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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 7

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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1 torn. Raj ft Bala, regular L. N. POULIM. Ut Sparks St O'Caaaor SL Clean TOURIST COATS $3.05 tor Tourist Coat worth 97.50 Are specially priced for quick selling, These coats are all good up-to-date styles, and made of excellent quality light grey tweeds, are cut very full and 48 ins.

long, and nicely trimmed and finished with Velvet collar and cuffs, buttons and self strappings. About 50 garments in the lot from which to choose. coats sold well at $7.50. To CleanUp. QC choice yO.pO FANCY COMBS -i fancy combs we have one of the most complete stocks in Ottawa.

Prices ranging from 15c to $10. Come and see them. Whit Straw Plopa with frllto. Reg. 0e.

Tar Ma. I N. POUUN. Ltd. Ottawa's Stert of Satitfactiea.

Sam. Loyd's Famous Puzzles WW WW WW WW IT WWII 0 While dlscueslnf practical wara and I in can with hla food wife. Farmer Jonea aald Now, Marian, If should Nil off seventy -Ave aa I propose, our lock of food would laat Juat twaaur day longer, while If we ahould bur a hundred txtra (owl, aa you suggest, we would run out of chicken feed Ottaen daya ORGANIZATION OF BAPTIST UNION WnaWngion. DC, My 16. Pre Urn inarr itpa worw twJicn at th 0tptUt an I vera lea In aeaalon ftere tv-daty for Uic organliaUon of a Baptlat anion ir sanaral council.

To-morrow a i-ommlttee on organisation will report him) Prof, shaler Matthewa of-Cnlcaco, will aJdre the mMnf on th fune- 1on of lh propoaed or(rtnlatlrn a deUcloos drink sal a rastalalnf teas. Fra raat, aatritloai ana ceaemlcaL This tecllcat Coeea aulataiat tba mten la re bp. it health, aad taablet It te rttli wiattf titratM cold. G0C0ff told ay Oraom and Stoftkaeaers talb.aads-lbTlaa, Clear Complexion For the removal of that rednasa and an caused by over-expoeure WecAercAe Toilet Cream Answer, admirably, rendering the leer and dean and Imparting to It a rlvety pUancy wliolly gratef ul and in addition thereto It I. a lelmy toilet preparation any l.dy may leiignt in na.ins nleaslna auatlt ea have reen a.til-hl by year, of one.

Our own preparation. Glove, may be rera Immediately ariwr explication. Price 25c a Bottle Norman Gmmpbell, mmenrlna Chemist and Prunlet. SPARKB T. PIIONB IM- COMMON gENSE ei a L.

1 a rIHS nm, feiiee, v.fni NO OPTEKfllVK I AH druailtM. ar Queen at. West. raraata. feawara at Iwiuuona 1 ivy.

Tea cannot MaoIMjr Barf a latter Cacea teas Hugo grade Jug. H-M to M.m-. rer Up Sale OF. la pink, amo. navy aad noK Rasj.

TV. for Me. "Well, now, Joatah. how many chick eni have we, anyhow That'a the problem how many chick ena had they anyhow Solution to Bargain Counter poasle which appeared In yeaterday'a Journal: Hmlth muM hare alaned out with M.M. and apent all but (4S.W.

Now he haa aa many pennlea aa before ha had dollar, and half aa many dollara a ha previously had pennlea. Pinal action la then to be taken, and It la freely predicted that then, (or the flr.t time In their htatory, tha Baptist churches of tha north will he united In an organisation through which matters Of ceneral Bapilat In tereat may be considered and the attitude of the denomination on great moral and public Questions be expressed, But little opposition haa developed to the plan of oraanlsalton. notwithstanding the fact that a similar movement aome yeara ago mat such opposition that nothing came of It. The new council or union Is not to be legislative; but like tha Congregational National Council, mag merely suggest action to tha churches. ESTATB OF LATE SENATOR FULFORD 6pecll to The Evening Journal.

Toronto, May Trie azecutora of the lata Senator Fulford ara asking the courts to Interpret tha portion of his will which directs that tha Income from tha proprietary remedlee la go to hla grandchildren after tha death of Mm last surviving child. The executors wish to fenow If this Includes tl9 buslneaa done by the Incorporated company aa well aa by tlenator'a private businesses. close acAaoN for froqs. Special to The Evening Journal. Toronto.

