, man but also a handsome C.I.D.
one on her trail. George Brent does nobly by the F.B.I, as the representative who uses the direct methods and gets the kisses while Basil Rathbone does equally well as the C.I.D. man who prefers the indirect methods and gets the laughs. Starting off in London during an air raid. International Lady jumps to LLsbon for a minor murder then hops the Clipper for the United States.
Once there it turns out that the spies are interested in stopping the transportation of bombers to Britain by way of Canada. If you see any gorgeous blondes slinking about St. Hubert, shoot on sight. They have a highly ingenious plan, these internationalists. You see Miss Massey is a concert singer.
She sings specially composed music over the air which Ls actually a code directing sabotage operations. It has the F.B.I, man and the C.I.D. man bafllcd, so we don't mmd admitting that wc never got it figured out. You could see that Miss Massey was picked for her job because she was known as a singer. As a spy, straight and simple, she is Just that ent attention to character that there is no loss of suspense.
In fact the quality of the suspense ls worthy of Hitchcock himself. Humphrey Bogart does one of his best acting jobs ns the untrusting, untrustworthy Slade, detective, rx -warn iisw Willie Mary Astor turns In a sur prising performance as the fair ac complice. Then there's Svdnev TYDflfir Dntirn Greenstreet, late of the Lunts' stage am si ss mm mm arw company, as tne collector. Elisha I I II II I If II rj Cook, and Peter Iorre as two other undesirables. Gladys George is in an out in as a minor menace and Lee Patrick plays the only IH THE F.B.I.
AND INTERNATIONAL SPY ill 0 RUTH IILSSEY "OUR WIFE" 2nd Feature "I WAS A PRISONER ON DEVIL'S ISLAND" r. uRPTTY RRARI iS -4 I I 'HERE COMES MR. JORDAN" 1 1 2nd Feature "TILLIE THE TOILER" I isll Y- Great human story of real men and women fightinf tjcsperately for life, lore, fortune a' enzn ad in 13-n t-j' -03' a' an 3-ini (iS'Wri 1 5 I te 1 SPENCER TRACY INGRID DERGMAN LANA TURNER 1eJEM1 WILLIAM CLAIRE GIOM GEORGE ILONA BRENT' MASSEY uia RATHBONE A r'i tf I HOLDEN TREVOR -FORD GEORGE BANCROFT EDGAR BUCHANAN "as mm i 11 DONALD CRISP IAN HUNTER BARTON Mac LANE Joan DAVIS 6c! Lockhart Marjorie Gateson George Zucco Martin Kosleck NOW SHOWING Romance along the International spy front brings George Brent nd liona Mssey together as a Federal Bureau of Investigation man and beautiful blonde spy in -International Lady, at the Orpheum..
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