May H. A Undsay deputation hs asked Dr. Reoume to make May. June and July a close season for trots along the Trent Valley canal, as their destrucil.m la seriously affecting tha Ash and game animals which feed on the young or mallne (rogs, COfc JONES WILL ACT. Special to Tha Evening Journal.

ronlo, May The Canadian Bed roes Horlety. haa reorganised aa a branch of the British Society. Cokmel Jones. Ottawa, will represent tha Army Medical Corps on tba Council of the Hociety and he will also nominate two other members. ROYAL ARCANUM.

Annual Sastien af Suprama Caunoil Htd at lewon. Boston, Mar U.Th repnrt of Httpr-ma Rrant WMnrtn of Rom. N.Y.. raaJ her yoa(nlay ai the annual aeaalon of thm Muprenw Coumll of tha Royal Arranum ahowa a nM-mbarahlp af HJ0Ql Tha ra-port saya: "With the cIom of ttoa. wa Wft Ikohlnd ua of decreaalng mmbornhlp anU ws hava bn ahla to proclaim a nt anin of nwmbcrahlp for everr mmth of IfuT.

From January 1 fo Aprfl W7. tha ontr advanfM (rom a mainbrahln or 2.to6 to 2.ri." 8iiprma Treasurer B. 0. fndnar, af WfntnW, report rHl that ttta b. an-a on hand May 1, 1907.

for tha vanaral fun! was T.f7, and ftrttra wldowa an4 orphans benefit fund l0.7n. DLA.W. CHASES QC CATARRH a-UC keaMdtoeMtsas tin i fen. fcfls. gleww.

Had. Iks abera eberi aW etc tepaaneelaailaiaa Ml. ifflawa, Catarr. aad Her raver, glnew All eValen. OT Dr.

A. W. Caaa. THE OTTWA" EVENING JOURNAL THURSDAY. MAY 16 1907 "THE VIPER OF MILAN." A Romance of Lombardy by Mafjorie Bowen.

Now, try lord, la sot that spite because Meeaar Patraroa left hla library to Venkar Vlaoontl laughed. Let him leave hla library when he pleased, ha waa a One man of business. aay "And a wear! torn, aald do Lena. -O riamatlar aald VlacontL laughing. Joannal Naples and tba blue seal These ara thy patron saints, da Lanar Nay, I Use not that book ot feeble love-making any replied 'da lana; "a Florentine dallying!" "I doubt ma If thou bast ever read aald the Duke gayly.

AUghlerl a more to da Lana'a mind," remarked da Klbera, pouring wine, and the (air daughter of old 1'olco. 1 myself used to sing Allghlerl'a verses till I tired." "Yourself or your audience, my frtendr But Vlaoontl looked at tha apeakea. frowning. Too hava mentioned AUghlerl. for getting who waa hla patron," whisper ed deila Torre.

The court of Verona and Can Oran' delta Brala Ha recanted, my good lord: ha died a Ohlbelllne," said da Rlbera. acting on the whisper. MaaUno del la Heals waa a Ohlbel- llne; we-never quarreled over aald Vlacontl easily. "But Maatlno waa no patrun of poets like bis father." Ha leaned back In hla chair and looked out of tha window, where above the beautiful fresh green of the garden faint smoke-wreath, showed, tha lest of Novara. Da Lena yon stood next; what did he saya.

fie went over At tha sudden brutal quaatlon. they started, and da lana auppreaaed a shudder. I did not hear I thought he was dead." I think you are still afraid ot him." emlled Vlscontl. I ahould like to know what he aald." And he looked round for who had shrunk Into a corner, and sat there gaitng dully at the company, "Did you hear, Glannotto "IT How should my lordT" and tha secretary shuffled uneasily, "Ho! a sullen knave!" cried Vla contl, then leaned forward and touchod de Lana on tha arm. 1 I hear mora arrivals hark!" why should this her" uked da Rlbera In surprise.

-Not my Lord Aresso from Jfodenaf" "From Modena!" cried Vlacontl with sparkling there auccass there 1007" "Tour arms cease to meat with fcugbt else. J-ord Vlscontl," Mid delta Torre. "I drink to your perfect triumph!" He raised his glass, red aa a hues ruby In the lliht. and Vlamail triumphant Indeed when the leader of a faction admitted It and deemed It pontic to say so. arank to delta Torre atandinar.

There was a clatter of footstep, and the notse of a great entry. "alienee!" said VlacontL Area, ao. I hear hie voice." The er wt. again thrown wide, this time upon a splendid cavalier, clad In magnificent armor, shining ba- nvain nia iravet-stalned scarlet cloak. rest upon your helm.

Vlscontl, for Lombardy to Belluuo la yours!" He swept hie cap off. and stood, flushed and panting, before eager, excited company, who rose to "Modenar asked Vivnail "And Mantua Tours." aald Ouldo d'Arexso. "And Ferrara I myself received the keys, and rode poat-haae to Milan, throuch a country that dared not raise a finger, where even the nobles came uncovered to my stirrup; and so from thence followed you here-wlti tioaV Proof of my success. He stepped aside a-iimpae or the disordered room beyond, and beckoned to one of the men behind him. taking two great standard, from him.

This aa a proof the banner of the tndard of the ornppeo 10 one knee and is Id them at Vlscontl'. feet' both bloodstained, torn to rags, the bearings beaten fmm thele the fl.a. that had floated Tn oompany burst -u maa with tha Intoxication of a.M vi raised Areaao and placed Mm beside fji? banners at his Pr.dldly.- he cried. "On our side too there la for. dell.

gcaU will trouble "TVead!" cried the general. "Dead!" yonder In the garden." With mlllng lips Vlscontl pointed through tne open window. "He wsa killed laat -Tne l.t or the gcallgerl! Then Lombardy Is yours Indeed!" "From Vercein to Belluno!" cried de Lana, forget those who haloed me." Vlscontl. and called for wine and himself served Arena wm prove I am no nlaaerd to my friends -Tour health. Aresao!" The name of the vlctortoua captain wa, down the table; only Glannotto waa ellenL seated In the window-seat, and the Duke'a eyes fell on him, "Give the rneue there some wine." he laughed.

"Have no fears, Glannotto. I will remember thee, there ara rA mt- added In a sterner tone, aa the eecret.ry refused the wine and mut- thv fmi.n blood, or we will and soma, what will do It better." The secretary took tha gblet but .0 gripping the glaaa that the alender tem and the llojild ran red "The cellars are not in full that we can spare good wine." aald da Rlnara, But Vlscontl teughed. and pulling the map agaia toward hla. pointed out tha march to Areiio; and tha aecre-Ury was forgotten, cowering in gloomy aloofnesa. Oi.nnoUo watched tha scene with a dn Interest, as it It were far away end in ao way belonglna to him; he ti.1 had no sleep that nighLsand felt di.xy and confuted.

He could not forget Mss-tlno, dsin last night, and yet a eternity ago 1 and lying now out in the garden, marring the perfect morning with the Jiormr of hi. fnee. Oiennotto turned hi. back to tha garden and (sM his ayes oa tha group rotted tha table. They made a brilliant picture.

The background was black and silver, gold and white, saint, with glittering haloes, warriors in shining aramr, placid and dignified a rplendi-1 deeorationi and against these the moving ngurea, brilliant in color, scarlet dnoMele. purple and orange, glittering with jewels, and laughter aej I talk riot ot lite and color. Slashed sleevae and gorgeous taasgls were laid or swept across the aianv.tlnui warble table, on which there stood gold and surer gobleta of ourious shape, and miia-wmie. siure. or sainted.

soass delicate aa lower-bells, others with twisted siaaw eiwped bv a anake with emerald ayes. And tha centre ot it all waa Vtseoati, leaning eagerly over tha sup, with brocaded man Us thrown back. And ao to Turin Glannotto heard him aay through tba ooofusioa of roices. We march next to MaienU." A doaea voloee caught ua tha word. Oiaaootta watched thorn idly.

Tha sua. flooding the room. Bade tba aald on the- wall twinkle and aliat. aad caught Aresao'. inlaid armor in point of light.

Viacontl ver-turned one of the glassse, and drew an the table tha plaa of Turin in wise, de Lana lean ing over eagerly. Oiennotto closed hu eye. snd leaned back. To his favored seosrs toe arena aerated unreal, and the two torn ban nam resting against the wtll to add. a touch of tha horrible to the brillianey and tha triumph.

From 1 Mantua and Modena how luck that meant! bow manr lives hsd beaa Sung aside iaild agony and de-1 snair to Btake way for those banner. to aland there! Mantua resuted de.per.tely." Ar- eno waa saying. "But Delia Seal had left them ao weaaaned." Delia Beala!" cried VueonU. "I remember, he is in yonder garden) see he be brought in, da Hibera; out of .11 Lombardy I caa him a tomb!" Tba soldier left the room, and tha talk waat on with little heed of tha interruption! VUooati still buay with tba ram parte of Turin and the defeases of Modena. Lana oupuung in route lo Varolii but tba secretory was nt.t interested.

His bead pained him, and he flxed hi ayea on Vuconti' triumphant face with strange fascination. It long ttBM before da litbera returned, and when he did, at aosasthing in his face a sudden silence fell. What is it! asked iHionu, an.t, half-reeling. Oiannotto Ictnrd forwsrJ to listen for tba anawer. Da Ribera did aot at oare reply.

"What it itf repeated the duke angrily- bar found Delia Seals," returned da Ribera, finding voice, "but not only hi body." "Ah eried ViscontL as if a sodden thought had struck hiat, "who (la tbaa, da Ribarar 'I oannot tell, only there Is a dead lsdy in taw-garden i- ah it laid aa if leeping on the grass, quit dead Visoonti rose so suddenly that to. weep of bis long acnt the glauia crashing to tha ground and made Aresso start, It ia Itotta d'EUteT' ha eriad. Mastino's wifer "laotta dead!" cried de Lana. an amuna the room. How ahould she be here, and )d'" -rha dead only can answer you," said Vlscontl." Now I can recall what 'twas Masttno said eonw'nlng about nerl ui .11 he hla ducbees.

Aa you say, bow should ah be dead, and 'How ahould she be dead? naked da Lana again. "Tet truly what else be paused, keeping bark hla words, and hla glance met tha eecrw- tary'a. Glannotto waa remembering some-thhig; the figure of Vlscontl standing sullen, wf.h a moody lace, thinking on another dead woman; "Had aha lived I would not have don It!" he had aald. The rose; now aa unoer- atood. In tale triumphant Vlacontl there was no sign of the aplrlt that had prompted that murmur, but tha secretary understood.

Close behind Glannotto waa a freaoo painting, a panel between tha windows tit. rlebastlan la a glory, smiling, tranallxed with arrows, brilliant agalnat a backgronnd of blue. Glannotto, standing there h.lf-dased with his new thought, noticed It, snd clutched the wooden ribbing un derneath with something Ilka a prayer on hla lips. Might tha saint a arm martyrs remember to aim ha had bad no share In this! Vlscontl turned to leave tha table, and with a clinking of armor and a daxxllna display of scarlet and blue the nobles moved back: th aunahln waa now golden and filling tha room. "Can he be going to look at her?" thought the secretary, dully; then, stumbling over something aa ha moved forward, he glanced down and star led.

Tha next moment aa looked round sharply to sea any eye waa noon him, atooped quickly and picked it up. 1-. was a little atlletto, a thing dropped, perhaps last nlghL and overlooked, a tiny thing with a long, glittering blade. Oiannotto slipped into hla dress, he hardly knew why It gave him a feeling of security; waa a long tun alnca Vlscontl' secretary bad been armed, even by aa much aa this. "With good horses," said Vlatantl drawing on hi.

gloves, res oh Magenta when, de Lana?" "In two days, my lord." "And Turin? "If there Is no resistance began Lana, Vlacontl laughed. "Re.l.ianoe? Lombardy la ours, my good do Lana! Resistance hardly wlae," put In da Rlbera. "And quite uaeless," said della Torre, wlih a low bow. The splendid group waa passing Oiannotto, atanding dully beneath Su aebastlan, when the Duke stopped. "Come, I may have need of you.

Glannotto." The secretary, hand stole to hi breast. He felt the handle of the atlletto. and wondered why had picked ft up. The doure were thrown open (or the Duke to and aa they pawed out Into the stairs, Oiannotto slunk Into hla place behind Vltcontl. Her were also nolaa and crowds: tha coming and going of aoldlera and excited talk and lauahler.

and In th distance th sound of the for the army was preparing to march. The front of the palace waa alive with them, the rattle of th artillery, the shouted commands the sunshine upon th ataiHlards and the armor, and th fluttering, colored plumes. Bui Vlacoir.l turned aside to the back of th palace, and descended the stps that led to the garden. It was quiet here, all sounds subdued and distant. Th balustrade of tha ate and ter-rara we.

In roeee, white, plok, and crlmeoa. peat their full cummer pride, and many lying crushed ecroee the while tangled traMe of leavee and iter per. lav lorn frets the Stone where they had elung. Vlacontl noticed it, and looked with a smile st da Rlbera. who la hla turn smiled also and passed a Hstit word on at which th laugh- wa general.

(TO BE CONTINUED.) CANON SLOAN wINS HIS CASE Validity" of Mariafield Will is Sustained. FA8T0R OP ST. BRIDGET'S COMPLETELY VINDICATED. Evidewea Given la th Matter to sustaia tba Ckarg of Uadoa la-laeace Beiag Vied. Mr.

Justice Anglln gave Judgment yestorday afternoon upholding the validity, of tha will of the late Mr. Pierce ManrAeld, botelman, who died November lath, 10. In that will all tha relallvea of th deceased were Ignored, with the exception of two nleoea residing In tha United Htatra, who were bequeathed 11.000 each. The principal bequeat waa one ot to Rev. Canon flroan.

pastor ot Be Brl.lsel. parish. Ottawa, to be distributed a. ha fit among th deserving otiarttlee of tha city. Five hun dred dollara ami also beuuaathed to tha decoration fund of Hi.

Hrldaet's church. The total value of the estate la about 114 OOe. Tha la-nored relallvea filed a caveat against tha win being prooateo alleging that undue Influence bad been brought to bear Mr. Pierce Man-field, the teatator. Rev.

canon Sloan then Brought ac tion to nave tha will probated. The caaa waa heard yesterday at tha ad' Journed sitting of the assises. i Tha evidence orrerad was or sucn nature aa completely to vindicate Rev. Father Hloan of bringing undue influence to bear on the deceased, before he mad hla Tha evidence of Dr. O'Brien, who attended Mr.

Mans-field during his Ulneea; of tba nuree. and of other wltnea want to that th teatator waa In a fit condition mentally to make hla laat will and testament. Na Undue Influence. Mr. Justice Anglln.

In giving Judg ment, said: There ia nothing to Jus tify or warrant tha charge tnat anaue Influence had boon brought to bear on the testator." It came out In tha evidence -that' the late Mr. Pierce Mansfield thought hi. relallvea were after hinvfor hla money. The defence seemed to auggeet that aome influence had been at work pots. onlng.ah deceaseds- mind against those who ahould have been the natural object of hi bounty.

The court on the other hand, thought that Mr. Manrtteld a dislike for his relatives wsa a aufhclent explanation of hla pasalng them over in his will. Tin protesting relatives, with the ex ception of Mr. Thoe. Mansfield, of Mew Torn, a brother of tna aeceaaoa.

will have to pay their own iter, ramer Sloan rienieo emphatic ally that he had brought any Improper influence on Man.neio. tne teatator. In cross-examining the witness. Mr. Geo.

F. Henderson, who appeared for soma of relatives protesting the win, a.kC'1 canon moan ne aid not thing it strange that ha ahould be as an executor of the estata The wltnera replied that he did not, aa bad known tna oeceasea very in- tlm-itelv. "You told Mr. Gorman that you did not wish ta act aa an executory Mr. Henderson aaked.

"I did," replied Canoa Sloan. "Why did you object?" "Because I thought It was best to have aa the executor one that waa permanently located In the city. My residence Ottawa la subject 'to His Urace'a (Archbishop Duhamei'a) wishes." Ceneeientieue Reaeen. "Then your reason for not wishing 'to act aa tha executor of the estate waa a conscleatloua one: It wea' O'Brien and Mr. Glee eon had sworn that Mr.

Mansfield died Novem ber- ltth, but Canon aioan gave the ante ae tea sain. "Now would you contradict thos two witnesses?" Mr. Henderson inquired. "I would. If I thought they were wrong, came tne uncompromising an swer from Canon Sloan, at which the Bench and Bar smiled.

"You're evidently a man of convic tion." remarked Mr. Henderson. Th witness wasn't sure whether or not Mr. Glee ton who drew up the will, aad a memorandum or Mr. Mans- field's property and of hla beneficiaries comoleted before ne ttne wttneasi en tered the room In which Mr, Mans field lay at the hospital.

Canon said that when he saw on the memorandum a bequeat of 1600 to him a a remuneration for saying mass for the repose of the deceased's souL he pointed out that he would not benefit by that bequest, aa' he had all the masara he could then aay and would have to ask some other Driest nerfnrm the service. He suggested that. If IsOe were given to the decoration fund of St. Bridget's church, he would benefit In ao much that the edifice, if made more beautiful, would add to the nap- nlnesa of both priest and people. He would receive no personal benefit.

nowev.r. Relative. Not Disau.i.d. "Waa the aubject of relatives discuss ed In any way during your converse' tlons with the deceased?" Mr. Hender son asked.

"No; I was not aware that there were any relatives," replied Canon Sloan. "It didn't occur to you to ask?" "It did not." Mis. Trainer, of the nursing of th Water street hospital, who aaslst-ed In walling on the lata Mr. Mansfield, and. who wa.

one of the- witnesses to th will, thought Mr. Mans field was In a proper condition to make a will. He must hare seen nar Mgn tne will, as site aa right beside him when she wrote her signature. Mrs. William Bothweii was a.ked ir Mr.

Munstleld possessed any peculiarities. "Hometlme I thought he was queer." she said. "In what way was he queer?" witness wsa asked. "Hs thought all the help he had were trying to set all tha money they could from him." Mr. William Bothweii aald the de- ceaaed' wsa very eccentric and very changeable.

He never heurd him aay anything about hie relatives. Uncle and Nephew Fell Out. Mr. Peter a ne- nhear of the late Mr. Man.

field aald that hi. relations with hi. uncle were1 friendly until Just before tne oeceasea took 111. tie n.a a laning out wun hi. uncle over the of a horee.

Mr. Thoma. Mananeld, or york, brother of the late Mr Mamtfleld. hi. brother, feeling, had unaccountably changed toward him.

When the wltnea. went to the Statra In It, ha and hi. brother parted on good terma. but when he returned on a In 171 a change had com over his brother, who said to mm: -iou people all want my money. I understood you to say mat your brother couldn't writer' queried Mr.

J. Daly, who waa acting for Mr. Thos. Mansfield. "All I know Is that ne couldn't read nor writ up till 1IT." "There Is a document In court that he supposed to have signed." aald Store Closes Every Evening at All Pattern Millinery at 20 Per Cent.

Discount The announcement of Pattern Millinery at 20 Discount (or one-fifth off regular prices) is one that will appeal with telling force to scores of 'Smart dressers. The beautiful models from over the ocean that everyone admired, and many coveted, will be procurable Friday at a heavy discount There are black, as well as colored examples, and one must respond quickly for best choice. Hats at $3.50 A captivating assemblage of smartly trimmed. Millinery for ladies, misses and children, the product of our own workrooms and including models for dressy, shirtwaist, outing or general wear. Floral, straw and mohair braid hats all extensively represented in all the seasonable color tones.

Regular prices $5.00 fl to $7.50. To clear Friday at 0UU Picturesque Trimmed Leghorns at 9. OO, $9.50 and $5. OO New York Rustic Sailors, high and broad crown" styles. Special $1.25 Flop hats, soft pliable straw.

White and natural at 50c Raffia Straw Outing Hats, soft flexible quality. at 75c and. $1.00 Linen Outing Hats, shades of rose, blue, linen and white. Special values from 50c to Draped Oatlng and Shirtwaist Hats at Special Prices. i iggHgl APPLIED AS A 1 Wharwrer applied.

Ha healing and nourishment la tnrtarrUy absorbed by tie. perae. It etrengthene and build ap tba tlsau.i aa-aVerlylng the ekta aad Firm, Healthy flesh la tba raault, DR. CHARLaa rt-taH FOOD Is no new eiperrmeat It baa been In aaa far mere than fifty yeara aad during that tuna thousand 0f woman and maa have used It with entire aatlefaotloa. That ie not to be classed with "Cold Cream and ether thing, of Ilk superficial potency la proved by tba fact that It a prescribed by leading physicians and used In hospitals for tha nutrition of Invalids whose etomach are loo weak to digest food.

Oft. CHARLBa FLtarl OOD should be used by svery woman who haa tha least de.lre to be attractive. It le tna only preparation that will round out hollowed, thin cheeks or eorawny neck with firm. Healthy flesh and Remove Wrinkles from the face aad bands, bo matter now deep the furrow. P0R OaVIUOPINO THI IMMATURI BUT or to make the' breast Arm, large and beautiful nothing caa equal It.

To prevent the bream, from shrinking, after weaning baby, mother should ai-waye nse DR. CHARLaa PLIH FOOD. will also restore a bosom to Ita natural contour and beauty lost through nursing and sickness. 1 -l ON SAL! AT ALL DRUOQIgTiL SPECIAL 0FFBR. The regular price of OR.

CHARLES FLESH FOOD Is 11.00 a boa. but to Introduce It Into thousands of new homes wa have decided to aend Two (l boxes to all who answer mis eavenisemoni ana aena oa AU packagee Bra sent in plain wrapper, postage prepaid. CPCC A Hemple Bog Juet enough to convince' you of the great intt, merit DR. CHAHL.KB PLRftH FOOwltl be aant free for eebM. which par for coat of mailing.

With this sample will aleo sand you our llluatreted book. "Art of Maeaage," which eon-tame all the proper movements for Msaaaglng the face. Back aad arnae and full directions for developing tha boat. Address DR. CHARLES CO.

1M Trade Supplied by J. Palmer' Sens, Mentreak rHreHetewmtti 0 Mr. Daly. "If he signed It lie must have learned to write after 17:." -wa. the witness reply.

Strong Likes end Dislikss. (' Ci-ant Kaeelaler. who had transacted considerable legal bu.l- ntae for tne deceased, aiaicu m.i Ue V( r. -(1. 1 .1 a a II WWI of Hi.llkte.

Wllneaaaald retired from the hotel bu.lnee., a.ked him to accompany him to New York, where he wuhed to go to eee nls brother. Mr. Thos. A. Earley.

formerly of New York, said that last fall the late Mr. Mansfield, a.ked for bis brother's address in New York. Me Henderson. In addresfllng the court, said that no good reason hud late Mr. Manatleld.

ahould pu over his can relative. In making his will. Moreover, the will had been made under tlrcunutance sufficiently peculiar to arouse suspicion. He didn't pretend that tha evident as they It. went to show undue Influence.

The testator was laboring under lllu.lons as to his family. Hla brother was well-to-do had not tried 10 get his money. It waa a rather suapiclsua circumstance that th two lawyers who hud up till th tlm of hi. Illne.s. been acting.

oe th deceased, should be pa.sed by and a third lawyer called la to make the will. Mr. Justice Anglln. In rcvlrwlhg the testimony, eald that the evidence of the plaintiff, Kev. Canon aioan, bad 6 O'clock, Saturday Included FLESH OOD COLD CREAM i ii o.

abundantly satisfied the burden of proof which waa on blm when called on ta prove the will. Buffldent evidence bad been given to show that the testator a-hen making hla will waa la a propap mental condition and knew what hla" property wa and who were the aa-tural objecta of hi bounty. Ml Instruction were freely given, earefullg taken down and thoroughly understood by the testator." The court then gave Judgment sustaining th action of the plaintiff ta have the will probated. Messrs. Oor-man and Oleeaon acted for Canon Sloan, TRUST FUNDS.

Ontario Mey Appeal ta the Privy CeunoiL Toronto, May IA Provincial Treaeurerr Mathe.on that the que.tlon af ao pealing the Rupreme Court Judgment aoectlng truat fund, would be carefully con.ldered. The only point, ef course, en wnicn tne province would desire to cake) -the Mae to the Privy Council la aa to the right of the Dominion to pay off the tract funda when thev chooee. In defining that the llomtnton muet pay Ave per cent In-itead. of four, the tudsment aa I atanda mean, a little ever HI, 04) a year ia in. province.

No bitterness i WINDSOR TABLE SALT, ie fif ia tmem but rlcat, armg juet t-h right Use ao other..

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